Play Artificer
Risk of Rain 2
i miss acrid bros...
EU West
4 players unmodded lobby
hopefully there's no lag for you
Do the achievements need to be listed in a specific order or something in the xml file? I don't want to have to keep doing the same challenges over and over again because they don't unlock.
way ahead of you, friend
Play Sniper
also make sure to set your lunar coins to 9999999 while you're at it, fuck anti-cheater fags
post yfw all the people who cheated in skills/lunarcoins/achievements/items/characters get PERMABANNED tomorrow
do you think there's even a chance we'll get sniper back? hey playstyle in the first one really depended on lining the enemies up, but in 3D that wouldn't really work well
idk maybe she'll get reworked heavily like the other returning characters
Fuck em, Chadvenger when?
Is her super jump the best ability in the game?
Games that have a general thread like this every fucking day belong in Sick of seeing this shitty game spammed all over my board.
anybody wanna play on drizzle
>not setting your coins to 8,008,135,999,999
Looks like haydee
How the fuck do I unlock artificer's alt M2?
cheated in my huntress achievement because it didn't register, fix your fucking shit hopoo
Link to the +max player +artifact mod?
Built for BLC
Sniper is already in the code.
M1 is shoot, M2 is Scope in and charges up ala TF2 sniper. Shift, I cant remember what it does currently, and R has no effect atm
He's fucking with you. Hopoo laughed at the idea of banning people for cheating in unlocks/coins when the issue first came up.
lizard mommy survivor when
I saw this post a couple threads back. I am atoning for my sins. I will never cheat a coin in again, and for every coin I spawn, I will pick it up, then buy an item with it, then leave the item on the ground. I will do this for 100 coins. A small price to pay for cheating in 20 coins.
I mean yeah, these threads are too good for Yea Forums.
That's a lot of Artifice. Think she can tank an Overloading Magma Worm?
The final two characters are planned to be new ones, but they also plan to have post-release updates though they're unsure how they'd do it like whether you'd buy characters, or DLC packs, or what.
holy shid really? well now I'm hyped!
Thanks hopoo
>invalid lobby ID
Based moralfag. Just 20 obliterations and you're free of sin.
>Killed Imp boss with the preon as HAN-D
>No skill unlock
I swear half the challenges are currently bugged.
yup. lemme grab a video a buddy sent me when he was fucking around in the code. We've got WIP stuff for Bandit, a character that projects a shield sorta like Enforcer, Sniper, and a dual-blade Melee character that I think will end up being an alternate M1 for Merc.
Sniper is the final shown
Did you have any procs?
can't help but feel like rex is a bit of a wasted character slot. I think he should have just been a plant dude instead of some weird robot hybrid when we already have a robot
>tfw no Artificer gf
Wonder what her head would look like under the helmet. She has quite an ayy looking skull.
no problem
Hey modanon, why is it that my loader's skin is so much brighter than the texture I'm applying?
>tfw seeing the various reactions to pointing out beetle queens massive honkers to normalfag friends
fuck off furfag
Scarred and disfigured, she can't actually live without the helmet due to breathing problems.
>beetle queen
Oh for fucks sake, it didn't count because procs?
That really is retarded. Oh well, at least its easy to get in that situation again. Its not like my Commando runs where I never see an overloading worm.
>Having a nice fun run
>Siren's Call shows up
The maps apply filters.
That's.. probably a bit too much Artifice.
Fuck on, trannie, fuck on
This shit forced meme attempt is the most retarded thing I've seen on Yea Forums this year.
It has to do with the shader. You'll have to do a bunch of experimentation to find out how each texture works with the shader. I haven't done much digging into Loader's textures yet, but try messing with transparency or just making things straight up darker.
Do you even need to ask?
I'm positive it has half the chests the Abyss has.
What about making her shinier, like a latex texture?
Why did they release this on console? How tf does it even play?
Don't get too excited. Bandit and Han-D are in the code too, but they're probably scrapped.
The big problem is that Sniper is sort of antithetical to the current design of the game. Like you already noted, lining up enemies doesn't work very well in 3d. On top of that, the teleporter mechanics are meant to discourage fighting from a distance, so clearing levels solo would be a tedious pain.
They would need a heavy rework to make the class fun and viable.
Here's your health regeneration that you keep complaining about, bro. Take it.
>Trying to make her brown
I see you're a man of culture.
Can you only fight the boss once per run because no eggs spawned the second time I went there
just did the 20 levels as commando
the last stage was sirens
being late game of course the robit FAGGOT spawned immediately from all the aoe bullshit
teleporter wouldnt complete until he died
it took me about 20 minutes of lmb to kill him
my hand hurts
hopoo sucks cocks
what if one of sniper's abilities was sending their spotter drone out somewhere and if you send it into the teleporter area it counts as someone standing there
I really like the meme solely because it makes a lot of people feel attacked, which was kind of the whole point of the "2x year old x" meme in the first place, while also being an exaggerated parody of that very thing. It's also really strange to see how people will cope and say how it's forced etc etc, when I, the creator of it, had no influence on it's growth whatsoever save for the first time I posted it. It's really interesting seeing some shitty thing you made for some friends blow up MONTHS later, seemingly for no reason. Weirder feel? It's probably going to be dead by the end of the month (though I thought that a couple weeks ago honestly).
I truly am sorry for ruining a board so badly with it. Not this shitty board, I'm talking about /fit/
They can fight him multiple times through a whole run, the eggs spawn in different spots
yeah, but you can get transcendance and erase corpsebloom pretty much. I never really get enough healing to get my regen up to a proper level now, and I don't know how much regen corpsebloom actually gives you.
>obesity fags
Why are the new maps always so shit?
>Scorched Acres
A pain in the ass to get around and find the teleporter. Wastes more time than any map
>Sirens Call
Seems to be fuck all chests anywhere. The 100% chance legendary isn't worth fighting the stupidly buffed boss, teleport always seems to be near the tower so might as well stay there.
the coomer meme was helping /fit/ for a while. Then the mods turned on it.
Depends on if Hopoo added a special properties to specular, but I don't think Loader's got any of those on her shader.
>Wastes more time than any map
wetland aspect tho
Here's the vanilla Loader with robeless Artificer mod of modanon's mod someone asked for
Wetlands is a close second, but at least it isn't littered with bottomless pits and long winding paths you MUST take as low mobility characters to get anywhere
at least in wetland you dont need fucking feathers to go up and over the islands
>forfeiting late game dps scythe heals during combat
yeah it's good if one is playing as loader or artificer but otherwise you're gimping yourself late game.
