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Because there's so much boring shit out there. All these games could be free and I still wouldn't bother playing most of them.
the netflix model where kikes can dictate with a snap of the finger what i suddenly don't have access to?
Makes sense
Ya blew it
Based Epic Games Store for buying all the games for me so I can pirate them.
He’s right though. I just payed $60 for links awakening remake and I beat it in 4 houra
But what are you going to do when all chinese funding runs dry?
i will always pay full price for a game i like. havent played one of those in a while. i keep go8ngvback to older games
China never runs dry.
>Shilling EA's "Games as a Service" model (You don't own what you bought)
>Patricia Hernandez
Why am I not the least bit surprised? What I find hilarious was that EA dropped prices of all their games across the board before rolling out their new streaming service. Everyone bought the discounted games, while ignoring the paid service entirely.
That's $15 per hour of entertainment. Sounds pretty good to me. Seeing a 2 hour movie costs $50 today ($25 ticket + $25 for a coke and popcorn).
anybody who bought link's awakening remake is an idiot
Never pay more than 20 bucks for a game
>don't buy your games and enjoy them for life, grandpa!
>embrace the new model: paying for the things you want forever
>and if we decide to stop hosting it? fuck you and your asshole! tough shit, buy the new premium subscription to get our archive for an additional 29.99 per month
Eat shit.
Yeah I just love pseudocommunism where I don't own any property I'm sure the megacorporations have my best interests in mind.
It's $38 now.
So how are these individual games supposed to make money off subscription models then? If one game is more popular how does that get them more money? Does the host pay them depending on how many are playing?
I have never paid a single cent for a streaming video service and never will.
What makes these idiots think I will pay to "rent" video games in this fashion?
So we have three options, don't we
>Netflix Model where we pay X a month to use games but lose all player freedom in them
>Pay much more than $60 per game
>Pay $60 and have everything locked behind DLC
>spending money on games ever
>Patricia Hernandez
Considering how many games cut content to sell back to us as dlc, this is correct. Standard price should be $20 when accounting for dlc price.
How will you pirate games when everything goes streaming-only in a few years?
t-think of the development price goy!
Movie tickets cost $12 and a Large Popcorn and Soda cost $11, I don't know what crazy place you live in.
>Give them nothing and let the whole industry crash and burn
#2 is the only correct choice. It would take us back to the business model of the 90s, when games were much better overall.
>implying games can ever be as entertaining as a prime American popcorn flick
Doesn't make sense on a western game at least.
He'll just pirate old games, I doubt any good ones will be streaming-only.
>Implying the electric jew is worth spending 50 bucks on
Fun isn't convertible throughout different media.
not gonna happen but even if it does it's not a problem since i am not addicted so i will just stop playing
with how often $60 games go on sale for $30~, I can agree with this
What backwards city do you live in where tickets cost 25 bucks? Also, coke and popcorn is anti-gains and only a massive gaybo would eat them
>everything goes streaming-only
i will stop playing new games because i can't be arsed to play with a lag
>streaming games
New is not inherently worth more. Any new game competes for my time with literally all other games ever made. $60 is insane, I can set an upper limit of $10 and still never run out of things to play.
That's true, video games deliver a lot more dopamine than a movie ever could, so they should cost more per hour.
if anything, game prices should be going down to adjust for inflation. they have been $60 for years and years now.
>$25 ticket
What the fuck
you're right, it doesn't, I just wait for a sale and buy them for dirt cheap with all the content bundled together and all the patch fixes.
>Patricia Hernandez
Why do I find that name familiar in a cancerous way?
Also spending on all games has lost meaning a long time ago. With an over-saturated market filled with absolute shit, the mentality of paying for products has become obsolete and cancer. The mentality of paying as a form of investment has instead replaced it, because spending money on dogshit prolongs its life whereas it should die as soon as possible and good riddance with the money instead going to a quality alternative. Being choosy with money is more important than ever before now in this chaotic oversaturated shitstain of an industry.
I'm not longer paying for products, i'm instead paying for the names in the credits. If they are absent, no money. If they are present and proven people, they get my money.
True, wages haven't gone up since then so paying 60$ for a video game now is just as ridiculous as it was back then
I fucking hate retards that justify their expenses of $/time spent having fun. Fun isn't static. Different activities affect people's Dopamine level and you need to include the quantity of fun as well.
Lads, what is the ideal dollar-per-hour of entertainment? Personally, I'm willing to shell out $6-per-hour for the big blockbuster hits like DOOM, otherwise I want to get at least 50+ hours of enjoyment from the game.
>the netflix model
>"Pay monthly so you can play games and lose them when you stop"
No fucking thanks.
I know that at the moment we're basically just fucking renting games but at least it's slightly more fucking tangible than a sub service.
>"The Netflix model" as an alternative to $60 per game
It's called waiting for a Steam sale. I'll never play a monthly subscription fee for games I don't get to keep. Video game journalists can suck my ass.
>game prices should be going down to adjust for inflation
Where are the movies on that chart?
