>Camping out with your bros
>Cute girls
>HD graphics
>Culled alot of the worthless shit from the national dex no one cared about
Definitely getting this. Imagine not wanting to play this game because garbage like dunsparce and stantler aren't in it. Fuck the haters.
Camping out with your bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop spamming this shit, supreme cuck.
Shit game, buy literally anything else on the switch
>Camping out with your bros
>HD graphics
what's wrong with dunsparce and stantler? everyone should have their favorites in, if their favorite happens to be stunfisk then that's them.
>HD graphics
what did he mean by this
Jesus, this looks like some Gamecube graphics, like low quality Gamecube stuff at that.
>garbage like dunsparce and stantler aren't in it
If Dusnparce is in the game, I demand your immediate suicide.
The hell does camping accomplish?
nothing, haha XD
>>HD graphics
Post exactly 135 more pictures of shield-chan and I'll buy the game.
Shut up, jizzbrain.
>Culled alot of the worthless shit from the national dex no one cared about
Why do people still say this? The dex is like 1/3 shitmons at this point, both the garbage and the ice cream are in, and more than likely a big focus of the culls will be most of the starters and legendaries since that’s what they usually keep locked out at the start of a new gen
Is it actually nothing?
This thread is made by autist kun, who is arguing with himself in an attempt to reverse public opinion which at this point is that the people whining about the national dex have gotten annoying.
the funniest thing is this and any other minigame shit or the macro shit is going to get cut the next gen
why does gamefreak make little features like this or megaevolutions then cut them within the next few games, why waste dev time on something you know you're going to cut
just seems like bad management, and seeing trailer after trailer of useless, inane shit thats undoubtedly going to be exclusive to this game alone while missing a majority of the pokemans really rubs in how little thought actually goes into the games
Why do you waste energy whining about the next Pokemon game when you'll buy it anyway?
What's on the left?
why are the feet of that rabbit farting
fucking retarded fetishists
I don't even own a Switch, nice try idiot.
because buying it second hand at a fraction of the price a few years down the road doesn't give nintendo a dime, all while giving me the same -if not a better on account of patches- experience as someone who actually bought this at launch, and in the meantime i get to bitch about it
I'm bored
How am I going to buy a game for a console that I don't own?
By buying the game.
post pokebong memes
>Pay $60 for a handheld budget title
>From a company with more money than God
those fucking textures look like the first time i loaded up divinity original sin 2 and it automatically set everything to lowest graphics. what the actual fuck are they doing?
is this the not so subtle lewd thread?
>One of
It’s literally #1 of all time
Imagine if she sat on you hahaha
I'm just waiting for them to reveal the final form of all the starter pokemon so that I can jerk off to all the porn that will inevitably be made of them. I don't even play these games anymore.
>cutting content for features that will be cut in the next game
you're everything wrong with the world
I skipped 5th gen, might skip this
>>Camping out with your bros
>>Cute girls
>>HD graphics
Just play Real Life
Oh my fuck
why are they all so spread out for fucks sake.
>most switch owners are between 10-29 years of age
idk what the point you're trying to make is?
I really was considering getting back into Pokemon with this game having not really played since Black and White, though I did try some of X. It looks kinda meh though.
Good one user. There's been nothing even resembling adventure since gen IV. Especially after the travesty that was Alola Land
unfortunately BW2 was the last pokemon game worth half a shit. franchise has been in a neverending nosedive since then. shame that all the apologists will still give gf infinite sales.
>Gamefreak apologists are literal faggots
Not surprised in the slightest.
>5th gen
your worst mistake
Let's Go was the first mainline I've skipped, it's just a game.
54.8% of Nintendo Switch users are over the age of 20
81.9% of Nintendo Switch users are over the age of 10
So less time is used on the next development cycle. Pokemon is a yearly released game just like COD is. So they're better off advertising new features and gimmicks so gullible fans will have something to look forward to.
Hey guys did you known games running on a thousand dollar PC look better than games on a $200 tablet?
Why are some people on the side of having less content? I could see not giving a shit about the national dex, but some people are vehemently in the "I want a worse game" faction, and they attempt to shame those who want a better game. Makes no sense to me, and I barely even give a shit about the national dex.
It's like Disney at this point. The majority of their sales comes from people who grew up with the brand and children indoctrinated by those parents who grew up with the brand. The average Smash player is probably like 20.
i would play as the demotrainer
>Pokemon is a yearly released game
Except it's not.
Pokecucks like you OP deserve everything this game is doing. What a shit game my fuckin god.
I guarantee the cooking will be some Kingdom Hearts 3 tier shit. Let me know when its like Dragon's Crown's cooking or something.
I'm not OP
I've bought one of every gen and I'm skipping this one. I didn't buy LGPE either but I thought a mainline game would have more effort
Because 99% of players have literally never used the national dex in a single game. Generally only competitive players use the national dex, because they train up super strong roided out teams and transfer them over.
What a slab. I bet she curses like a sailor when she's getting her fat white ass stuffed
I'm not a competitive player and I like to squeeze pokémon games to the max, same with many of my friends.
