When was the last time video games made you feel this way, Yea Forums?
When was the last time video games made you feel this way, Yea Forums?
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>inb4 soi
this dude bangs his wife and you don't, incels.
she's so excited ;_;
No he doesnt, I bang his wife
>that cute girl
doesn't matter how soi he is, he already won
Why do incels think getting a gf will make them less miserable? You fags just need to have sex and get it out of your system.
>someone will never be this happy for you
>the moment he knew it was a video game device he starts the soi smile
he's doing it on purpose
dilate soicel
Jokes on you, I've had sex
>still believing in the internet incel boogeyman
Fuck, what id give to be this naive again.
awww she's cute. but the rest is pretty cringe.
probably like, 1993
he's just a regular dude
>his girl watching his reaction in earnest
Thanks for posting this, it's nice.
>probably spends hundreds on his gf every week
>she buys him some crappy second hand games console off ebay for like $30 while looking genuinely pleased with herself
i enjoyed watching this.
I don't get this
what kind of person would be that happy to receive something
if you wanted it so bad you would have gotten it
Imagine your brain being warped by the Yea Forums so hard that a guy getting excited over a gift while his loving gf is extremely happy for him makes you think that you are a superior being because it reminds you of a meme.
He looks pretty happy too.
How to be an emotionless troglodyte. Step 1: think like this post
Are you seriously baffled by humans experiencing joy? Are you some kind of soulless robot
can someone explain what soi meme means
It's a nice try but I don't think you can spin this in a bad way no matter how hard you try
nope, I just don't get why anyone would be that excited over a very easily accessible thing
it doesn't make sense
if he's that excited over an N64 he would've had one in his house
>he thinks it's all about sex
Who's incel here?
Thats a lot for a woman to give.
Having sex without a deep, emotional relationship that is coupled with it is the most degenerate thing
Do not have sex
Do not be a slut
I felt fuzzy watching this and my mood went up a little
It feels good to get a present not only because it's a thing you want but because it shows that someone cares for you. It then in turns feels good to be able to show them appreciation.
Why you always have to be such a fag
Is this the N64 kid 20 years later?
>Nobody cares fir him and buys him gifts
Everybody point and laugh!
>i'll make up all this shit in my mind so i feel better about myself being a massive nigger
Well at least you didn't post wojak
Is your experience with human interaction nil?
both ugly soooo
imagine this being your take when watching this
That's not what he said retardjak
He's surprised that someone got a gift for him, and the gift just so happened to be something he really liked or something from his childhood that he remembers. There's not much information given here but a reaction. It's okay to be happy when someone gifts something to you, it's a normal human emotion.
Mario Odyssey. I think for me it was because I played the shit out of Mario 64 when I was younger but never played Sunshine, Galaxy 1 & 2, 3D Land or 3D World, so every experience, level gimmick, and song was completely new and exciting for me. After that I went back and started playing the older games and it’s amazing how much Odyssey reuses from them.
well no shit I have to make it up, do you think I live in their house you braindead fucknut?
Tyrone bangs her when he is bing bing wahooing in Mario 64
To be fair a woman just giving you something is a lot. My last girlfriend never made me a single gift while I made tons for her.
keep fantasizing about tyrone
Some people don't buy things for themselves or say that it's too expensive
I saw a Banjo plushie in the wild but didn't buy it despite loving the series
Someone bought it for me instead and I would've honestly regretted not getting it later on
rent free
Have sex
So was she really hot or just a bombshell in the bedroom?
that moment when he realizes what it is after just watching the cables always gets me.
That says more a about your shit taste in woman than anything. My last gf paid my rent for 2 months when I hit rock bottom.
my gf always gets excited about giving gifts, in fact i think most women get really excited about giving gifts
>thinking women are useful for anything but breeding and sex
This is why you guys are virgins.
>in the wild
Go back.
I feel you somewhat, I lived in a somewhat well off house hold growing up, and since if we wanted anything we'd get it, we made a rule that if we're gifting things to each other, it has to be handmade
It’s :DDD
certain gays like to be gift givers as well
>have sex
To the shop? There's no need to anymore
>imagine being genuinely surprised and happy over getting something fun, however accessible or cheap, from someone you love
These people today, jeez.
prostitute or fat/ugly women
they're all over the place
Damn, I wish I were sõiboi so I can be happy all the time unlike the rest of the Yea Forumstard
Well, to be fair I would have never accepted something like that.
Sex in and of itself won't help your problem, sorry to break it to you
ew no
literally rent fucking free.
Straight people can't form a deep, emotional relationship though since women are incapable fo virtue and don't understand camaraderie. So I guess all straights are degenerate and only gay men can be pure.
How miserable & empty do you feel?
Be happy for the guy! Or at least remember how nice you experienced something alike!
Yeah exactly, it's like people just enjoy being that cold & dead inside.
Sept. 9, my wife bought me Asstral Chain for my birthday.
