2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten

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It is a really bad final product. Frame drops like this for a major title is embarrassing. Noting new besides a paint job.

Oh my god... what... what is that? Is that a Zelda mod for Little Big Planet 3 or something? That’s a mod right?

Glad I got on for free on my emunand, enjoying it, but not worth the price.

What went right?

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I got my copy yesterday. Go fuck a cactus, Yea Forums

That's surprising to me. How well did a link between worlds do in comparison?

blunderfag/eric on suicide watch yet again. How many more games will he help succeed?

It just lacks...soul

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Frame drops in a remake of Game Boy game that doesn't even have impressive graphics is absolutely fucking pathetic.

>Breath of the Wild has given one of the most iconic and recognizable franchises in the industry a big boost

obviously any success is because of botw bringing recognition to this unknown franchise amirite

I would be able to forget the fact that I pirated it earlier this week, but you people keep making threads about it. Stop making threads if you want it to be forgotten.


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it won't be forgotten because it Yea Forums's "easy 300+ replies" game of the month

>went right?
It's selling like that because it's riding on the coattails of BotW and the millions of normies who have only played that game are expecting something similar.

Sales will drop massively next week and there'll be a lot of used copies ready to go for half the price.

anyone who thinks the right lacks care and detail is a fucking faggot tbqh

Everything is perfect except the fucking frame rate.

>Sales will drop massively next week and there'll be a lot of used copies ready to go for half the price.
This isn't a snoy cinematic experience, so you don't have to worry about that.

framedrops only happen in handheld mode so I literally never knew this was an issue until I heard you redditors bitching about it.

The small changes to gameplay (completely redone enemy AI, free-scrolling overworld, dramatically reduced weapon swaping pauses) go a very long way to vastly improve one of my favorite games.

Someday, when you get a job, you'll be able to spend $60 on leisure items as well, user.

Until then, stay seething.

I was interested even with this toy like style they went with but seeing the frame rate drops and how it chugs when you enter different areas kind of ruined it for me

Why are you lying? lmao

Watch anyone on twitch streaming it for more than 10 minutes. They all are complaining about FPS drops.

>sixty bucks
The fuck, Nintendo

I honestly love this remake, but that's just completely false. The frames drop like a hot potato constantly while docked.

I played it and the chugs were fine since they happen in areas without much combat/platforming. The problem for me was loading screens for every single building you want to enter/leave.

Is that why there're like 4 threads about it right now?

>you can't play a handheld game in handheld mode

what the FUCK went wrong?

He's wrong, it performs almost the same in handheld mode. I've done both and barely notice the difference between the two.
And by perform the same, I mean it runs like shit in both modes.

I don't like the new art style either, but it's alright. It isn't terrible.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought part of the charm of the original was seeing a lot of familiar art from LTTP being tossed into this new island, like it had washed ashore with Link.

I don't recognize any of this new art, obviously, so it doesn't have that same atmosphere. Maybe they should have done LTTP this way first.

I always avoided LA back in the day because Nintendo Power just made it seem like a port of ALTTP. So I bought it yesterday and I have to say I wasn't wrong. The game doesn't really do much to differentiate itself, it just seems to be ALTTP with some silly stuff thrown in. The dungeons are easy as hell, most puzzles are just beating all enemies in the room you are in.

I've said this many times but its hard to go back into old Zelda games after BOTW. Its something to tide me over until BOTW2 tho.

It was more ALTTP but on GB. That's how I felt as a kid. This is a good remake though, I'm really enjoying it. And I still want more 2D Zelda along with 3D.
Just glad I don't need to buy two Nintendo handhelds now to do so.

Yes? BotW is devastatingly powerful, look at the data.

I'll look into the game more I guess

Nobody's denying that its sales were powerful, moron
But they act as if LA wasn't still one of the more popular early games, is the fan favorite to a hell of a lot of people, and it was some niche title that only owes its success to BotW

Stupid sexy ballad.


It has some of the most inconsistent performance I've seen in a game, it reminds me a lot of when I played BOTW on Wii U (The Switch version really does run much better, contrary to popular belief).
Except it's kind of worse because it will happen EVERY screen and it's dropping from 60 to sub-30 at some parts instead of just 30 to mid 20s.
But still worth it as a game, great remake.

What is this fucking meme that the frame rate drops all the time? Ive literally seen it once in 5 hours straight of playing. Yea Forums is so goddamn contrarian at this point it's spreading outright lies.

