Hello, human. I'm Burroughs, a navigational AI. This is an SMT thread. Would like me to explain how "threads" work?

Hello, human. I'm Burroughs, a navigational AI. This is an SMT thread. Would like me to explain how "threads" work?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I never found the "suck my dick" app lol

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post tits or gtfo

Is that a WSB reference?

I want to fuck toki through her bodysuit while she's sitting in my lap.

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Burroughs has has more personality than Isamu.
>tfw I thought her name was based off William Burroughs
>got into weird shit

fuckin gay lol

Navigate me to SMTV, please.

Please don't be profane in this thread.

Will be announced 2020 for 2021.
user, Nocturne and IV were released 10 years apart!

dead thread
dead series
play P5R instead

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I already had a voice fetish and burroughs calling me "master" made me hard everytime.
May YHVH have mercy on my lustful soul.

>can't kill your friends
hard pass

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Post cyber mammaries or leave the premise.


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I just want to say Thank God for undubs, God bless their souls.

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no way fag :o

>being a degenerate lawfag
Absolutely sickening.

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the dub was pretty good you faggot

toki and nozomi were awful, everyone else was fine I suppose


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Toki was cute and Nozomi was fittingly dislikable.

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Obligatory devil survivor post

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God please cleanse this heathen, correct his sinful opinion and put him into the path or righteousness.

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A dub or sub is literally one the least important things for a game name one game where a dub ruins the game

How's SMTIV: Apocalypse? I played the original a long time ago when it came out

You know, after the events of SMT 1, i don't know why there's still lawfags alive?

SMT IV had a pretty good english vas you weeb.

It’s fine some people love some hate it but everyone can agree the gameplay is really fun

better in every regard except some characters are annoying

Not all dubs are terrible. Hating a dub just because it's a dub is as mindless as clinging to them even when they're obviously bad.

>name one game where a dub ruins the game

>dub and sub is important

You can mute voices in the options bro

phys should have still costed hp. The gameplay would be perfection if they'd just kept that one feature of 3.

>he can’t read

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Also shock and freeze should still be status effects. Not having them makes elemental attacks feel boring.

Is every character still a glass cannon? Like high damage but can take one or two hits at most

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Would prefer that hopefully V returns to form

I would say so but to a lesser extent

>english vas
God please forgive this sinful faggot for he doesn't know any better, his brain has been poisoned by corn syrup.

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there's still no defense apart from element resist and buffs, but there's plenty of demons with tons of hp pretty much designed to take hits, stop using three magicbabs and get some big bois to complement them

You're never going to be Japanese no matter how hard you try.

>Muh superior nippon steel
You don't deserve Adam Howden disgusting unironic weeb

>a button
>everything turns "white"
Reminder that like Yuzu's from DeSu, this isn't just the fastest way to beat the game but also unlocks ng+ early.

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isn't yuzu's route the same length as all the others?

Does when does this game actually starts getting interesting?
Its kinda boring to be honest.

I would say it’s shorter and easier

sure but it doesn't just chop off the last third of the game like the white do, and in oc she gets a whole 8th day too

If your not hooked end by the time you face beldr your prolly won’t like it

8th day is optional you can either select to start day 8 or do new game plus

Actually, its short and easy.

Okay Ill stick around till then.

>managed to beat Beldr on regular NG with no free battles
I should have never looked at those challenges for my first game, him and Wendigo were the fucking worst.



yuzu's an easy girl

Nah, Edgar Rice Burroughs.

yuzu is obnoxious and I wish the game had given me the option of killing her and midori as well

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>the original
Apocalypse isn't a remake, if that's what you are thinking.
It's a pseudo-sequel that starts around halfway through 4's storyline and has an entirely different cast and plot.

>yuzu is obnoxious
But she has anime titties so i give her a pass.

So does Haru and Mari, so I revoke her pass because there's better titties.

Please refrain from posting any more hoyboys. This is a helpful A.I. thread.

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Beldr is easy, but those cath siths are blocking my way, now that what triggers me.

Haru is FLAT

Her dress is always falling off because there's no titty to fill it out, FLAT

The truly enlightened understand that the size of the titty is less important than the quality of the woman they're attached to.

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I'm playing Deep Strange Journey, about to fight Narcissus.
When Mastema shows up you can tell that blonde chick is soaking her Demonica with her pussy juice.

I salute you user

>Supposed to represent Tokyo
>Doesnt look Japanese

ok whatever flatty, go an hero because I don't need you for Yuzu's 8th day


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Ah, a man of culture and high intellect, I see.

