>Game Boy game - $40
>Switch remake - $50
>Outstanding graphics, charm, QOL additions, chamber dungeon, expanded minigame and collectible content - $10
seems like a fair deal to me
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down.
>Game Boy game - $40
>Switch remake - $50
>Outstanding graphics, charm, QOL additions, chamber dungeon, expanded minigame and collectible content - $10
seems like a fair deal to me
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nintendo are jews
Is it your first day here, or are you legitimately confused as to why Yea Forums is shitting on something?
Complaining about shit is 90% of what this board does
I'll be happy with my purchase when the fix the framerate. Just fucking lock it to 30 fps, there's no reason for a game like this to be targeting 60 fps anyway.
just started playing through the remake and it's kino so far. as much as people screech about the artstyle, it looks fine in motion. the qol improvements will make this the definitive version of the game.
My only complaint is that Roc's Feather wasn't mapped to the A button permanently. Seems weird having a face button go unused when you've got an item that's so useful you'll want it on available 90% of the time. They made the Sword, Shield and Boots into permanent items.
>A button
it's for interacting with NPCs, boulders, etc. and the power bracelet is mapped to it, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Outstanding graphics
Debatable. I, for one, hate them
I found the photo sidequest in the original way more charming than the entiriety of the remake
>QOL additions
Yeah like not being able to use the fucking DPAD in a game where you're fucking locked to 8 directions
>chamber dungeon
Boring shit. It's literally just the same rooms you've done before.
>expanded minigame and collectible content
That's one thing they did right. Trendy game is way more fun now.
Bottom line, I'd rather just play the fucking original or pay $20 for the remake. Reminder that spyro trilogy came out last month on the switch and it's only $40. No matter how good LA is, it's still a fucking GBC game that you can play for $5 on the 3DS or for free in a fucking browser. All they had to do to justify the price was including the oracle games. They didn't do it because they just knew that nintenfags would shill it either way
I don't like how they adapted the visuals, it doesn't really match the feel of the original. Thankfully nothing is stopping me from playing it.
>Spending $60 on a roughly 5 hour game
>Probably would only be 4 hours without the terrible and consistent frame drops
I'd also argue it looks like shit but its Nintendo, and us fans have come to expect terrible graphics from every game already.
This wouldnt even be worth it as a $40 3DS game. This game is worth $30 max, and only because it's a Zelda title, other Zelda clones with this little content go for like $10-15, sometimes $20 if they are being published by a bigger developer. This game is a quick cash grab and nothing more.
I judge a game's price based on its length.
Should I give bowwow back or can I just keep him forever? Is there stuff I can miss if I give him back?
Because it's during sonys drought
>Reminder that spyro trilogy came out last month on the switch and it's only $40
Spyro is trash. How's the drought?
Agreed. I love the remake, I played LADX an absolute tonne as a kid and it's great to go back to it in such a nice way. And the graphics are full of charm, fantastic.
As a working adult $60 is nothing to me, so I can't really understand the people kicking up such a fuss about that. If I was a broke student again then maybe I could get it, but yeah.
A is the main use button though. I just pretty much permenantly have Roc's Feather on Y, works well.
>I found the photo sidequest in the original way more charming than the entiriety of the remake
You mean the photo side-quest that's impossible to complete in one run? That requires you to be called THIEF for the rest of your game?
>Bottom line, I'd rather just play the fucking original
Then you're an idiot, it's a clear improvement even if only because of the QoL upgrades. Not having to constantly scroll through walls of text anytime you get a powerup, or having to constantly change items alone is a huge upgrade.
>or pay $20 for the remake.
>All they had to do to justify the price was including the oracle games.
It must be hard, being so poor
>Spending $60 on a roughly 5 hour game
If you've never played Link's Awakening, let alone the remake... Why are you commenting in this thread? Why are you trying to have an opinion on how much it should cost?
You mean shitposting. Most of them are trolls but there are some legit OTHER COMPANYfags among them, seething because they don't have as good a game as Z:LA.
playing a kids game unironically and complaining about it
I've literally spent 2 hours just playing Trendy game and Fishing alone so these talks about "4 hour game" are fucking hilarious.
Maybe speedrunning times shouldn't be made as de facto "game length?" Metal Gear Solid is an hour long game, BOTW is 10 minutes, etc.
Reminder to use the map pins
Itll save you headaches in dungeons by marking switch locations and which staircases link
>You mean the photo side-quest that's impossible to complete in one run? That requires you to be called THIEF for the rest of your game?