>not siding with a big faceless corporation makes you an asshole
Really makes me think
I'm just buying it cuz Shield is top-grade cun
I honestly used to be this way. I always knew that Gamefreak was incompetent on some level, but I always excused it with the fact that every Pokemon would always be in the main games, and that effort alone made the games worth it. But now that excuse is gone and I'm left wondering why I let myself become part of the problem.
This would be a million times more funny if it didn't have LE EBIN JOJO ARROW XDD
Where's Ampharos
The only reason I can think of is that if there are really big pokemons, then they wouldn't clip into each other
I mean, yeah, does anyone actually carry the Switch around? Everybody just uses it like a console. Using a switch in public is like social kryptonite.
Kill yourself nigger subhuman
I stole it. What are you gonna do about it, faggot?
Hey retard did you know that games running on a fucking Wii which is basically just a shiny white GameCube looks better than the Pokémon Switch game?
Nobody actively doesn’t want the nat dex, people just want the people crying to quit their bitching. The game releases in two months and this is clearly a big decision they didn’t want to make, just don’t buy the game and quit screeching at people who don’t really care.
To make regions feel different, unique, and offer their own thing.
Its why the PWT is only in unova along with the movie studio, or contest in sinnoh and hoenn with poffin and pokeblocks respectively, or the surfing on Alola, or battle masion and battle resturants in kalos.
i actually laughed hurd
Didn't Masuda say the reason the current Pokemon games have less content is because kids have smartphones and can play games anytime they want or some shit?
What's with the Pokemon company thinking mobile games will kill real games?
I haven't bought a Pokemon since SM. I'm pretty much done with this series.
Ask you politely to give him back to me. I really love and cherish my Ampharos.
Because I'm not going to buy it and I want this series to be fucking better
Masuda is not in charge of Pokémon, pic related is who is in charge of Pokémon
They just said that as a half-assed justification for their low effort output.
That was the last game you fuck
Scorbunny's feet are literally hot, user.
That's steam.
It's steam.
Won't someone please think of the corporations?
Reminder than any Pokemon that didn't get it over Vaniluxe is literally irrelevant and shit and garbage and worthless
Can't wait for all the tears from all the shitmon lovers over "M-MUH BRO GOT CULLED FOR FUCKING ICE CREAM?!?!?!?!"
No. that was LGPE and before that was Ultra SM.
Yes, Masuda mentioned smartphones a lot during gen 6. I don't know why he latched onto kids playing phone games so hard.
Why bend over backwards for people who don't want to play your game?
Is that a Brooklyn reference?
Here you go, I fixed it for you.
>people with opinions different to mine should remain quiet forever or follow my sheep mentality
THAT right there is the single thing during this entire shitshow that pisses me off beyond reason. Why should my opinion be worth any less just because it's a negative opinion about something? What a bunch of fucking pieces of shit.
>battle masion
Meant the Battle Chateau. Masions also in hoenn via ORAS
Why was my smug link replaced with this waifu
>Buy it or don’t buy it, stop crying
Nothing wrong with this statement.
I usually don't it care for waifufags, but poke-waifufags are the worst fucking faggots.
>It's ok the game is shit, because it has le cute girls and le dressing up.
Go fuck yourselves.
Pokemon has been a yearly franchise since Platinum. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
Someone hasn't played City Folk.
>can't romance pokemon
no thanks
>People aren't allowed to complain as consumers about the product being too low quality to fit their desired standards.
Newsflash you retarded drone, that's the basic principle of consumerism and capitalism. If a product isn't up to standards according to the consumers then the company is obligated to change and release a better product. Stop being a corporate shill you shit for brains.
It usually is but there's still off years like 2015 and 2017, but I'm sure there were side games to bridge the gaps then.
Really you'd think for a yearly game they'd have a larger tea,
I can't wait to play the new Pokemon game without my favorite Pokemon on my team
To be fair, the evil team only cared about Cosmog, and that was only because Lusamine ordered them to kidnap it. No one actually gives half a shit about Lillie
fucking lol
Ultra Sun/Moon is exactly the same as Sun/Moon, and LGPEis hardly main series. It doesn't matter at all if someone skipped either of those
You can complain but at this point your complaining serves no purpose and is only pissing off people who are going to buy the game regardless. If you guys were smart you would wait till AFTER the game comes out and push the angle that since these models are already done they can just reuse them and add the rest. But right now you’re coming off as more obsessed with the product than the people buying it.
>Shield-Chan will never capture you in a Pokeball and make you her slave
Point still stands that im dropping Pokemon. I didnt even like SM that much.
>and is only pissing off people who are going to buy the game regardless
Oh boo hoo poor souls :^(
Fuck you, dude. I don't have to wait until this product is out on the market to see it's vastly inferior to previous games.
Whoops there was no off year there
I like how 2015 was conveniently left out in the crop.
>you will never go back to those times where you would try out different moves on your bros to discover their unique animations
>Noooo stop reminding me that I'm handing my money over for a inferior product nooooo ignorance is bliss stoooop iiiiit.
kill yourself double nigger
Anyone have the drunk, horny rapist Shield copypasta?
baste and cook for 30 minutes pilled
>cute girls
Play koikatsu, it's free. Save yourself $60.
