This is an angry stealth bomber
Daemon X Machina
Other urls found in this thread:
> this fucking mission
I did nothing but fly around this entire mission.
is that artist? in my game he showed up in a free mission as an invader and the bgm got replaced with rockabilly music
>no breast slider
Wait, he actually overrides the mission bgm with his own song?
I haven't gotten any invader other than bishop and gun empress right now.
he does
also if you have Rose Queen as an ally and Gun Empress invades you in a free mission, they get a unique dialogue scene before engaging
is there a reload faster attachment?
What mission for easiest repeat so I can get solomons voice?
There's a whole bunch of those interactions
if youre just trying to get him to show up i heard rank e or rank d free missions is the best way to get it
are you gonna open it
Just beat it in co-op.
>can't see anything because of the blizzard
>have to find the graffiti in the other mission while three guys are on you
I'll just jump straight to the statue.
I thought you couldnt get his help as an ai or his voice this way?
it looks like it melted
Anything else anyone wants to see? I could take a few pictures of the art book.
Could have been. Came from the bogans.
I thought the quality of the statue would be way better than that. Hopefully they'll license gunpla sets or something.
you got the artbook with you?
Of course. I'll take a few pictures of the first few pages.
I hope someone scans this and posts it in the /ic/ artbook thread soon.
Does the art book mention Solomon?
I keep forgetting its Kozaki (guy that did No More Heroes and Fire Emblem)
I got his voice that way. I don't think he ever joins you though.
So NA didn't get this because they were too lazy to translate it and NoA refuses to release art books in moon.
I can't make any guarantees, but I'll see if putting it in my scanner will damage it.
I can look through it for you to see if there's anything. I haven't gotten a chance to play the full game yet so I'm not sure what Solomon looks like.
Is that true? The page titles are translated. Rest just looks like notes meant for the development team on the art.
Solomon is an arsenal with cloth bits on the chest and shoulders.
So pages 92-97 have arsenals on them but I haven't seen anything about an arsenal that looks like that.
Last one I'll post. Dat ass.
Anyone else here just skipping every cutscene and story shit? I keep hearing the story is garbage and I don't know if it's even worth paying attention if all I want to do is just shoot shit up.
Just speculation, but it would make sense. The artbooks we do get have notes line those translated.
i've only had an enemy arsenal invade when the mission gave me a pre-assigned partner
might be a good way to gauge what missions have higher chances of an invasion
I only put up with it because I kinda like the interactions some NPC's have, Johnny G and Guns Empress being my favorites. The story IS complicated bullshit and not explained well but if you just shut your brain down and focus more on the characters it becomes more fun. Althought some NPC's suck major dick because of how bland (the guy with the Etika hair) or annoying (Savior's happy psyco sister) they are.
I don't buy a whole lot of collector's editions, I was completely unaware that they're translated. Probably isn't the most difficult thing in the world considering anons typeset manga details like that all the time. Like the outrageous work they do for Komi San.
too bad shes annoying as hell to fight
gurl just needs to bring that nice ass closer
why are you running
>Running all the Reclaimer multiplayer missions
Why do people say these are hard? I just zoomed through Bulletworks III without issue running all AI
probably because she supposedly died and got revived according to that anime trailer where Grief's squad gets wiped out
What does the normal case artwork look like? The CE is basically unmarked.
why is mecha genre just not appealing to the big crowd
What are some other genres video game journalists just dont "get"
>reviewers are retards
Nothing new here
Mystery Dungeon
>Mecha game get low scores
Just like the good old days of Armored Core
>incessant music is so bad and repetitive
what a faggot
Imagine the pretentiousness of Evangelion with the writing of Rick and Morty, along with some meme shit from Borderlands, and you'll get a general idea of the story quality. Skipping everything guarantees a more fun experience.
I don't know what game he was playing, because this one's OST is great
Man, you just hate everything popular, don't you?
Daemon X Machina IS a bad game though. But that reviewer is a retard.
All of them.
Solomon has to be one of the ones that died in that first Reclaimer mission, right?
That's not true. They love movie games.
They still don't get them.
