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Other urls found in this thread:


Catherine: Full Body, Nier, Bayonetta
Brazil, Belladonna of Sadness
Hellstar Remina
mac n cheese baby
black coffee, water
i've transcended the need
pretty damn good.

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True Capitalist Radio from 2011 and any brony troll calls
Too boring
Chocolate Milk as always
Good since I gave up trolling, wondering what I should watch.


Steel Division 2
Dark Crystal
China: A History
Pretty gud

A:TLA, Clone Wars, Megas XLR

>The fuck is A:TLA
>Never watched the original Star Wars movies, will not watch till restored to film variants
>Megas XLR
The fuck are these suggestions?

Probably the Witcher 3 I'm on my 3rd playthrough but this is the 1st time Ive played it after finally playing and beating the Witcher 1 & 2
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Yea Forums
Just had some cereal might get some more
Might, was hoping the new update of Milfy City was going to be out but it is still in testing
pretty good

He means Star Wars the Clone Wars, the animated cartoon. I liked it a lot, the 1st and 2nd season are a somewhat cringe and was directed towards children but as the series goes on it gets better

HoI4 right now, probably XIV or WoW later, too lazy to start anything new til Code Vein comes out
Random youtube lets plays between music, will probably continue re/watching tonari no kyuuketsuki-san with a friend tonight
Homemade chili soon
Pretty comfy

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Astral Chain
Down the Rabbit Hole
Yea Forums
Dunno yet. Fried chicken or shawarma?
Coffee. Maybe some vodka once I'm home
Cheap garbage cigarettes
got some weed and hash about to be on order
Good. Just got closing paperwork to do and I'm free to go home and play some video games

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MW beta
Either gonna finish off this anime I started the other day or watch demon slayer
Idk random playlist
Just ate some tacos
Vodka sprite
Maybe later
I feel a little irritated

Yes I know that one, but the others no.

Not video games
The fucking in game music and sound effects what else?
Not video games
>Being a fatass
>Being an alcholic
>Being a coomer

botw and if im not to much of a pussy fatal frame
food network and youtube shit if im in the mood one of the movies i picked up for my birthday
rob zombie
deadly class volume 2
little sick but getting better

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Just 100%-ed Ripto's Rage in the Reignited Trilogy. Will start up Year of the Dragon tomorrow
Yea Forums
Turkey, pork chop, sweet potato, and rice
Weed if I had some. Ciggies are something only if I'm drunk and with friends. Can't deal with feeling like I may have a heart attack at the gym cuz of them
Gwen probs
Goddamn do I love the barbers I'm going to now. They get it right every fucking time with no issues. Also 2 weeks away from paying off my credit card and being debt free. Yet, despite these good feels, something feels off. Been on the fence about wanting a relationship for a few weeks now and am back on Tinder and Bumble. I think what it is, is that last year around this time I was smashing p00n and now what these girls are like to where I don't wanna play the game with them any more and want something/one with more depth and personality. That or I've discovered how women really are and my mind is subconsciously telling me to stop caring about women. IDK. I just want someone to stick my dick in on the weekends first and foremost, desu

Been playing WoW, got the new Brewfest stuff that they added. The Chowdown mini-game is pure cancer. Now I found out I need to grind for Spare Parts (about 15,000 more of them) so that I can make a bunch of these tinker items before their resource cost goes up in 8.2.5 so that I can get the damn Junkyard title.

Played a bit of Link's Awakening, that was fun. I want to get into Daemon X Machina but haven't found the time yet.
Watching all three Hellhouse LLC. movies tonight. We've seen the first two, but not the third. We're currently early in the first movie.
Kamelot mostly, but also some video game music mixed in (MGS Rising soundtrack quite a bit).
We have a pizza on the way. Also we're going to go out for ice cream at Coldstone Creamery after the second movie. They have this awesome thing right now which has cornbread, blackberry jam and honey in it. It's fucking awesome.
Coke Zero, may have a bit of beer later to get more into Brewfest. Been enjoying coffee quite a bit lately since I got a Keurig, makes it easy to have coffee whenever.
Pretty good! Had plans for today but they had to be canceled earlier in the week. Was just going to get together with some friends but we're going to do that next weekend. So it's just vidya and movies today.

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Whack-a-mole on Yea Forums, need to delete all the vidya threads I don't like.
little girl chinese cartoons
mom yelling at me to get out of the house
anons making fun of me
hot pockets
cuckold porn
>tfw will never have a real job
>tfw will never move out of my parents' house
>tfw will never be at a healthy weight
>tfw will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>tfw will never have a girlfriend
>tfw will never have any friends

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Jet Grind Radio
Jerma's carnival stream
new game!
Chocolate Milk
already did.

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some random shit
pall mall blues
already fapped
irritated, weird

>doesn't know avatar and megas

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Haven't posted in one of these threads in a good while, so might as well.
Pic related. More games need a shut up button during dialogue
Game soundtrack
Read new chapters of Uzaki-chan, Takagi-san and Golden Kamuy earlier today.
Granola midnight snack
Miss me with that shit
Muscular orc girl
Been NEETing it up for a week now, kinda tired of it already. I want to go back to studying already.

Violet Evergarden!

