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It really does feel good, i got into a lobby and immediately people were calling eachother curse words, and i heard one guy say "its like 09 all over again!"
it really sounded like he was genuinely happy to be being called a shithead by random people, Call of Duty hasnt fully redeemed itself yet, but it does feel like its regained a small portion of its soul if that makes any sense
I actually like it quite a bit, I just hope they fix the fucked up graphics on PC
will we get some classic maps from mw1 and mw2?
I hope so, so far the maps are pretty meh. They seem very uninspired
>AK takes forever to aim down sight
A shame that my gunfu is kinda trash.
>First game
>Do decent, kill some scrub a couple of times with a dumb premade class
>Get this sent to me
fuck wrong pic
>fucked up graphics on PC
>he doesnt know
What, is there a config fix or something?
How about you just fucking tell me instead of this shit
In what launcher does this release on pc?
Battle.net, the blizzard one.
Kind of gay but its not the worst of them.
Is it just me or the maps too cluster fuckyw, like there's just too much going on
Welcome to Modern Warfare!
I can agree, they are definitely more Battlefield-y then Call of Duty. Really fuckin big and wide, rather than compact.
But hey, war is not small, so maybe its a good thing
That's weird, isn't every other cod game on steam? Though I don't really care that much
who here /watingonanoob/?
ground war is shit
I cba to waste a wholte thread asking this, but am i the only one who thought the audio quality has been utter shit in the beta? Everything sounds like its been torn down to an incredibly low bitrate and played back through a telephone.
also. what the fuck is up with everything looking really grainy, it's got me worried that my GPU is playing up
imagine if EA responds with bad company 3
Explain how are they fucked up?
The last one, BO4, was also on battlenet.
can someone please explain this, it does that on xbox one also, can barely see my iron sight
nigga look at the image
not him but just look into your fucking settings you mongoloid.
>nigga look at the image
I can't. My ip is banned on 4chins from seeing images
Oh, I see, might try it. Is the whole "cod dies faster on pc" real?
That's on max settings you daft cunt. Film grain is off too.
The only thing that "fixes" it is maxing the fake AA that just blurs the entire screen and makes it look equally bad in its own way.
Yes, but its crossplay so youll be able to play with Xboners
thats a DOF glitch
theres 2 lines that can be added to the player config to fix it
add seta r_dof_enable "0"setcl r_dof_enable "0" to the config file and make it read only
I am really enjoying it. The new feel of the engine is great. Everything has more weight to it, hip firing isn't nearly as effective anymore, it's almost like a mix of older CoD games and Siege. I also think it's hilarious that the community is basically split on the TTK being too fast or too long, it proves nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about and can't actually remember what the older games felt like. This is still a fast paced game but compared to BLOPs 4 it's incredibly slowed down. There's also a lot of naysaying faggots on Reddit so you know it must be good.
Thanks anons, will try
Suck my dick retard
>the new sprint is fucking based
I just wish it didn't run like shit. 6600k and a 1070, and it runs worse than BFV, a game with way more shit going on and looks far better.
>Tfw SMG rushdown and one shot specialists are dead
Sounds amazing. Now the maps. I hope some are as good as Cod4's but if why, cant say i care that much. The BO maps were always a huge MEH but still playable in SnD
the game ran great and this latest "hotfix" seems to have fucked it
please fuck off back to whatever cesspool you leaked in from
Okay thanks
I hope devs don't listen to the retards on reddit.
I've been enjoying it as well, shich is weird since the only multiplayer COD experience that I've had is a couple hours during the COD BO2 free weekend on Steam.
When was the hotfix? I'm struggling to get 70fps in 6v6 or 60fps in 32v32 at just below 1440p and everything on normal. I've seen people say it's a CPU bottleneck but I only hit 100% when spawning in.
today or last night
you can also play with sonygros, more games should have optional crossplay tbqh
Whats up with how people look? Is it based on gun type like old cods or is it whatever people picked
People keep complaining about how the game looks, and honestly I think the majority of them did not fuck with the in-game settings. The default settings for this game are trash. Terrible FoV, render resolution was defaulted at 50% instead of 100%, new settings like Dismemberment are set to disabled, tons of motion blur, film grain turned on, etc. Once you change all that shit the game looks and feels significantly better.
It's not a CPU bottleneck don't worry. CoD has always been ass with optimisation. Even Blops 4 which was praised for it ran like shit. I know it sucks but I dropped to 1080p and just dealt with the blurry upscaling.
The issue is even with that it still looks awful. I play Ironsight which is MW2+Blops 2 and it looks way fucking better for a shitty Korean F2P game. it also runs fucking perfectly.
>M4 makes every other weapon pointless unless you play the NotBattlefield mode and even then the M4 is the go to
They almost got me back in.
> I also think it's hilarious that the community is basically split on the TTK being too fast or too long, it proves nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about and can't actually remember what the older games felt like.
Ideally I wish Body Shots were nerfed slightly. Honestly if I have an automatic weapon I don't see any point whatsoever in trying to get a headshot.
>download 40 gigs of this shit
>get the same error over-and-over again
>even tried disabling firewalls, flushing DNS cache, etc. etc.
Fuck it
Is there a way to turn off the reflections?
they look horrible unless you turn on SMAA, which ends up making the game look worse than BF5
>modify it anyway
It's just a beta. You can always create another Battle net account in case you get banned.
Are you playing it from Russia tho?
It's. So. Good.
I'm playing from NA East.
It's weird since my friend, who lives less than 10 minutes away from me, can get on and play just fine. If it's a client-side issue, then I can't pinpoint it.
You won't get banned for editing a cgf. They'd encrypt it otherwise. That and I found it through some Twitter thread that linked to reddit and if those cucks are using it then it must be fine.
>asking to be spoonfed
lynch yourself you fucking nigger
I noticed this too
shotguns are hot fucking garbage though, especially the double barrel, I've shot a dude with both shots at point blank range and the guy barely flinches
theres no point to shotguns unless mabye playing NVG
Any news about the campaign or spec ops?
Do people unironically enjoy this soulless trash? If I wanted srz bznz shooters there are tons of trash games like that such as CSGO, Siege, Insurgency or Squad, I play CoD for a game that knows how to be fun and silly.
>No hardcore NVG mode with IR beacons for objectives so you can play full hudless
spec ops is back and the campaign is gonna be gritty as fuck which is triggering a bunch of SJW journalists
>highrise will not be coming back
I'd legit be okay with every CoD just using the same 20 or so maps from previous games at this stage. The maps suck and every game the most played and loved maps are always the previous ones. Blops 4 was nothing but Slums, Firing range and Summit.
imagine wanting to play COD the same way you play ARMA
there are plenty of games where NVG game modes have been done significantly bettter.
Big if true.
60€ doesn't seem so bad for Campaign, Multiplayer and Spec Ops
I mean it's just a game mode and ARMA sucks.
Ground war is ebic
>Actually recommending ARMA in any capacity
It's not that fucking hard to balance teams is it?
>I mean it's just a game mode
yep, it is. I don't think that a nighttime gamemode would play well in a twitch shooter like COD.
Not recommending ARMA, I only mentioned that there are other games that do the whole Night time shooter stuff much better.
