River City Girls

The shilling won't end unless we make it end.

Attached: 1567997743999.jpg (640x640, 74K)

>3d "women"

One good sage deserves another.

>Western VAs have to rely on posting like thots for attention since they know they'll never be as famous or loved as seiyuus

I bet you're a total prize, incel

>stop disliking what I like reeeeee

at least their life quality is better desu

>Stop making accurate observations about me reeeeeeeee!

>stop keeping your money for yourself, spend it on ugly fat 3d women because muh jews reeeeeee

>I'm just going to make up a strawman in my head and argue against that reeeeeee!

This game is a literal fad for the weeb-youtube watching crowd, that's why they spend more time and money on marketing, YouTubers, and fucking food trucks then the actual game.

Attached: download.jpg (856x578, 189K)

Imagine if they had spent that money on making a good game.

I still don't understand why they did this, they're is nothing "iconic" about these items in the game.

The shilling won't cease
Until it's out for PCs

But that's literally what you did by attacking his appearance right off the bat. And whether he's ugly or not doesn't change the fact that women are vapid and worthless.

The difference is I was right and he wasn't. I give zero fucks about roasties and they can die, but I know a bitter incel when I see one post.

What is your worth? What have you done that gives you worth? Let me guess: nothing.


post mami's

He said, while posting another thread about it.

>tfw no qt 3.14 burger gf

Attached: lol.png (748x160, 90K)

2d wins again