But! Does it have cute pokemon?
Gigantamaxing is functionally a combination of mega evolution and z moves.
it's shit
>can't romance another girl trainer as a girl trainer and then have them both get raped and knocked up by wild pokemon
they're discriminating against people with good taste
And is objectively lazier and more boring from both a visual and mechanical standpoint.
Or just fap to the doujins.
None of this shit means anything to parents and children don’t give a fuck. They live in a completely different world where they don’t even know about this shit, normies just see Pokémon and they buy it, and have a good time. Thats the majority of people who buy Pokémon, and that doesn’t make them irresponsible. Just because they aren’t autistic manchildren who stalk every component of GameFreak’s dev cycle, it doesn’t mean they’re irresponsible. Anyone perpetuating this meme must be highly unaware that autists like us are not the controlling majority of purchasers.
>no one will ever mod in the generations of missing pokemon to this game
It hurts.
But why should I have to settle for that stupid shit? I hate Gigantamaxing, I would much rather have back standard Mega Evolution. I should be allowed to choose which of these options I want to use, who have Gamefreak the right to decide for me?
>most likely gender lock you so you can't maximize dress up fun
Sure the guys might get like only 2 good options, but this is just taking the piss.
Yea Forums talks tough but this "boycott" will end exactly as the MW2 one did.
It should be developed at Nintendo.
Explain how
If Pokemon was actually developed by FP-Nintendo, it wouldn't have all the problems it currently has. Game Freak is just a hilariously incompetent company.
>keep posting pictures of main girl in her default outfit when lots of other dresses look better
Is there are least fanart of all the fucking fedora boys from XY?
It's like you don't understand that removing gameplay mechanics that have been with the series for almost half a decade now is a bad thing. Gigantamaxing is a much more limited version of Mega Evolution that only works for the shittiest of Pokemon that have not a single reason to change forms like that
>None of this shit means anything to parents and children don’t give a fuck.
LOL! Kids don't play pokémon games
Least I got a million romhacks to play if I'm so desperate for a pokemon fix then.
Besides, millions will buy this game even if everyone who said they wouldn't buy on this board stuck true to themselves.
2019... I am forgotten...
You have no idea which Pokemon will have gigantamax forms lmao. They've only announced 1 gigantamax form.
>implying the U.K is ever that warm
i'm not buying this garbage because they removed the megas and now Charizard is garbage again.
This is the first time I would rather replay old Pokemon games than playing the new one.
If a God exists then the refined versions will be better than this, so I guess I'll wait until 2020 for those.
only reason i'm replying, consider your shitty bait lucky
They've announced 3 you dumb fuck. And 2 of those are for Pokemon that would benefit more from a straight Evolution rather than a shitty gimmick
Mega forms both visually and mechanically last the entire match. Worse than Gigantimax objectively in all aspects.
Z Moves play an entire cutscene and can be used whenever. Visually better, and mechanically better since it's not tied to Megas. Worse than Gigantimax.
She must be Welsh if she likes sheep so much
I second
>Worse than Gigantimax
Meant the opposite, but whatever point still stands.
i like feet
>Culled alot of the worthless shit from the national dex no one cared about
Oh shit, I didn't know you were the maximum authority of who's allowed to like which Pokemon. See, here's the thing, every single Pokemon statistically is SOMEBODY'S favorite. You can't just say "oh durr hurr no one cares about this shitmon" because that's factually wrong. By removing even a single one of the 800+ shitters we have you're saying that the one or ten people who have a favorite that isn't gonna be in SwSh is wrong shouldn't be allowed to like that Pokemon. Pokemon was always about collecting creatures and finding your favorite.
I moved to showdown. Get fucked, this game is such a shit show
i demand his immediate torture and homicide for daring to even think of dunsparce as garbage
Fuck Dunsparce
Dunsparce is objectively shit though, it's a useless Pokemon. I won't judge you for liking it, but it's not important at all
Fuck you dunsparce is my favourite mon
Gamefreak don't give a shit about you. Their core demographic is 6-12-year-olds who have no taste, will forget how bad the last game is when they whine that all their friends have the new game, and will be replaced with new 6-12-year-olds in a year or two anyways, so it doesn't matter how good or bad they make the game.
That's why Masuda mentions kids on smartphones so much. All GF cares about is being the thing that children mindlessly spend money on. If they can't get that, it's pointless.
Wasnt aware of 2 of them but the turtle and crow were clearly final evolutions, why would you think those Pokemon would evolve?
TemTem, a mmo creature collection game that's coming out within a year.
How did they even leak to begin with?
The Crow obviously doesn't, that's a final Evolution if anything. But the tortoise and the cake thing absolutely do not look like finalized ideas, they could definitely evolve.
They literally said this one would be aimed at older fans, what we didn't realize was that they just meant more Kanto shilling.
Fuck you too. I hope you die. And gamefreak agrees.
