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Are these games good and are they translated?
Omachi bros
Maybe I am running on near 6 year old memory at this point when it comes to this game, but do the sprites look sharper somehow?
they do
probably. I thought someone mentioned the reason they're not doing daidouji is because it's too much effort to touch up graphics from that long ago
Either way, I'm glad I get to post these old rance images again
Dammit Arunaru
At this point the archfiend Arunaru is just doing it to mock us
>JL era
Rance tackling those difficult questions.
The first seven games in the series plus two side stories and an alternative series ending are translated. The only ones that aren't are a remake of the first and third game and the 8th, 9th, and 10th game. The 10th game is the last one.
The 6th game onwards, the no longer canon final game, and the two remakes are all really good.
Aru did nothing wrong
what's that suppose to mean?
Are Takuga worth conquering? Not sure their units are worth it. Do they have any treasures?
What the fantranslation was?
>not Dokuganryuu
Fucking retard doesn't even know how romaji works.
The name of demon king era
Instead of Gele, Jill.
what was this originally?
why do people hate this again
The name order wasn't reversed so it was Ashikaga Shit
Who thought having that mouthbreathing piece of shit memer """"translate"""" the game would be a good idea?
Jill makes more sense though. The japanese name is literally Jiru. Gele is a retarded translation and whoever was the first one to use it is braindead
Play the previous games.
Everything is worth conquering for the dungeons and other events. Gon is the best unit in Takuga, and he's pretty decent.
You don't want to miss these little details
okay seriously what the FUCK is arunaru's deal? in what world would anyone think this was better than using hyphens?
Isnt rance brown?
He dindu nuffin
Rance is Asian like all fictional Japanese characters
Does Takuga even have any dungeons or treasure?
this game was harder in my memory, im having a fairly easy time now
Takajun used it so it must be wrong!
He's...Rudrathausian? Rudrathaumian?
Should i attack the blue haired twink? He's so pitiful i feel like leaving him alone but he'll get taken over by the demon army anyway
give me one reason why rudrathaum is a bad translation
Give him a moustache
Wtf? I thought it was Ludo-Rathowm?
why the fuck everyone has started to talk about rance now did i miss something
Official release, bitch. What are you waiting for? Go pirate it!
It has a level up event for Kentarou.
the creator died
that'd be like translating his name as Lance
Holy fuck why is urza so strong
He isn't wrong
Rance XI announced
where was the first usage of "rance" anyway? i know it's canon now but there's no way they didn't intend for it to be lance at least at the start
Pretty sure that's what he used in Kichikuou too.
Like translating kah as gadzook, amirite?
>Even the man with 5,000 IQ is stumped by whether futa is gay
What chance do we brainlets have?
literally nothing wrong with that, broski
where can i pirate it? it isn't on igg
Rance fucking girls makes the girls stronger, and he fucked her a lot
I'm not even kidding
lol retarded japs can't even spell lance right
It should be easy to find.
>low iq gaijins finally get to play 13 yo Japanese game
lol stupid subhumans
Where is our god and savior Takajun when we need him?
t. anus was defenseless
It has been available for 8 years.
literally, LITERALLY, nothing wrong with that translation
At least Ludo means game. Which is probably why it was used in the first place. The whole leveling system was invented by him
What game should I start with if I've never played any of them?
Arunaru's translation has some really stupid translation choices but don't act like TakaJun's translation is good.
Outside of the ridiculous translation choices this new translation is much better.
If anything we should just fan-patch the new one to fix the the stupid shit.
Either Sengoku (grand strategy-lite, extremely replayable) or VI (dungeon crawler, extremely long). Both are mostly standalone, though Sengoku has some cameos from VI. Sengoku just got an official English release though, so go with that for fresh discussion and protips if you need them.
t. mollusks lover
what does the new one say
how many panda waves are there. do they just keep coming until I run out of forces
>takajun's translation is terrible because it's a bit awkward
>how many panda waves are there.
F/SN has no other English translation.
I told you about the pandas bro
thought it wa sr fug
Based Senhime with them bantz.
Why is this monkey evil?
He's an apostle. It's not explained very well ingame.
Alright I'll start off with Sengoku then, not really good at strategy games. Dungeon crawlers might be more my thing but I'll give it a shot.
How would Aru translate this?
oh god no
I need to load a past save
VI is an amazing dungeon crawler game. Not that Sengoku is a poor start. Either one works. But if you like dungeon crawlers I might suggest trying it first instead.
Regardless you should try out both. Not liking one does not mean you wouldn't like the other. Personally I think both are excellent though, but obviously they're entirely different genres and very different.
The game is designed to reward you for roleplaying as Rance. That means, constantly be at war and conquering, don't negotiate, keep looking for new hot girls to bang (and do whatever it takes to get them), and don't be afraid of fighting dirty if it gets results, and you'll get along just fine. Also don't read a walkthrough. If the game really kicks your ass there's an endgame event (exclusive to your first playthrough) that will propel you to the final boss so even if you're shit at the game you can still see the ending, so don't worry and have fun.
just let the pandas win, it's only a one-time thing
You're supposed to lose dummy
reminder that beating the pandas is the only way to get the non-rape rance and yukihime CG
do you automatically capture torako and katsuko when you conquer uesugi?
