Find a flaw

Find a flaw..

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4 dungeons

To be honest, the sections leading up to the dungeons are so long, they qualify as dungeons on their own.
Just to GET to Stone Tower Temple, you have to fight Captain Keeta, get the Song of Storms from the grave, tame Sharp so you can play the Song of Healing for the girl's father and get the Gibdo Mask from him, do a huge trading quest in the Well, make your way through the castle and fight the king so you can get the Elegy of Emptiness thereby allowing you to climb the tower, so you can begin begin the dungeon.
It's awesome. You can't complain.

It's theming, emotional prevalence and pretty much everything relies on a prior knowledge of OOT to actually work.

The dungeons are brilliant only in a relative perspective to OOT, in the fact that they take OOT's dungeon formula and twist it in an unexpected but very fun way. The writing and thematic overtones only shine as they are stark contrasts to the straightforward adventure of OOT.

That being said, when analysed with OOT as the frame of reference, it is flawless.

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I don't understand this. What would be so different about going into MM without preconceptions from OoT? The only thing you need to know about is Navi and that's covered in the intro.

How come OOT and MM are so much better than every Zelda that came after them?

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Did Nintendo kill him?

>To be honest, the sections leading up to the dungeons are so long, they qualify as dungeons on their own.
Those sections suck too

They were made with soul mostly , the next games were a rush for money

Link just happening to have a magic ocarina that lets him time travel


they relegated him to Mario games

This and atmosphere.

It's too hard.

3ds remake is shit, way worse than the oot remake.

covered in a flashback

Why? What did he do to anger them?

Can't bang Cremia

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I dont think he pissed them off, considering the success of OOT/MM they probably saw him as a dev worthy enough to make Mario titles even though he has a passion for cinematography and film that doesn't carry over to Mario as well as it does for Zelda. It's why Sunshine, Galaxy, Odyssey, etc. are more story driven than earlier games

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too short

Im saying this more from a faggoty analytical perspective than a continuity one, i'll try my bets to explain it in more detail.

MM does a fantastic job of subverting the typical expectations of a zelda game and that in essence what makes it so interesting.

the mood in ocarina of time is that, yes, bad shit is happening, but you are the hero. this is your story, this is your quest, and you know the end result is that you will finish that quest. OOT is earmarked by this constant sense of hope.

MM completely turns this on its head. You are not the saviour, but simply someone who has been put in the wrong place at the wrong time. for the first hour of the game, you couldn't give 2 shits about saving termina, you just want to save yourself. when the mask salesman sets you on the path to defeating skull kid, it is out of necessity, rathen than that you are the mystical chosen one. the mood in MM is one of hopelessness.

This only really works because the game works udner the context of OOT. this sense of dread and emotion is made more powerful because the sense of hope->hopelessness, which is made possible by MM being felt in reference to OOT.

This is one example of many, and it works on all levels of the games design, from physical elements, to thematic writing, to the music.

4 dungeons
climbing the mountain
3 days instead of 7

Not enough lore on Mask Salesman. Also this-

i don't know how a person can figure out that town mask side quest without a guide. also fairy collecting sucks balls. and oh, THE WATER DUNGEON.

I hate how nintendo does shit like make a living world, something interesting with that exists to not just the item descriptions but also characters, then says "fuck it" and we never get anything deeper or learn anything more and this location is never seen again.
I know not everything can be lotr-tier depth, but one-offs are annoying at this point.

the details being left ambiguous is what makes yoo keep coming back to it. The more you reveal about something in lore, the more mundane and boring it becomes, and it loses all its charms.

>The more you reveal about something in lore, the more mundane and boring it becomes, and it loses all its charms.
This has never been true.
What you're thinking of is when they "answer" the unknown with more unknowns, like the manga explanation for fierce deity mask.
That was a letdown not because it gave an answer, but because it still didn't explain it.

My personal case and point will be alot of the books in halo lore, specifically the forerunner ones.

Leaving the details mysterious actually keep you wondering about it and lets you spew up all the head canon you want, and is admittedly quite fun.

The second you ACTUALLY get all the details answered in the loret:

>oh thats pretty cool (stops thinking about it)

at worst:

>oh my god fuck the writers this shit is so stupid i hate this universe now.

