Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs. What am I in for?
Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs. What am I in for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Infidel propaganda. Probably even evolution shows up.
fuck of christian fag
never heard of it
>What am I in for?
Lots of dying and repeating the same section over and over.
Same thread over and over again. Is this a “subtle” shill or something?
>What am I in for?
A good game desu.
An eternity in hell for theft and then the shocking revelation that you damned yourself for mediocre indie platformer #2132.
user that other user is posting bait to generate interest in the thread just like binding of isaac threads
jesus pirated bread
>I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs
How are they anti-Christian? The game is a celebration of the Catholic aesthetic?
Why are you so butthurt over this?
Where do you get off posting this thread every single day?
Devs themselves said it isn't anti-christian
>What am I in for?
a couple (You)s
Video games mainly come from godless orientals, they're all anti-christian. Jesus wouldn't want you to play a video game.
>trusting """devs"""
It's not anti-christian. Just anti-catholic church, which is fine considering that the time period the game seems to be referencing was when it was at its most corrupt.
It's a fucking copypasta you dense box of dildoes
>anti-Christian devs
>probably the most accurate Christian depiction in videogames to date
You make this thread every day
it's a very cool game. it didn't feel particularly anti-christian to me.
Does this game have interesting abilities and skills to find and get to new areas?
And I mean proper abilities/skills that have some function outside of just unlocking new places. I hate when skills are just glorified keys that only serve to clear specific blockages.
Honestly, I don't give a shit. Video games are 100% pure Buddha nature, after all.
>Just torrented...
No you didn't faggot, this thread has been posted daily since release. Why are you being such a fucken nigger trying to farm (You)s?
And why have the retarded tranny jannies not put up anti duplicate thread measures.
God I fucken hate nu/v/ I unironicly hope the samefag cucks get raped by their family daily for this shit.
What is this game?
Why do you make this thread every day?
You are for the blessed pain, you are to be kissed by Grievous Miracle.
Now seriously, what i don't like is that the bosses basically don't have any backstory, no reason for them to be "bosses" or why they assumed those specific monstrous forms.
For every shit spam thread OP makes I will counterpost with a wholesome Blasphemous thread. Get fucked.