How did it have so much SOUL? Mechanically it isn't as refined by DMC, NG, etc, but it's way more FUN.
How did it have so much SOUL? Mechanically it isn't as refined by DMC, NG, etc, but it's way more FUN
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blade mode is the best gimmick that japanese people have ever come up with and it wont be used ever again because konami likes fat sweaty nutsacks
>How did it have so much SOUL?
I actually really like the parry system. It makes it so that you can be right in the thick of the action and still kick ass, while all the other games in the genre are more based around dancing around enemies.
Story, bosses, and music are all GOAT plus it has really satisfying dismemberment
>we will never get an upgraded blade mode with improved gore effects ever
feels very bad
Don't give up it will happen one day
blade mode QTE were fucking cancer
>No Kill La Kill game by Platinum where Blade Mode only cuts the opponent's clothes
Astral Chain literally reuses this gimmick tho
Is it refined/improved compared to mgr
the only difficult cut in the game is the rubble Armstrong throws at you right at the end
The hilariously over the top dialogue spoken by characters who were 100% committed to it.
you can move during it so I'd say yes
I wish there'd be more boss fights, or they'd be spaced out more.
You fight Mistral and Bladewolf in the same chapter and then don't get any bosses until Monsoon.
I agree, it feels like there's a missing level and boss fight between eastern europe and mexico. They should have also had someone at the end of escaping dever, but before jetstream sam.
its only hard if you're playing with mouse
if not then its easy as fuck because the game gives you like 5 seconds to cut each one
Switch port when? They already ported it to Nvidia Shield, seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to port to the switch.
Kojima's worldbuilding
not on revengence mode
How are you all enjoying the good old days?
>if not then its easy as fuck because the game gives you like 5 seconds to cut each one
Try doing it on Revengeance.
I did not like mgr
I beat it because everyone was talking about how great it is but I just did not really enjoy it as much as I thought I would
It wasn't particularly bad in any aspect but I was just incredibly bored all throughout, guess it just doesn't appeal to me
That's unfortunate. What difficulty did you play at?
It's the fucking music.
That's fair enough user, I personally enjoyed it but not every game is for everyone. I know lots of people that really love WoW or CiV and I acknowledge those games as fun for some, but just not for myself personally. Do you like other games in this genre?
ive S ranked armstrong on revengence i didnt feel that big of a difference
you can move during it in mgr too
This game peaks on the third playthrough. First playthrough is so fast you barely learn the game before THIS ISN'T MY SWORD
first playthrough starts halfway through monsoon