Other urls found in this thread:
what is the difference between a used digital game and a new digital game?
Maybe you get their save data too?
is this the fatty thread
post em
Maybe you can't get cheevos?
Good taste in manga OP.
This. Will there be a lower price point? Usually buying a used game at a store has the benefits of a cheaper price, but you must be careful of quality since it’s used
I want Kuroeda to squat on my face with my nose prodding her pooper and rip a 14 second long fart on me
raika best girl
>this happens
>digital games become yet even more expensive and steam sales become even more pathetic and underwhelming
Valve gets a cut of the sale
Dev gets a cut of the sale
User gets the majority
If this happens, why the FUCK would anyone want to release games on PC anymore?
>people in comments angry that valve has to pay a fine, don't want to be able to sell their games
What the fuck is wrong with Tyler/Gabe dicksuckers?
Because less sales is better than no sales.
Reselling digital games just doesn't nake any fucking sense and will only have negative ramifications for the industry if you think about it for more than 5 seconds.
All that's going to happen is that Valve will change their TOS and French users will be able to resell their Steam ACCOUNTS to other French buyers.
Anyone who thinks there will be some kind of actual game reselling function on Steam or any digital storefront like it is fucking delusional.
Reminder Steam can easily remove games from your account with the Refund system or you just asking them to. The only thing this needs is a marketplace
>Valve already takes a hefty cut out of market sales
>less sales
Lol, you do realize that having small amount of sales is not worth the cost to get your game on PC right? It's not worth it.
>you can now resell used digital games
>publishers now make every game a non-transferrable $60/year subscription fee
>indie developers make games wirh freemium mobile-esque monetization because otherwise people will just resell keys for 3 cents
Why'd you REALLY make this thread, OP?
I'm down to buttpost.
aight but keep it there at the largest.
why won't methonium come back to porn
it's not fucking fair
this is retarded and is probably going to kill steam because of it. the only rule that needed to be in place was refunds, and probably much longer than valve's retarded 2 hour policy, if not much more thorough and understanding of viable reasons why people would want refunds beyond 2 hours.
reselling is just turning steam into a retard marketplace liable for money laundering. beyond the dumb idea of reselling digital bits that cost nothing to produce infinitely regardless, the only strong effect this could have would be killing steam outright getting it involved with far greater legal trouble than they'd ever had.
congrats epic. that's some gay 4d chess you played. hopefully your chink overlords will show you some love now.
Suck down Gabe's cock harder, faggot. It's literally as easy as Valve facilitating the ability to turn game licenses into inventory items like they do with gift purchases. There are zero negative ramifications to this unless you are Gabe Newell himself.
The used market exists in every single other media industry (including video games) and does NOTHING to harm the industry as a whole because in order for used copies to exist they must have been purchased new at some point in time. If you're afraid of used sales hurting your bottom line, then your product isn't good enough to be bought brand new in the first place.
The dark elf is an endearing character. Hard working with a big booty.
Too bad she wishes to get rid of da bootey.
Because we will get even shittier discounts during sales now
I imagine it's just gonna be the ability to get the game for cheaper than it is on the store.
ahh~ I want to sink into a healthy elf
I'll post every once in a while. Hopefully some other anons will join in.
Largest? Go bigger!
>Artist gives up drawing god tier porn to write a an okay ecchi manga instead
I have a lot of respect for Methonium, but I will never understand his choice.
>There are zero negative ramifications
Short-sighted dumbfuck.
i want all of that except for the last part
You realize only the most tremendous of faggots actually participate in all that inventory item shit right?
Plus why would anyone want to resell a digital game wtf?
>The used market exists in every single other media industry
tell me what the difference is between joe limpdick selling his "used" digital copy of a game and a publisher selling an official copy
selling used physical goods actually make sense, digital doesn't
i want all of that plus shitting in my mouth
yet redpilled
too much ass
No, seriously, what is it with Yea Forums and corporate dick riding lately? You people reacted the exact same way when Steam incorporated refunds. Do you people actually think corporations care about you? Why?
If you're reading this, I just want you to know that buttjob/hotdogging is my biggest fetish. Especially if clothed or lightly clothed, thank you.
>I'm just going to ignore all your points and call you a corporate dicksucker because I want my goddamn $0.15 for my copy of Bad Rats
While I personally disagree, I respect your opinion.
I'm not sure how much of that I can throw on Yea Forums, but I'll look around.
Nothing will come of this decision for at least 3 years while Valve ties this up in courts
Post more chub elfs.
There literally are no points other than "B-BUT THINK OF THE CORPORATIONS! TODD NEEDS TO EAT TOO! "
That's some perfect thick right there.
Refunds literally killed steam sales, flash deals and actual sale prices stopped immediately because people could just turn their full-price copy into a 1/10 price. So now the best you get is 33% off a 10 year old game unless it's complete garbage.
Refunds are just gonna do the same thing. Best case scenarios, sales stop completely because any time you want to buy a game for cheap you just go to the marketplace. Then valve takes 30% of the cost of the game, and they just make more money than they ever have before.
Worst case scenario, games as a service gets a huge kick into action, because why the fuck wouldn't you if you were a corporation and you knew that your digital products had no real value and your post-first-week sales are gonna be jack shit
So more reason for game devs to avoid steam altogether and side with epic?
Sounds good to me
This ruling affects every digital storefront, Chang.
There was literally a Steam sale a few months ago, retard.
Ginger, and bigassed, dear lord!
Ding dongu!?
digital product also has infinite supply, yet they sell each copy at full price
explain this faggot
So digital prices for new games have to become competitive.
and the deals were complete shit, zoomie
I remember when new games would go down to 50% and games a year old would go 90% off, because they could use a flash deal to only sell it for a few hours at a time and control the market.
did the appeal fail or is this just a shitposting thread
I think Valve will either suck up the legal fees or keep appealing to higher courts until they get it overturned.
What would be the point in buying a game new when you can just get it for cheaper from another user a month or two later?
The other storefronts will have immunity for at least 5 years while their own French lawsuit is happening. Games aren't dead yet.
Okay, so this pro-consumer decision is bad because...the last sale didn't meet your expectations?
I swear, Yea Forums really is filled to the brim with corporate shills.
Please tell me this artist does thick lesbians like this.
i never seen a lesbian work made by this guy sorry
I don't know about you cucks, but I want to be able to own and do whatever I want with shit I purchase. My money is real. What I buy should be real. They can do whatever the fuck they want with my money. I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want with what I bought.
Because companies can counter this by making us pay subscription for our games. Would you prefer paying $60/month to play your game?
How big, boys? Because I can go pretty big.
>valve "forced"
Valve isn't doing shit, euroniggers, US law prevails over whatever some EU retard decides.
Fucking Christ guys I want a girl with a thicc butt and chubby gut to rip monstrous greasy farts in my face
I'm not gonna make it brehs
Then just like
I dunno
Don't buy them?
Fuck off, Tyler.
>but oh wait, they can just wait it out for longer than the punishment period.
So its not forced, fucking idiot.
What if selling used digital games bring back the online pass days years ago?
