Why do people get so butthurt about video games expanding to new audiences these days?
Why do people get so butthurt about video games expanding to new audiences these days?
>expanding to new audiences
those exact words are what all developers say before they kill a franchise
keep your mental illness out of my vidya
Oh no im angry op is a master baiter he got me nooooooooooo
>Why do people get so butthurt about video games expanding to new audiences these days?
because the mess gaming is today, 100% of the pic you posted wouldn't be the current state of gaming if gaming was something only antisocial nerds were doing
oh nooo now i'm angry aaaa curse you op
Black mermaids are scientifically impossible tho
>Black mermaids are scientifically impossible
Mermaids are scientfically impossible.
How could black mermaids even be a possability?
>How could black mermaids even be a possability?
No sun.
But they're not a possibility in white folklore especially. But jews will stop at nothing to rewrite white history and fantasy in order to undermine white identity.
Ariel was originally green and why would you want her to be white when the moral of The Little Mermaid is to betray your race if it means you can be happier?
>No sun
No sun would lead to extrememly pale mermaids, while stronger and more abundent sunlight would result in Dark mermaids.
if its a new audience, why do woke games go broke constantly ?
>Ariel was originally green
disney is still getting it wrong then because i doubt she'll become a white human like in the book.
>moral of The Little Mermaid is to betray your race if it means you can be happier
she's betraying her 'race' for the superior white cock.
they are too ahead of their time. The immigrants are still running low on money and cannot afford a 1st world hobby.
Because people have this magical power called *pattern recognition*
And they are able to recognize that whenever developers talk about "expanding to new audiences" the series in question becomes watered down tripe that loses everything that made it appealing in the first place.
>Infest a franchise
>Announce a new game
>Make nonsensical changes in order to push your agenda
>Is cringe as fuck
>"Tee hee, if you don't buy it you're [insert fitting -ist here]"
>Be condescending as fuck to the franchise's audience while you at it
>Game doesn't sell
>"Oh my god, look at all these -ists don't buying the game from the franchise they supposedly love. And only because we changed a few unimportant things."
>Find a new franchise
>Infest the franchise
which retard thought Prince of Persia was good
They don't, though? Name an example
Those audiences don't play video games.
neither do the people complaining.
>Game doesn't sell
This rarely happens though, especially if AAA.
>If you don't like it then don't buy it
Yeah but black ariel is just really stupid.
Why would they play games that ruined their favorite franchises?
I dont mind gay people, trannies, niggers or even stronk wamen in my games as long as they dont suck.
Most games that push the 'minorities r special nobody else' crap are shit because more time is put into making the characters black than making the game good, which is why i get butthurt about them.
Because "expanding to new audiences" has an 80% chance of killing the thing alltogether and 99% chance of alienating the original fanbase. It's best when video games try to please their audience by being at their best which in turn will bring a new audience.
Also women and normalfags in general are inexperienced and uneducated by default, by definition they have a low powerlevel resulting in weak stadards, it doesn't take much to impress them and thus results in a lower quality products.
>appeal to audiences that don't even like or wan to to play vidya games.
>Do it at expense of people who used to buy those games
>Game sales take obvious drop
>It's those (insert ism here) gamers fault!
It's like setting up a backpacking supplies store at a polio ward then complaining about the lack of business.
Because they do so at the expense of the existing fanbase that made it popular in the first place (often mocking and ousting them).
Hey prince of Persia jake Gyllenhaal is great
>Why do people get so butthurt about video games expanding to new audiences these days?
because /pol/ tells them to
because thats not how you attract people to it