Hey, at least that gives the game some replayability unlike the remake. And it's not like you have to 100% the sidequest anyway since all it gives you is funny cutscenes and fun images for your enjoyment.
>Then you're an idiot, it's a clear improvement even if only because of the QoL upgrades. Not having to constantly scroll through walls of text anytime you get a powerup, or having to constantly change items alone is a huge upgrade.
There's lots of romhacks that fix that bullshit. The only shit that they don't fix is the two item slots. So yeah, the only advantage to play the switch version of the original is if you hate opening the menu constantly to change items (you'll still be doing that constantly to equip bombs and to use the warp song by the way)
>It must be hard, being so poor
Yes, I am a poorfag
No, that did not stop me from playing the remake. I pirated the game and got to play it 3 days earlier before buyfags.
It's an overpriced remake that should be $20 at max price. Maybe you're just defending it because you have buyer's remorse, while I on the other hand have an honest opinion.
>emulator - $0
>You mean the photo side-quest that's impossible to complete in one run? That requires you to be called THIEF for the rest of your game?
Not to mention you needed to perform specific tasks at a specific time or you premenentally missed your opportunity. It was tedious as fuck
Dude, I'm 6 hours into the game and I still haven't picked up the sword. Stop rushing so hard you tryhard
Thanks for beta testing
because they fall for buzzwords like "Soulless", "Charm", and "artificial difficulty"
Is he baiting or are tendies genuinely livid that people are daring to criticise something?
>The game is actually long because I can spend hours doing pointless busy work in it!
Holy fuck you guys, I can't believe SMB1 is actually 200 hours long because I spent 199.9 hours stomping the first goomba and then resetting my game.
How's the drought?
personally, I don't like the tilt shift effect, nor the plastic texture of game assets, nor link's soulless eyes. Also, I don't want to buy a remade gameboy game for more than twenny bux. if you can have fun with it though, that's totally kewl
He said it came out on Switch, you overly defensive brainlet. Switch just got Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina, and Dragon Quest XI comes out next week. You don't have to defend this shitty cash grab to justify owning a Nintendo product when you have better things available.
You're beta testing as well since nintendo hasn't released a fucking patch yet you moron
Everyone is getting the exact same FPS issues that piratefags had.
If anything, piratefags are actually playing the best version of the game since there's probably already some D-pad mods, the ability to remove the god awful top/bottom screen blur and there's always the ability to overclock.
Looks like plastic and has fps issues, I'm good. I'll just play DX again
Calm down poorfag
I'm buying Dragon Quest 11 S instead.
I just don't see the reason to buy this game again when i can just boot it on my Gameboy.
>You're beta testing as well
I don't have the game
Somebody is getting angry
its a remake
they have a third of the work done already
barely any asset work to do
this is a budget title they sell to you at full price because you will buy it at that price
the make a dungeon thing could have been cool but its literally behinnd a sub-wall
guess they really have to justify their subscription model even existing...
i own every console (xbox excluded obviously) and there are plenty of long-hour games on playstation that negate the drought. Next spring is going to be a veritable anus blaster. Switch is getting remakes, ports and spinoffs until Luigi comes out, and we don't actually know how great that's going to be. Nintendo is leaning hard on Pokemon this holiday. You shouldn't be so smug
>$5 for the original on the 3DS
>TWELVE (12) times as much for the same game with a different artstyle and minor qol improvements
gee what a tough choice
Then why the fuck are you even here in this thread defending shit games that you haven't even played yet?
>$40 Game Boy game
Yeah, at release. You can buy that for easily a fourth of the cost now, DX or the original. Plus the cutesy graphics look like shit.
Go ahead and tell me that "it's supposed to look like that because it's all a dream!". And I'll tell you to look at the artwork the original and DX manuals had. Way fucking different. If it was a better realization of that original style, maybe. But this kiddie shit? Fuck it.
Because only cinematic shootbang games are worth $60.
Anything in another genre, especially if it has old school inspirations or 2D style gameplay, is a lesser game and needs to be priced at $20 so nobody gets confused and think these silly baby games are anything more than distractions in between the latest releases from Naughty Dog and Rockstar.
only 90?
>How's the drought?
Why did they not use the A button? Very hard to understand Nintendo sometimes.
