Tell me hermione, if our series was so good why we never got good games?

tell me hermione, if our series was so good why we never got good games?

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>if our series was so good
It wasn't

The PS1 and first two PS2 games were kino though

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the ps1 game, quidditch world cup, and prisoner of azkaban (gba) were good. that's not even including the lego games which are all enjoyable games to play imo.

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Is JK Rowling the George Lucas for Zoomers?

SW is unironically better than HP

I played the shit out of the old harry potter games though
also the quidditch game

>if our series was so good

>first book came out in the late 90s

No because JK Rowling is a hack and George Lucas is a genius.

GBC games were legitimately great RPGs.

But they are all good. It's just the later ones that tried to be gears of war that sucked

Because it was considered a children's series and as suck got mostly low effort movie tie ins

I had the Order of the Phoenix game on wii but I could never finish the part where you have to find 4 gargoyles so I had to drop it.


>it's just the latter ones that tried to be gears of war
wait what?

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Maybe its just nostalgia, but I remember the third game being super good

Sorry, image didn't post for some reason

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That quidditch one on PS2 was fun as fuck

Did Harry and Hermoine fuck at the end?
Also is JK Rowling still retarded?

The last harry porter games are 4 hour cover shooters with qtes.

NOPE for w/e reason she bait and switch the audience for shock value and just threw her at Ron

The movies make them seem like more of a couple than they ever did in the books

Harry Potter for PS1 everyone

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If you actually read the books, it was pretty obvious Ron and Hermione were going to get together
The sexual tension in 3 really takes off, and in 4 for the Christmas ball they're basically a bickering couple already

But they had a number of good games

>t. some poor user that never played the first two ps1 games, the first 3 ps2 games or the quidditch game

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u wot? It was obvious from the very first book/movie that Ron and Hermione were always going to be a thing. I don't understand how anyone could think otherwise. They were maximum tsundere for each other the minute they meet.