What a forgettable case. Is the 4th and 5th one better? Man I really just wanna play Investigations 2

What a forgettable case. Is the 4th and 5th one better? Man I really just wanna play Investigations 2

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Even the last couple cases are meh by Ace Attorney standards

Fuck. Even Apollo Justice was better than this. It’s all worth it for the 2nd game right though? Is it as good as people say? I feel like nothing can be as good as Trials and Tribulations. That game was amazing

Yes, Edgeworth 2 has slow first 2 cases as well but the rest are good enough that puts Edgeworth 2 up there as one of my favourite PW games

>Edgeworth 2 has slow first 2 cases as well
I'd say they're fine, just surprisingly long. In fact all the cases in Investigations 2 were surprisingly long compared to other games in the series except for the 4th and that's probably because it's more of a prologue for the final one.

Case 2 is insanely long, I actually stopped playing the game for a while because of it

Is it as long as rise from the ashes?

4th is pretty good. 5th drags on for way too long.

The first case is pretty quick, though.
It's mostly the second one that's really boring, and even then it does introduce some characters.

No, Edgeworth 2 case 5 is probably as long though. Case 2 is probably similar to Turnabout Big Top length and monotonicity since you're constantly in a boring ass prison

>my extraterritorial rights are too powerful

I wish every PW game after had the ability to walk around environments and investigate. Makes it feel less VN-y.

I can never remember the cases themselves but I love the characters in that game.
Wasnt nowhere near as bad of a game as peoplee say.

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man this was a pretty forgettable entry. i played and beat this quite awhile ago but of the few things i DO recall the final hours of the game made me want to kill myself with how it dragged

Series stopped trying to improve.
That bonus case in the DS port had really nice investigation tools which they finally reused in AJ.
AJ had problems but it was still good.
DD was barely a game, you couldn't even investigate non-related parts for some extra dialogue.
SoJ had the tools from AJ but used them for a really short moment in one case each.
Story also became pretty retarded with DD

I stopped playing after AJ and Edgeworth's first game.

I'm pretty sure there was new AA game that took place after AJ, but have I missed anything else since then?

How did you guys emulate Investigations 2? I tried on my PC and phone and never really found it comfortable enough. I'll stop being a bitch eventually and just play it, but how did you guys do it?

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Emulated it on mobile

Everyone remembers it though. It gets brought up all the time

Maybe they made a really dumb call and thought people hated the investigation stuff because AJ was so poorly received and had the most of that.

Investigations 2 is the best game in the series, so it's worth checking out. Great Ace attorney is also pretty good

Honestly liked the plot between these two a lot more than some in the main series.

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On a flash card with a DSI XL.

There were 2 new AA games. If you take AJ as PW4 then there's PW5 and PW6

PW5 was basically designed to overturn the Dark Age of Law shit from AJ, introduce a new sidekick (Athena) and prosecutor (Blackquill) and make Phoenix one of the main characters again. in both PW5 and PW6 Apollo Athena and Phoenix basically take turns being the main character. PW5 was decent given the piece of shit game that was AJ, however it's not particularly memorable besides maybe the final case again. Blackquill is a great prosecutor though since he has his whole gimmick and personality.

PW6 meanwhile focused entirely on Apollo's storyline by focusing on his family's past, and it's actually a pretty good game with a decent story and some nice development for Apollo. Gumshoe's gone though, he never shows up for some reason

Great Ace Attorney 2 translation fucking when
First game left me hanging

Forgot to add that they really dumbed down the investigations in PW5, it's literally reduced to investigating a single area per day now. No move moving between areas, unlocking clues and use those clues in other areas to progress. It's back normal in PW6 though

The fuck you mean comfortable enough?
You either emulate it on your PC or on a mobile device.
I havent played Investigations 2 yet but I cant think of any comfier way than just emulating on my PC while I'm laying on my bed with a cup of coffee. Thats how I played most of the DS games actually.