Why is everyone so ugly in this game?
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Trannies made it
umm sweaty, thats how real people look like.
drop your cartoon and go outside sometimes
because real people are pretty fucking hideous, im not gonna lie. Like you know how shitty a 5/10's face looks like? Well that's the AVERAGE face of the human race. about 70% of the population look like goblins. This is a very realistic looking game.
is there a mod that fixes her jaw
>because white people are pretty fucking hideous
fixed sweetie
this is a shop or something right?
why would people stuck at a shitty govt. office job be supermodels
Fuck you Control you don't get to hand wave away Alan Wake like this
Why would you care about something like that in a video game?
the problem is ugly people are not stupid, and they dress so as to not emphasize their ugliness, whereas in video games ugly people dress like supermodels and you cant help but notice how fucking ugly they are
t. ugly person
why even bother making ugly characters for a videogame?
make them hot and people would buy that shitty game.
They want you to see female characters as real people and not sex objects. But you just end up seeing really ugly people and are turned off from buying the game because you don't want to look at their hideous faces.
If I wanted "real" I'd go outside.
They're only average at worst.
I really don't care because I don't play vidya with my other hand wrapped around my cock.
Literally only incels make this argument or obsess about how women look in games. Normies dont give a shit, horizon sold like 10 million copies
I read in a study that the male brain ALWAYS registers woman as objects.
I dont want to look at ugly looking woman while I play videogames.
who the fuck thinks thats a good idea?
make them hot and sexy and you sell more than 10 mil copies.
Well aloy wasn't waifu material but still hot imo.
I think most people on Yea Forums just watch LPs while jerking it, gameplay never even comes up in these threads.
I don't look at my mother that way so this study immediately invalidates itself.
So is there an option to play as a male in this game? I want to play it but I don't like playing as females
Incels don't buy video games.
It really is fascinating how despite being a 3D scan of a real person who doesn't look bad, the character ends up looking like some creepy goblin. Would this classify as the uncanny valley?
And if it comes up it's always a retarded take like "Nier combat bad"
>drop your cartoon and go outside sometimes
I went outside and all women are beautiful.
I guess it's just that wherever you live is a genetic shithole user.
Theres a tonne of AW stuff included. And an appearance of sorts from the man himself.
Also the upcoming AWE Expansion for Control is pretty much entirely Alan Wake.
Is there an option to play as male in Super metroid? I like being a future bounty hunter but knowing there's a roastie under that armor ruins the whole experience
Because Anglo women are the ugliest women on planet Earth and the game is based on them, duh.
Anglo women all look like trannies, while all trannies look like Anglo women. A miracle of evolution.
Finns are anglos?
he's more attractive and charming than that hag
What do Fins have to do with pictures straight from UK and Australia?
I'd fuck her
Is this game ever going to get a non egs PC release, or should I just pirate it?
>fucking white women reeee asians are the best!
Another fine series of Anglo DNA. Only 1 is fuckable. The rest are missing chromosomes.
>muh escapism
all games are based on some aspects of reality, so you'll never truly be able to escape anything.
The Anglo DNA has this weird discerning manifestation of either orcish or goblinish features in the faces.
>only incels obsess about how women look in games
Is James Mccaffery in this game at all?
If only incels obsess and feminists always slander any portrayal of beautiful women in games and try to exclude them from media as much as possible, then how much of an incel are you and your feminist friends user?
Thing is, they used her in Quantum Break too. Same actress, same body, same voice.
Same inter-dimensional being.
Feminists are mad that they can't get any easy dick. There's also gymnophobe and genophobe Feminists who share these traits with religious folk, a Puritanism which Feminism adopted.
That's why Feminists hate gaming and the Alyssa Milano sex-strike for instance was laughed at by all of society. Gamers are desensitized, would rather jack off than rape a bitch, and unfortunately-for-gamers they can't get it up to ugly women due to the higher quality of female appearance they are used to seeing. Meanwhile ugly women constitute the majority of Feminism. Feminists only have a chance with lower-tier males. Chads wouldn't be Chads if they lowered their standard to date a Feminist. Lower-tier males meanwhile have found an outlet that's better than involving themselves with ugly women, a historical precedent made possible by technology and taken to levels impossible in past history when males had to clench their teeth to have sex with ugly bitches or didn't even know any better because they never saw proper beauty.
