Is Sanity

Is Sanity...
The price to pay...

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dunno, who's the most sane character in DMC?

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This was the worst scene in the series, and made me dislike Itsuno's Dante more than Tameem's Dante. DMC5, thankfully, redeemed it until the dance scene, but I'm too old to get worked up over that shit anymore

Probably Morrison he just wants to make money

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What was wrong with this scene? I thought it was great

user let it go. We can't go back to the majesty that was pre-launch DMC5 threads.

Wow you have so little taste, I bet when you ask for a coke they bring you coke zero and you don't even fucking notice you faggot

It's gay.

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Maybe you're the one that's gay user

were the (you)s really worth the bait?

Kill yourself

His face isn't even moving, it's just a mouth and the rest isn't moving at all
This game is garbage

being borgil is suffering

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>RLM drone



being vergilfag is sufferin


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Is there a way to mod DMC 2?

>Not Gay

DLC a-any day now, right Vergilbros?

I don't play DMC, but I saw the Shakespeare scene and the dance scene
They are the only scenes that makes me want to play the series. But someone said they are very singular moments and the series has nothing else like it, so I stuck to MGR.

Dante is all about having fun.


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They are singular stand-out peak silly moments in their respective games, but DMC in general is just as mad and over-the-top as MGR.
Except 2.

Are there any pictures of Matt where he isn't making that face?

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There's plenty of over the top moments in 3 give it a shot

3,4 and 5 are pretty over the top user.

If you liked MGR you'll like DMC.

Matts laughing at us bros.

>pizza dinner

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God DMC4 Dante is such an ugly faggot

This is the umpteenth time you've posted this redditor, it wasn't impressive during the first.

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>This is the umpteenth time you've posted this redditor, it wasn't impressive during the first.

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Please Itsuno-san, give us the DLC.

You embarrass yourself Barry

Dante in DMC 1:
>Basically Nero from DMC 4, prior to Kyrie getting kidnapped
Dante in DMC 2:
>brooding silent edgelord
Dante in DMC 3:
>wacky bro dude, pizza loving man!
Dante in DMC 4:
>Bugs Bunny with a red trench coat
Dante in DMC 5:
>a whiny grumpy asshole who treats everyone around him like garbage and seems to have contracted Donte's cunt status
Dante in the anime:
>existentially depressed and bored

Name a worse written character in the history of video games.

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You're just proving him right

DMC5 Dante isn't a cunt. He just doesn't want to get people involved in his "family business", which is why he acts the way he does towards Nero.

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Hey I got an idea, go play the Deadpool game instead faggot.

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crewcut playable when

David Cage characters

Nobody in the Sparda Family.

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nah, guy was a dick to both Trish and Lady and whoever the fuck Patty is supposed to be. He was also a dick to black Trench coat man. If I wanted a twat Dante, I'd just play DmC


Even DMC1 Dante was crazy and had cheesy dialog. You can't play this series if you're going to take it that serious.

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I really is, I suffer everyday because he's not real and I can't hold him.

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If Dante sneezed on someone you'd think he was being mean
Stop being retarded

Um no? Dante was always meant to be a serious and grounded characters, that's what Kamiya intended, just look at his later works. Itsuno derailed the entire franchise.

He is real inside your heart.

You consider Bayonetta to be serious and grounded?

I'm more excited about the possibility of a DLC than any actual upcoming game it's getting sad at this point

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>muh Kamiya
Itsuno is the one that made the series actually good with 3

>that's what Kamiya intended, just look at his later works.

Are you serious? Kamiya's games are silly. Are you telling me Bayonetta is serious and grounded? Even Astral Chain had silly moments. Do you even remember how they promoted the original DMC? It was marketed as being a crazy game. He was not a serious character in DMC1.

I love this

Bayonetta is even less serious than 3, by far


>Are you telling me Bayonetta is serious and grounded?

I guess it is in the opening.

>just look at his later works.

ummm, such as? What series did he recently release that's serious and grounded? Are you talking about Astral Chain? If you are, you must not have actually played it. It's very anime.

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There's another Reuben interview posted today. tfw he's still saying he hasn't been asked to be apart of the DMC series. Hopefully he just hasn't started on it and it's not because they wont include him.

It's Netflix, they'll probably recast Dante as a black and Vergil as some kind of brown guy.

>Dante uses guns
>black guy
>Vergil dislikes modern technology
>make him an islamist
Sounds kind of fun

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It's animated though.


>next project
Waiting till E3 2021 for Dragon's Dogma 2 is gonna kill me

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>white guy doing ebonics
That's problematic.

>Viewtiful Joe
>The Wonderful 101
Can anyone recommend me some similar serious and grounded games?

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It'll be the vergil and nero

Dd2 post was back in May, he's talking about dmc there

Capcom is normally pretty involved in their properties being adapted. Even the RE movies they were involved in, though it didn't save them from sucking the mainline characters were fairly true to their characters. Reuben said in past interviews that Itsuno wanted to be involved in the series.

Is 4 worth playing? I really liked Nero in 5 but I hear it recycles alot of content
t. played 1 and 3 then skipped to 5

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4 had really fun gameplay, but holy hell you can tell where the time and money dried up.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, you might as well try it.

Hey Nero
dead weight

Not really. Nero is about the same but with less shit, Dante has a less weapons which aren't as good as those in 5, Lady and Trish are barely different from Dante and Vergil is okay but kinda broken.

It's okay, some Kino cutscenes. Nero is kinda OP (not in the story but in gameplay), he really feels like Dante except easymode in 4.

Excellent bait, I'll save it for later threads

Reuben could be lying about it.

Okay but wouldn't they get Reuben involved then?


Reuben is a pure alien boy and would never lie.

now THAT was really garbage

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Do you fags do anything dmc related besides playing the games and shitposting?

