Risk of rain 2

Risk of rain 2 thread
Playing on drizzle edition

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So on monsoon, if the first three items I get are shit, should I just restart?

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US West Monsoon

>Blazing stone golems on level 2

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Drizzle in RoR2 feels like Rainstorm in RoR1. I just want Command so I can build whatever and have fun without rng fucking me



Hoopoo is tracking if you ever play drizzle. Not sure why but its in the save file

How should they change Rex?

if the next three items are shit you should restart


EU Vanilla

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She becomes a dinosaur.

How do we fix Commando?

spelled "edishen"
pcfags can even read a dictionary now huh?

>next week's patch will double check unlock conditions

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Give him a utility ability.

because drizzle gives you an item called drizzlehelper

>Doing monsoon runs
>First boss for the for 4 runs has BEEN THAT FUCKING JELLYFISH

>make the shotgun not feel so fucking pathetic
>make the m2 increase in damage depending on how many enemies it already pierced
>or let it bounce and then do more damage after bouncing
>increase speed and health
>give the roll iframes

monsoon feels the fucking same as before, one healing item makes it basically the same as it was before
you guys need to git gud

US west monsoon, all are welcome


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i've got half the skins unlocked, but if an achievement can be unlocked on drizzle i'm unlocking it on drizzle

if only there was an item that added reliable armor

give him a utility ability that isn't a shitty blink
m2 was already fixed with the shotgun and ult actually scales with attack speed now so those are fine

>lmao wouldn't it be funny if a fire wisp spawned above the player and oneshot them before they could react
What's the point of oneshot protection if it doesn't fucking work in half of the situations.

But seriously wisps shouldn't be able to just shoot directly after spawning, it's fucking retarded

I don’t care if it’s not the best item, brainstalks is so much fucking fun
>infinite merc spins
>Gatling gun commando
>giga healing Rex

They can't, they have to do an animation, and then charge up their attack. It's like 3 seconds, user.

>see the wisp spawn near me
>literally as soon as I can react aim at him and shoot
>he fucking shoots me and I die instantly before my projectile hits him

increase dart healing so that it actually offsets the health cost of her good abilities

same thing happened to me except I spawned right next to a golem, he waited til my iframes ran out and then clapped me
I would be mad but it looked funny as hell with him towering over me and looking down as I was spawning

ded game

Being able to infinitely spam mercs new projectile is absolutely amazing, cus that shit keeps you floating midair.

how much lag would a us east coaster bring to the table?

Open when?

i got great internet but idk how netcode is in this game really

Before this patch I would've said no. After this patch fuck yeah especially if you're playing commando or rex. Just can't afford to lose the time before looping right now


the real problem is how elite wisps don't get staggered like normal wisps do, so you can't just plink them to interrupt their attack


east coast to europe is like 130ms, it's probably fine

Do you guys think they should change how the teleporter works? As in, make it chsrge faster the more enemies you kill, or something? Or would that make it too easy. It's seems like after the first loop you're just sitting there waiting after wiping bosses.

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Give his shift iframes and 2 charges

>posted 8 minutes ago
>try to get in, can't

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does anybody have the pastebin?

im glad this pic i made is being used, thx user

US East Monsoon

>playing loader
>get to stage 4
>hit the red and then tele
>overloading contraptions
>fucking die
>get to stage 4 again
>overloading elder lemurians

Fucking finally I got a crowbar printer. Prefer the red skin over the white to be honest.

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2 slots boys

>literally one shot the teleporter boss the moment it spawned
>didn't unlock the rusted key still

where is 10 man lobby

What are your opinions on the level up system. Do you think there should be more depth to it? The fact that it eventually becomes impossible to level up any further at all around level 20 makes me feel there should be more perks to it. Like your skills gradually gaining more power, range or passive bonuses and improvements. It feels like an overall really easy to forget mechanic except when the occasional banner pops up.

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Where is artifacts lobby

how do you even get a run like that
I don't understand how to get good on monsoon

US West Monsoon

Everyone was basically playing on Drizzle until this new update

Those achievements where you have to kill a boss really fast seem to be bugged at the moment. Just edit them into your save file if you don't want to keep trying because it's really just a roll of the dice if you'll actually get the achievement.

My opinion is the same as it was on risky 1, the exp to level up shouldnt reach impossible levels by lvl20 so you could still scale up a bit better on bad runs and to make shit like warbanner not a shitty investment in the long run

The alternate huntress skin looks really good when other players are using it imo. Like if you look too closely at it it doesn't look great, but when you see a huntress in black and white zipping around alongside you it looks cool.

Pray you don't start off with absolutely worthless items, go fast, play safe, git gud.

>alien head
>bunch of backup mags
>two afterburners
>that new arti skill that launches her in the air
>two shaped glass

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By having 10 shaped glass and one hitting everything. Some movement speed is also needed since you need to avoid wisps like the plague

looks like a vagina in the thumbnail

Call me redd!t all you want, tell me to git gud or a million other things, but this new "patch" that kills regeneration in Monsoon made the game way too hard for my retarded ass.
Monsoon already felt "difficult" enough to get a loop on in the older versions, where there was a satisfying curve to enemy damage, but it seriously has turned into a run or reset game.
Bad first items doom a run outright now, when it used to be something you could outplay for a map and hope you did better next tileset, but not anymore.
I want my fun monsoon back.

3/4 get in

US West monsoon

There’s nothing wrong with drizzle you elitist assholes. Maybe some of us just want to play the game without having to barely scrape by every fucking stage.

I don't feel as though the changes make that much of a difference to some characters but they do make the gap between the good and the bad characters much wider

regen changes killed REX on Monsoon
thanks hotpoo

109775241058213834 actually

I'm more concerned with the director's changes. I usually get swarmed too fast now but I remember being able to speed to the preon at early access release.

the patch is ridiculous and everyone, literally EVERYONE, claiming that it's good also have 999999 cheated lunar coins and will go for shaped glass every single run. the nerfs to regen were shit and have made the game center around either getting god level RNG in the first 3 levels or using lunar items as a crutch

I hope this is bait

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this too. holy fuck the spawn rate is so retarded
nothing spawns for like 40-60 seconds then a whole bunch spawn at once. completely retarded


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>mountain challenge
>it spawns 2 imp lords
>one of them just teleports out of existence
is this like a thing with the fire map exclusively? I keep having it happen in this map exlusively.