>gamers are voluntary celibates when it comes to ugly feminists
>ugly feminists are involuntary celibates when it comes to gamers
>the roles are actually reversed, Feminists throwing the incel label is a projection
>feminists are buttmad and want to destroy the system which has caused their dick-deficiency - digital entertainment
Inclusion and representation for all! ...except attractive women and girls who shouldn't be allowed to feel welcome or represented. If they are included by some miracle they are almost always written as an antagonistic and repulsive character by Feminist writers as western comics hijacked by these Gender Studies pseudo-intellectuals and evangelists can showcase.
He's the Director of the FBC. He uses the Payne voice. After the endgame you unlock a file of him talking about how he lost his wife and child because work followed him home, and it seems Pain and suffering are mandatory.
Why pretend as though you actually care about women, beautiful or otherwise? You're not fooling anyone with fake chivalry, you're only it for your own satisfaction.
....have sex
Maybe you should repeat that sentence in front of a mirror.
Throwing insults won't change the message brainlet. Find another tactic.
pope is a qt
still didnt read ur shit this isnt reddit keep it to a senstence or fuck off
Not my problem you have the patience of a PMSing woman. I'm not gonna change anything about my speech for your bitch-ass' sake nor anyone else's.
why are you literally obsessed with how people look and think their entire lives revolve around it
i really wanna see your face, i bet you look like that gladiumtonitrua chinlet
you type like a perfect neckbeard nobody will read ur r/incel reddit posts m8y
I don't remember Quantum Break looking so good.
Maybe you should orient your sentence towards yourself. It's your feminist kind which is attacking devs for having sexy women in games, i vote with my wallet instead of harassing them directly or starting Twitter crusades against like like your bitch-ass ugly feminist kind.
With such nonexistent birth rates among Feminists, you'll have a hard time being taken seriously anywhere with using the incel word loser. Go back to losing against an orange cheeto in elections LMAO
>having all this shit saved in your drive
literal future school shooter
I don't give a shit about women. I see your constant complaining as the same brand of autism as the dragon vs wyvern threads.
Samus actually keeps her mouth shut and does her job so as far as roasty protagonists go she's one of the better.
We don't shoot up schools in this part of the world, that's more your area of expertise Amerilard Anglo.
You see what you want to see as a coping mechanism for your butthurt.
Quantum Break could have been a lot better if they didn't waste time producing some stupid tv show along side the actual game.
>It's your feminist kind which is attacking devs for having sexy women in games
swing and miss, faggoty faggot. I don't ride retarded feminist rollercoasters, but that absolutely doesn't mean I think anything positive of your insanity and mental retardation.
You are a polar opposite (and a more radical one) of feminists who attack devs for sexy women, you're literally the other bad side of the bad apple. You came seething to this thread because the dev didn't put sexy women, nigger, how fucking ironic is that? it's so fucking loaded on 80 IQ irony that I can't find it amusing.
>With such nonexistent birth rates among Feminists
hows your seminal injection rate going there r/incel your hand doesnt count by the yway and you cant impregnate your toilet
your drive is full of stock photos of women that occupy your tiny skull rent-free, seek help.
Ehhh It wasn't bad desu.
Interesting enough for me to play through twice to see the different options.
unironicaly make virgins look bad kys with a ksg dumb r9k retard
>but that absolutely doesn't mean I think anything positive of your insanity and mental retardation.
Oh shit, you actually think your opinions on myself have any value? I think you are suffering from that Twitter/Facebook self-importance syndrome. Maybe you should check that out before you shoot up a school or firebomb a government facility like your dumb westcuck kind like to do when they are told they are fucking irrelevant.
>You are a polar opposite (and a more radical one) of feminists who attack devs for sexy women, you're literally the other bad side of the bad apple.
How am I attacking devs? I'm only posting pictures of ugly Anglo DNA. You projecting there son? I've never arranged a social media crusade against devs so your false equivalence ends here low IQ brainlet, as does your coping mechanism which you failed in pathetically. LMAO
They occupy your butthurt more than they occupy my mind.
>whites are this weak
>tfw fighting the fridge boss
>Oh shit, you actually think your opinions on myself have any value?
you responded.
People are ugly IRL
Jesus christ fuck off back to /pol/ with your faggotry.
Yeah, I responded. And? Your death would still not weigh any more or less than a mosquito passing away after all of this.
You fuck off to /pol/. I'm answering the OP's question with examples. You on the other hand are off-topic.
>I'm answering the OP's question with examples. You on the other hand are off-topic.