They join other houses. Getting them is a pain in the ass.
>Tokugawa Ieyasu, Job: Youkai
>Honda Tadakatsu, Job: Warrior
How assassination works? Is there formula to it?
which one
something about troop size but it's really just luck
Do it when the enemy is out of action flags, it raises the chances of it working
stat up unless it raises cost.
some commanders get good skills
if no good skills, level up.
This is also the reason why Sill has a super high level cap too at like 80 or so by Rance X when her initial level cap is around 30 and it was 50 by Rance 03
The more troops you have than the target, the greater the assassination chance is
seems like RNG like literally everything else in this game
>The more troops you have than the target, the greater the assassination chance is
I don't think this is true. Something probably was fixed in SR patches. You can kill easily 1k troops with 100-200
You're thinking of Gekkou/KR, mate.
Yes, it's very simple.
>Base chance of 40-50 depending on the assassination skill you're using (Assassination 2 is 50)
>If the opponent has more men in their unit, subtract 10
>If the victim has twice as many or more men in their unit, subtract another 10 (in addition to the last one)
>If the victim has half as many or less men in their unit, add 5
>If the unit has no AP left and you're using Gekko, automatically succeeds
>If the victim is listed as 'important', automatically fails (faction leaders, many unique units, and characters like Suzume who you can't fire)
>Finally the game rolls random a random number from 1-60 and compares your total to it, if your total is higher then you succeed
Assassination 2 will almost always work if the ninja has more units than its target.
Most unique units are immune to assassination.
Success chance is determined by the number of units of the original target, so you can assassinate huge footsoldier stacks if they protect a unit.
I am reminded how this is an actual risk in the Takeda desperation attack in case you didnt defeat them the 'peaceful' way because three of the generals will blitz Rance. While he likely will be strong enough to beat them all since their troop count sucks hard, Yoshikaze can still assassinate and succeed in spite of minimal amount of troops
if (Assassinate)
probability = 45%
if (Assassinate 2)
probability = 50%
if (troop battle) {
if (defender's troops * 2 < attacker's troops)
probability += 5%
if (defender's troops > attacker's troops)
probability -= 10%
if (defender's troops > attacker's troops + 1000)
probability -= 10%
There is more to it than this, but this is the core of it.
I tried like 50 times to assassinate with Mauri daughter that have 480 units Takeda hero with 1711 units, since I pulled that off with Suzume at 300 something (she assassinated Maori daughter that had about 1100 troops), I thought it would work here too, but that 500-700 units difference is insane. Guess I just wasted time.
There's a lot of commanders who look generic but are flagged as important for whatever reason. You probably hit one of those.
What's with all the Sengoku Rance threads over the past few days?
No way there is only a difference of 5% between Assassinate and Assassinate 2. No fucking way.
I'm gay but I really like strategy games, is the gameplay in these games actually good?
Random seed at the start of the turn decides whether it works or not. While the formula does give better chances if you have more troops on the ninja compared to the enemy, in practice hiring more troops is too expensive for the marginal benefit it gives.
I always do some save scumming to see whether assassination works out on the attack turn if there is a nasty foot soldier I want to get rid of. Otherwise I prefer using something more predictable.
The game got an official English release just the other day. Complete with an entirely new translation and engine improvements.
People are using it as an excuse to replay the game, and others are using it as an opportunity to play the game for the first time.
it's okay
Yes. Very. I don't even fap half the time. Not because the porn is bad or anything, it's actually quite good if I am the mood. But more because I want to get back to the game because I enjoy the gameplay.
It's legitimately a splendid game within the genre.
I ended up fapping less when I played Sengoku and X compared to playing any regular game. In terms of gameplay they are fantastic. The sexual stuff kinda needs to be there because it's essentially Rance's prime motivation, but it also allows the writers to add some really tragic elements you wouldn't see in a "regular" RPG or strategy game.
How do you even play these games in the proper order, anyway?
Weren't some of the earlier ones remade and now the originals are non-canon or something?
>one of the best girls in the game
>Give her a dick
Why Alice why?
Bros, I want to get more points but I always end up doing Ran route cause I don't want her to die. Send help.
TADA loves suffering
Well, Ryouma's character clear is based on getting them to lift the curse and settle on either becoming a boy or a girl(you decide, probably should do both for collecting CGs, though choosing male will cause Rance to have a hilarious reaction).
Isn't Ran route pretty much the best for points anyway?
What should I be getting with my satisfaction bonus? Amazing old man into reinforcements? Which reinforcements do I pick?
If its any consolation, in the future she kind of got reincarnated in the part 2 of Rance X due to the soul system messing up, though this time, IIRC she's one of Houjou Souun's
relative instead and studies under him
That and Kill the Monkey/Monkeyslayer since they are essentially sandboxes.
Reinforcements first, preferably Zeth first because Urza(2nd reinforcement from Zeth) and Magic(3rd reinforcement from Zeth) are top tier characters
Just start with VI and move on to Sengoku.
