>switchfags will STILL defend this
Most pathetic people on the entire planet.
Just snap them off, dummy.
What exactly is the problem here?
That's the Switch Lite, the new cheaper "handheld" version with no docking capabilities. The joycons aren't detachable like the normal ones and whoever was in charge of porting the OS didn't even bother to update it.
I read someone had the same problem and fixed it with an update or some shit that skips this screen
who the fuck gives a shit?
Doesn't excuse the fact that it occurred. It shows that Nintendo didn't test run it.
Is this the new hourly thread?
Mad little soi? Hahaha I'll fuck your boipussy if you keep it up fag ass bitch you cryin now boy? Little bitch ass punk
Maybe we should do an apple microwave thing and say to saw the controllers off to use the joycons wirelessly?
when have they and why would they
true, glad I stuck with the old switch beside who wants a switch you cant play on the tv just for slightly more portability?
Does this matter though?
>why would they
To see if the product they're about to sell has no problem
nintendies will rat everything out
remember switch launch day and everyone was making hell about faulty units? yeah me neither, shut the fuck up
Why does this product exist?
Who is it marketed for?
How did this shit even make it past QA?
See kids, this is what we call a "falseflag"
>making a thread with this same pic for the 5th time
nooooo how can nintendo recover sony has too many games aaaaaaa
Because Nintendo doesn't care.
They slapped this thing together probably in a few weeks, and are rushing it out the door. Mostly due to them knowing their fanbase will buy whatever they shit out.
>yeah me neither
You have a pretty shit memory then.
>Why does this product exist?
>Who is it marketed for?
>How did this shit even make it past QA?
Why would anyone even buy this when the normal version, which was already revised slightly, is $100 more? It's not worth fucking yourself over for $100 less. The only excuse is if you have excess money and just want a slightly more portable switch.
If anything, if you badly want another new switch, just wait for the inevitable Switch pro with 4k support.
Maybe? They're still crying about Link's Awakening.
Even the fucking Vita TV had the decency to block every game that needed the touchscreen, and soiny gave zero fucks about that handheld, jesus fucking christ
For people who dont already have a switch because they're broke
This but unironically.
It's a cheaper pricepoint for people who don't give a fuck about hooking it up to a tv. Is it really a mystery to you?
Apple drones failed
Just emulate the games on your PC user.
snoy also blocked games that didn't need to use the touchscreen.
Kids, some parents just shove a handheld or a smartphone on their kid's faces just so they can shut the fuck up for 30 minutes and stay still in the car while they go suck dick in a gas station toilet or get hammered in mcdonalds.
subhumans should go extinct.
I love stuff but can't ignore faulty shit. why are the lot of you so braindead, Switch niggers?
how are retards still asking these stupid questions. I'm not even trying to sound like some sort of nintendo loyalist or anything but the lite was made for specific reasons
>proper handheld that also has a d-pad
>smaller size overall
>lower price is more child friendly
>battery will last longer on most games
that's really it
Because some of those needed the gyro shit of the vita, there were still some games that didn't make use of both and ended up blocked, like odin sphere leifthrasir.
>faulty shit
how is the switch lite faulty
I don't like it
look at OP.
look at how you can't have a proper internet connection with this piece of plastic. might as well get a regular Switch.
you can apply "just get the better version" to literally every cheaper, simpler version.
Imagine beign so brainlet that you cant follow a simple instruction
Kek dumbass incel cuck
so, why was the DS Lite better than the regular DS?
It wasn't, the best thing it had going for it was the brighter screen, the plastic was far more flimsy and early models had a constant issue where the hinge would snap with moderate use.
GBA cartridge port and a much better design. The DS Lite is the best handheld Nintendo has ever and most likely will ever put out.
Hey anons what games did you play today?
i'm not intimately familiar with the development cycles and inner workings of nintendo's handheld r&d, but that doesn't really address my point. something being a worse version, for a cheaper price, is pretty much a cornerstone of capitalism as we know it.
Don't see the problem( Yes I know no joycons) i actually just got this from the mail a few hours ago
You meant New3DS?
final fantasy record keeper
probably cause Nintendo gave the dude the spec, and it was detachable, but they later decided to make it not detachable. Told the guy too late.
I have a feeling this is fake, the Switch Lite comes with firmware 8.1.1 which is not on the regular Switch.
I'd just recommend getting the revised Switch. Sure, you save $100, but you undeniably lose a lot of options that you can't add later. At $150 this would be a lot more desirable. At the very least I'd wait a couple months for holiday bundles, maybe you get a free game or eShop card included for the same $200.
right now i'm playing "how long will take for me to cum that image"
if you are an ape that is.
well? why does Nintendo seem incompetent with their new gen console now of all times? I get that it's a first for the to create a hybrid but there's no excuse in being thouthless about a cheaper console model. you'd think that the battery life would at least improve but no, everything is worse than the original.
the DS Lite improved on the DS with battery, more color, compact design to fit in your pocket and less sturdy which is its only con.