Then stop paying money for digital files with DRM if you want what you buy to be real, you stupid fucking nignog.
and then my favorite games stop getting made due to lack of sales. Why would I want my favorite companies to go out of business?
>theres zero incentive to buy a new game at release
>everyone is going to resell their new games for less than what they would get back in a refund
either you are retarded or you are a paid shill. I'm extremely pleased that after 30+ years of bullshit we are finally getting consumer rights for fucking videogames. We should be allowed to sell our old games. If steam wants to take a cut and pass that on to the developers then whatever, but there's no legitimate reason why I shouldnt be allowed to sell old games. Maybe put some 30 day/x amount of hours played limit on it, maybe artifically age digital coppies so they dont get the dlcs/extra/whatever. There's plenty of ways to do this to make both sides happy, of course the publishers/developers would be most happy by telling us to go fuck ourselves so fuck them.
Sick fuck.
I'd rather force companies to start playing by my rules instead of sitting around kicking the dirt.
Life is suffering. Any good thick, not fat, lesbian doujins?
Okay, well, too bad lol. Because nothing is going to change.
True that.
Hoping this goes through so I can flip the shitton of games on my steam account I never play anymore and make a decent profit.
user, if your 'favorite games' are willing to use underhanded business models to compensate for the fact that they aren't getting as much money because of a pro-consumer rights law, then that company is not your friend.
post more brap pictures
what an incredibly low IQ post
I don't know why you would argue against your own self interest. How would it harm you to be able to own the games you buy?
Delusional nigger. Get a job.
Just sell physical PC games again if used digital sales scare you
Don't bother trying to educate him. This idiot doesn't have any taste.
I don't see how any company can profit if this passes without using this or forcing microtransactions out the ass. If they choose not to do this, then there's no way they profit
i want the source of this !
>maybe artifically age digital coppies so they dont get the dlcs/extra/whatever.
That's stupid
>oey vey goyim we dont have sales anymore because of refunds
we stopped having good sales when all the box shops started closing down and digital distribution became the mainstream. face it faggot, sales were just a way to get you invested into platforms like steam. This is how business works. Stop listening to these dumb fucks saying 'oh no, ea will completely drop their billion dollar franchises if you can pick up football slave simulator 2015 for 5$ in 2019' because that wont ever happen. Its like those faggots saying corporations will never sell farm equipment in iowa if the court rules farmers are legally allowed to repair their own tractors. Its an empty fucking bluff.
*fart noises*
do you really need that kawaii anime waifu ost to go with your used child grooming game, user?
There's no way the profit to the same degree they've been graciously permitted to do so despite their business being for all intents and purposes unethical. Being able to infinitely reproduce a product and charge the same amount for that product is in itself an unreasonable concept.
If I bought it and it still exists, I should be able to resell it.
More, please!
Farmers who hack their farm equipment are bad ass. Truly no one can be more burgerpunk than someone who hacks just to let me stuff my face with food.
all these desperate poorfags
too big
There's also no physical production costs for digital games and there's an infinite supply and yet they still cost $60 or more
Would this apply in US too or only for eurofags?
Okay. Doesn't contradict what was said at all.
Man, I miss watching his show while eating breakfast in my onesie
I'm bout to go to a chubby milfs crib and have her sit on my face
So used games will just be the same price as old games.
It's essentially just a infinite refund system and dare anyone to find a problem with that.
It would only apply to French citizens but it would open the door worldwide for cases like this to happen everywhere. Plus people could just use VPNs.
I will never understand the mentality of retards who refuse to pirate but still want to buy things at an incredible discount and with none of the money actually going to the developers
> Valve forced to open used games store
That's not what the judgment says, all it does is claim that the part of Valve's TOS that say users are not allowed to sell their games is invalid.
What that means in practice nobody knows.
This can only be good as it'll force more sales to compete with used prices.
*new games
my man !
It's the cutomer's duty to seek out the best value for their money.
They only care about increasing their steam library for internet points.
You could try
I dunno
Making a good video game for once?
Seriously, if you genuinely think people are going to resell their copies of Hollow Knight and put Team Cherry out of business, you're delusional. This will literally only effect game devs that are out to prey on your wallets without giving you a good product. People should have the choice to refund their games.
user, do you realize how much fucking damage has been caused by games being digital now? Think of how many fucking games have been pulled and have become unplayable because they're digital. Think of how many games are GOING to be unplayable once the devs. How the FUCK can you people unironically complain about having your money stolen after being banned from a game, but then turn around and say this is bad?
This is nothing but corporate dick riding. Plain and simple.
But sales will only lower the prices of "used games". It's a race to the bottom.
Yeah, awesome, I definitely want singleplayer games to not exist anymore.
What? If my intention is to sell my game I will never play again, my price will always be less than what the main price is. I will beat a 3 hour game on day 1. If it was $20, I'd sell for $15. If it gets lowered to $15 to match me, I will lower it to $10. Even if I have to sell the game for 10 cents I will. Are developers going to sell their games for 10 cents to match me? A game that just came out?
You're saying it's unfair for consumers to treat digital products like physical despite companies doing so all the time. You're a bootlicker.
Not big enough.
once the devs pull them down*
You're paying for convenience.
> think people are going to resell their copies of Hollow Knight
They literally are. You think too highly of people, enough would dump their copies so that they could never sell another new copy of Hollow Knight ever again.
Hollow knight would be finished.
How is someone corporate dick riding for having a different opinion than you? You keep projecting your own issues onto other people, and are coming off as the real delusional one. I will still sell my favorite games I don't care if it puts the company out of business. No one gives a shit about your stupid ethics faggot.
I fucking love Jessica Rabbit.
The convenience of what?
video games
If any think people wouldn't dump Hollow Knight or Subnautica for the next AAA in a heartbeat, you're delusional.
Being able to buy and play a game as soon as it comes out, not having to order it from a retailer?
I would just make my game go on a subscription model retard.
That's an extreme though, the average user will want something closer to what they spent to get it in order to put that money towards the next game, they'll likely stop lower their price after a point and simply wait out the sale.
Okay, so you're taking the "people are too stupid and need to be controlled" approach. Got it.
Get fucked, I hope someone curb stomps you.
It goes beyond just "having a different opinion" when that opinion is actively trying to suppress my rights as a consumer.
You're playing a dangerous game, user.
Why would a company have to be your friend in order for them to make games that you enjoy? Hell, how would you even be friends with a company in the first place? That sounds like some kind of soulless corporate speak.
How much would you claim that is worth?
>that one thread on Yea Forums when there was twenty dub posts and everyone was losing it
>”Please no dubs!!”
>Gets dubs
gimme and 8 gimme and 8 dear god gimme an 8
You know this wouldn't be that bad if devs sold physical PC games again...
If people didn't think it was worth $60, they wouldn't pay. Games are a luxury.
>valve filed for a appeal and nothing will come of it
Exactly. You wouldn't let Todd starve, would you?
We'll see how much they're willing to pay when they have better choices, you fucking retard.
I got the bone lady.
Jesus Christ, learn to read, retard.
they're all good
Nothing is going to change. Sorry.
