Feel like replaying a game

>feel like replaying a game
>remember THAT part exists
What's her name?

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Oblivion gates.

The eden-6 portion of BL3 is so fucking bad that it's barring me from making new chars. Holy shit fuck that zone

I've been wanting to replay TTYD forever now, but never make it past the 3rd chapter. 1st chapter is bland, but good. 2nd chapter is so bad that it kills all my drive and momentum, and I never get all the way through the 3rd as a result. Not sure how the rest of the game holds up as a result.

All the yakuza games have some pointless shit in them


Banjo Kazooie - Rusty Bucket Bay
Mother 3 - Attic Dungeon
Doom 2016 - Argent Towers

At least its no sawtooth cauldron.

>posts alphys
>forgets mettaton is part of that segment too and singlehandedly saves it

Why people hate Alphys so much?

it redeems it a little, but it's still annoying as hell and the section is considerably duller than Snowdin and Waterfall

The boat/salt mine segments in RE7 suck. I usually quit playing after I kill Jack the 3rd time.

She's made to be annoying by calling you constantly and just by being a stereotypical internet weeb.
It's not that hard to get why people would dislike her.

You mean Hotland in general right?

Yeah that area blows and Alphys is the worst character in the game but it's not that long so it doesn't overstay it's welcome

VTMB - sewers
Terraria - Hardmode
Borderlands - the entire fucking game
Any RPG ever - early game

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its clankers cavern for me

I love Hotland myself, but Alphys doesn't make a good first impression, so even when you do find out that there's more to her than just being a typical nerd character, it's hard to shake that bad taste you got from the constant texting, plus you don't get the most crucial parts of her personality until the very last level.

Sonja levels in AW2. Her stages are dreadful with even Colin or an equally powerful CO, so using the most garbage CO in the game to do it really hurts

She got away with a lot of shit and overall a terrible person but the game plays it like you should like her.

I hold the personal belief that Skyrim and Oblivion are better games if you avoid the main quest entirely

Mettaton is the Monsoon of Undertale. Prove me wrong.

And you’re right. Mods make them even better than that

>Ocarina of Time
>Not the water temple
>The fish vore dungeon
It's just so painfully fucking tedious.

When even the creator says “yeah I fucked it up” you know it’s awful

Her entire segment of the game, Mettaton straight-up tells you she cultivates your journey through Hotlands/Core to befriend you and play the hero. She pulls shit like that constantly since she's a short-sighted neet.

>kid icarus uprising
>Hades' heart

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hotel in vtmb
i'm a pussy


What? Really? Where can I read up on this?

Also since we're on it, is it better in Master Quest?

>Any RPG ever - early game
except in Gothic 1 and 2 where it's the best part

This game has so many frustrating, pointless mini-shit in it.

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Probably the character with the most flaws, and least amount of redeeming qualities.

My Bloodborne replays stop at the Nightmare of Mensis.
>git gud
It's not that I can't get through. It's that it's anti-fun.
Which is a shame because Mergo's Wet Nurse is my favorite base game boss.

>Lost my nearly platinumed FFXV save after my first PS4 got corrupted
>Sometimes want to play it again
>Remembers Pitioss and Costlemark
>Remembers Menace Dungeons
>Remember the Legendary weapon quests
>Remembers farming for certain shit

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"but she is le relatable because she eats le instant ramen and watches le anime xD oh and she is le GAY OWO"
Her popularity summed up.

I believe you have made a mistake. You did not say "the entire combat and levelling system".

Which part of that level gives you the most trouble?

Ttyd is an entire game full of THAT part

Grinding can turn anyone off from a replay.

Nothing in particular; it's just not fun.

ya I really don't like the swimming parts of klankers either

also Tooie doesn't get good until you get to witchyworld so I have a hard time replaying it

>the Annoying Dog ranked higher than her on the 2015 poll

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i think people's brains secretly cut out all the backtracking from memory

I thought it was better in master quest, but I haven't played either in over 10 years

Fuck chapter 7

Mettaton is even more annoying than Alphys

VTMB sewers in general were pretty bad, but Hollywood sewers, fuck that noise

That's because the Annoying Dog is a Chad.

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It's my GOAT and even I agree. Boggly Woods and it's awful soundtrack can fuck all the way off. The fighting tournament is the highlight of the whole game though.

Rain World
I am just unable to complete the Hunter path, it always filters me no matter how hard I try.

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Until a second playthrough where Chapter 3 and 4 crumble after losing the twists.

What part in particular? The sky islands jumps?

There's a mod that removes the Hunter's limited cycles. The upgraded beasties will still fuck you over, but you can at least die without completely fucking yourself over.