Here we go again. Please return to your 'tife is white you guise' threads

>passing up on the powers of a demon for worst girl

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You also pass them up for the best girl anyway so no big deal

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Being able to tell her that I only took the bel powers because I wanted power was pretty kino. I wish more games did branching paths like devil survivor.

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The only good lawfag.


The fact that I read that while hearing Burroughs' voice just brought back a wave of nostalgia. SMTV when?

Dagda is so based.
I still went for the hippie route though. Dagda was so salty his mom replaced him.

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Roses are Red...
Bees live in a Hive...


It was an interesting idea to use the light-dark alignment instead of law-chaos but it kinda fell down when every choice boiled down to
>be a faggot
>don't be a faggot

Probably Arc Rise Fantasia, but then again I never heard the undub. That game had some terrible voice actors and some that are meh but acceptable like they were new on the job but trying

But its true anyway. All anarchists are fags. The reason they don't want to submit to any authority is because they ultimately want to live in a world where they can commit any crime and not be accountable.

Based. Then I hope no one judges me for making Airi my SMT waifu.

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You might want to type your assignment statements into an actual REPL next time.

Well he would be based if only he didnt act like a smug asshole who only says the most obvious things.
>hurrr duurrr see frenz are bad
>durrrr dhurrrr see humans are unreliable
Meanwhile actual party members are buffing my ass.

I'd ridicule you on your taste but the less people after my wife Fumi the better

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You say that, but history shows that authority figures do the same thing time and again, the only difference between anarchy and authority is whether or not you choose to be the victim of whatever tyrant is in charge. Of course institutionalized anarchy would never work irl because too many people are content to follow whoever has the biggest stick, but in a world where all of humanity gains the powers of a god that need not be the case because everyone would have a big stick.

Do I need to play Devil Survivor 1 to get Devil Survivor 2?

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No. DeSu 2 is barely smt outside of the gameplay..

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if everyone has a big stick it's not a big stick then is it?

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Exactly. Then nobody would have the power to rule over anyone else.

So what's stopping certain people from gaining more power or aligning with others for power? Humans have the same "big sticks" relatively speaking, if power was only determined from pure individual might then we wouldn't have the authority you're rebelling against to begin with.

Until it inevitably degenerates into mob rule.

>Burroughs gets depressed if you go through with it
>even though she looks like a White herself

cool, thanks

Well in the past overbearing tyranny was met with brutal rebellion. That can't happen today because weapons technology is an additional stick that only those who already have power have access to.

That's pretty much what any authority structure amounts to. Kings can't suppress the masses alone, they need the might of the military and other civilian structures to sustain them. They can only do what they do because their mob is complicit.

So why couldn't the same happen again? Does everyone having magic powers mean the world just stagnates and nobody has any ambition whatsoever? You're just pressing a reset button but as long as they're still "human" you're going to end up in the same place again.

>there are people who don't realise SMTV is going to be a LAW game

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Well, canonically a god can't kill another god. It doesn't really matter what weapons they invent they can't actually wage the same kind of war or pose the same kind of threat to each other that they would if they were still in yhvh's universe.

>Do you love me even though im a demon?

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That wasn't the voice acting, that was just her being a shitty character.

>macca beam
No fuck you you gold digging bitch.

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I don't know what kind of canon can survive a completely new universe but there's other ways to impose tyranny than threat of death.

>even though
Especially because.

I don't believe Ed Bighead's ever appeared in the same game twice, so even though canon doesn't stick between games he's probably not gonna come back for this one

I meant two games in a row, guess I'm retarded

Sure, but the attempt to break free of it is at least worth the shot. If nothing else, Nanashi can throw flynn at anyone who stirs up too much shit.

sounds like an authority using force against the masses to me

>say yes
>fuse her for a hotter demon later on

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It's only authority if it's formalized as right to obey in some capacity. Just going in and fucking somebody up and leaving again is more like vigilantism.

>SMT1 was neutral
>SMT2 was chaos
>SMT3 was chaos
>SMT4 was neutral
Therefore SMT V will be chaos again.
Also given the likely Odin fuckery its almost definitely gonna be neutral to chaos for all routes with 1 meme law route.

Sorta, big difference is that Smirk and crits have been changed so that they dont mean immediate victory to whoever has it, but still makes a difference in battle, I dont remember if it happened in 4, but status effects delete Smirk and now there's Magaon, a spell that negates it, it has saved me several times.

so the new god of the universe isn't some authority and threatening death on anyone who goes against their established system isn't tyranny?

The established system is itself anarchy. It must necessarily have only as much influence as is necessary to ensure a continued anarchy, so no. The only ones who would try to go against such a lenient system are the tyrants.