It was but then it wasn't. I was there. It was brutal, just COOOOOOOOOOOOM posts on every thread, even if completely unrelated. People would post body, and others would COOM. Discussion was a nightmare for a couple days. It was funny as fuck to be fair, but then it got nipped in the bud, so the unironic coombrains took that as the mods taking their side. Which, I suppose, is the logical reaction to a banning of something like that. Curious as to why BRAAAAP posting and similar styles aren't ban worthy, but coomer is? My guess is that they feel a lot more attacked by it. Another reason is because it's another wojak, and I mean come on, another fucking one? Jesus Christ
Hosting late night EU games, Monsoon.
>HAN-D's ranged attack actually does damage now and has the grovetender hook for its visuals
Was this in the scorched acres patch? If so it may be unintentional with something like they may have given the projectile of grove tender the same value as his attack accidentally changing his.
But if this wasn't in the last patch then this seems like proof that they haven't 100% abandoned him.
how the FUCK are you supposed to deal with blazing clay templars?
Get a couple strides of heresy and transcendence's healing problem is null.
post pics please
don't be a bitch and kill the boss, free red
>10 stack
Just got full, will let you know when I host again and there's room
>game gets an update
>stop talking about it!!
>goes back to his fucking lobotomy corp thread
piss off
Same as regular ones just they're way scarier. Stun them when they finish winding up their attack, take cover if you can't immediately handle them, get close and run behind them so they can't turn to follow you fast enough. They're definitely very scary though.
those are some huge fucking buttocks wtf.
It's vanilla Loader. In modanons mod. You've seen modanons artificer before, I'm sure.
Is there a pastebin with all the lewd mods?
finally obliterated on monsoon
all it took was a ukelele printer in the second stage, and 20 armor piercing rounds
yeah makes sense, I mostly play huntress and merc so that's probably why I like that map alot
wetland aspect has a very similar ground color to the teleporter tho, I swear I once spent like 10 minutes looking for the stupid thing
Ukelele truly is the best green
How did your last monsoon run go friends?
Don't look for the teleporter. Look for the orange sparks that surround it. That way you can see it from way further away and if it's behind cover 99% of the time. But they're way harder to spot in the orange scorched acres that has orange leaves floating everywhere, and flat out invisible in certain spots from certain angles.
I got the tele spawn inside the cave walled off by that wall in wetland, with a titan spawning as the boss so I had to take cover in the small corridor
I got killed by a golem laser throwing me into a titan laser
Thanks again user
I tried a darker brown and it's more or less gray, and 50% opacity didn't work either. I think I'm a little out of my depth on this.
My first time in Wetlands I legitimately took 30 mins looking for the teleporter. This was in the first week of release when nobody knew what the tele looked like, it merged into the background and had almost no particle effects.
I hope they make it easier to spot for Acres, the effects get lost in the orange skybox and weird wisp particles.
Not modanon, but when I messed around with his textures 35% opacity seemed to work the best.
>unfinished character with an energy shield that reflects projectiles from the front
Yeah, I'm thinking Enforcer is in.
109775241058443531 US
Does the game scale with the number of players? I mean if I have 2 players the monsters are easier than 4
Asking because some games there are just solo and multiplayer scale
picked commando, spawned in distant roost, got shit items (stun grenade + fungus), lepton daisy from the boss, opened a big chest afterwards and got another daisy
i just quit right there
yeah they do, regular monsters don't get more health they just spawn more. bosses get extra hp
reminder not to fall for the rush meme as entering as many teleporters as fast as possible increases the difficulty while you're not getting shit
as long as you're getting XP and items taking your time is better than rushing
fucking daisy should just be turned into a red so i would see it less often
these characters are probably a combination of testing abilities (i can see MUL-T/Loader getting the Shield Wall) and testing character ideas. Dual Blades is obviously a Merc alternate style, since it'd work the same with his abilities, and just change up how his M1 functions
HP goes up across the board, number of spawns (basic monsters and chests) go up, and the costs of chests scale up. other than that, it's the same as Solo, besides someone coming along and jacking your fucking chest drops
Yes, why would it not scale? You're potential DPS scales proportionally to the amount of player you have why would the game not?
>gets repurposed as an alt for Commando's roll
>Latest update made the game literally unplayable
>Mouse isn't captured in the window and all the bindings are broken and unfixable
I mean, I know it's early access and all, but pushing out updates that make the game unplayable is really bad.
Especially when there's been zero response or acknowledgement.
How are artificer's new skills? i can't stand playing her because of the projectile speed of all her attacks
I believe rushing is only viable when nothing is spawning, otherwise, go at a reasonably fast pace getting around 3-4 items
any build for artificer?
This. The only time you should be doing this is if you're playing on Drizzle for easy unlocks, because having no items means fuck all until at least hard in that case.
>just learned Artificer can fly forever with ion surge
She was already my favorite, but this solidifies it.
her new m2 is fast, pierces and freezes
I wish players would move on once all the chests/kiosks have been purchased
it annoys me when I have to wait for other players to grind for 5 minutes exhausting the shrines, it's so stupid when it gets to that point
3/4 join faggots
This only shows how Sniper doesn't really work in 3D. Playing him solo would be hell.
I can try and do some reaction edits or lewds
New M1 is too bad early for how little it improves her late game, new M2 is a side grade that fills similar niche to old one, new R is a side grade that fills a completely different niche to the old. They probably won't fix the issues you have with her though the new M2 is faster and new R is instant.
>finally get everything i need to oneshot bosses
>tp starts spawning multiple bosses every time
fuck this shit i just want this goddamn ice spear
got commando skin at last
then had carthatic drizzlet run and had the game freeze on a loading screen 27 stages in when i went to bazaar to force sirens and see if i can facerape the boss
They have though. Rainstorm is getting regen back, and Monsoon is staying as it is because the devs always intended it to be properly hard.
I like your wifes thighs, user
Sniper could work if given something like a stealth to charge the scope in, or if the scope charge speed increased with attack speed, and scoping gave slower fall speed.
lewder loader
Why not both? Change this Eddy to be...something.
I'm not talking about the game being difficult. I'm talking about it being literally unplayable, as in, I cannot actually play the game.
Friends? What friends?