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>watching westshit

your post is bad, your meme is bad, and you should feel bad


terraria with some friends
Yea Forums
protien bar atm
cawfee atm
solo male masturbation
pretty ok

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>solo male masturbation
you gay or something?

not a janny faggot your meme is still shit

im really not i just find it hot

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Fitness related shit
Broscience on >EATAN
2 Snickers Ice Cream bars waiting for me
Currently 3rd Bud 50cl beer
Quit 3 years ago but would love a decent cuban
Trying to transition into nofap after a 3 day streak of degenerate gangbang porn
Pretty bad, tired, hungry, alone, feel like I fucked up earlier

help an user with a backlog:

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Shut the fuck up faggot. You gonna report me to based janny?

Playan some Bloodstained and gonna read some Dorohedoro when I get into bed. N/A to the rest

your meme is still shit

Cartoons, not anime.

>comes into a thread that has been a tradition longer than he has been using the Internet
>shits it up for (You)s
>still spergs out like a faggot
That's 2 separate anons that want you to sit down and shut up, autist

Chinese cartoon!

I played CTR and darksiders 3.
Gonna try the batman lego games that i got for free on epic store later, i havent played a lego game since the ps2.

Steven Universe, Duck Dodgers and Neon Genesis Evangelion

[YouTube] GTA Vice City Flash FM Complete Track (embed)

Nothing at the moment

Salmon, japanese rice with furikake mostly

Mostly water and coffee.
to a lot of things.

I was fired a couple of weeks ago and no one is hiring at the moment.
Now i guess i'll just study for some public job tests ill have in the upcoming months and maybe have a career change because i suck major ass at what i do. I feel like i wasted my life even though i tried my best. Fuck
I also feel like learning to draw so i can doodle shit and make my own drawings instead of relying on drawfags to do so.
I also need to think of a project to while i dont have a job just so i can keep up with the current front end trends.
Also, why in the fuck did the mods delete the previous thread?

i am not sure if ill ever find a decent barber or get a decent haircut in my life.

does sleepycast still exists?

Steven Universe, Duck Dodgers and Venture Bros.

go play silent hill

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>asks for cartoon
>why were these made in the west

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The Sims 4

Dance Mom edits

Country Music

3 sisters, 3 queens by Phillippa Gregory



Not for a while. I had a watermelon vape in HS, but that was about it.



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Oh, you meant Avatar. Last time I watched it, bronies were still relevant. Yeah, no. Stop with the weeb shit.

forgot to add the actual youtube link on LISTENAN

Steven Universe is for SJWs, so no.
Good suggestion, will probably watch.
Haven't watched, heard of.

try ballmasterz as well.

lol k

Yakuza 3. It's pretty good so far. Not as good as the first or second games, but it's neat running through Kamurocho with a mostly free camera and no loading screens ever fifteen seconds.
I've been meaning to get back to Gundam X for months now.
Books is gay
Steel Reserve
Pretty damn good. Tonight is a one person party night.

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Hitman 2016
Spider-Man Far From Home I've seen it twice already
Super Mega Cast
Almost done with Game of Thrones book 5
Grilled chicken with spinach and a potato
Already did it to NFL cheerleaders
I found out my boss thinks I'm awesome, which is great, and I'm really, really excited for the Last of Us 2 preview on Tuesday. I haven't been this hyped for a game in years. I plan on pre ordering the most expensive version, attending the midnight release, and taking 2 days off of work to fully dedicate myself to it.

Jerma's Hit and Run stream is the hardest I've laughed in ages
Takagi-san is God tier. Is season 2 out yet?

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megas isnt really weeb shit despite anime style

what kind like toons for adults or kids

Season 2 aired this season, final episode is airing tomorrow.

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Either or. Just do a little list and have 2 sections.

I gave into nostalgia and picked up a Genesis Mini, which I have to admit has been a good time. Other than that, I'm hopping between
Been on a horror binge this weekend. Watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space (which I loved) and Hell House LLC (which I thought was alright) for the first time last night, so I'ma see what piques my interest today. Any recs?
Roundtable of Gentlemen. Never fails to get a laugh out of me.
Gonna make some shrimp fettuccine tonight.
Dr. Pepper.
A spring in my garage door busted and trashed the whole thing, but my car is out of the garage so I'm relieved about that. I feel like I should be stressing nonstop about this but I'm actually feeling pretty good.

>Rob Zombie
Hellbilly Deluxe will always have a place in my heart. Also, you mentioned your birthday, so even if it's already passed, happy birthday!
>That fap content
Based taste.

>Dark Crystal
the movie or the show?

Old PS2 games I havent touched in a while
Whatever pops into my youtube feed
Cum Town and various game music
Rereading Komi-San
Probably some shitty microwave pizzas in an hour
Dr. Pepper babeyy
Shits bad for you dont do it
Already did to some Scorbunny earlier
Sudden wave of anxiety been hitting me hard lately and I don't know why. Maybe its autism

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Just put down Astral Chain, a lot of fun
Alright, weather isnt shit like it has been so I can actually work in comfort.

Super Destronauts DX on the Vita
that dude who talks with the disabled peaople on youtube
chillout mix
we just had a god thread about mental disorders but the janny deleted it
cheese snadwich
beer and Pepsi
I roll my cigs, the bag of tobacco is cheaper than a pack of cigarettes
no need

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Can we play ?

more adult orientated I'd say F is for Family or Bojak horseman and more kid orientated batman beyond
>Any recs
any specific kind of hour like Japanese, found footage, creature feature, home invasion, torture porn, etc

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Just watched the newest Demon Slayer episode. Now waiting for Toonami later.
Electronic music
People assblasted that Link's Awakening is $60 And I agree.
Pizza earlier
Nice music, nice vidya, having a good saturday night so far.