And what if everyone decides they don't like anarchy anymore, assuming they did in the first place? Is Flynn gonna be cutting down anyone and everyone who thinks some form of hierarchy or organized society would be better? Is that not a tyrant enforcing his will on those beneath him?

>Shesha is weakened by the spear, Deliver the final hit?
>Yes/ No
>There is nothing else you can do. Deliver the final hit?
Whats the fucking point of giving me the option if every "wrong" answer railroads not to the "right" answer, but again to the question? Its even weirder because it happens so many times in the game while still having events that the game forces my hand( like when freeing Krishna from the ball)

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I assume it's meant to be some satisfying non-choice, which it was because all of the Shesha fights were awful.

I thought it was to tell Gaston to do it.

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The people who cling to the hierarchy get the hierarchy as they wish I guess. At that point it's just tyrants killing tyrants. Freedom is only deserved by the ones who permit it in others, so if they collectively decide that freedom is bad, they don't deserve that paradise.

>ceases the universe
I prefer lilim.

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The first time the spear is stuck in Shesha, so Gaston is left without a weapon, the second time he tells you to finish Shesha, having somewhat accepted Nanashi's leadership.
Also, correct me if im wrong, but isnt the final choice of the game also the same shit?, I didnt bother to try not killing YHVH.

So if the big man in the sky doesn't get the world he wants then screw everyone else? Some replacement you are. Freedom to be in exchange for freedom of belief sounds an awful lot like Law to me.

Don't act like whatever hierarchy was instituted wouldn't do exactly the same thing to whatever group they branded as undesirable. If law is what they want then law is what they deserve.

From where I'm sitting they're getting law either way. What's so different than the previous one, other than having MC sitting on the throne (the literal throne in the cutscene no less) instead of YHVH?

I wanna marry that computer. Stop all the downloading

The only difference is that they actually deserve YHVH this time. They ask for the power to screw over their version of the undesirable by clinging to authority, so they become that very undesirable and get screwed over. It's karmic.

So is opposing a tyrant to bring about freedom, only to have to enforce that freedom through tyranny.

>unzip pants
>stop all the downloading
>borroughs its time for some uploading

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They get what they give. If they don't want tyranny don't be a tyrant yourself.

*don't be what the tyrant in the sky thinks is a tyrant

Too thick


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And if what he thinks is a tyrant is actually the correct definition of one then there's no problem.

and what if it isn't?

commit kill yourself, SMTIV, along with Nier, has one of the best english dubs I've seen for a japanese game

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This wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting. The only real painful thing about it for me was citra lagging like a bitch.

Then he's the one in the wrong. But why jump to the conclusion that he isn't? The logic works if he's right.

i think you forgot about the dagda keeping you alive buff its one of the best in the game.

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I'm sure everyone would be fine with kings if they were right all the time, but unless they're infallible (human MC turned god certainly isn't) He's no better than what you oppose.


Doesn't need to have him. Can just have Merc or Metatron or Mastema in the same role that Lucifer had in Nocturne.

hey dude thats pretty funny

>unironically linking reddit garbage

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That's not really true. I mean he'd only need to intervene in very specific cases when people were starting to flock to one group and suppress another group. Intervening in that one specific case is hardly ruling like a king.

Its actually way shorter than it looks if you know exactly where to go, when I played it again I thought I would be walking a bunch, but in 5 minutes I was already at the 3 dimension

When does Dagda offer you help that you can reject and he is proud of you for that?, on my second playthrough I think I killed the bosses too fast so I never saw that option again.

>Mastema makes you an "angel" like sj
>you fuck over angels and demons alike for personal gain to do whats right
>true angel ending in which you get "your wings"
>you become mastema's right hand man
>secret boss fight against Lucifer Nº1 Great General

You're intervening based on your own beliefs or sense of right and wrong, just because it might seem obviously just to you doesn't mean it is, or that everyone else agrees. If you're declaring otherwise and enforcing it on the world then your'e not living in a world without laws anymore.

In order to have a world without laws that lasts you at least need a law that suppresses the growth of law, otherwise that freedom will die quickly. That doesn't make it the same as straight up lawfaggotry, since at the end of the day the only purpose of that law is to maximize freedom and nothing else.

The point was to have anarchy, and at that point you've failed. You can have whatever idealistic utopia you want but it's not anarchy.

Anarchy is not actually possible without fundamentally altering human nature, but it's a close enough approximation to be worth pursuing.

SMT2 was literally designed around law

And you've admitted yourself that it won't be possible without a hand from above to knock down anything that opposes it, because anything else established to ensure the status quo would be no different, a literal establishment.

