Which games are feel good adventures you can relax with? Are more of them on console or PC?
Uplifting games
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>she wants to kiss the Chad and gets rejected
That's a man isn't it?
what is this?
Youtube channel where the dude talks with disabled people
Im so lonely
She's the cutest thing man
Omg. He is so close to go to jail
Can you imagine just full on making out with her?
Why haven't his comment got reenabled?
I wanted to shit on some of these kids for teh lulz but I feel like a piece of crap now cause some of this is actually breaking my heart
>you will never watch an ecchi anime with her making her wet and horny
I don't understand how a 7 year old would know what romance is.
oh, she's just really autistic, at least shes cute
I feel like this guy drowns in all types of pussy or maybe he's gay.
Damn, this kid is way more self aware than the other girls posted. He just needs to wear a badass mask and no one will feel sorry for him.
This is pretty creepy. The way he keeps his eyes locked on hers to an unnatural degree and his weird facial expressions.
He definitely hit the genetic lottery but I feel like there's probably something wrong with him. Something about him just seems a little bit off.
The way the loli lock her eye on to his lips are also super creepy
>tfw horribly disfigured children are less miserable than you are
He is probably not genuine about his kindness
Yeah, it probably wouldn't be surprising if he turned out to be a sociopath or a pedo. He likely isn't, but if he were I wouldn't be surprised.
Maybe this is his secret fetish or does he have a disability?
You say that like it's going to affect his chances of getting laid.
Yeah, I hope she isn't being abused or anything.
This excites the Yea Forumsirgin
Mild autism. Trained himself intensely for socializing but there are still some quirks. I should know.
You would be surprised.
Gross anime!
>Bobby, I also have a disability - a 10 inch dick thick as a young tree
The dude who makes these videos seems like a pedo with a weird fetish for mental and physical disabilities. Fucking creepy and gross.
It will hurt his chances though. Because of how good he looks women will look past a lot of it but women are really really good at detecting creeps.
This one got me the most I think
>she will end up getting laid and I'm still a virgin
It's not fair bros
Actually women are fucking terrible at detecting creeps or bad people.
poor Messi
Why is she so cute, Yea Forumsros?
user, I just got off of work and don't want to watch sad shit. I just want to shitpost and then play some vidya. Poor girl, she looks like she wants to express herself properly but you can see on her face that she's really trying to speak. Her brother is a great brother.
>its good to see you again
you can't make this shit up
I can't believe jewtube forcibly shut comments down because people were saying the children were "beautiful" in a futile attempt to raise their self-esteem
why am I suddenly seeing this channel everywhere on youtube and on Yea Forums?
>women are really really good at detecting creeps.
No they aren't.
>Thank you
Pedo? No way. Sociopath? Probable, but sociopaths aren't necessarily bad people. Some of them are fully aware that they aren't all there empathy-wise, but still work to understand others. Not for the sake of manipulation, but because they see an empathetic outlook as a net positive for the world overall. Basically they don't like being sociopaths and would like to create as few people like themselves as humanly possible.
Probably has something to do with her having an actual mental illness. Stop being such a fucked up coombrain.
Quite the opposite. It's that women's perception of what a "creep" is, is wildly incorrect and out of whack with reality, so who they call creeps are generally decent guys while they fall for the manipulation and lies of actual creeps.
Think has to do with YouTube recommending it to everyone.
literally me
Lmao the women most susceptible to creeps are the ones who assume they're good at detecting creeps.
Nah, you're the creep for playing video games. They will suck that guy off dry.
He's a genuinely good guy, before the YouTube vids he was a school worker helping disabled kids learn. Some video he talks about it, he was originally gonna be a Chad at football or something but then he went to a special Olympics event or something and it changed his life
Yeah man saw it yesterday. It's scary how many things hit so close man.
I'm really gonna lose it soon.
How do you know
>"I broke up with you"
Also, here's her trying to expose a 19 years old for being interested in her:
All I want in life is a girl I find cute who will watch anime with me.
He reminds me of this woman, ie the cripples are just a social accessory; a means of drawing praise.
>Hey guys look how much attention I give all these retards!