Take your meds
yes you do, same regions in the brain are activated as if you were looking at an object.
when a male brain looks at another male it registers it as person.
very interesting.
I'll think about meds if I ever turn into a tranny, suicidal ones too just to fit the narrative.
>Yeah, I responded. And? Your death would still not weigh any more or less than a mosquito passing away after all of this.
bare-faced projection. you know, this way in which you act, is the reason why you say this. you are alone, no one likes you because you behave like a manic flailing retard. this is why you, in your imagination, are a mosquito that will disappear one day and leave no print behind. because you are aware no one cares about you nor values you enough to remember you. that is one of the major sources of all this bitterness and negativity in you. The projection of this reality of yours on others is the natural resource of echo chamber rationalisation and cope.
I honestly can't tell if its a trend to make women in vidya these days ugly on purpose due to the whole gamergate and #metoo garbage or if these are just modelers and animators who arent skilled enough to make female faces that are easy on the eyes
How is the game?
How's it a projection?
I know I am irrelevant, while you believe you aren't therefore you attach value on your own opinions of others and unironically believe others should value your irrelevant opinions.
Remember, you replied to me first coping little brainlet. Nobody forced you, except your own butthurt. LMAO
Pretty good
can you provide said study? I like the other user seriously doubt it's authenticity because I simply don't register these "feelings".
why cant they make the woman look like this in vidyagaem?
It's the idea that everyone needs to be some sort of flawed (mostly) average joe thrust into impossible situations. and that living paragons aren't relatable.
>something seems different about you...
>wh-what do you mean?!
>your jaw...
Literally need to step out of my front door for 5 minutes and I'll see at least 5-10 girls that look better than any PCs or NPCs featured in Western games for the past 5 years.
>if you listen to me, random person on the internet, your game will sell more
>step out of my front door for 5 minutes
>stop playing vidya
>get life together
>meet girl
>have kids
They don't realize what they're doing.
Mhhm sweaty.
I don't attach my opinions to others, I make my own formed opinions and give not one, not half, but no shits to what they think about it. I attach myself to people because I am of the homo sapiens species, a social creature that is supposed to mingle with other humans to avoid turning insane like our little friend over here with a drive full of stock images of women.
>I am aware I am irrelevant, why aren't YOU like me to? why don't you hate yourself too?
the absolute blithering state of you amigo. You are subconsciously putting up tirades and walls of text of rationalisation in an effort to make a lot of noise and smoke to keep you distracted from your shitty, pathetic isolationist existence, including labeling yourself an irrelevant mosquito that will disappear one day. Theoratically that is correct, we'll all disappear one day, but that isn't why we live. But if you are such a real student of your self-defeating absurdist/nihilist philosophy (and not just an r9k mutant on a typical, average psychological cope process) then by all means feel free to commit suicide ASAP since you'll die one day and you think no one gives a shit about your opinions nor are they obligated to. You devaluated yourself to nothingness, be a logical person and act out on your rationale.
Post the full one at least.
Pirate it. Really good game, having an 'ugly' main character is the only possible capitulation to the SJW style game design. And she looks fucking fine from most angles, just not a 10/10 hotty.
God help you if you actually like the game like me though, you get to watch every Control thread turn into this kind of shitfest where any game discussion is buried.
Girl on the left reminds me of proxy paige.
Gonna go masturbate now.
Sex Sells and people like anything that is attractive.
There is literally no point in making characters in a videogame ugly, you want to sell more game not less after all.
Thats why REmake2 did so well.
you think the game would have sold as good as it did if all the characters were hamplanets and uggos?
All this cope gymnastics won't change the fact that you replied to me first because you couldn't help yourself, and the fact that you are so fucking irrelevant with all your mental gymnastics working to attempt to prove otherwise ending in a hilarious blowback is comedy gold. I love it. Keep making anti-dev crusades on Twitter dumb little feminist bitch, only your kind engages in cancel culture, you can't engineer me into your own false equivalence as a cope :)
>she looks fucking fine from most angles
man please can you stop posting anglo abominations?
I feel cancer growing in my eyes just from a glance at the thumbnail.
I feel all this talk of mental gymnastics and cope is supposed to be directed at you, you talk to yourself infront of a mirror and then deposit it over here in your posts.
>Thats why REmake2 did so well.
It always makes me laugh when some one uses an avatar based on an illustrated version of themselves on social media, it looks nothing like them.
Or better yet, the basedboys who have a blank face avatar with just a beard and/or glasses.