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Lmao, was afk. Feel free to join back

make your own thread

Retail WoW rn because of the 50% rep, hopefully some MHxx soon.
Dr.Stone, Cfb when the Texas game comes on.
Smonked some Jack Herer in the vaporizer.
Already did
( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

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Doubt it helps. Besides, saved your precious thread from dying now ^^

I should know better, but about to head into Overwatch (I shouldn't even be gaming right now desu)
nothing (maybe some One Piece review/theory videos before I schleep)
what a fucking joke, it completely misses the atmosphere of the original
otherwise my long-ass playlist
nothing really atm
some weird water orange-mango juice thing, it's not good but not bad either
I only DUDE at birthdays/holidays nowadays.
feel like I'll have to take a really big shit before I sleep, otherwise I'm ok (thirsty too I guess); really can't afford to laze around tomorrow though
have a good one guys

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KF2 and Classic WoW. Warrior masterrace unfortunately my main is a mage.
I'm on chapter 2 of the first Wheel of Time book. Have been for several days though.
A doughnut
Water & coffee
Did earlier to feet, armpits, and buttholes on /s/. Will again later, probably to more of the same.

WoW Classic /
Ninja Gaiden
Yu Yu Hakusho /
Dead Man
The Misfits
Soul Eater
cbr sub
awhh yisss

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Just finished Danganronpa UDG. It was a bit of a chore. I'll probably start Somnium Files tomorrow.
Lots of seasonal anime. Tejina Senpai, Sounan Desu Ka, Kanata no Astra, Uchimusume, Araburu. Maybe a couple more before I go to sleep.
Dead Dead Demons Dedededestruction. I'm almost caught up.
I got some fancy craft beers for fairly cheap. Drinking a coffee porter right now.
I was covering someone else's shift at work, so I was a barman for the first time in my life. I'm not used to working 'til almost midnight.

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Monster hunter world
Gurren lagann
Gojira and stal, the objective best minecraft music disk
Monster zero ultra, honestly been drinking it way before the memes
Probably not today
Exhausted but comfy

Civ 6. Just pulled the trigger on the gathering storm expansion. It's pretty good so far.
Random funk shit on spotify
Yea Forums
Just had chicken and broccoli for dinner
Diet bepis and vodka
Maybe later tonight if I'm up for it
Pretty ok. A little bummed that none of my friends can hang out so I'm feeling pretty lonely I guess.

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I dunno why but I've been feeling some Egypt shit the past few days so I might reinstall Children of the Nile or something. Recommend me good Egypt games anons
Watched The Dragon Missile earlier, Shaw Bros martial arts flick. In the same kind of vein as The Flying Guillotine and wasn't as good but still a decent watch
Got a book of translated stories from the Konjaku Monogatarishu today so I'm gonna start that tomorrow I think
Nothing right now
Nothing, winding down before bed
Wishing I wasn't broke as fuck so I could buy more books

Rewatch Justice League Unlimited user. If you've never watched it then start
Saturday threads seem to get deleted a bunch for some reason, I don't get it
based, might listen to london dungeon now

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AC origins isn't the worst game in the world, and is pretty Egypt-y

Link's Awakening remake. Fuck the haters, it was worth every penny, and is the best Zelda game hands down (Link to the Past is a close second).

The Office reruns on Shitflix.

Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack.

Yea Forums of course.

Cashed in my Good Boy Points for some chicken tendies. Immediately regretted this choice of "food" afterwards.


The theme of the night is femdom facesitting. Love a chubby/curvy chick grinding her pussy and asshole onto my face.

Alright I suppose. Started working out in the home gym/weightset my brother and I put together. My workplace is moving to 3 on/4 off for the winter week schedule in a week. Slowly pulling myself out of credit card debt. Things are slowly getting "better", but at least there is vidya to keep me entertained anyway.

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I started play UDG but I can't really get into it, despite me playing and loving every other game in the series. Does it ever get better? I'm at the part where the partial bridge collapses

Billy Hatcher
Vocaloid songs
Cherry Coke
Lol no

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I actually did play that somehwat recently and thought it pulled off the setting really well, thanks for the suggestion though

Link's Awakening, Monster World IV, and Muse Dash
Sword of the Stranger
Iron Maiden
Catching up on Ippo
Chicken Pot Pie with corn bread
Water and Yuengling
Muscle girls
Pretty good.

>Ninja Gaiden
>Yu Yu Hakusho
>The Misfits
Very good taste. Hope you're having a good night.


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>Does it ever get better?
Not really. I've only played 1 and 2 so far and the story is way worse than both of them. The best part is seeing a few characters related to the cast of 1. I'd recommend just looking up wiki articles rather than playing it if you're interested.


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I'd recommend playing V3 ASAP before you get anything of it spoiled for you

Based Nico

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base mass replier

Dragon Quest 6. Just got to the castle, nearing the end I assume.
Chris-Chan Comprehensive History
Pro Crastinators Podcast
Finished Fear and Trembling today
donuts and spicy ramen
Pretty good. Kept to my diet and exercise well and am enjoying my cheat day. Very busy with school stuff, but it's fine.