>activate three shrine of mountains
>four (4) wax quails

i thought monsoon was way too hard, but then i stopped playing commando

>Stand around doing literally nothing for 2 minutes
>1 or 2 beetles might spawn in that time
>hit the 3 minute mark
>mudflooded with elites out the ass and the sky is blotted out by wisps

fuck you hotpoo literal artificial difficulty

>pick Commando
>equip Shotgun ability
>replace shitty dodge roll with Strides of Heresy lunar item

wtf i thought you guys said Commando was bad?

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Only grade schoolers play on easy mode!

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Anyone play the PS4 version online? Is it active? Thinking about signing up for ps plus just to play.

>commando is nothing without his buddies enforcer and bandit

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This game is fun and all, but I feel like every long run I do on monsoon is basically soul bound catalyst + fuel cells + gesture of the drowned with missle launcher as your equipment. They just keep shooting and killing everything on the map.

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Drizzle is boring once you can consistently obliterate yourself every run imo. Build up your skill to consistently obliterate on monsoon where you actually get punished for being slow and shit.

They may no longer be around, but he can fight on for them

they can't, he's fundamentally fucking
>healing based character in a game that's all about HUEG damage

good then i can finally get preyed upon by sexy older women

how many lunar did you spend this run?

lmao virgin
eggplant emoji tongue emoji heart eyes emoji

Buff him. The reward for the risk is too low most of the time unless you get your R into a big crowd.

i need some pro tips.

do i spend time exploring, getting all the chests? or do i try to get through the teleporters as fast as possible. i usually spend 7 minutes or more on the first level trying to get as stacked as possible. in later stages i start skipping chests and such.

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>wandering vagrant spawns in area with no cover

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elite bosses should not be able to spawn before later difficulties. they completely break the flow of the game

have you tried sucking less cock?

Mod user, would it be difficult for someone with limited knowledge to edit texture colors? I'd like to give thong loader flesh colored skin

pls. no bully

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>actually believing it was an accident and not damage control to justify the change

do i get a pass for playing drizzle if i only have one hand

Around 60. I started one-hitting everything when I got 4 shaped glass, the rest was only for fun.

oh no is the drizzlebabby gonna cry


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Can anyone remind me of just how much stickies got buffed?

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I suggest getting one or two chests, and level 2 then starting the teleporter and buying what you can with the money you get from that before leaving. There will always be more chests in the next map, and difficulty increase from wasting time waiting for enemies to spawn will outscale the increase from going to the next stage. On level 3-4 you should just hit the teleporter instantly then buy stuff. You want to get to stage 5 ASAP because at that point doing the teleporter lets you buy everything in the whole map which will let you start scaling much faster.

>start a run to kill 15 people while on air
>get 2 headset red thst I grabbed by mistake
>get Hella pissed
>get crit equipment
>wait a minute
>get one second kill boss instead

Finally, the last artificer unlock.

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you just have to get a feel for it, there's no answer that fits every situation. ideally you don't want to be leaving a level with tons of wasted cash, because that means you wasted too much time farming and time = harder enemies.

So Iplayed this on the launch's first week, then never again
Does it have meaningful new content?

Problem is you sometimes don't get any healing items and that there are like 3 good ones and shit like monster tooth and fungus ruin the healing chest pool.
If you kill the boss it should charge faster. I hate waiting around with literally nothing to shoot.
Yeah the director is totally fucked. I just rush the teleporter right off the bat now since no enemies spawn for like a full minute.
I'd be fine with elite hordes earlier on if they toned down the health they fucking have. Elite hordes having like triple the health that a normal boss would have had makes you waste so much time. Its basically an instant restart if you get one before first loop on monsoon.

Last patch they dealt 5% total damage of the skill that applied them +2.5% per stack. Now it's +5% per stack, so every sticky past the first is worth double they were last patch.

Strides of heresy is actually pretty legit on certain classes (mando, mul-t, artificer, rex). Granted that you don't stack 10 of them, you can get yourself some sick dodge and consistent healing every 6 seconds. It also fucks with enemy AI making golems fire their lasor into nothing and imp overlord just can't do shit to you. You also retain 100% of your speed and gain flight by pressing jump. I'd say it's an instant pick in many cases and a direct upgrade to mediocre shift abilities.

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thank you. i'll do my best.

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Unity Asset Bundle Extractor.
Find the specific texture you want to edit, then hit "Plugins", then "Edit", then choose your specific texture. Hit OK then the default option it gives you from the drop down menu. Save in a separate folder then drop it into your data folder.

Is stacking strides bad? Because I've been in coop matches where someone else pops open a pod and strides drops and they don't take them, so I just fly on over and stack em.


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Eu or NA

it increases the healing which would be good if it didn't also increase the time it lasted by 3 seconds per stack. It would be insane if you could cancel it.

I'd prefer MUL-T's default just for the obscene distance it gets you and the damage it deals, but I can see strides being better for buzzsaw MUL-T since it has a lower cooldown and gives some vertical mobility.
It's not really BAD, but it's annoying. The more you have the longer it lasts, so while you probably just want to dodge one attack or quickly reposition if you have more than 2 you're going to be twiddling your thumbs waiting to be allowed to attack again.

Stacking increases duration (+3 seconds per stack) and while it does mean more healing, you are rendered useless when flying around as a shadow sanic. I think the initial duration is plenty enought and low cooldown of this ability ensures that you can reuse it very often.


>Go loader
>Get leg
>Spiderman yourself for some momentum
>Activate leg mid-flight
>Holding forward keeps momentum which basically clears maps with ease even on flunky attempts
fun, but the obvious downer is no mega slap

Two (6 seconds) let you charge your shields to full, so it's good on transcendence too.

Having a really hard time unlocking the Artificer's 1 second kill. By the time I get enough shaped glass, there's multiple bosses.

Ever done a run for shits and giggles and already won on the first stage?

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3 slots open

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You have absolute shit items tho.

So Stride of Heresy is basically a must-have on Artificer, right?

If the wiki can be trusted transcendence takes 7 seconds to start regen, and then 2 to go from empty shields to full, so if you wanted to be absolutely safe you'd need 3, but 2 is probably enough in most cases. But yeah a full heal every 5 seconds+massive max health is crazy. Gotta try that with MUL-T's buzzsaw.

>trying to get loader challenge
>three manning it up
>get to final stage with 4 min left
>hit tele
>haunted bizon
>hit it with two lunar dagger preons
>95% health
when are they fixing elite bosses

He could ONLY have the ceremonial dagger and he'd be set for the run.