I didnt even see the name, damn, she's still working there, lol.
her life stopped at shitaku
tickets are at most $12 for adults with no senior or college discounts, also
>not already having a membership card that automatically reduces the price of large popcorn and sodas to that of medium, and medium to small
>literally paying a monthly bill for video games alone
>Patricia Hernendez
How has the bitch stayed so fucking stupid after all these years?
b-but you're only going to play it once, bro, so who cares! just eat the fucking bugs
Oh boy, another piece of video game "journalism" praising the latest product.
Nintendo games never go on sale
enjoy paying a lifetime sub to your corporate overlords you absolutely retarded faggots
People tend to "settle" once they hit a certain age, and unless something drastic happens in their life they will continue to behave the same as they've always been.
>subscription model
so that means make games even more worthless than they already are these days?
the name says it all.
Most people are eternally 17
They are kind of, because piracy, and yeah, fuck em they suck
But their consoles are always cracked open quickly.
the only good post
Haha yes.
Why pay for something once and have it when you can pay every month and have nothing, haha.
Why is it that everyone automatically assumes that if a Netflix type streaming service starts being the standard for vidya that they wouldn't still sell them if you want to buy them? They still sell DVDs/digital copies of movies. The majority of people would probably switch over to that type of service due to it being more enticing, but there'd be no reason to not just sell copies to those that want them, at the very least in digital form. Physical media might go byebye though by the time that's all feasible.
Where the fuck you live nigga lmao
"The price should be _____ due to inflation" is a retarded argument anyway. The correct price for any product is exactly the price consumers are willing to pay. Publishers already set their prices accordingly. Ergo, the current price of a product is EXACTLY what the price "should" be, unless illegal price fixing has occurred.
Another pirate bottom feeder grasping at straws to justify his entitlement.
>+ $25 for a coke and popcorn
lmao what a fucking cuckold.
What do you mean by that?
Oh no i wont be able to play as transgender black women fighting nahtzees anymore
Or the free to pay shit where you end up paying hundreds of dollars?
Suggested change: Most people are eternally 23; fresh out of college, fresh into their career, with the liberal hopes and dreams instilled in them by that hermetically-sealed campus environment still percolating in their nubile brains. You only see a major shift in this mindset at 30+ (especially for women), where they wake up with aches and pains and realize going out drinking means they feel miserable for the entire weekend, instead of just the morning.
You mean up, inflation dimishes buying power
>netflix model
Games aren't worth $60 goyim, it's much cheaper if you give me money monthly and never actually own anything
it's like a bank for games, but with less freedom
Piracy devalues the product though. Also, the microtransaction model subsidizes the cost of games, but it also makes games inherently not fun because they have to be designed with mtx in mind.
This. And only Microsoft can afford that because they are losing a ton of money with that game.
>$25 for a coke and popcorn
I hope this isn't U.S. currency.
Also, anyone who doesn't bring their own contraband snacks into a movie theater is LITERALLY retarded. Where I live, you'll always find at least one store within a couple of miles of a movie theater which deliberately sells the same size snacks for 1/10 of the price. I don't think you'll find fresh popcorn in those stores but popcorn sucks ass anyway. And if you really want it, buy the popcorn at the movie theater, but buy a 12-pack of Coke down the street and bring one into the theater.
>b-but that's not allowed, so how do I hide a coke
In your date's purse. If you don't have a date (lmao) wear a jacket and hide it in there. They're not going to search you.
>subscribe to netflix, subscribe to hulu, subscribe to xbox game pass, subscribe to xbox live, subscribe to ps+, subscribe to ps now, subscribe to nintendo online, subscribe to spotify, subscribe to youtube red, subscribe to twitch streamers, subscribe to news site, subscribe to amazon prime, subscribe to stadia, subscribe to HBO go, subscribe to x, subscribe to y, subscribe to subscribe
>subscribe to Z -- here's why that's a good thing, and it's here to stay.
>subscription model
nah, fuck you Patricia
that user is retarded, soda's and popcorn aren't that expensive even at the fancy threaters
How much does a cartridge cost versus a disk?
>Paying a monthly to play a specific game.
>suddently you have to complete the game in 3 days because it will be removed from the platform forever
>the game will be never be avaiable ever again
At least i can still paly games that are removed from the Steam store, like the Ducktales remake.
underrated post
Subscriptions are important because they give a more direct line of surveillance for the corporate powers-that-be that want to know every little detail about your life so they can sell it to marketing.
Why the fuck was everyone so busy looking nervously at the government for Big Brother when the truth was it was always The Mouse or Amazon.
steamdrone detected
The fuck? I live in California, and movie tickets are like $12 ($6 on Tuesdays), and a large soda is $6, because why the fuck would you dry your mouth with bland-ass popcorn?
Google always wins bby!
Irrelevant because CD's cost pennies to make and they still cost $90+ in today's dollars.
>Don't have any subscriptions
>Not even prime
>One day they change the login pop up
>Pay now
>Pay later
>No other options
They're getting craftier
Not sure what you're on about. Netflix hasn't killed the ability to purchase movies. Spotify hasn't killed the ability to purchase music. Whatever games as a service model(s) they end up coming up with down the line will also not kill the ability to purchase video games. It's not an alternative. It's just something happening in tandem.