Oregano roll
> Okay, so you're taking the "people are too stupid and need to be controlled" approach. Got it.
That's literally what this government regulation is claiming.
Are you in favor of government regulation or not? Make up your mind.
Let's pretend that it will for the sake of the discussion. That's what we're doing. Discussing this. Acting like it can't be discussed isn't going to make the points go away, you moron. Stay on topic.
>the average user will want something closer to what they spent
Guess what? They aren't going to get it. Thousands and thousands of people will shamelessly undercut them for a quick sale, every day.
Todd won't starve but anyone below AAA would be out of business if Steam opened a used digital games market.
>not wanting dubs
Yea Forums sure is a lot faggier lately
Hahahahahaha holy fucking shit
This regulation is made to STOP titanic corporations from exploiting people. Don't fucking act like this law is made to crack down on the every day layman. It's being made to crack down on mega corporations that literally thrive off of selling a subpar product.
Look at all that meat! Also rolling
I just don't want you to get carried away. I know you're salivating at the chance to earn 7 cents for your used copy of Terraria.
Well then they won't resell their game because they're not willing to go beyond a certain price. No problem.
>as soon as it comes out
Okay, now scratch that out of the equation. What "convenience" am I still paying for? Buying a used copy on Amazon and only waiting a day to receive it is still pretty convenient.
>subscribes to amazon prime and licks jeff bezos' smegma with a smile
>used games cost more than new games
>Valve/devs get most of the payment
The resale market has now legally been made unviable and the status quo remains intact.
If this isn't proof that there are anti-consumer shills among us, I don't know what is.
>good service bad
>bad service good
I don't think anybody here is getting carried away. We're talking about what changes might occur to the industry if something like this happened and was enforced worldwide. What would the market look like? What changes would need to be made to games in order for them to still be profitable? What companies would flounder and what companies would flourish? What sorts of things would become valuable to customers in a market where they can find games much cheaper and risk less to try out a game? Would this result in smaller budgets for games but higher quality games? Would this force every publisher and developer to change the way they make games and turn them all into online-only subscription models just to avoid this legislation?
Let's talk about this shit instead of run away from it. You wanted to engage in this conversation. By all means fucking engage in it and stop putting your head in the sand.
Steam is a great service. I have no problems with it.
based buttanon
>Video games have literally been ruined because of the digital era
>Companies can now easily exploit hype culture, or even flat out lie like Activision did with CTR
>Each and every day games are slowly getting worse and worse because these massive corporations are having their cake and eating it too
>Finally a law comes into place that lets us get a leg up over these corporations
>Yea Forums wants to pretend this is bad because "won't someone PLEASE think of the mega corporations!?"
It's an OC by TrinityFate, user. I can consider posting more, if you'd like.
its ok i found their gallery, no need risking your ban, thank you user
Rolling for it
I agree. It's the best service on PC, but not immune to critique and not at all perfect. Letting consumers sell their items only benefits everyone, hence why so many retailers do it. Steam even does to a certain degree.
8 or 2
None, just devs will not get the money
I've gotten banned tons of times while getting anons off, so I was prepared to do it again. Enjoy yourself!
Okay, let's say this ruling is not overturned.
Are you ready to buy your Crash Team Racing subscription? It's only $30 a month. Can't resell it, it's just a subscription fee!
You have to remember that the vast majority is the reason vidyagames turned to shit. Unfortunately the vast majority of internet trolls come here just to piss you off with contrarian views. The sad part is they end up believing their own bullshit. That or they really are just mentally defunct and have been conditioned to consume thing asap and move on.
w h o r e
Name a digital storefront that lets you resell your digital products.
>refund process is obtuse as possible to discourage it
>nearly zero curation of what is being sold causing the platform to be filled with asset flipping games
>ready and willing to push paid mods but the backlash from when they first tried blew up in their face and they deflected all blame on to Bethesda
>no long term solution for offline mode, if steam is gone, your games are gone
Yeah, great service.
I know, right?
I just won't fucking buy it, retard. In fact, I'll be able to RESELL THE FUCKING GAME!
Absolutely fucking delusional
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>tfw will never get trips or quads
I'll still roll though
>refund process is obtuse as possible to discourage it
Under 2 weeks and under 2 hours. Exceptions made for faulty products. Seems pretty cut and dry.
Resell what? There's no game. Just a subscription fee. You're not paying for a game.
Except that for used copies to exist, they must first be bought new.
How so? They get their money when the purchaser of a new copy gets their copy. Buying a used video game, movie, or CD does not harm publishers because they received their money when the copy was bought new. Like piracy, used sales actually INCREASE new sales because people who can't afford a new copy or just want to try out the game might find that they love it and they'll be more inclined to buy games the developer makes brand new in the future.
Again, if you're afraid of used sales, your product isn't worth buying in the first place.
Post more farts user
Post more, so that I may masturbate.
>Activison says that they're not going to add microtransactions and P2W elements in Crash Team Racing
>The game gets released, gets glowing reviews
>Activison then throws in microtransactions and P2W mechanics at the last second
>Now the game is fucking ruined
>Now you can't resell the game or get a refund in any way
>This is somehow a good thing
god bless you, buttanon
>How so? They get their money when the purchaser of a new copy gets their copy.
And now significantly fewer new copies are being sold.
...What? What the fuck are you talking about?
In my opinion its a double edged sword.
>Small good indie devs get fucked
>Prices in games go even higher
>Chances of yet another fucking launcher to appear will increase
>The terrible subscription idea will get closer on becoming a more mainstream reality
Dont get me wrong i wouldnt mind getting rid some of my steam games for extra dosh but theres already enough ways you can get a game already.
>Sharing DRM free copies with your friends
>Steam family sharing
It doesnt feel much about consumer rights more about abusing loopholes.
I know what it is, and it's garbage. The frost two hours of a game are easily the most deceptive time of the game. I can return a video game to Wal-Mart for the full value, no questions asked.
what's the appeal of farts, bros
this is a low IQ motherfucking post lmao
"used games will increase future sales", why would they not just buy another used copy for the future game
This is gay, I bet you're a guy. A guy is getting other guys off? Bunch of faggots
new games won't be sold as licenses, they will be like netflix is what he is saying
you will pay for a subscription and won't own the game, completely bypassing this stupid law
Are you really unable to keep up with a simple conversation?
I'm about to move out of my apartment and I want this address to get banned forever, what should I do?
Started off as a meme but it has captured those with weak minds and taken control of their minds as well as dicks.
There's that twin sister milf doujin where they fuck after frenching in a park.
dynamic ips are a thing user
Only so many copies to go around, so prices will remain competitive for high demand games. Being able to buy used copies does not mean customers will be selling the same game they bought multiple times. They can only resell it once. Unless you want to wait a year you're going to have to pay a competitive price.
>nearly zero curation of what is being sold causing the platform to be filled with asset flipping games
thats true but at least theres the whole tag blacklisting function. pretty useful. Pop in some tags like
>battle royale
>visual novel
and you're free from most garbage
Butts are cool, but have you tried bellies?