>brand new game
>people of all skills playing at the same time
Look up CoD team balancing points. I think Drift0r broke it down well IIRC. Say each team gets 30 points, it will gladly give the 25 point player 5 1 point usells teammates, versus say 6 5 point players. So you dominate but the other 5 on your team get demolished.
>Honestly if I have an automatic weapon I don't see any point whatsoever in trying to get a headshot.
I'm pretty sure its always been that way unless you were using a semi-auto. Body shots were just more consistent and basically killed just as fast. This really only changed when they started adding in faggot headshot multiplier attachments; because for some reason they removed "stopping power" but keep adding it back in anyway in some other form.
>I play CoD for a game that knows how to be fun and silly.
And you're the reason the series started going to shit. ADHD redditards couldn't handle not having a constantly inflating semen meter and getting a killstreak every other nanosecond. They trimmed a shitload of fat off the game, brought back camping and non-ASSFAGGOTS maps, and they still learned a lesson or two from MW and MW2 despite this game clearly trying to reignite them.
Anybody have a fix to crashing on PC? I can't even open this trash for 3 seconds and then it crashes without an error message.
So why are the attachments so limited? Theres almost nothing in the "gunsmith"
So ground war is 64 players, what's up with the supposed 50vs50 mode? Or I heard something with more than 100 players, was it battle royale or not?
it's a beta dude
We were getting spawn camped and couldn't leave the spawn.
In the game files there's refernces to BR and a 50v50 mode. I imagine it'd be like Fortnite were the 50v50 is in BR and it's last team standing. There's no way consoles are playing a traditional 50v50 mode.
They're not gonna ban you you dumpass, it's just a warning because fucking with it while not knowing what you're doing could break the game.
boring attempt to make MW 2016 "matured" and "refined"
it can't decide if it's CSGO or R6 or MoH 2010 and there's a BF mode (without the synergy of medic or support classes)
see you next year
>bad company 3 won't be bad guys I swear! bf5 was good guys...
Fuck dice.
>Modern Dice even admitted they don't know why people loved BC2
>without the synergy of medic or support classes
>see you next year
I seriously hope that the next CoD will bring a proper class system in their next multiplayer mode.
Why did they change gungame?
the beta has GUNGAME?
how do I play it?
>Modern DICE don't know what made the original battlefields or bad company 2 good
>They just keep guessing hoping to get it right
>Just end up further from the mark each time
they can get fucked.
I'm still excited about Bad Company 3 but DICE is gonna fuck it up big time. The only way to get it at least somewhat decent is to let DICE LA take over development. They should stop listening to those reddit cucks about how to develop games.
They rotate game modes. Gun game, OSP, NVG are what I've seen so far.
cool. Is there a time table of when certain gamemodes are made available?
Film grain is enabled by default
im sorry user you're fucked. you won't be able to do anything about it.
Do they even care about what they're doing? It looks like the toxic virtue-signalling crap from EA got into their minds.
this user: is full of shit
read the thread to see a solution
>Modern DICE don't know what made the original battlefields or bad company 2 good
Well those games didn't have utterly shit latency.
Dice just wants to jerk off in a corner and stare at pretty graphics.
anyone know how the connectivity works? is it based on servers or peer to peer?
It's not that, read the thread
Tell me how you magically disable dof through the cfg on Xbone then.
>consolebabs are at such a disadvantage the devs had to give them aim assist
I'm sure they don't.
BF5 is the result of some retards getting management positions and deciding that their progressive propaganda headcanon is more important than creating an enjoyable gameplay experience.
It pains me to see Battlefield in such a state.
You don't.
I'm sorry, user.
Really enjoying it but the mp5 needs nerfing as its super OP, and so do snipers cause how the fuck can one shot to the leg kill me when I’m freshly spawned with full health
funny that people still haven't realized that it's lag fucking them and not the gun in itself
Nigga this a demo the fuck are you on
That's how I feel. It really does seem like they were like "fuck it, if they want MW2 with some updates graphics and improvements than fuck it give it to them"
I played the 32v32 mode with vehicles and all and it feels more battlefield than V did
>they should stop listening to the community
unironically yes they should, ive noticed as devs bend over backwards to """""community feedback""""" the worse the game gets, fuck that
Same old cod desu where 70% of kills and deaths are from behind
Lmao I hope for the love of god they don’t make bad company 3. Dice will fuck that game 10 ways to Sunday
The ttk is way too low debate me
>It pains me to see Battlefield in such a state.
I know.
Not only they have Battlefield but they also have the Battlefront IP and they don't know how to make a Star Wars reskin of BF4.
I remember when DICE got the IP, people were all like "holy shit it's the perfect studio for a Battlefront game". Turns out all they did was play with their photogrammetry tech and 3D scan Star Wars movie props.
>10mm Auto conversion for the MP5 does basically nothing except double recoil
>reddit seethes over ridiculous "ww2" setting
>game gets delayed and reworked,, due to "community feedback"
>in turn, game gets less content
>reddit seethes over lack of content
You can't win with these people. Sure, Yea Forums shitposted and we all laughed and cheered at the failure of BF5's marketing but no one on here wanted the game to fail. It would have unironically been better if we just had BF5 as originally planned. However ridiculous it may have been, at least it would have stuck to DICE's original vision, however horrible it may be.
You have to level up the gun before you start seeing the attachments, It’s fucking weird how they did it this way.
>have to get good with a gun before you make it better with mods and atttachments
>It’s fucking weird how they did it this way
>in turn it gets less content
exactly, dont blow your time trying to make everyone's perfect game, just make the game the best you can thats how we got MW 1 & 2
>skillfag confused by someone wanting transparency in their game
real shocker there
I thought most people were upset that the content wasn't fun not because of the lack of it
This piece of absolute dogshit keeps freezing on my PC that is well above the recommend specs with the latest drivers. Fucking dropped.
how does this crossplay shit work
I'm seeing people with controllers in my game, I thought it was gonna group people based on control style
I feel like they've managed to perfectly balace all the perks this time. pretty much every perk can be used in a certain scenario.
High alert seems useless but in fact it can be used by snipers in ground war to know if someone's aiming at them.
why am I a skillfag?
Validate your claim, user.
deflecting with git gud makes you a skilfag
So I just experienced this with my roommate where both of us are running on wire off the same network switch
I can only connect when he's not on and my NAT type is set to Strict it says
However, he can get on find and his is Moderate
As I found out, he's using a VPN and it just magically works for him
>content wasn't fun
playing on the same 9 maps for an entire year isn't fun, especially when DICE releases "remixes" of existing maps that are undoubedly garbage.
when skill has nothing to do with the issue*
fair point
Doesn't it make more sense for you to get acquainted with a weapon before you get the best attachments for it?
>you will never be a Russian chad Operator
feels bad
Yeah but the issue is that you cant even see what the gun gets, not that the attachments are behind a gun level/usage restriction
Wait so blue messages are private messages?
CoD Ghosts did it better, you could unlock the guns, attachments and perks that you wanted.
I meant how it’s weird how they made it so you won’t see any attachments at all when you go through the options. So if you got a weapon level 1 M4 and you try to change the scope, there will be only 1 scope in the list. It just makes sense to show all the scopes for example, instead of leveling up the gun for them “to appear” in the options.
