Queen Yea Forums Tournament - Finals! Continued

I'm terribly sorry i was at work at the time this was archived and i couldn't get it back up please continue your votes and discussions

Semifinals Results: forms.gle/VhshTv7pUxCUra2H8

The Finals Poll: forms.gle/tmXUY2TzYDD32zRA6

Ill extend the deadline by a Hour cause i didnt know how long this was down

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Other urls found in this thread:


Let's fucking go

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531 replies last thread, let's keep it goin'

Samus Chads where the FUCK you at

reply to this post if you have voted for Fio

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I am in awe that we actually made it this far, let see if we can take the top.

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>big chungus


I didn't

Right here fampai


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Why yes I am a man of good taste

Reporting for duty.

Maya I ask you to give her your support still?

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We can win this!

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Who was the biggest lost your humble opinion.

Honestly I was kinda hoping she would at least make Top 4 but Top 8 is still good.

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That's Eri, you traitor. Should've been her

I'm voting for the cute mute

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>tfw eri is your favorite but fio gets all the attention
it hurts just a little

I'm no traitor. It just happens that I like Eri more.
There is always next year, Eribros.

Though I won't feel bad if Fio wins. She's definitely the underdog vote her and I respect that.

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A fellow man of taste

I totally missed this entire thing and I was surprised when I saw her actually making it so far

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Hey Brackets where are at?

just pretend eri is cheering for her friend

are at here my son

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SNK girls are best girls

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Get ready Samus, it's time to FIO the pain!

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Don't summon him.

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Yeah, the acfag is boring. Give us the barneyfag if must summon someone to shit up the thread.

I want to see a glasses girl win something for once

Eh, I'd go for XVkun. His sperg outs are still funny sometimes.

she cute but whip is my favorite snk girl

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How many votes are we at so far, Bracket user?


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How is fio actually placing this high?
I'm legitimately confused, because I didn't even hear of her until a few weeks ago, when people were meming her and the other metal slug characters as the snk rep in smash bros.
She's cute and I like her, but I just didnt think metal slug was that popular on Yea Forums.

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Metal Slug will live forever because people will never stop jerking off at the pixel art
Fio is super popular with metal slug fans so its no surprise

I just can't believe she beat fucking midna. I thought for sure midna was gonna clean sweep this entire tournament.

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>because I didn't even hear of her until a few weeks ago
only her or all of metal slug? if it's the latter then I'm genuinely surprised you've never heard of MS before

>Fio in the finals
I can't fucking believe it

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you can still make her get the bronze

based best bird.


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>Fio still active
Wow, I guess some of you faggots are alright

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Nah, I've played metal slug before. I kinda remembered marco. But fio I did not remember at all.
I like how much of an underdog she is, but in the end metroid is my favorite series of all time so I'm voting for samus.

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Midna is so fucking emblematic that I bet Midnafags didn't even try. If I were them, I wouldn't have either. She's so good she gets to semifinals level with no effort.
In the end, they got too cocky. I expected a Samus vs Midna in the finals too so idk, shit happened.

Shame about my girl Maya tho. She was so close.

oh okay, I voted for fio but samus is also a good girl
now who did you vote for the 3rd place?

Haven't been keeping up with any of this shit, but I'm astonished so many people have been voting for Fio. I'm proud of you all.

Fio and Eri show up in metal slug 2 and onwards

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You're right. I didnt try. Though that was because I had forgotten about this tournament.

oh well, we've got a general idea of Yea Forums's top gals
and you know, they're pretty expected.

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Yeah I remembered marco, and the announcer saying which guns you picked up. And I remember some of the sprites, like the guys you rescue in their boxers.
It's been years since I played metal slug, but I had the collection pack on the Wii

Ace attorney is in my top 5 favorite series of all time, but midna holds a special place in my heart for being one of the earliest vidya girls I had a crush on and fapped to when I was going through puberty. Zone's flash with her just drove the feelings in deeper.

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I actually marathoned the series because of the SNK leak memes. Metal Slug is the shit, 3 is one of the best games I've ever played, and Fio was who I gravitated towards in every game she was available in until the ones where they added Ikari Warriors team, and even then she was still a solid secondary after Ralf.

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Do people really like glasses that much?
Glasses on a guy look awful. I hate my glasses. I don't really like them on girls either.

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>Do people really like glasses that much?