Dagger scales insanely well, especially once you get ukes and wisps. Dio will guarantee I'll get that far.

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>11 min stage 2
you sure you'll make it that far friend

I fucking hate that teddy and other red pool bloaters

What would be the point of double buzzsaw on mult

I-It's okay. T-They're c-coming back. H-haha...

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he's on rainstorm and he has a dagger. he's set, this isn't monsoon

Rainstorm's scaling is nothing against monsoon's.

Sad they made it so you don't get more daggers per stack anymore. It's a red, so it's rare enough to get a ton of them that who cares if it may cause some lag.

Sniper WHEN?

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so you can switch actives without needing to stop using the chadsaw, duh

He'll have to export the base texture with asset studio first, won't he? Then edit it, then do the thing you mentioned.

Speaking of modding help, can you write a quick tutorial on how to insert models into a different version? I'd like to keep the robe and jetpackless arti and cageless loader, but it seems you've discontinued those in the new version.

sauce me up

Speed/teleporting elites FUCKING WHEN?

I fear they've given up on Sniper, Bandit and HAN-D continue to get miniscule changes.

can we see your item build?

I have tried to make buzzsaw mul-t work, but to no avail – his terrible basic mobility and saw's short range make for a miserable experience. Paired with mediocre damage output and considerable lack of healing, I'd say that it's a very complicated loadout to play with. However, it's stupid fun to transport modo into a primordial cube and go nuts. Stack stun grenades (about 5 make for a decent stunlock), leeching seeds, focus crystals and all the good stuff and pray, I guess.

Host where?

US West Monsoon

why do you only have one hand

Well, it's not that I'm discontinuing them entirely. I'll try and do variation later one, but I'm just rushing through doing mobs and characters first. In order to get the things you want from the files, you just need to use Unity Asset Bundle Extractor to get the meshes that you'd want. I should have them labelled as "Modified" or "New", but you need to Export the raw file and then Import it into whichever file you want. Also, yeah, he needs to get a rip of the texture first. He can use either AssetStudio or Utiny Ripper in order to get those items.

He's using the royal capacitor.

>A celestial orb has appeared
Just give me my huntress skin reee

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It was pretty early in the run and I didn't take a screenshot of the items until a bit later. I found a will o wisp printer in stage 3, so I had 10 wisps and used the succ cube to gather a ton of enemies on top of the 3 titans that spawned.

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That's odd, when I import it into the new version all I get is a crash on launch. I assumed it had to do with the different asset names, like the new Arti is MageShirtMeshModified while the old one was MageMeshNew
Am I doing something wrong?

Yeah, his kit just isn't built for melee, but at least he can bring a ranged weapon along and use the melee only when it makes sense. You just have to make some serious decisions on what to sacrifice as far as ranged goes. Do you take nailgun for mid-range and accept that sometimes that wisp will be unkillable? Do you take rebar puncher, and accept that when you can't melee you have a slow as shit low DPS gun that if it can't one shot is a pain to use? Do you take the grenade launcher and deal with its ammo system gating your attack speed, and its difficulty in hitting some targets?
Still it's a very cool ability and I''m glad they added it even if it's not the smartest thing to choose.

And here's the final build.

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He's using the lewd mods.

>focus crystal sticks out of the shield
Damn that's a cool detail I never noticed. I was wondering what they'd do about adding new items to the game as places on characters ran out, but if they can make cool overlaps like that it'll just make the whole concept better.

I can see why you ended the run

You're exporting Raw files, right? That's important. Export Raw and Import Raw. Everything else when it comes to the meshes could crash the game on startup.

I'm holding out hope for both of them

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Daily reminder that the incomplete Bandit in the files got updated to drop his hat on death during this patch, and while the next two characters are confirmed to be brand new post-release support is also planned.

>On Bouncing Artificer

Attached: HuntressEdit.png (4665x1269, 131K)

Oh, I see, I was exporting with assetstudio, that's where I went wrong.
How do I get rid of Artificer's skirt? I could only find the mesh in the new version, not in the old.

Anyone know how the fuck to host more than 4 players with the new update? Bepis hasnt been updated yet so can play with all my friends

Since HAN-D is sitting inactive on the ship in the character select, what kind of unlock gimmick do you think he might get?

I actually just got bored because I had broken the game so badly, and with 2 dios I wasn't going to die any time soon.

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Alloy Worship Unit has goldboy scaling. Nerf incoming?

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>Risk of rain 2 thread

That's not very inclusive of you. Post em

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The bepis version on the thunderstore works. Note that R2Pwhatever might lag your game now due to its MMHOOK.dll or something, might be able to resolve that by using an older hook dll.

>Next patch removes Bandit and leave only his hat
>Patch after makes Bandit's hat a red that gives you lights out's effect with your R


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I should have a mesh labelled as "Empty". It replaces Loader's suspenders around her waist. And on older WIPs it should be referenced to Artificer's skirt. When you get it to work, share it, I'm sure other people would want variants.

for me, it's CHEF.

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Yeah, I'm planning on uploading it if I get it to work.

Haha, yeah who could imagine a character's unique gimmick being replaced by an item? crying_artificier.jpg

2/4 come join

I hope I can get more people into modding this game, there's only so much I can do at a time


thank you based sauce supplier

explain the joke to a brainlet

>playing huntress
>snow stage
>manage to clear teleporter event without going below full hp
>might as well loot before hitting tele since there's no minions to hit me
>walk off shipping container
>take 26 damage, just enough to remove 1 hp

Siren's call was a fucking mistake
>terrain is just a mess of random objects mashed into a mountain side, absolutely horrible to fight any enemy types on.
>filled with flying enemy, you know the type of enemy everyone fucking loves
>instead of a lot of chests you just get a bunch of useless drones
But then
>dashing into the alloy boss as merc can launch the boss so far up into the sky that he will be unreachable, yet the boss AI will just stay there in the air being literally impossible to hit instead of moving back into the map
>Magma worm AI spazzes out a lot due to the terrain, can also decide to just jump down the map and stay at below the teleport barrier, being literally impossible to hit
>Game decides to give me both bosses at the same fucking time and they both softlock me at the same time
I didn't even fucking destroy any eggs why does it still spawn him during the teleport event on this shitty abortion of a stage

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the guillotine does Artificer's ice wall effect but better

would the game be better if you didnt have to stand next to the teleporter during the charge?

that move sucked dink anyways, it's all about the m2

u have to use the teleporter spikes to cover

I hate to disappoint, but I fear just juggling models between versions is about as much as I can do.