Still need to actually make that Vergil cosplay I bought the fabric and made the patterns for a long time ago

A game so bad that Itsuno had to make 3 to redeem himself

>Okay but wouldn't they get Reuben involved then?

They just haven't asked him, doesn't mean he wont be involved. Adi has been pretty hush on it since the announcement. I will say that at their panels both times they were asked about it JYB was silent.

I eat plenty of pizza, does that count?

bros I already miss Rebellion

I can keep him with me where ever I go.

What other games feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series?

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Raimi actually wrote the draft of this scene:

>It was my assumption that those negroids would prove FAR inferior in the face of your police force.

>You preach liberalism that kills, liberalism that kills...I fail to see the logic here. Is...morality...the price to pay....for VOTERS?!

>Negroes...they are but stubborn and FOOLISH. It takes a journey to jail for them to accept and praise their cops. A fact that tickles Zimmerman's judgement.

>Your judgements interest me not. For I am here, to reclaim, what is rightfully mine...

>The American Family! THAT. IS WHAT. YOU. SEEK. And THAT, is WHY, I WAIT in your PATH!

>Hahahahahahaha! You will fumble in opposition of the white race...though I encourage! For an opportunity to battle a dirty nigger of such grand delusion, as you, is a sweet privilege...

- Agnus defeat scene -

> can there be such a difference between us?

>You have a higher melanin count, it's that simple.

>But you are not Nordic, so why am I inferior?

>You assume white men are weak, okay yeah their penises lack the physical length of a black man, but they possess something that niggers don't.

>Please, what is it that niggers lack? Please, for the sake of my quotas, please.

>If you're gonna continue your research in the ICE camp...learn about IQ division and crime statistics first.

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>there's a good 75% chance Cap*cuck is going to sell DMC3 and its Special Edition separately on the Switch

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is that baalbuddy?

There probably still storyboarding episodes and its too early for va recordings.


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Smash Ultimate

I eat pizza and think of custom devil arms

I hope that doesn't mean it'll only be a Nero anime.

It was a different time.

Oh shit that would be hilarious.

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listen to the music
play bayonetta
get old
Shin Megami Tensei 3
Marvel vs Capcom
Project X Zone

didnt he know nero was a part of the family from DMC4 though?


Adam posted a picture of himself from 2005 which would've made him about 16-17. Jailbait Dante.

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Viewtiful Joe

He's afraid Nero killing his own father would make him more of an edgelord than ever before.

>Nero anime
Adi is a big fan of Dante and he won't exclude him out of his own series.


DMC3 remake when?

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Adi also likes to be an insufferable faggot. Stop shilling Hot Topic poo in loo

Just started playing DMC1
How the fuck does air time works?

That's a really handsome woman.

What is it about Vergil's DMC5 face that makes him look off at times? I can't figure out why. This is how he looked in the Visions of V comic.
Vergil fujo defence force begone

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Is there any point in using the older swords in DMC5? I've never played one of these games before, but it seems that the third sword you get has a lot more moves that make the other two redundant.

>insufferable faggot
Well that too. Why the heck would I be shilling him? I'm just telling user it's unlikely he'll exclude Dante.

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Dante is a man of thighs

Nope, just a pretty boy.

Someone already replied to you about it before now you're just asking for baijiru spam.

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It's not her thighs he's looking at.

Jesus christ that screenshot is funnier than it should be

Never hopefully it doesn't need one and they'd fuck it up somehow

Yo why does dmc5 shit on my boy Nero so much

Nah only for aesthetics

>This is how he looked in the Visions of V comic.

The characters in Visions of V all suffer from same face.

>Vergil fujo defence force begone

So in other words you only want replies from people who agree with you. There's nothing wrong with his face.

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Wasn't there an updated DMC5 version of this?

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>What is it about Vergil's DMC5 face that makes him look off at times?

It's nothing with his face, it's RE Engine. They all look wonky from time to time.

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Visions of V is fujo bait, just like V, it might expand the story, but the real point is to attrac fujos, now that Vergil is back, V is now the new dlc/special edition fujobait for the games

>not a trace of Agnus' brown skin

so he got cucked, right?

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Because fujo faggots give worthless answers and don't give me good answers, like you. Also your sameface argument is retarded, V looks nothing like Vergil in that comic.

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>Capcom made a power hungry Jew a side villain in DMC 4

Here's a decent answer. I would say that most faces don't look actually too weird in the RE engine. Trish is the biggest exception. But apparently an user mentioned an issue with Vergil was Dan's chad jaw not fitting the mocap correctly of his thin face model. Or his actual face textures, hence why lighting tends to improve it.

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This one?

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>V looks nothing like Vergil
Blind and retarded. Just wait until we get to see Nero and Dante.

We've already seen Dante in the manga did you even fucking read it?
The only blind and retarded one is you, clearly.

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>V looks nothing like Vergil in that comic.

You're either delusional or face blind. Every character he draws has the same face. Even characters outside DMC. He even drew that face on Trish but with sexier lips.

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She’s not as brown as him, but she’s a little tan, Agnus is suppose to be from what ethnicity mediterranean or Native American?

He's from southern Italy, so African I guess.

V has dead nearly drooping fish eyes in the manga compared to Vergil. Even compared to Trish. If you think V looks like Trish here then you're even more retarded than the other fujo faggot

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She drew a special promotion poster around may where she had Dante and Nero and boy if you're blind now just wait until you see the sameface with them two. Even that Dante in the picture is long haired Vergil lol

What would Morrigan think of Kyrie?

I hope you're just pretending.

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That's one down, now to find an unblurred version of this

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Pretending what? You just proved my point, post the Trish image you talked about and let's compare it

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>V has dead nearly drooping fish eyes in the manga compared to Vergil.
>pulls a shot of him where he narrowly survived fighting nightmare

You're just posting V with a different expression. They have the same face. Every character he draws has the same face.