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Tales of Vesperia, Fortnite
Disenchantment season 2
Read some Lovecraft earlier
Carnitas tacos
Gonna make a root beer float later
what are you a child
iunno something I'm sure
my right oblique area hurts, but other than that comfy

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MK11, MW beta and maybe Blasphemous
Wings DTRH
Hey Moon on loop
getting into Blackwood
not sure yet
crummy water
ok, started keeping a dream journal and might write about I saw

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VA-11 HALL-A (which is surprisingly great), the LA remake, and something spooky. Any recommendations for the spooky game? I don't often play horror.
The BA youtube channel, wherein a man from NJ catches catfish in OK with his bare hands.
Certain treatises on the logical possibility of the Trinity, Plato's Apology (in Greek).
Fried pickles
Whiskey and San Pellegrino soda
Mint Juul pods
N/A, but could get a BJ if I shower and give a foot massage
Like my head is psychically disconnected from my body

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Pat stream
Same as above
Gonna finish catching up with Dr. Stone in just a bit. What should I read next? Pic related.
Nothing currently
Peace Tea
Not now.

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osrs vids
unsweetened iced black tea, pure leaf is my shit
earlier today. I'm at work and my job is literally sitting on my ass so it's not an issue.
not yet
i hate my job

Seconding Cromartie. Kamiyama's story of the baddest thing he's ever done and the class reaction to it slayed me

Minecraft, Man of Medan
Interview with monster girls, Dr.Stone, Man in the high castle
Against Empathy
Fried mushrooms, bacon and eggs, cereal
St. Pollygirl
12mg Red by Milkman in my vape
melancholy because money is tight and buddy sold me a computer monitor I can't use

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! ty frend. I luv london dungeon
your very listenan was a gud time as well.
also, martial arts movies kick ass. my fav is prob Fist of Fury rn but I haven't seen many
>Link's Awakening
>Iron Maiden
>Sword of the Stranger
prime comfy. hope you are too m8
your accumulated taste a baste

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Get that image of Drump out of here, he's triggering me you bastard.

>in Greek
Do you know if the English versions are any good? I can't really tell if his writing style was butchered in translation. Not sure if that even matters considering it's the ideas that are relevant moreso than his personal voice

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Started playing darkest Dungeon on the hardest difficult after some anons were talking about wizardry iv yesterday. DD is pretty hard imo
Season 2 Mindhunter, disappointment
Some OSTs dances with holves, last of the mohicans, braveheart
last weekend i was reading the fairy queen
Sausage and a pickle
Low libido atm

do you play rs mobile while you work?

Astral Chain
AI The Somnium Files
Norm MacDonald: Hitler's Dog Gossip & Trickery
Cute Little Granny Hinata-chan
Chicken panini, baked potato soup

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AI Somnium. Might dip in and out of Bloodstained. I keep uninstalling and reinstalling Dota 2. I don't want to relapse into MOBA hell but I've been so bored recently.

Vinland Saga, watched that kino Kimetsu no Yaiba episode today. Based young Shinobu is super cute.

It's embarrassing but IGOR by Tyler pitched down

Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. Just manga in general, trying to keep up with releases

Some delicious JP curry.

Was drinking coffee earlier (Verdana blonde roast from Starbucks).. going to drink some water because I just realized I'm parched


Fapped to Anna Bell Peaks earlier

OK. Lonely. Wish I didn't feel like shit so I could have went outside earlier.

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Borderlands 3
nothing in particular
online newspapers
mostly water
Overall feeling good

No, I just play on my laptop. We're on our computers pretty much the entire shift killing time so they don't even care that I play or watch hulu/netflix. It's not as great as it sounds, and thankfully I got a part time systems specialist for the same organization that pays double my current hourly wage so I'll only have to do this job 15-20 hours a week.

Valhalla Knights Eldar Saga, which I have not heard a single good thing about. But I'm having fun with it. It's bizarre, janky and hideous. Good times.
Also Kororinpa Marble Saga and No More Heroes.
Didn't really play much of the Wii when it was contemporary, if you have any recommendations of other fun jank I'd appreciated it.
Rain sounds, youtube videos as background nosie
I had taco bell and I regret it. Feeling nauseous
On new anxiety meds and I think they're working better. Dad's been in the hospital for a little over a couple weeks and I'm just trying to hold in there.
How is Bloodstained? I started it a while ago but I wasn't in the mood for another Igavania so I put it on hold.
How are you liking Astral Chain? I've only played about 6 hours so far but I really like it.

Silent Hill 2
Fire Force, Nitro Rad videos in the background
see watchan
My notes
Had some thin crust cheese pizza. Might do dessert later tonight.
Marlboro red's
idk some sort of hentai or rule 34 tho
Good, doing little bits of making a study guide and balancing that with playing vidya.

Why listenan pitched down?
What kind of beer?
Not him but I recently read the Apology in English within Penguin Books collection "The Last Days of Socrates." I think it was a fairly straightforward yet thorough translation. The notes in the back really flesh it out and explain details.
Man of Medan's pretty fun. Doing it solo or co-op?
Attack on Titan
Silent Hill 2, also good smokan
based friend

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ty frend. i luv london dungeon
your listenan was a gud time too. nice shirt
youre very kind, user. ty
>Link's Awakening
>Sword of the Stranger
>Iron Maiden
prime comfy here. hope youre having a gud night as well
your accumulated taste, a baste.