Fio's outfit is more interesting, the glasses just evoke a certain set of character traits. You actually can't even see her glasses in her in-game sprites. The hat and short ponytail that spreads out like it does are cute in tandem, as is the sleeveless jacket with the popped collar.

Home stretch friends you dont have long left

Keep Voting support your side lest you let them fall

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How many hours left chief?

It's Fio's time to shine!

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1 hour

It just makes the most sense Samus wins. Fio is too obscure to represent Queen Yea Forums

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Good taste you mean. I love Metroid games, but Samus has been turned into a bimbo. If she was the tall amazon muscle girl then sure, but as she is represented now (after being popular through Smash) she's garbage tier

how is metal slug obscure, any faggot that cares about vidya has heard of metal slug

I'm talking about her character compared to Samus. Let's compare how much rule 34 they have. Fio has 96 and Samus as 7835.
Me too. I don't like bimbo Samus and I like when she's drawn as a 6ft3 muscular goddess, but I still think her winning is the most logical

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i'mma bust a nut to whoever wins

Go Fio (and SNK)!

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My dick is hard and ready as well

Based. I too plan to nut to the winner to christen their victory

Poll is closeing soon my friends last minute votes must be done now

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Grats on being neutral as fuck, Randy.

If I were you I would have told the losing side to get their shit together in that post, but I guess that's why I don't even think of organizing this kind of stuff.

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bruh i'm chill as fuck hang with me more

I'm officially closing the polls as of now hold onto your dicks lads

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Lets see here what does it say....

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I'm ready

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>Fighting for the title of Queen of Yea Forums when Yea Forums already has an Emperor
lmao literally fighting for second place.

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The suspense is killing me.

It's time

3rd - Midna

4th - Maya Fey

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I expected it

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Fuck. Welp I'm still proud of her

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the final verdict will make one side sad but remember bros it is about the journey it was about the queens we made along the way...


forgot the picture....

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>Midna got 3rd

the fact that she/s even in at all is just proof that the majority has garbage taste.



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Stop stalling fuckface.
also thank you for setting this up.

user you're fucking killing me here Aaaaaaa


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it's fio
I can feel it

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it'd be pretty funny if the organizer got a public ban right about now.

>implying the mods would do fun stuff like that

OP is masturnating
I can feel it

this let’s get to the real fight

I was hoping for Midna myself but i'm glad she got this far. Maya too, she's a good girl.


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Hold me bros

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What an absolute cocksucker.
i'll check the results later, then.


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>OP leaving us to wait on purpose

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your queen of Yea Forums This Year is Samus Aran

The Poll Result: forms.gle/HURLe3LnWVRPhoRg9

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He's gonna post it at 00:00 isn't he



>zero suit instead of varia

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I love our queen Samus!


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I'm fapping to Fio anyways. See you later, fags

Predictable and vanilla but not a bad outcome at all. Thanks for hosting Bracket user.

Im sorry Fio Bros you fought Extremely well

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Holy shit I laughed too hard at this.
but more importantly:
GOOD TASTE, Yea Forums!

What time is the king of Yea Forums stuff gonna start

>Maya lost for 1%


Yeah this was pretty obvious.

can you give Fio a silver medal or something

Samus is a fine choice, but keep the suit on.

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Samusbros were pretty silent, just like their waifu. Congrats though, this isn't even a bad outcome

sorry mate i didn't wanna put a Crown on her power armor and i was trying to do this fast while making it look nice

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Literally who?

Literally 9 people.

Well done Yea Forums.
Samus wasn't my first choice, but it sure was my pick in the finals.

And well fought Fiobros, you have my respect, and your waifu has my nut thanks to the pictures you posted.

And lastly, thank you for seeing this through, Bracket user.
Let's try to keep this same quality throughout King Yea Forums and future Queen Yea Forums tournaments.

Godspeed, you glorious Gamerbrains.

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give it up for /ourgirl/ Yea Forums

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Was there a doubt?

Can we do this again next year?
This was fun.

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how were the initial entrants decided?

God why

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Honestly there it was close for awhile till around 9PM EST

Yea Forums here, good job on remaining organized and civil.

>you have my respect and your waifu has my nut
pure poetry.

A nomination thread about a little over a week ago. The first 128 for each king and queen were the ones who got in.

Going against one of the most popular milfs in Vidya history, I'd say Fio has earned much respect to even make it this far.

We are doing a best video game character bracket next, then in December we’ll do a best game of the decade contest

organized and civil? Did the ms co stuff go awry?