The whole point of this law is to allow you to resell your digital games, right? If that's the case, and they do just end up using a Netflix-like service, then just don't buy that service. Companies will realize how unviable that is, and they'll start know...selling a quality product.
>They can only resell it once.
then someone else resells it
then someone else
after a even a few weeks no new copies will be sold
IPV6 makes dynamic IPs irrelevant. Most ISPs are switching over completely. Almost all of them are running hybrids for compatibility at the moment.
how naive
the masses don't care. they will gladly go for the subscription
"Voting with your wallet" does not work in the other direction. It is impossible to vote with your wallet by not buying something.
You're missing the part where legitimate copies still need to be sold in order to be resold. People don't instantly resell a game. They play it first if they like it. Many of them will keep it if it's good. Obviously profits will reduce. The point being made is that this effect will be less damaging to companies that actually produce good games worth keeping.
based and bellypilled
cringe and homosexualpilled
Not where I live.
She needs to turn around.
>Many of them will keep it if it's good.
why would you ever keep a singleplayer game you have beaten, if you want to replay it in the future you can just buy a cheaper used copy
Apparently corporate dick riding means you don't want to take advantage of businesses.
I want the gaming industry to collapse with no survivors.
Kuroeda is best fat elf.
How dirty do you think her ass is since she can't wipe it?
Belly and buttpilled
Convenience. I buy plenty of games I could pirate. I'm not the only one.
>less damaging to companies that actually produce good games worth keeping.
"less damaging" it will literally delete all future sale profits
it will turn most game devs into making bullshit quick games or games with heavy heavy p2w/lootbox/gachashit
everyone loses
She has a slave for that
What m' gonna get
>Yea Forums falls for the same trap that the minimum wage people did
The goal was to raise the minimum wage but instead they're getting fired and replaced by robots or illegals. They just wanted to increase their living standards a little bit, but failed to see the predictable market response and ended up homeless as a result. Likewise being able to resell digital media seems like a good way to make some money back, but it would just result in a much greater emphasis on subscriptions and microtransactions. This would make games more expensive to play while also decreasing the amount of money you could make by selling your used copies. Just like with minimum wage, the people who campaigned for it would end up worse off while the corporations would just adapt to a new paradigm and keep on keeping on.
That's not to say that there isn't anything than can be done to improve things for consumers or minimum wage workers, but there needs to be more thought put into the approach. It's like a game of chess in that your opponent will always respond to whatever move you make. If you put the opponent's king in check they're not just going to sit there and take it. They'll try their hardest to find a way around it and will try to turn the tables on you, which they will succeed at if you don't know what you're doing.
Good lad
Trips or quads pls
Sorry, I don't buy it. People like Steam because of how convenient it is. Nobody is going to trade that in for a less convenient Netflix-like service. People are inherently lazy. They're not going to put more work in to buy a game that's just going to spit in their faces anyway.
What manga are all these chubsters you keep posting from?
Asses too small
-t retard
Hey! This ain’t Yea Forums!
What’s going on here?!
You are dedicated tho.
Only losers and low IQ plebs buy digital video games
Then legislation would come down on those types of games too. If you want AAA publishers to stay in business then you can go fucking bankrupt supporting them. I stopped supporting them more than a decade ago.
>good lard
>fake braap posters actually starting to like braap
Stay away from my fetish, secondaries.
>Nuclear user explains it as clearly as possible
>Other anons still call him a shill
Absolute fucking no brain monkeys using this site. Do you not know what "NO INCENTIVE TO MAKE GAMES THAT PEOPLE MAKE A ONE TIME PURCHASE ON" means for the industry? For you as a consumer?
You wanted an answer. You got one. You don't have an argument now. Looks like you were wrong.
it's time
I understand self moderation but imagine a museum that hosts both masterpieces next to children's macaroni art. It doesn't look good for the museum.
Is it weird that I want to be dominated by a chubby girl?
I just want to gaze at a beautiful, thicc milf as she sits on her throne and crosses her legs. I want to kneel before her and kiss her hand and feet.
>Nobody is going to trade that in for a less convenient Netflix-like service.
if anything a netflix-like steam would actually be more convenient
give me 9 pls
that too
>you’ll never cuddle with a plump cutie
>you actually could if you went out to meet people but you have the confidence of diarrhea in a chilli eating contest
-t actual retard
dog is top 3 behind ogre mommy and dark elf
So according to you companies will just resort to even more egregious actions to avoid this legislation and you think that even more legislation won't happen to prevent that even worse shit? Think about what you're saying for a moment. If the point of the legislation is to give customers more control, why would you think the courts would permit actions that subvert their ruling?
i want over 20lbs of tits and ass
Why did you quote me?
I was just saying that you're probably just going to be selling used copies back to valve at the same price your purchased them for.
Aka infinite time refunds.
I haven't really posted much this thread, but I can start, if you'd like.
Lo and behold, you still have no argument. You were rightly put in your place and all you can do is repeat yourself like a broken doll. I've broken you like a doll.
>tfw ugly
>tfw fat
>tfw have eczema and psoriasis all over my skin, so I look fucking terrible naked
>tfw I am LITERALY unlovable
>play with her belly while she sits on your face
>play with her butt while you rest your head on her gurgly belly
It's truly the patrician's choice
but diarrhea-kun, why would you want 3D when you've got 2D?
>the market changes to become harder for game companies
>the good companies won't use underhanded tactics in response to a shift in the market
>they will end up going bankrupt as a result
>the bad companies will use every trick they can think of to squeeze more money out of people
>they will thrive
Good thinking user. With this we can make anons finally grow out of video games and become productive members of society.
If ANY incel tries to flirt with this hambeast troll, I hope you kill yourself
-t "retard"
lets go bois
I'm quite partial to the shortstack lizard myself
Again, you wont go bankrupt if you SELL A FUCKING GOOD PRODUCT, RETARD!
Give me big girls
where does she find clothes that big
huh? what the fuck are you talking about?
I thought week 1 sales were all that mattered. Just ask denuvo shills.
Make them unsellable for a few weeks.
Every post you make like this is just another victory lap for me. Keep sucking on your corporate dick. I'm sure one day they'll reward you with a good game. I'm sure if you pay them millions of dollars of your own money they won't naturally resort to predatory monetization.
Even without this legislation forcing their hands these publishers and developers are hell bent on going down the subscription model anyway. They'll do whatever it takes to ensure you never own your games. They'll do whatever it takes to ensure you don't have any rights. This is the only way they can stay in business. They're paupers with their hats out despite the video game industry being the most profitable entertainment industry in the entire fucking world.
Happens every day on Yea Forums. An ugly woman comes on to give a sob story and a bunch of incels flock to her and one faggot puts a ring on the ugly bitch
only because he draws her as an actual dog 90% of the time
Uhhh I'm not a chick, retard. I'm talking about why I'm alone and depressed.
>only some of the fatposts / assposts have been deleted
What's the point? Why not just destroy the whole thread?
how do you expect them to make money user?
only a handful of copies will get bought then they will get endlessly resold
jannies aren't finished fapping yet
>low quality males hooking up with low quality females
Only if you're a eugenicist
uh excuse you but we're discussing VIDEO GAMES here
jannies can't delete threads
I'm a fatfag, user. I was just wondering why there's inconsistency.