I may be wrong but in general when they look so ugly it’s because they scanned real people’s faces. There’s a trend with using real actors or something.
You feel many things. Sadly you are too uneducated to put them forward properly and in your low-IQ efforts to make false equivalence you trip over yourself like a proper brainlet.
Dunbar's Number of irrelevance, anything outside of 150 people in one's life is irrelevant.
You are irrelevant to all of Humanity minus 150 people. The difference is that i have this knowledge and you don't. Your understanding of irrelevance is nothingness, and suicide suits your kind, so follow your own suggestion brainlet.
Top fucking kek
and its beautiful. see faggots the game will sell better and in higher numbers thanks to attractive cast and mods.
Imagine claire was a fat disgusting blob, build like a fridge.
you think anyone would even bother modding that?
nope never.
Absolutely based.
>false equivalence
do you even understand what that means? I didn't deploy false equivalence, you outright stated in your post that you are aware of just how much of a pathetic flick of a microbe you are, that you are irrelevant, that you will disappear and be forgotten one day, sweaty, not one bit of this is false equivalence, it's you insulting yourself on a siamese bamboo cultivation board.
I'm off to bed, have sex incel. Don't commit suicide because I pointed out how pathetic you are.
They facescan them but don't really do much to them to make them fit in the game's universe naturally. Jesse would look much better if they fixed her up a little, and made her more flattering in the game's lighting.
Instead she just looks like they snatched her actress out of real life and was done with it.
>I didn't deploy false equivalence
Come on now. Your stupid attempt of equating feminist cancel culture to one guy posting pics that INFURIATE you who votes with his wallet alone without need to wage crusades against devs, is there for all people to see.
>it's you insulting yourself
The brainlet reveals his Twitter/Facebook self-importance personality disorder.
Irrelevance is not an insult dear to anyone except those most narcissistic and shitbrains, like you've revealed yourself to be considering your emotional associations with irrelevance. Do you by any chance buy follower counts on social media too? LMAO
>get called irrelevant
>instantly start posting psychology essays and mental gymnastic walls of texts through multiple posts
Anyone with an average and above IQ can recognize what's happening here. Do you need someone to hold your hands by any chance user? A therapy dog? Maybe you should lay off the social media, seems it fried your brain.
That's just peak realistic white beauty. Sorry no chink fantasy shit to save you this time.
t. An orcfaced vernon that got told off by below average thots so much that he developed a raging hatred and insecurity towards them.
Also someone who doesn't discuss video games in the video games board.
>when your entire race is so buttfuckingugly that even the porn industry can't find anything worth a shit in the locality and has to import from Hungary, Eastern Europe, and a few Central European countries
Ayyyyyyy stop it user. It's nobody's fault but your own that your people are so fucking ugly.
So do you think sequel (if it's ever made) will take place after a huge timeskip and her brother will be MC, while Jesse remains an elderly director?
>2014 tier sjw thesis
>when you walk in to thread to announce your seethe for no clear reason
Yep thats gonna be a classic rentfree for me
This post reeks of nervous faux smugness. But you are somewhat correct, though white women are ugly as a whole and all look the same (eastern europe, western europe)
>subhuman incel got glassed
Based. Proceed to discuss video games.
I want Emily to peg my ass while giving me a reach-around.
>when you get so blasted you have to beg jannies to save you
The thesis is correct though.
SJWs have the lowest birth rates, lowest T scores among men, Democrats have the lowest marriage retention and lowest marriage rates.
Feminists calling anyone an incel is a projection pretty much.
Why the fuck was Darling so ripped?
wearing a weighted HRA for his daily workouts
the large scale HRA was actually just for him
He went on expeditions himself, didn't he? Maybe he wanted to be prepared.
>same 2014 chip on his shoulder while the rest of the world moves on
>muh esss jay double (you)
Just go faggot.
The rest of the world moved on in 2016 alright.
Meanwhile Control has an ugly female protagonists for the same reason western comics started having them since around 2006, and the world moved towards eastern comics instead while the western comicspace got an even more accelerated death since 2006. Bioware Andromeda also comes to mind. :^)
Go back to playing ME Andromeda, the same shelf where Control belongs.
Take your meds
Considering your outreach program 3D modeling in Andromeda and Control here, you'll need the meds more, maybe they'll help you model characters that don't repulse potential customers from your games :3
Seek help, seek sunshine.
Your rhetoric ain't making your game more money, nor is it improving your truly atrocious character design. :)
Here (you) go
Anita is a qt