Is Warcraft III one of the 20 best video games of all time?

Is Warcraft III one of the 20 best video games of all time?

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Yes, but only if you include custom maps


I love this game bros

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Yeah, the story is the best part. Unironically so good that it made me ignore my hatred for RTS games

If you include custom maps then there's a discussion to be had on the subject


>only if you include part of the game
You're special, user

Yes, top 10


yes, hes a special being sent from heaven, speaking the truth


Yeah warcraft 3 is def top 20 but only if you include undead campaign the rest.......

Well of course you would include custom maps. They included the Map Editor in the game for a reason, because custom games were popular in WC2

Shitty WC3 rpg's were my shit back in the day i fucking loved video game rpg and almost any grindy garbage with save codes

honestly why do you even ask? its a must top10


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God I miss pre-activision Blizzard

>When people hear tft these days they think about leagues auto chess clone instead of frozen throne
This is the first time I've actually hated getting old

>the based captain unit that appears multiple times in the campaign
You DID keep him alive through every mission as though he was the same guy, right Yea Forums?

Games should use the idea of "lieutenants" of hero units more often, especially in Campaigns.
2 or 3 named characters don't cut it for me.


The custom maps made a 10/10 game into a 11/10

Are there any RTS games with recurring units like that? BFME is kind of like that because you have recurring units across the missions than you can name

Humans > Undead > Nelf > Orcs

Keep your fucking (you)s, this isn't negotiable.

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From ones that I played none come to mind.
Usually games have Hero Units / Basic Units.
There is no third Officers category that would fit nicely in between

Yes. I also made a custom campaign where he survived and became a hero. You had no Hero unit, you just had him with level 3 upgrades


What made this scene so memorable?

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Of course I did. Always wondered, does he disappear from subsequent missions if he dies? That would be a nice little touch.


Is WarCraft III the LoGH of video games?

Campaign-wise, Reign of Chaos is superior to TFT.

The overall game, including multiplayer, yes.

I can't believe Reinhardt is fucking dead

Meme potential, but besides that, it was a sudden turn for Arthas as a character, never expected him to outright want to massacre a bunch of civilians.

He did survive though. He was one of the guards that escorted Arthas to the throne room and defended him while he murdered his father.

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Uther being fully in the wrong.
The death of those people is as much on his hands as it is on Arthas.
Either he should have trusted Arthas judgement or he should have stood ground and oppose him. Running away was condemnation of those people

Believable character conflict.
No comfortable answer. Even if you agree with Arthas, you despise what he has to do.
Serious consequences.
Language is assertive and the pacing is perfect. If you check how the WoW book covers this scene, Christie shoves useless paragraphs in that completely kill the flow.
Friendships they've invested in are torn apart here.
Looming dread over what will happen next.
It was completely unexpected that the game would pull these stakes. You're Human, you're playing the good guys. Your story should be simple and pure like WC 1 and 2 were.

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Rate the campaign scenarios.

Human = Undead > That one part where you play as Grom > Night Elf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Orc

Undead > Human > Night Elf

I didn't see this as the dick move when I was a kid. It wasn't until Arthas let his mercenaries be killed after burning the boats that I realized he was evil. When he didn't give a fuck about the dorf getting icicled, that also hurt.

But Strath didn't seem like he was doing the wrong thing, and over a decade later I still believe that.

Orc is a pleb filter.

Yes, easily. The custom map scene alone basically inspired a bunch of multi-billion dollar titles. Shit's ridiculous. Game itself had enough lore to spawn the most successful MMO in history.

I think you mixed up your > and < signs their friendo.

I didn’t know FFXIV was inspired by WC3.

That's dumb, no one would say Skyrim is an amazing game because its map editor enabled Enderal. No one says HL1 is one of the best games because of Team Fortress, Counter Strike, and Natural selection. It makes sense that some people might not include it, but I do think WC3 integrated it in a way that made it much more a part of the base experience.

What do you think this playthrough?
Its a well edited run of a dungeon with both live reactions and post narration to explain the self imposed challenge. I don't think anyone has taken the effort to create content like this for WOW v

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Undead>Night Elf>Human>>Orc

Night elf>undead>human>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wow lite

post best RTS games

Nor do I, I think Arthas made the right choice. It was just one that horribly scarred his mind.

Even if you were justified, you wouldn't enjoy slaughtering a city's worth of innocents

Forged Alliance is the GOAT.

Every time someone talks about that thing near me I ask to get in on their Frozen Throne talk
It's probably annoying as shit but hey, it's old people's job to be annoying

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Well, considering that most games released nowadays are utter dogshit, it's still worth playing even with how dated the graphics are.

WoW fags need to be gased and burned.


So are we excited for Reforged? I don't know bros, it's looking like it won't have as much soul...

AoE 2
Empire Earth

company of heroes UK had officer units, weak 1man units that buffed the 4 man regular squads. regular squads didnt gain veterancy, officers did and had aura buffs. some mods expanded on this idea thoroughly.