>Patricia Hernandez
yeah you sound like you really enjoy taking it far up the ass on the daily.
>physical games you can play anytime BAD
>digital games that can be taken away from you anytime GOOD
Agreed. I pay for Xbox pass
Ubi pass
Ea pass
And even Sony streaming PS2 game service
I spend $180 for the whole year for all of that
>All these games could be free
but brother, they already are, you are one of us, right piratebro?
>Patricia Hernandez
You mean the person that was confirmed to have never played a video game in her life?
>Patricia Hernandez
Howsabout I spend $0 on video games?
>A woman that will never reproduce or adopt or carry on any meaningful legacy
Why do we care?
Or you know, like Gamepass, where you have access to a lot of games for a fixed price per month.
Gamepass is great!
>streaming games
What a fucking meme. Why does the US assume that everyone has decent internet when the US itself has the worst internet in any of the developed countries?
Guess who is forcing developers and publishers to bend the knee to them. If you dont care you are as big of a problem as them
>>A woman that will never reproduce
She already has, twice.
>netflix model
>steaming or not actually owning games
>games can dissapear in the blink of an eye and you can no longer play them
Better question is why anyone would pay a monthly fee for a single-player game that they can't even mod.
I understand consolefags doing this shit, but PCfags would never. Stadia is basically just a new console.
>Guess who is forcing developers and publishers to bend the knee to them
The shadowy cabal of reptilian board members who treat game development with the same regard you'd treat paper production? Those same people who see Madden and FIFA and get all frothed in the mouth.
What? How? Was this pre or post, "I don't like penises because they're rape culture?"
>What? How?
If I had to guess, artificial insemination.
>Was this pre or post, "I don't like penises because they're rape culture?"
>$25 a ticket
>Not just eating your pocket spaghetti
Were they both girls, or did that miserable mutt squirt out a son.
Or the Netflix model where I'm forced to have internet and can't go out and buy s hard copy of the game? Or the one that requires me to get fast enough internet so all 4 of my roommates and I can not lag while we all simultaneously stream our games, or how every single fucking tv network has their own streaming service and I have to potentially pay out the ass to see everything I like?
These journalists are fucking stupid motherfuckers and I wish hulk Hogan would sue them all into bankruptcy
Thank fucking god, my HD died last year and i was looking for this reaction pic
That one's a classic.
This would make games shittier, not better.
Games are terrible now because companies have big budgets and thus no incentive to take risks and actually create works of art.
On the topic of taking games back to the way they were in the 90s (fun, good), I like to look at flash games and mobile games. Low budget, more creativity.
I don't mean to sound like a communist, but industries truly do become shitter as they become more and more greedy and capitalistic.
This is why China is going to dominate the gaming scene in the future with their cheap (in most cases, free) simple, 90's-like fun mobile games (seriously, go fucking play HI3. It'll feel like you're playing a PS2 game as a kid again).
Apple Arcade seems promising too. The games are there so far seem pretty creative and 90s, unlike the interactive movie she microtransaction bullshit that's plaguing traditional gaming.
>patricia hernandez
Of course. We really need a ban on these rags. Shit, I remember when linking to kotaku was bannable offense. Posting shit from there should be one too.
or 4. Lower cost by not spending millions on shitty marketing campaigns
China hasn't made a single game that wasn't a clone or outright IP theft in its entire history.
Honkai Impact 3 is actually pretty good for mobileshit
>but spending 100$+ in MTXs DOES!
>$25 for a coke and popcorn
Would the "Netflix Model" effectively kill piracy?
You can't crack a game and put it out there for people to pirate it if you have no files on your pc and you're streaming a game instead, right?
keep pirating games?
And considering that name if played any it was probably pirated.
>This is why China is going to dominate the gaming scene in the future with their cheap (in most cases, free) simple, 90's-like fun mobile games (seriously, go fucking play HI3. It'll feel like you're playing a PS2 game as a kid again).
What the fuck are you on about. China is dominating because they're shitting out gachashit faster than everyone else.
option #4 is get all your shit from torrent websites and GoG like someone with half a brain.
>90's-like fun
>patricia hernandez
lol yah and thats why i dont go to the movies.
Yes Goy, pay 15 dollars a month so that we may pick and choose what media you can consume so that we may control your through process by providing media that fit our narrative, good Goy.
where is the white man? Even gears 1 was more diversified. You had two white boys, one hispanic and one black.
Diverse cast means all goes except white people?
Unless they belong into the LBGTQI, except TERFs obviously.
The early 00s were literally just a continuation of the 90s
>Hire a bunch of college grads with years of experience for the best graphic technology.
>Hire a bunch of college grads with years of experience for the best artistry.
>Hire a team of writers for the best story.
>Hire a hitech motion capture studio, so you can have your hired actors puppet the hired face and body scanned models.
>"What do we do for gameplay?"
>"Well Bill over here has some ideas about shooting, and picking up loot, and crafting."