Post more.
>how do you expect them to make money user?
This is the best thread of the week.
There’s legit discussion on Steam and Elf-San posting too.
This perfectly shows what madness this site is.
Good luck finding someone willing to sell the game if there are only a handful of them sold. You don't understand supply and demand. If it's more than a handful then it looks like the developers made some money after all. If they over extended their budget and didn't get as much money as they expected then it turns out they're the ones that made the mistake.
Threads going so fast that it generates more ad traffic.
Quality was never a concern.
Don't fucking cross the line though. Every thread with cute chubsters always turns into people posting undulating blobs of lard and it kills my boner every time.
This is why, whenever I post B I G girls, I spoiler it.
physical good are not digital goods.
games have a certain amount of use, once that use is up they have no more potential fun for the majority of non autismos
once a normal player has finished his 8 hour campaign, he will resell the game.
then the next person finishes it and sell it as well.
its a huge loss of sales
Honestly, anyone who doesn't think the ass on the left should be mandatory on all girls is a fucking dicklet cunt.
Yeah that's nice and all, but what about Kuroeda twerking in your face?
I'm here just for big asses, didn't even realize it was a Yea Forums thread
either way, keep posting big asses if you please
The problem is that if all girls had butts like that it wouldn't be special and you'd demand even larger butts.
I have thought about this for a long time.
Are lamps a 6-20 hour linear narrative-driven experience with a definitive beginning and ending?
Flat butts aren't common in my city and you don't see anyone lusting after them.
>physical good are not digital goods.
Defend why they should be treated different in the context of consumer rights. Why should rights be taken away from a customer just because the owner of the IP can duplicate that product infinitely?
>Good luck finding someone willing to sell the game if there are only a handful of them sold.
>willing to sell
have you not seen the cards on steam? it will be the same. the price will plummet and copies will be sold for dirt cheap in the thousands
>tfw no fat girl (boy) to sit on my face with her (his) fat stinky butt
New batch of jannies, I'm sure you can imagine what type of person applies for that.
This is such a weak fucking excuse, jesus christ.
If people feel the need to resell your game because it only gives them eight hours worth of entertainment, then that game is most likely trash. Something like The Last of Us should not be able to succeed in the free market, I'm sorry.
B I G girls, huh?
Where did I say anything about wanting smaller butts?
Yes you will, especially if you have any sort of a niche product. If you think business is simply about making good products I suggest you take an entry level course in economics to learn about such advanced concepts as costs, profits, demand and competition. Digital products don't experience wear and tear, so the used products are identical in quality to the new products. This means that the used products will directly compete against the new products, which lowers their price according to supply and demand. This leads to lower profits for the same quality compared to a situation where used digital games can't be resold. Not necessarily a big deal for some major AAA studios, but smaller actors with lower profit margins would take a big hit that could easily push them to bankruptcy.
Those cards are initially given when you play a game; not sold. If they were initially sold the marketplace would look very different.
It's also a false equivalence considering there is no inherent fucking value to the meaningless cards. They serve no actual purpose and provide no actual entertainment. Video games are not the same as the cards. Obviously.
FUCK consumer rights
consumers are sheep and deserved to be slaughtered
>wanting every game to become a boring aimless sandbox with endless randomly generated missions and tower climbing so people can "get their money's worth"
>99.9% of games shouldn't exist because user said so
by your rules only shit like lol or csgo/gachashit would exist
jannies need more braps until they are satisfied
Its not the consumer's fault that buying it second hand is better for them. The dev should make their game be repayable, last longer, or have some reason you'd want to buy it right away.
That's the way to go.
So be it. They've been operating their businesses in a protected bubble this entire time that prevented customers from being able to own the games they've purchased. You don't see me paying them with phoney money they can't actually use in the way they want to use it. My money is real and now they own it. I should own the game if I bought it whether it's made of plastic or 1s and 0s.
you could just make
a good video game
such a strange foreign concept, I know
making a game that isn't a pretentious walking simulator
making a game that's actually FUN and has longevity
I know, it turns
But you'll get over it
trust me
No trust me, people would be satisfied. Wars would literally stop. I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing girls with no fucking ass. And if I call this out, I get called a nigger. Sick of it.
Based. Also, my dick demands more.
I'll do you one better. More games will be designed like xenoblade where content is locked behind RNG crates. Fetch quests galore, with even the combat being ridiculously slow (it takes 2-5 minutes to kill enemies who are levels below you jesus). Even completing quests requires you to grind off mobs for a very low chance of getting a quest item, and to train your skills requires you to complete objectives that takes dozens of hours.
The people who keep complaining about the length of a game want this in their games. Filler quests like dragon age inquisition.
the cards have value because of the badges and packs you can make from them
it doesn't matter what the supply for the cards is or isn't
the fact is people will flood the market with them, every day the price will lower slightly since people will undercut the lowest seller for a quicksale
eventually the price will be sub 1 dollar and thousands of them will be up for sale
>get to resell shit games and get mad cash
fucking nice.
so poe? lol? csgo? br's?
what would be a "good" game for you that isn't over in 8 hours
You can't resell the game if it has a subscription model user
>Fuck, I can't topple his argument. What should I do?
>I know! I'll take the hyperbolic worst case scenario approach to this argument! Yeah, that'll make him look bad!
so huge amounts of dlc and account bound purchasable items?
Irrelevant prattling from a corporate boot licker. I'm aware of what will happen. People will be able to purchase games for cheaper. Exactly why the fuck would you, a mother fucking customer, want prices for video games to be higher? There's nothing stopping YOU from buying a game full price. Why should other people being able to buy it cheaper matter to you? That already happens in different regions. Where's your fucking outrage over Russians being able to buy games for relatively no money just because their economy is in shambles?
>so poe? lol? csgo? br's?
Sure! Those are perfectly fine games! The lootbox shit can go die, but that's still pretty inoffensive compared to literal pretentious walking simulators that are essentially non-games.
And the best part is that if I'm not happy with CSGO or BR games I can just...*gasp*...RESELL THEM!
easy fix to this
make game licenses free
add account bound purchasable dlc that basically unlocks the game
problem solved
>get mad cash
Fat chance. You and everyone else bought them at a fraction of the price during steam sales. The market will be flooded with cheap wares.
That didn't look like an argument user. Are you autistic?
i was outraged over that, regional pricing is fucking cancer
good thing they started locking that shit down lately
i don't want my fucking hobby to die because some neet wants to save a few cents
>Sure! Those are perfectly fine games!
Is this faggot ever going to draw porn? All I ever see is scans from the feeder comic he draws or whatever, are there any good doujins with a similar artstyle?
At least they're actual video games, unlike TLOU or Firewatch, faggot.
firewatch was pretty good though
Your hobby isn't going to die you slippery slope moron. Developers will just need to focus on making better products rather than exploiting bait & switch tactics. Good games will always find a way to stand out. People will support companies that make games they like. None of that is going to change. Budgets will just need to be more realistic. There wouldn't be any more multi-million dollar investments and over half a decade long development times anymore. I'm perfectly fine with that trite garbage disappearing. Apparently that's the only kind of shit you play which is why you think this would ruin the industry.