>>instead of a lot of chests you just get a bunch of useless drones
that is completely random and has nothing to do with the stage
also it's great and you obviously accidentally destroyed them

come join us for some wholesome monsoon time

My complaints were that M2 sucked and R didnt scale with attack speed so those are fixed, I also agree that i-frames on roll is nice. Maybe make him a little tankier? If they're keeping the roll without iframes, maybe increase the roll distance as a small mobility buff?
well shit i know what im doing today

magma worm can break eggs

yo, are the achievement unlocks bugged for anyone else?
on my current run, I managed to avoid damage on the snow stage as huntress, but the achievement didn't unlock, and I also managed to pass stage 20 but I didn't get that achievement either

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I like it. Much better than scorched acres. Worship unit just needs lower HP scaling.

Hovering with headstompers is retarded.
>now you can jump high
>now you can't
>now you can float
>now you can't

it only does that if you're less than 24 hours away from death irl
quick call your family and arrange something

Does Merc's new R proc with items?

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I think what would be a good fix is Warbanner also having a small boost to received Experience, so that Warbanner still at least has a use on higher levels, and the higher EXP rate means more Banners overall.

What mod is it that makes the chests and 3D printers give you stuff faster?

It sucks dick aside from being a stun, and from allowing her to finish off elites quickly. Shaving off a third of an elite's health is great, and makes her by far the best character for dealing with early game horde of many teleporter events.
But it lost a lot of its appeal after guillotine released, and guillotine even works on elite bosses and flying enemies unlike the finicky to aim ice wall.

is it just me or does his armor become extremely obnoxious during 10% hp? not talking about the shield, it just barely takes any damage during the end

shields count as health, user. On;y barrier ignores it

ok, I just unpaused the game and it unlocked, it just had a little delay lmaoo
still annoyed that the achievement for avoiding health damage didn't unlock tho, is there a way for me to cheat and get it?

What? It will apply sticky bombs and stuff if that's what you're asking, but basically every attack does. Hell, even some items like ukulele do.

are they gonna add the mushroom guys from the first game?
what about the sand crab or the nautilus shell thing?

The main issue is the finicky aspect of it, even if you do hit it, if you hit it at the wrong time like at 35% hp instead of 33.33%, and for whatever reason couldn't get it below 33.33%, it's just wasted and did nothing. Most of the time, the enemy won't just walk into the other pillars either, it's just a clunky move that works against itself a lot of the time, feel like it should be a small ring instead of a line of pillars

>greater wisps
>horde of many
>blazing golems
>horde of many


>me and a friend stand around for a good 30-40 seconds at the start, no enemies
>suddenly several elites and a few small fries show up
>this repeats for the first like 5 minutes
This is happening almost every run? I'm ok with more elites, but the early game just has so much dead-time where you're just waiting for the difficulty to hit the next mark so enemies will spawn.

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here's your celestine bighorn bisons horde

Here's your easy boss bro.

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How do you deal with overloading worms as loader, they do so much damage to you if you try to punch through them

Yes, that's extremely annoying because often you're too far away for your m1 or m2 to reach before they unfreeze. At least the new M2 can handle those situations by giving you two chances, because it's rare you need to execute multiple elites with one wall.

>going 470/450 hp counts as not being full health
that's stupid and you know it

yeah some of the guys know how
its just "huntressnodamage" or something you need to paste into a text document

really i was getting errors thrown back from it

>rng gives me shitty boss that wasn't tested on this map
>shitty boss summons even shittier boss
>shitty boss jumps out of the map and ends my run

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I lost a run once because I was trying to kite the boss through the shitty caves and I kept falling off the map.

some of the mastery achievements (obliterate yourself on monsoon) are actually bugged. I did it on huntress and nothing happened - had to edit it in. loader's worked fine tho


>4 runs in a row today with REX where I get n'kuhana and rejuvenation rack before level 4

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I mean, it's alright, it's just really frustrating to use imo, so I just instantly hate it even if it's good. My 'tism starts acting up when I see that only one or two of my pillars hit something and the others just uselessly stood there

What's even the point of these new levels
>no preon
>no guaranteed red item unless you waste your time playing egg hunt and then killing a boss with 5 times more HP than anything that level
Fucking please, I might as well start over if I don't get any of the old levels on monsoon

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why would I play on monsoon if I already got the mastery skin with that character

>Horde of many blazing brass contraptions
>But also about 5 other blazing contraptions spawn
>Can't tell the boss ones from the normal ones
>Get set on fire and die

What was hopoo thinking

>just go to the bazaar and spent 3 lunar coins to pick your map :^)
The maps need to be more balanced so that all options are viable

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>rubs hands

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>What was hopoo thinking
"how big should I make loader's ass"

Huh, I messed something up. I lost the modded wisps. But I still have the busty lemurians and the modded greater wisps. I don't think I touched anything wisp related?

What do the new celesine elites do anyways

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Teleporter bosses have red health bars instead.

based alloy unit dabbing on drizzlets

host where?

Map choice should be free

they make enemies around them invisible

sirens call is better for multiplayer since it drops a red for each player

He's just trying to help you unlock the Blast Shower. :^)

That's weird. The original Wisp mesh I think it was "Sphere.000". Replace that with what I have labelled as wispmesh and you should get them back.

What counts as a multikill for the purposes of Artificer's cheevo? Is the best way to get it just stacking a bunch of wisps/gasoline/daggers?

>stack attack speed
>pick brainstalks
>spam whole lawn with walls
Is she secretly related to Ifrits?

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goddamn i wanna fuck that poppo

drizzle is hilariously easy and boring. it's actually toddler difficulty and guaranteed god run every time
that said I'm fucking with you, just have fun

its whatever happens when you split the atom of the enemy and everything explodes
just have that happen to 20 or more and its good

all the enemies must die within the same tick of damage, herd them and fully charge M2. cube helps.

>got 2 malachite alloy units today

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>Rex his third ability is shit
>skills 2.0 only gives him a different secondary skill
>a secondary skill that is objectively worse than the original
what did they mean by this

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I was doing the 20 stage with commando for the challenge and clover, should I keep going? Thought about waiting until aurelionite to get his achiev but I've yet to see a golden pillar

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So, when are we getting this level?