>"Can we sell lootboxes and DLC?"
>"Yeah sure"
>"Alright, let's do it!"
Modern video games!
>Not smuggling in your own drinks and snacks
How retarded are you?
This isn't real, right?
best answer. it's like someone saying they spent 500 hours on an mmo or something and it's all well spent, when 480 of those hours was spent mindlessly killing mobs for shitty 'quests' or afk grinding.
I'm ok with burgerland paying 99 for games. But I don't want it reflected all around the world because it will become too pricey.
Challenge: Rank these from most popular to least popular
> Video Games
> Cheese
> Family
> Dogs
> Christmas
> Soccer
> Porn
> Superhero's
> Cats
>Does it fit nicely with the dystopian waking nightmare that is [current year]?
Best to assume it's true.
> 1. Dogs
> 2. Christmas
> 3. Cheese
> 4. Haloween
> 5. Family
> 6. Cats
> 7. Capeshit
> 8. Porn
> 9. Soccer
> 10. Vidya
Agreed. So close, yet so kiked. Why are people so willing to get jew’d by subscription services? There are honestly people out there willing to pay for about 5 different streaming services just to watch 5 exclusive tv shows. This is basically turning into the whole cable tv problem.
>$50 for a movie
You're full of shit, no way in hell is that real.
I hope they're aware that the only reason Gamepass is even good currently is Microsoft is taking a huge loss on it to up subscription count and make it seem like a viable model before they start going full jew and making it worse. They've had multiple $1 for 1 month and $2 for 2 month promotions and in no way is that sustainable or the market price for such a service.
what i meant was that subscription based stuff, like for instance Netflix, would mean that they focus on quantity and not quality (seeing all the trash shows they pump out) in order to justify anyone subscribing
not that there is much quality in vidya these days anyway
There are even people willing to pay for a streaming service that has exclusively star wars content, and costs like five times what the fee for Netflix is (the new Disney service). It's perplexing to say the least/
that's the worst example you could come up with and you're an idiot for thinking even for a second that LA could give you a 60 dollar experience in 2019
"popular" you say?
1. Dogs
2. Porn
3. Christmas
4. Family
5. Cheese
6. Video Games
7. Superhero's
8. Cats
9. Soccer
Porn viewing is severely understated. Since no one wants to admit to it. But I'm pretty sure 95% of the planet has some source of porn. Even if it's only a nudie mag.
haha you're just so wrong sweety. who buys their snacks in the theatre? you're just the right kind of rube, i think
Oh cool, now let's compare the increase in average wages from 1993 to 2010.
Has it kept up with inflation?
Game Pass is pretty good, keeps multiplayer games alive because someone's always hopping on to try it, that's what's keep Sea of Thieves and Xbone ports around at least.
probably they license the rights for a flat fee based on anticipated consumer interest or something, i too would like to know the real answer
they aren't even worth the effort of piracy
You did NOT complete it 4 hours. I have yet to see a single (journalist) reviewer beat it under 7 without glitches. Quit fucking lying about the completion times asshole!
Yes, that's literally how inflation works. Increased wages lead to hire prices. Why are millennials so retarded when it comes to financial literacy?
Never pay for a game.
yahhrr aaahr
I would pay $60 if all games had demos and the base games includes a lot of content or modes/new game +/unlockables
Full circle.
This, everyone watches porn at some point but nobody wants to admit it
there have still been some games that deliver substantial content in the base game with free dlc and content-packed paid expansions. Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest Builders, Nioh... They exist, but maybe you are right that they're on the way out. This is all going to end badly, isn't it
not based
It's obviously fake, or satire.
>Why yes, I have never paid for a video game in my life, how could you tell?
>Netflix model
How the fuck would this work. You'd need god tier internet to stream a video game
it makes sense to pay 60$. the problem is that the industry is really shifting towards casual gamers. when you REALLY want a game because it's exactly what you want, you will pay what it takes.
BUT. if a game just exists to attract as many people as possible, it becomes a game for everybody and nobody.
i actually still buy games. i bought rimworld, factorio, the forest, minecraft, empyrion galactic survival. i bought counter-strike, i spent money on league of legends.
why? because it was EXACTLY what i wanted.
but there is nothing right now that is exactly what i want, so i just wont buy it.
and also i don't see the point of buying a game day one. you can just wait some weeks or months and you'll get heavy discounts. why buy at full price when you can get it much cheaper very soon?
that's correct for Australia
That's weird, from what I've been seeing wages haven't kept up with inflation at all.
In fact, wages have only increased, on average, by about 12-15% since 1993, while inflation has increased by upwards of 40%.
In the late 1990s I used to pay 1 local currency for 1 hour of play at an internet cafe. This is still my standard today. I just changed the currency to dollar/euro. I expect 1 hour of fun per 1 dollar spent. More is great. Less is a disappointment.
Dogs are unarguably #1, followed by Christmas & Porn. Family depends on the person
No, retarded. The headline is reasonable brain until you get to the small print beneath it and then it's drooling retard tier.