The first three games got remakes where the scripts got some relatively minor changes. And the company was on the brink of bankruptcy after Rance IV, so they pooled all their plot development ideas for Kichikuou Rance. It ended up being a smash hit that saved them, but they made it non-canon and the following games many plot elements it utilized.
foreign reinforcements
zeth first
after that go for rance attack, bonus moves and the extra action fan
extra fan whenever possible
Rance elite troops (only after his stats are 6 or higher if you want to use him in battles a lot)
Rance attack
heal Katsuie if you want an okay footsoldier
get Urza from Zeth
on higher difficulties you'll just want to get Urza and then spam weaken enemy countries, that shit is a godsend
>Magic is a top tier character
wew lad
This . I hear that one of the reasons Rance VI was chosen as the first official localized entry is because its a good entry point since it doesnt rely on knowing stuff that has happened in the past and its considered one of the most known kamiges for eroge in general. Later when Rance 01, 02 and 03 are released, you can play them to find out just how exactly did Rance come to know(or rape) the characters that appear later
>tfw use senhime more on the offensive then defensive even though she's ashigeru
If I do that I've missed half of the story though, right?
Or is 6 some kind of prequel or something, it doesn't look like it is.
at least you know you're playing wrong
Not really a problem, her attack is high enough that she can do a pretty good job at attacking anyway.
Foreign reinforcements, I prefer to get 2 from Zeth and 3 from Leazas.
Zeth: 1 - Rizna (mage, kinda mediocre because she is so slow, but hits hard in fights and dungeons) 2 - Urza (one of the most broken units in the game, gets a skill that immediately removes 1 action from all enemies) 3 - Magic (better mage than Rizna, but not worth the opportunity cost imo)
Leazas: 1 - Kanami (useless ninja) 2 - Maria (cannoneer, basically an archer that actually hits hard) 3 - Leila (royal guard, basically a mix of foot soldier and samurai, plus has an attack that does increased damage to enemies with larger troop size)
The first half other than 3 are more like Rance's solo adventures that just introduce characters. You'll pick up stuff just fine.
VI is the first of the modern series of games. Everything from I-IV is ancient now. After they made IV they did their perhaps biggest hit Kichikuou Rance which is a what if finale to the series. Then they did a filler game 5D. VI is really the first of the mainline modern Rance titles for that reason. Though you miss out on story by skipping the first few games you'll probably get more mileage out of going back to them later.
When should I?
hes got popsicle stick rotors on his back
YES. God damn so many people say 6 is just the soft reboot or whatever but it's not. In 6 you will be met with many characters, objects, etc. that will NOT be explained because the game expects you to know them already. Yes, you can still play it and get an idea of everything but you'll still be missing out on the full lore because the game will not explain it to you.
how do i get the item that increases the amount of actions a unit can do in battle?
Recurring characters get introduced fairly well and most of the characters you encounter are new.
The thing is that 1,2 and 4 are kind of more minor self-contained adventures that don't deal much with the main antagonists of the overarching story. Doesn't apply that much to 3, but you don't miss much as long as you know that Leazas gets invaded and fiends were involved.
I think it's from a search event and not a dungeon. I always give that one to YuzuYuzu
Conquer the area that has "Search treasure: working bee" as an event.
ok so i already gave her the assassination thing and nothing else is really speaking to me
she mainly just does assassinations now, so troops and attack up don't make sense
forgot to attach image
If you skipped dungeons you will be FUCKED up. Go grind dungeons until you able to beat this shit with Alice. I honestly believe SR first playthrough implying you should not attack everyone except first two houses until they attack you.
I've had enough, I'm going to get past the panda and rape Yukihime.
is she already at 7 speed? if not, get that shit
otherwise pick up a skill; initial battle rating or speed luck or end-game points if you're on a point run
I'm not going to bother ever playing sengoku because those kinds of games are beyond me and reading through this thread it doesn't seem fun how I'm supposed to not know what I'm doing.
So I installed the first Rance game. How long is it and is it difficult?
Change bow attack to the attack that does 0.8 damage to both units in the row. Then if possible get the coral sword from the upper Ashikaga area, it gives 100 more attack power. For that you need to clear the dungeon, get Suzume to Love, get the bukkake event with her, then do the purple event on that area and redo the dungeon again.
poor brainlet, stuck with the shittiest rance game
Her row attack is actually pretty good. It can attack regardless of what footsoldiers are in the way since the attack can't be redirected. And her assassination skill is quite quick, so if you use it you can do a regular attack quickly afterwards. If it's enough to kill then it's enough to kill. No need for assassination.
I plan on going through them all in release order because why not. Just not Sengoku.
I think the consensus is that Rance games were considered mechanically bad until the third one.
>cheat points
>5 stars
>its actually really difficult
Guess I haven't heated enough haha
poor brainlet, stuck with the shittiest rance games
Haven't played Mangagamer Rance7 yet, but I think Rance6 had option for sharper sprites.
Is that old fuck that was the leader of asai any good? His stats seem mediocre for a unique
What exactly do you mean by mechanically bad? Just not intuitive to play or balls to the walls hard? Because I'm used to Wizardry crushing my soul.