We are truly home
>YFW this game runs on your shitty toaster
>Use a controller so I can play with friends who are console cucks
>Nearly every game is both sides camping and killing anyone who runs around
>Switch to kb+m thinking it can't be worse
>PC players are just camping too and it is actually worse since they can aim
I mean I'm glad SMG rush down is gone but geez, couldn't we have met in the middle? It feels like Ghosts just you die faster. Also is anyone else's mouse aiming just getting randomly stuck? It's like occasionally it gets hit by glue or some shit and is just slower for half a second.
when will the beta end? 23 september?
10am PT on Monday.
I think monday
Why can't they just give us a free roam mode so we can explore the map in peace? Fuck off, I don't want to play, I want to climb the water tower in Hackney Yard without getting shot
>wahhhh stop camping
how about you faggots learn how to maneuver and work as a team
I keep getting crashes too. i fixed it by uninstalling the broken garbage.
So it's a UI issue, then. I understand now.
Lots of camping right now - I just wish people would run around and shoot but they hide away near their spawn.
I just restarted my pc
>point blank shotgun blast doesn't kill
Yeah, uninstalled. Fuck this turd.
Try actually aiming
all console shooters have aim assist by default, except for siege
gun runner is the worst map btw
Because the fucking hit marker totally doesn't go off along with the sound effect? My aim is definitely the problem here. Not the broken weapons and the god awful netcode.
There's only 2 things I don't like
>spawns are awful
>no forced gamechat
The sooner you accept it the sooner you'll start to aim better user
So if there's no season pass how is Bobby going to jew my asshole this time around?
Did they finally realize that whiny, purple haired millennials are a fad? I'm so sick of the SJW hair and shit everyone had in the last three CODs
I actually want a 16 vs 16 TDM on Ground War maps with limited respawns and no vehicles. It would feel like a semi-realistic engagement.
Enjoy your shit game for all I care, I lose nothing in the process.
>get the jump on someone, shoot my SMG
>one hit marker, ah ah ah!
>two hit marker, ah ah ah!
>three hit marker, ah ah ah!
>four hit marker, ah ah ah!
>he hits me with my assault rifle, aim flies all over the place, not a single one of my following shots lands
>melted in 0.25 seconds
Do SMGs not cause stun or something? Fuck this
They are just marketeers.
All these people will be shitting on this game when the new one is announced.
Oh yeah, this one totally isn't SJW with the black female special forces soldiers and white helmet shilling.
Better not be
Is there going to be TDM on the 10v10 and 20v20 maps?
>hurrr its all mindset bro once you start beating yourself up and thinking bad about yourself then you can be gud, but not before that bro
fuck off
There’s white helmets in the trailer sure, but we don’t know the context. For all we know they could be undercover bad guys or something. I’ll hold my judgement until I actually know the story
You see the issue here is that flinch exists
Really like the 32v32 mode even if the points are too close together. It’s like BFBC2 without destructions.
If they improve it, I might buy this game.
Ground War is hilariously terrible. It is so fucking bad and unfinished and lacking so many features that BF has had for over 15 years. After one match anyone could notice how shit it is, the map is so small for 64 players and the design of the map and the flag locations are so bad that it's baffling. Literally all the flags are in a straight linear path at nearly the same incremental distance. How do you fuck up this bad? It's so fucking bad it makes me skeptical of the rest of the game that we haven't seen yet.
This game has the exact same balance problems as older CoD. The OP weapons are burst or one shot rifles, or high dps low recoil guns like the M4. Kill streaks are cheaper now and easily spammable again, and the majority of perks are niche shit not worth using. There's almost no reason to use anything but the M4 or MP5, or other guns that perform near exactly like them, anything with more unique or extreme handling like the AK or lever action is garbage. The shotguns still shoot cotton candy beyond 10 feet, given they don't perform significantly different from other CoD games we can expect them all to stay shit unless one is introduced or buff to absurdity like MW2. It's amazing how long this franchise has existed without fixing a single balance issue.
This game is almost good, the traditional modes I mean. But really it just makes me want to go get a used PS3 and MW2, MW2 is still better than this.
>no mocap
You mean like pretty much all FPS game animations?
Holy shit the gun sways slightly while you walk, this is mind blowing, truly revolutionary, COD really outdid itself, damn.
>low TTK makes only three weapons useful
>enemies STILL spawn behind you
>consoles get absurd auto aim
>lighting is terrible and adjusting brightness adds a milk filter to the game
Anyone saying this is good is just trying to be a contrarian. It's still good ol cawadoody and it sucks
I've got my first juggernaut with a shotgun, so i dont know what youre on to retard.
>confusing a feature with lighting
dumb dumb battlefield kid
Jesus Christ can you fucktards please actually level up weapons before pretending to know whats good and bad
The AK is a beast, level it up more.
It's not contrarianism, it's marketeers, they always come here to shill COD.
They always disappear when the game launchers because all of it's flaws are exposed.
There's a reason every single time all they can do is meaningless praise, or pointless shit like
>COD vs BF
Oh look, Pajeet thinks he's in the comment section of a COD or BF trailer from 2011.
Both franchises are has-beens that all they can do now is pander to nostalgia and try (and fail) to get close to what they once were.
cod inovates
>actual innovation
choose one
>be talentless hacks
>introduce new shit
>that new shit is shit
>people ask to remove it
Even going to the future never changed anything, ever since MW2 it's just been rehashes of MW2 but with increasingly worse maps and taking away any reason to use different weapons.
DICE will have to fly down to me from Stockholm and suck my balls dry to convince me to buy another Battlefield title. BFV is some of the worst shit I've played in years as far as a """"AAA"""" shooter goes and they acted like complete slimebags about it. I guess we'll have to see what DICE LA can salvage from it though, they were ultimately the ones responsible for turning BF4 into a great entry to the franchise.
>CoD has actual innovation
>installing shaders
>5 minutes and it's at 6%
What the fuck is this shit, why does this specific game have to do this dumb crap.
The fact that former respawn devs made this after leaving post-titanfall pains me.
Because I want to go in, there's enough mobility options for going in to feel good, I love playing aggressively- but then I'm putting myself at risk, and I inevitably fuck myself over when I die from pushing too far ahead alone at 9 kills while chad thundercock with his M4 and meme clantag sits in the back of the map farming my team as they shuffle out of the same two angles until they get a helicopter gunner and utterly murder all of our momentum.
It's the same animation that plays when talking on a flat surface, you fucking retard. The only difference is the camera bobs slightly differently because the model is on a stairway. Christ, you people are actual subhumans.
Damn, look at all that detail, I mean, the gun is moving, and it's made by hand like literally every fucking FPS in the market, it's mind blowing fellow goys, please, purchase MODERN WARFARE™, we even brought back CAPTAIN PRICE™ please buy it...
1000 COD points have been deposited into your account
>Enable people to hide in shadows and being indoors behind cover now has actual benefit.
>Killstreaks a direct improvement on "pick 1/2 of recon class to get mortar strike"
>Daring campaigns noone else has the balls to execute
>Fresh new game modes every single release.
I choose both.
>make COD game
>put all your effort and budget into design and aesthetics
>forget about making good maps or trying to balance the game for once in 10 years
yeah there is no chance you are not a marketeer
>hide in shadows
Why? Because the developers make the inside of buildings pitch black unless you actually go inside? Is this actually supposed to be praise? That's fucking retarded.