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CoD MW Beta
Dark Souls OST
Class guides for FETH and FFTA
Ginger Lime Coke
Zankuro, always

Untitled Goose Game
Mother’s Basement
Yea Forums
Probably 7/11
Gay chubs
Just got out of work and tired

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TF2 in a few minutes.
My computer screen.
Coke Zero.
I wish.
Just came.

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tell me I'm not the only one that smokes weed on Yea Forums

I am sorry bro, but i am a good boy. I only drink water and sleep early right before my prayer to the lord.

Thunderstorms on youtube

>Class guides for FFTA
Mog Knight/Gunner was my favourite for the long range ultima charge.

Ya I also have the collected works of HP Lovecraft that I'm going to get to.
Solo cause my PS Plus ran out, kinda pissed off though because the heartbeat minigame fucks up every other time I do it even when I do perfect

Usually Hackett puts out great translations, and I can vouch for their quality in their edition of Plato's "Five Dialogues" and in his "Complete Works." There are a ton of rhetorical devices Socrates uses that are impossible to translate — his irony is the most well-known, which appears in the Apology as "oh man, I am totally unprepared to speak, so I'll just wing this carefully constructed speech off the top of my head." But you can't see how carefully it's constructed in translation.

The ideas in the early Platonic dialogues are very straightforward, though, and translate very well.

>Silent Hill 2
Fuck, I guess it's time to drag out the ol' emulator. On a different topic, have you tried Kamel Reds? They used to be my go-to cheap smoke, below Spirits and hand-rolleds, which were below Nat Shermans.

I don't really like superhero movies. Last time I watched one, it was The Avengers in a movie theater.

Azur Lane, Fgo
Toonami, In a few hours
Nobuo Uemtasu
Minute Maid
Not tonight
I wanna be Isekai'd

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Probably just gonna waste time that I could be adventuring the world, in front of a computer screen. Now I’m not necessarily that guy who does “The Sad Truth about Reality” posts, but right now it’s really true.

iceborne and three houses maddening, tho im really fighting the urge to buy kenshi, i have a hankering for it but i know its a bad idea because i bought a whole bunch of shit last month
catching up on carole and tuesday, and im thinking of checking out Kanata no Astra, sounds like its a sleeper that went under my radar
monster hunter
comptia study guides
chicken & fries
iced tea lemonade
i never really know, i just go with the first thing that catches my eye on my private twitter list
feeling fine, had a rough day this morning at work but it all worked out towards the end. glad i finally get a day off tomorrow, gonna hit up endless shrimp at red lobster with the guys.

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Kamel with a K? The only Camels I've tried have been the blue ones (light). Are the Kamel Reds pretty good?

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Don't smoke
Not in the mood
Insanely bored

Iceborne, DQ Builders 2, What the Golf (apple arcade game, insanely fun)
Death Note, L finna die
Kingkiller Chronicles by Rothfuss, finally feeling like reading again after finishing Oathbringer
Waffles and bacon (some fresh bacon I bought from the market, HOLY CRAP this is a whole different world)
Super stressed, I must have spent half of the day freaking out for no good reason. I posted yesterday about my brother heading to jail - haven't heard anything new about what he did or what's gonna happen. I know it's "not my problem" but he's still my brother and he has three kids around - am I supposed to help take care of them now?

Furthermore I really need to get a social life. I have a good job as a nurse but I'm 24 and a can't just spend my days off playing video games anymore. I just have terrible social anxiety outside of work. The last thing I went to was in the end of July, a Smash bros tournament at the church. I guess I'll go to church tomorrow to get out of the house but I really need to get into something and make friends. Kind of want to play Friday Night Magic but I've never played before and don't want to seem like an annoyance.

How you liking Iceborne? I Really need to get back into three houses, I have so much video to play but I just can't get to it

>Goose game
How are you liking it? I have way too many games to play now but I wouldn't mind picking it up later in the year or something.

>Wii games
Trauma Center/Trauma Team
Rune Factory Frontier/Tides of Destiny
Little King's Story

I am sure I could come up with tons more if you want.

>AI Somnium
How is it? I won't ever buy a full-price Uchikoshi game (my reason for this are quite complex) but if it's legit good then I might rent or get it used

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>am I supposed to help take care of them now?

Unless you're very financially comfortable (ie. 6+ figure salary) and don't have kids of your own, I wouldn't.

>How are you liking Astral Chain?
Doing post-game and replaying sections for S+. I love it. Scoring system feels way too lenient, but I actually like how it prioritizes aggression/variety.

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Just played a bunch of NES games, finished DuckTales. Almost had a no death run but it was ruined by that gay ass mouse.

Not sure.

Michael Jackson and The Beatles

Yea Forums



Not right now for either cigarettes or weed. Taking a t-break after getting bronchitis earlier this month.

Done. Probably going to take a break in general. I'm annoyed with my fetish right now.