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Compare that pic of V i posted with the picture you posted of Vergil. This is my last (you) spend it well.

Out of all those images, one being V himself. Only Ky looked similar. Vergil still doesn't look like V in the comic.
Here, take another look.

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>avoiding the Trish image question
Also that still doesn't look like the Vergil in that image. Not giving me a (you) is a good thing if you're going to waste my time like that.

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Is so sad this goth chunni boy is gone forever, I would have loved to have him in future games

>God, I wish Kyrie was here

I was the one who posted Trish not him and you can scroll up and find it lazy ass. What more is there to add with her. I already said my point and the was that she even has the same face. She just has lips and maybe thinner eyebrows. Why are you being this delusional? How can you look at all those and not see that they're all nearly identical.

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Its ok we got the better version now.

THAT'S the Trish image you're talking about looking like V? Are you fucking retarded?

He's baiting you dumbass.

She probably wouldn't care. Morrigan doesn't really like having to worry about shit.

user your first mistake was responding to fujos in the first place, they're absolutely brainless when it comes to defending their character

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Sparda does more damage with some of its attacks but that means giving up the summoned swords.

Exactly defending V's sameface is pretty sad but damn these fujos are thirsty.

The argument wasn't that she specifically looks like V. The argument is that he uses the same features on every character. The only thing different on her face is the lips and eyebrows.

The argument isn't about Vergil. It's dumb to compare a game model to a manga adaption that uses shameless same face.

I never seen a game be released and immediately die so fast. This is easily the most forgettable DMC game. All that lore and history reduced to a shallow puddle with a cheesy anime ending like some shit that only gets 1 season. God, dare I say it. Even 4 was better than 5 in that regard.

That's why I put fujo defence force begone in the post user, I still fucking fell for it. After the "Trish image looking like V" thing though, never again.

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Vergil is alright the way he is, but there some charm in V being this dorky goth that get shit talked by his own familiar and I loved the idea of Nero dealing with Nico and V in his life the same way Dante does with Trish and Lady

>"Trish image looking like V"

Not what I said, the point was that she still has the same face despite the fact that he tried giving her feminine features. Now you ran out of argument so you're dismissing it. Nobody has said anything about the in game model in several posts.

>I loved the idea of Nero dealing with Nico and V in his life the same way Dante does with Trish and Lady
But Nero has no sexual tension with Nico or V

>he's still adamant on thinking the Trish image he posted has the sameface to manga V
Not gonna give anymore (you)s

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>dorky goth that get shit talked by his own familiar
Instead of the dorky weeb that got shit on by his brother? Clearly there's way more charisma with Vergil than being a cringe fag like V. Nero dealing with v is interesting because they don't know they're family yet, nero dealing with vergil is way more interesting.

You don't have fujo brain that's why. V is interesting because fujos ship Nero and him together.

V has fulfilled his purpose already.

He's just replying to himself man, you need to learn when a post is just bait and ignore it.

>nero and v

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I think I can spare a (you)

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fujos are a fucking plague to DMC threads
it took a while to search, but I found it for you user

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I actually wanted to ship V with Nico, but with him just being Vergil and not his own persona is kind of weird

So how old are Lady/Dante/Vergil? Dante needs to put a baby in Lady soon

>comptent mom morrigan
holy shit thats hot


It's a popular pairing for the newfags to the series. Dante and Vergil are old school now.

Regardless if he was his own person that's still a weird pairing. Why would you consider that?

I Think Dante and Vergil are reaching their mid 40’s while Lady must be 35 or 38 tops

Do demons actually die of normal human age, or even start to become weaker/slower with old age?

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Nothing can help your face blindness tho.

I believe they said Dante did, because he was half human.

Dante needs more friends first. I remember reading somewhere that other hunters don't really like him or they think he brings bad luck, but I have no source.

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Don't think it really matter for Vergil/Dante with their current power levels.

What is the possum thing refering to?

I wonder who's the real (you) bait here, cope harder fujo

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I'm guessing Rocket Raccoon when he had a thick fockin accent in umvc3

>faceblind and retarded
that's sad man

Do the other hunters are aware of what he’s or who was his father? Because I don’t know if being related to Sparda would be a benefit or curse for him


I don’t know I just like the idea of a goth dork and tomboy like Nico interacting, both them liking William Blake and tattoos is just a plus

Vergil dlc or the special edition should come with vergil style announcer. Dan has a shitty microphone apparently so he probably wouldn't be able to do it or he'll end up sounding like his dt voice in dmc 3.

Dante is Character 5.

Which one Yea Forums?

dmc 1 novel mentioned that

So boys, what event are we latching onto next in hopes for a Vergil DLC announcement?

Pretty sure that's still a secret. I think DMC5 files mentioned that him being called Redgrave was a bad sign.


It's fine, I'm over it. I walked away from my computer for a bit.

Dorito pope awards

Dante and Vergil are barely 40. It really hasn't been that big of a time skip since DMC4. Dante was supposed to be in his mid thirties in that game and Nero was about 16 or 17. He's now in his early 20s.

Come back when you got vergil news.

How long would a Vergil DLC even take to make with the assets they already have from the main game. I wonder if the switch to the RE:engine from MT Framework is what took them so long.

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nice blogpost

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dan said he was voicing a main character for an unannounced game back in april for the plebbit interview, big think is he was talking about vergil.

I think a lot of people assumed they were in their 40s based off how much older Dante appeared. Looking at him before he was in a coma for a month he didn't look that old. The time skip wasn't really a big one they could honestly be in their late 30s. Lady is younger than them so she might be in her mid thirties.

