what game objectively has the most well-written story, Yea Forums?
What game objectively has the most well-written story, Yea Forums?
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Planescape Torment, bravo Avellone
Metal Gear Solid (1)
Final Fantasy VI because it's literally the original Star Wars trilogy comprised into one game
> First act of World of Balance = A New Hope
> 2nd Half of World of Balance = Empire Strikes Back
> World of Ruin = Return of the Jedi
Holy fuck imagine being this retarded
Worst garbage I've ever seen. You NEED to commit suicide soon.
You are almost equally retarded
Fuck no.
Arcanum, and Planescape are definitely nominees.
Brain damage.
>it's well written because it's a nod to star wars
>not because of its own merits
>as if star wars is well written
Really depends on what is mean as well-written.
Ghost Trick is easily the most I've enjoyed a game for its story.
Certainly not Pathologic
The Witcher 2.
And RDR2 if you cut about 40% of the filler.
That scene is very well written though.
both wrong
Unanswerable question, you might as well ask which is the most well written book or movie.
I found the story in the first part of "The Fall" to be pretty neat, although i didnt find part 2 to be as compelling.
Basically the story of an AI and exploring a little a bit about what it means to be such.
Probably done a thousand times over in movies and books, but it was interesting to play.
Actual gameplay is pretty much just standard point and click adventure, find thing A to rub against thing B to progress.
Go back.
>Spec Ops
Stop trying to trigger me. You're succeeding.
Find a flaw.
The fact that you have no replies is absolutely criminal.
Obviously “best-written game” is a tricky claim, but Ghost Trick is 100% the best-written mystery in video games.
I’m a big fan of Zero Escape, but the plot holes in that series are just ridiculous while in Ghost Trick every single element is set up and pays off in a big way.
Plus it has good dog
Keep seething, Takuya. Your company is doomed. Your public image is getting worse every day. Kojima is FREE now and you have absolutely zero way of controlling him. You're boiling with anger and there's nothing you can do about it. Delicious.
Quality is not quantifiable
That said
this guy is right
You don't have a choice bitch.
Does it not count if it's based off a comic?
The franchise is constricted by sjw Swede devs.
Can't finish the story properly, has to rely on shitty cliffhnagers, Dreamfall sucked
If the game does it well, then hell yeah it counts. Having good source material doesn’t necessarily mean the story of the adaptation turns out good too
The Darkness then. Only saying it since I'm sick of mentioning SH2 every time.
Deus Ex no contest
This isn't the most overrated story thread
What is this art from OP? Searching Polyhedron just gives me a bunch of math related stuff.