So did you get her yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
I did and I don't care about her but I figured if I was going to get anyone from the banner it would have been her, thankfully I got her with my 4 tickets.
I also got her with tickets and promptly gave her Bold because I never use my Stalin anymore.
First time getting anything with tickets actually
>mfw forget to do more of the TT and get the monthly deal
There goes pulling for this month's legendary then.
No. Why would I waste orbs on a unit that has a lame gimmick that is already countered by the meta.
Quien es Stalin?
No why should I? I just download the jpg it's practically the same. The only gacha worth playingnone are those were the devs put at least a little bit of effort into making it, like those that have 3d models. You are literally better off fapping to the porn.
why would I bother? She'll just get powercreeped by the next new unit anyways.
Dropped this game at the start of the year and haven't looked back.
Yeah, OP. Got one, but she is -atk, +res. Shitty set.
At least she can tank Ophelia better :^)
>Implying i rolled for her
Nope, I'm saving all my orbs for the next Camilla banner
Naw, been rolling on the dancer banner but keep getting spooked.
Go back to /feg/.
I got a +Spd/-HP Phina so I can pair her with Navarre
I hope she demotes
Dragons are fine. Armored dragons are fucking cancer. Neither Nagi nor Idunn should have been armored.
didn't look up her stats but thank god she's a green manakete which will probably die to any kind of falchion despite being armored cancer
>having to team up against a armored dragon with a dragon killer+ an armor killer plus their color advantage
shit is fucking ridiculous
and don't get me started on colorless Tiki
Does FEH explain what Nagi's deal is? How is she related to Naga and Tiki?
>Nagi Is Naga reborn in mortal form
>Nagi is Tiki's Mom
Basically Tiki is Jesus
Oyakodon with Nagi and Tiki!
Armored dragons are okay. It's being colorless that's the issue. Look at F!Tiki and F!Corrin, and F!Corrin's more dangerous because she's has access to infantry exclusive skills.
One day I won't get a bad iv on a unit I want
whatever happened to my waifu Effie? I stopped playing this shitfest around november
Still frequent since she's easy to merge and in since launch, but Kjelle is her but better.
so she got power creeped by another unit and didn't got alts? meh
Nope. It's neat that they added her in though, didn't think she'd make it in as the Tiki replacement in function. Spent my orbs getting my one Dance Nephenee, got to 5.25% but thankfully no offbanners. Would like a Bantu, he has amazing art.
Like Dragalia then? Idk.
My problem with those two is how they make you run the crappy choice of either taking them out first and risking getting in range of other units, or saving them for last when they're at their strongest stat stick wise.
>comp shit armor dragon
no. i just roll for characters i like. Speaking of which.
what if the characters you like are also considered comp shit
I think Duma is cool as fuck and he sounds like optimus prime
so long as your thoughts are “this character would be so cool to have.” instead of “this character would go great on my aether raid team” then you’re good.
Duma himself is ass; he only gets redeemed by being a mythic and that's literally it
I have him but I don't really use him and I expect to make him work you need DC. Why is he bad?
Idunn makes sense as armored though. She was a freaking final boss waiting for the battle, not running around.
Similar to Surtr and Valentine Hector but way more RES
>non-canon bootleg Tiki
He's alright, Upheaval makes him only useful for certain maps though.
I can't believe I only had 80 orbs for when Sirius came around
>didn't get nagi or norne
At least her art in FEH looks a million times better than adult tiki's does
spent 200 orbs only got brave eliwood -atk +spd. Was not worth it
>doesn't like the Haruhi artist's art
ATiki looks fine, only Adult Summer Tiki looks like shit (it's the weird unfocused alien face).
Genuinely cannot recall a single time I've ever thought about adding anything to my AR team. I hate AR.
That cleavage line looks awful
Eh, it doesn't ruin the whole picture in the same way that Hot Spring Camilla's horror-monster jawline does, or Cordelia's frog mouth.
It sort of looks like Ito was trying to outline each boob but forgot the other one's outline, rather than a single cleavage line in the center.
No but I got Norne so it's ok.
Still kinda want Nagi though.
I just hate using Armors overall because 1 range sucks, and having to glue them together for Armor March is double gay
For a character like adult tiki where there's a pretty big emphasis on her tits, it definitely hurts the art pretty fucking bad when it looks that bad
>into my soul itself
Top notch translating.
Not really, it's one line that just outlines one boob more than the line between them.
Looks fine to me, her cape just makes her shoulders look like they're at the wrong angle.
Armored dragons means two weaknesses. You really should be equipped for at least one of them.
He is a bad unit with double weakness and no dc BUT he is a def mythic in aether raids and he buffs str combined with his upheavel he is decent in defense during anima season
I got her, but I already have so many green armors that I'm never going to use her. Gonna keep her but probably fodder DC and Special Fighter off later if an armor I like comes out.
I got spooked by fucking FMorgan after 100 orbs because of the absolute refusal the game has to give me greens and threw in the towel.
God I hate that bitch, she's broken my rates 4 times by now.
Norne is basically guaranteed to demote though, so don't feel too bad about it.
>start using two Mythic heroes and one bonus in AR
>my entire perception of what makes a character good or bad, and their best potential builds changes completely
>everything else now feels pointless and easy
>nothing is really ever worth rolling
I think I like the game better this way.
Yeah but odds of getting her a quite lower than 1%. And it saves me 20k feathers.
>2 1/2 years in
>Still zero Anna Alts
Anna is a meme non-character, anyone who likes her is a faggot
I suppose that is fair
Though I have so many feathers that promoting people is a trivial cost for me
I actually did with my last ticket, +Atk even. I might not use her anyway since I have a +4 Winter Fae that I plan on keep merging, but is nice to have her, I guess.
Duma's not a bad unit really, he's a solid colorless dragon with good mixed defenses, anti-doubling defense, and better than Grima level attack. Only weakness is no DC, which kicks him behind FTiki.
You sound pretty butthurt for someone who doesn't care.
I like Anna.
Duma is deceptively hard to deal with, with Upheaval he can boost his stats and deny follow-ups and that combined with Def/Res Solo and Bold Fighter can be really scary, especially against a +Atk one who has massive damaging power.