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It could be a separate game too though, it's weird seeing or hearing Dan in other games and TV shows that isn't DMC and Power Rangers related. Like him dying in Wolfenstein

Dan also said Vergil will be a main protagonist in DMC6.

>inb4 it was a joke, so was Johnny being his son.

>It could be a separate game too though
He mentioned in the interview it would be revealed soon, so I thought E3 but he didn't post anything about a game on his twitter or Instagram.

Did anyone who played DMC4 not realize Nero was Vergil’s son? It was confirmed he had the blood of Sparda (because he could be used to power the Savior); it was confirmed he was part of Dante’s family (because Dante said he wanted to keep Yamato in the family); he was able to awaken the Yamato; and he had the thirst for power when he awakened Yamato. There wasn’t really anything to spoil at that point.

Its my favorite one, but it is pretty flawed when it comes to level design. But my favorite cast of enemies to fight, and really great combat that feels a bit tighter than DMC5 for me.

That's my thought as well.

Dan spoiled it even before 4 even came out tho.

I believe there was some issue with the timeline, where DMC4 was 10 years after DMC3, so vergil would have been a shota during Nero's conception or some shit.

Considering they made the Survivors DLC and they're already making Project Resistance with the RE2 assets (though I don't know which team is making it or how much they're outsourcing), it shouldn't be that complicated.
Then again RE has more priority than DMC.

>Vergil was /ss/ed by an older woman who he impregnated
I can dig it

It was before DMC4 was released.

They don't take timelines into consideration when writing this shit, they're an after thought. They fixed up the timeline a little better now though. I think the novel said it was 17 years ago when Vergil visited Fortuna. He was in his late teens, probably about 17 or 18 since him and Dante are supposed to be about 20 in DMC3 and the Manga is set about a year before.

that is the price to pay...FOR POWER

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Going by thread art of Morrigan being Nero's mother, that would mean Vergil was /ss/d by Morrigan.

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This is canon and I don't care if anyone else says otherwise.

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Vergil got his own mommy gf

Reuben is Dante, if they got someone else to voice him I'd not watch it.

Watched all the cutscenes from DMC5 again yesterday and one question that keeps popping is: did Dante know V was Vergil? They kinda imply it but why would Dante let him get that close to Urizen then? He should be suspicious. Besides, how come he didn't bat an eye when he saw V summoning Mundus' old guard? I mean I might be looking too much into it but it does feel like they didn't think too much about that stuff.

I eat pizza and rewatch the anime every few months

Here's the video they showed at last months panel. It was just a birthday video for one of the devs.

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>It takes a journey to jail for them to accept and praise their cops

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Dante is 28 ish in dmc 1 iirc, so I'd just count backwards from there.

he made it lads

I'd be fine with Coombs too but I doubt they'd use him. Reuben is the Dante voice now
JYB and Dan as Nero and Vergil are non-negotiable though

Vergil tapped Morrigan?
Another reason he's the biggest chad in the series

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Im honestly waiting for the manga to clarify it because it kinda feels like Dante did know at times like when he called V Mr poetry. That just felt like something Dante would say to piss Vergil off and I don't remember V ever reciting poetry in front of Dante.

>biggest chad
Lost to Dante.
Lost to Mundas.
Lost to Dante (again)
Lost to Nero

Does he ever win other than against a weakened Beowulf?

Where did you learn to count? Him and Dante are even.

So how much longer do I have to wait till we start talking about gameplay mechanics again?
Speaking of, you can get mad air (much more than usual) with punchline if you recall and jump on it at the peak of your jump. Once you're on, press your shoot button and you'll kick flip extremely high if you did it right.

>lost to nero and dante
You should count Urizen as wins.

How does he keep getting away with it?

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he's beaten death a couple times

I think Dante remembers Vergil being a fan of poetry, and V having similar mannerisms to Vergil probably makes it obvious. Dante likely didn't realize Urizen and V could merge though.

It explains Nero really well and Vergil getting overwhelmed by some Christmas cake is cute.

>I don't remember V ever reciting poetry in front of Dante.

"I have no name, I am but 2 days old."

was that a frost poem?

All the poems in 5 are Blake poems

shit, thats what i meant
i'll never be able to show my face at a poetry slam again

Its about Vergil. He does not want to lose Vergil, but he will not let more innocent lives be taken because of the twins. It was personal.

>Does he ever win other than against a weakened Beowulf?

Vergil 1 and 2
Forgot the name of them but that reaper demon on top on Temenigru
Urizen 1 against Dante and Nero
Urizen 2 against Dante and Nero
Him and Dante tied in the Mission 19
I guess Nero technically won Mission 20 but Vergil could've fought longer if he wanted to

You think Vergil ever started introducing himself like as a child to annoy Dante?

>Life of misery and pain
>Defeated by his brother multiple times and his own son
>Got absolutely destroyed by Mundus and doomed to be his slave
>Managed to fuck Morrigan

Think it was worth it bros?

Attached: f0ge1azbzlb31.png (1024x512, 676K)

>20 but Vergil could've fought longer if he wanted to
t. Vergil


Attached: ok.png (600x1188, 430K)

Watch how Morrison will turn white again in the new anime then he shows up in 6 he'll be black again.

>Morrison uses Yamato to split himself in two

Attached: 1568833386802.jpg (577x549, 17K)

Vergil needs to show up as a playable character in Teppen for Morrigan.

Kyrie I guess.

He also kinda won against Dante as Nelo Angelo.

>One half is white and the other half is black.

You're never getting your Vergil DLC and I'm taking him to be my brainwashed slave on a remote island.

Attached: 1567723249423.jpg (225x400, 32K)


Attached: Morrison.jpg (800x450, 43K)

>I was split into two halves, one human, and one black.
How did Raimi get away with this?

