What are your red flags Yea Forums?
What are your red flags Yea Forums?
red flags
Role-Playing Games where I'm forced to serve the crown.
Everything. I don't buy games anymore.
you posted it, give it back
>early access
>procedural generated
>artistic/depresive main character
>inspire/influence by X
They're both phrases that to me mean "well making a proper progression system was too difficult and making custom models was too much effort so we let players do whatever"
Anything that comes out of Todd Howard's mouth that I can't directly see in the gameplay.
female character acting badass
>advertisment constantly reminds you about how diverse the cast is
>devs/publishers has literally no spine and just flip flops to whatever group that is screaming louder
>the art style is anime or ""cute and fuzzy"" shit
>day one dlc
>all cutscenes videos takes up 50% or more of average playtime on howlongtobeat
This is a huge red flag to me.
>"broader audience"
>anything praised by cucktaku
>"progressive" politics
Those are all the letters you need to spell curse.
When she's not still a virgin.
>anything indie easily
>games that have a LOT of backtracking /making you stay in one area forever
>anything cartoony (anime not included) which usually falls under the indie thing
Is not a japanese game.
Neil Cuckman.
Forced stealth missions
Single player only
Half assed co op
the bourgeoisie
>open world
>third person
>fetch quests/go here and kill those guys
>virtue signalling of any kind
>sub par graphics
Female on the dev team
No "this work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team.." on startup
Bethesda (sorry Id)
>made by chinks
Those games were pretty great compared to what we get now. I wish we had more fun single play games with novel diversions.
>Crafting system
>open world
>early access
le communism xDDD
>game has more than 2 genders
Just realism innit
>obvious waifubait
>male to female cast ratio is extremely skewes to the right.
Miss me with that gay shit.
Anything made for nu-sony.
You know it's going to be a wannabe movie, wifes son cuck motivator, some forced diversity foolishness, that appeals to fat uggos, Mudslides, limp writer homo/liberal with too much time on their hands, or other miscellaneous shit colored people.
Seriously, Sony kissed the boot of the lesser of beings, it's hilarious how those people are too stupid to tell that they are just being catered to, not because anyone really gives a fuck, but for personal gain.
No real human being cares about trannies, gays or fat women and the people who do claim to care, you need to watch out for those people, they are up to something.
Anyway, yeah. Next Gen, when people are people are burnt out from this SJW bullshit, Sony will quickly forget all about acceptance, but, by then, it'll be too late because Nintendo wised up and Microsoft will too and nobody will find Sony appealing, because it is and always will be a very bland choice, and the only reason why they did so well this Gen.... Well, Nintendo and Microsoft fucked up big time with the wiiu and xbone.
The switch is doing well and Xbox is fixing it's shit.
mark my words, next Gen, nobody will have any interest in virtue signaling, it'll be quite the opposite, and Sony will go back to third place (possibly fourth or fifth place.)
So yeah, Sony is my red flag.
here is mine
>Elephant hits a bitch, tries to steal her phone
Must be an African Elephant.
>(anime not included)
Ah, yes! Of course! Your cartoon is far superior!
Fuck off. Anime is the same art style over and over. Grow up, you cock sucking weeb.
Even the new Links Awakening, with its childish pop figure art style is better than your gay anime. You fucking virgin.
>anything indie easily
Any time someone says something like this I can safely register them as a retard.
>western publisher
This even worked for Sekiro.
this is a funny image
>single player only
check out this zoomer cuck
This message has gotten even worse since Unity.
Incredible how this post is 7 years old and still just as relevant today.
I'd put this in my game, then virulently defend the other person as a black lesbian woman I had as a tulpa for a few days. She told me to include the music audio slider after I forgot it.
>you will never die a hero before the allies defeat the wrong enemy, then spend the next 50 years being subverted and destroyed
I'm sure the view from Heaven is great.
>Open World
>100s of Side Quests
Yea Forums
This, and the new in-vogue plasticy artstyle that FO4 and apparently CP2077 have.
Im willing to accept it as a way to add something controversial into your game and be able to deflect any backlash it may get. The only problem is ubisoft doesnt use it for that and instead uses it to just shove gender politics in places it doesnt need to be.
So, 95% of all modern-day leftists?
No. XX or XY, sorry poobrain, nature doesn't care about your feelings.
>t. assravaged Steven Universe fan
>The game was not made in japan
>Early Access
>Heavy focus on artstyle at the cost of gameplay
>Shitty menus
>Having no option to change/remove settings on a game
>Published by Tinybuild
>Published by Daedalic
>poorly optimized
>more focus on pandering rather than making a fun game featuring characters of a certain group/minority
>Games inspired by Final Fantasy
List 5 actually good indie games, I'm curious to see your list.
Truly, the solution is to absolutely slaughter everyone, and let whoever survives the massacre sort the mess out. Let no one that breathes survive. Let everyone kill everyone.
>this time we wanted...
>throwback of....