Maybe I'm just an awful person, but this is what I always suspect. Every time one of those "feel good" news stories comes out about how the mentally disabled kid at a school got voted to be Prom King/Queen and all the other kids interviewed talk about how great a friend he/she is and how proud they are, I just don't fucking buy it. It's so phony and smug and forced. I highly doubt those normal teenage kids are hanging out with the mentally retarded kid after school, even if he/she is a good person that they are nice to in classand all that. There's no relatability there for actual friendship to generally occur from my perspective. That's just the harsh truth. It never comes across as genuine or real because, and I honestly don't think I'm a monster or out of the ordinary here for saying so, but I know that I never wanted anything to do with the special needs kids in my classes growing up and I don't believe anyone who claims otherwise for themselves. It's an uncomfortable reality, but I don't think sugarcoating it to virtue signal is right.
of course Yea Forums find a way to be contrarian about helping the mentally ill
This is just typical teenager drama, who cares?
im surprised china didnt just eat him
>Female is sad over a boy
I don't care user
>the autist acts with stunning amounts of autism
It was literally his career before he made a YouTube too so no, he actually cares.
Why do you know so much about this random austisic teenager?
you should see when he gets brought up on /pol/, his earnest kindness attracts the most ridiculous conspiracy theories
Watch the whole video if you haven't. The worst part is that he is just a normal well-adjusted man absolutely ruined by mental illnesses. He even had a wife before. It's so sad to see a grown man being dependent on plush animals to be able to tell what's real or not. And since he is not intellectually challenged he is fully aware of everything and really just wants to get better.
His speech seems a little bit off. He might have a touch of aspergers or something himself.
That kid with the skin condition always makes me sad.
She's only with him because he's rich. He was already successful and wealthy from his books and other business endeavors before she met him. Sad but true. I hope he's enjoying whatever forms of sex he can have with her though, seems a shame to waste that body.
ah yes, no one took advantage of anyone before youtube existed, well done
why would you do that to yourself? this place is bad enough
Kinda cute for a kid with microcephaly. Poor thing. Hope her family looks out for her so she doesn't become someone's pocket pussy.
You would have to have fallen off the same turnip truck as the rest of the vegetables he makes videos about to actually believe he is sincere. There is an ulterior motive here, and I'd argue that regardless of what that actually is, it's ugly.
Really no evidence of that, tho.
Probably he speaks this way beacuse he's speaking to disabled people.
>she's only with him for his money/success!!!!
Yeah, and so fucking what? Do you think he's with her because of her amazing personality and kind heart? No, he's with her because she's attractive.
Yeah this one was actually pretty rough. Especially since the interviewer speaks to him more like an adult.
She literally had a boyfriend. She says it herself in the video. Funny how her mom says she can't lie when she literally did it with no problem.
Well, that, and she probably wipes his ass for him...
>To find someone who means that
>Thank you
why do you think that? because he smiles and people smiling makes you uncomfortable because nobody smiles at you?
work and imoutos
unless you're bad looking they're horny little shits
Those "I want you to fuck me" eyes
I have a feeling she would become abusive after 2 weeks of relationship
>2 weeks
Try 2 hours. That girl is certifiably nuts, but she sure as fuck doesn't have aspergers or autism. She strikes me as violently manic bipolar just waiting to unleash itself and possibly psychotic.
You're probably right
finally a post with some connection to reality.
these qt autismfu posters are fucking retarded this bitch will kill you in your sleep
Ok so being a childcare worker is Exploitation because you get paid to do it and people will think you're selfless? Better to leave those kids to survive on their own instead of exploiting them like that
>He's a genuinely good guy
This statement is based on what exactly? Didn't mean to insult your internet-friend who you have never met.
I mean, if she had gotten the kiss he wouldn't have put it in the video so he's not a risk. Try using your brain you shovel.
Why do you care?
He worked with disabled kids and now he gives disabled people a platform to tell their story
That's good stuff
That assumption is as good as the ones you have, at least it has some semblance of evidence based on the life of the person instead of your “lol everyone must be a rotten human being like myself”
The auditory hallucinations are the worst. The delusions and mild paranoia, in my case, I can deal with. It's the hallucinations that are the bad bits. Sometimes I hear my name being called or I hear someone talking to me so I got check or butt in a conversation and then feel embarrassed the rest of the day.