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Speaking of brainstalks artificier, it was SO disappointing to unlock and realize it doesn't give full speed infinite ammo M1's. I wish they'd change that. It'd be really powerful, sure but it just makes so much sense and I don't think there's anything wrong with some characters having really good synergy with certain items.

that's clearly just an early swamp

>Rex is like a sandshark when you give him enough hooves.
He's so fun like this, I love it.

Hopoo really should consider doing smaller, tighter maps.

If you keep going at least go take a 20 minute break or something. Nobody should have to sit through a single match of that length in one sitting.

Like what, distant roost? Anything smaller than that is going to be an instant clear, and anything more confined is going to be near impossible in late game.

But swamp is the shittiest map, and this one looks miles better.

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Oh no, I've been playing on and off most of the day

Risk of Rain 3 that's openworld when?

Don't think that's swamp, some structures are there that you didn't usually see.
Might be an early fifth map, cause this seems too different compare to swamp

Well, maybe something less vertical, then. Something flat with actual cover, unlike the Aurelionite fight.

Risk of Rain MMO when?

getting black screen fuck

Oh, the little wisp is in sharedassets0.assets.
I think I got everything now.
Artificer without jetpack and robe, Loader without cage, and a bustier Merc, along with the enemy edits.

I guess while I'm here I could do some other combos if some anons want them.

risk of rain zombie survival crafting battle royale when?

Does the desert always contain the button that opens the section with the 2 elite lizards?

You are like little baby

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AAAAAA where is it hooopppoooooooooo

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Who's the most Unga Bunga character so far?

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loader is literally just hold left mouse click and smash the enemy

first level's filename is BlackBeach so it was probably a really early distant roost

literally just an early titanic plains from when the game was going to have platforms

Loader for sure.

Is this without the cowtits or with the cowtits?

Can you put Bandit's hat on Commando and MUL-T

>4 transcendence
>11 shaped glass

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>unga me hold m1 bunga

Thanks doc

With cowtits. No, I can't, the most I can do is change out modanon's mods.

If you do this on any difficulty but Drizzle you're going to get slapped hard

Has anyone done the monsoon mastery runs for commando/loader solo? I literally do not see it being possible.

>just hold left mouse click and do zero damage
Wish I could actually do that. I love simple melee classes without any gimmicks who just smash faces.

Yeah I know, the transcendence is not needed when you have 11 shaped glass, didn't get that many shaped glass until stage 11+

I like that HUD

legit lunars or cheat?

I tried editing texLoaderPilotDiffuse (just copied one of the color bars to another in paint) and the entire character whent completely white. What am I doing wrong?

ok but when's CHEF?

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I did the mastery challenge and the 20 stage one in the same run, all you really have to do is not get hit and use the shotgun

literally impossible, undoable, and inconceivable

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did it first try with both. loader is strong as fuck and commando becomes decent if you equip his shotgun

Anyone still not feeling the music?

On non Drizzle Loader is literally just Swing>charge punch>repeat

Cheated. I don't have time to grind lunars. It's not fun either.

Would it be possible to bring back the KLK mods in the same way or are there other things that need to be done?

Honestly, the map design is probably the worst thing about this game.
Even worse in RoR 1

I like it a lot, still not as good as ror1 or deadbolt

I did loader's first try with mediocre items. Just charge punch your way to victory. Didn't try commando yet.

I'm not even very good at Monsoon (too impatient) and I've come very close with Loader multiple times. Her mobility is so high even early on that you can afford to grab several more items than most characters since it's just a couple more seconds to cross the whole map.

Can you get into the 2 lizard elites in aqueducts alone?

I wanted to redo some of the KLK stuff. So that'd have to be way later.

I'm at 250 legit ones and never intended to grind, I just get quickly done with runs and obliterate pretty fast

I've done it once, I only had one pressure plate to step on for some reason


quicky EU west moonsoon

as engineer you can place a turret on one of the buttons
i dont know if you can push one of those explosive jars onto one though

Yeah, either drop an engineer turret on it or push one of the clay jars onto the switch. (Be warned this may drive you completely insane, the jars do not move very easily)

Yeah, I'm having a lot of troubles with commando as well.

You can, and that's the way to do it without turrets.

yes, if you're engie just put turret on one button,
if you're not engie you have to push a pot onto one of the buttons, wont always be possible with button/pot spawns
there's a chance one of the buttons will spawn with a pot already on top of it, it was probably that

Alright I finally understand the wisp meme. Holy fuck if you're not killing them they just multiply until there are 30 of them. Then you're fucked.

Why is it called risk of rain? Why's everyone so scared of a little precipitation?

did loader pretty easily. I feel like she falls off later on because punch doesn't scale with many items and her left click is mediocre, but loop 2 is no problem at all.

this game is the sequel to rainworld

I've started buying a gunner drone early if I have the cash and see one laying around. They clean them up nicely for you, and by the time the drone dies wisps aren't a problem.

Can you just do that set but leave loader default

I was hoping that we'd get more item balancing this update, there's still too many weak and disappointing red and green drops, like the whip and wake of vultures

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I think the monsoon regen changes would have a lot less complaints if half the healing items weren't complete dogshit

>only reliable way to heal was eng full of fungus
>lets give to engs new turrets that move so they can't heal either

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why do people like to shit on wake of vultures? I think it's a pretty decent red, its not great but its certainly better than something like headstompers or frost relic

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you can glitch through easily with enough movement speed and a mobility utility. I get them every time I'm there late in runs

And got like 10 monster logs

because i always fucking get it
i want behemoth
i want cool shit and not just "hey sometimes you are red lmao"

It's been a bit, what's the good way to play through Monsoon now in 2? I assume you don't just rush the teleporter like in 1 lobbies.

the people shitting on it remember what it was like when it was bugged and never get the fuck over it

forgot image

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because several elite types are fucking useless when applied to the player and the duration is laughable

>3 crowbars
>find a sequencer on the first loop
>17 daggers
Huntress unlock never

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I'm actually not a huge fan of the alternate turrets
they don't stay with you, and they have bitch made range
the only thing that the orignal turrets struggle with are imp overlords and getting fisted, which the new turrets struggle with as well but also can't hit anything 2 feet off the ground
not to mention that their proc coeff on their attack means they need clovers to compete with the other turret's dps

why even play on monsoon if you are going to pick up that many lunar items man

I've probably done like 40 stages as the huntress now, haven't found a crowbar 3D printer yet

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>triple Dunestrider

how do you deal with this as a melee character?

they all started suctioning at once and i literally could not Shift away as a Loader because the suction was too strong

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Frost relic is godly if you get it early, or are someone who can get up close in late game.
I don't know if you noticed in the august patch notes but it got HEAVY buffed. From 25% damage to 150% damage, and .05 proc to .2 as well as the AoE growing bigger the more enemies you kill. WoV is fun tier though and pretty good dps increase in late game when there are constant elites. It's cool to stealth your friends with Celestine.

