I prefer older women in my games

I prefer older women in my games.

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>tfw no mommy gf

this but the shota still has a bigger booty, he gets to sit on her face

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I do not fear death when I get older but this keeps me up at night.

in high school i fucked a drunk busty college slut, so that's my solace.

>remember one time when I was younger in bed and my baby sitter licked my ear whilst whispering to me

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Me too user

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Glasses are sexy


Atrocious taste.

What a fag.

Good baito

Don't listen to the naysayers. Glasses are for the genetically unfit, they're a turnoff the same way a pair of fucking crutches or a wheelchair are

Me too.

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t. Gay cunt

What do you have against cripples, user? They're people just like you and me

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Did all of your mothers abandoned you?
Legit question

Sauce is @Krekkov on twitter.

>tfw the general still exists

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thog dont care

Can you repeat the question

might as well post the image proper.

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ok but which games let you romance them?
>tfw I care more about Hilda than my own Donut steal in GE3

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Fucking based. video games need to stop with the pedoshit and put more mommies.

Why are you so threatened by the presence of mommies, pedophile?

>Low-quality bait gets high-yield results

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No. Generally mommy characters are the only ones in fiction allowed to be gentle, warm, affectionate, and feminine without a masculine trait as trade off. So it's natural to enjoy them instead of another tsundere archetype.

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No. My mother was rather ordinary and we have a good relationship.
I just like the idea of caring for and being cared by an older woman in mutual love and support. Also I find maturity to be appealing.

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>this thread

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>Wanting a mommy
>Not wanting to BE the mommy instead
I just want to protect user, and make sure they're warm, comfortable, and happy...

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Fire Emblem Fates and 3H does but it's not a major part of the game.

nobody asked tranny

Shizune is best girl. But they're all great.

It's probably the other way around for most people. Only woman who cared about them in their entire lives, why wouldn't they want a woman like them?
I'm speaking from experience.

That's normal relationship stuff though. It's only recently that its become so one sided instead of a give and take.

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>With every passing year I find myself liking lolis and "mommy" characters more than female characters around my age
What the hell is happening to me?

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hear hear, motherfuckers (not literally). this man speaks the truth.

Yes, girls your age have rejected you so you cling to this illusion where older women wouldn't reject you too because that hasn't happened yet IRL.
For this reason, you "prefer older women in your games."

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This, but because I don't want to give our offspring a 100% chance of fucked up vision

I swear to fucking god if Rune Factory 5 doesn't have a cake option this time I'm fucking done with that series

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If only that was Chun-li

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>25 years old isn't around your age
Dude I'm not going to say I'm an oldfag or anything but I'm 24, how old are YOU?

Basically this

my mom is dead

This is just Shermie from KOF

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No, mine smothered me and I grew to hate it

>Femdom fag
>Abandoned by literal psychopath mother who never loved me
>TFW I put 2 and 2 together

I once heard somebody say "knowledge was a light burden". They clearly weren't burdened with much knowledge.

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Girls my age haven't rejected me though.

Ill never know

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