>did you call me?
Are you shocked? She is a cute girl. Lots of men would put up with autism if the girl they're hanging out with has a cute bubbly personality.
Fuck I think lots of men would over vacinate their girlfriends if it meant they'd be happy.
>This paper, although in the trash, is not lower than your standards.
>even her insults are autistic
no, but it just feels condescending
Dude is basically cute lvl and helping disabled kids. He's def drowning in pussy. No debate.
>the default japanese subtitles
Kek this guy is a master.
there's a ton of world sensitive, vegan, animal-loving, maxed empathy girls who would drink his cum for breakfast
>when the kid with the skin condition that makes him bleed all over says he loves super heroes because they never give up no matter what so he's not giving up either
I always thought superheroes inspiring kids was a meme
>only girls
oh no
Smart dude, don't wanna get MeTood nowadays.
He knows how to play it safe.
fuck i thought it was about tge girl in OP, now i feel kinda bad, the girl in op is probably mentality ill too
first two questions
>does your life have meaning
>do you ever lose hope
god damn man cool it down
she will not only get laid, she will find a person who loves her and cares for her. now THAT fucks me up
I think its a sing of growing up user, you are not the little kid that would make fun of the tard at school, you have grown to het better, more mature perspective and now you kinda feel bad for the situation these kids are born into.
I think i know why people dont like him. He's handsome, so it makes people jealous. They think "How can he be handsome and kind, there has to be something wrong with him". I frankly think that's why so many people hate jim, just bias against handsome people. Like how people think a hot women can't be smart.
her skin looks so soft. wonder what her armpits smell like
We have some a really cynical ass society if so many people think that a nigga being kind MUST be some kind of weird conspiracy.
Like think about it, the guy beibg a good person is such a weird result for so many people that they think there must be a conspiracy involved.
I saw another video, making me cry
Smart dude, look at this very thread how many people think the guy being a good person has to be some front for weird shit. Imagine the shit he gets just for trying to help people with fucked up conditions.
the absolute fucking state of amerimutts
fuck the way he moves while speakinh reminds me of a childhood friend of mine, he was always awkward around people, i hope hes doing fine
>women are really really good at detecting creeps
Does that include the women who let the guy from Lostprophets rape their babies because they thought he was hot?
im not gonna fap to this aspie
im not gonna fap to this aspie
im not gonna fap to this aspie
im not gonna fap to this aspie
im not gonna fap to this aspie
Really puts my life into perspective.
i wonder how it feels to have the entire world cuck you in three words i would have broken her fucking jaw then fed her her teeth on camera
It's hard being handicapped no matter the condition.
Mentally, physically , emotionally, be damaged enough and you will never fit in society and no matter how many good people you find, no one is able to give you that feeling that you belong without always having that nagging voice in your head that you're worthless and a drain on everyone around you.
It's the hardest part for me is being purposeless and unable to attain a even remotely normal lifestyle.
SHE IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus user, I think you would qualify to be on this chads videos.
Probably, seeing that the guy's channel is centered around fucked up people.
if your girl is running around telling other people than you that she loves them its the same as cheating even if its her family
she is supposed to only love you and no one else period
This. I dated a girl who I thought was a qt autismo because we initially bonded over anime, and because she was really shy and awkward in public. Turns out it wasn't autism, but Borderline Personality Disorder, and I had to spend half the time we were together talking her out of killing herself while she said how much she hated me. Don't fall for it bros.
What is your condition user?
Jim who
For a similar perspective, look at youtube.com
>horribly disfigured, misshapen jelly bean body, can't speak, no functional hands or feet
>completely normal brain, completely normal motor functions and intellect
He's essentially trapped in a broken shell. Things like this make me hope Deus Ex augmentations get here sooner rather than later.
What is wrong with you?
She looks a little like Cracky
based desu
My problems are nothing....fuck imagine being like that by no fault of your own. Poor guy.
holy shit user, I went through that hell too. I was doing everything to make things normal, but ner BPD acts were just draining my life energy like a vampire. I eventually dumped her, and with these psychical scars, it took me a year to think about finding a new gf.