>just ignore a game feature
No, maybe Hopoo should rebalance the lunar system and actually make it per-run instead of across all runs.

it used to be really bad but people haven't given it a try since the changes, all the elite affixes aside from frost give you a fuckload of damage now

just like walk away before they succ
Merc atleast can dash away with iframes

were they legit coins? I feel like anyone willing to drop that many coins on a run aren't legit. Just cause you have 11 in the screenshot isn't really proof.

Never said they were legit.

i want to cuddle with loader

They only suck at low health, so finish one off at a time. They're pretty easy with melee ever since they changed it so you can stand on them.

>15 minutes into monsoon run
>pop the stage 4 tele
why the FUCK can these niggers spawn as elites so fucking early

Well then you're actively cheating the mechanic, he shouldn't have to rebalance for cheaters. Surprised the achievements took you so long when you basically have a growing 80% chance to instantly win every level.

the thing that makes me hate frost relic is the fact that it doesn't grow or stay up with frost kills

I don't care if they were legit, but he's right. You shouldn't be able to break a run by cheating them in because that also means you can break a run by farming them up, and players should not be able to be rewarded with more items for having farmed in previous games.
The system is bad by default and cheating in coins just shows why by accelerating the problem.

use the grappling hook, dumb dumb. also they always do that at low health, be ready

Harvester's Scythe doesn't heal for shit.

It used to be a piece of trash that would suck up half your health when you killed a shield elite.
It got fixed since then but it's still not really useful compared to other reds.

How do you dodge Dunestriders insta-kill jars when you get unlucky and don't get any movement items on monsoon?

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it's specifically designed to be something uncommon because stacking lunars completely breaks the game

>muh lunar items are cheating!1111
shut the fuck up you crybaby scrub, nobody gives a shit if you bumped up the coin count.


Yes I cheated because farming the coins is not fun in the slightest and only tedious. Besides, even if I cheat in the coins there's rng in the shop anyways. As for the time and stages it was because I kept going until I found 12 crowbars. I could've ended it alot earlier and probably would have if I got a printer earlier.

You jump, all the time.

Git gud

time... to die....

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lunar coins are a stupid concept and if hopoo wants a cross run currency it should be for character unlocks like skins not items

They're really good but require multiple items to shine, which will become rarer as more items are added to the game unless they add more crit(snake eyes please) and attack speed items. With like 5 glasses, a few scythes and a high attack speed, and a rejuv rack commando heals from zero to full in half a second.
Have you unlocked predatory instincts yet?

It's literally virtually useless though. Their hitbox is big enough to catch you.

use his new skills

Notice how everyone that hates the system cheats the coins in. They ruined it for themselves, and want to spread the agony.
It's just silly to even play on monsoon if your going to break it with shaped glass every run.

Still better than the leech seed once you have enough crits

If you want to heal a lot play fungineer

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imagine being this much of a crybaby

big bug brerbs

don't mean this in a bad way, but why isn't there a /vg/ thread for the game? it's pretty clear there are lots of people here playing it
sorry, I haven't browsed the vidya boards in a long time

You're just assuming I cheat them in because I said I don't care he does. I do not. I don't like the system inherently because like I said it allows people to have an easier game by farming in prior games. That's fucking stupid.

>it's not cheating if I think the system is bad
mental gymnastics. I don't care what you do, but it's still cheating

imagine having such a guilty conscience that you still respond to muh lunar coins post to this day.

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Wow it's almost like Lunar coins are a bad mechanic that shouldn't be in the game to begin with!

What? People hate Wake of Vultures?

It's one of the most OP items in the game right now, if you get it on Mul-T you leave out a trail of death.

>it's pretty clear there are lots of people here playing it
and once it's on /vg/ there won't be

Yeah, just like it was just "silly" to even play RoR1 on monsoon if your going to break it with glass artifact every run. Yet that's how you always played it.

I have to unlock them and I refuse to lower the difficulty

That's the thing with lunars, sometimes you get lucky with shops, some times you don't. If you could "break" a run with lunars, then you can always do that if you farm enough.

What's it for?

so what of all the runs where they were not using them and farming them? You really think people just grind them on drizzle or something to have one monsoon run where they might get a bunch of glass and win easily?

If lunars aren't supposed to be used then why are they in the game? If lunars are supposed to be broken then why do they have big downsides?

it absolutely isn't lmao, what are you talking about? it's godawful early game because few elites and the duration is super short

Always felt as though the glass + command shit everyone did basically ruined the game. Half the fun in playing a roguelike is working with what you get

>play multiplayer fps
>use an aimbot
>"lol wtf aiming your reticle at the opponent is so busted... such a dumb and stupid mechanic.... baka fellow gamers..."

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drizzle my nizzle

Its a poorly executed concept and its really just in the game as a sick reference that one one cares about, but I hate it because it pollutes the red pool of GOOD items. I dont wanna farm stage 4 for this piece of shit. the only usefull elite is overloading and blazing
Ice and malachite don't do shit for you and I haven't even picked it up this patch because I avoid it like the plague.
its incredibly situational and just does less damage than other reds. Why does overloading just convert hp instead of giving you extra shield? isn't that the real strength of elites, that they have a fuck ton of health? Just having your health bar turn blue and you can't heal it doesn't do jack shit. it doesn't shake up the gameplay or how you play, its not interesting.

Ah, the classic monkey fruit ladder circlejerk everyone here does

I didn't know that every multiplayer fps has a built in aimbot. Why would you complain about it if the developers intended you to use the aimbot?

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I've played over 180 hours legit and now I'm at 250+ hours. Cheating in lunar coins literally just save me time.


lmao absolutely pathetic.

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They just wanted to make us work for glass and keep us playing vanilla bullet sponge hell

>some times you don't
Except you do. You can visit lunar shop with 4 (four) lunar items after almost every level. Not even counting random lunar items on levels. That's like the only thing you have any control over in this game.

Oh no, that guy had to fuck with some numbers in the games files, something he wouldn't have known how to do without googling it.

1/4, Monsoon.
I'ma be playing as Loader, and I ain't very good at it.
Come help me.