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Yep. Was a fucking shitshow yesterday. Luckily, the Mr. Yea Forums organizer picked up and got everything back in order

Shit got so bad that the tournament got kinda cancelled.

When is King Yea Forums?

Just promise you'll NOT regret the poll just like you did in Yea Forums

fuck off you're not brackets, get lost nigger
tomorrow's king Yea Forums right?

Cause, I want to nominate Robotnik

Reminder to play some Metal Slug games if you're unfamiliar with Fio. They're really fantastic games (except maybe 4), and she's in all of them except the very first.

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>Samus didn't get any recognition by Nintendo for the 30 year anniversary of Metroid
>Samus was stuck for a literal decade with a horrible game as "the latest title in the series"
>Federation Force was gut punch and an insult to the fanbase
>Return of Samus sold poorly and was a little bland due to the nature of the original game that it was remaking

>But Samus still managed to be the queen of Yea Forums

Outside of being top tier in Smash this is literally the most recognition she's gotten in a while.

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Shit I forgot qualifiers for king Yea Forums already took place, right?

This. Also I suggest playing with a friend, it's more fun

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>tomorrow's king Yea Forums right?
For the sake of Brackets, I think we should chill tomorrow, have like a celebratory thread so he can get some rest.

I'm gonna need a day to make the bracket up all nice so best possible timing would be at least this Tuesday normal time 12pm EST

Sounds good to me.

yes they did

There you go

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ah, the first place loser medal has finally been awarded.

I'm about to bust one fat nut to our queen. I thought you would like to know that

Blessed image.

now kiss

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Yeah, that makes sense

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>Fio 2nd
>Maya 4th
Eh, I shouldn't be too upset, they got a lot farther than I expected either of them to go.

This poll is so fucking rigged

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I believe in our Macho Man Brackets

>Bust a fat one to Fio
>Best cum in years, not even kidding or exaggerating
>Go take a shower while still covered in bodily fluids
>Decide to go naked to the bathroom since it's 1 AM and house is silent as fuck
>Do my best Snake impression while trying to remain undetected
>Naked Snake, ha
>Arrive to my destination, lights are on
>Think nothing of it
>Open the door
>Imouto is there, doing her nails, and sees me at the lowest of the low
>Throw myself to the floor to get out of sight ASAP
>Yell that I just wanted to take a shower
>Parents wake up, ask what's wrong
>Get the towel that I should have wore from the beggining
>Sister lets me the bathroom
>"You don't live alone, you know? You should have wore a towel"
>She goes to explain what happened to parents while I yell alone in the shower out of autism and embarassment

I want to die. You triggered this whole situation

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Let's hope our king of Yea Forums bracket doesn't end up like every gamefaqs contest did

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So mates king Yea Forumsalhalla is up next nominations were picked at the same time as the queen nominations so hopefully my bracket will be complete by then I hope all of you are ready for the male bracket we have a lot more heavy hitters picked out... At least in my book Winners and runner-up enjoy your time in the sun for by Tuesday more bloodshed shall commence in this Rage In The CAGE

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Based retard.

>have site dedicated to games that need walkthroughs to beat
>people are surprised that said games constantly end up on their top best games list
>people take these polls SERIOUSLY

that.... is disgusting

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Fucking lmao user

>Already nominated.
>Can’t get 9-Volt nominated thanks to not being aware of it at the time.
>Can’t get pic related to happen to him and the Queen and Princess of Yea Forums.
Fuck everything.

Does anyone actually have that thread? Kind of hard to backtrack on Yea Forums since the original archive got too filled.

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Someone explain to me how Fio who's basically a literally-who on this board could beat super popular girls like Futaba, Shantae or Midna who regularly have dedicated thread that go way past the bump limit.

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the original nomination thread? i have it if your are in need of it

Because Fio is pure and cute.

Is your sister hot?

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spite voting.

Yeah, I would like to see just who was nominated out of curiosity.

In a unrelated topic, where do we go for Yea Forums threads in the past now that fireden is not working for Yea Forums threads anymore?


Despite comissioning 70% of the fanart horny waifufags only consist of 13% of the fanbase population

Because while I appreciate characters like Shantae as prime material for masturbation, I still prefer other characters for what their games mean to me or just for their personalities, background stories and shit in general

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fair warning as a human i missed some in the bracket as people sent them but i got you can check most of them out there and yes i did fuck up on the gardevoir they were meant for the female bracket and i slapped them in the male bracket but they nomination did State that it was a male so.... i guess it worked out?

forgot the archive

Fio is from good video games

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Who are you voting for king of Yea Forums when it happens?
For me, it's rando.