Play VI then. It's a standard turn based RPG with alot of story.
Dude the ninja guy with the power rangers is super easy, why'd you wait so long
In battle or dungeons? No.
But character clearing him raises every single one of your province's national power by 1. Which is fucking amazing. And on NG+ getting him up to trust doesn't make Yukihime fuck with you.
Is this some kind of reference, broskis?
Shit "game"
okay bro and broski is fine but why faggoty jojo
they're just shitty. first game is shitty VN-tier gameplay and second game is shitty kid-made-tier RPG
Iga has a gourd, but no worthwhile units so it's not worth dealing with him early.
Ok, thanks, I get what you guys are saying, but I guess I'm really just too autistic to start part way through a story. I don't mind playing old games, so I'll start with 1 and move on numerically, skipping the Kichikou Rance one that is non-canon. I thought it was more complicated than that with some of the earlier games being replaced by remakes for some reason.
Yeah, that's what I was figured, so I'd definitely rather start at the very beginning.
Fucking hell, enough is enough. Arunaru is the exact thing that so many people hate when it comes to translators. He's inaccurate, he makes changes to commonly accepted terms for his own entertainment, he injects memes. Why the fuck is this guy allowed to get paid for this shit?
>Inukai is hyped up to be this amazing badass in several events
>can't even recruit him on a first playthrough
>get him on a second run
>he's actually shit and the last non-generic ninja I'd ever pick up with the exception of that tanuki with low stats and no assassination
Ninjas in general are just assassination bots. Only ones I end up using are Suzume and maybe Kiku.
That’s what it says in Japanese though. And in the fantranslation.
1 and 2 have a digest VN where you can read up on the events of the games without actually playing them. I'd recommend just reading that instead of playing them since they're rather dated.
He's beyond saving, he does this shit and gets assblasted when it's done to shit he likes, see the Netflix's Eva translation of Kaworu's confession to Shinji. It's truly one of the most retarded cycles I've ever seen when he, himself, could put an end to it.
That feeling when the tenshi rebellions just give me an easy time to use my healers on all my damages units without having to pay to restore them.
Yes peasants. Rebel. Rebel some more! This is only stimulating my economy and training my military!
Having 7s in all stats is like Kiku's only saving grace, isn't it? Her sisters are both fucking amazing. A shame she can't compete.
Arunaru must be Vic Ireland.
she's the ninja with the biggest tits in the game so she's got that going for her too
What fresh hell is this?
is the word shit not allowed in adult games now?
Pretty sure I've found a glitch. I conquered South Africa, and now my units are magically able to act again during the subsequent enemy phase.
They ask Aru to tone down the inflammable language.
He can restore two action flags in dungeon battles. He can be godly in the right situation.
Can't have any foul language in a game about a serial rapist.
can we get a fuck count for this translation?
Oh yes. In the game about rape, murder, demons, people exploding, and little sisters being kidnapped and raped to death, let's not mention the word 'shit'. Somebody might have a problem with the dialogue about Rance getting his asshole raped to death if somebody said 'shit' somewhere along the way.
I mean, we have to protect the eyes of the fragile young adult men out there.
kanami is only useful in bed
>someone took 2 years out of their life to translate a game in such a way to purposefully piss people off
I don't know whether to be impressed or disgusted
Which passive skill would be best for Ranmaru?
>recruit infinite pandas man
>he's just a 6 cost samurai that can't actually learn any samurai skills
What the fuck where are my infinite pandas
there's tons of shits and fucks you reactionary retards
Am I doing good, Yea Forums?
Fuck Rizna's character clear.
then why did that little faggot arunaru write poopy head?
he likes making people angry
where should i go next? there's no avoiding the powerful nations now
Wait a minute.
If Kiku is a virgin, then how come she isn't named Mouri? Isn't she a legitimate daughter of Mouri's?
I figured she just had a different last name due to having been married off to someone else, having taken her husband's name. But if she is a virgin then that can't be it, can it? Then what's the deal?
Well you have some time to beat up Dokuganryuu if you want. You start getting points docked off if you take more turns beyond 100
I'd go for Mori.
>he doesn't know
Doesn't she explain this when you hire her? She was married to someone who wasn't strong so they didn't fuck. Something like that
Easy mode: Azai-Asakura or Miko Institute and take on Uesugi.
Normal mode: Punch through Tokugawa and Imagawa to get to Hojo
Man mode: Do both of the above and go to war with Uesugi and Hojo simultaneously
My Battle Permits are gone, so I don't want to bother with that shit.
Her husband was scared of her so they never fucked. End of the story.
Take your pick between Tokugawa, Miko Institute or....well, I kind of forgot what is that nation beside Uesugi and Miko Institute.
pussy clans:
tokugawa (borderline wuss)
hardcore clans:
the sensible thing to do is beat up the pussy clans first and then go for a hardcore one, the cool thing to do would be just take on takeda.
>Azai-Asakura or Miko Institute
which one has better units and/or more sex
Yeah. Turns out I was right initially.
When you free her from prison it's revealed that she is a virgin. But you have to speak with her for her first event in order to get the explanation of Kiku and Chinu having been married off.
