Why are zoomers so gay dude
Kind words
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raised by onions
this actually really helped me with a problem i had
don't be a cunt all your life op
Are you for real
What a fag.
that's right i wrote my problem in a letter and i got a dozen nice letters back full of good advice and solidarity
like i said don't be an edgy cunt for your entire life
Its just lame dude. Theres nothing edgy about it
So this game is literally just a screensaver? All these soulless platitudes
lmao you sound like a girl
>a literal hugbox
This is what happens when you get rid of school bullying.
gay as fuck
They were born with sin, taught to be constantly reflective of the unearned privilege. Can u fuckin imagine?!! Commie juice really fucked the west
grow balls faggot
imagine being such a jaded faggot to be hating on this game
>A game about writing nice letters to real people. Write and receive encouraging letters in a cozy room.
Oh no
>Trade stickers and listen to chill music.
Oh nonono
>We're all in this together.
>Sometimes all you need are a few kind words.
how gay do you have to be to "play" this
Whats the point of thia game? A buncha generic messages that sound like they're written by animespergs(Have a super duper day!) You can answer requests but you have zero knowledge of the other person so you'd just end up writing generic nonsense. Or ask for help in which case you'll hear generic normie advice
you're a fag
Encouragement can give people the will to better themselves much more likely than bullying
Tranny gay
All encouragement turned me into was a shut in neet
>lo fi
I... what? Why in god's name would you want your music to be low fidelity?
spoken like a single mother
Because being an audiophile is cringe
I meant encouraging good goals, not encouraging being lazy
Being nice isn't just a meme you know.
>get an education get a house get a family
check check check and yet i'm fucking miserable working mcJobs because the market for computer engineers exists primarily overseas
next stupid post please
I'm sorry you thought cutting off your dick was a good idea.
As above, so below, OP.
This game is a direct result of boomers piece of shit hippy movement. Fuck boomers
Perfection is boring. It's a nice goal, but only for reaching it.
I miss the days we just shamed and bullied each other for being the slightliest bit effeminate or weak.
You studied? You cried during a movie? You got an A during a test?You got bananas on your pancakes?
You got called a fag, and we also implied that you wanted that banana because it was like a dick. Then we'd high five each other like idiots.
PEAK manhood.
Yea Forums's demographic is mostly edgy teenagers, it's not really a surprise they'd bash a literal safe space game.
Real men suffer,
Yaaay user, yaaay
grow some fucking balls user yaaay
>hugbox: the game
how would you know
What problem did you have that was solved from an anonymous 100 word message
Those aren't necessarily good goals if they don't bring you happiness.
I encourage you to starting working towards a job or education that you actually enjoy.
And if you're not happy in your relationship, you don't need to stay in it forever
The First Noble truth says Existence is Suffering, so, he too suffers.
And that resulted in a generation of incels that kill their mommy because she wanted them to stop playing games then shoot up a mall because a cashier girl told them their hair was funny
What stops people from ruining some other dude's day in this thing
I encourage you to just be yourself, user.
Being encouraged is the single worst thing to happen to me. I wish someone sat me down and said dont go to college fucking idiot. Well I dis because of encouragement. I got a CS degree due to encouragement.
Now im am unemployed LOSER
Girls wont touch me even when i pay
Sounds gay
>bullying has existed for thousands of years
>the incel problem appeared last year
some high octane brain power in this bitch
Here you go, use it wisely
"Growing some balls" usually means hiding your unhappiness and who you actually are, which is completely useless and doesn't solve any actual problems
thanks i lost this! see what i mean fags
>not honing your brain to a razors edge to slay the soft and weak-willed.
>not being confident enough to show your emotions, being so controlled by the opinions of those who belong beneath you.
>not displaying your supremacy in every aspect in life.
>underappreciation of potassium.
what a fag.
>getting off your ass and acting doesn't solve your problems
But reading letters in your safe space does, gotcha
Youre insane if you think thats the cause and effect
"Hiding your unhappyness" and "Hiding who you really are" is PEAK MANHOOD.
Are you a weak softy who cries at movies and cant fight because you're scared?
Fuck that.
you still post on this shit hole site so I think you are lying
>pretending to be retarded
Yeah and the world was much different without the internet, dumbshit. People have less and less close friends compared to the average ten years ago so there's no support structure to deal with all that shit. Guns have existed for hundreds of years too but mass shootings haven't been a staple of humankind's development, now have they?
Too many words! WHAT A FAG!
Also, was the syrup on the pancakes not sweet enough, you fairy?
>the incel problem appeared last year
The incel problem crumbled nations user, look at Rome and Nero or Egypt and Cleopatra
Did you really want that degree?
If not, people telling you to get it weren't encouraging you, but controlling you.
And if you really wanted it and like doing work associated CS, you can definitely find a job. Maybe not where you live, but there are plenty of international teams nowadays, everyone working from their homes
Sounds like the problem is a lack of motivation, not encouragement. It doesn't matter how much encouragement you get if you're a lazy blob who only does things because people told them to.