Well, i don't really remember FFXV having a lot of grinding for items and drops, but even the few things you grind for drag for a fuckton of time. Levels and skill unlock points were the true grind back in the launch days but now that strats and workarounds have been found it's really easy to get rather strong, still, rather strong is not enough the menace dungeons with bullshit enemies. And then there's pitioss which is a purely parkour puzzle dungeon that genuinely made me question my sanity.

Twilight Princess
>All that bullshit between the dungeons

Demon's Souls
>Valley of Defilement

Astral Chain
>File 08

Final Fantasy 9
>That entire beginning section

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Fallout 4

First 5-10 hours of the game

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>replay game
>do Genocide
>Alphys is never encountered
Fucking nice

>that teleporter section in half life
>RC missions in the gta games
>postal 2: apocalypse weekend

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>Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Monstro, Gummi Ship sections
>Atlantica, Pride Rock, Space Paranoids, DANCE WATER DANCE
Other games in the series aren't worth replaying

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>40 remaining

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Rayman Great Escape and anything with walking shells

Battle for Bikini Bottom
>Ball Machine Room in Mermalair

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No part in particular, there are just fuckton of hazards, but yes, Sky Islands is just one of them, specially THAT jump at the right of the map.
That just removes the challenge. I still try to beat it every now and then but holy shit, is hard.

Persona 5
>okumura palace
>3 hour tutorial

>grind at the bridge before Mettaton
>3 enemies per fight

it was fun fuck you.

Yeah, as many fond memories as I have of Oblivion, I don't have a lot of motivation to start over from scratch.

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that's what I did too, but I'm still baffled that Toby made it 40. The whole genocide business would be more fun with enemies visible on the overworld.

I agree with all of those except the four
A slow build is fine as long as it does not take 20 fucking hours

I do it because I enjoy just barely enough for that hassle, but it is a fucking hassle

Rush to FP via Wall for more cycles and then go to Shoreline via Leg

>>feel like replaying a game
>>remember THAT part exists
>What's her name?

Arsenal Gear - MGS2
>>Remembers Pitioss
>>Remembers Menace Dungeons
>>Remember the Legendary weapon quests
thank fuck they are not needed for the XV Plat.

it's supposed to be tedious and unfun on purpose

Persona 5
Space Station Puzzle

doesn't make me stop hating it, shame because there are two great boss battles and cool writing in it - and Toby had to mar it to make some stupid statement

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that entire fucking palace was awful

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I fucking hated that place.
I beat the palace and the boss there but my anger made me drop the game.

>creates false scenarios where she saves you from danger just to feel important
>reanimates dead monsters, keeps them locked up for years, and keeps quiet to their families about it
>cant fucking kill her in genocide

Even the events leading up to the palace were unbearable, Morganna was just so fucking retarded

Her only shining moment is if you kill each major boss without going genocide, where she openly says she wants you dead by her hand. Other than that she's just an outright selfish person that never really owns up to her flaws to any meaningful degree

yeah, I had more problems in Jabu Jabu desu.

>one of the only people that still openly likes Prime 3
>remember the Valhalla's dumb power cell gimmick
>just play Prime 1 again
The power cells were easier to get a pin on than the artifacts but god it somehow feels more tedious, likely because the Valhalla does have optional rooms locked behind them

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>*dripping noises*

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you mean mining in early hardmode to get the ore gear?
Just go fish for an hour

This part in Resident Evil 4 just kills me every time. I like the rest of the castle after it and can home stretch the island. But this part I just fucking hate.

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No I mean all of the bosses in hardmode besides plantera and duke fishron blow ass, fellow fishing chad

Pretty sure being the royal scientist means she's in employment.

yeah mechanical worm/eyes are a fucking bore/chore respectively. Skeletron is cool though.

what? what's wrong with it?

the only part the castle i despise is that fucking tile sliding puzzle
i can never get my head around those

that's why you play the next entry in the series instead of replaying one of them. They are all the same game

You're all retarded. Her names is Alphys. It says it right in the filename. Why is everyone stupid except me?

Im not sure why people bitch about the sewer segment in VTMB. I didnt even realize it was "that part" until i was almost done with it. Its really blown out of proportion.

guaranteed replies and guaranteed autism.

I just hate the slog of going through those sections, chasing ganados in cramped rooms and all the dumb bullshit. It's by far the most tedious part of the game to me.

FF7, Aelith.

Virtue's Last Reward
Tenmyouji pulls out the photo of himself with Akane

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I replayed the game recently and forgot how dumb some of the castle levels are. The island is so much better

Hl2.... basically any scripted cutscenes.

Opening is a mess until you get the pistol.
Boat sections actually start to suck.
Ravenholme was perfection, novaprospect too.