This. Congrats, you had the patience to farm coins. I don't, I'd rather just play the game than grind a shitty currency.

Lunar items themselves are a fine idea. The problem is that some lunars are too strong with barely any downside (gesture, glass, tonic) , while others have a downside too large with barely any upside (effigy, corpsebloom).

On top of that, the lunar coin system isn't a good one.

Is something wrong with wisp spawns? Had 8 spawn all around me in different directions, kill about 4 in front of me before they could fire, then shot in the back and turn to see 3 elite fire wisps staring at me as I die.

stop being a retard and just do it on rainstorm or drizzle, the skin is only unlockable on monsoon, you'll thank me later.

I like to use more than 5 coins even when I obliterate. I keep cycling the shop for glass and GOOD reds. Ive succeeded on monsoon for a while and I just don't wanna grind for a true run. I just wanna boot up the game and have at it.

Were you the guy with 11 shaped glass? If so, just play drizzle and not cheat it's the same experience :)
Or don't :) just waste ur time constantly editing a text file LOL
guilty guilty :)

Will commando ever stop being pinned down by lusty monsters?

big lizard gizzards

>t has never ever gotten a bad lunar shop
kek whatever scrub, clap back when you got a play time of over 100hours that's NOT from farming lunar coins.

I know you're baiting but if I use artifacts in ROR1 am I a cheater too?

what does this mean?¿

Yes. Especially now that there's a reward for reaching celestial on Monsoon. Obliterate coins were literally added because as Hopoo said "a lot of people wanted a way to more easily farm them".
Fix the core problem of being able to farm up power for future runs and the problem of the people skipping the farming process to abuse the system will go away.

Just make coins more plentiful but not saved between runs. Then if you get more coins per run the items can be balanced by having different lunar coin costs, and since they cannot be amassed the shitty lunar items can be buffed since nobody could abuse strong lunars like they can now.
One of the main complaints is that there's not enough ways to influence your build. Lunar rework can fix that.

literally said I don't care what you do, but you're refusing to recognize that it's cheating
completely fair, I have no issue what people do in pve games

Why can't they just admit they are cheating? Why are they so defensive about it? Why does it anger them so much when regular gamer folk call them out for cheating? This thread, truly, shows the duality of man.

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>imagine being this upset over someone saving time
Keep farming dude, I won't complain, if you enjoy it keep at it. I don't

imagine unironically believing a meta-currency that gives you additional items is a good idea for a roguelite
stop posting, hopoo


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Give him iframes on roll and make his dualies feel like dualies from counterstrike instead of this lethargic ass machine gun commando. Do those two things and I can guarantee he'll feel better to play since his shotgun is better than the shitty phase blast. Maybe buff the grenade so it blows up on a time interval instead of the one bounce system it has.

1/4, Monsoon.
Or is everyone content talking about Lunar coins?

>"w-wah you're cheating"
>"yeah so?"
>"s-stop cheating"
Lol no

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Do you realize how stupid you sound?
It's far more important that they add more content and fix bugs first, and THEN balance it.

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>I'm gonna condemn you and your actions in written word but I don't care what you do you filthy cheater
lol, sure buddy, have fun grinding out coins honey.

>On top of that, the lunar coin system isn't a good one.
Learn to read.

If lunar items came in just regular boxes you bought with gold they'd be fine


they're not supposed to be farmed and you're not supposed to stack lunar items
the intention was to make lunar items uncommon. also not that guy

I'm sitting on whooping 27 coins now. Last run I got first glass after 20-something level, don't tell me about bad luck. My point is lunars are still the least RNG-affected thing in the game, everything else is even worse.

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>mfw cheated in like a million coins
>mfw also just abuse the shit out of glass every run
>still make bait posts about people who cheat lunar coins in
(reddit space)
(reddit space)
Sorry sweeties, thanks for the (you)'s though ! :)

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Lunar coins should just be more common and not carry over to new runs

>the lunar coin system is a good idea if you completely change how it works in every way

>and you're not supposed to stack lunar items
According to who?

>>I'm gonna condemn you and your actions i
fucking where, quote me right now. also I don't grind

I'd be fine with the lunar coin system if there was an item you had to pick up that auto-picks up lunar coins that drop

>playing my first loader run
>get to scorched acres
>think about how i still haven't seen grovetender
>start boss, it's grovetender
>starts doing shit
>grapple onto it, whirling around it at 3000 mph charging a punch
>Grapple lets go for no reason and I go rocketing into the abyss
>it jumps after me, falls into the abyss and dies instantly
>haven't seen it since

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how do you play Engineer once enemies start one-shotting your turrets through your bubble shield?

Cute vampire

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things i want in game:
a bunch of cool characters
a bunch of cool items
a sandbox mode where you can do whatever you want with the stuff you have unlocked but cannot unlock anything, pure gameplay and testing ground.
the ability to control every single enemy and use their abilities
modding ability just so nerds can make cool stuff

Sorry I meant "what does it do?". Is it the source of the increase health regeneration that Drizzle has, what?

You should develop for mario party games

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He said lunar Items are good, but the coin system is bad, dumb dumb

I got one on my second try

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according to them being a rare currency. not saying stacking 2-3, I mean spending 60 coins in one run

>I was only pretending to be retarded
>le epic trole

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2/4, Monsoon.
Come get your ass kicked.

Make teleporter like RoR1, no idea why they changed it. Kill boss then kill rest of mobs


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I can't seem to find loader's actual body mesh, sorry.

you don't

And yet, here you are... still responding :)

you use it to drizzle your nizzle

it gives you extra armor
drizzlets literally are playing with 33% damage reduction

So if I farmed 250 coins legit I'm not allowed to stack lunar items because some sperg on Yea Forums told me not to? You make no sense.

Items with a strong risk vs reward element instead of a straight buff like every other item? That's a good idea.

Having to buy those items with a permanent currency? That's a bad idea.

3/4 available

not any of those guys but i am the official guy of what you can do
you cant do anything
thank you for your time

Lunar items should be in lunar pods still since their downsides can completely ruin some builds, so it'd be really annoying to have to leave them on the ground. But if you buy a lunar pod with gold you're taking the risk that it may have a downside you don't want to pay for.

I think coins should be more plentiful and save between stages, but not runs. The bazaar is good for having a chance to influence your build. And some should be buffed, but doing that with the current system would just make the lunar stack problem worse.