7-8 items, 6 minutes per stage here
LMAOing at rushing retards whining about lack of regen on monsoon
I want a beetle queen gf, bros ;_;
What are Rex's new skills? Haven't been able to play in a while but want to see how he is doing.
She ain't my wife, I just like playing her.
This is my wife.
risky 2 US.E unmodded monsun
i mean, some characters are obviously better in group content, and that'd be fine. Especially now that we have alt-skills, we could probably see another "swap your M1" character, maybe give Sniper a sidearm they can pull out when they cant really snipe.
Plus, you know, Sniper there is missing 2 abilities. And we don't know how ability interactions will be with items. AS increase charge rate? Enhanced critical damage? Tac-roll with actual IFrames? Maybe we'll get an alternate M1+M2 that changes it from a Sniper Rifle to a Marksman/Carbine, and now they're more like a faster firing MUL-T Rivet gun
draw artificer and huntress ass-to-ass sharing a dildo if you wanna do lewds
draw mult as pic related if you wanna do memes
What mod is it that makes the chests in bigger bazaar give you the item right away?
Engineer, please.
They should just make a new character that's the same gimmick but more forgiving because 3d. Like BEAMMAN or something.
What does beamman do?
So basically, sniper but his shots are way larger
I literally just bought the game, any tips?
Loader fisting Artificer
he got one skill that replaces his m2 with a clone of huntresses arrow from the sky
>artificer's chrome skin makes the leotard stand out more
only gets his mortar changes into a rain like huntress special, 30% hp cost but it has a cooldown.
and a skin
Think I'm pretty okay with where this is at. Used a really deep orange and then edited the emission file with a dark orange as well. Now I just need to figure out which colors affect what rather than blanket fill everything.
My problem isn't the regen, moreso decent heal items. I want Monster tooth back to its former glory and stuff like Vial and Bitter Root in this game, the only regen increase is pretty much a red. First Aid is fine cause it helps a bit for early game.
Alright thanks, guess i'll check her out after i cheat in the new skills
Play on Drizzle for a while and learn the controls, change them if you want to, the vanilla are a little wonky.
Your first priority is to beat the 3rd level and unlock Huntress. She's way more forgiving to play as than Commando. From there, just push unlocks. They're all listed in the Logbook.
He only got a new M2 and it's strictly a sidegrade. It takes his old M2 and turns it into a Huntress-style rain on a 5s CD (new M2 is 30% of HP vs old at 15%). I don't really enjoy it - though I don't like Rex in the first place. It probably synergizes better with on-hit items than his old M2 but I found outside of multi new M2 takes way more commitment to deal with single enemies than I'd like.
>patting her lap
I don't get it
Enjoy getting sniped out of the sky by a golem
>needed to end a run because of reasons
>shrine of order on a level with a celestial portal guaranteed
>roll sixteen (16) wax quails and lose all damage capability
>obliterate self
at least it all worked out in the end
play online with randos, it makes the game much easier and more enjoyable.
Don't rush the teleporter, make sure to open every box and chest before moving on to the next level. You want to take your time.
Stupid Frognigger.
Enjoy yourself.
There's 0 reason to rush the teleporter til you actually know what you're doing. Just play the game til you get a feel for what items are good, what are ass, and how it generally flows. Then you can work towards specific unlock challenges.
Also, save your Lunar Coins, don't bother spending them. You'll want to stockpile til you have 10, to buy Artificer when you inevitably get the Bazaar portal
I feel like the lowered regen only matters for the first two or three stages, after that you'll get other healing sources
and in the first stages it's easy enugh to not get hit, and even if you do who cares, the run barely started
I really didn't even notice anything has changes until I came here and people complained about having to fight the first boss with 1/3 hp because they can't kill wisps fast enough
She wants to you lay your head on it user
Are you trying to give bad advice on purpose?
Godspeed user.
what benefit would this bring me
kek level 2 @ 15 minutes
Don't you want to lay your head on her nice thick soft thighs?
Alright cool. I actually almost made it to the 3rd stage solo on rainfall on my 3rd try. And thanks for the heads up on the lunar coins. I found something that i assume needed one to open but didn't have one then got one a bit later but forgot where it was.
The chronobauble is the best green item. Prioritize it over other items
You're probably not low-test. I have trouble understanding mommycucks too.
monsoon NA east, get in losers
>t. HAHAHA with 4 items
No user, I agree with all his points and will even add that you should always take Monster Tooth when you see it, it's the best White item in the game.
Reminder that the mesh for Loader is slightly different in WIP2 than it is in WIP3. WIP3 has slightly different thighs/knees/calves/butt.
surprisingly well, back to back wins with commando and loader. After the struggle of last run, having shaped glass with loaders shift felt like cheating
When looking for the teleporter look for the orange sparks that surround it. If you leave a stage having more money than was needed to buy everything then that means you absolutely should've done the teleporter earlier. Difficulty scales not only when you complete levels, but also over time. Even when you hit the 'max' difficulty it continues to increase.
Do challenges to unlock new items, characters, and skills. Some of the unlockable items will greatly improve the game, and are very powerful+fun, so its worth trying to do them once you've gotten a handle of the basics.
Is there a list on what items I should get with what class? I only have a general idea for mercenary and commando
Why should I not activate the teleporter immediately
Nope, but it's fairly straightforward.
>People who like to spam their autoattack and pop their abilities when they're off cooldown really like Syringe
>People with abilities that have lengthy cooldowns but do big damage like Crowbars to just instantly chunk the FUCK out of bosses
because retards in this thread will cry
I actually wasn't aware of that, but I prefer the mechless version for a lewd mod. Are they bigger?
All the females need spare mags
I'm waiting for an open 10 man
probably. i know RoR1 had like 5 different "get this" guides.
Depends. Are you new to the game? learn the map and enemies. Playing a weaker base-damage character? You need a couple items to progress smoothly. Using the Command Artifact mod? gather up them items for smoother sailing
because there might be shrines
because you might want to get items first to make it easier, especially if you plan to scour the map later for items anyway (except you'll get less money and XP)
and if you don't, you're a retard for rushing because it spikes the difficulty and now you have no items
Once the teleporter event is over you don't get any more gold. So if you move too fast or too slow you'll increase the difficulty without getting enough items to compensate.
In RoR1, activating the tp the moment you saw it was the norm
No, it's the PilotFemale mesh. The cageless mech arms are completely separate from her body. And nothing's really bigger, just improved lower body definition.
thats because RoR1 was balanced completely differently
Anyone hosting a 10 man?