It's not the same thing as an establishment that cares nothing for the concept, or does in name only. That's like saying the earth is the same as Jupiter because they're both planets.

But they are both planets, and you thinking your establishment and yours only is in the right and opposing all others is hardly anything new or different. It's hypocritical in nature, and so is Dagda.

What’s your guys
Favorite demon?
Favorite character?
Favorite game?
Favorite boss?

You act like the other path is somehow different. They preach teamwork but are pretty quick to turn on someone the moment they disagree. The "one of us" mentality ends whenever it stops being convenient because otherwise it would accommodate dissenters and the rule of that belief system would be threatened. They're total hypocrites who use the same law they intend to reject to, rather than force individuality, force collectivism.

The "one of us" mentality ends because the alternative is everything they stand for, including themselves, would cease to exist. They know this because the method of the egg is the same that Krishna wanted. You think they're just gonna say "ok we'll let you go on your own and destroy our world and bodies because you're our friend." At that point you're no longer a friend for entirely valid reasons, the most obvious of which is aligning yourself with the ghost in your head that despises not only them but all of humanity as a whole. If you value him over them then what reason do they have to think you don't feel the same way?

>currently here now
>there's a map

>Favorite demon?
Rakshi, sj dopple and B.frost
>Favorite character?
i dont really have favorites, but i guess lucy and mastema are up there
>Favorite game?
nocturne despite its flaws and outdated ui. There is just too much style and astetic to not like it
>Favorite boss?
SJ Ouroboros, simple and fair battle that is harder than what came before it.

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>Favorite demon?
>Favorite character?
>Favorite game?
>Favorite boss?
The Septitrones one. The one with divisible mobs.

Retards gotta be retarded

>did that just so I could play NG+
>got bored an hour in to the new playthrough

Belial and Nebiros/Cerberus/Frost Ace/Tam Lin/Asherah
Raidou/Pascal/Yoshida/Hikari/Kaneko/Toki/Nemissa/Naoya (DS1)
SJ/Soul Hackers
Belberith/Forneus/Minotaur/Nyx Avatar

>Favorite demon?
Alice, Kresnik, Black Frost
>Favorite character?
Narumi and Walter
>Favorite game?
Strange Journey
>Favorite boss?

Clinging to the old world means each new generation a new yhvh is closer to being born as humanity forgets about what happened and people seek salvation. They're sentencing their children to dealing with that nightmare instead of making the hard choice in the here and now. What do they really represent? The only thing the practice is an animalistic survival instinct and a cheap feelgood love devoid of any sense of responsibility for the future.

Forgot my favorite character. Gore's cool too. And that guy who fucks demons.

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I am just now discovering how wacky things can get with recursive fusion.

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What’s your guys
Favorite demon?
Favorite character?
Anguished One
Favorite game?
DeSu 2
Favorite boss?

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Parvati/Setanta. Always. Black Maria and the fiends are pretty great too.
Sukeroku. His design is a 10/10 to me.
Soul Hackers
I'm not sure. There are a lot of great bosses.

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>And that guy who fucks demons.
he tried and failed, he had shit taste and i just wanted to see him die

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Burroughs, show me all information about Shin Megami Tensei V.

And the other option is guaranteeing a new YHVH shows up (you) and at best, hoping, at worst, denying that the new world can't or won't eventually fall into the same rut as the old, spawn some new disgruntled soul with his own godslayer to depose the new order and start it all over again. Conversely whatever replaces YHVH could very well not be a fag and everything could be better.

Both choices are painfully similar (funny how they play the exact same way in-game) and neither is a perfect solution. It boils down to a choice between salvaging the what we have or pulling out the roots and starting over with a new one.

Alice, Mastema, Satan, Lilith
Strange Journey

>tfw can't get past IV:A VHVH's second phase

max buffs/debuffs are most important for surviving his hits, dekaja and dekunda as well for countering his fuck you moves of either extreme. To that end Asahi is the best partner if you're not already using her because not having to worry about constantly healing on top of that gives you way more breathing room than just more damage, and Navarre's buffs are too unreliable.

>whatever replaces YHVH could very well not be a fag and everything could be better
The only reason yhvh was so twisted is that humanity itself is twisted. It's a guarantee that whatever they spawn again will be just as terrible. At least with nanashi things would be lax.

no desu2 goes in a different direction than the usual law/chaos concept. ayy lmaos instead of major demons are your bosses and the world is getting deleted instead of everthing's on fire because demons. it's weird and abstract. the writing's also pretty half baked as well compared to the first. the record breaker campaign goes way farther with the abstract weirdness and is better than vanilla.