60 coins is having ~15 shitty no-lunar runs before 1 great lunar run. I'm not an expert, but sound really not fun.

Thanks anyway man

Can I just ride a wondering vagrant to unlock demon of the skies for merc?


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When you get down to it, you only ever need 4 or so of one item unless you're stacking trans.

You only need two shadow steps, four gestures, and 4+ trans if anything. Glass you take 1 or 2 if that. If you really want that's 5-10 coins total if you want tincture as an item per game if you don't want to level select, which is just for fun anyway.

That's not terribly hard to farm, especially if every run ends with an oblit. I get 5+ coins vanilla nearly every game to the point where I sustain my moded coin count. It's literally just a thing for convenience.

3/4, Monsoon.
One spot left.

I said "supposed". 250 coins are going to be drained super quickly if you buy many lunar items in a single run
not saying the system is good at all, don't mistake my posting for defending how it works

bad take

nah, tried that lol, didn't work

>lunar coins are now tied to a single run, like money
>lunar pods award 2 coins
>mobs still have a low chance to drop coins
>bosses have a higher chance of dropping coins, guaranteed if you kill it without taking a single hit
>shop portal is guaranteed after each loop (can still be summoned with shrines)
>level choice is free in the shop

Your money gets turned into xp.
How would saving them work? You would have to change the whole system for your idea to work.

How the fuck do you do artificer's skill unlocks, I have 10 fuel cells, a capacitator, and a catalyst and I still can't kill a boss in 1 second nor can I get the multikill or whatever

I didn't farm at all and ended up at 250 somehow. I just don't use many lunars

Liked everything but the level choice

>lunar coin doubles in size every day

Stack shaped glass

how do i unlock the two newest characters?
im really fucking bad

Not bad for singleplayer if you up the pod spawn amount and chance, but it'd be shit on multiplayer, some fags would safegaurd the coins, some would horde them and not know what to do with them, it'd be awful.

Right now it's a bit too expensive and the only reason to actually choose a level is that they're completely unbalanced.

I'd say remove level choice and just make acres fun. add more boost ramps and a preon/equivalent

you need to have bandoliers by that late in the game, just constantly keep slapping new turrets down as the old ones are killed

rush stage 3 for preon, look out for crowbar printer, crit glasses printer, AP rounds printer, or stack glass

plant lad - take the fuel cell out of the pod you arrive in and dont take too much damage then find him in the red place and press E

arm girl - smash eggs smash boss


>challenge shrine drops a coin
>because there is now an average amount of coins everyone has at each state of the game lunar items can be balanced appropriately
>because players are getting more coins per run they can also have some cost more than others
System fixed. Shitters who depend on farming coins to unlock monsoon challenges or for flexing in multiplayer get their crutch taken away, and exploiters no longer exist.

so the worst lunars in the game are effigy of grief, and corpsebloom. Why would you ever use those things. At least Merc can use the hellfire thing.

>invalid lobby id

keep dreaming scrub-fag

You don't even need all of that. A single crowbar, or two focus crystals and getting prion in one of the first two stages will do it if you hit the boss from point blank and hit with a charged M2 at the same time.

Corpsebloom is actually pretty good for tanking machinegun niggers

Ara ara~ there must be younger girls you are interested in


Can you tell me where Loader's actual body is hiding? I can't find that mesh.

how many healing items do you need to get the maximum 10%, and does leech work with it still.

How much is enough dammit.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (164x50, 14K)

big mommy elder lemurian mod W H E N

That should be enough, if not, try a couple more.

Well if you farmed that many, you probably aren't privy to just throwing them all away in one run, you'll use them sparingly and accordingly. Anyways, most people have around 30 and use them and keep that baseline, sometimes saving and sometimes using much more to supplement runs in a meaningful but not broken way. But I suppose some people don't know how to handle currencies. Poorfigs be poor I suppose.

Effigy of Grief's main use is in the name. For real though armor is strong in this game, so armor reduction in strong and what grief needs to be good is for it to recall(with its debuff field in tow meaning you and everything between it and you get debuffed when you recall it) to you when you press the button again.
Very few, so it absolutely cripples your late game, but if you plan to obliterate ASAP and have mediocre healing it's fine as a 1-of.

for rex take the fuel cell on the back of your drop pod and carry it to lavaland and find the deactivated robot on the top of the level and pop it in. if you get below health with it you die instantly
I recommend using multi on drizzle and putting it in your offhand equip slot for max cheese.
for loader, get to call of sirens level, break enough eggs to summon the big bad ball of murderous death and then defeat said big bad ball of murderous death.

Attached: 2019-09-22_014942.png (53x51, 5K)

It's FemalePilot or PilotFemale. Look for that in the meshes

Why is it that when I try to join I just get booted back to the main menu

This update sucks, can we play ror1 instead?

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>be MUL-T
>find 5 Transcendence in 1 run
>and a teddy bear printer
>end game with nearly 4k shield and ~90% damage reduction

based robot of 200 base health

Attached: mul-t risk of rain.jpg (707x398, 39K)

Do you have like a tesla coil, or drones or something that are hurting bosses? Be careful not to ukulele or gasoline them too since hitting them once starts the 1 second timer.

Just got it actually, finally got a boss team that doesn't teleport everywhere and were stacked pretty well. Sadly I can't do the muiltikill because my tesla coil stops me.

as soon as you host friendo :^).

Attached: f36.png (680x1208, 312K)

Just get a cube and hope for the best.

>Very few, so it absolutely cripples your late game, but if you plan to obliterate ASAP and have mediocre healing it's fine as a 1-of.
how few is few? If you get sick of it you could probably just swap it out for a trans or two right?

>the virgin i-frames vs the chad armor buff

>engi doesn't even shoot he just sits there and fires off rockets
God I miss that fucking abillity



pretty sure it will return
pretty much a no brainer seeing as they already have an auto aim system in place

Basically ask yourself: Is my healing enough that I feel I can back off and heal to full without fear of being chipped to death by wisps? If yes then corpsebloom won't help and will just ensure you never reach actually good healing later on. If no, then it'll help you to reach that point, but will stop you from ever getting more than a full heal faster than 10 seconds.
There are no blue item printers. Your only hope of getting rid of them is praying for luck at the shrine of order.

If not then it'll be a mod when we can get alt-skill mods since like you said all it needs to be is a weaker, lower cooldown disposable rocket launcher with different looking rockets.

yeah also green glowy tipped dart rockets are cool

If you're still around, I'll post it in the new thread

haah waaw