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by the way i like these twos gusto i hope you all enjoy King Yea Forumsalhallan

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>Plague Knight
Sad I couldn’t see it in time but these are some good choices still.

Rance all the way

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Chaddler or Eggman all the way.

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>a literally-who
Depends vastly on your age, but you'd be suprised at the ammount of people born in the late 80's, early 90's that actually have played Metal Slug games. Shit was everywhere in cheap arcade machines and they released tons of anthologies and odd sequels in the PS2/Wii/DS era.

If you're 18 now that means that your childhood was around the late Wii-PS3 or early 3DS era so it's not surprising you've never heard of Fio, but very little people who were alive for arcades in Peter Piper Pizza do not know the name of Metal Slug.

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Literally who?

That's my whole point.
This is fucking Yea Forums.
Who fucking played Metal Slug games on this board? I can't remember the last time we had a MS thread, and I'd bet an arm it didn't even reach 100 posts..
Meanwhile you can't even count the Persona threads, and both Shantae and Midna have pictures dump threads on a regular basis, you can't even compare the popularity of Fio.
Hell, fucking Futaba is basically a younger, more popular Fio design-wise, and if Yea Forumsermin really wanted a red-haired glasses nerd as a queen they would have 100% picked her instead.
This shit is rigged 100%.

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Dude are you even reading our posts?

jay z

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play metal slug

I don't mean to butt in with more information but i rather enjoy all kinds of games for many different reasons and Metal Slug is the Golden standard for Run and Gun games challenging, good animation, and most of all the music is Jammin as fuck

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>so it's not surprising you've never heard of Fio
I knew Fio, I honestly do not think many people on Yea Forums do. I mean look at posts like or .
Can you imagine someone actually browsing Yea Forums writing something like "I'm confused because I didn't know who Futaba was until this contest started", or "Reminder to play Zelda if you're unfamiliar with Midna"?
There's something extremely fishy.

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I've never played a single Persona game, I dunno who Midna is and I only ever played the first Shantae game they made. Stick your head out of your own ass

This contest was not about the games it was about the girls.
Fio is not a popular girl.
Even fucking Advance Wars girls get more spotlight than Fio.
That she could win against Futaba or Midna is extremely suspicious.

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Based retard

seriously who the fuck are Futaba and Midna? this is not even the first time I've asked this


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Zoomers are not most of the board, despite it's low quality

This user made a pretty good point



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Based TFRbro

Fuck off ACfag.

I TOLD YOU!!! GOD BLESS THE QUEEN. Drawfag make a samus statue for the occasion

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Is he in?

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Come on, don't be salty. I'll be honest with you I myself haven't played Persona 5 so of course I was gonna vote for based Metal Slug. Futaba was never in a game as cool as pic related.

Also consider that you're in a place where Cool Boy creds goes to the one with the most obscure tastes, so naturally posters gravitate for the more obscure character they like.

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Working on it.

Wait Zero suit or regular?

People like rooting for the underdog. She's from a good game, her design is good. I also think it's amazing she got there, but I accept it as a possible outcome. Next year she probably won't be as lucky tho. It was literally luck and pluck that got her this far.

Also, your argument that "these girls should have won because they're newer and more popular to my uncultured ass" is shit. Please drop it if you want to argue seriously.

Not everyone shares your opinion or games experienced, that's why these contests are fun in the first place

Try and find an image of samus polishing her armor or something to use as a base so we don't get that guy shitposting.

varia suit pls


Sorry user No one nominated him i hope you will still come by and vote for who they had picked

Not ACfag
But all seriousness respect to Fiofags and all who participated, every girl voted for is a queen in someone's eyes

Is Phoenix Wright in?
I checked the thread but didn't see him. Just Godot.

we have three Phoenix Wright characters but not the man himself which to be honest surprised me the most


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Other than my personal choices like Solaire and TF2 Scout or Heavy, I'm going to make sure important characters who deserve to be in are placed, like Mario, Link and Master Chief. Because people are often too focused on their more personal picks to remember icons who represent gaming better. Also Wheatly

No yeah I definitely will. I just hope anybody from the Megaman X series in general made the brackets at least

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that's not ACFag, ACFag would be complaining about this because it's basically a waifupoll that doesn't have anything to do with discussing video games.