Random post on /vp/ one day
They brought on chinks to help with the Chinese translation and they leaked everything.
i really dont understand what this image is trying to convey
people really don't understand that veterans treat new pokemon games as expansion packs and don't want to lose all their progress/event exclusive pokemon/shinies/fucking perfect iv trained pokemon with the right egg moves. It's different than a retarded casual playing just for the main game you can finish in some days.
The cake could have evolved, maybe but the turtle was too large and intimidating. Compare it to wartortle for example. If he has an evolution it would have to be gigantic to not just look like the same thing.
except im not you retarded cuck
>Their core demographic is 6-12-year-olds who have no taste
>Camping out with your bros
This is the only cool thing they've shown so far, I'll admit it.
It's just Pokeberry mixing in a different form.
How is this a point, every Pokemon game is an adventure?
>Dress up
Again, nothing new for the series
>Cute Girls
The only thing GF knows how to do right. Good thing I can just fap to them without paying a dime for the game
>HD Graphics
Barely qualifies as HD but sure.
>Culled a lot of worthless shit from the national dex
For the 1000th time, the problem is that they said they would make up for this by putting the effort into other things like animations but they are clearly lying to us
>irresponsible fan label
did Stan Kelly make that image?
You can't say the dressup is nothing new, it's been greatly expanded on.
Agreed. Finally another person smart like me. You Are Awesome OP.
No Megas and no Z Moves are legimately good changes.
I get the hate for Z Moves but I never understood why people hated Megas. They were a great concept. The only problem was GF playing favorites with it.
Nationaldex makes me sad
I wanted to bring my old friends to switch...
Rip my Lilligant and Maractus
Otherway around aside from the stupid poses/animations
They played favorites with megas too much that it honestly ruined balance. Most people would use Mega Rayqauza online instead of something that's salvaged by it
all megas are over designed pieces of shit that ruin the original pokes aesthetic. seriously name ONE (1) mega that actually looks better than the original
So, Nintendo really did hire "The Man".
Megas look ugly as fuck.
Hahaha, play the 70's rock song!
Please tell me this is a doujin where she gets farfetch'd?
Please tell me how I can find said work of fiction?
Charizard, Beedrill, Pinsir, Alakazam, etc...
Scizor and Heracross would be for me, but I'm clearly biased.
If we're talking objectively though, I would have to say Mega Charizard Y is the PERFECT example of a perfect Mega Evolution, its design is different but also respects the original enough to where it seems like a legitimate evolution.
Saying all Mega Evolutions are bad is beyond ignorant, there are clearly way more hits than misses with it; the like of Blastoise, Venusaur, Sceptile, Pidgeot, Beedril, Altaria, Audino, etc...
It's clear you just hate Mega Evolution just because.
It’s just a joke image.
based and demopilled
Mega Gardevoir is unironically a straight improvement.
>thinking a dumb poofy "dress" looks better than a form-fitting one
Dumb and possibly gay
Mega Audino’s design is 10x better than regular Audino faggot
How many times have you posted this bait?
>compromises staff size of a developer of already questionable competence
Nothin personnell, Pokemon fans
It's easier naming the Mega Evolutions than ruin the previous designs than naming all the good ones.
Charizard X, Pinsir, Mewtwo X and Y, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Mawile, Manectric, Abomasnow, Slowbro, Swampert, Sharpedo, Salamanc, Metagross, Glalie and Diancie.
Why do people assume that every person cares about the dex, or that they care about "catching them all"
Not even in past games I gave a shit or ever migrated from older games.
Pokemon has incentivized and rewarded completing the National and Regional Pokedex all the way up to Sun and Moon
Then you’re a faggot secondary and need to get out
And it looks like absolute phone game garbage as well.
probably because that’s the only part of the series redeeming it
the gameplay certainly isn’t anything to write home about
The thing that EVERY single Pokemon game always beats you over the head with is Pokedex Completion, to the point of adding actual percentages to the Dex that are easily available. Catching them All, regardless of being used as meme tagline for the American promotions, has been a thing in the series since Red and Blue. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore, Gamefreak clearly stopped giving a fuck.
that thing looks like a Digimon
You're ignoring his point in that while the lack of a National Dex is an issue, it's not going to be a thing that is going to make a meaningful dent in sales since most people don't give a shit and will just buy the thing, catch some new pokemon, beat the gyms, the elite four, the champion, take the crown, maybe poke around in endgame for a bit then move on with their lives.
People that actual move their pokemon from version to version and try to literally catch and complete the pokedex exist, but not in a number that GameFreak/TPC decided wasn't worth alienating.
if games had online tracking and statistics showing how many people cleared the national dex and caught ALL Pokemon, it'd be an hilariously low number.
You whiners are the literal minority.
Fans don't actually give a shit about going beyond the regional dex. They don't care about autism living dex PC fodder.
The casuals just play through the story and drop it. The hardcore fans beat the story, post-game, grind the battle tower, breed, etc.
Who cares about "muh collection"? The minority of autists.
Good goy.
Pokemon has always been about battles, not filling out the dex.
Does Ash go and "catch em all" in the anime? No, he battles.
What is the game about? Battling trainers, leaders, the champion.