You sound like an actual fucking drone.
this is either the shittiest false flag ever or actual shilling and it's fucking incredible
>Ground War is shit
>overly fast TTK with laser beam guns
>static environment, no destruction
>looks mediocre for 2012, is a joke in 2019
>no classes or interesting gadgets
>vehicles obviously tacked on and control like ass
Yeah I think the netcode is kind of ass, can't tell you how many times I died when I was already 10 ft past a wall. Even in the killcams the guy will be shooting at nothing on my screen but I die anyway, probably just desync that makes shotguns feel way worse than they are because I've ran into a handful of players that are fucking wicked with that double barrel. The 680 is without a doubt irredeemable trash, however.
How come then only game maps anyone remembers are CSGOs de_dust and a lot of COD maps?
I'm just not a braindead cockslurping retards trying his hardest to "fit in into the Yea Forums community"
Don't forget how entire weapon types are worthless (shotguns, carbines, LMG's)
>anisotropic texture option
>low, normal, high
Who the fuck made this port?
That's exactly how that shit works irl, plus it adds another thing for the player to figure out how to deal with, aka gameplay.
Ground War was fucking hilarious. It was like watching a really bad movie, I actually should've recorded it because the footage was something else.
There was one instance where I spawned three feet away from enemies spawning in TWICE IN A ROW and it continued to happen regularly throughout the match, Activision wanted their battlefield mode and didn't realize that IW has absolutely 0% experience making a shooter like battlefield.
go back
>runs max at 60+fps on a 970 at higher than 1080p
Idk but they're gods
>That's exactly how that shit works irl
Are you fucking blind?
You literally create your own classes so I don't know whats you're shitting yourself about.
It's already tense in that instant you have to acquire a target that you don't know the exact location of when you only have one entry point. The defender already has the advantage, why do they have to be fucking invisible?
>I'm just not a braindead cockslurping retards
I doubt that since you work for activision
No I was in the military and we were trained on how to fortify buildings.
When done properly its pitch black inside.
any way to reduce the crashing?
Your GF knew a lot about being pitch black inside while you were deployed
You have many tools to deal with that.
That sensor gadget
Heartbeat sensor
Grenade it
Precision strike it
Predator missile it
Rocket launcher it
Or use an LMG with FMJ and spray them down through 4 walls.
I'm fucking dying
>I'm just not a braindead cockslurping retards
>Daring campaigns noone else has the balls to execute
>Fresh new game modes
kill yourself shill
Plus you pussies wanted realism and now you have it. Why do you cry about it?
don't look at me, I'm still playing titanfall 2
shouldn't have left respawn bro
>adaptive HDR emulating badly calibrated camera auto brightness
yeah dude eyes are totally like cameras bro can I get some more chromatic aberration please
You know shit about how light works, you stupid mother fucker. The inside of a building that is half blown up isn't going to be pitch black on the inside if it's extremely well lit on the outside. Darker, yes. pitch black, no. Fuck off, drone.
Don't play the beta. It can't crash if you never launch it.
>The inside of a building that is half blown up isn't going to be pitch black on the inside if it's extremely well lit on the outside
Video game.
So how will RTX affect these buildings in MP?
>none of the windowed modes let you alt tab to another window
If you think that trash is realistic, you are fucking stupid.
I thought you said it was realistic?
>hiding the deaths in TDM
Pure reddit
If they hide KDR and those shitty stats that turn players toxic, I'll buy this game.
Playing this game turns off my internet. The game keeps crashing to "Lost connection to server: Quit Game" but it's not the game, my whole internet connection goes out if I play for a few minutes. It literally only happens in this game
What the fuck
>those shitty stats that turn players toxic
It shows it at the end
>being too stupid to read satire
hard to read satire when every 2nd post is an instant deflection from a cancerous shill
the marketing department is having a field day
>trying to play newer CoD games at 1440p
Oh no no
Why would you want KDR hidden? So you don't have to see how shot you're doing?
Too fucking late at that point.
>know I'm like 9-2
>scoreboard says we're losing by 20 kills
>can't see who is being dead weight for no reason
Stupid as fuck.
every game I've ever played that displays k/dr results in people obsessing over it
One time playing planetside 2 I tricked a player into exposing themselves by sending them a PM and they were so outraged they looked up my sub 2 k/d to mock me for it
not to say that people won't just obsess over other things if they don't have it
>can't see who is being dead weight for no reason
What would you gain from that information?
>HQ spawns in second floor of a building
>Place barricade on the only stairwell up to the HQ
>Win the match
I posted a battlefield webm here and a guy looked up my name on BFStats to make fun of my kdr
It looks and feels like the same exact shit.
I always give the benefit of the doubt, but how can a fanbase be so fucking stupid? Even the inner-elites who are "loyal" to Infinity Ward despite being ignorant to IW being a skeleton crew since MW2.
I swear to God the repetition present in standard map modes paired with the consistently abhorrent spawns is without parallel, and people are still buying it.
Reallistic in theory applied to practical means.
why the fuck does the AK only have a bipod instead of an actual grip, it'd be actually better than the m4 then
This user explained it pretty well.
I played Halo 5 competitively for quite some time. We had guys on our teams come and go that would literally turtle and let the timer run out, or hide somewhere entirely, if they got to a 1.000 KDR. If they were lucky enough to have someone run by and they were able to kill them to bring their KDR above 1, then they'd actually contribute. Once they died? Right back to hiding. We'd lose matches where the opponent team had more deaths than kills, but because they actually played the objective they got the win. I'd rage every time.
Why do you even need to know who's being dead weight? It does literally nothing for you. If you were playing like, Siege, it might do something for you to tell the guy to try something else, but in COD nobody really gives a fuck about teamplay unless you're stacking.
If it's to call them out that accomplishes literally nothing, you're throwing a tantrum and bringing down everyone else's mood, and you're still going to lose, anyway.
Why the FUCK is the ADS so slow on the AK? Feels like a LMG
Because it's smooth, polished and has interesting gadgets. Being a tryhard with the most op shit isn't the only way to play the game too so there's a shitton of replayability.
I'm 25, I grew up with Cod4-Blops1 in my adolescence. Quit, and only came back when cod went full arena shooter cracked out skill based in Blops3. As a competitive CoD player, Blops3, IW, and Blops4 are so much better, and are easily the best cod games. I'm so mad that these devs are appealing to normy boomers who just fucking suck at video games.
I want phoneposters to leave
>explosion lands 10 planets away
>pic related
Well two things. I need somewhere I can direct my temporary rage to, and I need to jack off over my stats. But apart from that, the scoreboard doesn't just tell me these two things. It tells me who to watch out for in the enemy team, who you can buzzkill, who's mowing teammates down etc. I just thinking hiding deaths is catering to numales who can't take the fact that they are terrible.
>muh toxic
Kill yourself.
>I'm so mad that these devs are appealing to normy boomers who just fucking suck at video games.
>praises BLOPS4
Oh, dear.
Just play titanfall 2 on PC instead, populations are overrated
Shut up, drone.
>it tells me who to watch out for in the enemy team, who you can buzzkill
Man, I know taht even in real life competitive sports mindgames and acting like a toxic cunt is considered a legitimate strategy, but it just seems unsportsmanlike to me. Nobody leaves happy if you're spending the entire game trying to get under each others' skin. Shit is bitter.