>why are you in a thread about a game you are going to buy
nintendo are jews for saving gaming
Not activision ,blizzard, EA, konami
I'm a pirate so I usually don't give a shit, but most remaster / remakes I've seen are usually cheaper than the original. The crash remake was 40€ when it launched for example. I think the medievil remake that's coming out soon is also cheaper than the average game.
The product itself isn't bad but 60 dollars is absolutely ridiculous. They're essentially putting this on the same level as BoTW.
Its not on the Blunderstation 4 so they either play their souless gritty multiplat game or shit on a nintendo game, says a lot about their choice in platform if they go with the latter.
Cope snoy
Because it's still a fucking Game Boy game. Believe it or not Nintendo isn't some fucking magic game company who can never do wrong.
Crash N. Sane Trilogy was 40 fucking dollars on release and that had THREE fucking video games in it. Spyro is the exact same way. Crash Nitro-Fueled is $40 as well and had just as much effort put into it as the original.
If this was a three pack of Link's Awakening, Oracles and Seasons, then MAYBE I could understand charging 60 for it. But $60 just for one? Are you fucking kidding me?
>seems like a fair deal to me
According to you it's fair that a Game Boy game still costs $40-50 today.
You are mentally ill and should kill yourself. This is a 3-hours indie game. You literally paid 20 dollar for one hour of gameplay.
How's the drought?
You'll be able to play it in 5 or so years for $20
Crash and spyro are absolute garbage and LA was one of the greatest games of the 90s.
atleast Switch has games cant say the same for snoy
>>Outstanding graphics
Stopped reading there.
Why is this board a giant Nintendo shill board now? Is this the power of the redt audience of soubois and low test betas?
>tfw too stingy to pay for 2 shipments and have to wait for it to come with DQ11 next week
>tfw River City Girls still not shipped
>multiple great PS4/Switch games and the new Hitman 2 level releasing this month
>Nintendo wants me to pay Nintendo Tax for a shitty looking remake of a game everyone already played that they just rereleased on 3DS a few years ago
What the fuck do I have to do for ALBW2?
i don't see how or why anyone would try and refute this man's argument. this is the bottom line
>Shin Megami Tensei V
Yeah, the greatest game of the fucking 90s, AKA more than 25 years old at this point. I'm sure the game is good, it's just not worth 60 dollars, 30 at most.
Then I’ll just buy and play the original for 5 dollars? Why spend 60 for this?
t. Didn't have a PS1 back in the day
Also, LA isn't even the best zelda game on the gameboy. Oracle of ages____ is the best one. You'll call it shit for now, but once nintendo announces the oracle remakes for only $120, you'll be saying it that it was one one of the greatest games of the 00s
thats pretty brave, most everyone seems to hate albw
Why the fuck do you care about people's opinion on the game or whether or not they're buying it? If it bothers you that much I'm happy to inform you that Nintendo will make a profit out of this game and you can sleep well tonight knowing that.
Gotta pay 30 extra dollars for dat brand, son
No price drops btw
Gameboy games used to be 30 before the DS you mong
It's already free. Just hack it you fucking idiot
I don't hate it but it was one of the weirdest designed games in the series. It was very much a remake of ALttP but at the same time it wasn't.
Pikmin never ever
nigga i just put out switch exclusives
again what the fuck does Sony offer again
it's a vocal demographic.
>mario deluxe
uhhhh no
>I don't want this game
Has Retro Studios come out and announce just what the fuck they're working on?
>I think the newest Samsung phone is way too expensive for what it offers
>You fucking moron just steal it in the middle of the night and it's free!
That's not an argument and you know it
Imagine paying 30 extra USD for a Nintendo logo. Oh wait, we don’t need to imagine it, it’s literally happening
why would i pay $50 when i can play the one that doesn't look like a mobile game for literally free
>already having a switch and deciding whether or not you want to crack it is the same as stealing a product you don't have
You don't even have a switch, do you?
>People are actually defending the pricing for this game
>paying full price for a GB game
>"hurr durr how's the drought"
I own a switch but even I'm not retarded enough to fall for this. Wake me up when they remake both oracle games and package it as one.
You can play both for free
I don't think people hate it, I think people disliked the rental system but it makes it the most replayable Zelda game.
>Why is this board a giant Nintendo shill board now?
Yea Forums has always been nintendo if you dont like it go fuck off to reddit to discuss what ever big movie AAA title is coming out
Because, it's NEVER okay when Nintendo does it.
yeah it's a whole lot of nothing dude, i own a switch and i want games, but all we're getting is weeb shit and the classic slow drip of quality nintendo titles.