>it's going to get massacred in the Reforged version to resemble the Christie version
>going to change everything to line up more with WoW in general

I hate that they wasted resources on that stupid remaster when the game was literally fine as is, it got a widescreen update not that long ago and runs great on modern machines. Diablo II is the game that needed a remaster.

brood war

Yes and this is coming from someone who doesn't really like RTSes


Is Stronghold the only game everyone on Yea Forums agrees is 10/10?

i tried installing W3 on my pc for some nostalgia but my cd drive isnt working anymore, what do?

they weren't shitty rpgs bro
don't say that, it hurts

Human > Orc > Undead > Night Elf

Absolutely, you beautiful man of culture.

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Fucking download them like a normal person?

shit i forgot TFT

Undead > Night elf > Human

WC3 is one of the 5 GOATs together with Diablo 2

I miss old Blizzard

Warcraft 3
Age of Mythology
Age of Empires Three

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Better question: Is Warcraft III the best non Japanese game ever made?

>Age of Empires Three

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how do i download it

Why is Blizzard so shit at making good character models? Especially humans, something about the design disgusts me but I can't tell what it is.

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they were as good as undead though.

Before Northrend, Arthas did absolutely nothing wrong. And you could argue that most of the things he did wrong in Northrend because his so-called friends/allies like that bitch-ass Uther abandoned him. He became more consumed by revenge and went by himself to pursue Mal'Ganis, and that's when he truly started his descent into madness (lied to his men about the ships getting destroyed by the mercenaries, sacrificed Muradin, etc).

Kinda Shakespearean in a way... After that he became full-blown bad guy, but you could argue that was because of Frostmourne/The Lich King's influence.

Taunt 1

Attached: george george's bizarre rebellion.png (289x577, 128K) III torrent download

not clicking that virus shit nice try


disgusting souless western designs

still a great game though

>one of the best most unique RTS's ever made
>no successor or similar game made in nearly 20 years

they're just shamelessly replacing the models for WoW models.

Actually i liked 2 more. The idea of heroes and "hero rush" was fucking annoying. I always like to create a strong base, research the tech tree. Heroes and rushes ended that reduces the game to a click fest.

how is that shameless

... as in they should be ashamed to just re-release a 20 year old game with minimal tweaks probably for a $60 price tag as if it were something new. But they aren't... Very money-grabby.

>Blizzard said that they will be redesigning the campaign and story to be in the style of wow
>Christie Golden is still employed at blizzard
>Blizzard somehow made it possible to not only put skins on units in Starcraft 2, but also put lootboxes in a fucking RTS GAME.
Why God.
Why can't Blizzard just update the graphics.

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Yes it is

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Probably. I'd say if we're were talking about for the genre itself, then perhaps it may be outclassed by Red Alert 2 or Starcarft: Brood War, but the custom maps helped paved the way, for better or worse, to MOBAs and other styles. Definitely one of the most influential.

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I'm surprised they even gave jaina some milkers

it's a fucking remaster with new voice acting and some new campaign shit what do you want

Most agrivating thing for me is that I'm going to boot it up, and when I reach the blood elf campaign, instead of Akama I'm going to be greeted by a green lizard with a russian accent.

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Glad you could make it....................................................Uther

yes, as is bloodborne morrowind Witcher 3 cod mw2 and halo reach

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> Nu-Western games

With UMS it's #1 with no other contender.
Without them it may be in the top 20, but maybe not.

you can not deny that every one of those games has been incredibly good and memorable

Units like that were nice, just as a bit beefier normal unit was a good choice, and not full on hero.
Naisha and Shandris did well too, giving Tyrande and Maiev people to talk to.

The orc campaign was interesting, grunts did engage grom and thrall in dialogue, but they never stood out as characters. They easily could've named those as well, I wonder if it was deliberate where they wanted to have the horde hierarchy stand out as a bit differently, with the chief and then the rest.

In Myth, the units that survive a level will be in the next one, but stronger.

The previous mission, was known as a hard map for a lot of people when they first played it, and even returning if they weren't that good at rts games, especially on hard.
This is the opening that follows after, and it features an enemy hero that is also a plot character for the first time.
There's drama between the protagonists, and a split over a moral issue that is still debated today.

Undead>Human>Night Elf>Orc
Human>Night Elf>Undead>Orc

RoC>TFT Human > Orc RoC >TFT

Warcraft 3>Broodwar>Age of Empires 2>Warlords Battlecry 3>Offworld Trading Company>Seven Kingdoms

if you're talking no ums though it's probably broodwar>aoe2>wc3

I'll just not play them.
I'll still be mad, and angry that wow plebs go check out teh reforged campaign and see a false version of it and think "Oh so this is what it was like" when it fucking wasn't.

The maps of WoW are a fucking abomination, and it's braindead to shape rts maps after them that aren't as limited as an mmorpg.

I don't think I'll even get reforged.

Is there a character more wrong than Jaina?

no, user

What the hell does that even mean? Without wc3 wow wouldn't even be a thing.

Thats a good point that I haven't seen brought up before.
If Arthas is wrong about their being another way he slaughters a bunch of innocents that Uther could've defended.
If Arthas is right Uther just left him alone to deal with a massive problem himself. If Arthas failed to purge Stratholme then the undead spread even farther after Uther turned his back on him.