I love how nobody believes this guy's act for just a second. I know I don't.
>hoverhanding your own wife
>I feel like we're good friends now!
christ on pogo-stick.
But who is she cucking if she doesn't have a boyfriend?
Keep seething
this guy looks like a cartoon character, and I'm not trying to demean him, he definitely got the best of the horrible mutations
No. Not at all. That ain't it one bit. Nice try though.
is she really an aspie? she looks more like a psychopath who murders people and wears their entrails
>15 years old
good job pedos
is this supposed to be ironic? this sounds so insecure it feels ironic
you mean cute?
No, your instincts are correct. She's fucked in the head, but it's not aspergers or anything like it.
You got it, she has mental problems, but it's something deeper than muh aspie, and probably dangerous to other people
actually, it's hemophilia
Thats why the comments are disabled
She's definitely not an aspie, nor is she really passionate about anime. She has BPD and is likely bi-polar. The anime shit is an act because she thinks it makes her quirky and relatable, and she thinks it hides the darker side of her other personality disorders.
Hebephilia, hemophilia is a disease where you can't stop bleeding.
>would you rather have ten great friends or a million dollars?
>the money
at first I was laughing because from this channel and his condition you'd expect hed say friends but then came
>what would you spend it on?
>a self-driving car
just after he said his one wish was to be able to travel independently
Why are Bob Ross and Mr Rodgers the only guys to be able to be pure kind souls without some degenerate motive?
Grandia 1 and 2
Wind Waker
Jak and Daxter
why are you guys saying this stuff
(I watched like 3 minutes of the video)
she is merely being deceitful. likely learnt from her roastie mother
her shtick is pretending to have some mental problem... which in a way is correct... the female brain is always damaged
She's most likely a sociopath as well. You're right about her using the weeb shit and quirky behavior as a disguise to appear "happy" and normal, but that's a sociopathic tendency.
Because it's as clear as day to anybody who understands social cues and body language.
yes, i dont think a real aspie want "fans"
What the fuck are you talking about?
What is your race, friend?
hoverhanding is a pro move. you never want to be responsible for an aspie chimp out
My fellow daters of BPD bitches. I got out of mine by making the break up her idea, because I knew if I initiated I'd never be free of her craziness. I just needed to find a fairly innocuous issue that she felt passionately about and disagree with her. I let the crazy do the rest and after she calmed down she decided it'd be best if we didn't pursue things any further.
I forgot we're at Yea Forums where everyone is intimately familiar with autism and destructive personality disorders.
Because they were genuine. You can tell when someone is sincere or not. There is objectively something very off and fake about this guy, it is not imagined or people being insecure trying to hate on him for whatever reason. Most people don't want to acknowledge when they notice how phony someone is being when they do this kind of thing because it ultimately shines that same light on them. This kind of virtue signaling works because no one wants to say what everyone is already thinking and point out the bullshit facade and reveal the fact that they only know it because they do the same.
I think you just hate him because hes a hyperchad
That's not true. Hell, Bob Ross was in the military, wasn't he? Nobody is pure, but we all have that pure kindness within us. You just have to dig it out into the sunlight and let it grow.
people with mental disabilities need and deserve love too
katawa shoujo
I'm one of them.
you don't need to be any kind of expert to identify affectation. the girl is clearly disingenuous.
>what is autism?
>proceeds to describe dyslexia and/or being that stoner kid who just skips class all the time and guesses on tests
people like this deserve respect and all the help to have them the best life possible.
having said that, there should be mandatory abortions for even the slightest genetic defects found in prenatal diagnostics.
I watched that a few days ago and I still can't process it. Why even go on living?
she's not cute nor does she have autism
Maybe it's you who has autism. You somehow missed this being an analogy.
but she's autistic, don't they just have to force everything to attempt to appear normal
Not really, she just described having social anxiety. Which is weird since she's so expressive all the time
That sounds smart user, but honestly I wouldn't have the patience for this. In my case, when she punched me for a millionth time, I puched her back, grabbed her tight and said that from now we're strangers to each other. It was only time I used violence on a woman and I'm not really proud of that, but honestly this was the best way.