What makes western developers hate beauty? What are they trying to accomplish by making everything as ugly as possible?
What makes western developers hate beauty? What are they trying to accomplish by making everything as ugly as possible?
whites destroy everything
The one on the right isn't eve good looking because of how manufactured she looks, so generic. Team Ninja CAN make good looking characters. Tina, Lisa, Christie, Hitomi.
Or to say COULD make good characters. All of their new characters look like fucking anime weeb-bait.
fucking weebs
Kill yourself, tranny.
>All of their new characters look like fucking anime weeb-bait
They just know their audience. Not something you could say about western devs in the last couple of years.
>left is actual game
>right is shitty fap simulator inferior to porn
You are doing this bad weeb
>actual game
walking sims are games?
they are not, but Horizon is game. Are you lost somewhere?
I fell in love with aloy after playing the game. Unlocking lipsticks really make my penis diamond
>(((whites))) destroy everything
Fixed it for you
Sorry user, americans actually think the orc mutt tranny on the left is attractive.
If you think that Horizon: Tranny Dilate is a real game, you need to slit your wrists. Kill yourself, retard.
so on one hand we have very real looking women who look like they could exist in the real world, and on the other hand you have the fetishised plastic manic pixie dream girls that a bunch of nip loosers working 16 hours a day created because they haven't been within 100 feet of a woman in 10 years.
>implying Dead or Alive after Itagaki left is a game
How it's not real game autismo? Looks like japanese cartoons damaged your brain.
american women are ugly as fuck
That's how the average western looks like
Good to have some ugly/good looking diversity. Playing as Geralts can get boring, which is why Chosen Undead's ugly ass was refreshing
Japanese women are cute. White women are beautiful.
alloy is cute and is in a good game
Is one of those supposed to represent beauty? Because they both look ugly as sin to me. The only difference is that one looks like you'd get thrown in jail for fucking it.
how many times are you going to make this thread
You do realize that this isn't all western devs, right? Even within Ubisoft(the creators of the character on the left)you have the female characters from some of the Tom Clancy games who are attractive. Battlefield V(yes I know, shitty game)also had some good looking chicks, and that was made by DICE while being published by EA. It's probably cheating to mention Rockstar and CD ProjektRed but they are western devs too.
For the billionth time, it's not that they hate beauty, it's that they're obsessed with making everything hyper realistic, where as Japan is the opposite and wants to make everything fanciful and silly and kawaii desu ne.
Real women simply don't look like animu waifus. 99.9999992% of real life women aren't beautiful.
The real question is why they're so obsessed with making things so realistic in a medium designed for escapism.
Nah, ugly is garbage and doesn't belong in videogames. If I want to see ugly people I'd go outside.
Beastiality is a crime
You meant a pathetic copy of a Zelda game...
Taylor Swift's face is perfect
Because the western video game industry is full of far leftists and we all know how much leftists want to destroy or corrupt everything beautiful.
>twenty versions of this exact thread every day
At least post something less horrifying that DOA girls.
I'd rather be in America than China.
Waiting on those Chinese mishap webms.
We live in an age where ugliness is celebrated and beauty is considered unobtainable. So ugliness is the new beauty. This is your civilization on progressivism.
Three of these fucking threads. God, this place is shit.
Jews brainwashed the plebians into hating everything that straight white men enjoy.
They want us all to become one asexual brown blob while they have feasts in their gated, pureblooded communities.
>be in china
>stare at cute chinese girls
>fall into a sinkhole and somehow trigger an explosion on impact that disintegrates three city blocks
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>Eastern design vs. western design
>this thread again
Asians don't use face-scan, western devs do.
This is why asians keep making the sameface plastic models that don't even look human.
Reminder that the gross ugly western women in TLoU sold more copies in Japan than your shitty pantyquest JRPGs
in many ways, it's a byproduct of the quest for total realism
Both are whores, no decent woman dresses like that
Holy kek
>beautiful women are not real
Combinations of things.
Mocap is a real issue. I've seen some pretty attractive women turn out to look like fucking dogs in game after their mocap is done. As much as I hate to admit Kojima does anything right, his Mocap work is usually spot on and his characters look like the people they're supposed to look like.
Meanwhile a lot of western devs seem to cut corners on the mocap work which results in janky, ugly everyone. Shit, just look at Aloy in pick related. Her mocap actress? Pretty cute. Nothing wrong with her. Regular old girl next door. Yet the devs managed to successful turn her into some kind of red headed demi-goblin in game.
The other thing is realism vs fantasy.
A lot of western devs focus on realism way too damn hard, which often results in shit having this uncanny valley feel to it. Compare Mortal Kombat now to Mortal Kombat just a few games ago. They used to just try and make comic book artstyle look real. Yeah, not the best, but it looked okay enough. Now everyone is gross.
Compare that to Japanese devs who, barring Capcom in recent years, tend to forgo faces that look real, and instead focus on trying to make realistic anime characters in 3D, which results in them losing that uncanny valley shit because our brains stop recognizing them as off or wrong, and recognize them as attractive and idealized caricatures of real humans.
So is it just a single butthurt weeb that makes sure this exact thread is always up 24 hours a day, or do they have some sort of discord group, or is it a bot...?
post a real woman who looks like an anime waifu
Chosen Undead's ugly is fine because you barely ever have to look at it.