So yeah. I was pretty sure that was the case. I just didn't remember her being virgin so I figured I remembered wrong. And well, I did but not in the way I figured.
Miko Institute gets you Natori, who's awesome, but you only get a measly 1 NP. You could probably take on both at the same time.
Azai-Asakura gives you Yoshikage Asakura who isnt much use in-combat because he's an old man but is valuable when cleared since he increases national power of all your controlled regions. Miko Institute has Natori who has a skill that can horribly nuke the enemy army so good
ask yourself if you want to conquer the land of friendly old men, or the land that's just a sex mansion
are there any more hard commander battles after honnoji or is it just army battles now?
I coulda sworn there was a button to speed up combat animations, anyone know what it was?
i think i'm retarded how do i use kenshin's passive skill?
The last boss will expand your asshole the first time you play.
look up the definition of passive, broski
oh i get it
...It's panda time.
On my first playthrough, if I'm not attacking what should I be using my turns for, raising power, dungeons or increasing relationship points
i fucking hate that 5head design so much
Raising power until your economy is strong, save most of the dungeons for once the demon army shows up to maximize your yields.
Magic is cute and best princess
honestly I don't really bother raising NP unless I have nothing else to do. You get 4-5 NP by conquering provinces + satisafaction + prisoners + plot progression while you only get 1 NP per action
Ah here we go again. Just played 4 hours in one sitting. Playing half blind as in i have beaten few routes like 4-5 years ago but not using a guide this time just my memory,
best royal pussy is Lia
and my crew
Wish me luck, broskis.
Sheila>Lia>Magic>used goods>Pastel
Am I doing ok? I got bogged down in war with the Tanukis heavily so that took like 3 extra turns than I wanted it to
Actshfuatly, this thing is called sotoba, and it's supposed to have names of his killed relatives written on it. Why did he turn it into propeller remains a mystery
not gonna make it
>turn 184 with 7 provinces
what the fuck
she's just Sill 2.0, trash
I just got a Suzume relationship event, without choosing the event.
Does not using Rance give you free relationship events or something? Perhaps I should use him less then.
First run in years
Some events, usually purple ones, have a chance of happening at the start of a turn if nothing more important is set to happen. It saves a fan here and there but it's hard to rely on
anyone got that rance pastebin? I wanna give the other games a shot after this playthrough
How do I go from Trust to Love with Suzume?
How many gourds for Xavier to assume direct control?
Shit gets real at 5
5 before honnoji incident
Pump her
Talk to her at 7 trust
>Ryouma wasn't uncursed in canon
this upsets me
I got her to 7 and got to choose a skill for her. But Trust stayed Trust.
Then they had sex at the start of some other turn, but she is still at simply Trust.
Do I have to get her to 7 yet again? Damn Suzume is really up my relationship items.
Did a new version get released or something? Why is everyone playing Sengoku Rance again?
poor Kou getting brainwashed
Official release came out
this isn't fair
>load up my old save
>no idea whats going on
>getting my pussy absolutely pounded by Shimazu
which rance game do I start with
and are the translations good or should I play with original text, I can read moon
>those troop totals
>8430 Agireda
Good luck
broski are you serious?
if you can read moon just start with 01 and go canon order
if it ends up being too hard just start with VI in english
>that 8400 Agireda is going to get all four buffs from that 3600 tactician
Just delete your saves this is a lost cause
Takeda is so fucking hard bros, I don't think I can do it.
>40 turns in
>still cant war against the Institute
Is there a way to trigger an event or is it just RNG giving me the shit?
Is there actually any way to prevent certain gourds from breaking or is it inevitable?
Does this motherfucker have any redeeming qualities? That birthday scene for Sill was traumatic.
From the beginnng.
First game is MTLd, if you decide to try it, others are fine. You can play remakes instead, they are untranslated, for 02 there is untranslated kaikai patch.
fuck a miko twice
when a house gets taken over, even if it's not by your hand, their gourd gets broken. If you dawddle too long then the game will just break a gourd to get things moving, all though it takes like 20 turns of doing nothing for this to happen
Did you not visit there to fuck the mikos?
He's a cunt until Sill gets frozen and Suzume dies
That's strange. I got her from Trust to Love the first time she was at 7/7. I'm not aware of any hidden requirements to change her status.
was that what the spicy rumor option was? I noticed it before but it stopped appearing awhile ago
Ninjas are good at dungeons
No. Despite what people say about him getting nicer later on, he really doesn't. He continues to be a dickhead until the day he dies, he just slightly tones it down over the course of the series. By which I mean he goes from raping someone 3 times to 2 times.
And done. All without taking a trip to the Mansion.
Fuck Xavier, and fuck his RNG nuke everyone attack.
Good. Nice guy Rance is shit Rance.
I reloaded an earlier save, and it turns out that I could get that aforementioned sex scene, without having to increase her relationship points.
Then I raised her relationship points to 7 and talked to her and achieved love.
So it turns out that I kind of screwed myself by doing it before I got the sex scene. Requiring me to get her up to 7 again.
So basically. If you have Suzume at 7, wait until you get the sex scene that appears to be unrelated to her relationship points.