And this, right here, is how I know there are shill among us, Yea Forums.
>don't give a shit about Steam overall from its start
>sister ends up giving me a Steam card for my birthday because she knows I go on there but doesn't know it's only for social shit
>decide to just buy a Star Wars bundle that's up with the whole card and give away the pieces
>all individual games are just automatically added to my library
>can't undo, can't refund because refunds don't even exist until a month later fuck me
>now this
I'm gonna giveaway the FUCK out of these Star Wars games.
wait what if I sell them... ok wait a minute...
>shilling for a years old game
dumb ass
He originally was a porn artist you bluepilled fag
You are bitching about a PlayStation exclusive in a situation that only affects PC.
you are so fucking delusional
but this will literally encourage more bait and switch to increase initial sales and save time to make a new bait and switch game
any other game will get absolutely filled full of dlc and gacha style shit
normies fucking love the aaa movie games too
Let me guess, it's the same bitch making his rants still? No one agrees with you faggot.
none, but you buy it from a user, rather than the store.
Bout as big as OP
Your entire point of view boils down to you not understanding the difference between physical and digital marketplaces. They don't operate in the same way because there's a massive difference between physical objects and strings of numbers. To apply the same logic in those two situations is as ridiculous as trying to make a man pregnant.
The end result of your viewpoint is the industry coming up with different ways to make money, such as subscriptions and lootboxes. Meanwhile the developers who don't want to or can't use those methods due to the nature of their game will end up going bankrupt. Many good games will stop being made and the ones that will still be made will be less fun to play. All this because you insist on treating digital products like physical products. You're willing to ruin your own hobby over a dumb misconception that you stubbornly refuse to address.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
Big surprise you've abandoned the discussion because you've acknowledged I'm right and you no longer have a fucking argument. It's always the same with you imbeciles. You start shit with your ignorant ideas and then run away the moment someone actually steps up to your bullshit.
Games will just be sold on a subscription model
It's a "fitness" manga. Though of course all the girls lack self-control. Ironic to stoke a fetish for bad eating habits under the guise of showing how to fix it..
Wow what a braindead opinion. Get a life LARPer
you forgot
>games are resoled at an 80% markdown on the community market
its the same as this these neet fucks want to save a few cents but are pricing themselves out of games
At the very least he seems to be making the same arguments.
>We are literally about to enter a world where bad video games are going to die and consumers will finally have a louder voice
>dude just make good games people will buy them :)
the PS4 has sold 100 million units
bloodborne sold 3 million copies
FIFA 18 sold 13 million copies
How the fuck is she able to see with all of that hair stuffed into her helmet?
I am developing my own game and I plan on not releasing it on PC if this goes through lol. It won't kill the indie scene, people just won't put their games on PC anymore
And now everyone will be able to sell their FIFA copies
Keep it up, please.
The alternative is to continue allowing companies to pursue subscriptions and lootboxes anyway. You act like squashing this legislation is going to stop the inevitable. That was always going to happen. You're acting like many good games are currently being made and the games that currently exist are fun to play. This is erroneous. Unchecked greed has already demolished the hobby you claim to be protecting. People should own what they buy. If that means companies that prevent people from owning what they buy go out of business then so be it. They never deserved to exist in the first place. It was only this anti-consumer environment that allowed them to spawn in the first place. Fuck them.
not that user but arguing with someone who is braindead as you is just tiresome
ah yes, AAA gaming the pinnacle of quality games
>Good games will always find a way to stand out
Yeah if they're massive titles. Say goodbye to cult classics with small dedicated fanbases and indie games with niche audiences. You promote an environment where only the big corporations can thrive in while simultaneously complaining about them. You are the definition of a useful idiot.
That's already going to happen and already happening no matter what. This is not an argument to continue taking rights away from customers. Giving rights to customers isn't going to make this prophecy a reality. It's already a reality. Preventing customers from having rights isn't going to stop this shit from happening.
>resell the game license
>oops you don't have a license for the game
what now pinhead?
You don't have an argument either. Smart people with legitimate opinions don't find it tiresome to express them. You're discouraged from expressing your opinion because you know I'm going to stomp the fuck all over it because you didn't put any thought into it.
Not him but imagine being dumb enough to argue with braindead people. Hope you hang yourself user
Give doggirl pls
>We are literally about to enter a world where bad video games are going to die and consumers will finally have a louder voice
only "bad" games will get funding
Big corporations are the ones that are going to be most affected by this. Smaller companies that invest far less into creating titles are not going to be hit as hard by this since they've risked much less to create their game. Why you would think otherwise is astonishingly short sighted.
It will just make it where more people do it user.
>just don't buy games
>Smart people with legitimate opinions don't find it tiresome to express them
Bullshit repeating yourself endlessly for retards on the internet gets old no matter who you are
giving peasants AKA consumers rights and access to information is probably the worst thing that has happened to the planet
Which is already going to happen. Don't ignore what I just told you. You need to come up with a legitimate argument to continue this discussion. You need to convince me that preventing people from owning the things they purchase is good for customers.
>all games are under a subscription
now what pinhead?
You haven't even stated your opinion once and yet you claim that you're already tired. You could bend that spoon with your mind, you just won't do it on camera. I'm not fucking fooled, moron. Your opinion does not have some imaginary magic weight that is so astoundingly correct that you don't believe anyone is deserving to hear it. You have a shitty opinion you put no thought into and that's why you're ashamed to bring it into the light.
way too big
customers are happy when they are getting stepped on and scammed
see fifa numbers
Are you stupid? You do realize you haven't convinced me of your point, I could care less about trying to convince you. Especially when you keep replying to people saying "that's not an argument".
I can't even imagine being this gay.
Go home Ireland
memes and dreams
Then this legislation would change nothing and you have no reason to oppose it.
>just make good games
Meanwhile NBA 2k
I don't think this hurts indie sales as much as the video makes it out to be. At least, not after an initial dip.
Most games that will be sold will be from a year or more ago, those developers already made their money, they will see less trickle-in but I guess they'll have to live without those 80%-off-sale royalties.
The fact is that someone will still have to buy a game from Steam if it is wanted. Early sales are pretty much never going to happen anymore, and if this takes place at a time when a developer's game is fresh, it's going to be a bad time for them.
In the long run this would serve everyone better.
Wake me up when it happens in a real country.
Then you just don't buy any games, and when developers realize that this isn't working then they'll make good video games.
Just don't buy crap. It's that fucking simple. Stop being a compulsive little faggot that NEEDS to buy every AAA game at launch, and the industry will be better.
We already discussed this talking point. This argument has been going in circles. You can't vote nay with your wallet.
>they'll make good video games
or just not make any at all
People are replying to me as if they are disagreeing with what I'm saying but they're unable to explain why they do with rational thought or logical reasoning. This reinforces that I am correct, which is expressly the opposite of what people are trying to supposedly accomplish.