Having unknowns in the lore actually keep you mentally engaged in the fiction

>you spend the whole game being bitchslapped and cucked by a literal autistic scrub
>you are cucked even more by the fantasy version of a used car salesman
>you are literally such a faggot that you need to replay the game over and over to beat the boss instead of just doing it once like and useful chad

Haha why would i subject myself to such a gay game

Romani is not sitting on my dick

Cremia > Romani.

Any my persona case and point is lotr.
>Having unknowns in the lore actually keep you mentally engaged in the fiction
And subsequently makes any and all of those mental engagements just as worthless as complete bullshit.

What was stopping Link just leaving and going back to Hyrule after he got the Ocarina back after the first cycle?

They ruined the 3DS remake.

in game - the door, narrative obligation (you leave means no game. do you want a cutscene explaining it?)
in universe - sense of duty, hero syndrome

Majora's Mask was still out causing havoc
also the door back out is permanently shut

Has there ever been a good water dungeon in a 3D Zelda game?

Yeah but you don't have to start the game over to beat the bosses again.

The mask man was shady right?

The Happy Mask salesman.

He didnt want to leave Epona behind

They should have made another direct sequel with Hero of Time. Best Link.

Kinda, but he's benevolent. In the end he does a friendship speech so he can't be evil.


Your life

>friendship speech so he can't be evil.
Thats what he wants you to think. It fits more with Majora's mask that he was secretly evil and got away with it.

Did Aonuma say that BOTW 2 is darker then majoras mask? The only really dark stuff I can think of is like the last area and day 3, also I guess there is a meaner atmosphere in general your not the hyrule hero just some kid.

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He just means its darker because its all set underground :^)

time shenanigans I guess, isn't Termina in a whole different world?

Okay, now I get what you're saying and I guess I'd agree.

Some say it doesnt exist at all

just because it reverses the expectations under pretense of the previous game doesnt make the game flawless, let alone make it thematically better than OoT's coming of age story, which is probably the best ever in any game, which speaks volumes of the themingof the game since its such a popular theme in games already since it works so well for gameplay anyway.

a games story should make you feel empowered like OoT's coming of age story, not envoke dread in an action adventure game like in MM

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>a games story should make you feel empowered like OoT's coming of age story, not envoke dread in an action adventure game like in MM
why though. even then you could argue MM evokes a much larger feeling of empowerment when the challenges you overcome are as oppressive as they are in MM with the time cycle and moon

>a games story should make you feel empowered
Why should it?

What was stopping Link just leaving in any of the other games?

*action adventure game that's focused around simply defeating evil. especially when you're slowly becoming stronger throughout the story gameplay wise like in zelda games.

Because he was saving his home (hyrule) or was sent someplace by zelda or someone else to help. Why would he care about some random place he has no connection to?

He’s a hero

Postan that one CGI animation just in case there is anyone who hasn't seen it by now over two years later.

Indeed. Every region is the dungeon itself with the Temple being the push to the Boss. Consider you have the 3 day limit to learn each and it makes them actually extense.

First cycle and healing the Deku spirit made him sympathetic so he couldn't just leave.
Also the Mask Salesman is scary as hell and you don't fuck with someone that can summon a pipe organ.

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he made a deal with the maskman to get majora back and after surviving the first cycle he realized how important it was to get it back

So if the door was shut then how was he supposed to leave after defeating Majora?

Mask man was one who shut it probably. Can't trust that kunt

I have two ideas on this
>The door was open by the mask salesman before he left
>The door was permanently shut and Link goes through the Swamp's Lost Woods with Skull Kid and the Fairies to return to Hyrule
I think two is most plausible because I don't see him going down with Epona to the Clocktower back to where he came. But you can't be sure since the game never tells you.

It's permanently shut. In his attempts to get back he gets lost in Termina's Lost Woods and Dies, making him the shade from Twilight Princess

I like to think that the lost woods is connected to various different worlds/universes. So that if you took the right way in OOT lost woods you could end up in TP lost woods or LTTP lost woods and so on

not being able to save him

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the couple's mask.
truly though, it's my favorite zelda game

overrated villain

>you will never feel love that strong

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Time based from the start. Get that shit away from me. Glad to know Nintendo found out the hard way.

>ever taking Aonuma seriously again after MM3D

You saved him by the time you first played the Song of Healing user, he was dead and cursed. That is just his decaying body.

At the time this came out I hated the time limits thing. Maybe I'd handle it better now

Collecting that one beaver bottle quest was my personal hell.