How do you host 4+ lobbies without the others having mods?
this isn't ror1
Artificer has the FATTEST ass because she just hovers around all day
If i knew i'd be hosting, not asking
>tfw didn't know what this item did
>playing Rex havin a good time
>see a lunar and this drops
>Oh cool a beetle what does it do?
>run over
do you not need mods to join a 10 man lobby?
It's best to take a balanced approach in 2 unless you're playing a really strong early game character. Get 2 items in first stage and hit level 2, then start teleporter. Do the same in stage 2. In stage 3 get the free prion from going fast and either do the same, or just start right away. From 4 onward it's best to just hit the teleporter ASAP. After that point you get enough from the tele event to get all items on the map, and so getting to this point fast is really good because that's when you can start snowballing with items.
This with Engineer
Monster Tooth is unironically not a garbage item anymore. Well, at least during the first couple of stages on Monsoon.
not true.
>2 items per stage
picking as many items as possible (as long as you're not taking massive detours) is OBJECTIVELY the best approach unless you want to farm lunar by obliterating yourself as fast as possible
Okay, maybe just the first stage. As just Merc.
How do you suppose we could get the mods all in one place?
I feel like monster tooth is very good on mercenary and loader since you're going to be very up-close and personal with a lot of mobs, its still pretty bad but not worthless
monsoon east coast, get drenched.
Huntress holding a quiver of arrows between her butt cheeks
Getting 2 items per map before map 3 will not let you get prion since it takes a solid 2 minutes for enemies to spawn so that you can open 2 chests. That's like 4 minutes in total to kill the boss, and another 1 or two minutes to loot the remaining chests with the gold.. you'll be hard pressed to get to the prion in time
>stage 4
>3 wandering vagrants
>im an engineer with 0 damage items, not a single fungi either. just a fuckton of gasoline
>turrets instantly die as soon as my shield goes down
>fall into the ravine on siren's call, the one in the cave with the two little bridges over it
>respawn on said little bridge
>instantly knocked back in by magma worm
>respawn again
>knocked off instantly again
>respawn at 1 hp
I do like how the regen nerf made a lot of stuff that was just far too weak actually feel useful at some point of the game now. Drones too. Still wish they'd make them scale a bit into late game rather than them just making it easier to reach the late game.
>fucks up
git gud
>trying to get overloaded worm and 20 stage unlocks for commando
>get hit by a frozen stone titans laser and die
>next round i get obliterated by that new boss because i was trying to get another atg launcher
I'm never gonna git good with this guy.
Those stationary turrets are actually really powerful and have saved me a couple times. If only they could more reliably spawn near the teleporter
Huntress and Artificer smushing big butts together
Oh, so I should just switch to the wip3 version? I could have sworn the cage was still there, and though I've figured out how to do so I don't want to go through the trouble of swapping the pilot meshes when I'm still fiddling with textures
t. retard
It didn't though. Monster teeth and medkits and such are still only good as printer fodder.
Only heal drones are more useful now. And only until you meet a Vagrant, making them ultimately wasted money.
Anyone else think the start of ror2 runs are slow and boring as shit?
I made a mod of modanon's mod earlier that removes the cage in WIP3.
Two items BEFORE the teleporter to make the event easier. You will get more after doing the teleporter. It's best to get to the mid-game(stage 5) ASAP because you get money and items far far quicker at that point.
I often manage it, though usually cutting it close. I just consider the preon to be a bonus rather than a necessity.
Nah anyone can join
Depends on the character.
Multi commando and huntress are always boring for the first stage or two.
Unless you meant the first couple minutes when nothing spawns then I agree entirely.
The cage is still in there, but you can replace that cage with the previous no-cage version. And it's just something to think about. On the next WIP, I'm going to try a cageless Loader with either her normal pants but a bit baggier, or giving her hotpants/shortshorts or something for WIP4.
with lemurian and commando
How are you guys making these model edits?
It seems like it would be something neat to do.
I find Huntress fun. Bouncing boomerangs back and forth between a golem and the wisps surrounding it is satisfying, and the new R feels really good to use. Commando's shotgun makes him a lot less boring early on though it needs new sound effects and visuals to feel better. MUL-T's always pretty boring early though. Haven't tried his new stuff yet.
I just mix and matched modanon's mods. Modelling itself is a bit too much for me.
>Doing Loader's "make it to the portal in less than 25 minutes" challenge
>Rushing the whole way through, mashing use on every teleporter when it's close to being finished charging just to make sure I leave as quickly as possible
>Beat the boss on rally point delta with minutes to spare
>start mashing the teleporter because that's just what I've been doing up until that point and I'm basically on autopilot
>realize as the teleporter activates that I needed to go in the portal instead
>zorp out of the level
I mean, it's not hard, I'll get around to it later, it just
feels a little demoralizing to make such a dumb mistake when it was fucking in the bag.
you fell down a pit inside a cave while fighting a magma worm
you died because of it
deal with it and try again, you baby
Updated Ryuko mod when?
Use Unity Asset Bundle Extractor to rip the .obj's from the game to be modified. From there I don't know what to do though.
Blender just got a massive update that makes it FAR easier to learn. Following some youtube tutorials you can start making stuff with a few hours of practice.
will wip 4 have modelled nips on loader?
I use blender, unity, unity asset bundle extractor, and utiny ripper to get things done. utiny so that I can rip models to edit, blender so that I can edit/create models, unity so that I can make them usable in the game, and unity asset bundle extractor to move around raw files.
somehow the bommerang slipped my mind I take back the thing about huntress. commando and Mul-t still stand though. except for popping whisps with the railgun. never gets old.
how about you deal with your crippling autism elsewhere, faggot?
I main huntress and my favourite part about her is the speed but i hate her at the start of the game because she feels slow as shit
>That goat hoof
Every character does. Early game is agonizing. It's like moving through molasses
That's cool, I was talking about the mixing and matching stuff however.
Thanks, I'll look into that stuff.
Do I have to use a specific version of Unity, or would just downloading any version be fine?
>tfw no Huntress gf
>open resources.assets you want the model/texture from with unity assets bundle extractor
>find the asset with search and export the raw files
>open resources.assets you want to put the model/texture into
>find the asset with search and import the raw file
That's about it.
i think it got posted semi-recently but it hasn't been updated in a while
Play Loader RIGHT NOW
The version does matter, and I'm using Unity 2018.3.11f1 to make stuff for RoR2. You'll need some extra help for making model replacements for survivors, though. If you're interested in that, I'll have to tell you about specific fuckery you'll need to do in order to get Unity to understand what you're making.