You beat the game by battling, not by filling out the dex.
Because the stupid chucklefucks can't even make good justifications for it outside of "we can't be asked to keep up with adding all of these pokemon", would've been a shit thing to say but more honest than that damage control then.
>games are for beating and nothing else
Peak retard
i had pokes transferred over from RSE to gen V. luckily i wasnt foolish enough to send them to gen vi since i sensed what a clusterfuck XY shaped up to be but i would be pissed. luckily GF let me down easy with the shitty VI and VII gens
Are people actually mad some PU shitters no one ever use are gonna be culled?
I can't battle with the Pokemon I like the most even once I've beat the game and may want to use the online features that I would have to pay for anyway. There's your justification.
People don't want their favorites to get cut
why are they all t-posing
Honestly, LTH seems to be the root cause of Pokemon SS being so phoned in. It'd appear to be Masuda is sick of being "the Pokemon guy" so he made a new project but probably was required by Nintendo to push out a Pokemon game before being allowed to work on it, so he reluctantly shat S/S out as half-assed as he could.
>Are people actually mad some PU shitters no one ever use are gonna be culled?
But we're getting a shit ton of gen 1 and 5 pokemon
>Don’t ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products.
Don’t worry, the shitters are already in the game
the anime is literally nothing like the video game and you are a faggot anime bitch if you think the anime should command any form of respect
>games are for catching and nothing else matters!
Because I don’t want to risk the chance of my favorites not being accessible you absolute faggot. Stop justifying sheer laziness.
the first season of the anime was more interesting than any of the games
>battle masion
holy fuck i remember that
as soon as i got there i grinded to level 100 and had infinite money so i just steamrolled everything else in the game
>no argument
Keep bitching like the minority you are.
Took me forever to realize the bottom one wasn't legit
Definitely a good goy.
>Minority bad majority good
>um excuse me shitlord, how dare you not have restrooms for genderqueers like me? Who cares if I'm the only genderqueer around???
>you don't beat the game by printing out your pokedex completion diploma
Terrible game design
MADE for mating press
>if you like completing the pokedex you're a cockchopping faggot
Sounds like projection to me, is there something you want to talk about?
Game is still going to sell amazing, this issue will be forgotten, and your pointless bitching will remain pointless
Don't like it, don't buy it and fuck off.
>this disaster will still sell well
Pokemon will never be good and it hurts.
keep seething, you're the only one getting mad about this.
What’s funny is that this is the exact argument Ohmori used to justify not including the Battle Frontier in ORAS. I wonder how long it’ll take before postgame facilities are completely nuked as well.
And you're the only one defending it
any mature adult would have simply shrugged it off and moved on with his life.
Instead, you're a spineless faggot too attached to this franchise that you keep sobbing and frothing over this issue. But you're too much of a whipped fuck to drop this franchise.
Pretty sad.
Eh it's kind of reaching. Gladion was just doing his own thing and didn't like you annoying him. If he ever did think he was better than you then he certainly dropped it by the midpoint in the story when he's helping you. We don't even know what Bede's personality is yet, but judging on the pic he just comes off as a smug shit, not edgy. And to be frank, Gladion wasn;t edgy either, he was just a chuuni in a bad mood, as you would be if were living in a motel without locked doors. And no, black and red clothing does not make a character edgy.
There's a lot of reasons to hate Sword and Shield but this is just nitpicking.
Does he not realise that the 3DS came out when smartphones were already popular?
This. I put up with Game Freak getting lazier and lazier with every game, because I liked an easygoing RPG where I gradually collected every Pokemon over the course of several years. Taking that away means I have no reason to play the game. And there honestly hasn't been a single thing they've shown since Wooloo that I thought looked any good. All the new Pokemon we've seen since then are trash (and I really liked a lot of the Gen 7 Pokemon, so this isn't Genwun bullshit talking), and the tiny amount of new gameplay features don't interest me at all.
a mature adult wouldn't be purchasing/playing/discussing poke'mon in the first place dipshit.
Any mature adult isn’t playing this franchise to begin with, desu
A mature adult wouldn't go out of his way to defend it either.
>any mature adult would have simply shrugged it off and moved on with his life.
this has to be a fallacy of some sort
This game looks so bad. The characters look dumb and the main concept doesn't look that great. Besides Drill Dozer, these guys can't make anything outside of Pokemon.
Sun and Moon WERE the last pkmn games, Ultras and Lets go are (somehow even more) blatant cash-grab.
>gmod looks better
And now they can't even do Pokémon
I probably won't buy this one, actually.
>Camping out with your bros
Boring one-off gimmick that will get tedious after doing it two times.
Wrong. It's going to be another case of being railroaded throughout the whole game.
Not a new feature.
>Cute girls
>HD graphics
>Culled alot of the worthless shit from the national dex no one cared about
Wrong again.
>Imagine not wanting to play this game because garbage like dunsparce and stantler aren't in it.
The reason I'm not getting this is because it looks boring as shit.
Yea Forums is so desperate for the next tortanic but it never comes.