>Switches are known for having issues with poorly made joycons
>Nintendo: "Hey guys let's make a SKU of the Switch that can't dock and you can't remove the joycons so if they break you're basically fucked"
I stopped questioning most Nintendo fan's idiocy after reading comments of people that attempted to defend joycon's $80 price tag and paying $40 for ancient, easily obtainable for free roms like Collection of Mana.
>don’t play switch for like a month
>try to charge it in the dock
>dock’s green light just flashes rapidly and doesn’t work
what the fuck is this red ring bullshit? happened to my cousin as well
Imagine being this lazy
No, it's "whoever".
HE was in charge of porting the OS.
WHO was in charge of porting the OS?
It's the subject, not an object.
wish they didnt
had to use a whitelist 'mod' to get games working that are only blocked arbitrarily
Why bother changing something you are going to see once, never again and will have no factor on your overall experience. Stop bitching about insignificant things.
both lite and OG ds had GBA support
Customers with an iq above 90 usually want their product well made if they will gonna spend more than $100
How about you stop chilling for Nintendo?
Laziness have never been an excuse for companies (except apple)
oh look a problem literally no one has
>Switch Lite OS is no Different from OG Switch
No shit just like the 2DS are you guys just determined to bitch about every little thing about this system?
came here to post this.
you're an ESL shitter
Nah get your apologist ass the fuck out of here, Nintendo came out and admitted to a major design flaw with the DSLite's hinge and offered free upgrades to the revised models that reenforced the hinge's pressure point that was consistently snapping.
I don't even want ro hear your shit-eating, "Well /I/ got a DSLite at release and /my/ hinge is still fine!" retardation that doesn't understand that a 68% failure rate means some are obviously not going to fail. Congrats on winning your plastic lottery, most people had a legitimate issue.
Your ass is worse than the faggots who claimed the Xbox 360 didn't have a 53% failure rate.
Wait the 2DS actually had the exact same OS with the 3D set up at start and everything? That's hilarious and also worthy of grave criticism, thank you for bringing it to our attention, 2DS owner.
Convince me not to buy one when sales are on this fall. I'm a Gameboy Color/Advance and PSPfag. Also, not good color choices tho.
>insignificant things
>LITERALLY softlocked at console setup
user, i...
>literally no one experiencing this
No 2ds is same os but it thinks 3d slider is always disabled.
Since you cannot enable it normally it is the same.
>rub your console with a magnet
>get surprised when it breaks
are nintendies literally retarded?
shall i get this switch or the switch v1 model which only have a £30 difference (~£190-£220)? I want a switch desperately but can't afford to spend lots of money on one. max £300 but that's including a couple of games as well like the upcoming pokemon and astral chain.
I loved the DS Lite. But they were far from the best thing. I had more screen hinge failures with those. My original ugly DS never failed me.
here is something that will shock your world
there was no porting involved, it is running the same software since it is using the same hardware
It's not you're just autistic, the fact you DIDN'T know already proves that
Fuck this shit. New/Pro Switch when?
Do you already own a Switch? That's the only real reason I can give you to not buy a second one.
So I am autistic because I am unfamiliar with the Nintendo 2DS's OS.
You sure trolled me.
Get the v1 model, it's easy to use as handheld and you'd just be cutting out some big functionality for the sake of penny-pinching for the lite
>nu-Yea Forumsfags gonna use this picture to shitpost for another 5 years
>510 post limit bump, 98 images, 110 IP
>half of them are too dumb that the problem can be fix with an update
If I were you user I'd save up a bit more and get the V2 switch, you're bound to get one in some sort of deal with a game or two for under £300.
Yea Forumsirgins seething since 1890 that Nintendo is forever winning.
how is the battery life? i see loads of people saying v1 has shit battery and the lite and v2 are way better.
v2 right now on its own is £299. doubt it will get price cut any time soon because it just came out like a few weeks back. even the regular switch which is 2.5 years old now is still going for £220-250 despite being EOL.
No, I actually was out of gaming for a while, but won a PS4 in my work's Christmas raffle last year. Otherwise, my PC gaming was really intermittent.
Eh they said the same thing about the New 3DS's battery and after two years my New 3DS barely holds a charge longer than one hour and is frequently dying while in sleep mode.
Nintendo has a habit of bringing in new batteries with higher charges at first but they wear out awfully.
V1 battery is decent but not amazing especially when playing demanding titles like Breath of the Wild.
Also shop around user, one google search has shown me the V2 is £279 new from Nintendo, GAME, Amazon etc.
With Christmas coming up one of these retailers is bound to make a deal including a game or two to get those sales through the door.
