How are they going to ruin it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are those the same devs as the original stalker?

It'll be multiplayer focused

It will be a battle royale game with lootboxes and microtransactions .

online only, peer to peer, free to play, crafting, survival


No modding

AI will be less dynamic, the best part about STALKER.

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Its an online game in a similar vein to Division or Destiny. Meaning no mods and no immersion.

By calling it S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
>what is Clear Skies and Call of Pripyat

Appealing to SJW and leftists. There are going to be black lesbians, Muslims and you can guarantee several jokes against Trump.

>Game made by Ukranian slavs
>Featuring Western liberal idpol
Yeah nah.

epic exclusive 100%


no modding
dumb stealth mechanics

It's probably a direct sequel to SoC retconning CS and CoP

Nostalgia boomers will call it soulless because the graphics are good for the time of release and because it actually runs very well without many bugs.

There will be an online perponent that doesn't take away from the rather large single player campaign and that will ruffle neck beards.

>Epic Gamestore Exclusive

>what is Clear Skies and Call of Pripyat

No minorities. Russians can't represent black people, or gay people.

this, witcher 3 was sjw free (at least I think it was) and that was by poles in 2015

how would minorities fit into an exclusion zone in ukraine?

>he doesn't know about Cyberboipussy 2077

trannies are perfectly dystopian

They're gonna un-eurojank it

It's a fiction. If you can believe that mutants roaming radioactive streets want to eat you, you sure can believe in minorities that can help you deal with those bastards.

same as first ones: unplayable on release.

>it'd fiction so anything goes
I really, really hate this "argument"
the zone is supposed to be in modern day ukraine, it's a fictional take on a real place with real people
you're probably baiting

>in ukraine

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it will be designed with consoles and controllers in mind like Metro dreck.
The stalker games were so amazing because they were crafted as true PC games to the core.
modern video games suffer because of console cancer engulfing everything about them.
from difficulty, controls, ui, enemy ai, enemy placement, level design, game mechanics, EVERYTHING is affected if console cancer is invovled.

Attached: #1 video games cancer.jpg (1024x778, 44K)

>Having a clean game
Pick one

>ctrl f
>0 results
im dissapointed

>witcher 3 was sjw free (at least I think it was)
this is just a sneak peek. there is more, much...much more.

Attached: pozzed Polaken dreck.jpg (3630x4069, 1.9M)

It gets renamed into "THE STALKER" and isn't about Chernobyl and annomalies but a "girl" that gets obsessed over by a creepy middle-aged white guy.

>no modding
Good, if a game relies on mods to be good then it's a shit game

>new vegas wasnt fallout 4
>vice city wasnt gta 4
>san andreas wasnt gta 5

top right is literally comedic relief and mocked
the image down is a gay dude that was hunted down for his sinning. that literally what happened in old times, being gay isn't new
not gonna defend the rest

>fictional take on a real place with real people
Black people are real.
Gay people are real.
You're ruining the game by creating a white-only place where no one except whites can be in. There are more than 1 race.

this, adding wymyn to stalker would be as much of a heresy as adding wymyn to gothic 1
i know that there are models of wymyn in gothic 1 but they are not real characters and you can't even speak with them
I guess gothic 2 made it tasteful with the wymyn being there but they were pretty much irrelevant except of some few minor quests.

By being a Fallout 76 kinda game. /Thread

>Black people are real.
>Gay people are real.
They are not real in ukraine though.

we're all one "race" you disgusting bigot

yeah that's why half life is so shit because it has modding

I hate westerns

What do you mean? Russians don't know that minorities exist? Or that there are literally none of them?
Sorry, meant to say "more than 1 skin color".

SJW shit + battle royale

Can't ruin what's already undeniably shit

ukraine is mostly black, the media is manipulating and whitewashing it's image

Unreal Engine
It's DOA.

Them being real somehow makes me wanting to allow their existence?