Post sexy suited-up Samus, I need it

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Me too, I haven't nut yet.

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Wait do we make the nominations now? Why not have a nomination thread first?


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I think this pose, but with her legs together like an Oscar would make a nice trophy

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if you honestly think that's all Samus represents then you can go fuck yourself with an iron pipe

She's pretty representative of what women in video games should be like instead of this pozzed shit we've been getting nowadays, may as well be in consideration as First Lady of Videogames, "muh contrarianism because popularity" can eat a dick for all I care

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We should meme Ridley into winning King of Yea Forums.
Once he wins, Samus will earn her spot in the kitchen.

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>tfw samus will now be used for shitposting ammo
dammit, why do niggers have to ruin everything

Fuck I want this to happen now

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Cringe and bluepilled

nominations were already made, user

normalfags first boner would be someone like Tifa or Chun-li.

WHAT? WHY DIDN'T THEY HAVE THERE OWN THREAD? DIDN'T QUEEN Yea Forums TEACH YOU ANYTHING??? Seriously the main issues with Queen Yea Forums was that the nominations were lackluster because people weren't aware weren't aware of the nominations. There should be a nomination thread.

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Samus' love of tiny animals will never not be absolutely adorable

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there there, girl. It's gonna be fine.

Attached: IMG_20190921_230846.jpg (1300x1141, 161K)

Don't worry, nominations for mr. Yea Forums will be up by October, though Mung is already winner.

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this is my first time pretending to be retarded for (You)s in a long time, feels pretty bad honestly, but hey, free replies guaranteed

That's the good stuff.

Samus is the female Master Chief as Chief is the male Samus, normal people are going to know them.

>Samus wears dark leather
>Dark Samus wears white lace
>the strap on Dark Samus' cannon

Attached: 1566601941245.jpg (225x225, 4K)

based and correct pilled



Attached: doomguy.gif (488x519, 400K)

>continue to be pathetic

t. contrarian shitposter upset about doom that probably came from smash threads

>Smash threads

Is there somewhere I can see the entire king Yea Forums roster?

If Midna can make it to the top 3 and Fio can get into top 2, Doomguy sure as hell has a chance of winning.

Not when Master Chief exists.

I'm going harder with the midna support next year
She'll be queen Yea Forums next year.
Good luck to all of you!

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if op's doing the "top 4/8 are banned" thing she may be banned for next year

Reporting for duty.

Eeeeeee, Metaru Surugu da!

Abunai, abunai.



The previous thread was all about samusfags shitting their pants because of Zero suit Samus.

What should the base be?

A basic black base like an Oscar would be nice and classy. It could just say Queen Yea Forums and the year.

Glad the actually popular character won over the meme pick. Also nice that Midna won the third-place vote. Maya isn't even best girl in her own series.


Attached: tenor (2).gif (256x192, 1.5M)

>undertale 2nd for 2015
Someone is really butthurt enough to lie about that not coming first, huh?

So why do you people seem to hate Zero Suit Samus so much?

Delivery! This took way too long. I’ve never drawn armor. Hopefully it works for you guys. When King V comes around I’ll be there to draw the king. [spolier]Fingerscrossed it’s Wesker[/spoiler]
My bad. If anyone wants I can draw the queen outside her armor with a crown and bouquet.

Attached: 2F49AE84-8758-4FDE-8094-3E1032BCED9D.jpg (2480x3508, 850K)

what a tasteless board holy shit

I personally don't I think it is in some ways an upgrade even from the bikini in being slightly more practical as an undersuit and giving an excuse to see Samus kick ass outside of the suit often.

The one real complaint is that it dials down her muscles when that was one of Samus' most unique attributes was being ultra /fit/ but I think some more modern takes on it like the Ultimate version alleviate it.

absolutely based

Attached: 1561153110236.jpg (850x1208, 234K)

People hate Smash's version of Zero Suit Samus, not the Metroid version of it.

You should post a version without the name so it can be used every year.

Reminder who our true queen was supposed to be

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I just think it looks ugly as fuck
I’d rather have the old leotard or two piece back

>ultra /fit/
The most fit she ever got was Super, where she was more toned than anything resembling a muscle girl. And Ultimate Samus is barely more fit than the previous too. She just has a flat chest and smaller ass so she looks more athletic.