Multiple timelines and universes, user. FEH surely loves to use them for their own convenience.
I would like Nagi, but I really hate armors. She wasn't a general or anything in SD so I don't know why they keep making dragons armors.
Does Gunnthra want to be +atk or +spd?
What about Bow Hinoka?
Speed is almost always going to be better than attack for an offensive unit, unless they are a unit who doesn't want speed at all.
Speed for both. Gunn is slow without it and average with it. Bownoka goes from "avoids doubles" speed to "doubles enemies" speed.
>L'Alm still kills her
Fuck this retarded piece of shit game
Why would I want her?
Great fodder. Peri is superior
Duma is mediocre as all hell. You haven't gotten far in the game if you think he's any good.
Completely nullified by ONE Eir.
>Bow unit with a weapon specifically made to kill high def/armored units kills an armored unit
the 3d ones are usually the least effort gacha, sad to say.
>just use this specific unit in your team all the time
You could have said "use a healer" and you'd have a better argument.
>keep getting spooked by Brave Hectors
>never use armors
>his DC is super special and can't be SI'd.
same, hoping for a good ass S support
bector is busted as fuck man, merge them
There are way too many armor killers running around.
Eir is a staple in AR and literally everyone has her, especially in light season
You're actually shit if you don't know that
Or just use healing tower. Duma sucks, his defenses are mediocre, he has two weaknesses, his unique skills are borderline useless. Not to mention he has armor movement. Every time I find one in AR, it's like the opponent is using one less character.
>who the fuck is going to use the free Mythic that everyone has and is a bonus unit almost every other week????
100 orbs + free rolls on current banners and only 3 off banners units pitybreaking me
one of the worst parts of feh.
>red falchion with colossal attack, attack-based special features, and and a bursting skill can kill a decent-def green dragon
>dedicated counter specifically designed to kill green dragons can kill a green dragon
>effective weapon kills effective target
wow wtf
Oh, you were talking about AR? My bad, I rarely pay attention to that turd.
Excuse me,
>bow that kills high def units can kill high def unit.
Same, but I'm making the slog for free Brave Ike at rank 15
Duma's entire purpose is for AR
What the fuck else would we be talking about
She has colorless advantage and she still can't one shot him, she's even +attack for fuck's sake, fuck the retard who designed this unit and fuck you for defending this retardation
You rarely pay attention to the most difficult and highest-level game mode? You use an AR-dedicated hero outside AR? Good for you. Then don't talk about what good and what's bad, you are not at a level where your opinion matters.
Literally every armor not designed for AR and many that are suck fuck in AR. AR is geared around proactively smashing the foes before they can gut you with Ophelia, Celica, Sonia, and 2 dancers.
Saying that a powerful armored dragon sucks in AR is like saying most cavs suck fuck in Arena. No shit.
Luckily I had already done my participation prize matches to stay in tier 20 so I didn't need to slog that out, but man it's so fucking shitty.
>to the most difficult and highest-level game mode?
Don't make me laugh, that piece of shit went downfall one single month after its inception because of greedy practices. Let me just go and roll some Ophelias, L!Azuras and L!Alms, I'm so good at the game now after that.
I ain't critisizing you if you like AR, that's good for you, but don't expect others to not absolutely despise it because it has done nothing but cause even more unnecessary powercreep. If you seriously think is fun to fight teams with TWO L!Azuras, then be my guest.
I free rolled her
I know FEHs story is shit but the Alfonse/Veronica pushing recently and from Dragalia is cute
That doesn't suddenly make him a shit unit. If you measure solely by AR that changes FEH from a game where every unit (even Odin) can be good or at least usable with investment into one where less than 10% are even touchable. He's shit in one game mode, in the same way Ophelia is shit in Arena because she's a difficult to merge infantry mage that gives fuck all for score but is amazing in AR because she completely screws anything over that she touches first.
>tfw I'm at rank 14 and everything up to that point has been easy mode because I've played since release but now I need to do one of the abyssals with the retarded inflated stats
How the FUCK do I do one of these without Brave Veronica? All the fucking guides ask for one and I wasn't a meta shitter and didn't pick her, or a neutral IV shitter that I dumped ages ago.
Moments like that make me wish the game also had some actual cutscenes instead of just dialogues with barely changing facial emotions. It also makes it even more stupid how jelly Vero died so unceremoniously without any single meaningful dialogue between her and Vero.
Clear an easy one like Navarre or Lloyd with fliers.
In AR, everything has a counter, everything can be beaten. Ophelia can be tanked. L!Azuras can send the wrong hero just to get killed. AR has deepest meta in FEH right now, and requires tons of knowledge of how the AI works. You have to play it completely different than anything else. Nothing takes as much skill.
Can I do that without a L!Azura?
I'd say, wait for one of the older Abyssals or L!Azura. On the latter I managed to kill her with my Nino in Turn 1 which helps a fucking ton with the rest of the units.
Why wouldn't you roll for Vero? She's an absolute cutie.
>played since release and hasn't beaten an abyssal
Guess you will just have to use a shitter guide.
At what tier do I have to be to stop just finding cookie cutter teams of Ofeelya and her dancing comrades?
Azura is my wife
When you start countering them.
yeah. she got axed just like that
if anything. i wish the story would actually use it's fe characters more
Phoniexmaster's guides tend to have guides that don't have Brave Veronica
>He didn't get the best support unit in the game
I did it without any dancers at all. Lloyd is probably the easiest one, you basically just bait them over to each side and split their forces. I did use Myrrh though.
Not an answer, please just actually tell me when it thins out. I'm not the guy you were arguing with, I'm just tired of seeing the exact same fucking teams over and over as I advance through the tiers.
Yeah they can't even show flashbacks properly. At least they did that mini movie with Lif and Alfonse
At Tier 20 or less. Past T21 be prepared to see thousands of Ophelias, Sonyas, Lilinas and Alms paired with L!Azura and dancer Miccy, with almost all teams having two dancers and WoM, making any kind of attacking or baiting stupidly hard to predict.
I'm an extreme hipster so I refused to get her even though she's great.