If we're going to be counting Urizen then we should count V too:

Shadow and Nightmare in Visions of V
Geryon Knight
Mirage Artemis, Goliath and Cavalier

>dante knew that line was from blake because he kept stealing vergils book and saw that line one day.
>he called him mr poetry because of that

Attached: D-Hdo9WUwAAxhbn.jpg (1101x1508, 237K)

holy kek

>Lady is a drunkard who probably fucks random men at the bars she frequents
Top kek

Attached: lady.png (1334x750, 3.98M)

W-what did he want with Lady and Trish at the end?

The rent ain't free

So how much magic do the twins know?
Their unlimited ammo and air hike are pretty obvious but beyond that what else do they know?

It's a shame papa Sparda disappeared so early, imagine how powerful the two would be if they were fully trained by him.

"he stole that guys pizza"

Dante used telekinesis in the intro of DMC1, but then never used it again.

A lot their moves and techniques use magic and SDT is just high MAG all the way through so I'd say they're proficient.

Attached: 1555628950917.jpg (1920x1300, 536K)

yeah we all know the superior ship is 4Nero x 5Nero

Attached: 69257642_p0.jpg (956x1251, 665K)

Fuck guys, I never expected to end up thinking Nico is cute.

In Nocturne Dante's "spells" were just different variations of him throwing his sword
That being said, he conjures runes to double jump so he's probably good at it, not a full sorcerer like Arius or the goatmen in DMC5 but good enough to get by

Attached: scholars.jpg (386x601, 34K)

tfw it's Trish's dick Nico is giving the succ to

Attached: 1540413769453.jpg (512x687, 184K)

Nero can also do that and I don't think he had anyone to teach him it.
So I'm left wondering how much of their magic is instinctual, like their instant mastery of the devil arms they pick up.

Also never expected to want to fuck the shit out of her.

Shit like summons swords and teleportation is magic, but how much was taught and how much they just learned naturally we'll never know. I bet Vergil knew how to separate souls and open portals through instinct, much like how Dante figured he should just stab himself with Rebellion.
Vergil at least read some books and learned how to raise a tower from hell with Arkham.

DMC5 is a prequel to Two Broke Girls.

sorry but only gays can physically and fully enjoy DMC to the absolute fullest

Attached: 1559715102271.webm (1110x800, 2.96M)

Hey, at least Lady was doing fine with the demon hunting business, even if she apparently didn't have a house.

Attached: societies.jpg (374x218, 29K)

desu, it seems like Trish just copied Dante's money habits since she never changes her outfit.

Stop it Mundus

Attached: Worn out shoe.jpg (960x539, 26K)

Attached: 1555659969676.jpg (2560x1440, 543K)

holy shit i love memri posting

Attached: i think you understand.jpg (823x960, 136K)

Vergil's hips swaying like that is too lewd.


Attached: 601150_20190919220042_1 - Copy.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

Late reply, but it's mainly his eyes.

Attached: DMC5VergilEdit.jpg (1440x720, 355K)

Absolutely worth
he probably asked her to wear the kimono before fucking her

Attached: Morrigan_Kimono_Render_Game_CG82.jpg (444x794, 27K)

>DMC6 Mundus comes back as a 3 eyed cat
>he becomes Nero's pet as a way of getting close to him
>he tries to manipulate Nero into restoring him to his full power
>Dante and Vergil comeback sooner than Mundus expected
>they defeat him before his full plan unfolds
>Nero just thinks they came back from hell and killed his cat
>they try to explain but he's too stubborn and dumb to understand

Attached: 1553328017643.jpg (442x452, 32K)

well vergil was made for lewd so

Attached: 1553982441496.jpg (1280x666, 173K)

Yeah, the world of DMC had potential. I had hoped 5 will extend the universe somehow with Urizen being some kind of a primordial god entity, but nope.


sounds like something unga would do

>Not the superior V x Vergil

Attached: Nera.jpg (507x676, 157K)

Huh, I can kind of see it. The non edited original eyes look like one of those wax figure imitations you see of celebrities.

>Dante and Vergil turn the cat into dead weight

Attached: Dante sunglasses.jpg (1280x1280, 322K)

>posting your shit edit again

He looks like he got a bad face lift. His eyes are his best feature.

Attached: EE-JTzgUcAEMoyW.jpg (3840x2160, 973K)

3 way fight between nero, dante and vergil commences.

Nobody asked you fujo

>3 way
>between nero, dante and vergil commences

Attached: 1543371020772.png (415x367, 142K)

Admittedly it's not the best, but I think he looks closer to how he did in DMC3 CG.

Attached: 45645645234.png (570x539, 357K)

Don't bother reasoning with Fujos, it's a mistake

Will we ever get a modded multiolayer bloody palace for DMC5?

It really doesn't.

Attached: 56451965.jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

Coatless outfits are really needed this time.

Attached: 10dba8caf2e34e7b0fdee68cf3e3987c.png (269x492, 235K)

I think there's already a trainer that does that.

Attached: 1552449773969.jpg (1280x1662, 312K)

>mfw just realized I can't buy more banana breakers
Come the fuck on Itsuno.

Attached: 1562821293776.jpg (782x519, 125K)

Coatless, Vestless and pantsless

Attached: 1554964701977.jpg (1199x586, 79K)

>pictures you can hear

Fuck, then why aren't there people who advterise it on here? Yea Forumseekend co-op bloody palace sessions would be hype

Not the gay one fag.


Attached: i don't think I just commit genocide.jpg (417x594, 27K)

your edit is close to it actually, but the lips are a little too wide, hair is a bit different too
not much can be done about his sonic the hedgehog hair desu so I don't blame you

Looks like you just made him look asian

full pic?