Image playing as that in a 50 hour RPG where the camera is constantly zooming in on your face and reminding you that you're playing as a man comprised entirely of dehydrated beef jerky a year past it's expiration date.
>grow up in a tribal setting without access to makeup, dentists, dermatologists, toothpaste, shampoo, modern nutrition, or medicine in general
I wonder why they arent as pretty
It's summer. They're probably virgins.
DOA girls are undefeated period.
The blue haired anime girl is the ugliest one
>gook has bigger nose
They're insecure about their own looks and making attractive characters would hurt their own egos
Thanks for reminding me that the only good thing about Halo 4 was Cortana, and that those fucks at 343 ruined her one game later instead of just letting her die with dignity and hot mommy tits.
Westerners make vidya for game journos
Nippon makes vidya for whales
ok retard
>tfw there are no asians in my country
I'm stuck with roastie fatsos, like in my games.
White girls can't even compete against doodles on a piece of paper lmao
Japanese girls can't either, but for some reason they seem okay dying alone and childless as their country goes extinct
why do you retards post the same girls over and over
Those are british whales tho
Old hags are the future.
Leftism = glorification of weakness, ugliness, deception, irresponsability, degeneracy basicaly the opposit of what percieved "nazis" love: beauty, grace, perfomance, competitivity, strength, morality.
How do you expect them to compete with that?
Reminder that Aloy lives post apocalyptic society, so beautification is not a viable option.
Made the right choice, any bitch that gives you some kind of demand or ultimatum like that deserves to be dropped. It's not a "stop cheating or we're through" or some real shit ultimatum, it's some bullshit about your hobbies or pictures or nonsense, fuck em.
western = real women
japan = sex dolls
Roasties fear the cunny
What a fucking chad.
Let's be honest user, most people on here would be okay fucking Aloy if given the chance. They may not admit it but it's true.
>Neotenous traits are more desirable than genuine beauty
BTFO muh realism fags. THere are other reasons at play here
You know how I know you don't know anything? The fact that you call photogrammetry for "mocap".
Aloy looks fine.
Bull fucking shit it isn't.
Nigga women were making make-up for themselves for thousands of years using shit that grew outside way before the Maybellines and Covergirls of the world started commercial empires out of the stuff. She doesn't even live in a nuclear post apocalypse (And even then, women in those settings found ways to make do: See, Bittercup in Fallout 3 mashing up scavenged chalk) where shit like that is scarce. Everything is still lush and green, there are just robots everywhere.
We see plenty of tribal villagers in HZD with face paints and tattoos and shit. I refuse to believe that in 1000+ years or however long it's been since humanity went to shit, that not a single woman with access to increasingly older reference material thought to mash some beet root up in a mortar and pestle with some vegetable oil and cocoa butter to paint her lips with it.
dios mio!
A nonanswer.
>genuine beauty
wew and yikes
mad kid take this and go cry
Source engine truly is magical. Crazy how good Zoey and VV still look. Pic related, Vella from Vindictus
Based alpha reddit white knight.
yap im not reading some fools wall of text
>Aloy looks fine.
Your post was fine, but then you had to go and embarrass yourself like that. Go get your eyes checked user.
if you say so you are a white knight for all your japanese waifu defending them every thread you make
The jews own their souls.
>A wall of text
Dickweed that's barely even a paragraph. You don't know what a wall of text is.
Why even bother trying to participate in discussion if you don't even want any kind of engagement?
Shall I be the bearer of bad news?
lurk more newfag
fuck off scrub
Oakland? Is that you?
They actually have sex and don't see video games as fap material.
they dont hate it
theyre just lowering the standards
>Leftism = glorification of weakness, ugliness, deception, irresponsability, degeneracy
That sounds like Yea Forums and /pol/ to me
I'm in the thread, but that's not me.
Coom is more important than creating a consistent setting
You can easily tell the mocap actress's skull is still heavy set and weird, but it can be disguised somewhat with makeup and hairstyle.
The issue with face scan is that the "resolution" is not fine enough to make all the bumps and uneven surfaces not affect overall appearance, hence some points can still distort the face enough to make it look 'different'.
Cause white women are histories greatest monsters, and we're not trying to fight them back anymore...
Nice try, monkey.
Now make another comparison from girls of this generation.
the list won't be full of mass effect and dragon age girls right the shit you idiots post over and over
Almost all of these games are before 2014
i still dont get how she is ugly
*3d women
I'm so glad we get to have this thread 5 times a day every day really makes me think
>not specifically trying to break character creators for the most fucked up abominations in muh super cereal rpgs
Mass Effect was fun
those are still modern games dumbass so what do you want
Western society doesn't try to look attractive in any way, which is what the designs are based off of. Western developers don't know any better, sadly.
>I'll just try to make a fucked up character, I'll start over with a proper one
>saviour of the realm ends up looking like a industrial accident in an abortion factory
so retards just say what ever they think sounds good
>post a girl
>t-t-t-t-those font count
>Western society doesn't try to look attractive in any way
Have you heard of a thing called Instagram?
It's not western society as a whole
dont count
>chinks shilling Tencent Games Launcher
>chinks shilling their chinese cartoon characters
absolute state of Yea Forums now
Previous generation games are not modern grandfather.
This SJW shit picked up in the very early 2010s, the designs didn't change until a few years later when the projects who started in the early 2010s started coming out
That looks like trying to import a custom character in an Illusion game without the slider extension mods
so you just say random shit that comes to mind