Holy fuck I remember this, what is this from?
getting Conker flashbacks from this screenshot.
Fuck off, faggot.
I've barely been following this shitshow. Has it been announced whether or not you can cook anything other than curry?
That was Masuda and it already happened. LGPE lacked a Battle Tower.
I am going to post at least 50 threads about this games sales when it releases and I'm sure I wont be the only one. The tears will be delicious.
Shills out in force right now it seems.
It's just called the curry system and there's a whole curry dex so I doubt you can make anything else.
Literally nobody expects it to flop, even the people who aren't buying it due to the dex issue. We already know it's going to sell really well.
holy shit my fucking sides
Popee the Performer. A Japanese show for little kids
I fucking wish it was developed at Nintendo
Only the most delusional of retards expect this game to sell anything less than 15-16m copies.
it genuinely does. this game is a fucking embarassment.
Is this a fetish?
What tears? I'm a massive turbo collector faggot. I'm angrier then anyone else about it but I'm not doubting for a second it will sell amazing. LGPE had more going against it but still sold 10 million.
>The people shilling this game are all 12 year olds who unironically say this. Do you even know what a Digimon looks like?
well personally, I don't think it's going to curb my enjoyment of the game significantly. I just want a fresh pokemon experience and I've never been a hardcore battler/collector.
However, this could mean that in future we may get a complete dex with the inevitable spinoff titles. I think people may be overreacting, but it's only the hardcore fans so they're the typical case of a vocal minority being understandably outspoken.
It probably doesn't matter as much as people seem to think. We all want more effort and polish put into these titles, but we're never going to get it no matter how much we winge.
>Using Smogon terminology as if it's in any way representative of the actual game
I've never seen a more complete lack of respect for a series than what Smogon does for Pokémon.
I guess Kyubey also looks like a Digimon...
>future proof Pokémon models so less time can be spent on them
>remake models anyway
Literally what was the point?
that thing looks like a Pokemon
>Pokemon is a yearly released game just like COD is.
This is not a good thing for the quality of the product. Lucky for GF idiots will continue to lap it up, but I wonder if their half-heartedness will bite them in the future.
Why? And how?
cooking quintessentially British curry instead of making a spot of tea and biscuits really captures the essence of Britain
fuck off willis
A Digimon can look like literally anything because they are from a different universe, They don't need to follow "design consistency", they just draw whatever they want, and that's a good thing
I want to be Gloria's human slave-pet!
Reminder to get it pre-owned/used if you're really going to get it
Show the vore episode
Is that supposed to be Jim Sterling?
Is this Kakegurui?
Monolith soft are bar none have the best optimizers in the industry. The fact that Xenoblade chronicle seven exists in the game is just absurd.
I refuse to believe this. Most of the people who play GO in my area are male.
>not pirating it
they don't deserve the sale and we both know it
Holy shit that has to be the most gender equal console sales of all time.
I would genuinely be fine with the dex cut IF, and it's a big fucking if, the rest of the game was solid as fuck. Because honestly I dont think theres a single mainline pokemon game that feels completely solid. Namely with the trainer AI and team building/movesets, or the lack of fun dungeons, or the completely barren postgame etc
If sword and shield has good trainer balance, well thought out challenges, fun dungeons and a massive at bare minimum Emerald tier post game then I'll be fine. But what are the chances of that?
You're right, PlayHome is better.
imagine basing your entire identity around defending a corporate product holy shit what a pathetic literal faggot
quality over quantity
You never watched that episode?
Looks better
Is this a /vp/ meme or something? lol
I didn't like what they did to balance and team building. Youd almost never build a team -without- a mega, so if you didn't like them you were fucked. Just stifled variety IMO
It would be fine if every line had a mega, but I'd prefer them to just be toned down evolutions for mons that have been power crept out of the game. Pokemon is getting up there with YGO in terms of power creep
income is probably based on money spend on the game
and gender on the character gender, and most pick the female
Agree with this, megas were bad especially in the battle tower of Sun/Moon I remember having two Pokemon that worked well together+Mega Salamence because I'm basically forced to have a mega.
she gets what she wants
>a Chinese bootleg has more soul then the actual product
more like meguca
I'll never be able to take the player character seriously in porn when I know the moment she opens her mouth she'll sound like this youtube.com
Wait, this shit is gonna require the paid online?
>paying$60 for a game with less content than Pokémon platinum which releases on the ds 10 years ago and only cost $40
yeah fuck off, haven’t bought a pokeshit game since XY and that trend will continue
...I thought it was French for a second...
It's steam you dipshit
>and then have them both get raped and knocked up by wild pokemon
Shit taste, don't post again.
is Gloria getting her own anime since Ash finally won the pokemon league?
>Literally skipped the most polished Gen
That's what I call terrible timing.
that means some user somewhere posted a smug link instead of a waifu
>2 games
They THOUGHT they future proofed only to find out they fucked up.
These are the people who have over 20 Lillie models in each area in SM because they couldn't optimize a model loading into an enviroment well.
is that mince and totties?
How is this rumor still a fucking thing? They copy paste the model out of bounds to make it easier to load in for cutscenes, it's common in tons of games to do it that way.