Good. It's been a fine Saturday night outside of Kentucky Football, which is going back to their old ways.

nice. had a smile at the vidya
gud luck in the future with more bar work - if the change up was phresh. gl2u & all in general
hope u enjoi ur night and that fancy beer boi

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Remnant with friend, Astral Chain, gonna try the Daemon x Machina demo too
JoJo part 4 and Wild Wild Country
Not sure yet but idk if I'm hungry or just bored
I'm okay. Last weekend got a DWI so now I'm just trying to think for the best to get out of this. I'm so disappointed with myself and for letting down my family

>Insanely bored
How's iceborne and three houses
What's on toonami right now
You okay buddy?
Is goose game good or a meme
Is the beta worth getting?
>Had some thin crust cheese pizza. Might do dessert later tonight.
Damn that sounds great right now
>On new anxiety meds and I think they're working better. Dad's been in the hospital for a little over a couple weeks and I'm just trying to hold in there.
I hope everything gets better with you and your dad
How do you like borderlands 3
>Was drinking coffee earlier (Verdana blonde roast from Starbucks)..
I work at Starbucks and that's honestly the only brewed coffee I like there. What did you think of it
What's Al Somnium
>Season 2 Mindhunter, disappointment
>Man of Medan
What do you think
What's your job entail
Fire Force
>Like my head is psychically disconnected from my body
What do you mean by this
>DQ Builders 2,
Is DQB2 better than 1? Haven't tried either

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I was really thinking about those Rune Factory games and Little King's Story is on the list.
I was kind of thinking about just waiting for the Rune Factory 4 Switch port though. If the games are different enough though then I'd definitely go for it. Trauma Center is a no for now though, with my dad in the hospital.
Here's what I got at the moment. More recommendations are definitely wanted.
Thanks user

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I'm so lonely and despondent bros

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Fighting games (Unist, Guilty Gear), Astral Chain, waiting for my copy of AI to come in the mail.
Nothing. Thinking of watching the Eva Rebuilds.
Kasabian, Queens of the Stone Age, and Interpol mostly
Fish n Chips
Water is the only acceptable drink.
College pressure.

Iceborne and Greedfall
Magi: Sinbad
Endymion (Hyperion Book 3)
Had some Panera earlier, might have some icecream in a bit
Water and Chamomille
Tired from rock climbing, lifting, and BJJ

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Never had Camels, but Kamel Reds (yes, with a K) are far better than Marlboros or anything comparable.

Total War: Warhammer 2, lovin the empire update
Streams, youtube, whatever peaks my interest
Legion of Skanks podcast. Its a bunch of comedians, pretty funny imo
Yea Forums
fasting tn
water water everywhere
havent smoked in a year, thinkin about starting again but unsure
Twins. not my usual taste but it spoke to me
Meh, can't complain. College is hard but finding a gf is harder. At least I got the dorm to myself tn

We all are, which kinda means we're not alone

>College pressure
i feel that 100% my dude, hang in there

Comedians are unironically the least funny people on earth.

Proof: Joe Rogan and Schaub

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>Joe Rogan and Schaub
If they were the only comedians I would agree. Schaub especially makes me suicidal, but I like JRE at least

I like JRE, but Joe isn't funny. I couldn't imagine watching him to stand up.

Although I did like News Radio.

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>What's Al Somnium
New adventure VN from Uchikoshi (999, Ever17). It's pretty engrossing.

Classic and maybe some Melty later
Smash mouth
some pasta later
Rum and coke
Camel filters
Looking forward to my next few days off

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Imagine being this much of a faggot over a joke, kek

It's sunday morning, you retard

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Was playing GMod with friends for the fuck of it
I think if I can get myself to write, I will for sure watch Highlander Search for Vengeance which I said I would watch last night but didn't. Depends on how tired I am in the next 20 or so mins.
Metal Gear Rising - Return to Ashes
Had some neopolitan ice cream sandwich
Had some Dr. Pepper
I don't smoke
Nothing currently
A little tired, a little indigestion or heartburn, but I'm gonna see if I can stomach it all so I can get a bit of writing done which I have been putting off for the past like week. It's a passion project after all.

>How you liking Iceborne? I Really need to get back into three houses, I have so much video to play but I just can't get to it

>How's iceborne and three houses

iceborne is pretty good, got a lot of favorites returning and im having a lot of fun. a shame about the weapon designs tho, when i made my glavenus greatsword i was so disappointed.

three houses is going fine, i still havent finished the BL route so its easy for me to go back now that maddening is out. so far it isnt really that bad but i havent gotten to the second part yet.

Dragonball Super, Fire Force, Dr. Stone, Gundam, Hero Academia, Naruto and his lame ass son, and Lupin.

yakuza zero final chapter, devil survivor overclocked for the 4th time doing Amanes route and three houses blue lions
The world ends with you OST, persona 3 ost
just had subway
persona 4
“Jamie you see that frog yeah monkeys fuck those like, flashlights, yeah pull it up, look at him go. You think it’s a symbiotic relationship like the monkey gets pleasure and the frog gets food? Well let’s talk about DMT.”
Fuck off non American
>rising revengence
Good taste

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>What's your job entail
Drug rehab worker. I graduated with a BA in psych last december. It's terrible hours, terrible pay, and highly stressful. I'm basically a glorified baby sitter at a group home for people who have mental illness/recovering drug addicts. I am trying to transition into data analysis. I have a lot of experience with statistical analysis from research and advanced statistics classes. I just applied to a systems specialist position in the mental health organization I currently work for that will involve tech, data entry, and HR work. The pay will be double my current hourly wage too. I got a second interview for it so I'm hopeful that means it's in the bag. Good times ahead I hope, I've had the roughest year of my entire life.