Bro the game is pretty damn short, there isn't exactly a lot to do in LA. I beat it blind in less than 10 hours and that's getting everything except 4 heart pieces
Yeah, they're working on a Metroid Labo game.
How's the drought?
i'd still rather play the original
this game didn't need a remake at all
based Marioposter
Really fucking bad. Daemon X Machina was disappointing as fuck and the LA remake is a total scam.
DQ11 next week though, so not all is bad
What is worth 50 dollars to you then nigga
I'd rather pay 50 for a game I will enjoy then other titles that are also 50 like control or borderlands 3
>LA was one of the greatest games of the 90s
>Crash and spyro are absolute garbage
>I would rather play the original
Switch remake - $0 if you're not a retard
"Its nothing because I personal dont like it "
Fuck off
The problem is that retards are buying it for $60. I got it for $0 as well, but it fucking hurts to see people getting robbed so hard.
Odd place to ask that, but no. Nothing you can miss.
>Travis Strikes Again
Uhhh, about that.....
>Heavily rumoured
>Counting Heavily rumoured as evidence of a game
>Literally source: dude trust me
The absolute fucking state
i hate seeing you like this sweety! come back to the land of the living!
Travis Strikes Again is coming to PS4
>$60 cinematic shootbang game 4 hours of gameplay and 4 hours of cutscene = YAAAAAAS
>$60 comfy zelda remake with minimum 14 hours of enjoyment = BOOOOOO
yeah, I'm thinking these people are transparent and fragile as glass
>I own a switch
>minimum 14 hours of enjoyment
I finished it in 9 hours user.
Most of the QoL upgrades are availably by rom hacks, the remake has no worthwhile purpose.
>minimum 14 hours
Why are you talking about a game you've never played
>It's 5 hours long!
>M-Maybe it's actually 10 hours long, i-it's still short!
Yup! Right there! Just put those goalposts down right there, that'll be perfect!
>Hey, at least that gives the game some replayability unlike the remake. And it's not like you have to 100% the sidequest anyway since all it gives you is funny cutscenes and fun images for your enjoyment.
So it's annoying and stupid, requiring a guide to get anything out of and you still can't 100% it. Yeah. Totally SOULFUL. Cool story.
>There's lots of romhacks that fix that bullshit. The only shit that they don't fix is the two item slots. So yeah, the only advantage to play the switch version of the original is if you hate opening the menu constantly to change items
The graphics look much better, the work design looks amazing, it's not screen by screen transitions, you're not constantly going in and out of your menu to equip/de-equip things and you're not waiting for slow walls of text to pass everytime you touch a pot, rock or powerup.
> (you'll still be doing that constantly to equip bombs and to use the warp song by the way)
There's nothing to say but COPE to a statement as untrue and stupid as this.
>Yes, I am a poorfag
Opinion discarded.
>>Outstanding graphics
can you get the fuck off of the same planet as me, preferably to one made entirely of bleach for you to swim in. it's the ugliest, laziest garbage in the world. the original looks fucking better still. it's a garbage, cheap, lazy style that is literally incapable of ever looking good under any circumstance.
Kill yourself zoomerfaggot just admit it's Jewish that it's 60$ and fuck off to bed
>If this was a three pack of Link's Awakening, Oracles and Seasons, then MAYBE I could understand charging 60 for it. But $60 just for one? Are you fucking kidding me?
Even ignoring that LA is far better than any of those games, it had far more work put into it than any of those remakes. It's a fantastic remake.
Maybe if I was super poor I could see myself working into a fit about the price, but at this point in my life, getting upset about $20 is just pathetic.
>There's nothing to say but COPE to a statement as untrue and stupid as this.
Did you even play the fucking game? You literally only have one item slot because you'll want to always have the roc feather equipped. If you don't use it in every fight then you're playing the game wrong and it's not wonder that you take more than 10 hours to finish the game.
>It's 5 hours long!
>M-Maybe it's actually 10 hours long, i-it's still short!
Who the fuck are you quoting? Holy shit you're so defensive it's ridiculous. The game is fucking insanely short and there isn't a damn thing you can say otherwise to support the opposite claim
Because Marin isn't hot anymore.
ALBW was amazing, but LA remake is amazing too.
ALBW2 won't have Hilda saying "Heeey" to me every now and then though, and that's a pretty large part of what made that game so great.