Why is the thread just mostly lewd art?
This achievement is amazingly tedious. Like I get the no damage challenge achievements, I actually had a decent time learning the prismatic trial. This, however, if you don't get lucky and find a crowbar printer for this achievement, it can take longer than the 20 stage achievements to find enough damn crowbars. By the end of this run, I was literally just running around exploding things, had the option to either shoot infinite ballista arrows due to brainstalks, call down capacitor strikes as I pleased, or just shoot at enemies like a machinegun since I found a syringe printer early on before I found my first crowbar. I even paid the huge easter egg island a visit after I was done. You go stupidly far with Afterburner blinks and enough speed.
Because Yea Forums is mostly underaged horndog teens and lonely shut-ins to which video games are just a time-filler between sessions of their main hobby, furious masturbation.
Not much else to post while people play.
fucking this
hopoo, stop giving us command challenges without command
I fucked that up, have a new lobby:
109775241058493057 US 2/4
Makes sense, thank you for telling me.
I would appreciate any help you could provide on that end, as I do want to get into model replacements.
Are there any decent gameplay mods? specifically, has anyone added some goddamned artifacts yet?
Who are you interested in replacing? I can put some blend files on the mega later on. It's just that I'm not sure I'd be able to explain how to do things right because the last time I tried, I don't think the person imported the right file into unity or something.
Some of the challenges are pretty stupid.
>One shot a boss in 1 second of spawning somehow
>Do a prismatic challenge without ever being hit
I hope these will be doable with the command artefact because unless I luck into them that's probably how I'll get them.
a mod that makes goat hoof apply to both feet and not clip through the leg when you walk would be really nice
why did they change monsoon from "tough but fair, doable with whatever items you get if you're good" into "lol find a slug early or get fucked"?
Because people were coming dangerously close to having fun.
Yeah, Monsoon is now an RNG fest and it sucks.
This. Hopoo nerf or remove anything people enjoy every patch. Its painfully obvious they care more about looking hardcore than fun.
You just notice them more because you cant ignore them anymore
>not posting the full resolution
na lobbies...
Does 5x Guillotine mean Elites instantly die?
Literally lmaoing at all the closet Drizzlets complaining about the regen fix.
It wouldn't be so bad if the other healing items were actually as good as slug.
>get one single Will o Wisp
>all Wisps are pointless
That item is fucking stupid good
please monsoon, give me some good rng!
its multiplicative im fairly sure
like the bears
This. If the healing items were actually good to make up for it this wouldn't be an issue.
Rex is doodoo
Just wait until the item pool gets better. Mysterious vial (increase regen), Bitter Root (increases max health), Dead Man's Foot (drop poison man at low health), Panic Mines (drop a bunch of mines at low health), Meat Nugget (chance to drop healing food when struck), Interstellar Desk Plant (killing an enemy causes them to drop food that heals), etc.
109775241058504225 US east lobby
I wanna get some new skills so I'm doing rainstorm.
maybe they should have put that shit in to begin with, mysterious vial is goat hoof-tier
should take like 2 minutes once they have the model
Does location even matter? i play with my american friends a lot and hardly notice ping
yeah i think there's a sacrifice mod and stuff
Is it? The kill threshold bar on elites looked more like 40% when I had two guillotines so it made me wonder.
>STILL hasn't been edited to "squeak"
I agree, and I don't agree with the team's priorities. Skills 2.0 really pushed prismatic trials onto everyone, but as far as I know nobody really gave a shit about that until this update. The core of the game is fine, just improve upon it. That effort is being wasted on these trials is baffling to me. Good bosses, good items, good levels, good characters. That's it. Prismatic trials should have been post-launch content.
This by a million. there’s only 2 viable healing options right now imo: scythe, slug, woodsprite and foreign fruit. ror 1 had more options when it came to healing which also translated into more things healing you at the same time.
Is full
hopoo give better armor items please buckler is shit
>teleport into swamp level
>spawn in midair and fall into the abyss
>instantly take 40% hp in fall damage
i thought they patched this shit
I wouldnt want half of those items tho
who is this artist
I'm convinced this is how some canon events looked like before the horrors that you read in the logbook happen.
>Skills 2.0 really pushed prismatic trials onto everyone
>not just editing the text file and unlocking everything
Locking the main feature of the update behind that bulllshit was a dumb move
Tough Times being turned into Hermit's Scarf really changed the name of the game. Late game Monsoon is ride or die rather than having a chance to really get away. Not a fan of it.
...What do you want then?
are those bots or players?
I also hate this, like half the reason slow melee characters will never work is because the only item that gives you armor AKA damage reduction requires you to fucking sprint to "turn it on", because Hopoo has become obsessed with gimmicks.
I don't like how some basic effect items require you to jump through hoops to get their effects. Regen? Better not get hit by 1000 wisps first. Armor? Sprint. Character that doesn't go well with sprint? Fuck you.
Sometimes it feels like hotpoo is a bit too busy sniffing his own farts to make enjoyable vidya design decisions.
aside from the challenge reminding us they existed the update didn't actually add anything to the trials, so no effort's being wasted
Monsoon 2/4 GET IN YOU FUCKS Bandits WELCOME
All bots because I have no friends and don't know how to make a vanilla 4+ lobby.
Set them to players instead of summons so the game scales accordingly.
This, Mysterious Vial should've been in on release.
How do I go fast as Loader? It doesn't seem like just grappling at a boss before throwing your big paunch increases the damage that much. I've tried grappling to a post or tree and swinging around it a few times and then launching the punch, but the results feel inconsistent.
Do I just stack energy drinks and goat hooves and sprint while charging?
what mod?
All healing items should heal a percentage of your max health, like how Bustling Fungus currently is. Monster Tooth should be 5%, Leeching Seed 1%, Medkit 10%, etc.
You CANNOT refute this.
Yeah prismatic trials should go and stay gone!!!!!!!!!!!
eh I tried
why do people hate war horn again?
it's a huge boost to your damage especially with a low-cooldown item like royal capacitor
happened to me too
studies find that katana wielders with yamato combo B, upper slash 2, rapid slash, trick and judgement cut end are 100% motivated
requesting merc with this smile on the helmet and the angle
very very good, user
great job
If we're talking risky 1 items that arent in 2? Golden Gun, Wicked Ring, Laser Turbine for memes, Ancient Scepter and... thats about it
Nematocyst Nozzle would be cool too
meant the enemies.
really? seems like their spawning increased.