>Literally hasn't played the game
it would make sense, either that or just some random sentient AI posing as a renegade weeb samurai. Though I don't understand how exactly Grief and Terror survived after that Mission Zero trailer other than robot magic from femto/the moon
I wish they did more with him. He gets one set up cutscene, and then gets BTFO by BG and Grief when you do actually see him, I kept thinking he show up would at the very end.
well he said he was the first Outer, so im guessing that the Dominator used him and the Terrors as a test run for the next stage of humanity. its already shown that the tech for revival is a thing, though why no one made a big deal about Grief being alive for so long is weird
Dungeon Crawling, EO got shit for reviews
By his own definition of what an Outer is (those who can hear the voice of the Dominator), Grief considers himself the first Outer. I don't know if that means he really was the first, though, since other Outers are clearly present during that Zero Mission.
Why does every gun feel like worthless trash except for machineguns and rifles?
>Laser guns eat femto, have a shit fire rate, and do mediocre damage at the absolute best
>Melee weapons demand too much and have too little stun/knockback to chain attacks together easily, and most enemies are too fast to catch regardless
>Stun guns stun way, way too slowly, and the damage output might as well not exist
>Flamethrowers do pitiful damage, and even though they DO erase stamina, they don't prevent flight
>Rocket launchers and that mace give enemies i-frames (as well as only doing "alright" damage per shot)
>Pretty much every shoulder weapon tickles enemies
Meanwhile machineguns and rifles with a high fire rate obliterate literally anything in the game and tear through arsenals, colossals, and tiny immortals alike like butter. Am I just not seeing something with the rest of these weapons?
I swear the shoulder weapons were better in the first demo.
>tfw missiles mostly suck
>Shoulder cannons freeze you in place
everything besides Disco laser is bad
thought Outers were technically humans who had a resistance to Femto.
so the ones who went in on that first mission were just normal humans like Knight
but what do we know at this point? the story is too jank. probably way too much left on the cutting room floor.
> affiliating yourself with consortium and merc groups
> the Zen, Sky Union, and Horizon attempts to destroy each other and their final defenses against the Black AIs that we only read about in messages
> the fucking Black AIs themselves
> Solomon
You forgot about the crappy blitz.
>The final boss variant of the blitz don't do the homing Laser Beams he does all during the fight
I was fucking jipped
Only Outers can pilot Arsenals because it requires prolonged exposure to Femto, which is toxic to normal humans. (Knight is an exception due to his extensive cybernetic augmentations and whatever other necro-bullshit the Five Hells have at their disposal.) It's not unreasonable to infer that everyone on that first mission was an Outer in the sense of being Femto-resistant, and Grief only defines himself the "first" Outer out of narcissism and because he was the first to hear the voice of the Dominator. But like you said, the story is pretty jank.
Lasers guns can do good damage and they can cause stamina drain. They're especially good against enemies with high bullet resistance like Gargantua. The problem is femto refills too slowly and no femto means no femto armaments. Charge laser guns are completely awful though.
>Flamethrowers do pitiful damage
They scale like crazy with special performance enhancements. Also, they do technically prevent flight with the stamina drain, but the AI cheats.
How much of an impact do these performance enhancements make on a weapon? Because it really hurts to see something that should be cool just be fucking garbage as soon as I get it in my hands. Shotguns were by far my biggest disappointment.
Does developing stuff have some meta reward? I don't understand why I can only develop parts after I've already obtained them.
You can buy things in the shop after developing them
How the fuck do you expose Rebellion's cores? It figured theyd be like Gun Fort, where you can blow the panels away, or Nightmare, where they reveal during berserk mode, but he doesnt do either
It varies. Generally, the ones that increase damage or fire rate are best. For beam swords, use melee performance instead of laser performance. For lasers, Agni Flame makes the best use of laser performance because it also increases femto usage but it has low usage to begin with. Shotguns are bad no matter what.
It is like gunfort
You can blow the panels away. The elbow ones seem the easiest.
Really? I've been blasting its elbow until its at 50% health, and it hasnt popped off
Incredibly useful. I still hate how much the skill tree makes your character look so ugly by the end.
I can pop the chest open with a few swings of a sword. That seemed to be the easiest armor plate to pull off.