You missed there
So much this.
Bro... it wasn't him saying that.
My M4 is level 29 and there are still attachments to unlock. You just dont see locked options
I 100% understand you yet the feeling of getting a buzzkill on someone on a 7+ killstreak is truly one of the best things about cod. The scoreboard tells me these things. I maintain my 2+ k/d, I also stop the enemy player from getting a good k/d, all smiles.
Heard rust will be added
>Soldier selection screen
>Female Nigger
Almost as if this is multimillion-dollar franchise and this level of detail should be the norm after a decade of exorbitant profits.
>open game
>wait 30 seconds for unskippable menus that grind my computer to a halt
>wait for all the preinits to go through
>stutter on the menu
>click multiplayer
>game hangs forever
i just want to play
one of the operators is an aryan ubermensch though and both of my operators are white guys
its really good
only problem is it won't detect MSI afterburner, had to use prntscrn for screenshots like some noob
t. Overwatch baby
go back to your waifu shooter faggot :^)
I genuinely enjoy Blops3 and IW wall running, and smaller maps more. I'm not into Battlefield type games, and Titanfall is basically Battlefield with advanced movement. I like the 4v4, 5v5, intense respawn nature of cod esports.
2 kills 20 deaths every single game don't care having a blast
Outside of specialists, people hate Blops4 because its easily the most skillful, and hardest to master boots on the ground game. Many advance techniques like slide cancelling, shot punching, cracked aim. And stim shot lets you be the most agressive out of any cod yet.
fuck off retards, i dont see not one counter to any of his points between either of you
>Every building is unnaturally dark, corners are pitch black
>Theres neck high cover everywhere for head glitching
>Characters are grey/brown on a grey/brown muddy background in all zones
>If you walk it can be heard from 2 area codes over
>Running/ADS delay
I know people meme about camping but this shit is literally built for camping, not "playing strategically."
>titanfall is basically battlefield with advanced movement
very no. Maybe as far as map size, but if you get the movement down they don't feel big- that's WHY they're so big in the first place, because you can cross them so fast. They actually added a mode with smaller infantry maps and they're probably the least fun in the game because it takes focus away from the movement.
it's cod as a base with good source engine movement and arena shooter shit stacked on top of it
If this game was called Medal of Honor (2019) it would be getting panned right now.
camping is "playing strategically"
but it IS fucking boring
>but this shit is literally built for camping
As a shooter should be
Try actually using your eyes and checking corners/windows
nerf the m4a1 please it does everything better than every other gun
Ground War is like
>Okay imagine BF
>Okay now the map is half the size
>Okay now all the points are like 50 yards from one another and theres 20 open sight ranges to worry about around every corner
>Okay also the game isn't balanced around vehicles at all like BF is
don't forget
>okay now imagine we fucked up the spawns and you and an enemy can spawn two feet apart from each other at the same time
>cant retard rush everywhere
I was going to call you an idiot but ive seen real idiocy like >titanfall is battlefield with advanced movement
>being this much of a bold retard
opinion discard
>Literally all the flags are in a straight linear path at nearly the same incremental distance
thats typical BF3 map
>50/50 that the game crashes after i exit a match
seriously fucking why
how hard is this shit
Okay so a guy is camping in a building with 4 pitch black corners. How do you approach the situation? Keep in mind the millisecond you step inside the door you get shot and they have the advantage. You could use your only flashbang, but what about the campers in the building right next door and the one next door to that?
The shotgun is literally trash. A M4 can kill at point blank but not a shotgun with just one shot? GTFO
teammates can be used as bait and prefiring is a thing. If you even think someones there, blast away bro. In GW at least ammo is plentiful
all of the guns besides the M4 feel utterly superfluous, just like real life lmoa
why should i take a famas that can one shot kill quicker than the M4 (but only if my entire burst hits the chest dead on)
if i could just take the M4 that's full auto, absurdly controllable and kills like a millisecond slower
Maybe I'll give it another shot. I only tried the beta, and just the way the game was structured. Like the game mode was very similar to Battlefield or Battlefront with the multiple capture points and shit. Again I'm really into the esports side of CoD which has a focus on movement and gunplay and high amount of engagements in 10 minutes. You could have upwards to 80 engagements in a hardpoint map on Blops4 for example.
Its not about rushing. Stop trying to pretend it is. You can't move anywhere out in the open without being shot in seconds by people waiting and watching. You cant go into buildings because theres someone always posted in one corner of the building.
What the fuck did they do to the netcode? Just two days ago it was working just fine I killed so many people with the double barrel I maxed it in one day. Now I’m getting hit through walls and a point blank shot isn’t enough.
Also how do you get rid of the cockroaches that glitch under the map in Ground War?
So is ground war supposed to be like the older cod ones which is just more people, or is it straight up supposed to be a 'battlefield' mode?
And is there any way to even tell what squad mates are alive and shit on the hud?
I'm not digging the maps or spawns. The way they handled vertical design is obnoxious with the shit lighting and cover they give the positions. Also stopping power as an ability is fucking stupid and I don't know why they'd bring it back.
>So is ground war supposed to be like the older cod ones which is just more people, or is it straight up supposed to be a 'battlefield' mode?
The latter
I'm hoping we get TDM queues on the 20 and 40 player maps on release, I'm sick of this 6v6 baby shit
>camping is strategical
>he doesn't sprint around sliding and hipfiring with SMGs
>i cant just stick my head out because then im a free kill for someone
>people try to preserve their own life by conservative play
go back to your 3 lane hugboxes
It only sways that way on stairs.
Nice bot lobby
>there is white phosphorus in the game
I have a feeling it was against controller users. Still fun though.
10 years and this is all thats changed? I haven't touched the series since mw2. What a fucking letdown.
I need to buy a mouse aim trainer. My hands never know what to do with moving targets.
>brown and bloom is back
>negroids and women are in now too
Aim hero is probably the best trainer, but i'd recommend experimenting with different aiming styles.
for example
>do you look at your target or at your crosshair?
>different ways of gripping the mouse
>how tightly you grip the mouse
I even use space bar to fire instead of left click because I find it harder to aim when holding left click. Also panicking when in combat can really throw off your aim.
Ground War is straight up battlefield complete with parachutes and vehicles. I think you can see teammate names through walls but there’s also a minimap
How are you supposed to be engaged in objective based gamemodes if everyone wants to treat it like TDM?
oh hardpoint in titanfall sucks ass, dude
attrition, bounty hunt, CTF, and PVP (pilots only deathmatch) are the modes I actually enjoy playing. They're basic but they get the point of the game across.
A few small tips-
>maintaining line of sight with a titan for more than a second or two will get you killed, don't be afraid to do some damage but do NOT cross one's sight openly unless you're going at mach 8
>SMGs are bar none the meta guns if you care about that kind of thing
>learning the movement will give you a better time, it's not that complicated to get the basics down but there are a bunch of little details that can optimize your play. This is a pretty good guide from a guy who speedruns but doesn't really play MP.
>implying it wasnt to give targets for
do you even /pol/ bro?
this beta was honestly one of the worst experiences i've ever had playing an online FPS. I hate this watered down campfest RNG formula where the winner of every fight is who spotted who first.