>cute girls
>real life
I'm not old enough.
Most in my area are female. It's kinda weird nostalgia vs hobby thing with the genders
I believe you can fight the giants without it, but yes you do need online for anything actually fun
>shitty version of skyrim
They couldn't even model a comfy campground and instead just have you set up a tent on a perfectly flat plane while your Pokemon watch
How can Game Freak be this incompetent
Thanks for saving me $60.
Asserting dominance
Now that masters came out, waifufagging isn't a excuse to buy this shit anymore
>still not waifumon reveal.
Why are they avoiding the most important feature?
To think this is an adult website...
You didn't even add OP to your post, dummy
It was a pretty lowkey inclusion
God you fucking zero-power-level retards are an embarrassment. Get the fuck off Yea Forums and return to your local subreddit.
please post the soldier version too
Is it bad that it turns me on thinking this is her ice cream flavored vomit?
I want to fuck this scottish girl so bad. Shes literally perfect.
You be you man. People do eat guano so it's not that weird
disgusting gross feet fetishists
>tfw gmod looks fucking better
t. masuda
she should be thankful he's only using the stick. ducks have massive corkscrew cocks
It's just a boring, ugly as fuck, plain as hell ground texture with some models on top of it, jesus
next time, im bringing two axes, just you wait.
jesus christ
I only play Pokemon on Showdown anymore these days. Sword and Shield, as a game, looks abysmal so far, but I like most new Pokemon designs.
unironically pic related
I'll probably just play a romhack of Platinum instead. D/P/PT are by far my least played games so it should feel fresh enough.
This is one of the ugliest games I've seen both the art and graphics are horrible, holy shit.
That wall must have been really cheap for a basedboy to punch a hole in it.
I wouldn't feel safe living in his house
New starters and various versions of Britbong personalities
I'm assuming the monkey is supposed to be Cockney
Nationaldex is a meme from twitter, most fans of the game aren't upset about the culling but the laziness of GF and finally making a mainline console game end up looking shitier than their 3rd party game on the wii from over a decade ago. It shows a complete lack of fucks and the sheep defenders just look like idiots for eating this shit up.
More like fossil nigger studios
Cringe award of the year here
welcome to us smashfags' world, dealing with cutfags is literally the worst because they're so inept, obsessed and impossible to convince and actively want less content.
People have forgot what Pokemon is really all about
Oh we know EXACTLY what pokemon is about
The obvious answer is sheep. The series has them by the balls so hard that there's virtually nothing they cant do to turn them away from it.
One of the funniest things about the culling is that it sets a precedent that the future games will essentially have their own rosterfags. Nlw it's just a matter of pokemon dexrosterfags will bevworse than smashrosterfags...I'm kidding, we all know who it'll be
Its sheetrock, so basically cardboard
Is that a samurai jack reference?
dont ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product.
>gender locked clothes
why cant pokemon learn from animal crossing
This. Everything else Nintendo has put out on the switch has been pretty impressive but here is Gamefreak shitting out an upscaled 3ds game with a slightly better lighting engine. People aren't angry over the dex cut they're mad because they expected something on par with Breath of the Wild or Xenoblade and Gamefreak isn't delivering.
>guys can't wear makeup
What's the point of having them, then?
>neutered the only reason to play Pokemon over any other JRPG, the monster collecting
No. Party rest, cooking, adventure, dress up, and cute girls are not even remotely unique to this, and don't even look well done. HD graphics is a flat out lie so idk what you meant by that, although I honestly couldn't care less about the graphics in a fucking Pokemon game.
Also my favorite is Shedinja and I haven't seen him show up yet.
>stop liking thing I don't like
Well yeah, I am. By them buying it, they are fucking me over by supporting this bullshit. I won't bug anyone irl who is hyped for it because I have some social graces but online those go out the window. I can complain as much as I damn please.
couldn't they have at least made the pokemon accurate in height now that we're in the console era again, literally pokemon battle revolution did this on the wii with all pokemon up to DP wonderfully. what's stopping them now?
This was going to be the system seller for me
Good thing 99.5% of all Pokemon lewd comes from non-game sources.
The switch's first party games are giving their A-game with oddessey, botw, even fire emblem is doing better than usual but pokemon, literally the biggest IP in the world shitting out an upscaled 3ds game and trying to pass it off as a next gen console game?
Honestly, I'm glad it turned out this way, i used to be a fan that pretty much made it an obligation to play each gen once but this a great wake up call. I give so little shit that I'm not even gonna move on to showdown or some pokeclone substitute. I'm just done, I'm free from my nostalgia holding me at gunpoint to play these shit games.
Post more plague
The problem is that they didn't cull "worthless shit", they cut out fan-favorites like Salamence and kept shit like Pelipper.
That shit legit looks worse than Colosseum or Gale of Darkness, a game that's over 10 years old.
Not even an upscaled 3DS game, an upscaled Sun&Moon would have all 800+ pokemon that existed up until then programed in and available for transfer, Sword and Shield effectively has less content for $60 than the 3 year old $40 game.