>sawblade becomes unusable with high attacks speed
thanks hotpoop
As a fellow Merc main, his new skills suck sorry borgil.
who hates warhorn
Hosting EU game, come join.
The uppercut is amazing what are you on about
but they're cool
uppercut is stupidly based. It's more like a zero move though.
I know you did. I am saying a single green makes all Wisps a joke since you just need to kill one the let the dominos fall
like 75% of the people i see in Yea Forums lobbies
It does kind of add to the problem of capacitor just being the best active item 90% of the time.
how far do you think i can get?
Oh sweet holy moly.
uppercut is objectively better
>does a defensive maneuver while delivering more damage in a shorter amount of time
ah, thanks.
Doesn't combo as well into his M1 three hitter like whirlwind does. Enemies are thrown into inconsistent heights so using it repeatedly with backup mags like with whirlwind isn't reliable.
You'll fuck up at around stage 10
Clipped and killed instantly by a blazing golem in 10 minutes.
Can't join
It's time for a modded lobby.
ctrl+alt+` to open console: enter 'connect' to join.
>Drop in at any time, no mods required
>upped the interactable rates so there's less time spent roaming for chests
>Enemies with items when looping
still mostly experimental, going for vanilla feel
A single buckler gives 23% damage resist while sprinting.
Holy shit what a run
>while sprinting
do these mods turn off achievements/remove you from quickplay or something?
m2 was just something to do while utility and special was on cooldown
Hosted again, see if it works now.
whirlwind is better sustained dps if you go for backup mags and is probably better late game. Uppercut is okay without mags and delivers most of it's dps while launching yourself and others. I think It's better for aerial ravers like myself, but some prefer whirlwind. Judgement nut is offensively bad however.
I'm sorry I'm not huntress I need to actually stop sprinting in order to shoot enemies
3/4, starting when there is 4/10
you are like little baby
late game you don't need his m1, even in mid game and early game honestly. The uppercut is more meant to fuck up the opponent and keep you afloat, it's really good against flying enemies.
>deaths 4
When are the bad health and other defensive items going to get buffed and why the fuck is the only way to reduce the amount of damage a hit does to you the buckler?
>Deaths 4
>turn off achievements
>remove you from quickplay
Yes unless you get the mod that changes it back to the steam version instead of modded.
>late game you don't need his m1
The thing is M1 combos into everything in his default kit. It's always extra damage. And with syringes? Forget about it. The launcher fucks that up. Doesn't sit well with me.
>crowdfunder + gesture
god I wish that were me
Do you guys not ever try to dodge attacks by doing more than jumping and walking? I guarantee you that buckler helps a lot more than people realize.
>Curious as to why BRAAAAP posting and similar styles aren't ban worthy, but coomer is?
There's significantly more potential braapposters than coomposters, you'll never be able to completely stamp out braapfags. Conversely, there's only so many people jumping on the flavor of the month meme, so they're dealt with much more easily.
>My guess is that they feel a lot more attacked by it.
Sure thing, lmao
Why is Commando's skin called Hornet?
syringes yes, I normally don't get enough though, but I hate merc's combo so if I do weave in damage it's occasional. I find the uppercut displaces me less than whirlwind.
>Judgement nut
Pretty sure there's no reason to ever not be holding M1 as merc
M1 continues to slash while you are using all of Merc's default skills. It's literally free DPS at all times. Uppercut cancels his M1 chain unlike spin meaning it has less DPS. Spin also works much better with backup mags because you can just hold M2 to burn through them all in an instant once you have attack speed, but with uppercut you are putting yourself out of position if you try doing that vs bosses.
>picking up the crowdfunder
Get in here faggots
It crashed?
That's fine to hate it but you're objectively doing less damage than a merc who continues to hold down M1. That's why it's detrimental to have judgement cut.
Worse an impoverlord got me next stage. I hate how they can be as accurate or as inaccurate as they desire
>13 spinnel tonics
fucking how?
I was standing right on top of the equip barrel, I didn't mean to :(
not working
It scales with attack speed and has a 1.0 proc coefficient. It's good late game DPS, and late game you can afford to fire it without losing out on items.
But yeah that was dumb of him.
can u run a vanilla server pl0x
>Gesture + Egg
I didn't expect to actually like this, the amount of mobility/cutting down travel time is insane and I got the combo on stage 1.
That's the tonic addiction debuff.
3/4 come join.
The egg's underrated because when people find out they're not invulnerable during, they never pick it up again. It's fantastic at dishing out quick damage and escaping. You also keep your momentum after you detonate.
Gesture plus egg is fucking janky though, once i turned into a semi dead zombie loader who could still punch but couldnt do anything but m1, couldnt pick up items either
Get in homos we're taking on Providence.
>buy 4 clovers at the bazaar
>now have literally zero green items
I fucked myself
lategame you'll likely be vaporising the map anyway so equip doesn't matter
usually run rockets because all it takes is a catalyst and a gesture for game plays itself mode to activate
Sorry Loader lady, I miss your thiccness already.
Just, why?
I hate that these elite items spawn so infrequently. They're fun.
>84 hours
>Saw them spawn one (1) time
>Friend who just bought the game at the time got it instead
One day I'll have my fun too.
If you are vaporizing half the map then you don't need a capacitor either, and should take a more defensive equipment. However there are absolutely times when you make it to late game without great damage out of the gate, and that results in going slower which snowballs. Crowdfunder can fix that better than many of the more popular equipments.
I did the big sip
Titans or golems? Because both are bullshit but titans is just bonkers.
Sure, how do I unlock her?
125 hours usually playing with 2-3 people and we've only seen them drop one time.
Sorry, meant golems. Monsoon just isnt fun, how do we make it fun?
They're easier than you think, but sometimes require a bit of luck and setup to do. Killing the boss in one hit is easy with a Preon Accelerator.
I've seen them literally twice.
The droprate on those needs to increase really bad
>strides of heresy
never, modanon is taking a break from full remodels
I wish they didn't take up the equipment slot so my turrets could have horns or ice crowns too.
Oh fuck me please do this. Make it Commando.
>Refuse to give Commando any i-frames for his roll like the first game
>Create an item that replaces his roll, has i-frames, and regenerates 25% of your max health
What the FUCK did they mean by this?