Attached: 1530831370402.jpg (266x264, 8K)

weeb ascension

being mixed doesn't automatically make your skin dark, i should know
here in brazil pretty much everyone is mixed. one of my childhood friends had a pale complexion and his mom was swarthy as fuck.
sure, differing skin colors in a family doesn't make for good storytelling, but at least it's realistic i suppose
based memriposters

Attached: 1445875928473.jpg (640x539, 80K)

There's no full pic for that one, it's just showing off the model. However, if you scroll through enough you will find his dick it may be in his son or borthers ass though.

I always thought Vergil looked ever so slightly asian pre-DMC5 and I never understood why

>Be shit.
>Can't even be assed with DMD mode in DMC5
>Never be able to go past floor 65-ish in bloody palace.
>Still love the games since DMC1 and play them religiously.
It's funny loving a game you'll never be very good at.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190323205330.png (1920x1080, 3.56M)

inshallah brother

Attached: university.jpg (681x767, 151K)

Daddy let's make Nero a big brother!

You're only a scrub if you give up. I wish I had the screenshot of the scrubs of sparda, I remember their exploits in the pre DMC5 threads and they were something to behold.

>However, if you scroll through enough you will find his dick it may be in his son or borthers ass though.
excuse me?

Attached: 1559974002441.jpg (542x540, 18K)

It's the katana

>crewcut is just astral chain protag without the legion
>instead of baton it's a combat knife

I mean obviously kek, but face-wise he looked mixed asian to me pre-DMC5. I think it was the angular eyes from DMC3.

fagets user

Attached: EBFCiVKXkAAJYgu.jpg (816x1406, 85K)

i miss him and early DMC5 memes

Attached: 155434269781.png (920x584, 677K)

>I think he looks closer to how he did in DMC3 CG.
>Trying to make a model of a real person look like an anime inspired model.

Well that's your problem. People act like they need to fix his models face when there's actually no issue with it. The mocap isn't always great but it doesn't look bad most of the time. The only problem is the hair is a little too big.

Attached: 1554690844350.jpg (3069x3239, 3.62M)

>posts a render done by a female DMC fan.

Attached: The Legendary Scrubs of Sparda.jpg (2880x1080, 517K)

Attached: 221810a5150760d3a47770aa084d7c66.png (720x930, 594K)

didn't he come in at the tail end after some mystery dev left 2?

I think his face needs to be just a touch thinner and angular like his actual face model. Then make the top of his hair flatter and either lower the hairline or give him some bangs of some kind.
I think the forehead is a part of the problem

I meant moon dummy. I wouldn't save his trash lol.

not all females are fujos
just most
what am i looking at here?

speaking of the render posted, Tasty Textures is a female fan who does lewds too. You can see his dick but she's not a fujo so it's a wholesome dick:

more funny vergil pics pease

Attached: D8jy7ASXUAE6V9e.jpg (685x386, 39K)

Look at the times user

The absolute legends. The one on the left was when he was trying to beat Geryon right?

>Nero just thinks they came back from hell and killed his cat
that's too good

Attached: highest degree of kek.jpg (410x468, 61K)

>he was trying to beat Geryon right?
I think so yeah

Oh, sorry.

>not all females are fujos

That's...not what I said at all.

She has a naked vergil on her twitter
She doesn't do gay porn only pure hetero shit.

based chad jawline

>She doesn't do gay porn only pure hetero shit.

Exactly why I said "she's not a fujo".

oh, that's one mission

thanks you user

Attached: 1552362795069.png (191x258, 84K)

>Nero just thinks they came back from hell and killed his cat

Attached: 1554351596334.png (565x763, 593K)


Attached: EBm2sdGXUAA6EAD.jpg (2048x1152, 133K)

>it's a wholesome dick

So it's not lewd if I want to ride it?

tfs you'll never get a version of Dante with ALL of his weapons.

Attached: 1566515945807.png (497x315, 232K)

>you can't switch in the menus
>you have to repeatedly press shoulder buttons

Attached: excited_african_american_actor.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Vergil is disappointed with you calling them boobs

Attached: EBSiMp6WsAAyQTq.jpg (1415x647, 85K)

vergil was getting pussy at like, 16. and then became a slave in the demon world.


she married a quarter demon, is she really that sane?

Even when he's beating his meat he's dramatic

Attached: windantewin.png (750x550, 529K)

Only if your Nero's mom

Agnus is the most based character in the franchise and since he worked at urobos probably is the reason why DMC2 was so boring.

>chest hair
god bless

Attached: 1557714837793.gif (190x200, 1.16M)

You mean Arius, right?


No, Agnus worked at urobos before the events of DMC4

>>You assume white men are weak, okay yeah their penises lack the physical length of a black man, but they possess something that niggers don't.
>>Please, what is it that niggers lack? Please, for the sake of my quotas, please.
>>If you're gonna continue your research in the ICE camp...learn about IQ division and crime statistics first.

Attached: lel.png (340x314, 249K)

as hot as Vergil with chest hair is, it feels too out of character
I imagine he shaves everything from his face, chest, pubes, taint to his legs like a swimmer in order to be more aerodynamic while Dante is the one who keeps it wild and untamed

No I mean Arius is the most based character in the franchise

Nsfw for ladyfags

Attached: __nico_devil_may_cry_5_and_etc_drawn_by_norasuko__sample-420ab5d2025b80f46e53a9025fd00281.jpg (850x1004, 177K)

>Smallest penises
>Biggest brains
>Asian Master Race

Vergil 2 was a tie and Urizen 2 lost to Dante but he ran away

Big Boss

I feel like nero and nico had some hot and sweaty sex after dmc5

Attached: lel.png (504x1342, 1.03M)

Fuck you, Nero is loyal and pure

Attached: 1551891439292.jpg (297x545, 38K)

Nero would never cheat on Kyrie you whore.

Nico is for Lady

she can have trish

Nero is a good pure boy with fluffy hair that smells like peaches.