Who's to say that? He's only a human himself after all. I'd definitely question the motives of an edgy looking kid who wipes the slate of the universe with a cheesy evil grin on his face, and I certainly wouldn't attribute Dagda's lipservice about how his way is different and better than Krishna's onto Nanashi himself.

>he had shit taste
Bullshit, he had relatively obscure yet based taste
>Leanan sídhe
>Yuki Jyorou
>Gemori despite the myths behind the demon being that it was a shapeshifting male
His SJR appearance makes me feel uneasy though, something's off

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Given that he also goes for entry level shit like Lilim I'd say he just goes for the first moderately attractive demon girl he sees.

He looks like a pervy weirdo, especially when he blushes and stuff. Like the exact kind of guy who would be into demon girls aka based

You can't attribute anything to Nanashi, they deliberately leave that open to player interpretation. He only has the motives that you as a player give him. If you want your Nanashi to be evil and edgy that's fine, but I like to imagine him as more benevolent.

He should've fucked around with fusion, some cute girls locked to light and unspeakable as dark or not encounter-able there

The only problem with that is the anarchy ending is the dark alignment ending and all the dark-aligned answers in the game are petty faggotry.

This doesn't exactly strike me as benevolent, but even if he was I'm sure there were more than plenty of people who thought YHVH was benevolent. But all it takes is one angry breeze and a puppet on an adventure to get rid of that, regardless of what everyone else might think. Hell Steven says as much to you after the deed is done.

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I like how the Massacre route has options like "comfort them as you finish them off" when killing your friends. Makes you seem insane but well meaning instead of another edgelord.

>regardless of what everyone else might think
fumy how that point only seems to matter when it's your opinion and not the one you disagree with

I don't think that, the point is that even in the scenario where you're entirely correct and unanimously agreed with it only takes a couple bad apples to tear it all down, especially in the case where you were one such apple to get there in the first place. That's the part where I don't see viewing the other side as foolish or not thinking for the future, but I do have a clear bias of thinking it pointless compared to trying to maintain the current world, and be ready if another YHVH shows up and is a faggot. The only way I see merit in it is if you're the one taking the new seat, and fail to see how someone outside of your posse would accept destroying everything they've ever known with a promise that this time things will be different and better.

A promise that things will be better than the absolute rock bottom is not exactly hard to deliver on, even for a fuck up. Why is the current world so important to you anyways? The planet itself is just a dead ball of dirt and rock and most of humanity is already extinct except for a handful of japs who will only be able to procreate if they inbreed like hillbillies. There's really not that much left worth preserving.

How about the people that are still alive? The humanity you claim to care about? If the choice is between trying to salvage the world we still have or "well none of you will exist anymore but the new world will probably be better" then it's a pretty clear choice for the former, otherwise it'd make no difference than offing myself in a ditch somewhere. And if a new YHVH will come eventually anyway then there's really nothing different. I'd rather people try to improve the world on their own, and if I didn't why wouldn't I just be a law/chaosfag instead?

>well none of you will exist anymore
The entire point is that they literally get reincarnated into the new universe. How can they not exist anymore when you're reviving their souls? The only ones who permadie are your "friends" because dagda has you turn them into landscape.

and how is that different than the traditional promise of afterlife we already had? If I'm expected to not buy into that then why buy into yours?

I only go for endings that piss off Loki

It's not mine per se, it's just isn't that what you would do if your nanashi went down the anarchy route? Or are you saying you'd ditch the promise and the plan with dagda? It's also a pretty big plot point that that's the plan. The game gives you no reason to believe they wont follow through unless you pull some made-up story about his motives out of your ass.

The law of God, the temptation of demons, and the despair of the White... You turned them all down and chose your own path.

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Why doesn't Steven just stand up and kill Lucifer and #$%& himself?


I want to replay DeSu after so many years. How's overclocked? Is it actually better or they ruined it like Strange Journey redux?

It's the same as the original but with voice acting and an 8th day

enter text, await reply, browse for entertainment

He senses that humanity has the potential to surpass the Axiom, but if he has to do all the work himself then humanity isn't going to achieve shit. A nudge in the right direction here and there but other than that he seems to be hands-off.

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I dunno about easy. That last fight of her route is brutal.

Everyone looks "off" in SJR because it's shit art.

Just started IV, first smt to. What should I be allocating?


>Favorite demon?
Pixie, Pyro Jack, Oboroguruma, Uriel
>Favorite character?
>Favorite game?
Devil Survivor 1 Vanilla
>Favorite boss?
I always look forward to refighting Matador every time I replay Nocturne.

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MA with a bit of AG is the usual way to do it. Try to get demon whispers for agi, bufu, zio and zan ASAP.

Mari is the best chaos girl imo