Item rng and Siren's Call are the only things I don't find fun about Monsoon right now. At least one of those has potential to be changed in the future at least.
>be loader
>distant roost
>teleporter's at the end of the cave
>just jump off the edge and grapplepull them off one at a time
Eat shit.
You makin this up or is this real lore?
Considering she's a native of the planet she probably has an alien looking face
Siren's Call is great because you have a guaranteed red if you're good enough at fighting the friend of vultures, rather than deciding on whether or not to farm for Abyssal Depths.
>lemeurian artificer could be canon
Is she? I don't think the official log is out yet
Only Rex has a survivor log at the moment.
Speaking of which, his was really good. Lot of context given to Siren's Call, and the spider bots of RoR1.
that boss has so much hp it takes ages longer to kill it than get the chest
Someone host, preferably 10 man.
Looking for lobby to join US
>Idiots keep spawning worship unit before finishing the teleporter
10 man soon. He's rebalancing.
oh, you can unlock the skills by cheating them in, then removing them so that you can do the achievements legit later, but still have the skills beforehand.
Abuse flying enemy collision bugs to instagib it, just as Hopoo intended.
Well she's already on the planet when you get there.
open again
It'd make more sense to me that the native newt shopkeep imprisoned her as an intruder.
Merc's new DP is so much better than the spin in EVERY regard, mobility, speed, ease of use
My favorite aspect is uppercutting an elite wisp, sending it FLYING into the ceiling/nearby wall, instantly killing it. You can just slam small enemies into walls for free fucking damage. I wish I had a rex friend who would combo with me and slam the lifted enemies off cliffs
>not recognized
oh well
She's also being sold as a slave on the planet. She's probably from another planet, but probably isn't human.
>Come back from getting dinner
Fucking nice my dude. Thank you.
Doing fine but then i got claped by a titan
can only do this as merc and rex tho
The final hit has to be from the preon.
>play ror2
>witness huntress and artificer
I see the devs are also men of culture.
Wakari come back to us!
Game crashed sorry
This discussion was just had. Spin has better DPS due to attack speed effects+backup mags+it not deplacing you as much, and because of being able to still swing M1's during the spin unlike the uppercut. Uppercut has its advantages though and is fun to use so it's hard to say one is better than the other.
>still no Miner
>Enforcer pretty much abandoned because Commando has a shotgun already
>sniper, bandit, han-d never ever
Hopoo is a fucking faggot jesus christ
holy fucking based and loaderpilled
>the air begins to burn event
this shit is just cancer on artificer. You don't have enough fireballs to keep killing those 5 wisps that get spawned on top of you
Luckily slug heal saved me, bless rng
Wisp swingers BTFO.
Aside from ground shifting beetles all of the 'oops all golems' style events are pretty cancer. And I love them for it
>He doesn't form his own ghost haram
What's your excuse?
3/4 again
make that 2/4...
Think I'm just about done with this. Shame there's no way to give her abs more definition.
got the closest I had to a new skin so far, but got fucked on the last level by a bunch of dronestriders I couldn't kill fast enough
>mom said its my turn on the xbox
>start run
>first boss drops red whip
>second boss drops chronobauble
may as well reset at that point
sent :)
>not deplacing you as much
the spin is MUCH more inconsistent and fickle to work with. stand on a bosses back, its considered a slope and you get sent flying, or get sent flying forward. The uppercut is CONSISTENT and the hitbox is a lot easier to work with, while also being a way safer movement
>but the dps is better because uppercut will stagger swings
you're supposed to time uppercut after the third swing. the uppercut is way stronger in the early game, not even counting displacement kills. and late game at high attack speed the mobility is way more important than the extra imaginary dps you'd get in a vacuum
EU lobby, NA is fine
>Cheating Lunar coins
You deserve it
Unironically a good item on Loader
Is that ten man still up?
I will once her frostwall gets replaced
You are a speck to me
>the spin is MUCH more inconsistent and fickle to work with
I agree with you in regards to vagrants, but it's very easy to hit all the other bosses from the sides/bottoms. Even if you time the uppercut after the third swing you're still not swinging your M1's DURING the skill, and that becomes more of a problem the more backup mags you get.
I understand liking the uppercut because it's easier to get the full potential out of, but spin used well will simply outperform it in terms of damage. Like I said they both have advantages and I wouldn't say one is better than the other.
Stealing my players....this is fine....
I'd be more worried about the fact artificer wants to genocide her own planet if she is an alien.
Does she hate the King brothers from the logs that much?
signirsol on F A
Also I forgot to mention that I agree uppercut is generally better for small stuff like wisps and lemurians, but still worse for medium stuff like elder lemurians and golems.
>the spin is MUCH more inconsistent and fickle to work with. stand on a bosses back
A vagrant? All you have to do is jump back, down, and M2. Takes you right backup to the top of its head.
>you're supposed to time uppercut after the third swing
You have to wait for that, you don't have to with whirlwind. In the long run you've done more DPS with whirlwind because you don't need to worry about this.
so is aegis the new best red for engi?
it's basically double turret HP, makes them basically indestructible
is it just me or does Monsoon feel like a fucking chore and has gotten excessively difficult?
>3 shrines of the mountain
>clutch win by a sole survivor
>it's chrono/the new trash flower
Yeah dude my internet just died haha...
Kinda have to agree, you can get some amazing runs on it with the right items however
Doing 1 quick game
I'd consider aegis really good on pretty much anyone once you get a few nuts/harvester scythes, it basically ensures you have an extra health bar so long as you have consistent damage, crits
I had to quit because my CPU can't take it after a certain point.
I personally find the game much easier alone.
yeah I don’t know why hoopoo thought it was a good fucking idea to add a another “heal over your max hp to get this really powerful effect” and pretend like it’s gonna help anyone other than a bungus engineer.
I want Providence back so fucking bad bros. I NEED TO see 3d dragons
Still waiting for the game to give an opportunity to test whether buffed Aegis actually validates a corpsebloom beyond obliteration runs.
Its marginal dps in a vacuum, ignoring all the extra damage you can cheese by slamming small mobs into walls, and also ignoring that it just does more damage at the start.
and also all marginal at best "DPS" arguments pales behind the sheer utility of the uppercut. flip barely moves you in the air and gets your ass sniped, uppercut is a hefty displacement that doubles as a dodge
was a good run
Does the thicc huntress mod still work? thats the only one i care about.