Here you go.

Attached: DE96A05E-BD9B-438D-BB04-BD826D7E61F9.jpg (2480x3508, 813K)

I think we're arguing semantics: I don't necessarily need something like She-Hulk to consider them /fit/, toned and athletic in general fits my parameters.


Attached: __samus_aran_metroid_drawn_by_jaquio__e110e65a138f154dac2f9f2969932f51.jpg (618x800, 139K)

It's official baby. Every Queen Yea Forums this statue, or statue of it's like, of Samus will be presented to the winner of the competition. Samus is the gold standard of video game females and an idol.

Attached: The passion of Shirase.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Damn it's the final and we won't even reach bump limit without me bumping it? Are you guys trying to ruin her big day?

Attached: 9a5.jpg (723x1100, 127K)

this is no surprise
it wasn't much of a contest
Samus vs a literal who

Attached: Unused-Scratched-Samus-Armour-Design-Metroid-Prime.jpg (720x1200, 169K)

that armor is damn fine

Attached: 1565622437534.png (1920x2560, 1.31M)

I feel bad for Samus but she got her big day stolen by the memers who thought it would be fun to pit her against a literally who, and victory without risk is triumph without glory

rate my pairing

Attached: otp.png (2200x1600, 2.99M)

Yea Forums here, Samus a shit and you guys are fuck.

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>shipping Samus with anybody

Attached: Nakamura politely asks you to leave .png (638x989, 793K)


That is actually adorable.

>have a top 8 that's down to the wire.
>end with such a whimper of a conclusion that it didn't even reach bump limit.
i can't stop laughing.


Your taste in everything is absolute shit, so we'll take that as a compliment.

Post another 600 page essay on why Superman is actually a good character.

Honestly, why didn't you kill your sister?

Why would she rat you out about you being naked and covered in cum to your parents?

good post, I agree fully.
Yea Forums's so bizarre...

She saw you in a vulnerable state.
You know what you must do now, user.

Attached: descartes.jpg (817x1000, 151K)

It warms my heart to see Yea Forums still be capable of legit, quality threads. Hat's off to you, Bracket user!

absolute trainwreck
never do this again unless you're going to do it right

the only reason the other thread made bump limit was because of ACfag
Most of the polll results barely even hit 300 votes and that many posts in the threads

duality of man

>nomination thread that basically no one saw
>"first come first serve"
>never even got it's own individual thread after the idea was made, it was just stuck inside some random thread and THEN made the official thread

>polls only active for 12 hours, literally an entire other half of the board didn't get to vote
>forced sign in to vote so even MORE people didn't vote
>did not force votes on all categories until the last like two rounds so even MORE people didn't vote
>grant total of like 250 votes per category in the first round and 280-300 in the later rounds


Attached: 1560043623347.png (964x777, 373K)


>forces you to sign in
>but still only leaves the poll up for 12 hours because bots lol
Pants on head retarded

they're both shit lol tf?

well, this sucked. king tornament will be better

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This bothers me. Redo it and have a dedicated nomination thread and leave it open until the thread dies. The reason Queen Yea Forums was a disappointment other than Samus winning, which was the high point, was the odd and lackluster candidates because some autismo put in bunch of literal randos and actual vidya icons are no where to be seen. YOU HEAR ME BRACKET user? REDO KING Yea Forums NOMINATIONS. MAKE A THREAD

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Honestly, yeah, I would be down for having another thread dedicated to actual King Yea Forums nominations in the header instead of hiding it in the Queen Yea Forums thread.

too late niggers, you had your chance
armstrong is gonna win

Attached: senator armstong.png (650x1080, 683K)

Based. Samus is eternally best girl.

That’s one lame fag and everyone know about it.

So Yea Forums who would make you mad if they were to be crowned King Yea Forumsalhalla?

I am willing to bet a good chunk of you would be mad if it's him.

Attached: 414KpdsMjZL.jpg (375x500, 25K)

No, i'd be ecstatic that Yea Forums still remembers him.

Attached: bubbig.gif (600x269, 10K)

Lets settle this once and for all.


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Well, i guess we should start the thread.

Launchpad is based and he deserves another win. That said, if Wonder Red is in (I don't know if he is) and he doesn't win I'll be mildly buttmad. Memes aside, Red is easily the best protagonist in video games.

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Should we have Bracket user do it?

Wos Midna actually lost!?