>war is unorganized hell
shocker, go play S&D or even better take your mindset and go play Siege, dont need you crying about the game
Even playing hardcore milsim shit like ARMA I feel like I have more of a chance if I get shot at first, because I'm likely being shot at range and not by a laser gun. The TTK is so fast (at least against M4/M13 users) it feels like I'm getting one-shot killed.
But Siege is the kind of game that should promote camping considering you're defending a very small specific area against another small force.
Ground War sucks dick, but I really like Cyber Attack.
no youre not
That grammatically makes no sense.
>surprised that other people have different ideas of what a game """""should""""" be like
surprise surprise, its not just you playing the game. Devs clearly dont want what you want, do us all a favor and play something else
no youre not
anybody else getting crashes on PC? often when i switch to fullscreen it crashes, same with when i i queue for a match
Its absolutely going to get changed based on most of the feedback so far being negative specifically about those things.
>it feels like im getting one shot
>no youre not
u wot
How the fuck do I get rid of the blurryness on guns on PC? What setting? I'm looking through video settings and there's nothing. It's driving me nuts.
Wrong video slowmo
He didnt say he was getting one shot. He says it feels like he is. The correct grammar would be "No you don't." not "No you're not."
turn off AA, also theres some film grain settings buried deep down.
>I just hope they fix
lol you already paid them retard
You know the beta is open to all right?
Weapon motion blur and add seta r_dof_enable "0" setcl r_dof_enable "0" to the config file and make it read only
either way he isnt being shot like that
It's an open beta you dumb shit
art of the grapple is great and all but it doesn't teach you literally anything besides grapple boosting
there's a lot of other minutiae that it helps more to learn if you play anything other than grapple
that slide melee
what does this do? The fix I found a couple days ago had me change the value of "setcl 1092995319" from 1 to 0. Nothing about adding lines or making it read only.
were the people complaining about the fast movement in new cods while begging for this type of cod just campers all along?
>Titanfall is basically Battlefield with advanced movement
Imagine having taste this fucking bad lmaooo
You can die in like 0.1 second in this right now. How does that not feel like you got 1 shot pretty often? Especially when the enemy has stopping force which I have no idea why it made it in when TTK is like this.
i think melee does like 90 damage (assuming players have 100 health), so if you land 1 shot then you can melee for kill
>Stopping power on the lever action is still a 2 hit kill
>Literally no different
Adapt retard.
You could claim that for mw3 where ttk was at hardcore levels, this one leaves you a second to retreat fro ma losing fight.
Theres a middle ground between sprinting at 30mph and wallriding in space mecha suits and everyone sitting in a shadowy corner camping because the TTK is a millisecond, walking sounds like bombs going off and the players naturally blend into the backdrop like its camo.
i wanna see that guys killcam lol
>where the winner of every fight is who spotted who first.
What, is this your first CoD game?
stims are top tier
>Titanfall is basically Battlefield with advanced movement
But Titanfall doesn't have aimcone and boring classes?
because it doesnt, gunfights feel fine
>you can die in like .1 seconds
Fuck off antishill
no railshit option is the best looking
the core gameplay loop is braindead and not fun. I have no idea why they added the more tactical options when 99% of the playerbase just wants to sprint around and ads.
That too. I never try to kill somebody outright but damage them a little then retreat to stim up and finish them off. I couldn't do that if TTK was as low as that cunt claims.
The core gameplay loop is gunfight, and its radical.
I love that big M16A2 style heatshield but it doesn't look right on that receiver
>game is installed after 4 hours
>open game
>get past tittle screen and hit play
>get past match making
>select weapons
>open it again
>crashes at startup
i am having fun with this beta, havent played a single match in 6 hours because of constant crashes
if you use the default generic character for each faction it bases it off your weapon
The wounding perk seems like the best gun perk.
>pick up the bomb
>no team mates near me
>hear foot steps
>frantically mash buttons to figure out what drops the bomb
>can't find it, have to melee
>ambush the two guys following me and kill them with my elbow
>plant bomb and win
I wonder how viable knife only is this time around
It will in the full game. It just lumps everybody together in the beta.
you clearly dont belong here, go back to whatever heroshit shooter you play
Melee isn't one shot at full hp unless the bomb is different
God you fags are pathetic. This is even somehow more pathetic than Blizzard selling 15 year old WoW to everyone all over again. Gaming is completely fucking dead.
>and its radical
Alright bros I'm shit at of can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to hit the B key from wasd? Do you take your finger off wasd or do you hit B with your thumb?
You can equip a breacher muzzle for one hit melee kills, and you can stab people if you pick throwing knife as your lethal
change the bind
i legit don't have enough mouse buttons to do everything in this game
go away doomposter, no (you)s for you
It's past your bedtime granny
>I couldn't do that if TTK was as low as that cunt claims
I miss when Yea Forums hated this zoomer shit
If you have throwing knives it makes your melee one hit.
holy shit aiming the IFV turret feels awful, theres no smooth motion, just aids, its like theres a deadzone of a few mm so you have to overcompensate and just your aim and turret movement is all over the fucking place its not smooth
is it my mouse input settings?
>raw mouse input
>mouse smoothing
>vehicle sensitivity 1.50
>grew up during cod4-blops1
>praises blops3,IW,blops4
holy fucking YIKES
So you miss never?
What did you bind it to dear Mr user.
It's not 2011 user, CoD isn't zoomer shit anymore. People who had to have their mommy buy MW2 for them because they weren't old enough to buy an M-rated game are in their mid to late 20s now.
Buy the same game two years from now for the same price, retard, then pretend it's good and you're happy and cool. You are a tool and a sheep, and your life is meaningless.
I got bored of the old games. The ones I'm praising I like for completly different reasons than the originals. The new ones are really fast, really agressive and competitive. The ones I enjoyed when I was younger was more for the casual aspect. I know I could probably get into CSGO instead, but the respawn nature of CoD Competitive keeps me hooked.
Ofcourse you will instadie if you stand still and get 3 headshots in a row.
So pathetic, oh my god. The S O Y in here is overpowering.
Based levelcap saying what has to be said.
Try setting the priority In task manager > Details from high to normal. For me it was fucking up performance and mouse input before that.
Play the same snooze-jankfest over 6 different games , retard, then pretend its tacticool and you're happy and cool. You're a tool and a sheep, and your life is meaningless.
The fuck is up with the graphics in this game? Pic related the gun is all grainy and shit.
26 didnt play anything before mw2, which has been and seems like my ideal CoD, only thing i has come close to enjoying it as much as it was IW, BO2 gets an honorable mention, but fuck BO1 only for starting the trend of """""balanced""""" noobtoobs, other than that its a good cod
its shit on PC
if it was a PC exclusive it would get shit on endlessly for such terrible UI.
i wish tripwire would just make a modern arena shooter already.
Respawn times kill multiplayer games, makes losing sting so much more and that time doing nothing but waiting really adds up
The amount of shilling for this mediocre game has been outstanding.
Found a specific fix for game crashing when clicking Multiplayer at the first menu. Had a PS4 pad plugged in earlier today and it was working. Unplugged it and I started getting crashes whenever I clicked multiplayer. Plugged it back in and its working again.
google depth of field fix. if you're on console, no fix
Try going into task manager > details and adjusting cpu priority from high to normal.