If you reset to become human again, do the skills unlocked stay unlocked, or do you need to re-buy them?
can someone explain how the augmentations work to me?
someone posting a picture showing full augments for top, middle, and bottom but by that I'm assuming head, arms, and legs right?
can you not stack augments that change the same body part?
i have a better time blowing up the armor with explosives
Just started the game
when do I start getting new different looking mech parts because I did a mission where it told you how to salvage parts but they look the same as the default frame for now
are sniper rifles even worth using
no head has a lock on range long enough to hit their optimal range
a lot of Rebellion's parts seem really resistant to getting popped with machine guns if thats what you're using. its annoying as fuck.
it might have to do with the spread of machine guns, but i havent tried a precision build to see if thats the case
probably better to do what the others did and go for sword and booms.
> bazooka the chest which potentially also exposes his knee points
> sword the exposed cores
doesnt stop it from being a pain in the ass tho
The Musou has 400 lock on range. That's just enough for optimal. Increase it with head attachments or a processor. The level 3 processor is +100 to range.
Pretty soon. You'll probably have armor from three sets by the end of E rank. Then you can get a lot more from co-op missions.
compiled this from the reddit. sorry.
Is there a way to get them with slots?
Looting them. Shop sucks.
How come it seems using a single arm swipe and a cross slash does about the same damage?
probably shit damage calculations or the numbers being dumb and overlapping or not even showing
I sell all my
I wish you could disable the spin attack. It's so sensitive, it's worthless, wastes ammo and time, and it makes you so vulnerable.
Is that a Berserk reference?
one thing im realizing after watching this again:
Daemon has no memorable locations. so much of the game world is flat and copy-pasted buildings. theres a few that stand out, like the stage with the roots and bismuth crystals all over, the one with the upturned ships, and the one city stage with the church building in the middle. but we spend so much time flying above them it really doesnt matter.
AC V, for all its faults had some real stages and locations that mattered because you actually had to traverse them.
AC 4A did too, with the sheer scale of the Arms Forts and stages like Line Ark and Arteria Carpals. we were airborne a lot, but the terrain could still function as obstacles because of how big they were.
DxM has good ideas but theres an awful lot of shortcomings
>he doesn't remember the root city
>he doesn't remember linear line
>he doesn't remember the white and red hellscape
>he doesn't remember the library
>he doesn't remember the endless road to the core
>he doesn't remember the stealth mission through the base
This game reminds of those great games you'd get on PS1 and PS2 that were far from masterpieces, and if you took a step back they only deserve about 6/10, but I loved them anyway. They do so much wrong and misjudge things, but what they do right, and the general feel of the game, is pretty unique so you can't help but like them.
Berserk has influenced so much, even FFVII took a lot from it.
>no memorable locations
>doesn't remember the fucking BLUE forest growing around the old city
You just played the demo didn't you.
Does anyone know what song plays in the mission where you sneak in and hijack white glin- I mean shining gleam
Why is it that air combat is so incredibly boring? I had to lure most every fight to be on ground and the game became way, way more enjoyable and fast paced feeling. I /really/ wish they didn't give all arsenals unlimited flight no matter what in this.
Any qts in the game?
my wife crown princess is very cute
the library was the same as the second stage in the game where the colossal immortals attack. it gets reused a lot.
same with the linear line and all its color variations. its pretty much a dungeon they can make out of a bunch of parts. nothing is stand out or remarkable there. its better than most because it actually restricts your mobility and forces you to fight differently.
the on foot mission is good and should have been used more. like maybe getting shot down during a return sequence and needing to get back to your arsenal.
the road to the core has the same problem as a lot of other things in the game. its generic as fuck. generic city. generic wasteland. generic military base. generic otherworldly path to the final boss.
i guess i may have missed my own point. a bigger problem is that nothing memorable happens in any of these areas.
ACV has a generic as fuck dock and oil rig level, but that shit is memorable because Chief is gunning you down with a fucking Giga Cannon.
