What is your favorite race in WoW? For me it's Pandaren because they look soft

What is your favorite race in WoW? For me it's Pandaren because they look soft.

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I like playing Night Elf and Blood Elf girls the most.

Orc or troll because they tend to be min/max in relevant versions of the game

I often play as a Blood Elf or a Dwarf

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The remodeled fem worgen are so cute


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the giant russian women

Going to make my Goblin Rogue look like this

The new model is really good for the females.

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i really hope they dont nerf worgens boobs with the update

Belfs are CUTE

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fem pandaren for warriors
human males for death knights
male worgen for warlocks
fem gnome for mage
male maghar for shaman
rest of the classes arent worth playing

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I like fem draenei monks. its the only leather class available to draenei

Agree! I play them the most.

Draenei females for big horse cocks
Nelf females for using as cocksleeves for draenei cocks

they are too sticklike in game. i wish they were thicker like your pic

I want to be a nelf female

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Femgnome because they're cute and smart and sexy and adorable.

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that feel when no pandaren bf

ill be your bf if you have a female character

Undead male, i like their laugh

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god i wish that was me

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>if you have a female character

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Same with night elves

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