>Without wc3 wow wouldn't even be a thing.
eh not necessarily true.
They probably started developent of wc3 before wow.
But, before they finished with wc3, they were already working on WoW, they even released news about their upcoming mmo WoW before RoC was released.

>reach and mw2 nu-western
go back

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If I recall correctly, one of the reasons Mark Kern was having a hard time convincing Blizzard to continue the development of WoW, was because they thought it would just be "Warcraft 3 with multiplayer." To them it was redundant. So, I think Warcraft 3 was done by the time WoW's development really kicked off.

No, only good thing about it was making Dota

I wonder if it would be as morally dubious if he would've just waited for them to turn.

>So, I think Warcraft 3 was done by the time WoW's development really kicked off.
Depends how arbitrarily you're gonna use really.
Warcraft 3, was not, done when WoW development started anyway.
WoW was announced in september 2001, at time they said they've been working on it for a bit over a year.
They didn't sit on a finished product for 23+ months before releasing Warcraft 3.

This is some seriously based headcanon

That little mini campaign where you play as Thrall shipwrecked on the island was comfy af

I havent even played 20 games. So it's in my top 5.

>Why can't Blizzard just update the graphics.
>Starcraft and Brood War

>campaign name: Eternity's End
> post your favorite campaign and why?

Nah. Custom Maps had been an integral part of the RTS genre before WC3 and it's map editor. The robust editor in WC3 was predated by the map maker in AOE2 for example, which allowed the creation of not only complex multiplayer scenarios, but also single player community made campaigns. Community made maps made through officially released editors which retailed with the game were already a major and essential feature of the genre.

Use Map Settings was the shit. I still remember Kodo Tag and that one game where you play bugs in someone's house and they have to kill you.

Holy fuck I can smell the zoomer over the internet

Why did PC gaming go to shit anyways? I remember when I was like 14 and had access to WC3, UT2004 and CS. They all had custom games and people loved the shit out of them. What was the last AAA game that allowed people to make custom multiplayer content?

Will there ever be a Warcraft character as Chad as Arthas?

shut the fuck up, boomer

Because Blizzard can't charge you for community-made content.

See I like the history of the regions that the undead campaign covers, and the story of Arthas, so the undead campaign is the best for me and then the human campaign follows.
Getting into Dalaran and the summoning mission outside were great, Quel'Thalas was a great arc too. Even the shady cultist intro and the old horde mission between quel'thalas and dalaran was great. Some slight more detail in the old horde mission would've been nice, like one faction had dragons, some warlocks, another had ogres, that was a great way of showing that it wasn't Thralls horde, but iirc they still had jungle trolls which made absolute zero sense, and it would've taken less than 5 minutes to fix that. Possibly 2 minutes.

I felt there were too much filler in the orc campaign, the horde-alliance and the horde-night elf interactions were good, but the oracle stuff was weak and the exploration of this new frontier could've been handled better, decent job with the tauren at least.

I wanna replay the game, but reforged is coming out this year.


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You should still do it.
Blizzard has said they will be changing the campaign and retconning all sorts of important lore shit to have it make more sense in relation to wow.
It'll refresh your memory before reforged comes out and the Christie Golden writing can corrupt it.

>looks like some shitty Chinese mobile design

It’s amazing how far Blizzard has fallen

if you havent preordered reforged and plan to grind the ladder get the fuck out of here singleplayer babs

The original models were western.
Nu War3 is being outsourced to China lol


Man, I wish the wc3v discord wasn’t full of XIV-fags right now. I just want to play some comfy co-op maps with them

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Have a read.

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Is this just a nostalgia wank? would it be worth playing for the first time in 2019? Are the mechanics outdated? After playing StarCraft 2 and having a hotkey for everything I would be disappointed if had a bunch of click-only HUD bullshit

Wrong article, that one is about how they're changing the campaign MAP layout.
This one is the one about changing the story.

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>Hard campaign is too hard
>easy campaign is too easy

>We completely redesigned the map layout and made it look like Stratholme from World of Warcraft because people have been in Stratholme, people know the entryway to Stratholme, and the original didn't have any of that. It was a very different feel altogether.
What about the people who don't even play WoW? Now I'm not going to know what the fuck it's about.

that's a problem for dumb asses

"Writer Christie Golden, who has worked with Blizzard on multiple novels set in the Warcraft universe over the past two decades, is helping to bring “parity” to the stories of Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft, which will require retconning some of the strategy game’s story. Those changes will bring “renewed focus to a few central characters that we thought deserved a little bit more time in the limelight,” Stillwell said."

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I think so. I personally dont have it on my top 10 but mayne top 20. I havent thought about a top 20 yet though.

>Hard campaign is too easy

make one
then eventually make a top 50, it's really satisfying

I'm not ready to join the Centurions though, but one day

Yes, i did, its nice to know i wasnt the only one that cared

probably top 10 just for the custom maps alone

have you seen the characters in hots? its only the wow team that are SJW cucks.