Fucking finally someone I've got.
True galaxy brain way to deal with AR is to just reach tier 20 or so and just play casually and not care about bonuses as much.
Why are five stars so easy in FEH?
Actually, all you need is a +10 Garon. Literally made it to Tier 25 with nothing but that spearheading my shitass unmerged fellows on the team. Brainpower is not a requirement.
I pair ODIN with KADEN every time so they can be BEST FIRENDS
ODIN is the most POWERFUL and BEST mage EVER!!!!
I actually was comfortable enough in T20 but one day I somehow managed to get into T21 one day before the season ended. The difference in rewards is actually nice when you get at least to T23-24 but I definitely am not putting any more effort neither on my defense nor offense team. If my Nowi can kill and tank everything, perfect, but if not then I'll just either finish the map with one unit less or die, who cares. I haven't changed my defense team in over half a year, I couldn't care less.
At least you can now use double Aether which makes the daily matches way more tolerable, I've only been playing once per day, is a godsend to my sanity.
>got pity fucked by a dupe Kaden 30 orbs in
>just when the furfag was going to make me stop pulling, get Nagi with another 15
What the fuck, user. There's absolutely no human on this planet who doesn't have minimum 11 Odins in their barracks.
>Jello Vero and Jello Al
Wait, aren't them supposed to be undead? You know, their skeleton suspended in jelly, or was that just for show?
I'm not joking either. Once you start staking Mythical buffs on a good DC tank, she stops being able to kill. As you move up, you'll still see her, but as just one of many possible team comps.
That is not to say that you will stop seeing cookie cutter AR Defense teams. Flier balls are pretty popular, as are rally or restore traps. Sometimes you'll see cav lines, too. Some people just copy paste defense teams/layouts that are effective. If you want to move forward, you need to be actually think outside the box and seek ways on how to beat these cookie cutter teams. And you can do it with F2P-friendly units, since merges are still very important.
I started playing this game last September and so far I was only able to pull 2 Ares. I can believe him.
I already do. Shit is just monotonous.
been T20 for a long time now. was always good enough.
might make it beyond it this week but we'll see
double aether is quite handy indeed
Gustav was dead and Alf had to kill him again, so yeah.
Opera Omnia is pretty good. Only downside is the fucking EX weapon cancer.
I got another two Deirdres instead. 3 more to go.
did I miss something, are you azuraanon now or what
At this point I don't know if having little rates like FHO would be a blessing or a curse
I think that's true, because I've seen at least 3 that are the exact same fliers, except for one Est being replaced by a +9 Sumia. Still, is there any concrete number?
He's got like 20 imaginary wives, just let the man play with his legos.
o-oh okay
A curse, because you'd fall behind on fodder.
started around that time too
the pool can prevent finding 10 copies of heroes nowadays
still looking for my next +10 project with 800k feathers around
Pretty sure it was just for show
No, Tharja is my wife
20 is way too high a number
AR should have better prizes. Grail trickle is too slow for people who care about shop units and the flowers given are negligible.
I've been playing since launch and I still don't have a +10 Rebecca. Nor did I ever get a +SPD Titania, out of >20.
Naw I fucked up a while ago and fed moonbow and red tome breaker to people bewfore i saw the light of odin getting fucking +20 to every stat because kaden used pivot on him once
It is more that there should be other sources of grails. But yeah, the slow roll on it is absurd, considering the amount of that shit you need.
I got a fallen Berkut with my tickets. What the fuck do I do with this guy?
Nah, saving orbs for either Halloween or Lysithea, whatever happens first.
What, aren't you happy Lost Lore gives you a whooping 5 Sacred Coins, 50 flowers and THOUSANDS of crystals?
I want the archer, she's a qt.
Should let people pick which flowers they want too. I end up with excessive cav flowers but no infantry ones.
Speaking of cavs I haven't touched them much recently, are they still being shit on by IS or are they good again? Fliers ought to get a smack by now.
King´s Raid is good, and you pick the characters you want directly, instead of gambling.
they are pretty stingy with stingy grails and the grail prices go up fast
there should be but they won't add much. unless they can replace orbs
Based. Doot is for marrying and turning into a woman ONLY.
lost lore is the absolute biggest fucking waste of time imaginable. Despite the fact that you don't even need to spend that much time doing it.
It is literally just segments of existing fire emblem stories with some existing artwork that you have to wait about 10 days to see.
When I heard about it, I thought it meant it was gonna give us new stories about existing stuff, and I was hyped for it, but they couldn't even bother to do that. It is just a fucking summary of parts of fire emblem games.
They somehow managed to make a game mode worse than those fucking rokkr sieges
If you want more AR tips, you should check Akariss on YT or Twitch. He's 99% focused on AR. When I started watching him, I couldn't understand anything he said because the way you have to look at the game for AR is so completely different than for any other mode that builds and strategy feel alien. But then as you move up you start to see the reasoning behind what he does. And then the shit that felt bullshit start to feel solvable and manageable instead.
cavs are still pretty solidly getting shit on, it seems like every other banner has a unit that has an effective against cavalry weapon despite them being completely unnecessary, in addition to them still not releasing any cav duel skills.
IS wanted idle mechanics and more push notifications, but they tied it to a shitty event instead of new core systems. Lost Lore is super dumb.
Pretty much what happens in her ending
I don't have a hard time user, I've already made a dedicated counter team for each of the templates plus one for multipurpose. It's just really boring and I was hoping that it suddenly changed into goofy nonsensical shit like T21 Arena does.
Over a year later they're still paying the Lynhardt tax? Damn.
I got ANOTHER 5* Reyson. Up to +8 from pity breaks alone. Green is usually pretty good in terms of pity breaks but he's so easy to +10 since he's in the 4* pool. I have like 14 manuals and 400,000 feathers but he looks like a stupid faggot I wish I could melt him down into something besides feathers.
They eill LITERALLY never make a blue horse duel skill, even if they do manage to stop shitting on horses, that shit just isn't going to happen, even if reinhardt isn't even that great without access to an A skill.
They fear the chadhardt that much.