You're admitting that you've given up on the discussion because you do not have a legitimate argument. I know that you don't have a legitimate argument. You've made that very clear with every post you make. Rubbing your fucking nose into it is one of my favorite things. Keep sucking on that corporate dick.
>You're acting like many good games are currently being made and the games that currently exist are fun to play. This is erroneous.
Kek, this is peak Yea Forums right here. You don't even enjoy playing video games anymore but you spend time on a video game image board advocating for things that would make things worse for those that do. Hastening the adoption of predatory monetization isn't going to make things any better for anyone, except maybe for the corporations. I think you're really just a poorfag who has grown tired of vidya and who wants to try to recoup some of his losses before moving on while leaving everyone else to suffer the consequences. Ridiculous.
If the law passes it makes it easier to pass it around to the rest of Europe, even if you don't like Europe, that's still where a lot of sales come from which will impact industry regardless of how you view the EU
Why wouldn't they? There's lots of money to be made from making a good video game!
>with rational thought or logical reasoning. This reinforces that I am correct
Stopped there, are you stupid?
Are you actually retarded? Seek help.
I've been telling people to just not buy Steam games for about a decade now.
You're not going to sway anyone here user, they're long indoctrinated.
gf time
rolling rn
>There's lots of money to be made from making a good video game!
>Hastening the adoption of predatory monetization
This would not hasten anything. It's already going to happen. No legislation is going to affect this. Publishers are bending over backwards trying to make the subscription model / online only / streaming service monetization a reality.
Your false idea is that those are the only kind of games that would exist if this legislation were passed and enforced worldwide. This is wrong. There will still be plenty of games that are made in exactly the same way they always have and customers will still appreciate them just as much.
It's almost like you made up your mind on the topic before entering the thread and you treat discussions as a shouting match to wear out your opponent by saying the same illogical things louder and louder instead of actually listening to what the other person is saying to you.
This is why I don't argue with people on Yea Forums, this thread reeks of the dunning kruger effect. These are the people who keep thinking that they're intelligent on Yea Forums and who always talk condescending to others. Just look at these arguments everyone is making, and they even double down on their stupidity. Bye idiots
Where is your argument to the contrary? Still absent? Well then it looks like despite your best efforts you can't even stand on the same footing as me. Why should I humor the idea that you know what the fuck you're talking about when you cowardly decide to not state what you think?
if there is no physical copy to degrade, then why would a digital storefront allow a game to be "resold"? You could say that the person who "owns" the game isn't using it, and wants to get some value out of it. but, that gets into a few problems.
First, the purpose of a game is to play and experience it. if you didn't like it, that isn't really the retailer's fault. You didn't necessarily pay to have fun. you paid for a game. you got the game, you had the experience, therefore you "consumed" the product. you don't vomit up sandwiches and take them back to the restaurant. If you experienced the game, then you got your value out of it. there is no reason for the retailer to allow you to give that same experience to another person, without them getting something. They are essentially putting every game on sale, all the time. Except, when games are on sale, you are paying THEM, not another user.
Secondly, what is stopping someone from buying a game, copying it, and then "reselling" it? you can't copy a Ferrari, and sell the copy, but you could do that with a game. Unless Valve is going to install blockchain in every game on the store, they would have no way to track individual sales of each game. Why the fuck would they PAY people to be pirates?
and if you could somehow tell if someone is only selling a game that they have never played (We all have a shitload of Steam games we bought on sale, and never played) Valve could just refund you the money and take back the license.
That's pretty little, alright
Yes, I did make up my mind before entering the thread. I am a consumer, so of course I want to advocate for pro-consumer laws. Fucking moron.
Where'd the fatposters go? Here I was, dick in hand, and the posts stop.
I found a gem while looking through the big ass tag.
That one doujin was amazing.
Errybody gettin' band out here
lay it on me
>millions of normies will stop buying games
dumb ass desu
what is there to understand? He is getting paid more. Obviously. do you not know what money is?
and he can still draw porn. its not like pro mangaka don't still put out porn doujins
How is selling your digital game any more harmful or a loss than selling a physical game you bought?
>you don't vomit up sandwiches and take them back to the restaurant
If I could theoretically vomit up the sandwich in a state where the sandwich could still be legally and ethically resold to another customer why should this action be prevented? This is a terrible analogy. Video games don't burst into flames when you see the credits screen. Sandwiches however are consumed. Literally.
I will never understand stink fetishists
The only restriction that I can think of is that you can't resell gifts/games obtained via code and you need to at least have bought one game from the store.
Haven't gone anywhere, just reading the thread.
I need to fuck a thicc elf.
Well, get to posting, user. I need this.
Based cringe how unstable
your not a consumer, your a good goy
ease of sale between consumers
no transport costs etc
why do you even continue living user? it's all so fucking pointless
This is unbelievable. Smaller companies invest less into creating titles, but they also make less money with those titles. If you spend 10k and make 15k that's a 50% profit margin. If you spend 1m and make 2m that's a 100% profit margin. If a new policy results in an x% decrease in sales the big corporation will lose more money in absolute terms but they can also afford it because their sales are larger to beging with. Percentage wise the small studios will be the ones who get hurt and are pushed closer to bankruptcy. And this is ignoring the fact that they don't have the same resources, infrastructure and connections to introduce other forms of monetization like lootboxes into their games as the big corporations do. What you're suggesting absolutely benefits large corporations at the cost of smaller ones. There's a reason why indie developers didn't even exist before digital marketplaces became a thing.
Music to my ears. Every time I put forth some points and render you morons into a buzzword regurgitating broken record sequence it just displays to me that I was always correct. I gave all of you ample opportunity to disagree with me and put forth legitimate arguments, but you failed in such a profound way all you can do now is revert to a toddler's level of coping with things they don't like.
fuck consumers
fuck neets
fuck russians
consumers are dogs and are ruining this planet
Is this the containment board for the low IQ debates?
Thighs and ass are the GOAT, so keep that up.
Yes and fat posting
not to mention indie devs can't pad the game out or add online multiplayer most of the time, so the resale of games will just slaughter them since everyone will finish it much quicker
Look at this idiot get baited
Only butts should be allowed in here
I fucking love Kuroeda
You're absolutely misrepresenting the profit margins for indie games and AAA titles in order to support your bullshit point. You're failing to acknowledge that different games will be treated differently in this new environment we're discussing. People make value judgements based on a lot of factors and price is one of the largest ones. AAA titles are almost all $60 or more at launch which makes the market for buying those games used extremely valuable. But indie games are much more affordable at launch so the necessity to seek them out used is much less of a motivating factor. Many people support smaller developers much more than AAA publishers specifically for reasons like this.
Preferably Kuro and the Alraune girl
Patting myself on the back isn't getting baited. It's my uncontrollable ego congratulating itself. I'll always take every opportunity to suck my own dick; especially if it makes literal retards feel appropriately retarded for attempting to behave beyond their station.
pudgy belly elf > huge butt elf
anything but 1
majority of this fat stuff is way too fat tbqh
sue me but i prefer just regular thicc
>japanese shadman
>Many people support smaller developers much more than AAA publishers specifically for reasons like this.
consumers are the biggest jews on the planet, if they could kill you to save 1 cent they would
they will always check the used sales for every and any game.