What are the chances that the game will get patched you think?

Fame rate drops for me when I enter Mabe Village, Animal Village, the swamp and the desert. I don't mind it tho. But its wrong to pretend it doesn't happen. I only play in docked mode. Have never used my Switch in handheld since I bought it at release.


I like it. I never played the original, thought it was just a ALTTP port, and the more I play it that seems true. But its OK despite that. Still don't think they should go back to the formula, its more evidence that the Zelda formula should always be renewed. Intersting of them to release this now.

The framerate drops to 30 every time you load a new area.
It runs at 30 for 1-2 seconds then it goes back to 60.

If I say "I am forgotten" I am right unga bunga.

This is true. Snoyniggers grossly exaggerating the framerate issues. They are barely noticeable and only happen in overworld (never indoors or dungeons) between area transitions, its never enough to bother me or ruin the game in any way. Although my experience has been entirely docked.

Overall i'm impressed but they stuck to the source a little too much. The hit detection is a little off, the music remixes are good but there are no new songs so still like 15 in the whole game and they're all very short. Combat is still too easy.

However one thing that still impresses me is how fun the map is still to explore despite how small it is. How you see lots of areas you can't get to until you get a new item, how dense it is (compared to LTTP which had a mostly empty overworld copied twice over), how you have to meet new characters before getting to every dungeon, its fun.

>picked hero mode for first run since the OG game
>keep dying
Damn, I didn't think the game would be this tough. It's kinda lame that I have to keep reloading the auto save just so I don't miss out on the secret ending.

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>completely square tiles.
>basic mediocre pixelart
>shit colours
this games engine and graphics were shit. the remake looks much better and you can actually do a 3 heart run.

Stop spreading misinformation retard. The game runs like fucking trash docked. It also runs like shit in portable mode but I personally found it a little bit better. Docked is fucking unplayable.

the english version is fucking trash, what they were thinking
it's so heavily edited it sounds like a vocaloid

what were* they thinking
also here it is

>the millions of normies who have only played that game are expecting something similar
It's impossibile to see a LA ad and think it may play like BotW in the more literal sense

I think the eng one is alright but they modified the lyrics so much just to get them to fit. FF IX's Melodies of Life has the same problem.

Nigga get your eyes checked.

It lets players play the GOAT Zelda game, and then they realize the original game boy one is much more superior

It literally happens in doors all the time too, retard.

>Stop spreading misinformation
>Claims 1-2 seconds of 30 fps in a small few locations is 'unplayable'

Keep grasping at those straws, user. I hear rage is great for your health.

What do you get for all 50 shells? Another dungeon maker slab?

I am wondering this as well, I am at 46 and not sure how much I care to find out.

Finally, all you sheep awaken to the fact that Nintendo is the worst company imaginable. Draconian development practices, price fixing, lack of good service.

Can’t wait for this company to go bankrupt finally.

I played twenty minutes before turning it off and had multiple noticeable frame drops. Get your fucking eyes checked.

Yes. Nintendo only makes trash fires.

>framedrops only happen in handheld mode
No, in fact it seems pretty much identical

Its a golden piece of seagull poop for collecting all 50

Sell the game and your Switch. But a real console now that you know.

>thought the $60 price was a meme
>it's real
wew lad

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I don't think it's "forgotten" when there's 5 threads on it at any given time.

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I want a Zelda game with the Koei Tecmo HW style. Also Linkle is cute!

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She's pretty cute, isn't she?

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Not really here

Definitely here

>I-it's not that I can't afford $60 I-I could if I wanted to, honest!
>It's a lot of other things too, I just brought up the price to be ironic I-I'm not poor...

>not really

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gonna need sauce my man

>yes really.

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A linkle spin off game sorta like the tingle games would be interesting assuming nintendo is still up to doing weird shit like with tingle's balloon trip of love

>more fucking voices in Zelda games
I refuse to buy another Zelda until they cut this shit out completely

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Honestly this. I don’t mind voice acting, but the songs with vocals need to fucking go.

>I don’t mind voice acting
I do when somehow a mega game corporation like Nintendo records, edits, inserts and releases a game with that abomination they got as the English VA for Zelda in BoTW and no one said anything at any point about how awful she sounded

Yeah that’s true. I probably should have mentioned that I don’t mind GOOD voice acting.