Thats why Search and Destroy is my least favourite mode they play in the CoD esport scene. I always tilt when I die and can't get back into the action.
>bodyshots guy at range and pops him instantly
>gets melted from the side
>3 secs later spawns in the 90° flank of an unaware enemy and deletes him faster than human reaction time could possibly account for
>low ttk
Man is there any reason to set a priority above normal in taskmngr ever, seems like it always just fucks shit up
without counterplay there is no loop beyond running and sprinting and having an autistically good reaction time.
>Map design is still shit, only the ground war map has areas higher than two stories, Hackney Yard is three lane shit
>Guns feel weightier but spray and pray still wins every close encounter
>Afgan cave map, I'm too lazy to look up the name, has a point that a sniper can easily get killstreaks from, I know cause it was fucking me
>Majority of killstreaks are the same shit we've seen for years
>6v6 Maps are too fucking small, domination is a fucking joke when I can throw a grenade from b points to a/c
>No fucking punishment for quitting out of gunfight where no one joins in
>Headquarters is fucking retardedly bad, team controlling hq still gets points even when the team taking is on the spot taking over and the spawning decides who wins
>LMG takes a fucking century to reload
It's the same shit CoD is every fucking year and the only good new idea is mounting
>and having an autistically good reaction time
It's called having positioning and map awareness you brainlet
I actually didn't I generally don't change firemode
I do have crouch (for slide), tac grenade, and lethal grenade all on my mouse though
Your first and third points are mutually exclusive
Not sure why they decided to do that, if there's a bunch of other shit running it might help but setting it by default is a bad idea
>Play with consolefags
>Go shotgun and slide around
>Dunk on them all day
Kek, this shit is hilarious.
Tbh I shat on call of duty just like most of you when I was 11 and clueless, claiming it wasn't reallistic enough and a game for kids. Then I actually tried it and damn was it good.
I feel like a major part of the issue is that the netcode is just ass. I get like 15 ping typically and I still see shit like people start shooting me while their gun is pointed down in the sprint animation or had people round corners prefiring me only to see them have plenty of time to react to me on their screen.
>only people who hate this game are redditors and 9gaggers/diggers who hate the high ttk and liked bo4
yeah im thinking cod is back
Wtf bro's why is Gunfight so fucking fun
Nah, I'm only playing this to dunk on scrubs and consolefags, it still sucks and I would never pay $60 for it.
Modern day AAA multiplayer games are basically just glorified F2P games anyways.
Out of curiosity do you get the same issue on foot if you move your mouse back and forth rapidly? CPU priority in task manager was fucking my mouse input up. Also isn't smoothing and raw input mutually exclusive?
I think you mean
>high ttk
What you're presenting is completely stationary targets, in a proper scenario (tdm) you would most of the time have paths of retreat and be on the move making the enemy miss a few shots prolonging your life and giving you the chance to retreat. If you ain't doing shit and standing like a target well its a different thing entirely.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is this boogeyman I already made my mind up about
>rage quit 4 times this weekend
>about to boot up game again
I know I'm gonna be miserable after 10 minutes. I don't know why I'm even doing this to myself.
game's not bad but this lighting has to change. looking into the cave on azhir is just looking into a black hole and the same goes for indoor spots. reminds me of how fucked siege's lighting was for the longest time.
Uh actually this game is literally perfect and based
these read like totally organic posts and are absolutely, positively not made by an activision™ marketing intern
Why do you present this completely dishonest opinion? Or are non- cod players such garbage that they can only rely on gadgets and overpowered weapons to win? There's a thick line of finess involved in a call of duty match, damage the enemy, retreat, strike from another angle, switch to secondary and chase them down. Call of duty is fun not because you bang bang aim and shoot, but because you mess with your enemy in a bunch of dance moves trying to outmaneuver each other around a single pole lamp.
>spawns 2m next to an unaware enemy and magdumps him
>i hope they fix
>didnt preorder
sure you faggots
reddit spy here
most upvoted post on modern warfare is hating on the game
I could call you a nigger faggot cunt, but im trying to cut down on those.
Why change? Should insurgency become a paintball game? Should cs remove grenades?
Your point is invalid.
It's not "lighting" It's a feature.
No they aren't, the cave is a lane and since I have a slightly elevated position to prone at when mounting, I can easily shoot straight down the lane with little chance of getting hit unless someone were to loop around and shoot me in the back, but with the fucking killstreaks, I can make reaching that point almost impossible and keep killing with ease
I'm sorry you got caught being an idiot but damage controlling like this won't make it better user
>glitches into a wall and drops under the map
What do you mean by this?
they've been making the exact same game for over 10 years and the maps still suck. Think about that for a second.
You know someone can be interested in a game without immediately running out to buy it right? I want CoD to succeed and evolve. I haven't played a CoD since MW2 but I heard all this hype about it making a return to its roots.
I hope there are more gun options at launch
>if titanfall 2 had met expectations the team making this reboot, with the great animations, sound design, and gun feel would instead be working on a titanfall 3
>instead we'll never get anything like titanfall ever again because no matter how bad publishers fuck over devs, the ultimate blame will always fall on the public having absolutely garbage taste
The problem is that Ghosts tried moving to having bigger maps but got so much hate that they retreated back to small ass boxes
Quick, give me a good AK47 setup!
>the shill cries out in pain as he hits you
No it did not
Not an argument
Good, Snoozefest empty fields fuck off.
I like it but it has some problems I hope they fix
>Lighting is seriously 50/50 sometimes. On Azhir I cant see fucking shit despite it being one of brightest maps especially in the cave or that one house in the middle of the map
>Shotguns deal zero dmg
>High rate of fire weapons like the M4 need a serious nerf as they have zero recoil and will put you down instantly. There's literally no incentive to use non-automatic weapons as they are dogshit compare to the others
>graphics are also 50/50
>trying to cut down on those
you have to go back
Do people not notice snipers anymore? Is it console plebs? I can drop three people back to back and nobody notices. Ax-50 is my gunfu now
Its unfortnately one of the worst guns in the game
>only 2 factions
Wheres muh obligatory gung ho american faction
I skipped a bunch of CoD. What is this about score streaks instead of kill streaks? Did people not like those?
zoomer here, never played any cod
where do i start, i don't like old "bad" graphics
This game is absolute shit. Terrible netcode, terrible maps, terrible rng recoil.
It wasn't last weekend, they actually nerfed it between both beta periods and made it inaccurate as fuck.
>every response post is followed up with an even more uncanny response
you need to get your speech chip checked out by your overlords from the activision marketing department
>Shotguns dealing zero dmg
are you taking effective range into account
>10mm conversion for the MP5 just adds recoil instead of damage
It should be a fully auto nuke launcher wtf
Gunfight is fucking dogshit with the loot change. It was better the way it was. They ruined the only good mode.
they are a sub faction called Demon Dogs
>gound war runs like shit on my 1650 laptop
>tdm plays perfectly
good thing tdm is the only fun mode
the basic rule for everything for me has been flash hider/grip to reduce whichever recoil is more problematic for your gun, usually horizontal, but putting vertical on the famas made it nuts/holo sight/perk of your choice/something to reduce ADS sight-in because that shit feels fantastic
Because you're an addict.