Attached: 1551064106069.jpg (540x960, 31K)

I'm like 75% Nico is into girls based on her reaction to Lady but that doesn't discount the chance of her being into guys as well.

Vergil special edition is a meme at this point. I'm just waiting for his guest appearance in various other special editions of different franchises just to hammer it home that i keep falling for it

Mission 13's secret areas have 1 if I recall


Attached: 075.jpg (680x383, 29K)

>Everyone else has at least a hint of a bulge
>Vergil is completely flat

Well SFV already got him heh

Yeah I overdid the lips a bit. I gave it another shot.
I see no harm in messing around in an image editor. Not like we do anything better in these threads anyway.

Attached: DMC5VergilEditComp2.jpg (1440x720, 357K)

>V still hasn't been fixed so that his summoning is more responsive

What a shit character.

Attached: 1568543673766.jpg (583x583, 37K)

The summons response times aren't the problem, it's you not gitting gud that's the issue.

>Dante was getting a power boost from the Qliphoth during the entire month he was asleep
I guess it confused him with Urizen

Are you standing as far away as possible?

How realistic is it to wish for quicksilver in dmc5se bros?
i really want it back

So DMC5 has been out for like 7 months now. Has there been any good superplay videos yet?

Like this

0 unless fans making it a shitty mod like they did in 4

This is literally the first time I've seen somebody complain about the response times. You're either shit or you're playing on a PC that can't handle the game.

People who complain about V are always the ones who are shit with him. Git gud

And he shitposted both day and night.
Till he posted a baitpost right.

Attached: V book.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

I have an OC who's Dante's daughter that only exists in my head because I know that kind of shit is omega cancer though I've been debating writing some fanfiction about it anyways because I'm garbage.

Same but without the fanfiction.

Attached: 1554377547735.jpg (390x398, 135K)


>about 30 minutes in Reuben starts talking about Quantum Physics, AI, and Sci Fi

This is why I love his interviews. I love hearing him talk about this stuff.

Attached: EEQ2QrJU4AAjSRS.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)

Mine is probably worse because I manage to RP her for a little bit but the person I was doing it with vanished without a trace like a month ago.

Attached: Vergil Passing.jpg (2048x2033, 566K)

I remember when a dmc thread became/ pol/ central because we we're listening to a Reuben interview on youtube or something. Good times.

>dick to both Trish and Lady
Literally where? He considers them the toughest chicks he ever knew and they marked a development point in his life.
>whoever the fuck Patty is supposed to be.
She's his adoptive daughter
>He was also a dick to black Trench coat man
Morrison seems to still worry and care about Dante, so I'd take it as friendly banter. whatever the fuck you were talking about.

Wonderful 101 port fucking when? I gave my Wii U to my mom because I thought after 300 hours I would be done with the game. I want to play it again so bad

I miss them.

Attached: DA_AgniRudra.gif (600x600, 71K)

Why did they shill for TFA?

Cause they're just advertisement machines

Yes it fucking is worth it.

Attached: 1562368352256.jpg (2220x1080, 1019K)

>claims to have better fire than berial, better ice than bael and the best thunder in hell
Does he?

Attached: King_Cerberus_0.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

>Vergil was /ss/ed by an older woman who groomed him for his semen

Attached: Zashiki_v09_003-005.jpg (3028x1600, 676K)

>Cat Mundus' remains get made into a Devil Arm

Attached: Consider.jpg (600x600, 50K)

If they come back, Vergil should weild them.

>gives nero cat ears and tail


Attached: Sparda_(Model)_DMC4SE.png (1270x2750, 2.44M)

>Vergil's reaction to their non-stop talking

Hopefully never

Hopefully never. Having him be a real character would ruin the legend.

As Nelo Angelo he was about to kill Dante in their first encounter until the amulet fell out.

Well he did say he didn't want to be lonely..

I really hate that Nico narrates the library entries.

This is your new Devil Arm

Attached: pizza-pasta-new2.jpg (1422x800, 236K)


Attached: 1547545873891.gif (309x374, 1.11M)

I like it, gives them character.

I want it

Attached: Nelo_Angelos_Sword.png (413x391, 632K)

>describes life as being an expansive video game
>says that he's convinced we're living in a simulation
>says that it's mathematically impossible for us not to have a creator
>He said Atheism is lazy

He's a madman.

He's based and redpilled.

Attached: Reuben question asking.jpg (500x500, 39K)

Why's he so much smaller than the original? Also it's sad how we couldn't get Phantom too. He decided to be a dick to V.

>alternate universe Dante converted Nelo Angelo into a Devil Arm
>he has to deal with his screaming older twin demanding more power
>Dante nearly goes out of business paying the electric bill

Attached: laughing forehead.gif (576x549, 277K)

I preferred the impersonal narration of previous games. The limited information made the world seem more mysterious.

V's familar's are weak versions of the ones in DMC1. Griffon turned small, Shadow turns into a bigcat that can be hurt by swords and Nightmare (the universal demon) turns into a retard Zangief Golem

Sounds unironically based to me.

I'm going to be pissed if a Virgil DLC comes and we DON'T see Kyrie

Attached: based_chuck.webm (720x720, 710K)

Then you'll have to take it

Not that guy but aren't Nico's narrations already dealing with limited info? She reveals some things not found in the story but there's numerous areas of speculation, even over stuff the player already knows.

Budget should be spent on better things tho. Like Vergil

The game hit 2 million sales in a month, then petered out at 2.4 million. It's not getting DLC or a sequel if Dragon's Dogma (which sold better) didn't.

How would user improve him?

Attached: V.png (1382x4247, 2.14M)

Only thing he needs is a few more moves and maybe another evasive move.

The way the info is presented is what I find important. I really don't like the tryhard hickey accent thing, it sounded more dignified in previous games.