Not everyone lives in america you subhuman mutt

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There are literally no black people in ukraine.
Also people with homosexual tendencies are everywhere i guess but they are not encouraged in ukraine, same as pedophiliac tendencies are not encouraged in the west. People in ukraine are not obnoxious about their sexuality like westerners so you don't actually know if somebody has homosexual tendencies or not, so no you don't see gay people there.

hell no
everyone who worked on the original left because the owner of GSC Game World is a greedy asshole
since he owns the IP this is him making a blatant cash grab using the name

>witcher 3 was sjw free

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no mod support

by developing it for consoles.

>white-only place where no one except whites can be in
Literal perfection for any sane white person.

>Black people are real.
>Gay people are real.
You don't see millions of Ukrainian gay faggots running around in the African bush. Your analogy is trash.

It doesn't matter if you want it or not, it's for the greater good.
Not everyone is racist as you are.
So? It's fiction, you can make them migrants.

By sticking in trannies and faggots.

It's like making game that takes place in chad and make it about bunch of white people. fuck off.

Relax, I'm not suggesting that we should make everyone black. Just a little represenation won't hurt anyone.

And make stereotypical token black guy in ukrainian game? Why? Chinese don't do that in their media, neither do India. Why would ukraine do that?

Can you nigger lover just do everybody a favor and kill yourself? Obviously you can't tell but you are mentally insane.

forced representation is unironically racist as fuck


Nobody says "let's stick in blacks who behave like thugs". Make them ordinary people who are just black.
Sane person obviously would encourage someone to kill himself.
How come making a diverse cast makes it racist?

stalker was great because it has unique atmosphere and mechanics. but beyond that lets now kid ourselves, the games are buggy pieces of shit that take mods and someone working on the stolen game engine to fix. as long as they don't stray to far from their original ideas and keep the modding as open as possible, it'll be alright. if they go the generic shooter route or god forbid focus on online, it'll be shit.

>Chinese don't do that in their media, neither do India. Why would ukraine do that?

because you're treating them like retarded children who needs someone to give them special treatment. I would NOT want a "white" person in a game set in brazil for example, even if it had fictive themes. it takes me out of the setting

Stop baiting you fag

Shut up moron

Chinese people are racist, simple as that.
Don't know about India, might check later.
Because they are making a new AAA-project, and they have responsibility?
Agree about second part, not so about first one. We are acknowledging that minorities exist, therefore representing them in media. Nothing bad about it.

you're beyond retarded or just a console owner

>tfw being slav and can get more from the games than those filthy westerners or americans

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whites are a minority in brazil, so why are you agreeing with me on that part? are you racist?

You need to understand that not every country is multi-culti like USA. Ukraine is as mono-ethnical as it can get, there is little to no immigration to ukraine, quite the opposite, it's war-torn country and many people fled from it. And historically it was under iron curtain for many years. There is absolutely no reason for Ukrainian devs to cater to westerners and their sensitivities.

Epic Store Exclusive

meant for

>gays in the zone
You know, I am a slav and I can easily imagine a nigger coming to the zone as a tourist or a merc or just to hunt for artifacts, no big deal.
But faggot, in a place where you can kill someone without blinking and nobody will ever bring you to justice? In a place where people get constantly lost? Surrounded by slavs who hate faggots and stalkers who seen all kinds of death?

You know, I think they would shoot a faggot on that starting CoP barge instantly, and nobody even would give a fuck about breaching safe place rule. Because he is a fag.

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Clear Sky with AO is a 10/10, prove me wrong.

lmao you'll get shot by the military. all stalkers are criminals by law

If there is so much more, surely you are able to post more examples?

No, of course not. Or you just implying that racism agaisnt whites is possible?
Again, it's fiction, you can do anything there. Anything.

battle royal fallouts

you just stopped trying now, you actually had me going there for a while. the effort dropped

Yes, you can do whatever fiction you want. If ukrainian dev want to make piece of fiction about his own homeland that is true to his homeland and his people he is free to do so.

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I mean "tourist", not actual tourist. He can get in the zone as all other stalkers get there, illegally.