These people are scum and will consistently suggest and promote what is the absolute worst for the consumer
>pay monthly for you internet
>pay monthly to be allowed to use your internet on your console
>pay monthly to be allowed to play games on your games console
Yeah, now that gaming blogs make less money because they only get a fraction of the traffic they used to because everyone is sick of their SJW bullshit, of course they don’t want to pay $60 for a game. Unfortunately for them, they don’t get to decide. The market does. As long as there are still people with real jobs who can afford to pay $60 for a game, $60 games will continue to be a thing.
>I won't pay for games I don't get to keep
Says the retard with all his games digitally on steam
Netflix and similar services are going to crash and burn in a couple years due to over saturation
Wow is this the brain of the boomer? In Germany a butter literally was 1 Deutsche Mark. Now it's 2€ and the currency conversion from Deutsche Mark to Euro was 2:1. So you got 0,50€ for 1 DM. Which means 2€ = 4 DM.
So the price of butter increased by 400%.
And everything else also got a lot more expensive.
You haven't heard about Stadia?
>How the fuck would this work
It won't, but that won't stop Google from pushing it
>all 4 of my roommates
You're either poor, in college or living a sad existence as a bachelor in his late 20s/early 30s. Either way you're a broke faggot so both sides of this argument dont care about your opinion.
>wages are the only factor behind inflation
please stop posting
60 bucks for a game is shit but fuck the Netflix model.
>mobile games
I searched for good phone games for a while.
They are either
a)simple arcades, on the level of minesweeper or tetris.
b)loaded as hell with freemium shit.
Exceptions exist, but they are a dying breed.
It`s like the chink MMOs - devoid of soul and creativity.
Flash games are good, though.
>I have yet to see a single (journalist) reviewer beat it
>he pays for games just because it's a nice thing to do while he could just pirate the game
is game development literally funded by charity?
>google puts out product
>only 1/10 or less of the country has a good enough connection to use it
I don't understand
man I really gotta try meth
left would go down.
people that own consoles already do this
No one does
Your unsourced chart is using inflation adjusted dollars to show compensation. Productivity has absolutely nothing to do with the argument either.
The actual relevant data shows that the increase in median income matches up almost perfectly with the increase in the consumer price index over the last 30 years.
>When a faggot like Hogan is literally more genuine and beneficial to society than journalists
What the fuck happened in the last 20 years
It's funded by people that either don't know how to pirate, are afraid of getting malware from pirating, or think pirating is immoral/think the cops will show up to arrest them for it
Luckily for the industry, the publishers have compensated for inflation by making that "$60 for a video game" basically paying for access to your AAA microtransaction cash shop where they expect you to drop several hundred to several thousand more dollars into. See, they're compensating for economics!
What games are you pirating right now, bros?
Maybe that's why the industry is shifting towards multiplayer so hard. You can't pirate multiplayer games because you need an account to connect to the servers.
Not that user, but plenty of good stuff if you know where to look, there is a shit ton of console ports of every genre out, a fuck ton of flash games with good devs or games that got big get Android and iOS releases, there are plenty of great rpgs, and of course there is emulators.
>businesses dont care about milking the poor
dumb faggot
Currently nothing but I'm waiting for a Code Vein repack in a week or so
Tried to find a decent phone game and had the exact same issue. Only good ones are paid ports of real games. Managed to find one fun free game, but once I watched 5 ads in the span of 10 minutes I gave up
steel ball side goes down.
All this shit and we don't have an actual Netflix of games. If you didn't have to buy the individual games with Stadia it would be perfect.
Stardew Valley. Actually, dev is a cool guy and I`ll buy the game when 1.4 drops.
Soviet Republic. I never really was in citybuilders, but plenty of machinery and resources lured me in. Can`t get the hang of it, though.
I can guarantee you that if the game industry changes their pricing model, it's not to reduce the amount of money you pay, but to extract even further revenue. People are so stupid that if there's a zero dollar upfront cost they think they're getting something for free even if they end up paying more for it on the back end.
Based and piratepilled.
>Back when magazines were a thing, stole the demo discs out of them.
>When CD-R drives were released, copied music CDs and sold them to kids in school.
>When Napster was created, downloaded music for free.
>When Kazaa was created, downloaded movies and burned/sold them to kids in school.
>When BitTorrent was created, downloaded music, movies and games for free.
>Buy everything on Amazon so I don't have to pay sales tax.
>Get Food Stamps, NEETbux and free health insurance.
After a lifetime of not paying for anything, the very idea of paying for something seems taboo to me.
Game pass is fine, I think they're talking about live services. In the case of the OP pic, Gears 5 has jack shit for content at launch and they're compensating with a battle pass and a trickle feed of new maps over time. Battlefield V did the same thing and everyone hates it. Companies figure it's cheaper to release games unfinished and extend the game's life by filling in all the content that should have been in the first place if they took a few more months to wrap it up. That way they can axe the main dev team and keep around just enough people to keep the game afloat with maybe a map a month if you're lucky.