Yeah man it's tough, but I just gotta do it.

> Devil Survivor
> Blue Lions
> Persona 3 OST

Good shit user

Dominions 5. Trying out a death explosion bless.
2nd GIG.
Stained Class. Early Priest always makes me feel a little better. Gonna put on some Clutch afterward.
Nothing right now.
Got some whataburger on the way home from work.
Finishing off this six pack of blood and honey.
I'm pretty great.

Top taste.
Dan kinda goes off the deep end, but its a fun dive.

MGR user here. Thanks. I did move onto more melodic, orchestra songs though in hopes of getting myself in the mood to start working here. Not really working though sadly.

Irregular at Magic High School
City Pop
Princess Jellyfish
Left Overs
Plump Girls
I just want to draw cute plump girls but I can't draw and I'm a impatient faggot who doesn't want to practice for months on end!

Based. Who do you play?
>I wanna be Isekai'd
I feel this as well, user.
Good Shit. Surprisingly good show that only get's better when Based Sinchad shows up. How are you liking it, user?
Good taste in Fightan user.
>DSO for the 4th time.
You seem pretty knowledgeable on the the game. Would you say it's worth my time? I have the game but haven't put in any time in it yet.

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dota 2, links awakening remake, nba 2k20, madden 20, mlb the show 17. gonna start some borderlands 3 probably later
shameless, lttp randomizers
primus discography
malazan book 9 dust of dreams
nothin yet might make a pizza
mtn dew cherry game fuel
newport 100s
prolly not
10/10 got the next 3 days off

Red Arc C and Ryougi C also mess around with pic related every now and then.

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smoking greens and playing dwarf fortress

TWEWY on my DS, DMC5 and FF10 on my PS4, and NGB and Bayonetta on my 360.
Thinking of rewatching FMA
Madworld OST
Nothing at the moment
Just had some birthday cake
Minute Maid
Nothing at the moment
Feeling pretty good. Today is my 21st birthday and I just had some comfy birthday cake with my family.
>DeSu, TWEWY, and P3
My man.
Not him but I highly recommend Devil Survivor. It’s a real good SRPG.

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>Red Arc C
Ah I play her too. She's fun. Ryougi is cool too but the only Shiki I'll ever play is pic related.

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Hopefully you do get the job

Ryougi Shiki is what got me to play melty and then Tsukihime. She will always be my favorite.

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Thanks user, me too. I feel like if they were gonna say I didn't get the job they wouldn't have me driving a half hour for a second interview. If that is the case I'm quitting on the spot.

I would say I really loved the game one of my favorites of all time

Recommend me some great Minecraft mods

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Minecraft, Azur Lane, Persona 5
Perfectly cut screams memes
I want a rock - Twisted Sister
Korean instant noodles

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My main complaint about iceborne is that the monsters have too much HP. I'd be cool with it if they had like 2/3

Modern warfare remastered. It's fun. I like the ground war.
Mao mao. Good shit.
Synthwave, vaporwave, all kinds of -wave stuff.
Nothing i don't think. I can't focus on that right now. Too tired
Pork chops
Nothing. Fuck that
Inklings. God's greatest gift.
Good as shit desu. Got a new truck. Gonna go to the flea market with the family tomorrow and eat too. Might even stop at a thrift store or two.

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Sleeping dogs
Been going through a bunch of battles I've already seen waiting for new shit to drop
Finished norm macdonalds book this week
Chicken burger and tater tots
PBR 5.9
Some pretty good kush
Pretty blessed. It's been a few weekends of doing shit with people so it's nice to just be alone eating shitty food, drinking shitty beer, watching battles and playing vidya.

Hell yeah stained class is an amazing album. I think sin after sin is my favourite of that era though
Primus sucks
Happy birthday dude

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Damn i thought i was on /psg/ for a sec

beat saber, league of legends, terraria
Marielle, Policia
Opeth, RHCP
Coke coffe
unfortunelly nothing
surprisely good, lets see how long

primus does suck man

Destiny 2
Gonna watch Gladiator tonight
Emo shit
Yea Forums /vg/ Yea Forums
Had some pumpkin pie and pulled pork earlier, might go make some popcorn
Just had some coffee, gonna get a bottle of water in a minute
Marlboro Blacks
I'm sure I'll see something while browsing and get in the mood but right now I'm playing vidya
Good, I just got a job and I'm excited to make money again


COD MW beta is fun after you 'break it in', so to speak.

it took me a while to re adjust to it. I dropped COD after blops 1. was always more of a BF fan, so I'm much more used to that but I got my groove with cod back.

I'm a bit disappointed over the mini map shit, but whatever.

Changing my >WATCHAN
I've had a change of plans and am gonna watch the first Highlander film instead.

Nah second interview is definitely top 3 consideration in their eyes and can be at times the job offer stage

Modern Warfare beta and Minecraft
Fire Force
This thread
Bacon cheeseburger and fries
Vodka and soda
Nah son
Homeboi staying over at my place and bought me dinner while I bought us drinks
Pretty swell

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I don't feel like playing vidya so I guess it's time for the sims
Listening to midis I used in Maplestory 2. Has a certain charm to it.
Ice tea
Tired, still got three hours to kill before my sleep schedule can be reset. Not allowing my schedule to flip in the first place is a novel idea.