>When there is a fungus printer
Enjoy your magma worm with angry eyes.
why does quickplay always put you in groups of 3
Dunestriders are aids, who the fuck OKed this
if youre playing a low mobility class and werent lucky enough to get 2+ feathers, there is nothing you can do but die when 3 dunestriders spawn
>a character using their M1 24/7 is marginal for their dps
There's always that one autist that leaves while it's still searching for players.
i want providence to be playable
You keep bringing up marginal DPS, but it's really as says.
I use dash and eviscerate to dodge, btw.
>turrets get 1 shot late game
what do?
moar teddies
just have aegis and dio lmao
I think a lot of the disconnect on whether spin slash is good or not comes from playstyle. For example a lot of mercs handle elder lemurians on stage 4 by just hitting R, then spamming shift and running away instead of using the stun from the shift in order to get free damage in with M1+M2 then stunning them again at the last moment before they can retaliate.
Yeah that's what it sounds like this user does.
Cute girl, but try hit and running if you're melee. If you're ranged, you should drizzle.
if i could just sit still on a bosses ass and have 100% m1 uptime sure id take the flip
unfortunately im not retarded you have to spend half the time dashing in and out to avoid machalite death balls. if you ran flip/projectile for optimal damage id be surprised
RIP Server 2019-2019
>if i could just sit still on a bosses ass
What are i-frames, Alex.
>and have 100% m1 uptime
You actually can do this and if you're not already I'm wondering how you actually play.
Vanilla monsoon, EU hosted
he probably doesn't know don't tell him
3/4 one more
Any NA hosts or do i go back to pubs?
I think is still going.
>try out rainstorm after difficulty "fix"
>go sawblade railgun MUL-T
>get hit a bit because the sawblade forces you to go forward for some asinine reason
>low HP, found no healing items
>health literally ticks up 1 point per second
>still manage to get to stage 3 in under 10 minutes
>it's scorched acres
>boss is overloading clay gunners, only reason I won is because their AI broke, never aggro'd on me, and they all jumped off the map
>get to stage 4 at around 12 minutes; it's new map
>break the eggs, big eyeball spawns
>saw webm of an user standing on top of it meleeing it, decide to try it out
>extremely difficult to stay on top due to sawblade wanting to continuously throw me forward
>end up doing donuts on the eye as it desperately tries to track me
>shits out 3 orbs that shoot me with beams that I can't do anything about as I got no crowbars or AP rounds to use on my rebar gun
>5,000 feet in the air, eyeball inexplicably stops moving and sawblade throws me off
>1 hp, try to hide in a cave to regen
>game spawns 8 overloading beetles, 4 blazing wisps, and a couple blazing lemurians on top of me, and the beam spheres somehow managed to make it down inside the deep cave system, even though flying AI is supposedly garbage
>die because I've regen'd about 10 health as all of this goes down
How do you fuck up an update's balance so badly?
Can you seriously not Transcendence your way through the Huntress challenge or is it bugged?
picking up transcendence counts as getting hit because your max hp goes down
does the flip have iframes now? so you're saying you just bury yourself in the bosses ass until it dies, ignoring all other enemies, and you take flip/projectile for optimal damage per second? sounds like you play drizzle dude
Shields count as health sadly. Barriers(yellow shield) do not.
>spawning the optional boss before doing the teleporter and stopping enemy spawns
You did this to yourself.
Did it crash for anyone else after teleport?
Sniped in the back by elder lemurian as I was running away to let slug healing kick in. I was a little mad.
How do you unlock the flower robot survivor? I've found it's deactivated body in the abyssal depths but I haven't found the drop pod power source or whatever.
borb is too big and crashed the game
>so you're saying you just bury yourself in the bosses ass until it dies
It's pretty optimal as merc, yeah.
>ignoring all other enemies
If it's a titan, the enemies will gather around the feet and you can dip down to dash through them all, taking time in between charges to do damage before another dash. If it's a vagrant, you can avoid all damage besides wisps, whereby you dash or eviscerate as you see fit. If it's a beetle queen, same thing what I said about the titan applies, though you have to be more careful because you can get shotgunned by her spit. Imp Overlords are a bit more tricky, but still applies.
>and you take flip/projectile for optimal damage per second
Not with the dash i-frames or eviscerate's. I guarantee I have more hours as a mercenary than you the way this discussion is going you and invoking
>y-you're just a drizzlet!
UNet Client Disconnect Error: NoResources
GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=None }
ClientDisconnected due to error: NoResources
Left lobby 109775241058604035.
Unloaded scene title
Active scene changed from to title
Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
R doesn't only give I-frames while the skill is going off. It takes half a second to burn five spins while slashing your sword, and because you likely just dashed from somewhere else throwing off enemy aim and stunning others it's pretty safe to do in a mass of enemies with proper timing.
If the last boss was elemental chaingunners on LEVEL 3, and the only reason I won was because they jumped off the map, then stage 4's boss was probably going to be even worse. I would've had the giant eyeball in the bag if ITS ai didn't break and suddenly freeze. Throwing nonstop tanky elemental enemies at you on the regular difficulty when you've got at most ~10 items of varying usefulness is straight-up bullshit.
It's on your pod when you drop onto the first level
The Fuel Array in the back of your escape pod when you start a game, you have to carry that in your equipment slot (and not fall below 50% hp) the entire way.
You can temporarily swap it for other equipment to not worry about that penalty but just be sure to bring to the next stage.
Play Rex
I hate when beetlequeen manages to spit her shotgun out of the back of her head. I really hope they fix that by forcing her to turn first, or even turn her head at you.
>mfw did Huntress no-hit challenge and it didn't unlock
>and it wasn't on Drizzle
to be fair the devs literally said that one and one of the other cheevos are bugged so I dont fault myself too hard for it
Down for now, other user should be hosting soon (hopefully). I'll also do some more tweaking and try again tomorrow.
Getting an early elite horde boss early on is just a matter of luck. You probably would've had a magma worm or two vagrants or something.
correction, you're a single player only guy apparently, if all the enemies are gathering around you
i dont doubt you have more hours than me in that case. id rather take the extra mobility in multiplayer though
just watch for the spit particles before she fires lol
Oh, thanks anons!
Usually she won't spit at you if you stand behind her so you don't even have to worry about them. It's very rare that she actually shoots them backwards like that, and I don't think it's intentional for her to be able to.
You're probably right that I should just accept that the easy way isn't consistent enough though and fight her face to face until they fix that.
just edit your save if you dont want to do it again