How cucked are amerisharts? In my europoor land tickets cost 4-8€
>Jewgle Stadia is unironically the future of gaming
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
At least I'll get to watch this whole cancerous industry collapse not having spent a dollar, unlike you good goy pay pigs.
why spend $60 when you can spend $120 LOL
This argument would make sense if all these digital-only games weren't still $60+.
But they are, so this argument is moot.
But that's what already happens now with every game.
>another console is the future of gaming
You high mate?
Stadia is currently the one pioneering the game streaming meme.
Have theaters really become that expensive? Granted, the last time I've been to one was a decade ago but I remember a ticket just being about 10 bucks and a bottle of pop and corn being about 2 to 4 bucks.
Also the core design will be so toxic so as to goad you into buying in. There will be none of the immediate entertainment you can get from popping in a game like SMB3 or Devil May Cry or Legend of Zelda where you put in a game and it entertains you. They will all also wash away into nothingness as their appeal is 100% ephemeral, so there will be little to no games to go back and play with this kind of model, or at least not without parts of the game being permanently missing.
Origin Access is pretty decent.
Companies are trying to discourage piracy so bad they are fucking over the people who actually buy their products, you pay for a game, have to deal with the publisher's launcher/platform of choice, have to deal with their shitty choice of DRM that's always online, locks you out, or slows your game to a crawl, have to deal with shitty patches that could fuck your shit up or straight up remove content from the game you bought, have to deal with the fact that you can't trade your very own games and probably don't even own the game anyway if you bought it digitally.
GOG is truly the last bastion for paying consumers, god bless their souls.
Movie tickets are about $12 a person.
I use my ROTC ID card for a military discount and have my date smuggle cans of soda and a big bag of pistachios in her purse.
I crack the shells loud as fuck then spit them all over the floor.
Clean it up wagie.
>pay a subscription for online gaming
>pay a subscription to access the game
>pay a subscription to access your saves
>pay pay pay pay pay
Pretty soon it will be like a phone bill, where you pay $150 a month for fucking nothing.
This guy is just the worst.
You dumbass, why the fuck didn't you wait? There's 20% off sales right now.
Stadia is a fucking console mate, it's pioneering nothing. The anti-piracy meme applies to consoles the same way it applies to stadia, the consoletards pay monthly just like stadia requests, the consoletards can't mod shit just like stadia doesn't allow modding by design, the only thing that consoletards have as advantage is that they can still play games offline and have an offline library while stadia requires perpetual connection and can erase your ability to play certain games due to random shit like service facing some random spontaneous licensing jerkfest like happened with Microsoft when people found their e-book libraries suddenly disappearing because the licensing shit had to be resolved first (and this is an unsolvable problem because it's law and social in nature, not technological). It's just a shittier format of a console mate.
They want to turn everything subscription based. Just keep throwing money endlessly to the void goy. Rent, don't own property, finance your car, don't own anything just subscribe. Live in a "micro apartment"
I can't wait until they find a way to make you pay for air
>dude let's not advocate for ourselves let's "be fair" to these gigantic faceless corporations probably run by pedophiles
In many ways you are corporations. Or do you think people are born into CEO positions like royalty?
Can we all agree on this?
> Without Mods: Doom is a 3/10
> With mods: Doom is a 9/10
>the netflix model
Dumping popular content in favor of churning out one lavishly-funded dud after another, and then charging customers extra when you start bleeding subs?
Consoletards don't deserve any less.
I hope to God that in the future they also have to pay to unlock different graphical settings. That would make me laugh to high heavens.
how about pay 60$ and get a completed game?
why cant I buy a modern mario game and get like thirty and more costumes in it but for most other shit they jew you right off the bat?
Based. Best time to do it is in the winter, you can smuggle so much shit in a coat
How about "not fucking spending 100 million dollars in shit that don't make the game any better'?
I pay for games mostly because its so much faster to download via steam
there are tons of great old/older games. so much that nobody could possibly have completed them. there are also a bunch of interesting and creative indies even though Yea Forums hates them for some reason. you can get games for 20$ and less which provide 100 hours of gameplay or more. anyone paying $60 for new releases is a huge dummy. i will give a pass for multiplayer games because buying them early makes sense as long as they have a good lifespan.
>needing new games
what the hell do you even need anymore? every genre has plenty of choice. the only value a new game has is slightly new characters and settings.
nobody wants to buy games that are just the same old shit just with new graphics.
>inferior ports and emulation
gamefly has been a thing for years
yes, unless the game code gets leaked somehow which is next to impossible.
publishers would also be able to take the game away forever if they dont want you to own it, like when a sequel comes out or some nice "hd" remaster.
You need to learn something about Yea Forums.
Yea Forums actually never talk about the games they actually like, so many of those creative indies you talk about are liked by the population. but when it's time to talk about indies, only politically charged shit gets talked about
Netflix and Spotify make sense because people like having a radio stations wor h of music at their fingertips and movies are more often than not one watch affairs. Video games are time commitments, so it makes more sense to pay up front.
imagine if steam would go subscription mode and devs get paid for playtime. lmao the industry would become so shit.
just look at the music charts. since youtube views and spotify views were used to determine the charts, it's full of trash hip hop.
it's literally like you let poorfags dictate the industry.