>less content
Uuuuh braid was pretty good.
not him
Mark of the Ninja
Steamworld Dig 2
Serial Cleaner
>heavy multiplayer focus
aka "this is unplayable a year from now"
Thanks. Do you recommend Darkest Dungeon?
suicide by race?
>dyed hair
>face piercings
>daddy issues
Risk of Rain
Magnum Opus
Shovel Knight
Female devs, especially if they're high in the corporate ladder and have an unnatural haircolor.
Rimworld, Kenshi, Factorio, Transport Fever and Project Zomboid.
Nice try. Of course the race with the largest share of the population will have the largest share of suicides. Unfortunately, this principle doesn't apply to two specific minority populations in which one commits more crime and the other kills itself. You knew that and you were trying to be funny, but you really just appear tragic.
No cute anime girls.
>making games
Dude, no.
Unironically this, the exception being Asian female devs that don't look like lunatics.
I recommend against all roguelike games, so I'm the wrong guy. Still, if the setting of the game interests you, then why not try it out? Pirate, then buy.
Thanks to you two, as well. I now have 15 different indies to give a try. Appreciated!
Axiom Verge
DUSK & Amid Evil
Cosmic Star Heroine
also imma throw in Barony and Chasm for good measure
Video games
I have sunk so many fucking days into this game. Anons beware, this fucking game is like crack.
Careful user, having taste this good is illegal on Yea Forums.
Thanks, now I have over 20 titles to try. Feels like I'm in a videostore looking for a SNES game to rent.
No problem bro
chill the fuck out. i was trying to narrow down what i meant. what the fuck is wrong with you? animeshit can be ugly and samey too, never denied that but usually if it's an indie cartoon like Undertale/A Hat In Time/Shantae the fanbase is an utter fucking dumpster fire.
Cosmic Star Heroine is so good! I just wish some of the characters had more character to them than just "you helped me for a bit so I'll stick with you for the rest of your adventure". Also some of the party members are just useless because of the game's mechanics. Aside from that, really good RPG that lasts 10+ hours.
You have countless resources to discover good ones. Here's the last 5 I played and liked. If you come up with some bullshit bad faith way to dismiss all of them there are more than 5 to list easily.
>N++ (Great platformer with shitloads of content that differs from others by giving you massive amounts of freedom in your jump arcs.)
>Blasphemous (It's okay as a metroidvania but its art design is fucking incredible.)
>Bloodstained (Not sure if this counts as indie but it's also a good metroidvania that can allow for some really fun broken combos with magic)
>Return of the Obra Dinn (I don't want to set any expectations since I had none going in. It's a must-play puzzle game.)
>Baba is You (Also a must-play puzzle game but I recommend pirating unless you're a fucking wizard or really like puzzles because in all likelyhood you'll be disappointed with how far you can get without help.)
Also for anyone who likes indie games, hit up some retro games you missed out on too. They're often just as good. Same goes in reverse.
If you're the OP then holy fucking shit no. It's a grindfest that involves going back to the same place over and over. It's one of those games I really don't like where it's mostly designed to hurt the player for the sake of ludonarrative harmony. Same thing made me hate Rain world.
Thanks a lot. Nice to see some puzzle games on the list I'm making.
No. Darkest Dungeon is "how long will it take for me to lose hours of progress this time", the game. It's infuriating. Fuck Darkest Dungeon. Only spergs could possibly find enjoyment in it.
My granddad who worked at the CIA said that the Albanian guy was their puppet.
He had basically two jobs. Prevent weapons delivery to Greece from the Eastern bloc states and to start stirring shit in Kosovo in case Tito tried to thaw his relationship with the USSR. (Tito knowing about this didn't tried shit, even though he really wanted to, as his initial break only concerned Stalin.)
The later case became very useful after Tito's death and the fall of the Soviet Union.
>Blasphemous (It's okay as a metroidvania but its art design is fucking incredible.)
I feel like all the wonky physics could've been avoided if they had used Game Maker or Monogame rather than Unity's 2D stuff.
>He died the way he lived
The physics don't feel wonky to me at all. I have no idea where that complaint is coming from. Like I'm playing multiple games with good physics alongside it and I don't see a major difference. At the very least everything feels very consistent.
I dropped the game because of its awful platforming. At least have the wall climb be automatic or have the sword hit actually register, and maybe I'll try playing again.
>Female on the dev team
>”Female” on the dev team
too many normalfaggots buying trash every time it comes out
vote with your wallet can't work when theres a thousand mongoloids chomping at the bit to buy everything they can for every one not-retarded person trying to boycott shitty practices
two things
a) that's sex not gender
b) there is documented cases of people being born XYY or YXX and various other mutations that affected their body and made them trans by birth
also, are you such a child that you need to fictionalize facts as entities that agree with you ?
>action rpg
Wut, it's very easy to tell the the range and locations it'll register. git gud.
>the weak will be purge
>and the strong will thrive
Caring one way or the other about trans people. Anyone that wants to stop a game to tell me how I should feel about them is focused on something other than me having fun.
