What games are you going to sell back Yea Forumsros?

What games are you going to sell back Yea Forumsros?

For me
>Fallout 4
>Mgs V
>Modern Warfare 3

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none because I don't buy games

this but unironically

Probably half my library.

I don't sell my games, but I'm gonna buy up alot of them. Gonna buy some ones that were removed that I missed like Wolfenstein 2009

None because I don't live in France.

hitman 1/2
mgs v


Actually loads desu. I'd sell them for $1 cause I don't even play them

This is stupid, how would this even work? Are there going to be 80000 copies of Skyrim for 'sale' at $0.50?

Yes goy, it's called having rights, you should try it some time

question, since it's a french court that is filing the lawsuit won't it only be available in France? I don't know how this stuff works

France is EU, so the whole EU at least I'd assume.

According to what I've been told, it would work in the whole EU if Valves appeal doesn't work out. That would set the precedent to allow it to function the same everywhere else, as well, but who knows if that would actually happen.

why did steam get hit with this and not other digital storefronts?


Based EU-illiterate burgers.

Companies are going to pull out of digital spaces if that eats too much into their profit. It would be way to easy to buy the exact same version of the game, for less, and not have a single cent go to the publisher. In fact, I can see cases where key resellers just sell their own copies on steam.

how would resale even work?
like would we sell games already in our library on the steam market or do they have to still be in the inventory (not added into library)?

if its the first wouldn't that make their refund policy irrelevent? unless they do scummy shit and make resale'ing on viable for the first 2 weeks of purchase

nigga i don't buy no games


Because they are the biggest, individuals will be able to sue other storefront for this as well. So they better start preparing.

>Killing floor 2 and 1
>Chivalry Medieval Warfare
>CoH 1
>Dungeons 2

You should be able to sell them from library, after that you won't have it in library anymore. It will hurt indie devs probably the most as always.

Good, fuck indie devs

If selling a game removes all of its stats from your profile then I'm selling all my games with retarded achievements like PAYDAY 2.

I know right, AAA games are the best..

The lawsuit is for allowing you to sell your account, not individual games you've bought.

I'm also in the EU, not a burgerm. I just don't know how much it affects international legal disputes or how member country precedence for it would work. I'm not a lawyer

You're just as shit, you never innovate despite your claims all you do is complain about steam to whoever will listen for not promoting your 2D earthbound inspired RPG maker art game enough

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Sounds great, I'd much rather be buying physical copies in shops and online stores again

Hydrophobia: Prophecy, the definition of buyer´s remorse.

all my fighting games because I lost my left thumb and can’t hold my stick anymore

Why? Why did you go out of your way to list such a good game you faggot? If it were 2 I could understand

Sims 3 generations. Seriously dont remember buying it. Mustve been drunk. But I tell you what game I wont sell. Thats right you guessed it. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015.

I too enjoy giving up modern convinces to wait in line with a bunch of embarrassing neckbeards for a day one release.

It wouldn't work and makes no real sense. Realistically they should allow users to sell their Steam accounts without it being against the TOS.

IMO, they should allow people to sell game licenses if that game is no longer for sale. So a game that gets removed (the original version of Dark Souls, for example), the license should be transferable since it's no longer available. As there's a limited number of licenses available and distributed, it makes sense then.

I get this dude being frustrated but who in the holy fuck goes to "Steam New Releases" and just browses games to buy from there? It's like going to an art site and browsing pictures starting from "newest". It's going to be 99% crap. Steam is just a storefront, not a free advertisement for your game. You need to advertise elsewhere and just have it on steam to buy because it's convenient for 99% of PC gamers.

I have a question about this whole Europe ruling thing.

Aren't the games we buy on Steam technically just licenses to play them, and not actually the games?

From what I remember, the games we buy through the platform are not REALLY ours, like it or not.

it crashes on my pc for some reason and i cant fix it while the pirated version works for some reason

that's the game you're keeping? LOL! dude, epic drunk gamer moments

They ruled that they can't advertise that you "buy" and then tell you in EULA that you only have license to play. It's against EU laws so it's not law in force. You can't make rules in EULA that goes against country laws.

I'm going to sell delisted games for $100

>Are there going to be 80000 copies of Skyrim for 'sale' at $0.50?
Digital distributors will either come up with some way to avoid that scenario, or change their business model such that the ruling no longer applies (e.g. charging a subscription fee).

Oh, that makes sense then. I guess it would be correct to advertise that you're buying a license and not the game, which is misleading.

Yeah Valve is going to appeal this sentence for 30 years with the help of some publishers.
Or at least until most people stream their games and they actually don't own jack shit.