If not trips, let me at least get dragon or dog
You're talking about introducing practices that would reduce profits for traditional game purchases. How on earth would this not increase the adoption of alternative monetization methods? You think developers and publishers would just let their profits decrease without trying to do anything about it? As far as other kinds of games still existing after this kind of a change, you're thinking in absolutes. Of course they would still exist, but they would be a smaller proportion of all games, which is a clear change for the worse.
Also, if you're so confident that games as a service is going to become more of a thing, why do you care about this issue at all? Once that happens selling used games will be completely meaningless anyway. You're really just looking to make a couple hundred bucks selling your Steam library before giving up the hobby aren't you?
The fact that pirates still buy games proves that this effect you describe is not nearly as pervasive and damaging as you claim.
>hating based raita
not based
is this real thicc?
Fish is fine too
thats fine. post more.
you're unintelligent man.
Is it just me, or have anons been thirstier recently? I've had to buttpost practically every other day to satisfy the amount of lewd threads.
okay, so pure art like Hollow Knight will likely survive. but what about B tier games, or C tier games. Newbie devs put out the best product they can, but sometimes they don't have the skill, and the game is mediocre. if it sells, they can keep their bills paid while working on the next, better game.
Lets say C-Tear: Mask of Mediocrity comes out. it sells 10,000 copies over a year. that's not great, but it could be enough to keep the devs fed. Now, lets say gamers get to sell their game. C-Tear still sells 15,000, but half of those are resells. The game seems to do better, but the devs literally get less money. the studio breaks up and everyone goes to work for AAA studios. B-Tear: the Awakening never gets made. A-Tear: Advent of Awesomeness is now just a dream.
Sure, some gamers got to give the middle finger to corporations. But corporations will eat that middle finger and survive. little companies will starve
>The fact that pirates still buy games
pirates only buy games that have online multiplayer shit that requires a legitimate copy
>How on earth would this not increase the adoption of alternative monetization methods?
You're not reading what I said. Those monetization methods are already coming. Their adoption is a matter of fact. Inevitable.
>Also, if you're so confident that games as a service is going to become more of a thing, why do you care about this issue at all?
I don't consider it an issue. Nothing has actually changed.
I wish I had more of that kind of images, sorry user.
Wasn't that /d/?
>only butts
I see one good old big belly there.
That's alright laddie.
Post M O A R
Also, is it just me or these threads feel like a group of guys are trading/showing off pogs while there's a croud getting into some sort of fight?
You're wrong. Many of my favorite games I own I pirated first, and they're all single player & offline. I support developers that make games I enjoy. I pirate because I don't like risking my money on an unknown. I'm not adverse to giving people fair compensation. I'm not alone, but even if I were even one person existing with this behavior proves you're wrong.
i've definately been hornier as of late, buttanon. dunno why though.
I've noticed a very considerable amount of fat asses on Yea Forums these last few days, and I'm loving it
>Giantess requires quads
>all the thicc pictures are nsfw
well fug
>You're wrong.
no i am right, you are just the minority exception
A belly is fine too.
I never make 'em, either. I just post in them.
Well, as long as anons like you keep loving it, I'll keep posting.
Big numbers for big women
I haven't misrepresented anything. Those numbers are examples illustrating the difference in scale between indies and AAA and how absolute and proportional profits are different because you seemed to struggle with the concept. You're talking about used copies being a big deal but forgetting that big developers have always had to deal with that on the physical market. They not only survived but thrived in that environment for literal decades, unlike smaller businesses. Used digital copies is the same thing on steroids and if it was going to impact even the larger entities negatively, what do you think would happen to the smaller ones?
Then you should prefix your shitty opinion with most, many, some, etc. Some sort of descriptive amount that allows for an undisclosed amount of people to exist outside of your absolute statement, you fucking retard. You said pirates only do X. I'm a pirate and I don't do X. So you're fucking wrong. Learn how to express yourself correctly so that I don't need to step in like an English teacher and put red marker all over your shitposts.
Oddly enough, it's fairly rare
the law is the law. it will crack down on anyone who falls under its purview. that is the best thing about laws, and the worst thing. unless they are written very precisely, or the judge gives a narrow ruling, they can fuck up things way beyond anyone's intentions.
Look at laws meant to curb "child sex trafficking". any place that might possibly be a forum for trafficking kids will shut down, whether or not trafficking is going on. So, places like Backpage, where sex workers advertise and hash out deals with clients gets shut down. Fuck those whores, amirite? except, now the actual crimes are driven underground, where it is harder for cops to find. Sex workers (who are going to do sex work, anyway) lives are less safe, and CP is harder for the FBI to sniff out. Good Job, Congress.
Its great, i'm trying my hardest not to pop while browsing.
no one cares about minorities
I like replaying old games. I usually play a game twice, actually. if it is a really good game, I will play it just for the comfy feeling
>what do you think would happen to the smaller ones?
Roughly the same percentage of them that succeed in a meaningful way now would succeed in a meaningful way in this new environment. They already succeed via word of mouth. The amount of money they're investing would be identical. AAA games would be investing less which would close the gap in fidelity between the two categories which would make indie games appear relatively less low budget. More efficient tools and techniques are being developed constantly that make the creation of smaller titles easier and cheaper than ever.
You are truly misrepresenting how indie devs and AAA devs operate. The gatekeeping factor of indie games was the existence of the digital marketplace; not the profitability the marketplace afforded. The exposure is what allows them to succeed because they don't have the money to market. That's where AAA budgets go.
>You're not reading what I said
I am. You said it would not hasten anything and I explained to you why it would. I agree that those things are already on the way, but there's a difference between them being present in 90% of titles by 2020 or by 2030. One scenario is much faster, meaning the phenomenon was hastened.
>I don't consider it an issue
And yet you mentioned that unchecked greed had already destroyed the hobby. This is on a whole another level.
Why not just let it happen?
I want you to tell me to do it.
Pump pump, huh?
eh... your argument sounds suspiciously like corporate feudalism. Like, we should be grateful for the privilege of eating shit, and shouldn't want anything more for fear that our shit will be taken away. There is Conservatism, and then there is just fucking retardation.
A person wanting to be pair fairly for their labor is completely different from a person wanting to be paid for having bought too much entertainment.
Aw shit, I was going to post that lmao
I need more images like that.
I don't consider the legislation to be an issue. Unchecked greed is an issue and it's why this legislation is being put forth in the first place. Unchecked greed is what is driving all of the business practices you claim to have a problem with.
I don't know why you think opposing this legislation would make things worse for you when you already acknowledge that the industry is going to subvert it and go around it. The problem you have is that you're ultimately short-sighted. You're not considering that if companies do even worse to evade this legislation that even stricter legislation will follow shortly after. The pattern is that customers are sick and tired of being treated like paypigs, and publishers that continue exploiting people are going to be forced into a corner. The question is how many companies are going to go belly up before they realize that the only viable way to make a REASONABLE profit is to focus on making a good product instead of investigating more devious methods to extort customers.