Like most modern CoDfags over the age of 20.
>>Lighting is seriously 50/50 sometimes. On Azhir I cant see fucking shit despite it being one of brightest maps especially in the cave or that one house in the middle of the map
How is this a problem?
>Tbh I shat on call of duty just like most of you when I was 11 and clueless
Yea, and now that you're 19 and totally have it all figured out I'm sure you find it amazing.
I want to like Ground War, but it's just shit compared to Battlefield. It's a clusterfuck, spawns are bad, way too much camping, etc. I give them credit for trying, but it just made me want to play BF4 instead.
shotguns are just ridiculously situational in a low TTK game like this which, granted, is believable
in like titanfall for instance though shotguns are very user friendly and you have high mobility to offset the fact that everyone else can kill you about as fast from longer range, in this if the enemy has half of a brain they're holding lanes and good fucking luck getting in against three M4s and killing more than one person lmao
there is no finesse, you're pulling a lever on a slot machine hopiing the next time you respawn you get to do anything. There is a reason why theres no respawn timer.
Headquarters is fun as well as Cyber Attack
Literally me. This game is fucking garbage objectively. Yet I keep coming back. Reminds me of siege.
But does it have a based announcer
it should always be like that, nobody should be allowed to change that. tells you who is safe to engage, and who you should avoid. now i cant tell if someone rushing me has an SMG or a slow firing AR
BFV is unironically fun, the guns and locations are underwhelming but the maps are well designed, it's fairly well balanced and the map design is IMO the best its been in the series
I tried going back to BF4 because I had fond memories of it and the IRNVs, flat surfaces, and everyone having instakill ARs drove me completely insane
Because it's not fun when you can barely see half the people shooting at you.
The two sides only have one announcer
Makes everything else irrelevent tier
Inferior to above but still decent
Bad but usable
Don't even fucking bother
oh, and the gunplay/recoil mechanics are ridiculously inutitive
>set recoil patterns that are extremely easy to feel out compared to CS that are weakened if you crouch, prone, or stand still
compare to BF4 where your gun just goes everywhere but where you're aiming if you don't tapfire
>based xDD
kill yourself
Lame and soulless
Yea, pretty much. It's a shitty imitation of BF4 without the actually usable vehicles or gameplay that's not just sitting in the points and picking off anyone who runs in.
It also doesn't help that CoD has absolutely 0 destruction, which is even worse.
Even WW3 has SOME level of destructibility that means you can't just sit in a corner all game.
im literally shitting on pc fags, get better
>b-but it's a feature
i was rolling with the famas and it felt like garbage at first but as soon as I got into a rhythm with it landing those one burst kills it was completely insane
>slide into room
>hipfire into dude's chest
>fucking dead
>Yea, pretty much. It's a shitty imitation of BF4 without the actually usable vehicles or gameplay that's not just sitting in the points and picking off anyone who runs in.
>It also doesn't help that CoD has absolutely 0 destruction, which is even worse.
>Even WW3 has SOME level of destructibility that means you can't just sit in a corner all game.
Idk I'll have to do some more experimenting tomorrow
So many CoD games are coming out so quickly that they're all starting to blur
Forgot FAMAS, tier 2
Why's the movement feel so weird and floaty in this?
It's amazing how bad mw gets the racism out of everyone
>the fucking kickback on the m14
If you get shot even once while file you're gun flies upwards. Loses to spray and pray everytime
Literally played 2 hours of ground war shit is fun, and gets extremely choatic in the C point holy fuck, fucking clusterfucks, but its fun. And when I'm tired of that just hang out with the IFV on the cliffside
I wish the map was bigger and the little bird helicopter wasn't so useless.
What about the K98?
I wanna be a bolt action nigger
what are you talking about
its always 1 cod game a year
>APC silently rolls up and silently shoots an AT round at me that on impact sounds half the volume of normal bullets.
>ATV hits a slight pebble going at a top speed of 15mph and comes to a full stop.
>APC runs into ATV half it's size and comes to a full stop.
>ATV bugs out and takes you under the map to which you and your whole squad are then able to kill anyone on the surface for free with no consequence.
I think the game is fine but vehicles were a mistake.
Thats a lot of CoD user. I haven't played them since MW2 but I look them up as they come out.
CoD mobile comes out next month as well.
I don't know what I was expecting. Tacticool fags are truly skilless losers.
But it's ok when you instadie from literally nowhere in red orchestra?
t. hasn't even unlocked level 20 for m19.
I'm shredding niggers left and right with that and it's a pistol.
Seeth harder you zoom shill
I agree, I actually like BFV a lot, but this still makes me miss BF4 since it's most comparable to it. I might just go and play both, it's been a while either way.
Getting 10 kills with the APC at the start is too easy.
>You have to buy guns in CS?
>Jesus christ, how can cops not afford to give everybody m4 and armor so dumb!
>use shitty newfag zoomerspeak
>call other people zoomers when you get called out on it
What did he mean by this?
Cope. Your game is shit and you're probably shit at it too
BASED. COD is king again and will rule Yea Forums while simultaneously makes the spastics seethe with threads having hundreds upon hundreds of replies. WE BACK!
My game just crashed. Some directx fatal error.
Actual zoom zoom is the nigger who actually unironically gives a fuck about some random word.
In the time it takes the M14 to settle after a shot, an M4 user will already have 10 bullets in you
>Won't run on LTSB
I don't really get why a non-UWP game is arbitrarily checking my Windows version, never mind why it won't actually run on it, but okay.
If you're a "competitive" player, then why aren't you already playing B44?
>bad lightning giving deep corner campers an even greater advantage is a feature
we get it shill, you don't have to constantly deflect to other games
Concession accepted!
>this much cope
It literally is. Do you expect every building to be brightly lit and there be no shadows to hide in and strategically ambush people?
>But it's ok when you instadie from literally nowhere in red orchestra?
They're completely different games for one and for two you're not staring at people fifteen feet away from you in full view and only unable to see them because of bad lighting.
Yikes, you just posted cringe bro, you losing subscribers
he didnt concede tho
Haven't played cawadooty since the original Blops, installed this and had good fun today, but I'm not sure if it's worth the full purchase.
I have more than enough wow gold to buy the game with tokens alone, but I'm in my late 20s and none of my video game playing friends really have an interest in CoD.
I'm also worried about the lootbox shit? Like they might put actual weapons and perks in there that cant be obtained otherwise? I'd just hold my money if that was the case.
What's the Yea Forumserdict? Buy or no?
>defending leveling up guns makes them better
How to out yourself as a zoomer.
>runs away
Yup, it's a zooomer
>maladaptive HDR lighting badly emulating camera shutters not present in human eyes is the same as enviromental lighting and shadows
>calling deep corner camping in a CoD title strategically ambushing
holy fuck the delusions
>tfw more excited for CoD Mobile then this
Its a strange feel
Because it's literally NOT lighting, it's straight up a a designated zone that is coded to become pitchblack once you're out of it.
moving the goalposts is conceding
>it's straight up a a designated zone that is coded to become pitchblack once you're out of it
Show me where do you see light inside?
Remember that a real trained soldier will be far away from the windows shooting at you from another room, you have 0 chance of seeing him from outside not only because of the size of the building but mostly because its pitch black inside.