Reyson is one of the better arena dancer merge project options, honestly. There are way worse things to get than him.
Rokkr sieges are at least fun when there's good music and you have the FEH equivalent of a Nosferatank. You end up dueling with 2 units constantly swapping places.
Lost Lore isn't even an event. It's genuinely nothing. The prizes are mediocre and small in number, the story is nothing, and the only benefit is support growth between units you never use.
Can we meme Reinhardt as a CYL winner to get a colorless version and finally get a Rein Emblem?
No, fuck Reinhardt and fuck reddit.
Maybe. Reinhardt really only continues to become popular, while just so, everybody continues to not give a shit about marth.
Depends on how well liked the lesser liked of the threehouses male lords are, really.
He is truly the FEH player's best friend. When in times of trouble, when in times of doubt, he shall appear, along with his best friend Lyn.
Male CYL 3 will be dominated by Dimitri.
>trying to get as many Deirdres as possible
>green never fucking shows up
I'm on +6 but I have to tap out because I only have 30 orbs left and I'm worried she might, god forbid, get a seasonal Halloween alt. There's also B!Fjorm and S!Laegjarn I have to save for now.
who FUCKING cares
reminder not to ever play gachatrash
can I get a "hell yeah"???
i just started this and i've gotten like 8 5 star dancers when i barely have 120 total units. i dont want any more dancers
>tfw blue has both vanilla Azura AND Ninian threatening to show up
Then stop rolling for dancers, you dumb fuck. Why are you even rolling for new banners as a newbie instead of Legendary or Mythic banners?
don't make me kiss you
Share build
I'm using a 40 effective speed (43 with a certain alt set) sonic Deirdre
i'm not even doing that
Where the fuck is fae?! im one chicken away from the +10
Do it on the dick.
hey man thats not nice
In my barracks, all the chickens are mine.
If you give a damn about fire emblem, play a FE you havent in a long time
If you care about gacha play LITERALLY ANY OTHER TYPE of video game, it may not be too late to save yourself
If you don't fall into one of the two above categories,what the FUCK are you doing
this has been a PSA, you're fucking welcome
Lol like I care, phaggot
I just have her set up as an anti magic unit.
What if I play all three?
Quick take-a-shit or bus ride game so idc. I own my favorite FE so I can replay it any time I want on my wii
I wish Laura was better. I saw a tiny girl at a convention cosplaying her once with a fat Micaiah cosplayer.
What's that
turn them into books?
Well, if you say so.
Aw, well that's fine too I guess
I have Yune for that.
What a cutie!
Consider the following:
Do you spend a lot of free time playing FEH ( or insert any shitty mobile game here)? Then you can definitely spend your time better doing anything else.
Little time?
Then you can make small steps towards something that can improve your QOL. Learn japanese a little each day, then try to play some retro games in their native language, tt's fucking fun.
I care about you, user.
Do you remember anything about what you did in this game two weeks ago? Try harder.
Very cute.
>playing since launch
>still haven't seen a +spd or +atk Camilla
>there's a high possibility I had one or several but sent them home before booking was a thing before her refine
I want to die.
I'm fucking drunk and thinking of all the time I've sunk in this empty fucking game and what I could have spent it on, nice fucking meme
user, is a fucking mobile game, you can spend ten minutes and be able to cover a quota. Don't go insulting other people because YOU didn't have self control over your own time.
I'm playing 3H right now. Heroes is nowhere near as good obviously, but it's still a decent time waster you can do on your phone. Also Sharena is cute.
The same can be said of any game. Play is play.
hey man you're pretty nice can we be friends
>Norne have the highest current bst for archers.
>She is fucking garbage because Alm have much better distribution.
yeah, if you spend much more than that each day then it's a disease. Even if you spend that little amount of time it adds up and is a waste, now imagine the poor bastards that do more
meant to reply to
Alm also has Lunar Flash. His whole draw is his defense-busting power.
>how DARE you enjoy spending time on things I don't like.
Armoured makes them easy to deal with. The only issue is colourless Dragon's like Corrin or F!Tiki.
Idunn and Nagi are both ezpzp to deal with.
Oyakodon with Naga and Tiki, and YTiki!
Idunn is annoying. Surely they didn't need to slap 50/46 defenses on her with the debuff-buff effect.
>"use a healer"
This, but unironically. I can never understand why people don't bring healers to AR, they're incredibly useful.
It's slowly changing with B!Fjorm, but still.
Make me faggot
I would bring a heron over a healer any day.
Should I ever be rolling on new unit banners or do I want to save for b8%?
AR is probably the most fun game mode after you get to Rank21, because then you're not stressing over every single loss and maximising your gains. When I was going for rank 21 I would sometimes spend up to 20mins making sure I was doing a map perfectly, it was rough.
But it's way more fun when you're T21 and are getting (basically) maximum rewards while playing varied teams, trying to win as much as possible without losing much. It's good.
>Let me just go and roll some Ophelias, L!Azuras and L!Alms, I'm so good at the game now after that.
Of those only L!Azura is really great on AR Offense, and Defense barely matters since you can reduce your losses with a single Mythic hero. I don't use any of them and I'm consistently in T24+
The easiest team for ranking up is a +10 Bladetome mage (Nino, Tharja or Mae) with Vantage and CC. Aversa. +6 buffs and maybe Naga.
Imagine still playing this garbage game.
>How the FUCK do I do one of these without Brave Veronica? All the fucking guides ask for one and I wasn't a meta shitter and didn't pick her, or a neutral IV shitter that I dumped ages ago.
Stop following guides and think for yourself. Failing that... Just. Use. Ophelia.
Here's a team that will beat every single Abyssal so far.
1) Ophelia with Special Spiral and the good AoE special
2) Tharja/Nino/Mae+10 with a Bladetome
3) A dancer
4) A second dancer, preferably L!Azura
I use that and I beat every single Abyssal, usually in under 10minutes of trying, sometimes on my very first attempt. It's seriously a gamebreaking amount of damage.
Norne have weird whaleish spread like Libra, but mixed defenses on a colorless ranged unit is pretty shitty, don't help that she is garbage for fodder too.