Always a red flag

>always online
>gameplay butchered for console versions
>linear ''your choices matter'' story
>too many cutscenes
>designed with multiplayer in mind, but multiplayer mode will be DOA
>likely a third person shooter
>day 1 DLC

Don't trust Sergei, he's a jew, don't get your hopes up

that's true, but why the fuck would a black person enter a completely lawless zone filled with criminals in a country notorious for it's racism? you need friends in the zone and being black would be a huge hindrance

Ukraine is basically Palestine 2.0, so that's that.

without Sergey stalker wouldn't even be a series

Simpleton, stop spreading your assumptions. None of the games had the same development team. The only person who they kept inbetween each game was the dude who worked on lighting for the X-Ray engine.

literally me

Truly the brains behind S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s atmosphere. 2 will be absolutely soulless without him.

To hunt for artifacts, of course. There are plenty of retarded mercs in real life who travel and get involved into foreign conflicts in forsaken shithole countries and risk their lives for money.

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>Chinese people are racist, simple as that.
Yes they are, they are racist so far that they recognize that different races exist and people differ. They are not pejorative in their racism. They helped africa develop much more than USA ever did. They recognize that people are with different races but they respect different races and know that cooperation is possible. Racism is not inherently bad, contempt for others is.

>black person
>completely lawless zone
you don't know much about them if you don't think theyd jump at a chance to go full UNGA

Ignore the retard spouting twitter bait, and talk about STALKER.

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No,not those.

>respecting anything
Chinks is a nation of con bro. Stop with your bullshit, they are not even humans, they are fucking roaches.

I can't believe people are actually seriously arguing about niggers in Stalker.
I wish I could turn back time.

He'll probably be in 2 also. I remember on the GSC forums he said that he would've worked on CoP for free if he could afford to do it.

The only way they could appeal to franchise fans is if they craft an experience that's more refined than any mod we have now, which is incredibly hard to do since the mods are only getting better. I personally wouldn't have any qualms about sticking with what we got for that same reason, so I'm not too worried if this game ends up shit.

Most likely they'll go with the economically feasible option and try expanding their audience by appealing to the far cry/fallout 76 audience

ignore him he's a twitter refugee

Liberals will ruin it. It’s always them.

That only works one way, ie, when the country in question is not a shithole.

Theoretically, there is nothing surreal about it. But only if they do it right. Like there is one rare nigger in the zone and everyone is surprised to see him in slav land like some rare animal. If they try to play "everyone is cool" and pretend it's a usual thing to see a nigger in the zone - that will be full sjw trash mode.

But practically, of course, nobody wants a nigger in a stalker game, even if done right. Well, realistically, nobody wants a nigger anywhere, even niggers.

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100 percent

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They had empire with developed philosophy and technology when your ancestors were living in huts made out of shit and sticks, show some respect.

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What they need to do is change up the setting a bit and move more towards Roadside Picnic.

>Zone is much more violent and dangerous now without C-Con in control
>blow outs stopped happening as frequently, they thought it was a good thing but it's lead to anomalies piling up and evolving into worse shit
>no loading screens, one big map with little to no invisible walls or chokepoint obstacles
>large dynamic anomalies and hazards which roam across the entire map, instead of blow outs you have weather patterns and massive moving anomaly fields such as mist clouds which burn organic material and cause everything else to form rust on it when it passes through or intelligent mold which hunts the player if they have their light on
>much of the commerce and civilization has moved into border towns around the zone, rather than the player freely wandering around and getting NPC pit stops to get resources they have to plan trips in and out of the zone, the goal being to gather up artifacts or complete one or two missions before traveling back with the focus of game design being on making each excursion unique to the player experience due to the quantity and mechanical synergy of map hazards
>make gunfights more dangerous, add long-range encounters
>refine resource dynamics, make it feel more like you're preparing for a trip than just carrying around 10 bread loafs and energy drinks
>Tarkov-lite gun customization and equipment management
>connect most underground areas between each other similar to a free-roam Metro, have mutants and anomalies move through these environments as well

Ideal player experience would be similar to the STALKER tabletop RPG.