>Imagine not wanting to play this game because garbage like dunsparce
Dunsparce is unironically my favourite pokemon though
smogon probably has more respect for the game than masuda does desu
youre welcome
Its because it would look way worse zoomed in so they spread it all out so you can't see things in detail
And in two generations youll have pikachu only with pokemon red graphics and a several thousand length currydex
The natdex autism has been anger over Gamefreak’s laziness but for some reason people just say hurrdurr muh shitmon is all you want because it’s easier to try and argue against
It's an RLM quote dipshit
Does Masuda just have a fetish for toilet bird or is it simply because of how widespread the little sky rats are in real life?
People on this site use it unironically.
probably said that so spergs didnt call him out
Yep, less content, less effort, and a shit new gimmick of giant pokemon.
look at gameplay of battle revolution for tge original wii. Another game that's older than a decade from two console generations ago that makes the modern game look even shittier than it already is.
Woah, woah, there. We've gotta save something for the next game, now.
I like toilet bird
I would enjoy that a lot
I don't think it has a bad design user I just get tired of it and wingull being route filler in so many games, and always with a very high encounter %.
>slightly visible ribcage
jesus user now i have to fap for the third time this hour
hilda doujins can't come fast enough she is so fucking good, maybe even better than mallow and chicken
my penis is large now because of this omggoghmgogm
What questions should I be asking?
My fellow patrician of sticc girls. Fuck fat cows.
i can appreciate a meaty girl just as much as a sticc, such as pic related, it is the shape that matters
>football hooligan
Ask why
Why this is mechanic, feature, or system good? Why is it bad? If bad, was there a way to improve it? Was there some reason why it is the way it is?
If something negative happened, was there a trade off? Is it beneficial to you, the player? Was the trade off worth it?
If something positive happened, was it at the cost of something else? Was that worth it?
Did a piece of side content benefit the game? Could the development time have been used better somewhere else?
If the game is in a series, does the game play to the series's strengths? Why or why not?
Or any other number of such questions that you might think about when considering a game's quality.
And then when people do this analysis, determine they will still get their money's worth out of the game, and buy it you will call them mindless sheep anyway.
What if I do all of that and then still want to purchase the item?
Unbelievably faggoty.
Cutting the trannybait characters and having national dex would make this game alright.
Series always used to have transferring 'mons as a staple and when you take that out it just isn't the same.
I'm not buying it because I can't catch em all. Period.
I am pirating it though. If you're gonna put little effort into a game or a bunch of Liberal tranny shit, then expect it to be pirated. And there's NOTHING moralfags can do about it.
Think I'll go pirate Celeste. Been meaning to play it for a while.
>I'm not buying it because I can't catch em all.
So you've never purchased a pokemon game?
>Dumb babby thinks you can't catch them all.
2000 or 2001, when were you born?
in before fbi investigation on these guys
I hate it when stupid people reply to my posts.
Reply with "ditto" or "same" and I'll fuck your mother.
Calling people "sheep" is retarded so I refrain from that at least.
In relation to SS, my first guess would be you simply don't care much about the quality of the series.
Why did they cut the dex? For better balance, animations, and models. Is the balance better? Remains to be seen. Are the animations better? No. Are the models better? No, though they touched up the textures.
Could there be some other reason? Memory problems would be my first thought. Why would that be a problem now if the baby boy 3DS could handle everything? Gamefreak has had a history with bad coding, so that would be the most likely answer to that train of thought. Is it because they didn't have the dev time to put them all into this game? Possibly, but they also said they would continue with this trend in future games. Why would they continue this into future games if that were the cause? Memory problems again? Perhaps the problem of too many pokemon is simply because they have to quality check every pokemon for every game. That would be a fair answer, though arrives at the question of if they make so much money from pokemon, why not hire more people to do that?
The whole thing is a mystery to me and I can't see any way to twist it into a positive thing. All it does is make me view Gamefreak as lazy and basically liars who don't particularly care about the product.
Then you weren't thinking, you were just being a smartass.
Try stop being a smart alec and try thinking.
inclusivity. you should have the option to be able to catch them all like every other game or have whatever pokemon you want, people who think otherwise are simply gatekeeping shills
>Are the animations better
Yes from what I've seen, dynamax attacks look nice
>Are the models better
Yeah, most of the Pokemon look better. Nobody but autists is throwing a fit that "aktually those are textures".
>Could there be some other reason
There is probably extensive balancing that goes into the games. I'm not talking about the smogon meta, I'm talking about "ok we added a single ice move which of the 1000 Pokemon get this and why and how?". Then you need to make movesets for all the Pokemon for the Battle Tower ai opponents, etc. If it was just a matter of them not having enough time to make the models then why would they continue with this philosophy going forward? Because it's not just the models.
You do know that certain pokemon are literally unobtainable in certain games. Right?
The only way to have them would be to either transfering them from previous games, events or trading them online
Yes, but you can at least HAVE THEM. The data for them exists. It is feasibly possible, whether through luck or hacks, to obtain any given Pokémon which existed at the time of the game's creation. You know which games you CAN'T say that about?