Don't give '''them''' any ideas, it's not far fetched you'd be paying for shit like this sooner or later.
>>inferior ports and emulation
>cherry picking.
lil zoomer the experience of playing Bully Bard's tale or SA on my phone blew my fucking mind, not 10 or more years ago I was playing that shit on my PS2 or PC and it was chocking up, and aside from SA because of the radio station bullshit, none of the ports are inferior, EA cash grabs not included.
Again, plenty of good shit out there, but you have to sift through all the manure first, also get a chinkshit clamshell controller and your phone is practically 5 consoles rolled into one portable device.
Xbox Gamepass Chads WW@?
Came to post this
>rent game
>doesnt play it
>rent game time expires
Buhh momy they remone my game
Kek fatso cuck
Good post.
Can we just buy a (full) game once & use it (online and) offline, alone & with friends forever? You know, like Mario Kart 64,Age of Empires2 ,Street Fighter 2 turbo etc...?
>doesn't remember GameFly
Good job not understanding what that post was saying
In 4 ho- liar.
I hope no one here unironically pays for that scam.
>doesn't remember Blockbuster
I will stop playing games then, there is no way you'll make pay to play SHIT games
what on earth...
here in Nebraska i can go see a movie the day it hits theaters for $3-4, snacks and drinks are expensive but i don't buy those.
>mobile nigger calling anybody a zoomer
>playing on a shitty tiny screen with shit controls isnt inferior
you are impressed by playing twenty years old games nobody gives a shit about anymore on 2019 hardware and you expect people to actually unironically think that way're a retard.
>paying ~$12 a month for a massive library of movies and television, all commercial free and with total freedom to watch what I want when I want
I’ll gladly pay for this scam. Cable is dying and deserves it. The only problem now is over saturation of the streaming market but that’s not Netflix’s fault, it’s the greed of cable companies wanting to get in on the pie.
fortnite wont die and if it does there will be fortnite 2 do not under estimate the power of paypig loyalty sheeps, see wow classic for instance
You're the one living with 4 other people lmao
its netflix fault too. if they do it others can do it.
you cant expect others not to copy that business and thats just the logical endgame of it. tons of different subscription services with different exclusive content they paid for.
by pirating them
Thanks for ruining everything you fucking frogs
companies need to get better at developing games efficiently. in what world is it not gross incompetence of management that it takes 15,000 people to make a game. fuck them. let them learn how to streamline this shit
>but that’s not Netflix’s fault, it’s the greed of cable companies wanting to get in on the pie
If netflix spent millions of dollars acquiring and keeping beloved shows instead of producing original garbage this problem wouldn't exist
>Paying 60$ for a game is stupid
>better pay >1000$ overtime instead!
>t. Hernandez
I wish GG didn't turn out as it did.
>Demanding consumer rights is what makes companies more and more greedy
Remember when people laughed at Blizzard for saying online-only games were the future?
The discussion is over
i'll pay 60$ if i get a box with a thick booklet and a drm free installer.
Since you're a braindead naive child, I'll explain what's actually happening. Singleplayer games on PC are gone forever, enjoy your monthly subscription fees, moron.
>Streaming service goes down killing the game permanently
>Prevents cheat engine so microtransaction kikery can become more viable for more developers to implement
>even fuking while playing videogames can't beat cocaine
Fuck off shill and/or troll
Why the hell are journalists so against me wanting to just buy and play games without any of this new bullshit?
journos always defend corporations.
meth's look mighty attractive
we're just getting older, famalam
At least he's not living with his mom still.
>sex is only 25% better than video games but carries 1000x the risk and cost
I dunno bros, people keep telling me to have sex but it doesn't seem worth it.
Folks, this type of model helps indies and in turn helps all of us gamers. If an indie studio is guaranteed a certain amount of revenue for their contribution to the collective service you're going to see a heck of a lot more risk-taking avant guarde experiences. No more "big fish eat little fish" and games die in obscurity but instead everyone gets a slice of the proverbial pie.
That may be true, but games will become so gimped to adjust for latency they'll all become cow clicker and no longer be desirable to pirate. Not to mention everyone seems to think streaming will suddenly result in the microtransaction economy ceasing to exist when, if anything, the amount of skinner box games will increase exponentially.
>only dopamine charts no serotonin levels to compare
You sound like you're arguing for the Borg.
It's pretty whack how Xbox presented something similar with the Xbox One always online shit and everyone shat on it. Now it's becoming the same thing and some praise it.
also no more indie devs hitting it big because the streaming company takes most of the money.
musicians hate shit like spotify.
the product gets devalued heavily.
A good way to describe it is that it's like having all the fun you could ever have in your entire life all at once and then never experiencing fun or joy for the rest of it.
>It's obviously fake, or satire.
its not 2014 anymore
$1 per hour
>go out for a good meal
Get fucked jews.
The very moment that happens will be when I stop participating. I'm already almost to that point.
I don't go out enough to warrant having a cell phone. Is it really that bad?