The castle is just a chore. It's like Devil May Cry, without the fun and without that same haunted atmosphere.

Halo Series - Flood Levels
Turn what could have been a decent series about fighting aliens into a fucking zombie game...

Course the prometheans make me fucking miss those tentacle covered pussbags...

The entire intro of Star Ocean 2, holy fuck. You just want to get to the combat and the item creation but it's two solid hours of exposition with this song playing on a loop


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It just tires me to go and replay this boring map again and again to get all medals. Fuck those bees

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I think how rough it is depends on what style of character you're playing. It's the low point of the game either way, but it's not too bad if you have some points invested in melee and the like.

But if you're a full-on charisma based Ventrue that can't even restock on blood by eating rats than you're going to have a bad time.

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>forced blitzball

fuck off

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The beginning

Star epic 2 had such epic music! So many great memories

Just go genocide until you defeat awakened Undyne. Then quit the game and play the bad time simulator online.

Lambda Core is boring but is not the worst, the alien factory in Xen wins that prize.

man I agree with you on that one
RE7 has the same issue as RE4 where they gradually build up your character's power over the course of the game and the only way to round things off is to make it full blown action, otherwise the enemies can't be balanced for horror and the devs can't always account for how powerful the player has become up to that point

.... hehehehe

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>ocarina of time
>entirety of childhood link

>twilight princess
>forced wolf and tear collecting segments

>skyward sword
>Tadtones and forced stealth part
>also have to do the stupid imprisoned shit THREE times

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Its one match you arent even supposed to win. In fact if you do win you get a really overpowered reward.

Its stops for me because of nightmare spiders. I end up having to summon for someone to kill em or cheese with molotov. Scary bastards

Ahahhahah, you got me! Good one honestly, that was refreshing

>Character does disgusting things and justifies their inaction as "I'm a fat, pathetic piece of shit who deserves no sympathy".
>Forgets all about it and does some more self-agrandizing shit trying to become a hero in a separate narrative by building a fake villain. Again justifies it as "I'm a fat, pathetic piece of shit who deserves no sympathy".
>Fixes everything only after being found out and does it by simply saying "Sorry" and hoping no one is too mad. Game completely skips over any repercussions from either event.

And then actual fat, pathetic pieces of shit give her sympathy, because she's also a lesbian who her crush loves because "anime lmao".
Toby Fox is a genius. He has a the fat, pathetic pieces of shit under his strings. Money is money, fame is fame, and there was an audience just waiting to be exploited for it. And at the end of the day, he did it masterfully while reminding the rest of us of how self-centered and disgusting that kind of people is.

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>do not take blue chairs onto gym floor
>and put them away when done

Name one good thing about Alphys. Literally one.
She isn't even a good friend. The first thing she did to you was spy on you, and then manipulate every interaction you have with them while throwing her lackey under a bus on public television, and inconveniencing several people in hotland, all to try and gain your favor. You. The guy whose entire purpose is to be killed by her king, making her also a traitor.

>it's supposed to be tedious and unfun on purpose

It's supposed to be a lampshade on the "typical powerleveller/grinder" playstyle. Except the developer misunderstands it. A power leveller doesn't mindlessly fight random encounters in every location to the point of tedium like Genocide.

They seek out the best source of EXP and fight only those enemies to minimise the time it takes to reach a high level...which gets them new abilites/spells. It's supposed to be quicker than standard playing. Whereas Genocide is more tedious for no reason.

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Man AW2 really drags out at times.
At least it is a fair game. Fuck whoever designed AW1.

The vehicle sections are low points of the game. Especially since they stop you in the middle of it to do a puzzle so they can basically says 'Do you like the physics engine we made!?'

Don't forget it has Mupphet.
A character that despite having absolutely nothing to do with the area you meet her in, and making no sense being in the middle of a fakeout adventure against metatton, still manages to be one of the best parts of the game as a whole.
Plus there's tons of porn of her.

It's funny once but replaying it and getting to that part becomes a button mash

Say what you want about Hotland, but the theming was top tier. Mettaton throws so many moves at you and you instantly know how to respond to all of them as your knowledge of the sliding block puzzle transitions seamlessly into knowing how to fight a rapacious enemy that uses blocks as weapons.

Jesus fuck that game does have some retarded "I won't explain this now" moments.

The forced cutscene segments with Metaton are unbearable. That shit where he's doing a musical for like 5 minutes makes me never want to play that game ever again.

I like the car sections where you just drive and sometimes see an optional house you can stop at that may or may not have a zombie.
But fuck, you're right about the physics puzzles.