"Hiding who you really are" is just code for "I WANT TO SUCK DICK."
Since when? Nigga even great warriors cried.
No thanks I've already got my fix.
If you had a problem that could be fixed by some mediocre indie game, I doubt it was really a problem in the first place.
What if what you are is a weak, effeminate pathetic loser?
Should you just embrace the weakness and faggotry?
Absolutely based
Nice bait. This does and has always come out as the faggiest, tryhardest shit.
>N-no I'm a REAL manly man so I bite my cheek when something sad happens.
America was literally born from a mass shooting
Not crying doesn't make you a man. Even samurais would write sorrow filled poetry. And you sure as hell are more manly than a samurai.
>links bullying to incels unequivocally and without asterisks in his previous post
>gets reminded that bullies have existed forever
>has to backpedal and resort to armchair psychology because he got BTFO
It's ok, rinse and carry on, fag.
Nero, the guy who fucked all of his sisters and probably half of the praetorian guard? Cleopatra who charmed and bang two of the most important people in Rome? What are you on about?
Crying is only allowed in special moments, like the death of your Mother or Father, or sworn battle brother.
Even then, you're allowed a single tear, ten seconds of grief, and then you swallow the pain, grit your teeth, shove it DEEP down, for decades, then take it out on your kids in the form of rage and anger decades later.
dataminers releasing every little thing about a game 2 seconds after it's released.
And then marry me
Bullying does not create violent incels
Internet does not create violent incels
School psychologists create violent incels
You should accept being weak, effeminate and even a fag if that's who you are, but you don't need to accept being a loser.
Being a loser means giving up, and that's always a choice
No cancel culture creates everything bad
That's the logic of dumb barbarians. People who thought about things, even in the most ancient of societies, thought that pursuing happiness is always better than anger
To the people who unironically played that shit. Do you have a girlfriend? Does she know about this? Cause if she does, it ain't good.
Maybe being a dumb barbarian is better than being a thinker.
Yea Forums did that
It's the result of a generation of kids who were never beaten and somehow grew to resent that. When they actually grow up and hit their 40s-50s they'll either still be the retarded children they are now or they'll have finally calmed down enough and realize just how dumb their notion of "manliness" is when it boils down to having a chin like Kirk Douglas and smoking Marlboros. It's antiquated, contrived, manufactured and doesn't really serve anyone in the modern day. People should be thankful they don't have to go die in some pit in a war serving the rich but instead they lament and concoct a bizarre branch of hawkish conservatism that blames anything left of the far right for how unsatisfying their life is today, all the while not really being conservative at all.
And the worst part is that none of this has anything to do with FUCKING video games.
>too stupid to reason two elements at once
No wonder your kind is so easily tricked.
lmao imagine how stupid you have to be to think that is equal to the indiscriminate shooters of today
>you will never go to war with your bro
>you will never keep each other warm at night
>you will never fight with your bro
>you will never see your bro slain in battle
>you will never go into love fueled rage slaying enemies left and right
>you will never write heroic poetry about your fallen bro
>you will never fondle little boys while crying about your bro
How low western society has fallen...
>it's the bullies, you see!
>well, actually, it's the internet, the dissolution of social bonds on a societal level, and the overall lack of support from our globalized societies
You contradicted your own damn self and you still have the gull to go on, that's impressive.
Lo-fi is just zoomer speak for shitty mixing
A mass of innocent bystanders were shot in 1770 by aggressive white males with rifles.
>user is too fucking stupid to understand things like bullying are harder to bear when you have no friends
Boy you sure are retarded. How did you even get a MAGA hat to fit your tiny skull?
>still trying to salvage it even though it's been proven that bullying on its own doesn't cause incels
excuse me, what?
lol faggot
Bro did you you miss the extreme left wingers attacking games for a few years now?
We're surrounded you idiot get your back away from either side
Yea Forums is a radical centrist board because we'll kill both sides to just play some fucking games
I have never seen a post with uncapitalized I's that was worth reading
To kinda get to the topic of the thread, the lack of "nice words" is definitely one of the causes of mass shootings.
People are made to live with their families and tribes, and to be happy about getting better at what they do.
Now they're alone in front of a screen and compare themselves to everyone in the world. When it seems hopeless to ever get anywhere, doing SOMETHING BIG at least gets you noticed
Orange man made you bad
You have no opinions of your own
I think is his strawman
What stops you from writing mean letters to other people or doing something like citing FBI crime statistics?
So actual other people playing can see your messages? I kind of want to buy this game to redpill people about Jews, now.
Sort of an abrupt thing to bring up out of the blue in the middle of a conversation.
I assume this is moderated right? Can you post a bunch of shit and get off scotfree?
There's probably a report system and you wouldn't last long doing this. I'm just guessing, never played it
It doesn't sound like the problem was that you were encouraged, the problem was that the person being encouraged was you.