DD literally got a whole expansion you retard

I like the detail

Attached: SummonedSwordDmc5.jpg (608x480, 49K)

Throw him in the trash

He's fine how he is.

Looks like they're still using the ps2 model

Isn't dragons dogma getting a sequel? Itsuno literally had the option between doing dmc or dd2.

Give him one of these

Attached: Urizen.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Replace him with vergil.

I miss it

Attached: Alastor_(DA)_DMC1.png (450x475, 103K)

Attached: Force Edge Terra.webm (640x480, 807K)

Do you think V or Nero could've done the same?

Ability to swap between two summons for each slot, like between Shadow and a Fetish or Nightmare and Phantom. Make there be a slight desummoning/summoning delay with swapping so you have to plan instead of mashing through like a retard

man king cerberus is an ugly son of a bitch compared to 3cerb, would not pet.

Attached: cerb.jpg (1725x771, 199K)

>Dragon's Dogma (which sold better) didn't.

DMC is their 4th highest selling series and DMC5 already outsold DD's lifetime sales. DD has not only gotten an expansion but Itsuno has said he plans on making a sequel.

How do I beat the prancing lala homomen in God Hand?

I forget but did Dante sell him too?

Make it so it's harder to gain style points with him and enemies are more inclined to target him instead of the summons even on lower difficulties.

Dragons dogma didn't get a special edition but an expansion? Then why is everyone worried capcom will do the same for dmc?

>vergil decides to confront his past & time as nelo angelo
>somehow finds a way to bring back his familiars, including those who didn't team up with v
>ends up making them into some form of nelo angelo-based devil arm, possibly the armor

Attached: Consider the following.gif (500x385, 496K)

V for sure, maybe Nero too.

Different DT summons that affect his "style" button. Better animation for the melee summon. Using the dodge or double jump doesn't cancel your charge.

Attached: 1551212642959.png (392x350, 167K)

>DMCV Before the Nightmare had Dante speak to his Cerberus Devil Arm
>Angi & Rudra speak
>Balrog too
>all 3 somewhat willingly let Dante take them after being defeated
Is this a coincidence?

Give him Phantom and the Scissor Assholes

Attached: not coincidence.png (441x430, 204K)

Nevan was also willing, Beowulf was fucked by Vergil and was turned into what he is by force, I guess. Do there's that.

lol u sound gay i the bad

Vergin is overpowered to the point of absurdity in 4, who thought that was a good idea?



Attached: 1568689815645.gif (618x648, 495K)

Barely any budget to make the se good

>he doesn't know

Kek dmcbabies btfo

He's going to be overpowered again when they release him for 5 because the 4Vergilfags will threaten sudoku if they change him at all

>those videos
Hold the fuck up
How does he shoot the guns in different directions while shooting (ala dmc3, dmc4 gunslinger)?

I thought this shit was removed from 5?
Is it a mod?
Boy dont you fucking tell me its in the game and i didnt realise, am i retarded?

Attached: 1529212401178.jpg (1920x1080, 752K)

Vergil demands perfection. SSS Ranks at all times or else you suffer.

Attached: Consider the OHOHOHO.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Will they ever do better versions of the Dmc weapons?

Attached: Arbiter_DmC.png (774x894, 299K)

Nah he needs to be nerfed and have enemies that are properely tailored to him. Itsuno should borrow from 3's vergil more .

If you switch to Gunslinger and alternate the X and B buttons, yeah

Attached: 1560041779452.gif (200x189, 742K)

The skill purchase screen only has the moves you can buy. Check the skill list screen to see the full list of moves you have. That skill is unlocked with Gunslinger by default, just shoot Ebony or Ivory and then immediately shoot the other. It lets you decide which you want to free-aim (since the guns behave differently now).
Lots of people have no idea about Nero's Bringer Knuckle move since they never read the skill list.

It's disgusting how OP he is in an already lenient game. Like some anons said, he was probably balanced around the LDK mode. The character is fun to play with but he sucks design wise when compared to his DMC3 iteration. Concentration is an interesting gimmick but it needed more time in the oven, they butchered his teleports, the stinger is ridiculously short and worse of all you can't use summoned swords while taunting.

Attached: Twins fighting in womb.jpg (1361x1430, 173K)

Why? It's a good sign

Attached: 1556347783924.png (525x546, 270K)

Ive never been a gunsliger kind of guy, but watching a clip of dante doing that in dmc3 on tv was what made me buy the game along with re4 before i even had a ps2
I bought those 2 games on purpose thinking maybe i could trick my mom into buying a ps2 for me
It worked... a year later
Well thats one nitpick off the list
dmc5 just got a little more perfect in my eyes

DLC when?

Attached: Crewcut.png (760x686, 403K)

Itsuno is taunting/torturing us (or throwing us a bone)

Thanks for posting this, user

Patty and Morrison dlc when

Make them into devil arms

Attached: Untitled.png (1280x720, 1.21M)

He's teasing us for sure, he wouldn't hashtag DMC for nothing.

Attached: zmcjek8mkkk21.jpg (776x960, 57K)

The despair already died and was merged with Dante's DT "core" that's why his DT has a magma like element to it in 4 and 5. And why his summoned swords resemble his sword.
Mundus something similar to Lucifer I'd imagine, a projectile based melee weapon but better.

Sesshomaru has a katana
Guess you gotta merge him and Vergil

>"wow this game is... dare I say... CUHRAZYYYYYYY"

Attached: soy.gif (413x243, 51K)

lol great post user

He looks the same age as Dante while still looking like a DMC3 model remake. It's the perfect 60 year old teenager

Before the thread dies I just need to say how much I love Vergil. He's the best!

Attached: 1562821831699.jpg (810x1080, 171K)


>new IP this late in the thread

Sorry we're closed.