Did this guy expect his game to be advertised on the front page, for free, at the expense of all the other games being released?

>charging a subscription fee

last I checked, my steam account was worth over $3000. I am going to be pissed if they told me I have to pay a service fee to play games I already own.

I dont get why people are trying to spread this kind of rumor. Alot of retards on Yea Forums think everything is going subscription

They won't it would result in massive lawsuit.

>Europe kills game sales
>every game now has an always-online subscription fee to play every game, even singleplayer shit

Thank god you are going extinct.

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no it's newer games that will become subscription based because of this law.

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The only way I can see this working is if used games are sold at full price. The seller gets like 10 bucks on a 60$ game.

AAA games won't be hurt as much, since majority of their sales comes from launch. Also, google stadia will be affected by ruling as well, since you have to buy game as well as right to streaming. Unless they struck some kind of deal with publishers to change this model.

>I shouldn't have to advertise my game so people know about it because that's steams job

All of them.

No one who uses Steam would accept it. People would leave in droves. So it's unlikely to happen. I actually think it's more likely that, if the ruling isn't appealed, Steam will just allow people to sell their used copies in some way that doesn't completely destroy publishers' ability to sell new copies. There are options. It doesn't necessarily have to be a free-for-all.

They could also devalue used copies by disabling all of Steam's extraneous features for games purchased second-hand from other users. (Disable cloud saves, disable streaming, etc. Why not? Those are features of the Steam service itself, not of the game. They can decide that these features come with new copies only. You can sell your game to another user, but maybe you can't sell the cloud save capability that comes with it. It would be hard for anyone to argue legally that Steam must allow users to resell the ability to use Steam Cloud, because that's not actually something that users buy. It's provided, at will, as part of the Steam service.)

The Kotaku article on the subject basically said the court ruled against Steam because they didn't buy their argument that Steam is a subscription service. So becoming a literal subscription service is apparently one way to avoid this law. That's all I meant when I mentioned subscription fees.

enjoy your pennies

>PC bronies mock console users for paying a sub fee to use online
>Steam will now require a sub fee

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Do people even use the cloud save anyway? Game saves are usually stored in appdata which means you'll have access to them even if you delete your games. Hell you can play a game on two different launchers and use the same saves.

Games like Wolf 09 will probably have a very high value due to being discontinued

Free access on the EGS you say? Looks like steam drones lose again.

Epic will have to follow the laws too.

Everything except Terraria and Dragons Dogma

Redpill me on this because I don't spend time looking up vidya news.

I love when the Chinkshills get BTFO

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Not only epic, every single on-line store front. Consoles as well. Music stores probably as well. it's quite bigger than only games.

If it's SaaS, you know it's not worth using to begin with. Enjoy your digital slum lord.

>China will have to follow European laws
I dont think so, Steambrony

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If reselling the game gives most money to devs and a minor cut to sellers and even smaller cut to steam then this might be okay, otherwise it's the absolute end of anything singleplayer making money ever again.

>Imagine playing Single player games in 2019
Get a fucking life and some friends.

>two different launchers

Some people have two computers. Steam Cloud is convenient if you have a desktop PC and a laptop which are both used for games.

Some people might also have the occasional desire to wipe their hard drive and do a fresh OS install, and it's nice to be able to do that without digging through a bunch of different folders to back up game saves. Every game saves files in its own special place so backing up saves manually is a fucking pain in the ass. You say they're usually stored in appdata, but not always.

all of them

Based EU brings back physical media.

Dead Rising 3

it's not like any of these niggers know how to read

The one I got for free.

>fantasizing about mundane shit that'll never happen

Go outside, user

It's almost as if you have the personal decision power to participate or not, yet you complain in advance as if you don't.

Like a bitch.

I'd cash out on my entire library desu

All of them.
I'm ashamed how much money I put into that account.

if they want to do business in europe, they will.

It sounded neat, just wasnt my thing. Turns out that battle royales just dont interest me.

>people think steam doesn't really want this
>we all know they would take a cut of the sales like all other market items

>buy 10 games on sale
>don't like 4 of them
>sell them and get 2 games you like
this system would be great

Every single one. Even if I only got $0.10 per game.

Probably 90% of them

DAYZ please - full refund!

>Fallout 4
>Mgs V
Those, and
>Hitman 2016
>LA Noire

Also, reselling your single copy of a game you have isn't going to crumble the industry. If that was the case, Hollywood and the game industry would have ended decades ago because of yard sales and swap meets.

Probably 90% of my library desu

None because i actually read the statement and not just the title of an article

Most of them. They are just shit clutter.

