"yeah.. this is what females look like" - western triple a """"ARTIST"""

"yeah.. this is what females look like" - western triple a """"ARTIST"""

Attached: ds.png (2358x876, 3.48M)

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western devs think it's sexist to have an attractive female in a game

Where's the women?
Also these graphics look Fallout 3 tier

They are all bullshitting you because long hair is harder to animate. Same reason why so many buzzcut MCs in the 00's.
Look at that, the only one that looks moderately okay in this image is the black girl with the purplish hair, and you can tell right away that the hair is a static model.

Attached: EEtW8TyVAAA3eKz.jpg (679x367, 31K)

What the fuck man

Attached: Cr1q21oehk.jpg (265x200, 10K)

>another "let's cherrypick shit to prove my point" thread

Attached: 1566841016112.png (602x636, 448K)

that's a lot of lesbians

I still don't understand why and how Obisidian is considered as an acclaimed developer.

These all look like dudes. How hard is it for them to make one decent looking character model?

is this another episode where op cherrypicks the shitty models or are these unironically how all models turned out?

The fuck does nazism have to do with this?

Kotor 2 and New vegas
Surely not all the females in that game look like that?

Let's tell the truth.

Making a character model is really hard. It is probably the most difficult art related task on any video game, or movie for that matter.

A brick wall can look a little strange and your brain will still accept it. A crazy sci-fi ship exploding in space might not look realistic but your brain will still accept it. Even a lush forest made of 4 different trees repeated over and over will look fine.

But you put a woman's cheek bones a tiny bit too low, and everyone notices. If her eyes are a little too far apart, everyone notices. But it goes further than that of course. Pores don't show up? They look like plastic. Skin too reflective? They look like plastic. Skin doesn't sub surface scatter light? Plastic. Hair doesn't shadow correctly? They look like they have a wig on. Eyes too opaque? They feel like a doll.

So it's not just how the artist created the character, but how the engine renders them. Most character models look a lot better in albedo lighting.

Attached: 1566165815049.jpg (657x467, 18K)

How the fuck do you manage same-face in a goddamn current year + 4 vidya?
These all look like "talking heads" characters and not just random npcs so there's no fucking excuse.

>playing AAA games
Yikes bro, AA games have all the cutes

Attached: 83767684.jpg (1920x1080, 463K)

>they all have the same skull shape and facial fat distribution

Whether you think she looks good or bad, that's still pretty crappy.

These bitches look like shit if shit could shit.

Thing is modders seem to have no problem

Its a well known fact that modders are better at developing games than devs, maybe free assets and base game itself has something to do with it, I dunno

OP criticized wamens
He is now:
>an incel
>a nazi
>a bigot
>a misogynist
>a school shooter

>obsidian's magnum opus' are basically just mods to someone else's hard work
makes you think.

>normiefags can't appreciate qt short-haired tomboys

ignoring the old/black girls on that post, all those girls are 7+/10

Attached: 3190122 - Bea Porkyman Porkyman_Sword_and_Shield.png (800x1127, 317K)

15 fucking years later and developers STILL can't even match Half-Life 2's dialogue animations. Jesus christ.


why do yo crackers use western instead of white?

Those aren’t tomboys, those are dykes.
Learn the difference, it could save your life.

Attached: 24256581-18B8-485D-84A4-56372C2DF43C.png (647x735, 484K)

there is no difference, even in real life
That makes it even more urgent to break one with your cock

Attached: gwen.png (1506x743, 1.36M)

If you don't like how they look maybe you faggots should just make your own games.

Attached: 317043.jpg (225x350, 42K)

meanwhile in japan

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-characters_emma.jpg (1200x676, 53K)

The fuck they are, their foreheads look straight up off putting. Ironically enough the black girl with the natural looks the least offensive because everything is rounded out feature wise.

gooks made a white woman smfh

4th one at the top looks like the maid from brady bunch

>even in real life
You’re acting like straight tomboys aren’t more prevalent in fiction than in real life.

That is what women look like. The average woman is fucking ugly.

Attached: Rise-of-The-Tomb-Raider-Lara-Croft-Jacket.jpg (574x891, 86K)

A: because that also covers the mulato and other talented tenth browns who sometimes work there
B: Even acknowledging whites as a group unless its to attack them is forbidden
Even Trump refused to call his followers white.

Attached: (You).webm (640x360, 603K)

this is Yea Forums its not forbidden here, yet you still do it

They used to be a thing but now if a girl even suggests liking male stuff theh gaslight her into thinking shes a ftm tranny and cutting her tits off.

People have serious mental blocks from years of propaganda and hyper individualist dogma. 4 words that will instantly make people from the west wig out without a single negative:
White people have interests

you also a system called white supremacy so theres that too.


That’s what I was getting at, yeah.

Kinda matches with western "white male"

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vidya for this feel?

How many times do you post this a day

Kill yourself /pol/nigger

second last is a really pretty boy though

>all happas
user, I...

We don't need to make games with average women in them. Video games are escapist fiction. They don't need to be 1:1 with the real world.


>making games

but most women unironically look like boys/young men without make-up, that's why so many women on old photos look very androgynous.

>Most women
Your favorite traps in porn are not women

>t. never seen a woman without make-up

Attached: make.up.s.jpg (400x2098, 221K)

>As technology increases we create uglier woman
Why? You don't need to look like an anime girl to be attractive.

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