You can buy LA DX for 5.99 right now on the 3ds eshop. the game is not worth a 10x markup because of graphics.
not in my timeline
>It's 5 hours long
>Okay it's actually more than 10 hours
>The game is fucking insanely short
>Holy shit you're so defensive it's ridiculous.
Well, maybe if you weren't so much of a fucking retard that gets stuck in brainlet tier puzzles, then you would have finished it much faster.
The framerate drops are really annoying and random
>Game Boy game - $40
But with inflation or not?
Well, they were certainly cheaper than console games back then
>nintendo online
>save gamming
Choose one
>Did you even play the fucking game?
I beat it, finished it just a few hours ago actually and I loved it. Great experience, great fun, enjoyable all around. The Seashell tracker made it a lot faster getting all the secret Seashells too, which was nice.
>You literally only have one item slot because you'll want to always have the roc feather equipped.
>if you don't use it in every fight then you're playing the game wrong
I wish I could think of something better to say, but reading such absolute stupidity from someone who's this amazingly upset about Zelda getting such a great remake, all I can think of is COPE.
>it had far more work put into it than any of those remakes
remaking three games is harder than remaking one
Adjusting for inflation of the original Game Boy game it'd be around $70.
Not when all three games share the same graphics, mechanics, physics and mostly the same items
Zelda is one of those game series I’ve always wanted to get into but I’ve never played any of them because I have no clue where to start. Should I just start with the original game on the NES app on Switch?
This not answer my question, nigger
>What was worth $40 in 1995 is worth $50 today
Even with the graphical improvements its a price gauge to pay that for gameplay over 2 decades old. Just admit it youre getting jew'd by the guys who do it best
SNES link to the past, then Link’s Awakening (either - it’s pretty much the same game), the ocarina of time.
Start with Link's awakening DX or a link to the past
Then move to the 3D ones
You're wondering why this board is having a meltdown about a Nintendo Exclusive? On the Switch? A Zelda game of all things?
Are you nee around here?
There are mentally ill losers on this board who have wasted MONTHS of their sad lives trying to shit on this game. And now they've been BTFO they can't handle it.
Start with Zelda II, if you can beat that then you can beat any of the other ones.
So there’s no continuity or story stuff I would be missing from the NES games? Is it kinda like Mario where it doesn’t matter that much?
Phantom hourglass is a direct sequel of wind waker but that's pretty much this
There's other games that are soft sequels to other games like OoT -> Majora's mask but you can play them in any order you want
No. They're rightfully giving Nintendo shit for being a bunch of swindlers.
Forget MTs, Nintendo fucks you in the ass with just hardware and software; they are the Apple of video games.
there's still the effort of rebuilding all three from scratch plus all the assets, enemies, bosses, and mechanics limited to only one game like certain level features. How the fuck are you going to say rebuilding one game is easier than rebuilding multiple?
wasn't link supposed to look like this in the original game? now he looks like an earthbound character
stick to BOTW threads
Not really, it isn't needed to enjoy the games. I can only think of two sets of games that are directly tied to each other (Zelda 1&2, and the Oracle games).
The rest can essentially be played in any order, they mostly just recycle themes and characters.
harder than*, fuck
I don't even care about the money, I just can't stand people trying to say the visuals or music are good overall.
Well, if fucking spyro and crash can do it at a lower price, why can't I assume that Nintendo can't do it as well? Not to mention that they're all fucking top down 2D games, they're ridiculously simple and don't need that much detail to remake compared to full 3D game. There's also no voice acting and smaller amount of music tracks to remake.
Fuck, why am I even taking this post seriously. It's like I'm talking to a fucking gamefreak apologist that defends that copy pasting 3D models from a 3DS game takes too much fucking effort despite the fact that they're talking about a multi billionaire company.
Those were two different people talking about hours, and on top of that, 10 hours is a sad miserable short playtime for a game anyways.
nigger I'm not defending LA, I'm saying the Crash remakes were handled better
so Nintendo is actually giving us a $10 discount, on top of all the improvements...
Because this is an obvious handheld game that Nintendo is trying to pass off as an AAA game. 3DS games were $40 and this is no better than them.
BotW is worth $60. This game is not.
Well, I’m enjoying it immensely and I must have finished the original 5-6 times in my life. It’s great being me.
Why are you actively lying? The GB game was $30, and this is $60.