Better question, if this goes down, what's stopping the same thing from happening to Nintendo's, Sony's, and Microsoft's online shops?

>Buy game on sale for cheap
>Sell it to someone who missed the sale for easy steam cash without having to resort to trading tf2/csgo keys or paypal shit

Dunno what I'd sell, but I'd probably find some stuff.

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Good. People should have the ability to sell off games they don't want or play anymore.

How is it stupid? There are 80000 copies of Dirty Dancing on VHS and DVD for sale at swap meets and yard sales for $0.50

meant to quote

There it is, how it will work out fine. Steam sales as we know them now will cease, and player sales take its place and will be constant. No more waiting for some holiday for a sale.

>steam isn't a subscription service
>except we're going to make them take all the responsibilities of a subscription service
Holy shit the EU is such a disaster.
How do you guys even function?

OR, player sales take the place of Steam sales, and will only occur on holidays and shit. So if you have Fallout 4 right now that you wanna sell, you gotta wait until the next holiday to roll around.

Bloodborne and Sekiro probably, I won't play them again and I bet they'll resell well. Maybe a bunch of PS Classics as well but I doubt there's resale value on those.

>Sounds great, I'd much rather be buying physical copies in shops and online stores again
Which you could then resell

it doesnt

I'd much rather buy a game used than torrenting, torrenting is risky. If it's a choice between buying an old ass classic used that came out in 1998 for $1.00 or getting strikes on my internet, I'd go for the $1.00 game.

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id still buy a game for a tenth of the price without cloud saves ans steam workshop support

If tis goes through I can see publishers selling alimited amount of keys/copies, then self scalping and selling at a much higher

You know this will take years in court right?

or and consider this there are 80k other people that have fallout 4 and will keep beating you're price till it's $0.10

I live in Canada so I suppose I can pretend that I moved to Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

fallout 4 is worth $0.10

This, but definitely unironically

if indie game is good it will sell, if it is bad capitalism will sort them out they arent owed anything for simply wasting their time on developing a bad game

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Resales of used games don't hurt the companies. This is essentially allowing users to set up garage sales. Me buying an old gameboy isn't hurting Nintendo, right? Some guy buying a Dreamcast and six games isn't hurting Sega, right? A dude buying a black paperweight isn't hurting Sony, right? If anything, this helps people out; it's a finite amount of low price games, but an endless supply of normal prices. The losses won't be big enough to make a dent in the publishers' or Steam's wallets.

>people start making accounts just for steam sales
>buy guys
>re-sell those games for full price or more than the sale cost
>game goes free for a limited time
>people start making accounts just for that
>sell that game for half the price of the original cost
i like where this is going

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this is good I would like to sell a lot of trash in my game akin to those worthless trading cards i get in my inventory to retard collectors

buy guys was meant to be guy games but i'm a faggot and was thinking about cock when i wrote it

What's the difference between a used and new version of a digital game?

Digital items lose absolutely no value from being used, physical items potentially do.
This ruling could potentially destroy every digital storefront in existence well beyond video games because there would be no insensitive to buy from the store itself outside of initial release.
This will force subscription models on everything and anyone who doesn't see it is sub 80IQ

The Half Life series, a game called Puddle and the Deponia trilogy.

The price.

Based EU defending my rights, while dumb americanegroids are getting fucking blasted by literally everything.

>black are stealing their women
>chinks and mexicans their jobs
>corporation are fucking their wallet

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do you children not realize that every sent you've paid for a game is on your account? Why do you think you're going to be able to sell games that you got on sale for full price when they know exactly how much and when you paid for it?

Isn't the argument that you own these games and should thus be able to resell them? Slapping a subscription fee onto games you already own would be big no-no in european law, wouldn't it?

It would be like Nintendo suddenly requiring an continuous fee to play gamecube games, and they remotely brick any console that doesn't pay the fee.

>Slapping a subscription fee onto games you already own
We have a problem here.

the few unredeemed copies out there already do

Rust because my pc is trash and has a meltdown 15 minutes into the game, also the community seems to be dead

Nobody got this thing right. You are not going to sale your games for 0.10 because they are 80k copies of it already on the market.

Steam will pass a deal with editors to set a resale price, most probably in function of release date/popularity/dev cost etc..
Expect to have a minimum resale price of ~80% of the original price which will then be separated around the parties: 30% for valve, 50% for the editor, 20% for you.
Expect them to find a loophole saying that you must not own the game for XX amount of time.
Resale will be available to specific accounts ie. phone number associated/older than XX years

Therefore a game you bought for 49.99 will sale at best for 39.99 on which you'll get 7.99. At best.

Or they will go Gamestop on you and they will be no market place. Steam will buy your copy for 5% of the initial price.