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Donkey Kong Country 2
Rocketman or Buddy Thunderstruck idk
Tally Hall - Good & Evil
Ive been reading "Anguish" by Graciliano Ramos
Chocolate cake
weed (yes)
to gay porn (yes)
pretty happy actually

new Zelda game and COD beta
Colorado vs ASU
My Hero Academia
Maruchan chicken ramen noodles
Cherry Coke Zero
quit cigs and too paranoid now for weed
82°F night, so pretty good.

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FF8 for the first time, and some Borderlands 1
Youtube streams and podcasts
Nothing, except Yea Forums I guess?
Weird seaweed chips from the chinese grocery store (they're pretty good)
Water and green tea
Cigarettes. I want to quit, or atleast vape instead, but vaping just isn't the same (and it looks stupid)
Thicc asians
Okay I guess. hope they crack Borderlands 3 soon.

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Dying light I'll try to stop being a pussy and play every in game night
Random stuff on YouTube
Pink Floyd
Yea Forums
I just ate some boneless and fries
Wish I could smoke some weed
I should do homework but I can do it tomorrow

Deus Ex
Carole & Tuesday
Boys Noize Oi Oi Oi
Alright. The heat is finally starting to die down here which is great because I am fucking sick of it.

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but checkout r/PAAG


PUBG withe the boi


star trek discovery. its so shit & yet i'll finish it


some older beck.


just finished fire&blood


you know i had the tbell


do the dew. dare to dream


the finest colorado flower.




like its good to be be back on Yea Forums after years

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dmc 3, really good so far but im up to that gigapede boss. pretty shit honestly. just tedious and annoying.
also that ps2 berserk game, fun as hell.
Susumu Hirasawa and Mount Eerie
my boyfriend treating me like a submissive whore

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Played a little Astral Chain. Just finished the Lappy combat side quest. Great game so far.
Rewatched Videodrome last night. Kinda want to rewatch Fight Club or The Thing tonight. Haven't seen either in forever.
King Crimson and the Joe Rogan with Rob Zombie.
New job instructions.
Wedding buffet
Water, coffee, and OJ
Did a minute ago.
Great! First day on the new job, and while there are some growing pains, I think I did well. Was just told about a upcoming scheduling fiasco, but besides that things are great.

>Boys Noize
Wasn't expecting BN plug on Yea Forums. Very nice.

DMC3 only gets better from there. Gigapede is easily the worst in the game.

Happy birthday, user!

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Conan Exiles
Made some delicious stir fry steak.
Jameson and Guiness
Not til next friday - waiting to hear on new jobs weed policy. Its legal here in Cali but some companies are still assholes about it. I'd rather make money instead of getting high
erry day
Not sure. Told the girl of my dreams I loved her today.

>Had some pumpkin pie and pulled pork earlier, might go make some popcorn
deeaam.. >Bacon cheeseburger and fries
happy b-day homeboi

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Destiny 2, honestly just waiting for other shit
Random YouTube shit and Twitch
to above in the background
Yea Forums
Chick Fila
Capri Sun
Idk why but lately a lot of MMD porn
like i wanna die

Pokemon Yellow
Spider-Man Homecoming, going to watch IW, Endgame and FFH too
The Greatest - They Might be Giants
Plato dialogues
Had tacos for dinner
Coffee, might snag a beer later
Dry herb vape
Did earlier to some instathot
Ok. Taking care of my Mom's cat for the foreseeable future.

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Wait till man is cheaper

Just beat Cathrine full body, replaying three houses
Seasonal anime
Yotsuba, and berserk
Not today
Pretty sick

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somewhat kindred feelz readan-
your post, frend. NES games ftw
the small experience with Donald Duck-
that ive had has been p fkn funny

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Are there nipples on her chests?

>Just finished the Lappy side quest
The theme song playing throughout the whole case was the best.

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perceived kindred feelz readan
your post, frend. NES games ftw
the small experience with Donald Duck
that ive had has been p fkn funny

Attached: current_spot.png (669x603, 29K)

Showdown. Too tired to start anything right now. Will play switch mini tomorrow though.
The world go by.
Fat nick, shake well and bones
I read a whole ass book today at work. I was only suppose to read 150 pages this week but work was slow as shit
I had a pizza
Water. I don't like sugary drinks. I do but every once in a while
Nothing. I get drug tested.
Italian art hoe get her but filled w cum
I want a qtpa2tgf but my job doesn't pay eniugh

Overwatch with my shitty friends
Tacos and some chips
Just 1 cigarette is fine
Maybe 1 or 2 times
Great, thanks

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The older I get the less I like giant tits

Smash bros
Some retarded car buying show and Scott Pilgrim vs the World earlier
Negative XP
Yea Forums
Had some steak tips and spicy sweet chicken McNuggets earlier
Like shit. I’m burnt out as fuck but I can’t fall asleep so I’ve just given up, but I’m pretty comfy and my cat is lying down next to me right now so that’s nice I guess


Based testposter

See me after class

devil summoner: soul hackers. the last smt game i didn't have for 3ds until this week
just finished waynes world for the first time earlier, very good. might watch anime later
post-punk and joe rogan
Yea Forums
just had spaghetti
tiki punch
gave up vapes a while ago thanks
we'll see
relaxed, its my day off

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I am a simple man, I see boobs, I reply