Its been getting shit on here?
Adjusted to about $53 for inflation
>this is $60.
you can walk into any wal mart right now and buy this for $50
$38.44 adjusted for inflation from when that statement was made.
>outstanding graphics
It's just bright colors and post-processing. Models look cheap and the frame rate is a mess.
The MSRP is $60. Why are you judging the price based off a specific retailer, and not the general price Nintendo is selling it for?
Honestly this.
This remake is 10/10, outside the framerate issues.
Just lock that shit. It's fine. The original didn't have a spectacular framerate either
Too expensive for what it is
poor people ITT
Only genuinely poor people don't think about what they spend money on.
>Shitposters still seething over Labo
Lmao at this point you faggots spend more time thinking about it then the 10 people who bought it.
Jesus, am I the only one on Yea Forums that has a fucking job?
The lengths you poor boys will go to justify why you won't play a game you can't afford anyway.
You should buy Borderlands 3 on the epic store. What? You don't want to? lmao poor fag!!!
The Spyro remake trilogy is $40 on the switch. If someone asks me if they should buy LA, I'm telling them to buy the cheaper, longer, more enjoyable, and superior remake.
So you're saying you'd tell them to buy LA?
meant for
>Trying to legitimize your corporate worshipping with numbers
Fuck off OP, They specified a number for supply and you had demand for it.
Thats all that went on.
Theres no number or amount to how valuable each aspect is, They made a product and wanted money because they know you would buy it.
You trying to defend it with seperate factors and breaking it apart with superficial values only makes you look like a pedantic tard who cant grasp that other people don't have the same corporate cock-thirst as you.
Stop being a pretentious little fuck and enjoy the game you bout and tell us the merits and shortcomings with evidence, otherwise we'll all laugh at you.
When you make $100k+ a year you don't notice the difference of $30 fucking dollars when it comes to leisure items. Especially not when it's something like Zelda games that come out once every couple years at most.
I buy probably 6-7 games a year, I don't pay attention to what they cost because combined they are far less than I make in a week.
Get a real job.
Not an argument, no (You). Try not to pollute the thread with your bullshit so it's less obvious next time.
spyro is fucking ass, dude. it's always been ass.. it's bubsy 3d-tier
What does this board think of it as a whole?
It was later stated in DLC for the game that NMH3 was coming, and now NMH3 was announced at E3, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
>poorfag argument
There it is. The final refuge of every damned coward too ashamed to admit he made a bad financial decision.
Goddamn this poorfag meme is getting out of hand. This isn't about being poor. Its about not seeing the value of a fucking video game at it's current price. Stop sucking Nintendo's cock for one minute and realize not everything is for everyone.
if $60 dollars qualifies as a 'financial decision' for you then you need to get a job, user.
I've played the shit out of this game for the past 2 days and loved every second of it, 'Hero Mode' alone is worth the negligible price of the game.
Stay mad.
LOL of course it's getting brigaded by poorfags
If you don't want it then don't buy it. That's perfectly valid.
But if your only reason for not buying it is the price than you're poor, plain and simple.
>hero mode
forgot to list that in the OP! I was thinking about selecting it but decided to just do a 100% normal run first, hopefully they patch the framerate before I get to hero mode.
how is it?
It's great if you're looking for some level of challenge, I've played the original so many times that I can practically beat it in my sleep so it was a welcome change up for me.
It's a small change (no health drops and 2x damage from enemies) so I don't know how much it's worth it as a second play-through, but as my initial run on the remake it was a lot of fun.
What people are getting at is that they're not going to buy it at its full price but if it was cheaper than MAYBE they'll buy it and I don't understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp. I do this shit all the time in steam sales.
It looks fun but I wish these companies would make remakes of lesser known titles in general.
holy fuck what a cope
That's not true. There's a discretionary buffer for anyone who makes a normal income. And the difference between $30, $45, or $60 is definitely within that discretionary buffer. The bigger question is do you like it? and is it worth your time? because people who make at least a normal income know that their time is the biggest factor, not that something should be $30 less than it is priced at.
jesus christ
Yes, but do you regularly make 3 threads a day about steam sales?
I think the accusations of poverty are popping up as a response to the rate at which the contrarians are using the price as their main focal point of criticism.
I didn't start to believe most of Yea Forums was poor until I saw 3-4 threads a day complaining about '$60' as if it was a noteworthy number.