Garon with WB+ and DC is braindead carry-tier if you wanted to rec some AR units.
This. Dropped it, never looking back. The powercreep is fucking relentless too.
Just play the actual games.
I unironically hope for this.
AR is the most boring after 21 because so far I'm at 22 and almost to 23 and it's much less varied and fun in the teams I fight.
FEH takes less than an hour a day. You're retarded.
>The mobile game actually does weapon triangle right by making it powerful, making tomes and daggers stuck to 2 so then they're not automatically better than bows and alot of mechanics better than mainline
I bring a healer, LAzura, Eir/Naga and the team I use. It's ezpz
because the director of feh doesn't have a massive degenerate boner for gaiden like the 3h director does.
hey man gaiden is pretty sexy with all those smooth, pristine fields don't knock his inner desires
Imagine being poor oh nononono
Depends on where you are, if you are a new player, try to fill out your barracks on b8% banners. If not, you should be working towards a project, and getting one-ofs is much less useful.
I mean I actually like AR, it's just I don't want to bother with the bonus units and blessings.
So. i assume most people are still 100% f2p here?
Tharja is my happy sex-slave
I have nothing over +2 and only 2 units at +2.
I have 996,879 feathers, about 3500 grails, and enough 5* exclusive unit dupes to +7 Ayra and +10 Brave Ike but I physically cannot release my horde.
No thanks
I chose to blow all my orbs on +1 Berkut instead to fix his IVs, and I did, and now I’m satisfied, so time to save for Halloween.
I’m struggling to find someone dapper enough to fit the “well-dressed & festive” theme to replace Titania on this team, cause in all honesty, she kinda blows.
>pulled early with tickets and got her
>+spd -atk
>run out of tickets but figure I might as well spend my 150 orbs
>get another in less than 25
>+def -spd
I gave MGrima fort def/res long ago but now she totally outclasses him defensively.
On a side note, I tried to pull another Myrrh to fix mine but sadly got cucked by a shitty -atk +def Edelgard. Should I even bother with her or try and find someone to fodder her to?
Honestly the idea that you need to whale in this game is silly. I'm 21+ and I've got crowns (although not every week). I've got 1000 F2P orbs just because none of the banners have appealed to me lately, it's very easy to be successful as a F2P, you just have to literally not roll on everything in sight and just pick up units that'll help you.
>Nailah comes? Okay, I need that skill- drop 150 orbs to pick her up. Easily worth it.
>B!Fjorm drops? Yup, that's gonna change the meta. Drop 60 orbs to get her.
>F!Tiki rerun? Nah. Powerful unit, but not one I need for either AR or Arena, I'd like her, but I like my savings more.
Same shit with Nagi, she looks useful but I don't need a specific Ophelia counter, since Vantage Tharja already counters Ophelia, so I'll pass for now.
etc etc
I'm glad Rinea got such pretty art
well soon you will have to make a decision, as you can only have 999,999 feathers at any given time.
When you hit that, just +10 somebody you like, after that it will all fall into place, after all, you have already invested that much into them, you may as well give them the premium fodder.
>rolling for skills and meta
nah fuck that I spent everything I had getting an alt of my favorite FE character despite her terrible skill kit and stats
I bought the BK meal, but that's it. So like, 99% f2p
>Visibly happy
>So excited her juices are dripping down her legs
>Piercings are a sign of ownership, letting her wear her eager submission to me on her body everyday, everywhere she goes
Yes, please.
This or just promote Cordelias, Chroms and Subakis into Aether, Galefore, or Quick Riposte fodder.
Can't wait for Areadbhar to be effective against all unit types in FEH. Or at the very least, effective against Armors and Fliers because fuck you
>nah fuck that I spent everything I had getting an alt of my favorite FE character despite her terrible skill kit and stats
You can do both though.
What's the number one unit I use to kill shit in AR? L!Lucina. It took me about 1200 orbs over 3 banners to get her to +10, but I did and use her constantly. I've got her sister Cynthia at +10 too, and her daughter at +8.
There's no reason you can't have all the units you want, you just need to not roll on everything in sight.
Already hit feather cap about 5 times now, I just promote a few 3* fodders like Hinata to 4* when I near it. Nothing on merges except 1 for Naesala that I picked for the heroes path quest.
Essentially this
>Not +10ing Reinhardt, Nowi and ATiki
They're incredibly useful and stupidly easy to build, there's no reason not to
>look up artist
>full of hot passionate sex
Oh jesus.
>go all in on getting a Nagi because i have a dragon addiction
>don't even really care about her at all, Norne is the character I actually have a connection to
Why did I do this?
>I have a +7 young tiki
>I dont even like her its all pitibreakers
I don't need 3 extra atk on Rein for the huge cost and I stopped using both Nowi and ATiki around the time where they changed TTs to not have 20% bonus units.
When is my wife Marianne getting in?
Dunno but hey if you're lucky she is going to be a staff and demote.
I need frens
I just never roll for a unit like Bride Fjorm, which you did because of the meta. Nothing I just want to kill off either. My favorite is Nephenee, so merges are not something I roll for due to the old pool pitybreakers. I've never spent but I just don't like people who roll for meta in this game.
Soon probably as she scored well in the popularity polls
She'll just be like Mercedes and be a staff shitter without the staff b skills and mediocre stat spread.
>Still no F!Tiki
Needs more Lyn
I have her but she has shitty ivs of +HP and -res. In fact all of my Young TIkis: L!Tiki, and S!Tiki have +HP.
got lucky getting her
no nah or myrrh merges though
This but unironically
I still regret rolling 700 orbs for two Tikis.
All of those are good units though. FMorgan is probably the least but it's not like you had a hard base to start from to make a stellar unit with "self-dance" girl and a decent Firesweep lance flier.
More lyn!
>I just never roll for a unit like Bride Fjorm, which you did because of the meta.
It helps that I also like Fjorm and like her Bridal alt, I would'a been tempted to roll regardless. But she's a meta defining unit.
Really though, your complaint has nothing to do with whales or whether the game caters to them and everything to do with your own refusal to optimise.
It's fine not to optimise, build whatever units you want. But don't complain that you can't get T21+ if you're not then capable of doing so.