I suppose you get banned and can't play the game for 18 years or some shit, like on DOTA
Aw shit so many internet badasses in this thread
>Plenty of countries have even worse bullying in school than American yet they don't have an "incel problem"
>Surely the lack of safe spaces is the problem
I'm thinking real hard here.
Welcome to arguments in Yea Forums
You're either a discord tranny or discord tranny hater
Or an SJW or a MAGA hat
Or a communist or a nazi
Everyone is always brainwashed and in a faction apparently
Individuals don't exist anymore
We're all just hiveminds fighting
School psychology: because theres nothing kids love more than being singled out
Democracy is a weird thing, man. On the one hand, it gives people some sort of control over their lives and their country, on the other it pits everyone against each other.
You cant hide how much of a faggot you are, can you?
Fuck off or lurk moar m8
If free open dialogue with close relatives on these issues didn't help, then why the fuck would paying money for censored semi-dialogue with complete strangers be any better?
prize newshit
People can say good feels good vibes all they want. But at the end of the day the devs are charging money for this game.
>this thread
I would rather buy and play some sick h-game than this. People see my fucking Steam games and the playtime, you cunts
have sex
Kantbot is a blessing
why bateman doesnt eat pie
>game about being nice to others
>triggers Yea Forums
I don't get it whats the problem?
You actually care what Steam "friends" think of your playtime/games?
Because pie is for fags
Pretty much.
I have some real friends there as well
kill yourself
>syrup on the pancakes
>giving money to the great northern Jew for overpriced calorie dense tree sauce to lubricate your flapjacks so you can shove more down your obese gullet
Fuck off to reset era, your pansy talk dont work here.
The game youre shilling is shit.
why would someone samefag all these replies just to tell off a guy who wrote a letter in a game?
prize newshit
It's what happens when you shift the definition of bullying to mean "anything slightly hurtful or excluding; ever". Kids need conflict and adversity, everyone does. It's no different from your immune system. You can only get stronger and better by experiencing some shit. Actual bullying is terrible because the definition requires it be violent, repetitive, and involve multiple kids hurting a single kid who can't fight back. But none of the shit people complain about these days is real bullying.
why would someone samefag a reply to his own post to falseflag other replies as being samefags?
thanks for admitting to it
>this thread
great thread bros
that doesn't even make any sense
But you just admitted to being the samefag. You even type the same way.
Boy, you sure are going to have a lot to write in your little fagbox of a game after this thread, aren't you?
no, it will be an incident without lasting significance
That why you tried to samefag your own post after two hours?
Should do a Yea Forums version where everybody is an asshole to each other and writes long letters about stopping the kikes or whatever and then people shit on what they wrote and all the music is owl noises followed by the sound of that guy screaming as he cums
But most good advice isn't "nice" advice. The thing that will help the most is often times not what somebody wants to hear. So is the point of this game just to be told "yes" by strangers instead of having them give you actual well thought out advice? Because that sounds pointless.
fuck i actually want that now.
thats a good question why did you?
I don't even know what this is. So I looked it up and this is the first screenshot I came across.
you're pretty oblivious as to how much you stick out like a sore thumb, friend.
Your dick in your own ass gay.
I'd be down to play that but It'd get censored and banned for being too problematic a day after its release.
I hate this stupid fucking fake positivity bullshit thats common now. When did being a weak passive faggot become cool? Why do I keep seeing posts bragging about how empathetic they are? Man up you bitch zoomers, you're gonna get crushed in the real world.
Sounds nice but, why is this on Steam? Why not just make a webpage?
>t-the real world is a s-scary cutthroat place! T-that's why I need muh gun
what would newshit know about that?
Oh, you know why.
>watch "gameplay" of this "game" on YT
40 seconds in it made me want to beat the fuck out of all those faggots holy shit, why are people massive pussies nowadays jesus chirst
>[Cruel Words] (hate filled missives to kill yourself to)
If you have balls, they need to be kicked ASAP.
>Having a modicum of empathy is bad
I'm sorry for you.
He prefers cake
you have AIDS inside your body
user, please. You are embarrassing yourself. You have been embarrassing yourself and getting blown out the water time and time again throughout the thread. We get better shitposters than you from Resetera/discord all the time, much better, in fact. Stop worrying about getting the upper hand over anonymous people, go play your game, and stop asking to get bullied.
>newshit is seething
t. the dude who kept calling me gay in middle school but later came out as the real fudgepacker
I always knew you were a massive faggot, Dylan.
I don't get all the anger, some people genuinely need to hear something nice sometimes. It's like telling someone contemplating suicide they're a pussy for calling a hotline to help them feel better instead of just gritting their teeth and pushing it down until they snap.
There's nothing wrong with positivity, just because you tell someone that everything'll be ok if they don't give up or that they aren't alone if they just look doesn't mean you're enabling them in negative behaviors.
Meanwhile if you just keep insulting and harassing people, all it does is make them slowly grow jaded and hateful too, a miserable chain reaction that leads them to do nothing with their lives because they have no motivation.
There's needing a thicker skin, and then there's simply being depressed and needing a reason to smile.