That's how you'll be fucked. Steam wins by having the commissions on sale and resale.

>>Slapping a subscription fee onto games you already own
O-Ok gaben n-no please i'll suck your dick and b-buy 20 games right now.
No really if i get a sub fee i'll pirate.

Forgot to add, this will be funded on your steam wallet of course. meaning you will never get your money out of Valve of course.

Nothing will happen due to this decision for years becuase of how long Valve can drag this out in courts

This, europoors are scum of the earth.

What?? how?? explain pls


there is litterally nothing wrong with this statement. Unless you're pirating, you shouldn't bitch about paying for video games.

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skyrim and dark souls

>meaning you will never get your money out of Valve of course.
The rest of your post is okay but this part is just asking for more legal problems. There'll probably be an option to cash out to paypal that's obscured by tons of resale options.

based and muslimpilled

France is using the EU to strong arm steam to allow resales of games.

>15-year-old account
>26 games


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>european union


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>America will have to follow European laws
I don't think so, Chang.

See, you're just as fucking retarded.

>>Or they will go Gamestop on you and they will be no market place. Steam will buy your copy for 5% of the initial price.

I seriously don't understand how gamestop exists with the internet. Why would anyone sell directly to gamestop.

Rent Free(tm)


Thank god im not french.

>14 year old account
>7 games

So if being able to resell digital games becomes a real thing, does that mean discounts on Steam or any other digital storefront will become nonexistent? I assume that if you can get a cheaper version of a game from a friend, then that means companies are going to always sell their games at full price to get as much money from you as possible, right?

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Yeah, and I can't believe how few of you idiots know the difference between federal, state, and local laws, interstate commerce, and maritime law. Get fucked, for shit's sake.

Why would anyone want to do business with the 4th reich?

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Fucking GTAIV, Skyrim
Boring-ass garbage.

bruh honestly a lot of this sounds like doom saying, but yeah probably.

All of the resold games will probably have the same prices as G2A.

Just don't live in a shithole.

A friend gave me this, and I hate it.

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I didn't dig in the court order if they specified the mecanics of selling. But I'm pretty sure Valve will pull out something like that and wait for the subpoena.

Yes it does ask for more legal problems, like on which platform will you be refunded? Paypal, not universal. Bank account?

Also, EU being EU and especially France, they will ask for a bank refund. As banks are now in bed with the French IRS equivalent, they will be able to tax the sell as a being a form of income.
France already tried to do that on their "craiglist" which didn't go well but was discussed.

>Fallout 3
>Fallout 4
and with that money I will buy another copy of Fallout New Vegas, Todd's gonna freak.

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Two things are going to happen.
1. I'm not selling a goddam thing
2. try and hit me with sub fees and I'm going back to being a pirate. If you seriously think I'm going to pay a sub fee every fucking month for shit i already bought gaben is out of his fucking fat ass mind.

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>for shit i already bought gaben is out of his fucking fat ass mind.

only if you live in the EU

ruling only applies is French lawyers can defend argument that rental without defined timeframes is ownership, which is very unlikely, because it's ridiculous claim.
And even if it holds, all it takes for digital sellers is to put timeframes in
>charging a subscription fee
free subscription will work too, as long as your subscription ends and needs to be renewed at some point.

i still have a useless copy of League of Legends on my steam account

Dick Kickem Never
Monster Hunter World
Homefront (seriously fuck this game)
Saints Row III

You'll buy Steam tokens and then use them to rent playtime on games.

I forgot i had that i hate it and would sell it to get it off my list.

plot twist, you will only allowed to sell your entire account, not the games on it.

This will never happen the way you think it will.

First of all, the ruling only declared that Steam had to remove a part of their TOS that states that users can't resell their games.

Secondly they are gonna appeal it and I bet a bunch of french lobby groups (Ubisoft...) are gonna be ass grilling any official over this so it's probably dead in the water.

It's fucking shit. It was recommended to me by one of my idiot friends from work, he was so damn hyped about it.
I DL and play it...
>building look like they were textured with play-doh
>can clip through floors or almost any object really
Used that a few time to get cheap kills by punching people from under a floorboard
>To optimally play the game you have to turn down setting to see through the grass or some gay shit
>Near constant game dropouts
>Takes for fucking ever to even get into a game
>character customization is so shit to the point it shouldn't even exist

unless you live in France you won't sell anything


If the appeal doesn't work the most they will do is remove the TOS clause in question and not ban accounts that are resold.

Steam is finished if they implement a used digital market, developers would drop out of the store like flies, certainly the AAA.

France wants you to be able to sell ACCOUNTS.