ACVD has a weird future tech city that you go to for a single mission, but its memorable because you fight Maggie there, someone who was with you through the whole game. there's also the ruins of the Spirit of Motherwill, which is just fanservice but fuck if that wasnt great seeing that thing.
meanwhile DxM has nothing really striking happen at any location. you're always fighting enemy arsenals for asinine reasons, so even when they get god mode at the Black Lotus, its the same shit different day. any colossal immortal fight happens in the middle of a barren field so anywhere you fight them is interchangeable. and like i said before, everything takes place in the sky while all the obstacles and landmarks are on the ground. hardly anything extends high enough to matter in our sky duels
o do remember the stupid stadium where you fight terrors twice, mostly because it's so easy to bait their stupid asses into the tunnels for an easy kill
Enemies are too evasive. Flying really needs a nerf, but at the same time they made a lot of very vertical map. Maybe they can greatly increase flying boost stamina usage or reduce stamina recovery in the air.
Best attachments for Arc Guns and Flamethrowers?
I guess I'd agree that they could have done more interesting things in some levels but they give you more than enough excuses to not stay in the air all day. Maneuvering through buildings is a good way to avoid missiles or getting flanked by 2 at once, you have to go down to pick up weapons or health off the ground, once you hit ground level most enemy pilots follow suit allowing you to do things like stun them into walls to be continuously hit by lingering damage (longer than they would stay in the air).
And I've played ACV and Verdict day and I will without a doubt say that those environments are the most generic out of nearly any mech games I've played. You can only look out post apocalyptic busted out cities, bridges, shipyards, and canyons so much before the greybrown takes over your eyes. They've done a lot of good color work in DxM to differentiate environments and provide a good balance of Vertical and Horizontal focused environments.
But yea, it would have been cool for more varied mission objectives and mid mission events to break up the monotony. Personally I didn't mind all that much since on average missions are shorter than regular AC ones.
I wished the big boss Immortal fights took after Arms Forts more. I won't lie it felt so cool to take something down that huge that it made your mech look like a tiny ant.
I wish you could tag enemies, I keep losing tracķ of enemy Arsenals amongst swarms of trash.
why does the F graceful lust do more damage than the S?
So uh, what exactly was Griefs / the dominators 'plan' to help humanity evolve? they never actually say what the next step is, and what will become of humanity?
First it was 'help them evolve', then 'kill everyone except the outers' then just 'kill everyone' and somehow back to 'have people evolve'
Did he just want them to all become AI?
I kept waiting for the plot point to drop at the end and none of them ever fucking say what the hell they want to do.
>Fighting Regret
>She just runs away spamming her blitz with infinite ammo
PvP is going to be shit if they don't do something about running away. It just seems impossible to catch someone if they don't want you to.
The Dominator's goal is the proliferation of life throughout the universe. By setting the Immortals and Femto on humanity they are provided with the technology, resources, and conflict to bring about a technological revolution. By making the planet uninhabitable through the spread of Femto and the Immortals, humanity will be forced to develop a means to escape the star system and colonize elsewhere in the universe.
Just wondering if I should get OAW-AM13 Icarus over OAW-LC32 Deadly drive?
yeah, zoa is cute
i dunno.
i guess im just remember more what happened on the missions than the stages themselves.
like there was a generic as hell city, but i remember it because it had a lot of tall skyscrapers that the enemy set up sniper MTs on.
another was in a red canyon with the memorable thing about it was the army of UNACs bearing down on you.
a battlefield of craters making for difficult terrain against one of the weird machines from the Foundation
4A was better about huge striking landscapes with important shit going on.
Arms Forts being the landscape itself.
Line Ark, Megalis, the Kojima conductors, the Cradles, and even the submerged cities that you fight above as Stigro plows through them like a hot knife through butter.
fuck i even remember one of the early missions where you're just fucking shit up causing as much damage as possible in a canyon base with a river running throgh it and Stigro is docked at the end
just cool shit like that
fighting enemy ACs/Arsenals is cool, but not if its the only goddamn thing you do. AC did it sparingly, so when you get messages like:
> Enemy Ranking AC Identified
> As Valkyrie
> As Nine Ball
you really shat your pants
Crimson Lord and Grief meant nothing to me because i already whooped their asses. even fucking Leos Klein had the decency to show up and fight me in something other than his standard AC after i beat him once
Im getting AC: For Answer vibes from that image.