I wonder what triggers that sex scene though.
>can't avoid rance having 1 health
>dies instantly
>you can't do damage
>this is fair
i think i rushed the gourds too fast by accident. should i restart?
You have two guards and two healers
Figure it out.
>instantly attacks everyone at once before I can take an action
Just finish the run
He's nicer to the girls that are important to him
You'll be fine. Just defend yourself as long as you can and the game will eventually have mercy on you. Don't expect to do well the very first time you play.
Oh, and enjoy the blitz.
The redeeming qualities is him being a big asshole
this is totally doable with a little savescumming
>He continues to be a dickhead until the day he dies
>Mouri Teru
Who the fuck told you you were done savescumming
Why is Teru so fucking TINY?
Is there any girl? ANY who can compete with Urza?
Sanya is cute!
Merchant or Money Management? What do I choose?
Character clear points persist even after you fire that character, right?
How can my tiny, guro/war-addicted maid be so cute.
Also does she use the death hallucinogen in the Mouri foursome scene? I can't remember
Any female fiend.
>after you fire that character
Don't think so, also won't work if that character dies.
She's alright.
What's better for Isoroku, Piercing tempest or the arrow barrage that ignores guard?
Medusa a shit.
Nope, she does it raw.
Are Rance games after VII the same style or they go back to dungeon crawler?
Tempest. But both skills are good. If you ever get her up again you know what to pick.
VIII is dungeon crawler, IX is strategy game like Shining Force, X is hard to explain.
>like Shining Force
Only KR plays similar to VII. VIII is like Evenicle, IX is like Rance III, IV, and Fire Emblem style gameplay, and X is an RPG.
IX is a good visual novel with some extremely basic PS2 era TRPG slapped on.
X is single-player gacha.
Made a county surrender and now its a vassal county. What does that mean?
The gameplay in IX is mostly piss easy. Shizuka OP.
Miracle hits more units more often.
Never do this.
they're your bitch now. you get their NP but not their commanders, sometimes they'll send you units to help you out
it means your a fucking pussy who can't finish a fight
I thought Rance was immune to assassinate.
It means u goofed son
>X is single-player gacha.
Rance DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when?
Haha, no.
I suppose it's too late for Asakura? When will I get battle permits and plague event/auto win event
>tfw is easier and more profitable to declare war on Kenshin and Hojo armies at the same time
>tfw using Rance when kenshin appears
>using ninjas to kill diviners one Ran leave the battle field
>using heavy hitters to capture both special commanders of Kenshin before the rebellion
>leaving the last lad of Hojo to farm extra units and stuff
And then you attack those Takeda faggots and take their land with wave after wave of commanders using a lot of units.
I was fighting against Houjou and then the demon army shows up and now they're asking for a truce. Should I accept or keep trying to capture them?
I want Ran
Would Rance make peace? When the enemy faction has a girl to fuck?
when should I spend my oni boners
X is a lot of fun
There's even stuff like nude variants or variants that use old series art that come with different skills
Rance is a nice guy.
When you have 50 of them
>X is single-player gacha.
X is single-player gacha SMT hybrid or something. Combat reminds me of some game I can' remember.
X has best bossfights in series for sure. 10/10 combat for me. But some units are too strong and too meta
Nigga why didn't you went on a dungeon at least 2 times?
just took the miko place
should i go for texas, tanookis, or straight for kenshin next?
would kinda feel bad going for texas desu, they've done nothing wrong
can I still get houjou people if they merged with orange people
If you wait long enough you won't have to waste a turn declaring war on Texas, just wait to grab Yukihime's boobs
When you have enough to make more than 3 purchases
Go for Tanukis then Hannies
No, once a nation is conquered by another nation all those commanders and units dissapear forever.
texas->first Uesugi province -> tanukis while you wait -> take the second Uesugi province within 5 turns -> finish off tanukis if you haven't already
which is kind of weird since it ends some plotlines premature. like if you let houjou get taken you'll never see the scene that shows where gigai came from, he'll just show up.
Pick 6 for my initial attack on the Miko state, Yea Forums.
how are you supposed to get them, the merged pretty early
I guess? Sengoku is meant to be highly replayable, it's impossible to get everything in one run, even if you kill the monkey
Their last territory has a 50% advantage just so you know.
>turn 186
you shouldn't need help
>miko state at turn 186
Not gonna make it
Play a new game and try going East instead of West or vice versa or change your pacing and target order. If you turtle up the aggressive big boys will do their thing.
Leila or Magic?
is this a joke?
I'll manage somehow.
What do you mean?
Kill the orange people first user
Beware the portuguese jew
Looks doable.
Enjoy Takeda.
SR isn't afraid for the tough guys to actually be tough. Takeda are a serious challenge for anyone remotely new.
>finally conquer mouri house just to see the demon army steal all my lands because of a scripted event
his backline is going to get raped
Looking at the troop count my guess is that it's 1 or 2 stars.
lmao why make iga surrender they're fucken easy
>turn 56
That's fast
>vassal Iga
so when and how should i buy extra troops for my guys
i've pretty much beat all the small fries except for texas, tanukis, and hannies, so i'm getting to the point where i need to fight the big dogs
why do weebs love this game so much
Is it a good idea to attack all the non goard countries first?