You can get service for as little (that I have seen) as $15 a month, unlimited talk and text. If you are constantly online or without wifi for extended periods of time, most unlimited data plans are $45 a month.
All for 1 line and assuming you own your $400+ device already. Only reason to spend more than $100 is if you have a whole family on there and just need to keep watching videos on mobile data.
Posts like these are proof positive that this website is full of actual, brainless retarded parrots.
Oh, that's not bad at all. Are prepaids still a thing?
Maybe because he's playing fuck ugly shooters?
tickets for 3D blockbusters here are $18, but that gets you two tickets at most places (if you go alone you still pay the same price)
bring your own drinks and if you want popcorn just say you dropped your bag on the floor and need a new one.
Do people actually buy from concessions and not sneak in their own snacks from the gas station, corner store or CVS that is conveniently always nearby the theater?
This tbqh, I’ll probably only end up buying 4 full price games this year (Sekiro, RE2R, Death Stranding, DOOM Eternal)
such an incredibly cozy ad
Yeah they are; probably a little more controlled than the burners of the past though.
sweet summer child
you'll learn to recognize and revile that diarist's name, in time
name two services that are still around that does that.
In what way? Am I going to be put on a list for buying a phone card?
Honestly no clue, just doubt that you can go to your local corner store and buy some minutes in cash.
I am just assuming though, also depends on where you live. I haven't worked in the cellular industry for 10 years now and have a big 4 contract so really couldn't tell you.
Good thing I hate modern games. The industry is headed towards a very dark future
pay $0 and get the full game + dlc (thanks to retards like you)
>Buying a $25 ticket
>Spending $25 on drinks and popcorn
Are you retarded?
Meanwhile I'm about to spend 9000 Yen on Atelier Ryza next week, and probably another 9000 Yen on the new Ys the week after.
fluffpiece for the game industrys eventual decline into subscription services
America's shitty internet wont allow this.
This user is speaking sense. I want this option.
Just stop doing it for like a month lmao
>$25 ticket + $25 for a coke and popcorn
>In my europoor land tickets cost 4-8€
Is the dollar that bad?
How much is a Big Mac with coke and fries over there?
>want to replay a game
>it's removed from the library entirely
And, of course, no one will be allowed to resell it.
wrong, steel ball has no influence on the scale while the ping pong ball does. the trick here is that the ping pong ball seems to pull up because it's submerged in water and less dense than water. however, just imagine what would happen if its chord were snapped: it would float up to the surface of the water and then stay there, weighing down the scale with the water. the weights are ping pong ball + chord/wire + water on the left and just water (same amount as on the left) on the right. therefore the left side is one ping pong ball heavier.
>the netflix model
>Netflix financial troubles are now so big it might not survive another year
yeah... the future...
and with netflix pirates can actually archive their exclusive shows.
wont be possible with game streams.
Games need to go back to having low budgets.
The good old maxim
The way netflix works means a studio only get the production funds to make their products, and netflix is the only winner if the product is a hit that increase the subscriber base. what studio is gonna accept to fund a AAA that doesn't return triple the investment like they usually do?
wait you guys paying for games?
isnt the green haired girl related to the yellow haired girl?
>Seeing a 2 hour movie costs $50 today ($25 ticket + $25 for a coke and popcorn).
bootlicking to the point of literal retardation.
why the cops coming after freddie?
>imagine actually getting refreshments at a movie theatre in 2019
just bring your own nigga
not paying for games
Never buy a game unless you get 1 hour of fun per $1 spent
sounds like its worse for devs as well as consumers. it is only good for the middle men. itll never happen.
They did that already with products and services partaking in the carbon emission compensation scams.
>look at my very short steam game list
>most games well over 100 hours
>a few shit games I got for under $2 less than a couple hours
Guess that holds up. Highest is 367 hours for a $40 game, though I know I played at least 500+ hours of Oblivion on Xbox360.
>Is it really that bad?
It is gay because if you want to have a bank account or any service these days you are forced a fucking smartphone.
The security of those devices is inherently trash, so it is better to have a smartphone for account credentials and another for actual calls, which is expensive.
It is simply not a good practice to have the same device you use to masturbate hold your savings. WhatsApp for example is risk on its own as it has allow people in the past to send exploits that can take over the OS.
2FA is a great thing but even Google is not stupid enough to use it on a smartphone themselves, they have their own token devices that make much more sense than a device that must always be connected to the internet.
Ergo, sooner or later you will be forced one of those fucking things and it is not good at all, especially because institutions really want to associate a person to a device they can track despite of the dozens of security risks and how easily is to exploit those systems.
It is called the indie market.
Aside that, Nintendo it is the only company that understands the market.
Both MS and Sony are simply going to have to lay on the graves they dug after they decided to push Next Gen based solely on muh graphics, which surprising to no one led to this environment.
>tfw I spent 500hrs on a zero dollar game
better luck next time
Sounds horrible.
I have more game time than my steam account says or games that I had to pay for, just a quick easy way to look at game times.
Also never divide by zero faggot.
>Buy everything on Amazon so I don't have to pay sales tax.
You lost me there, piratefag.