I don't want to because it looks like a bad game, or at least one I wont enjoy, not because it's too expensive
It's noteworthy when you can get the original for $5, and has almost the exact same level of content, and arguably preferable aesthetics.
Although for me personally I'd set that buffer to at least $100, but that's likely the result of years of being corrupted by warhammer 40k models.
>arguably preferable
Only the first part of that sentence is true.
What do you get for getting all 50 shells?
Are you fucking retarded or what?
The original Link's Awakening can be beat in 2 minutes why would you waste money on this lmao
Fuck glitch faggots
exactly my point
No, it's 100% true. Hero mode and a half-baked dungeon maker is not a revolutionary amount of content, especially since the photos were removed. Likewise, the artstyle is very divisive, and you can't even compare it to literal sprite art. That's straight up a personal subjective choice in aesthetics.
Wasted money is wasted money. You can rationalize it all you want, but we're talking about spending twice as much on this remake as the last remake of this same game cost twenty years ago. It's not really something to brag about.
I just got a switch and I'm considering it. I don't make that much money but I work full time and I would get a lot of personal enjoyment out of it, who can put a price on that?
poop is you
>enjoying a supeior version of one of your favorite games for the cost of a nice dinner is wasted money
You say you aren't poor, but I have my doubts user.
Tell us, what was the last non-essential (i.e. food, rent, gas ect.) purchase you made for $60+?
THIS. I'm fine with 30 fps, what really annoys me is when the frame rate is all over the place, it's incredibly distracring and it constantly takes me out of the experience.
>supeior version
This is the rub for a lot of people. The game simply ISN'T superior to them, and the fact that it's going for double the cost of the original makes it ridiculous.
Price can dictate people's feelings towards buying game. If an user thinks a game looks like absolute trash they are less likely to put down $60 on it but if it was like $20 the user will be willing to give it a chance. This is why other companies don't price their remasters at $60 because it's a budget title and they're not fucking stupid enough to charge people the same price as a normal AAA game. Imagine if fucking Indies were $60.
Can I get the chain chomp to follow me again after returning it?
Kek based retard.
Does anyone think they will patch the framerate? because it sounds like the drop to 30 sounds intentional, like a design choice. I remember BOTW got a patch that fixed the frame rate, I'm waiting on this before I buy.
You're combining two unrelated things though. If you don't like the artstyle then that's fine, but if you don't mind it or do like it then the price should have fuck all to do with it unless $60 is a lot of money to you (read: poor).
For months before the game came out people complained about the new art style, and while I disagreed I can respect and understand that. But in the past week contrarians had to switch it up when they realized that wasn't a show stopper for most, and the fact that they thought the negligible price would be a solid go-to argument makes me believe they genuinely thought most people consider $60 to be a noticeable amount of money.
>looks like absolute trash they are less likely to put down $60 on it but if it was like $20 the user will be willing to give it a chance
I can't understand this mentality. If a game looks like absolute trash I will not play it even if its free. Even games that look mediocre I wouldn't spend the time. The money is secondary.
A 4TB hard drive for about $85. Pretty good deal, actually.
It's not even just the fucking artistyle, dude. The game BARELY changes anything from the original. It has a hero mode that's become standard in every Zelda for like, 10 years. They even took content out, with the photos.
Like, be honest. If you don't enjoy the visuals, what is there for someone? I am saying this as someone whose first game he ever beat was Link's Awakening DX. It holds a massive place in me, nostalgia-wise, but I am just severely disappointed at the sheer lack of effort.
Does anyone remember what this cost at launch?
Genuinely curious, I didn't make note of it when I got it since I make enough that anything under $100 blends together when it comes to game purchases.
You know Atari games used to cause $40-50 too, would you pay for 40 dollars for Yars' Revenge in 2019?
Honestly i'd consider it.
>Comparing a remaster to a full blown remake with different gameplay style
You're stupid.
Google it faggot
The reduction of the number of times you have to pause to item swap alone is 90% of the reason the game is better.
Yeah, but would you pay $60 for a remake of a 25 year old game?
Oh Jesus Christ, genuinely FUCK OFF. You bring up shit like people trying to complain about the visuals, or the price, but this is such an asinine argument defenders bring up. I played the 3DS version of the game literally this past January, and you know what I thought about the item swapping? "Hey, this is mildly annoying."
But every time. Every goddamn time someone tries to mention a reason for this remake to exist, that's point number one. It's retarded.