I remember attacking Tokuga first then Imagawa before finally attacking Hara and then Ashikaga.
footsoldiers are the most cost efficient, followed by tacticians for giving off more buffs the higher their unit count is
Quick, you can still get Nitori!
What could go wrong?
I'd just buy whenever possible, keeping an eye on the Unit Cost as if it goes over your NP you'll gain less gold each turn, so keeping them exactly 1 unit below as to not increase their cost seems best. Ex: Keeping someone at 499/499 instead of 500/500 as to not increase their unit cost by 1.
>broskis didn't notice me
I still need answer
>rance thread
why are rance threads so civil
weird considering it's a porn game
Azai-Asakura actually never gets controlled by the demon army so you are free to ignore them.
don't be afraid until 4 gourds, the 5th triggers the event. I would say to leave Iga alone even if they declare war, it's not worth breaking their gourd since you don't get anything good from conquering them
It attracts retards like me looking to play it just for the gameplay and not the H-scenes
Through dick unity
Your roster is awful. Bring Rance, Shibata, Ranmaru, Urza, Rizna and a backliner of your choice.
Takes really dedicated shitposting on more niche games. Easier to just go to a Persona, Nier, or Fire Emblem thread and post "Youre waifu a shit"
Imagine if the panda guy fought the Demon Army.
newfag here, rate my conquest
this is actually fucking impossible
>lvl 46 Rance
Of course
You have so much money that you shouldn't be struggling
you're where I am on turn 40 something
Please tell me you have higher level people on your team than those shitters.
Leveling your characters is as important as building your army
That's what you meant? Oh alright, thought I was doing something good on my semi-blind playthrough.
Done, thanks.
First new translation threads were pretty raw. All shitpsoting opportunists are gone now. Even Arunaru posting doesn't work. Everyone just joking and ignore baits
are you not using sill?
I told you that doing dungeons/ releasing 5 prisoners at a time for a rare candy would make your life easier. Let this be a lesson to you, since if you're not ready later on it'll get even worse.
she died
Nothing is sacred
not gonna make it broski
The scene trigger is a random dungeon chat when you go between floors.
Still haven't finished Rance VI, haven't even touched the game in like 8 months, and according to the progress bar on the savefile I'm only about halfway through. Is it worth finishing?
Not gonna make it brah
The bondage scenes in VI were top notch.
>Demon Army defeated by a bunch of Pandas.
I'm OK with this headcannon.
how are you supposed to do it when all your units are literally 1 hp at the start
He couldn't become Dr. Rockso or be replaced by his cute Chirstian niece. It was inevitable.
You probably are very close to the monster invasion (best part of the game) so do it.
Of course. VI is kino.
Is that dungeon actually clearable in a single run?
Yes, your moves get refreshed.
doesn't alice restore your health?
>he took elina
you lose points why would I do that
Holy shit, Rance threads, in MY Yea Forums? Have I gone back in time?
>not taking Elina
what's more important to you, continuing the game or losing points?
What the fuck? I will dismiss this faggot instantly on NG+
Sad how Yea Forums completely ignored VI and KR
Kenshin a cute
Absolutely. But if its not keeping you engaged, you might not find it worth it to force yourself to play it. I thought VI had a much better story than Sengoku, whereas Sengoku had much better gameplay.
VI also has a plot relevant postgame. I would guess that orb grinding caused you to drop it the first time.
Just cheat to get the orbs and exp and enjoy the story.
>he thinks he'll get a bajillion points on his first playthrough
You're the kind of virgin who thinks he'll be the best fuck ever during his first time. Take your 5 pity points for beating the game and work your way up.
Yeah, that was it, It was really grindy, and it's pretty easy to get party wiped and lose a bunch of progress, that's what made me drop it.
broski when i lost my v-card the girl said it was one of her best times and i know she wasn't lying because when i paid her i specified that i wanted her to be a kind of humiliating domme
>tfw porn game music is better than most of current day stuff out there
Yeah about half way through is when I got tired of the grind and just leveled everyone up and gave myself items. It does come with the downside that you'll have to churn through a shit ton of events because you can unlock a lot at once but its not too bad.
with the power of strategically retreating my good units before they were hit by byakko I managed to keep them at high hp for the second part
It's good, but not as good as this masterpiece.
what are the names of the two songs that play when you deploy against the final territory in the province, and the song that plays when you actually fight the battle?
Is Takeda or Mouri harder?
Also, what's up with the eyeball guys? Why they have so many houses?
advance on v2 and the pre-fight version
Am I free to rape Kenshin or will Takeda cockblock me unless I declare war on him?
It's all of the youkai
Kichikuou's OST is better
Rance 5D is great
imagine vassalizing lmao
tenshi and minecraftland are pussy states, there's literally no reason to vassalize them
Does "Weaken Enemy Forces" work as well on the demon army?
pls reply
I like Influence (emotion) more, one of my favorite tracks along with ontology and running to the straight.