Is there a way to reroll when someone shows up for a free battle automatically without any cost?
is L the best variant for snipers because of bullet speed?
She's automatically lewd
Whys one Ple naked when no one else is? Did she miss a memo or something?
She's just special.
Ok, sorry. I've written my formal apology here. Please read it.
i kinda fell off the game after about 8 or 10 missions. couple missions after gunfort.
do the missions ever get much harder or you should expect like 8 chump missions before you get a boss fight?
>Final Boss has 1,000,000,000,000 HP and I run out of ammo every time fighting it
What the fuck. Is the game literally demanding that I run a melee weapon to fight this shithead with an omnidirectional tackle attack and several surrounding lasers that demand bullets to get rid of?
theres semi hidden barrel bombs on the ground level, throw those at the head for 1k+ dmg
Abyss is love.
what mech games have ever got good reviews? Titan fall if that even counts?
What did she mean by this
rate my sniper robit
ZoE2 did well, better with the original release. Mechwarrior 4 has nearly 90 on Metacritic.
Looks like he takes it up the bum
Please, user, I've only just fapped
How the FUCK do I beat Bolt Alpha in the co-op missions solo?
He doesn't drop any ammo and I run the fuck out before he dies. Does he have a high laser resistance because normally I can dab on Colossi with laser cannons but that ain't cutting it. Any weapons you recommend?
How do you do the faster drop to the ground.
You can't unless you have the down booster Auxiliary piece.
shoot the wings off and throw them at it
down booster aux
>shoot the wings off and throw them at it
This fucking game, thanks user I'll go for that then.
what's the difference between investigate and destroy missions
Remind me never to ask you to investigate anything
Does it have higher bullet damage? Bullet/laser damage are like elemental damage and do considerably extra damage if the enemy has low resistance to it.
Argh, I've only just noticed you can only have one mod in the lab per level.
I thought the s was supposed to be the highest damaging variant, the F is better in every way which doesn't seem right
Has anyone found the diamond graffiti? If anyone wants to know where I found any of the ones I do have, just ask.
Mission ones stop at the bear.
"Kill you later"
I think it's an error because they all have 30 damage. They should vary with each letter type.
Where do you get the two lesbian fairies?
well are the stats actually different or is it just a display error
Rank D Grace City. You can see it in this pic at the bottom of the lock on area.
I don't know. Test it out.
Do loadouts save colour schemes?
Yes and also decals. However, if you get rid of any non-attachment piece of it, the game deletes the loadout.
I tried and I couldn't really tell a difference
>Update and content schedule getting revealed this week
Probably actually different then.
Is there a graffiti guide out there? I can't find one, nor have I found any graffiti yet.
Just having them actually respawn would help. They are completely useless against most bosses because they just instantly get destroyed by the boss moving around.
When can you redo story missions?
>6.9 user score
Yeah, I kinda need it too. I miss them so often.
A lot of shit can be buffed. Including enemies. I hope to god they make every boss as bullshit as enigma is while giving everything a very needed attack boost.
They're useless in VS Arsenal fights too because they either get destroyed by random fire, bazookas, or the enemies actually targeting them.
I've run into people who had a NO FLY PLZ text message before. Fighting arsenals on the ground is so much easier and faster than trying to fight them all midair.
>The fucking size of those Hermes boosters
>They're so goddamn heavy my overall flight and boost speed goes lower than any other Auxiliary
After beating the game bruddah.
So what actually happens if you exceed your memory capacity? Do you just get reduced stats or move slower in some way?
Fucked Stamina and landing recovery along with a Grug-tier lock on
But that forward boost speed though
how the hell does the gravity gun work
It honestly kind of deserves that score. It's a good game overall but there's a lot of really shit stuff in it.
Fuck I'm bad at this. Just got to Gunfort and I was doing practically no damage. Yes, I was shooting the underbelly. He kept hitting me, not sure how you're meant to avoid it. In the end he one-shot me by knocking me into the red barrier.
How're they going to nerf Silver Ravens into the ground?