Not if it looked like this Link's Awakening
>get told it looks like shit from day 0
>why don't you like this????
I tried, but it only shows walkthroughs.
>I'm desensitized to it so it's not bad
Imagine your sole argument for a remake existing amounts to a single QoL change that results in you pressing the start button less.
I hope you enjoy what ever you spend your next $60 on as much as I enjoyed the remake, user.
>tfw not poor but too cheap to pay full price for anything so just pirate/wait for deep sales on everything.
Must be the little bit of Jew blood in me.
Imagine a slow moving text box popping up every time you touch a rock telling you to use your boots.
>Looks like plastic
>a criticism
that's literally the point retard
>Outstanding graphics
I'm glad you enjoy the game so much that you make passive-aggressive posts that offer nothing in terms of a reply to anything I was saying.
Another "hey, that's mildly annoying" thing in the game. Like, you are genuinely scraping the bottom of the barrel.
>it is supposed to look like shit
Great defense
LA is so boring, i dont get what people see in the game.
This guy seems pretty upset about not having $60 to spend on a game.
What area you in user? I am sure someone has to be hiring.
hey, solid contribution
It's fun
Eh not really
then why is it so fun to play?
It was an impressive feat for a GB game but I could see why a modern gamer would find it boring. I like it but to each his own.
Pretty much
I simply was interested
I still have FE 3 houses, Astral chain, No ni Kuni and DQ 11 demo to beat
I can live without 1 damn game.
I too smile and ask for more when paying for a really shitty deal.
i have no problem paying 60 bucks for a remake of a good game, but why the fuck does nintendo insist on shitting on zelda constantly. the DS games forced you to use stupid controls, wii stupid controls, 3ds 3d gimmick, even breath of the wild had that stupid weapon system. and now we get my favorite gameboy game, and the graphics look like hot garbage on a summers day
Lads, please tell me she is real. Please tell me she is out there flying away and fulfilled her dreams.....
Because Yea Forums hates beyond make an analytic effort.
>"The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game ever created. It's the best game for Wii and one of the finest video game accomplishments of the past 10 years. The game has once again raised the bar and forged new territory for an iconic and innovative franchise. It's not enough that it finally establishes a powerful, stirring origin story or that it features near-perfect pacing. What puts Skyward Sword over the top is its layered, dense, absolutely perfect gameplay that manages to not only nail motion-controlled combat but remarkably offers a stunning level of diversity"
Careful user, we're reaching the point where kiddies who grew up on Skyward Sword are allowed to come to Yea Forums now.
>barely any asset work to do
except convert every single thing into a 3d model?
Why would you give (You)s to a poor boy?
Just spent an hour exploring, solving puzzles for heart pieces, finding some seashells and more importantly HAVING FUN! Anyone who says this game is "4 hours" is a lying piece of shit.
my mother beat me and my father was an alcoholic
or they think a game's merit is on how fast you can beat it, instead of just enjoying what it offers
I feel ya, user.
you are forgetting the increased amount of collectibles like shells, heart pieces and figurines. how you can decorate the town with figurines which is better than the photos and the mini games being expanded both in terms of content and gameplay
>all the content of a fucking gameboy game
>60 dollars
>shit FPS
>no new, worthwhile additions
>and the mini games being expanded
They don't make much of an impact on the game at all and the game was fine with the size it had.
>complain about lack of new content
>argue that the game was fine with the size it had
you false flaggers need to up your game
I don't believe you, at all. I know the game pretty well and it takes me a good 12 hours MINIMUM to do the completionist route, and that's on the DX version which only has 12 heart pieces
>Yea Forums is one person
>you're not allowed to ever dislike things, Yea Forums has to be a hugbox where our corporate masters are given constant and unanimous praise!
Hey user, here's a thought for you: perhaps people just didn't like the remake? Maybe people were never fans of the original, and this didn't change their mind? Maybe people who were fans found this remake to be unfaithful? Maybe the people who did like the game thought it wasn't perfect?
Be honest with me. What were you expecting from an anonymous imageboard where everyone from every community is allowed a voice? Did you expect something like reddit, where mean posts and wrongthink are banned on the spot?
right? I'm in the same boat. Fuck most of you here defending this shit. Grezzo did a garbage job with this remake. Nintendo knew you shitlords would pay full price and by the amount of shilling on this board they weren't wrong.
Yes. Sony's 24-year old drought.
I'm sure they'll make an actual game someday.
it should only be 40