Salofuckers absolutely will include antikremlin propaganda in it, Putin lives in their heads rent free 24/7.

with a tie in to a S.T.A.L.K.E.R Go! "enhanced reality" smartphone game

Sounds great desu

>Hard mode puts you in the shoes of Fredynka Mercurov who has to manage his white blood cell count in the zone in addition to trying to fend off the horrors of the Zone


Yeah and somehow they managed to fall behind other barely developed nations.
Just a few decades ago they got technology like cars presented to them and they can't even handle that shit, killing each other in every way imaginable on the road and fueling our gruesome webm threads.
Thank them for that, but ultimately, it doesn't matter how old you are if a youngster teaches you how to wipe your ass, because you lived in bamboo hut til yesterday.

And btw, murrica is one of the youngest countries on earth, yet they have roaches in their pocket.

>connect most underground areas between each other similar to a free-roam Metro, have mutants and anomalies move through these environments as well
Fucking hell this would be perfect.

I hope it will be better than pic related then.

Attached: stalkermobile2.jpg (495x402, 81K)

Too bad we definitely will not ever get that.

What about
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl 2?

t-this isn't real right?

what do you want to see in stalk2 then fag

You fags do know that CS and CoP were literally standalone add-ons to SoC, right?

Very much real. I can't remember if it came out before or after SoC came out, but yeah, I remember playing it on my phone back in the day for a bit.

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>Niggers and trannies everywhere
Based poles

what? I'm right

Do you honestly don't realize how many people die on the roads in USA in exactly the same way? You just don't see the videos because they are not shown in the media.
40 fucking thousands.

Many of the ideas you mentioned are already in popular STALKER mods.


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A lot of people would go prision gay probably

Only in a very poor basic form.
Maybe like 3 of those, and not in their totality. Even Anomaly still is full of loading screens and it shit all over A-life somehow.

I played it lol.

Female characters.

Murrica is filled with ex Europeans, your culture is basically mixture of Judeo-Christian culture of europe that developed over 3 thousands years. Their culture is 5 thousands year older than that.
what on earth were they thinking?

You don't even understand the difference in approaching the value of human life in these countries, man.
I would like to see someone being hit on the road in US and others just keep driving around the victim or just rolling through him multiple times like it is not there.

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what's wrong with bottom right

imagine hearing a word in context this many times and still not grasping the definition


Do you know what kind of gay is prison gay caste in slavland?
Man, this game will be instantly banned in the west if they try to portray a real prison faggot in it lmao.

Attached: hqdefault[3].jpg (480x360, 13K)


I know now what he meant and agreed with him, I thought you implied the military would be fine with it

this nation is gone though.
It's literally the same with niggers trying to be kangz n egyptians n sheit

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i don't see anything wrong with this. its more akin to quake than modern cods

The real non TORtanic deal is that they can add tons of /pol/ shit since well you probably heard about Ukraine, Russia, Donbass etc. Like US internet and Yea Forums were destroyed by politics same shit happened on RU/UKR side and boards.

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I am not murrican and as I said it doesn't matter how old your culture is if it is shit.

Attached: a14[1].jpg (600x977, 112K)

and modern day israelites aren't the same ones from 2000 years ago and those arent the same from 2000 years before that

Did they show anything on gamescom? They were there.

>Be female is Zone
>Get shot, raped and left to rot on first bandit camp

And that's why I don't respect them either.

I respect that answer user, have a nice day.

>cherry picking paintings out of completely different styles
Disregarded post completely.
>hurr pick related is european culture, shit isn't it?

Attached: e861f92a47bf383280de7f9be748e4e8,780,0,0,0[1].jpg (779x519, 60K)

nothing wrong with the concept, it was just hilariously broken

Literally the same culture as it was thousands of years ago obviously is gone but it's cultural heritage is still there.

you as well

>bring on devs who don't understand what made Stalker good
>they try to make the game "better"
>voice acted cutscenes for all quests.
>2 moral "choices" per dialogue that affects nothing in the story
>linear plot that funnels you though a severely decreased in size zone
>focus on consoles
>handicap A-life because otherwise consoles won't run it
>no dynamic factions
>story is about good guy Stalkers who have to #resist the evil shadow government with terrible right wing views
>ugly dyke women
>reference to mutants removed so as not to offend trannies who identify as mutants
>annoying female sidekick who #resists authority and don't need no man
>repeated references to cheeki breeki and other reddit tier memes
>pre-order bonuses, DLC and other jewish practices
>No super sus cameo.

