Be honest with me Yea Forums how much have you spent on gacha games?
Be honest with me Yea Forums how much have you spent on gacha games?
(2x)^2 + (y/4)^4 = 0
2x = the amount of money I've spent on gacha
$0, I'd be ashamed if I spent a penny on gacha. Or "played" gacha games, for that matter.
Absolutely zero. There is no pressure to spend any money.
About 200$ for my partner
Zero (0) dollars and zero (0) cents.
I did drain $50 out of some gachacuck though. Dude practically made me play /tg/ with him for his money.
I spent $20 in majsoul
it was kinda worth it
Maybe 20 dollars at most. Never got real big into gacha games.
I bought and really enjoyed Xenoblade 2. That's about as far down the gacha hole I'm willing to go.
I spent 90 dollars on Xenoblade 2 and its expansion. That's pretty much the only money I've ever spent on gacha.
Zero. I was a tcg player as a kid, I know what it's like to spend like 20 dollars and get absolutely nothing. Let alone thousands.
Enough for a GSSR in FGO (Around £30?) and an 80 pack which I refunded after getting tilted by Merlin
between 2 games and over the course of 2 years, probably about $1k
ZERO. I'm an idiot with no bankable skills, but I'm smart enough to stay away from money sinks.
Even after googling "gacha game" I'm still not really sure what one is, so I'm going to guess I've never spent money on one.
A lot. But I enjoy gambling, have a large disposable income and have almost zero outgoings.
Like 300 dollars on GBF over the course of 3 years because they sell this thing for 25 bucks every few months that lets you pick a character of your choosing barring some exceptions. Though I stopped spending entirely a few months back and have no desire to continue, powercreep got to be too much to keep up with so I'll just keep playing as a f2poor until my luck gets so bad that I quit out of frustration.
I'm a pretty frugal person otherwise, so I don't feel horrible about it knowing there are a decent number of people that drop literally 900 dollars a month on it. I normally spend maybe 200-300 a year on video games as a whole and GBF just occupied the time I'd normally spend playing real games instead since it's so fucking endlessly grindy.
how does something like this happen?
Probably around $80 on duel links. I feel like an idiot but compulsion is a bitch.
for one more pull, and the next pull would be much more as it was a discount bait thing, and I didn't get what I wanted. It got me thinking how much more would I need to spend to get that item? With those drop rates, might as well be infinite. And there was no other way to get the item. Got me thinking how nice it is that in normal games you can get any items by just playing the game and not relying on a shitty luck based system that might leave you never getting the item even if you spend a significant amount of money on them.
That's when I deleted the game and never touched a gacha game ever again.
I don't get it, where's the reward in outright buying stuff?
Maybe like $500 or less in the course of two years in two different games.
Gacha games are mostly F2P mobile games where you roll for units (usually scantly clad waifu .jpgs) of varying rarity. They're named after gachapon machines which are Totally-Not-Gambling machines in Japan where you put some coins in and get a random ball with a random prize inside. Gambling is heavily regularized in Japan but gachapon isn't considered "real gambling", laws are more lax regarding them, so parlors use them and then allow you to trade in your gacha prizes for other, more valuable items. It's basically proxy-gambling.
like five bucks total
I'm not even big on gacha games, I just had those bucks laying around so I tried it
Probably 600-700 euros on LLSIF over 3 years or so. Then I suddenly lost interest and dropped the game.
These fags will tell you 'y-you don't have to spend money!' 'I'm not addicted! and 'I-I'm wealthy anyway!'
1460$ last year. Zero regrets tho
>Yea Forums shits on lootboxes
>but mindlessly defends gacha
like 1000 euros over 4 years, would have wasted that money on some other games anyway if i didnt play them so what ever
at least i had fun reading the dumb stories and i have always liked grinding games ever since i was a kid
>Yea Forums is a hivemind
I mean, come on now
Like an hour maybe.
Zero. The only gacha-esque game I've ever played is duel links, and I liked it for Yugioh, not for the app. Those fuckers didn't deserve a cent for the awful progression in that game
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
The only gacha I play is stingy as fuck with deals. So when they do decide to drop a $1.99 deal on 50 shards for a character I do spend money. So that must mean in the span of four months I've spent about $6.
Now this is quality video games.
in idolm@ster cinderella girl starlight stage, my favorite character got another outfit so i bought 100 dollars worth of jewels just to start, but then she ran towards me on the first pull and everything was good. i was honestly ready to lose sleep if she didn't come
I stopped playing gacha for years now so I don't know what you're talking about
>mfw janny spending saturday night deleting vidya threads he doesn't like
based strikeforce chad