It's perfectly doable as a F2P, it may not be doable as a F2P that avoids getting the best units.
Luckiest roll of my life.
Would you friend my special boy?
Who's your proxy?
>and alot of mechanics better than mainline
>refusal to optimize
Not really, I do just fine with her current build. Slapping DC on her and whatever other special skills would be good isn't really going to make her any more useful, and might actually hinder her utility overall because it relies on damage mitigation and multiple Wrath procs. My complaint doesn't have anything to do with whales I just am complaining about you specifically. I couldn't care less about T21 despite having enough units to perfectly manage it and even enough to make a +atk OR spd +4 Ophelia. I could make a whole team of special spiral units if I so choose.
Also condense your post.
how do I see which random stats I got on a roll? Like atk+ res- and stuff
go to misc
activae the asset/flaw color display
You have to change it in your settings "Asset/Flaw color display"
you can either do the math manually by checking out wikis, or just enable the option in the settings to show them
Proxys are just the ones for AB and not lead unit right? If so its a galeforce spd ploy peri
>her sister Cynthia
>special fighter but no quick riposte with that low ass speed
I mean, probably
>effective against flying
>effective against armor
>+4 everything against fresh opponents
>sturdy impact
>atk/spd link
She's a beast, doesn't even need fodder to do a good job.
Nope, got a -ATK Norne instead and trying to get a dupe to get rid of that and hopefully a Phina because for a dancer her prf and offensive spread are pretty dumb.
Damn straight
Spent 478 orbs and didn't get her.
>Got Karla from tickets, -Atk so more Wrath fodder
>Kaden, Ranulf, Nagi and Epik from 72 orbs
Best luck I've had in a long time
I got 2 of these from the cunny banner. I hope we get more orbs because I want to roll an extra myrrh.
Yeah, sure, hope you like my +10 Camilla
>Ways to increase movement for armours so then they're not as cucked
>More skill variety. Best example is how the C skills offer various ways to buff your allies and is more effective system than how supports are in mainline
>Special skills are based on a countdown allowing more control to the player
>Since most of the relevant challenges are done when both you and the enemy level capped, there's no such thing as being overlevelled
So we raided Hell, we raiding heaven next book right?
Sorry to hear that man I got one with 24 orbs and +spd.
I hope we get more cunny banners.
dang well congrats bro
I guess it was punishment for getting a +Atk Summer Laegjarn, a +Def Summer Laev, and an average Summer Gunnthra in the same roll on the banner before it
Those summer banners were some fucking bullshit, I didn't get Laegjarn despite some 300 orbs.
Yeah, but god is a dragon and you need a magic sword to forever kill him.
Or maybe we'll finally wrap up the fucking cursed blood plot they started in book one and only occasionally reference while sending us to kill death.
I got Laeg after about that much. 2 offbanners but after those see
Thor is a thing and Loki is still out there, who knows.
>alot of mechanics better than mainline
Funny playing 3H and seeing it straight up port mechanics from FEH into the mainline. Just outright admitting they work best
The really good players would be in in T25 at the very least right now. You only playing against cookie cutter teams because you're at the bottom of the tier.
Haven't played 3H, what'd they take?
You better be right because if I still get flierballs and feelias I will quit AR and intentionally drop so it becomes less boring. I don't even know why I'm doing AR because I've never bothered with grail units other than Garon and he's done now.
>tfw unironically enjoying book 3 story
>Punished alfonse doesn't hesitate to try and kill normal alfonse along with himself
>Quick riposte in Heroes: A worse skill than Vengeful fighter
>Quick riposte in 3H: Vengeful fighter and half of wary fighter combined
>The blow skills are the values of the tier 3 Heroes' ones instead of how they were in Fates (Darting Blow gives +6 attack speed instead of just +5)
>Quick riposte is in but on steroids
>Defiant skills are in except with a lower health threshold but give you invisible buffs instead of visible ones.
>Rallies affect one person instead of multiple
>Archers can get close counter for their bows
>Distant counter is in the game, but only enemy bosses have it and to give it your units you need to use a temporary buff from a certain gambit
>Desperation is in
>Assist skills like reposition, and draw back are in
They should have gone further. A lot of the c skills can help make support roles more of a thing.
>Future Alfonse and Future Veronica clearly wanted to fuck
So Alfonse x Veronica is set in stone now?
>I have had far more than my share, it disgusts me
Lif really is punished
It was set in stone when the Dragalia event happened
>Punished Alfonse thinks its worth helping Death genocide another Zenith because his own stupidity got his Zenith fucked and he wants his imouto back
I guess it's better than Sutr having no motivation at all, but I think it might've been better for Lif and Thrasir to actually be the founders of Askr and Embla instead of Edgy Alfonse and Veronica. Lif isn't even a fun Punished like Venom Dimitri is, he goes too far into edgelord territory
>Assist skills like reposition, and draw back are in
this sounds good, positioning effects that weren't shove/smite were always the most interesting feature feh had over normal fe
Unlike Dimitri Lifonse actually did lose literally everything. It was either Hel kills everyone herself or he risks it all one a final gambit. Now the only person he has left is Veronica
I only managed to get her to +5 myself. Maybe next time.
Not his fault you unable to understand when you get insulted, sad
Ironically I feel like shove and smite are more useful in Heroes than in 3H. Because in Heroes it's a lot harder to be in front of an ally due to everyone having lower movement but getting behind them is easier and smite meta is a good solution to moving your vanguard in AR.
In 3H reposition and draw back reign supreme as movement is higher, and since maps are bigger, having both the assister and assisted unit move forward is crucial to efficient mobilization. Also reposition and draw back have the benefit of moving the assisted 2 spaces (for reposition) or both 1 space (for draw back) while shove only moves one unit one space.
Summer Tiki is the best when it comes to tits anyways.
I don't play Dragalia, what's behind Alfonse and Veronica?
yep got lucky with tickets. Why does she even have special fighter with that speed? she's way more suited to bold or vengeful.
This art actually looks bad though. Her face is fucking horrible and her tits look like inflated balloons rather than flesh.