Attached: 31184206_635481133460808_5323579154136825856_n.jpg (750x937, 234K)

Niggers, faggots and jews in the zone.

First of all, there is no such thing as "eruopean" culutre as there is numerous countries within europe, with completely different cultures and languages that have completely different roots and that are incompatible with each other.
That french fag is not representative of europe.

>faggots and jews in the zone.
With Sidorovich and Duty already in the game we're only missing nigs now.

Attached: Sido1.jpg (388x533, 83K)

Instead of


we will get


>Niggers, faggots and jews
Uhm... Thats Freedom

>blacks and gays ar real
Not for long

>yes goy the migrants

Ray of Hope afaik is doing the open world map. It's the same layout of the coc map, but without instanced levels, you can now walk freely between them through the forests and plains

Actually, it`s true. There was anti-russia propaganda in Metro 2 (writings on the wall and so on).


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Never ever

If, and IF it ever actually releases I can only imagine the massive bugfest and performance hell it'll be, but hey god bless autists working 5+ years on a mod

>You don't even understand the difference in approaching the value of human life in these countries, man.
Yeah, like you get yourself killed by slowing down in bad district of Detroit, no need for accident, that's your western value of human life for you.

You're right, Chinks are on par with Niggers.

same shit with the original stalker lol

>not S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of 2 Chernobyls

who the fuck are you quoting? stalker plays fine with bug fixes

I think you mean S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S.

Attached: 1526693758631.jpg (640x569, 100K)

no it doesnt, its a shit game that 90% of people didnt play untill years later and even then they need to mod it to hell and back to even play it

Whites are no better when it comes to this.

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I only learned about the mod when they posted that beta gameplay, so i haven't been affected by the wait yet. But if they're calling it a beta, surely they must be planning some kind of release within the next year.

it plays fine, it's not unplayable at all

are there any cool ukrainian weapons they could put into the game? kinda shit most guns in previous stalkers being pretty bland despite you visiting military bases and secret bunkers only to find some basic bitch AK

Making it Epic store exclusive

The only truth


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Take a look at the stats.

I live on n a country with minorities that are discriminated by both blacks and whites.

Unteal engine

Cinematic experience

Or maybe it'll be something entirely different with a completely new story, new characters, ect
All of the other games were pretty much focused on strelok

This history of china is the same as the histories of all peoples across the globe. Alex's Greek empire fell shortly after him and the successors, despite being nothing more than bastard children, were nothing. Rome, despite ruling for over millennia, was vastly different from it's inception to it's eventual downfall (from latins to Hellenized mutts). The germans are rape babies of Huns, Romans, and Slavs. Slavs are products of hun and steppe rider rape. Britain was roman, then Angle/Saxon/Norse/Pict mongrels, then french mutts AND THEN dutch mutts. Spain was their own peoples, then roman mutts, then Vandal mutts, then muslim mutts. Africa and South America are just giant crucibles of rape and war.

Name me ONE people who are the same now as they were several millenia ago.

Attached: TZiQw4lt_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>calling a jew white
>acting like sandy hook was a real thing that actually happened

Actually all modern Slavs are alien mimics from outer space, but I guess they don't teach that in US schools. All hun people were genocided in the XXth century and replaced by literal eldritch spawn.

>The germans are rape babies of Huns, Romans, and Slavs.
Not true.
>Name me ONE people who are the same now as they were several millenia ago.
Northern Germanics in general, Sardinians, Japanese, Bantus, Bushmen, Abos, there are actually quite a few.

yes they fucking are you hilarious retard


>only white white white white white can be in muh games waaaaaahhh gonna cry

man stfu


they are NOT going to let you play as a little girl

>all of those are one-time references to real life or straight-up jokes
Keep them coming faggot
I played too much of this game to be bamboozled by some shill

They hired a bunch of westerners for the game. They constantly posted "help wanted" ads to their english facebook page.

>black people are real
>gay people are real
Nah just a hoax

gonna check it out of course but hopes are not high as of now

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