>hitman 1/2


I should be able to resell the music I buy on itunes

This I'll never play it again.

>Steam is finished if they implement a used digital market
actually i have been think what if this is implement with a limit stating you must own the game for a few years before being able to sale it.

The ruling is only about how Steam can't prevent anyone from reselling their shit.

Now the easiest way to do that with Steam is to sell your account. If Valve's appeal falls through at most what they will do is not block accounts that were sold.

Maybe that would work, or if some of the proceeds goes to the publisher.

That's the only way I see it being viable without crashing Steam with no survivors.

Every digital retailer would be dead in the water, including movies and music.

Pretty much. If not successfully appealed the streaming and rental future is set in stone.

People mostly speak of the ability to resell games, but the court ruling also point out that money on the steam wallet must be transferable.

>Yes goy, it's called having rights
That post is like on 7 different layers of irony.

I'll give you 50 cent for fallout 4

>MFW I'll have to pay someone to take Ace Combat Assault Horizon

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It's not going to happen like how people think it is, mostly because of how fucking widespread Steam has been over the years. Thanks to constant steam sales and discounts on other sites like humble bundle, gmg, cdkeys, etc. the most you can hope for is gamestop tier "sell 100 games you bought at $60 and get paid a nickel for the whole lot" type shit.

The Eu model is to simply tax multinationals until literally no one invests in the EU anymore at which point it will break into pieces as it was a doomed experiment run by conmen and crooked bankers.

Dragon Quest 11
Resident evil 7
Void Bastards

Because you don't sue the good guys

I fucking hate Europeans.
It was thanks to the fucking refund policy that I could not buy Russian keys anymore and trade games for profit. It was at that time Tf2 item prices increased too. Not to mention I cannot gift games to Yea Forums anymore.

Then some other EU legislations forced Steam Flash Sales off future sales because people could refund games, and the only people who used that system were retards. Who buys a game without knowing shit about it? I should not have to pay because some retards do take IGN 9 / 10 scores seriously.

If you think this gay shit won't be passed to the consumer somehow you are a moron.

The EU has no fucking future and the further it prolongs its existence the worst it gets.

Every German shit I accidentally bought without knowing it was censored.
If I could, I'd delete this shit forever from my library, but thanks to the based French I may actually earn a pretty penny for it, even if it means a literally pretty penny. I just want to get rid of them.

There is no good or bad in business

Except it would hurt the industry and there won't be much more games to like anymore.

every game I don't plan on every replaying, 3 or 4 dozen at least

Good. I'd give nothing more than to see digital distribution burn. Bring it all to the ground

But the convenience of digital would mean you could play a game and within 5 minutes of beating it just sell it. Because of this game devs would lose money and have to raise game prices due to people waiting for a used copy, it's not physical meaning it can't be damaged meaning who the fuck wouldn't buy it 'used'. Games would sell at a mere fraction of what they do now and you could just trade games with friends freely. There's so many ways this will get abused, and the last thing I think anyone wants is shitty AAA EA games

Sell all my games and pirate the ones I actually play back.

...you don't really believe Valve will let people sell games back, right? We're talking about a multi billion dollar corporation here, not some indie pixel game company that makes their games in their parent's basement.

Please go outside into the real world more often, Pierre.

It will be EXACTLY like the marketplace or added to it. If you sell your games, Steam will take a 3% cut and some games will be unmarketable

like 90% of my library

Will this be abusive to publishers and devs because if so this is exactly what Epic needed to actually go toe to toe with Steam?

It would be a disaster for everyone that is not AAA.

And AAA would leave pretty fast because they don't love Steam all that much already, so better to create their own system of rental and streaming instead.

>Brussels and Germany will kill all forms of American made media in your life time.

First Steam then Netflix.

I can wait until Japan jumps ship and the next souls game is a Japan exclusive PS5 game.
Danke Merkel.

Reselling is dumb af. Just pirate it.

The ability to sell them doesn't mean that Valve will buy them. You guys know that, right?

>Sell back
Pick the bottom 5 or 10 least played games.

>If steam moves to subscription service
Sell everything and either stick to retro, indie, or pirate. I can deal with shit teir copywrite laws but fuck off with game subscription services.

What do you mean? Other people will buy single player or indie games that have already been played for cents.

OP said "Sell back" and posted a picture of Steam.

The idea he is creating is not accurate.

Good on the French court to uphold first sale doctrine.
The question is now whether there is anything that _can_ be resold. Last I checked steam games are licensed, not sold.

>Last I checked steam games are licensed, not sold.
A deliberate tactic to skirt consumer rights laws. To unfuck this situation, you have to go way back.