I guess if I was playing a game with a strong LGBT focus then it would be okay but that's not my type anyway.
>generic open-world
>mtx, loot-boxes, p2w and gachashit
>multiplayer only/focus (aka dies in less than 1 year)
>generic fps
>forced politics
>anything related to FF
Really? I've had to hard reset the game because I clipped through a wall and got stuck or suddenly got stuck in mid-air trying to do a ledge grab at least eight or nine times so far, and I haven't even finished the game yet. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but the collision physics are pretty lacking.
Oh that's pretty fucked then. I've had similarly horrible glitches with Hollow Knight and it's still one of my favorite games.
Women and minorities are playable characters and not targets
>"streamlined experience"
>"like x and y had a baby"
>any mention of the gender/race of the dev team
Let me guess you played college ball at some cushy ivy league school?
univercity of texas actually and coulda gone pro if i hadn't joined the navy
1) Niggers, women, dykes, fags, trannies in there for no reason and spill their guts about themselves to you without you ever asking for it.
2) NPCs are profoundly retarded and cannot or even outright refuse to do basic things to keep themselves alive
3) Characters that are "really good" at something but have a stupid backstory that fails to excuse their absolute cancerous attitude towards you and makes you want to kill them.
4) Unkillable "essential" NPCs
crafting is good when it is done right (see Underrail)
open world is trash i agree and early access is bad.
>unity splash screen
too bad Yea Forums is made up of 95% reddit and 4% tumblr now
>Bleed 2
Twin stick shooter/platformer with nods to Cuphead and No More Heroes, but is still it’s own beast. Bleed 1 is good too, but pitifully short.
Another twin stick platforrmer, the need for constant movement and shooting keeps combat fast paced and hectic, but when you get in a groove it’s like ballet.
The only time a top down JRPG style game managed to get me with with mounting dread and jumpscares.
Those are the last three I played, but I’d add Dead Cells and Butcher to the list.
>any mention of the gender/race of the dev team
This. It genuinely does not matter who the people behind the game are, and any time a studio tries to advertise their game based on specific races or genders working on it, it's a sure fire indicator that the game is shit and they want to do everything they can to distract you from the actual quality of the game.
I'm not having fun.
"This hot new title explores the concept... of what it truly means to be human."
This, and other first-year philosophy subjects, have been done to death and I'm sick of games inserting them and acting like they're so clever. If they actually had anything new or interesting to say, I'd be fine with it, but they never do. They just retread the same tired topics that have already been covered if far superior games.
>random loot
>early access
>battle royale
>loot boxes
>90% of jrpgs
>unethical devs
>devs that don't conform to my views
Wait, what does a game's fanbase have to do with the quality of the game itself? Don't tell us you play games so that you can get into the fan scene.
>early access survival crafting open world
>tiered preorder bonus packages (bronze/silver/gold at $60/80/120)
>indieshit by noname that looks like rpgmaker or bottom barrel VN trash
>anything produced by China
>movie tie-in
>extra chromosomes are a third gender
>trans by birth
If having extra chromosomes DID qualify as a third gender then I don't see how that makes you "trans", as you are not "transitioning" from one state to another, you just ARE the third state. What?
Also if gender were a social construct then it's not even related to chromosomes.
>women had major roles in the development process
The word you guys are looking for is hermaphrodite or maybe intersex.
Name 10 games released in the last 5 years that don't have dialogue, or I won't make it a mac tonight.
Exactly. Go further back to when hardware limitations pressed games to choose between graphics and text, and you'll see where the design focus went.
unironically this
>multiplayer only game
Star Wars in the title
Anything made past 1970
>there is documented cases of people being born XYY or YXX and various other mutations that affected their body and made them trans by birth
Complete bullshit. Klinefelter syndrome is its own issue. Trans is a person born with one specific gender changing into the other. The number of trans that have Klinefelter syndrome is less then 1% of 1% due to how extremely rare it is to start with.
best post in this thread
Are you guys saying Deus Ex is bad?
>slandering the great comrade of the bunker
it is surely liberal idealism
That game had acceptable levels of dialogue though. If you want something completely unbearable just play any of those snooze fest crpg indie games like Divinty Original Sin... with voice acting...
>role playing
>bad for having dialog
Can`t wait to play an RPG where everyone just mimes.
>a) that's sex not gender
There is no difference, hence the term "gender pseudoscience". A lie that tricked fools into believing there is any difference between sex and gender. There is no distinction, its only a distinction made by people who don't realize that gendered "behavior" are themselves highly correlated and influenced by genetic aspects of sex.
Clearly you have never played a shitty overbearing indie RPG with incessant levels of text that could make the most patient man want to commit sudoku.
Most people want to play a game to have fun, and in my case sitting and reading non-stop having to wait for hours for some action is not my definiton of fun. I call it a chore.
>its another /pol/ derails a thread into a gender politics flamewar episode
>its another tranny derails a thread into a gender politics flamewar episode
FTFY fampai
>reading is a chore
fucking zoomers can`t even read the bible.