Do troop stats affect commanders in dungeon battles, and if so, how the fuck does Rance having elite units matter if he doesn't have them with him?
the saddest death
And I posted a wrong link like a complete Kanami.
takeda won't bother you, but get her quick
Yeah it works just as well on every enemy faction. it's function is kind of obscure though
I wanted to try that negotiation option out and since I was at war with the smiths already I went and did it, kind of a waste looking back at it.
After Honnoji Temple 3G told me to negotiate a peace treaty as there was no further reason to fight, I agreed and saved one fan.
Now answer my question fag I need to breed Kenshin as soon as possible
>turn 187
what the fuck?
don't the gourds break at set turns if you don't do it yourself?
bery nice, thanks
Yeah shit is about to go down because based Rance fucks everything up in the country
takeda won't fight you but you should know that fucking kenshin requires a whopping total of 18 events first
Takeda won't declare war on you unless Yukihime is thoting about. Uesgui is piss easy anyways, deploying Rance against Kenshin is an auto-win and once the coup takes place they lose all their strong units
Takeda only cockblocks you out of what you didn't declare war on.
One advantage of vassaling Tenhilism is that you get Seigan, who's a pretty solid unit with Death's Scythe.
If you're gonna vassalize any faction Tenshi is pretty much the only country that gives you real benefits for doing it, so that much makes sense at least.
>18 events
not really? She only fucks once at love so just feed her affection items
>18 events
What the fuck? This better be worth it.
Can you get more than 6 action points? How does it fit? Why is there a skill book 2 if both wouldn't be able to increase past 6 anyway?
the skill book 2 can give extra moves to units that can't get skill book 1, like muskeeters.
Think I might have over prepared.
You crushed a faction that had all their troops die earlier and had to be led by 12 year old kids
Is it going to be possible for me to get an extra fan when I start new game plus at this point or am I fucked?
>execute order 66
>Points 1
you monster
Actually not bad but you won't be getting an action fan
For me, it's senhime
Dont do it
Man of culture and taste
nani the fuck
Don't worry, only two of the children died.
>Wins even in death
Sasuga, Rance-sama!
i've seen a lot of screenshots of Rance 03 and X, is most of the dialogue in hiragana?
I swear I never see a kanji in the dialogue and it's those things that scare me from even attempting to read rance.
how are you supposed to do this when the guns always go first and always ignore the 50 percent guard
I left my poor Senhime figure packed after I moved.
I should probably get her out and put her in the case with Isoroku and Kenshin
You didn't capture the popsicle stick guy. He's useful after he gets his secret weapon.
don't use rance
ah fuck I can't believe you've done this
How can I improve my prisoner capture rate besides the defeated warrior hunt skill?
This video gets me hype
should I use my satisfaction points on weakening the demon army twice or instead get plus 3 friendship points twice so I can advance some friendships and upgrade some commanders?
you can capture him after conquering his state
contrary to popular belief, mustache isn't the only option
why doesn't rance want to fuck muscular blacksmith women?
he's a beta
Why did shade leave again?
There are no other options I guess
is rance 1 worth playing?
>make a huge deal over the soulbinder in cutscnes
>in battle the soulbinder victims are peasant-teir
wtf this is easy.
they're easy and the AI intentionally deploys them like shit, but any damage they do to a unit is permanent
Yes but if you're a bitch you can wait years for the remake translation
What do i do first on my first new game +?
Samurai skill Light Attack increases the rate, I believe it's called. Also, I think you can stack the Warrior Hunt skill, but it's been a long time and I don't remember if that's true or not.
no. it's a shitty VN
>What do i do first on my first new game +?
Select which options to spend your NG+ points on.
kill the monkey
Anyone got a save file? I'm more interested in doing the Free Mode over the Story Mode.
I started NG+, raised the difficulty once and Houjou are pushing my shit back in.
Is Maeda Keiji a good upgrade?
>Mangagamer just dropped a patch
>Silly me thinks its a fix for Arunaru's mental problems
waiting for the fanpatch it is then...
Are the guy who becomes a Kabuki and the one who switches with his daughter worth keeping around?
It plays like a subpar game made in the late '80s, which is exactly what it is.
Did you take the operation permits with your 5 points?
well what is the patch
is it free
I found it to be a waste of upgrades. I mean, he's pretty good when you get him upgraded, but there are other pretty good guards as well and you're giving up Rance stat buffs to get him there. It depends on how much you really want to use the guy over all the other options.
does the patch fix the game blackscreening at the opening sometimes?
There were a couple of grammar mistakes and typos so it might just be a fix for that
>this fucking song
Takes two satisfactions, totally not worth it. Neither is the other tactician one.
Thanks, I totally forgot about those.
Let me just restart.
I might keep him, any stat buff for Rance will increase his Unit Cost and I don't want to do that just yet, I'm strapped for NP at the moment, 77/77.
Akechi? I'll drop him soon unless Ai goes over his unit cost, haven't used any satisfaction bonus on him thankfully as he looked like a terrible tactician and I could instead get Urza in 20 points too.
Why is Rance 6 so grindy ? Are all other rance games like that?
Not really
Vanilla quest maybe comes closest but magnum fixed it