Who knows with ISIS. I can't complain about more special fighter in the pool though.
>tfw I stopped taking the gachapill
He had some cute interactions with her and he was the only one of the Askr trio that made it in.
As units he's a rather good free light sword and she's a decent gacha dark wand.
yeah i'm guessing they did that just to add more SF fodder to the pool, it just surprised me since every other person who comes with special fighter has either the stats or a Prf that lets them use it well. Whereas with her it's completely at odds with her kit.
I'll continue taking the pill, as it's a pretty decent time-killer when I'm not playing other stuff.
>decent gacha dark wand.
well she used to be, now there's only one dark wand worth using thanks to Cygames "balance" team releasing Gala Cleo.
That's just you being overly autistic about fantasy tits despite not doing the same for her ears, and that's not even mentioning how you have no basis for her face so it's just lolpinion.
To screw over L!Alms with flashing blade in desperation range? Yeah I think it's to just put more SF fodder in the pool
It's kind of weird for me.
When I have actual free time (i.e. several hours or more) I dislike using it on gacha. Over the summer I had a little more so I ended up barely touching any gacha shit. But when I have a short time, I can't play regular games. I get to play just long enough to start getting into it then have to stop, it sucks.
However, the less I play gacha the happier I seem to be, but I don't feel unhappy while actually playing it. I feel as though some of these would be very decent games if they discarded the gacha aspect.
Most of these banners have been underwhelming ever since the release of the Grail system. I never had any connection to any of these characters so the ability to get them for free just kinda killed my interest in rolling for anything that isnt a skill capable of helping my mains
No, she genuinely just has shittier art. Weird frog face and her body is at least supposed to look humanoid rather than a rubber doll, so the ear comparison holds no water, it's not even remotely equivalent. I always hated that the one alt poor ATiki got was such an ugly one while YTiki gets multiple cute ones. Why couldn't she get art like Summer Camilla at least is beyond me.
>censored asscrack in english
Also I really don't like how this artist drew her front leg. About as bad if not worse than the cleavage line.
Veronica is still decent if you don't have Gala Cleo.
Luckily Cleo is my favorite and I got GCleo.
Veronica became amnesiac for a bit in the collab and Alfonse started putting the moves on her while he had the chance, even in the end when she got her memories back she said he was pretty cool even if they have to go back to wanting to kill each other when they get back to Askr.
>in english
I hate censorship bitching as it is but I especially fucking hate uninformed censorship bitching.
The change was the same for all languages and was implemented before the characters were even properly released
She's pretty good fodder overall anyway. Almost Nailah tier.
She does kind of look unsettling. The artist drew her eyes smaller and closer together than Noizi Ito did, and her attack portrait looks weird. Not Cordelia/Lloyd level but certainly one of the less attractive summer units.
I hope Bantu is setting a precedent rather than an exception and more 3/4* units of non-banner worthy ones get added.
The cute bunny ears makes my dick hard. Keep up the good work dude.
Echidna was pretty cute, I can see her either being a TT/GHB unit or a 5* exclusive with powercreep stats+skills, but not a demote
>3 rolls in a row and no greens orbs
>All tickets are spent
Fuck this banner. I'm out before I spend more than 10 orbs on this.
>retarded tripfag hates censorship complaints
Hmm, I forgot I didn't filter you on this PC. Don't bother replying because I will never see it. I don't respect you as a human being. I would make an argument about "in english" not excluding other countries but I don't speak to tripfags, especially ones that somehow think they're human and allowed to reply to me without utmost politeness and grovelling fervor like the revolting rabid dogs they are, Tharja-towel ass. I would say never speak to me again but I must say that would be a disservice to everyone else, so just never speak again retard.
Would you rather
>free unit from TT/GHB
>3 to 4 star added like that
>5* gacha focus
For them?
Greens on a 4 man banner are the worst, better to wait for a 3 man banner. Especially since she's not gonna demote.
I want them to do more from now on, I like Bantu and would love to see unpopular characters get in like that too.
Use him on those armor grand conquest rounds
Armored Dragons are fine because that's two weaknesses.
Imagine if IS was dumb enough to release an infantry dragon with the stats of an armored but also had an immunity to dragon weaknesses? That'd be retarded!
Still dies to Reinhardt ;^)
Everything dies to Reinhardt.
But the bigger point is: +10 Sothis was so easy to build and so common in AR that they gave everyone a free 5* Reinhardt just to deal with her.
Always relevant, baby
No because I deleted the game after I got all of the Camilla alts. There's no winning beyond that until the next one.
sothis and fallen corrin certainly pushed dragon infantry
watch 180 infantry myrrh happen next year
depends if she gets random bonus bst
Legendary Rhea
>mfw using reinhardt in the grand conquest the a couple days ago and he managed to kill a surtr who was at full health
There really is nothing he can't do.
>tfw got my free one, but haven't set him up yet
I already have Lyn and Veronica. Should I just make a cavalry team? Who should be the fourth? Sword Eirika?
Whoever you want, cavalry teams are breaindead as fuck. Some galeforce melee sweeper would be a solid option though.
I would probably recommend a more accessible unit than sword eirika I suppose, but I doubt you are thinking too heavily about merges at the moment.
>for some reason, never noticed that my rein was +hp
>fix him to +atk
>rapes everything harder
hey man that's real cute
being a mythic did not get duma the same bst as l tiki
just depends on what IS randomly does
I haven't merged many units. Mostly just my Nino, Selena, and Beruka.
Alt when?
It is something to consider for the future. But I wouldn't worry about it too hard right now. In any case, cavaliers aren't the best merge projects.
I fucking hate Serra. Her and Jakob were the ONLY things I rolled over the course of a 5.25% rate trying for DNeph, along with a single 3* Matthew. I have so many damn manuals of her and Jakob and have only rolled 1 Sothe, and he was -atk
How many?
after my sully alt
Fuck yours alts, RINKAH WHEN!?
>sully alt
I'm sorry bro.
Having an obscure waifu must be suffering.
After giving every single fucking healer I have her special I have 17 combat manuals and 2 non-manuals left, meaning I had about 38 of her. 16 Jakobs, I gave a few units Def+3 but I feathered a few because he's unfathomably worthless even as fodder. Should have been about 26 or so, I still have 1 as a unit.