The Switch isn't this years 'hot item' so it'll take a lot of incentive to get people to buy into a 2 year old console with such a minor hardware revision.
No it's autistic because you're trying to imply these are some world shattering things that completely ruin the systems and everyone should condemn Nintendo for them when it's only Autists like yourself who whine about them.
AS a day-1 switch owner this is fucking lazy, like, actually wtf? This seems like something a janky knock-ff would do, you release a new product, you do the testing, no excuses. Nintendo deserve to be dragged for the lack of quality control on this issue.
That isn't an answer. Just a shitty zoomer retort. Try again retard.
how come a child's toy like this causes so much anal devastation on this board?
do you think this is old or new?
it says 50+ arriving in stock within a week so it must be the new one right?
We're on a video game board discussing video games, where are you getting this "world shattering reaction" bullshit from, you projecting aspie? Also why the fuck are you randomly capitalizing autism, you fucking iphone user?
>Why does this product exist?
Because original Switch is too expensive for majority of middle-class families. And also because it is too big and inconvenient to carry around with you.
>Who is it marketed for?
Families on a budget plus Pokemon and Animal Crossing players
>How did this shit even make it past QA?
Likely because you are still able to get past this screen by skipping this and then upgrading iirc.
Most likely, check and see if it's in the all-red box.
Autism Speaks: The Post
nevermind it isn't. they have a 2019 listing separate to that one on their store.
Okay, how the fuck do you skip this?
The dumbest thing about the Switch lite is two fold.
One. Its not actually that smaller or lighter. Not vs other Nintendo revisions in the past.
And two. Its still unergonomically thin. Playing racing games on it in handheld mode is a crampfest.
So I don't see the point of what is essentially a downgrade. Especially when the base model Switch is getting cheaper anyway
You have to update the system.
>get a cheaper switch
>it's a handheld
It's a budget model for kids and people that are only going to play Pokemon and/or Animal Crossing on the thing.
It doesn't work out any cheaper when retail is selling old switch stock at the same price. And its not like children have an issue playing the Switch.
My 7 year old nephew doesn't struggle at all. Like who would give any child under 5-6 a handheld to play?
They'll break that shit because they can't into motor skills yet.
>won a PS4 in my work's Christmas raffle last year
based, I wish that happened to me
I was hyped, especially as I was a PSXfag and spent innumerable hours on my PS2. I was a poorfag in the PS3 years; so I missed out on that generation. It was actually a lift to my spirits that my old favorites like Ace Combat were getting new iterations.
But that old switch stock isn't gonna last that long. They'll probably make Switch Lites until the Switch is dead.
One of the major issues is that the DPAD kinda sucks on this thing. I mean for menu selection it works okay, but for fighting game the DPAD absolutely fucking sucks.
definitely not me or this youtube vid with 18 million views!
So what can't I do on a switch lite I can do on a switch? Wanted to buy a switch but honestly I like the idea of it being a handheld more.
i bought a switch lite for my gf because it was cheaper and they dont own a tv
>id pay $100 more to bing bing wahoo on a 4k monitor
>no bluetooth support despite the wireless chip actually supporting bluetooth 5.0
>no rumble
>smaller screen
>no docking
pretty much the big things there from what i've read. i'm also trying to decide which one to get because even though i don't own a tv for the 8 months a year i'm at college the docking feature may come in handy one day for some smash bros with friends at any later time. the switch lite has an actual dpad though which is a massive selling point.
Yeah you would you fucking fag
By then the price of the new model Switch would have gone down to what the Lite is now and the Lite would be like 50 dollars cheaper.
Why would you trade a few hours of battery life for a huge part of the Switch's functionality, including the part that gives it its name?
How predictable that the literal autist from the this board would meme this into oblivion even the the issue is fixed within seconds. Literally seconds.
How the fuck is this even possible. Who mass releases a new version of a console and doesnt even test one of them
Because this thing is for normies who want to just play Zelda or Mario but don't want to pay the extra $100 for a full Switch. The Switch Lite is for casual gamers and/or people who'd like a cheaper alternative.
>literally no one has
>literally has this problem
wow, confirmed for worst fanbase.
enjoy shit.
The standard switch supports Bluetooth? I tried connecting my wireless headphones. Couldn't get it to work.
My switch serial is in the Orange Area (possibly patched) on GBATemp, but is green (not patched) on IsMySwitchPatched.
Which should I believe?
It has Bluetooth functionality but Nintendo deliberately has it to where you can’t connect external devices to the switch via Bluetooth. It LITERALLY has all the hardware it needs, they just don’t want us using it for devices that aren’t controllers, so they put a “block” on it, so to speak.
>can't into greentext
>nintendo broke my switch when i put magnets all over it!
uh okay snoy