There's no point in even redoing it. If Armstrong is in, he wins.

You know I would object to this poll.... but in all honesty you guys deserve a chance.

Besides about a good chunk of the nominations from that list were from me.

Asura (Asura's Wrath)
Noctis (Final Fantasy XV)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Godot (Ace Attorney)
Owain (Fire Emblem)
Kirby (Kirby)
Maximilian (Dark Cloud 2)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Connor (Detroit Become Human)
Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
Little Mac
Ignatius (Nightmare Creatures)
Megaman (Megaman)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
Leharl (Disgeae)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
Luigi (Super Mario), which I don't know how you nominate Mario without Luigi.
Dirk (Dragon's Lair)
Claude (Fire Emblem)
Claptrap (Borderlands)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Yasha (Asura's Wrath)
Joker (Persona 5)
Kanji (Persona 4)
Master Chief (Halo)
Heihachi (Tekken)
Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Hiryu (Strider)

I literally added them because no one was nominating at all and the thread was constantly near death. So I had to fix it somehow.

This threads needs more wojaks

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I'd be mad if it was anyone but him.

Thanks for admitting it user. You May have rigged the election but you are willing to fix it. Lets just hope Bracket user sees this.

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>30 nominations out the 128.

Well aren't you an asshole!

This just shows that Marco should have gotten the invitation instead.
Just imagine all the stuff Eri and Fio would have gotten… instead poor bastard got overshadowed by a costume

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I'm sorry for doing so Veggie Friend.

Again I was trying to keep the thread alive while give Brackets Nominations.

I never meant to rig. I just wanted to have fun.

I did the same for the Queen Brackets. But I won't name names because they all lost. Rightfully so. Except for two who made it to Top 8.

Anyways I hope you can all forgive and at least allow a few of my noninations to stay for the King competition.


30 contenders?!

Brackets are you actually allowing this?

sure, why not

Sure, I’m sure some people here nominated multiple characters for stuff like the Hunger Games simulators in the past when they were still being allowed.

I was thinking of making a dedicated King Yea Forums nominations replacement thread at 12:00 PM EST, or 90 minutes from now, and just having a Bracket user use that. If I didn’t have work or school I would happily try to run the entire bracket, but I’m afraid a nominations thread is the best I can do. Is anyone against this idea?

With all due respect, the anons want a re-do. Even the straw poll strawpoll.me/18677869/r shows support for this ide.
You’re not really bracket user are you, and are just a shit poster, right?

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>You’re not really bracket user are you, and are just a shit poster, right?
no shit sherlock

Voting for the big guy, Wesker, or Armstrong

Which ones would you keep?

Heabi machingan

For shame faker i was almost ready to be happy that this thread was still up

if this is some real concern then ill make a real nomination thread with the rules that i had in place for next year is this what you bros want?

Attached: this is what i come back to.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

Fair enough; I was dumb enough to even think about taking the bait.

Sure, I would be happy with that; thanks real Bracket user. Just be sure to let people know about it in advance, please.

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I'll be happy to allow this

In all honesty, if I had to narrow it down to five.... I'll make them next few posts. I'm a bit busy right now.

Okay here is the new plan now that i have to redo the bracket as a whole cause i was like half done ill make a new thread today in like 10 mins the rules will be posted there the one rule im keeping but tweaking is the first come first serve mentality but it will need One Other person to second that nomination

Secondly your gonna have to give me at the least 2 to 3 days to get everything set up now that im scrapping this old bracket As Based as it was

do you want the bracket reset?

Attached: Reset button.png (549x442, 197K)

I’m okay with this outcome. Anyone else object to this?

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This is it are you ready no final Objections?
Get your Bois to back ready cause here we go

Attached: Are you ready.gif (318x240, 1.23M)

Lets fucking Thanos snap it!

Personally I do


it's been 20 minutes, get on with it


Proud of our girl Fio for even making it this far.

This just shows desperation from Doomtards from Europe.

You dumbass

Where is the nomination thread?

I'm waiting for a link to the thread user. You're da best.

I'm just gonna nominate Phoenix tho. He's MY KING Yea Forums.

Same, I wasn't even expecting it

The virgin meltdown user of Yea Forums
The Chad Bracket user of Yea Forums

Give him time user

Your reset Gentlemen take it or leave it

This is the exact problem Queen Yea Forums had. A good chunk of the contenders were from one guy.

I played Metal Slug in arcades but not enough to learn the characters.