Shoot his knee caps, they pop off to reveal weak points. Basic logic for Colossals is if you see target locks for armor plating that isn't their main body, there's a weakpoint under there. The knees are a lot better to deal with than the underbelly since you won't be able to react to his jumps and slides or the shield aoe yet. Fly above his knees and blast them, when you see him starting to gather blue energy turn around and boost away to avoid the AOE.
It pulls bullets towards it and does damage if it lands on the enemy. It feels completely useless against arsenals unless they are already getting stunlocked to death and the damage it deals isn't even all that impressive.
i saw a vid of someone using it to hold something in place then sword it
I think the disco laser is the most likely weapon to get nerfed or sdjusted in some way. If you want the highest damage possible, then there is no reason right now to use any other shoulder weapon. Even a Gaia Beam with 3 Mk III laser damage upgrades can't get close to the damage it deals at close range.
Special 3s
can you link that
does it actually hold arsenals in place?
Post Outers
Okay thanks. I did him on my second try before I saw this post. I did all the underbelly points then just used all my missiles on his main body. Next time I'll do what you said rather than that 10 minute frustrating slog .
Is there a boss who drops bullet performance upgrades?
Which one is the Disco laser?
Nightmare a, co-op missions
It's not that Silver Ravens are too good I think it's that everything else is so bad
I hope that's the conclusion they come to and make everything else hit more reliably from optimal range or increase their damage by a lot.
doesn't seem like it holds anything in place
It held your attention for a while.
Drink bleach
what are the most fun weapons
gonna need that pvp update soon
the whole grinding for parts thing is starting to wear
fascinating stuff
trying to find the one where they ride an enemy helicopter outside the red area
how the fuck do you do this
Don't let any but the lightest armors regenrate Stamina while flying, and even then, only very slowly.
*Maybe* allow STM regen while in wing mode.
ZoE got the Kojima boost though.
Any tips for Dominator? I just keep running out of bullets.
Explosives do a lot of damage because it has several targets close together. Likewise, it's easy to stun with the Cyclone zap gun because you'll be hitting several times at once.
The only problem is the sea map.
Which weapons don't need any form of ammo?
>tfw the battle takes 4 times longer because people decide it would be cool to fight Solomon as high up in the air as possible
Optimal range and probably stacked on bullet performance upgrades.
>tfw arsenal fights and teammate has a bazooka they use all the time
mfw i've only now just noticed that diablo and crimson lord are voiced by Amuro and Char
There's no way to have an Arsenal name for each loadout, right?
How do I change my title?
Main console, system, first option.
Fucking hell I fought Rebellion alpha like 20 times in a row and I still didn't get that Cronus Break
I just got into a room to test a random build and literally just got that blueprint on the first fight.
Lucky you
desire sensor
>he doesn't know
The more you want something, the less you'll get it. Its a make or break thing in any game with rare drops you want.
>non raikiri chest
Close range/10
t. retard
What chest are you using? I haven't found anything that outspeeds Raikiri. Which is a fucking shame because raikiri looks like garbage and I'm desperate to replace it.
I saw a nip using a Dainslef with 3 slots, do you guys know how can I get it ?
The first time you pick it up it can have up to 3 slots if you are lucky or reset over and over again. It's extremely stupid. Apparently Solomon can also drop it at a stupidly low rate but I have never seen it happen myself outside of 1 jap screenshot.
Is the only skull decal the armband one?
not all decals have been found as far as i know
>this damage is of no consequence
>perhaps I should be taking you more seriously
After going back through some maps to look for decals, I really have to wonder how I missed them the first time.
>bright orange decal on a white building
>somehow completely ignored it
well fuck me and my 0 slot sword
Any attachments on those arms?
Putting it through the factory gives it one slot.
Good to know, thanks
Just got one.
second mission. Sweep the city. Golden gargoyle. Restart Misson if its not 3 slots. You only get one this way. If you loot it and finish you won't get another the next time you play the mission.
does anyone know what the "+15% Mobility" augment actually effects?
i took it without really thinking about checking stats first
Your unit is less clunky I guess
Your base not-boosted speed increases
Where do I get that purple laser blade?