>more Fates shit
Fuck that, Morgan alt when
It is
No, I spent all my orbs for this.
Ah, but I should mention this doesn't factor out however many I had before this, so there's some there I didn't roll in this batch but I don't recall rolling that many Serras before this.
>only 1 sothe
>he's -atk
Oh shit you're me. I'm a huge RDfag with every Micaiah and Yune at at leadt +2 but my only sothe is completely uninvested in because i refuse to build up a -atk anything.
I wish I could give him to you, user. I've rolled enough sothes to outfit anybody who could possibly want it with LaD, and still have enough left over to +10 him twice. In the same timeframe, rolling the only fucking colorless unit I want (legault) only 5 times. Throw in about 30 fucking kazes, too.
Here's your Sully's alt
Same here, huge RDfag and I have 2 Yune actually that I both use at the same time occasionally, and she's my go to flier mage when I'm not using Brave Micaiah. For the longest time I couldn't roll event that -atk Sothe so I promoted him anyway but I don't use him much because I'm waiting for a merge.
You want some of my Legaults? I have 12 of him and I never even need to fodder him.
I think I did well with what I had, got 6 copies of him, 3 copies of reyson, and 1 brave camilla with like ~330 orbs.
>330 orbs
damn son, never mind, you are fucking blessed.
Yeah, I got pretty lucky.
>want to +10 edge dimitri when he comes out
>thousands of people probably thinking the same thing
feels bad I'm going to be a dime a dozen dimitri +10 lead
do what makes you happy. It is better than the soulless +10 surtrs you see everywhere.
>do what makes you happy
What if nothing makes me happy
I wish I knew, user.
Making other people happy hasn't been a very good replacement for me. I wouldn't recommend it.
Just pick a unit whose PRF weapon you like and build a team around that unit.
Then quit gacha like I did.
>mfw I quit gacha but come here for the waifus and porn
Livin the dream.
Shut up, Tharjafag.
I think Anna is ok
Managed to get Nephenee on my birthday which is pretty cool but she has +HP -Spd, what do I do?
Roll more or Brave bow brashperation
Do I sage gachashit threads or laugh at the people who play them?
>want #FE and Cipher OCs to be added to the game cause it'd be characters I want and it'd make the people who don't like them seethe eternally
>but don't want them in since I want to save orbs for other merge projects
Feels bad
Go to the dying FE thread
#Fe x Feh soon
Which one?
I'm happy with just the Switch port
Where's my Emma
The one on /vg/ it's on page 10
But free orbs
I like Shade and Nieve the most. I'm really disappointed the Cipher stream yesterday didn't reveal the new OC. Maybe in the next Cipher Frontier page
Kiria is my wife. Also I'm content with just the Switch port but I'd gladly accept them being in FEH too, I'm just not demanding it
>2 piece swimsuit instead of 1 piece
Damnit Nintendo Tiki would fucking ROCK a leotard or competition swimsuit like no one's buisness.
I want to see Nino being forced to lick Brendan's sperm off Sonia's feet
I just want to see Sonia get in Heroes eventually.
Who else finally broke through the bad luck period? I recently got almost all units i wanted in under 20-40 orbs and also got spooked by units i didnt get first time. Last 3 5 stars i got are Nailah,Caineghis and Legendary Julia. I also got 3 of the brave heroes and a spare distant counter fodder.
Last few times I've been rolling I've been sticking to around my average, 40ish orbs per 5*
I got 2
One on my last Ticket, one on the very next roll
I just learned that Byleth can do follow ups with Windsweep/Watersweep, that’s pretty fun
Oh shit you're right. I guess it's fitting for him to have that considering that's an art he can learn and Crest of Flames rarely allows him to cancel counterattacks.
Star Ocean had some pretty nice models and animations and so does Pokemon Masters and Dragonball Legends.
W-wher..HOW YOU GOT PICTURE OF MY WIFE?!??!!!!!!!!!?!?!!!!!
My Saizo basically solo's every mode now, its not even funny
>>tfw unironically enjoying book 3 story
FFXIV actually has the exact same plot point now that I think about it
nothing more pathetic than those retards who jump into gachathreads to whine about it, as if its going to earn them everyone's applause for being "a real gamer" or some shit
We need to have more Feh thread
Medeus soon.
Remember when daggers were shit? Now they're debatably better than bows, is amusing.
Are they better or are you talking about the unit themselves. L!Alm and L!Lucina are still threats to watch out for.
I believe they have gotten a lot of love with the refines and the more recent units. Saizo and Kagero are now amazing and even Matthew has a good niche, while W!Cecilia and Kronya, being free units, can be really dangerous with some good, but not excessive investment. Meanwhile I can't think on any bow I'd like to merge other than Klein.
Yeah now I see what you mean.
I legit forgot this faggolo was in the game until he popped up again in forging bonds. Dude desperately needs a refine.
I wanna fuck Sonia
>Norne plain rejects him
Guy can't catch a break.
Yeah that was brutal, didn't even feel comedic
her left boob is longer than her right boob
No because I got cucked my Sirius. Guess I should make the best of him anyway.
He seems utterly inferior to my other cavalry units. But maybe he can be good. His appears to get some pretty good raw stats with his base stats, solo skills, and lull skill. But I don't know.
His nest support is with Gerome anyway.
Yeah, I think it'd be pretty cool if they ended up together. Not much of a shipfag myself, but I think it'd be an interesting development in a sea of uninteresting developments.
I'm disappointed we didn't get a scene with her each rokkr siege.
Sirius is a plain but good PP solo cavalry unit who could use Galeforce + Heavy Blade SS effectively thanks to all the buffs he gets. He's pretty good for a cavalry lancer with little imvestment.
This. It's like she is completely gone.
What happened to her?
I suspect we'll get more of her in the next book. She can't be gone gone, right user?
I hope she is the next book's free unit.
I doubt that, it'll probably be another Loki situation. Or once the book's over we'll have to roll for her and the other villains like Laeg, Surtr, Hel, and Laev.