Dragon Age: Origins
The Fade

Now that you mention it, we should have weilded a shield while Undyne was chasing us. The way shielding her attacks while standing ground is represented in the combat graphics is lazy as fuck. We should have been taught to expect it.

Also the circle tower
And the area where you had to find that dwarf

>Everyone is fine
>Suddenly Morgana and Ruji 'have a fight' because they need to apparantly
>Morgana straight up abandons the PT and has to be rescued (against his will)
>Now we're all friends again and Haru is here now
Persona 5 was generally great but what the fuck were they thinking with that writing.

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>starting a new world
is incledibly boring i couldnt finish more then once, if you get a shit nether seed is almost a gameover

>not that fucking 20 minutes rail ride
who's idea was to make that ride so fucking long? im finishing for the second time right now and that shit almost made me quit

>starting a new world
That's the best part nigga. No, the real kicker is having to spend hours strip-mining for diamonds

>start a new world
>middle of the fucking ocean in an island with no trees
>middle of desert/savanna biome with that ugly acacia wood and barf colour grass

>She got away with a lot of shit and overall a terrible person but the game plays it like you should like her.

This describes Undetale's entire cast.

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Fuck this stupid fucking faggot.

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Fair point

The castle is the best part of the game.

With the exception of Asgore, the other characters did literally nothing wrong.
Maybe also Undyne, but it's never clear.

Because she reminds most of Yea Forums of themselves but unlike Yea Forums Alphys is actually kinda cute.

also with minecraft in matter
why mojang make us choose the biome they need to work? they are fucking scumbags
>only make one mob (the worst ever)
>only update one biome (taiga)
>have to choose another one again
why not just make everything? lazy fucks

Nah thats the spider

Earthworm Jim.
It all goes so well until THAT level.

Ocarina of time as whole was tedious for me

Banjo Tooie - Saucer of Peril and Canary Mary in Cloud Cuckoo Land
I beat them every time but it's the opposite of fun.

Huh? Do you newfucks not even know what that means?


I am sure Alphys at least has Education

Metroid Prime
The fucking artifact hunt.

I beat the first Prime and when I realized there was another hunt at the end of Prime 2 I fucking gave up. I started 3 and couldn't let myself continue without beating 2. This was back when 3 was still new. Now here I am with a PC which can emulate all of these fine with an actual Wii Mote and I can no longer bring myself to complete the fucking artifact hunt again at the end of Prime 1. With age I grew less patient for video games.

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NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment, or Training

And Alphys is employed? Dumbasses.

wasn't she like the royal scientist

It depends on the game. Did you ever play FFTA? Stat growths has a chance for an extra point depending on your class, so optimal play would be to reset every time you level up if you don’t get a point in attack/speed. Even though it’s conpletely pointless and unnecessary to beat the game some people did it to satisfy their autism, that’s what the genocide route is mocking.

They hadn't thought of a realistic conflict to write so they wrote a placeholder scene that, in true game dev fashion, was included in the final release.

I thought Genocide was just "kill everything" like in FF13-LR where you can wipe out all monsters and killing the last of their kind (which is stronger) nets you sweet loot

It is, but it’s a criticism of boring min-maxing in games where it’s completely unnecessary. You do that in Undertale by grinding monsters before you advance the plot, but it’s not meant to be a criticism of grinding monsters it’s a criticism of boring minmaxing.

except you really can't min-max in Undertale

Yes you can. The intended process of finding the Genocide route is meant to be the player idly wondering "hmmm how high can my stats go?".

Not them, but it's almost impossible to do genocide unless you know about it beforehand.

Officially, but she had no supervision whatsoever (to the point even Asgore didn't know about the DT monsters, apparently). She seemed to have been in charge of the Core and its maintenance but she also barely ever left home and had few to no visitors

>Commits atrocious crimes against her fellow monsters in the name of science
>Gets scot free and even gets to have a very happy ending
>All the monsters she wronged get nothing in return and return to suffering in her labs

Sasuga, Toby. What a way to prove that you're a fucking creep underneath all that whimsy.

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Right, but it's meant to be found by somebody wondering about it. You're at the end of the game wondering how high your stats can go, so you walk backwards to the core to grind. But the monsters aren't there, so you restart the game and go to core to grind since it's the highest xp. Eventually you run out of monsters in that area, so you restart the game and grind every single area to completion, except "wait why did Toriel die in one hit? Why is the text red?" That's meant to be the non meta-game way to find it.

>>All the monsters she wronged get nothing in return and return to suffering in her labs

I thought the credits dialogue said they went back to their families

She's a homeless Sneedlord in Deltarune at least. Undyne has no idea who she is despite it being a town small enough to be a village

They did. He's a retard. Alphys is still fucked tho.