I'm sorry I lack your love for retro gaming consoles
delete this
I'm pretty sure that guy hasn't had sex in a long time
I know, but they keep telling us to have saxophone without telling us how. Such hypocrisy.
If only they told us to get loving gf, AND explain how.
A fucking craigs list N64? I would smack her hard in the face for giving me such a shitty gift. That doesn't even cover the costs for her tampons she uses in a month.
That sounds pretty sad
I guess someone has to be happy for him, I mean just look how he's forcing that smile.
He's pretending to be excited for peer approval. Even if he were genuinely happy, he wouldn't leave his mouth agape like that. Nobody does that. It's just an act.
She was a bad girlfriend
>making the soi face over a piece of $30 hardware
How fucking pathetic. Look at how smug this cucks wife is too.
This guy is right though, they're like $20 on ebay, I threw my old one in the bin about a month ago, why the FUCK wouldn't he just buy one.
Clearly his wife is in charge of the finances, and that's what makes him a basedboy
but it's not genuine. watch the webm. do you have social autism? because it's real obvious he's playing it up for the camera.
am i a skitzo or does he look like he's faking it? i've never gotten a present and been so "stunned" like that, it just seems fake. it's not like i don't enjoy getting presents but i can't imagine reacting even that much
he probably bulls her out too retard. Does that look like the face of someone who fucks his wife on a daily basis? He did the onions face on purpose.
This is so cute.
No shit
It probably reeks of cigarette smoke just like anything else you get from Craigslist or Ebay.
I would just feign surprise and enjoyment, and then throw that shit in the trash with the rest of the N64’s awful library of games.
>the way she's eyeballing his face so hard through all of it, trying hard not to betray her excitedness
I will die a miserable being because I know it would feel so weird if someone was this happy for me, i'm too emotionally stripped to know what to do in these situations
you don't have a gf either user, quit playing devil's advocate here.
that's women for you. They expect a lot and give you very little in return.
I would just get a ladder you stupid retard.
yeah but if you're not having kids there's literally no point in a wife faggot.
Something tells me it wasn't the only present you got that day
Nope, he watches his wife getting fucked
Dude that is a cute gf, well done lad.
I have an N64
in fact, I have a japanese pikachu N64
He's 100% faking it. It's really common these days with how social media has taken off. Affectation and disingenuous emotion are at an all time high. The people defending him in this thread might be actual schizos or have autism though. Any amount of social awareness or knowledge of body language is enough to tell you he's hamming it up for the camera.
if with earnest you mean expecting her suggar daddy to return the favor multiplicated by a lot, yes.
and that's the funny thing
all the anons in this thread calling out other anons that's calling out the fakeness of the video are, ironically, the socially detached ones
they probably only experience these events from social media videos
>another Ryan Gosling
fucking blade runner, it's all ryan gosling and wojaks all the time
LMAO they have to imagine what it’s like to actually receive a gift because they never got one.
When I pullback the foreskin and my dick musk hits my nose
No, I want to lose my virginity to someone I love
>fat/ugly women
Why would I enjoy that? Also, if it’s about the standards thing then you don’t understand why I never had a relationship before. It’s not because of my looks, but because I am a massive literal unironic sperg. I turn people off because of my personality, I am too weird/‘creepy’ for people and women may as well see me as a child in terms of their relationship to me. Women do fall in love with me, but that love goes away when they actually meet me and many women confess to this happening. I can make good friends with people in the first thirty-seconds of knowing them, but after that I reveal my true self and they get sick of me and don’t want to associate. Which is why the people who like me the most are the ones I see/talk to less often.
My wife gifted me a Snes in our first dating year, along with Terranigma and Secret of Evermore.
She even went to the extend to organize a new SCART cable for a snes, because when she tested the one which came with the console, it was broken.
I threw it after her years later when I was on LSD though.
>meet girl who is kinda cute at work
>ask her to go out on a date
>she agrees
>I pay $60 to take her out
>see her flirting with another coworker the next day
>sees me getting upset and says she's not ready to be exclusive but I can take her out for dinner again if I like
>pay $100 this time, nicer restaurant
>over the next 3 years I spend thousands of dollars taking her out just for dinners and events
>buy a $3000 engagement ring
>spend $20,000 on a wedding
>$20,000 deposit on a house
>10 years later she buys me a second hand N64 full of cat hair from ebay
This is why circumcision is the answer
I forget to say that because of all this not even a fat/ugly woman would want to date me, though the same applies vice-versa.
I agree, at least give me a fucking iPad or a PS4 Pro you cheap bitch.
Jokes on you, my phimosis doesn't allow me to do that
If you ever feel this excited you are a soiboy beta male, real men are supposed to be stoic and emotionless
I remember someone on /vr/ destroying the Pikachu N64
They got banned for it
I like the smell tho
I don't think it's possible for an adult to react like that in the first place. He acts like he has had a terminal cancer cured or he's being released from death row
Are you lonely?
Was your gf so stupid she never heard of an emulator before?
Dude same
I swear to god, all this shit is faked to feign having a much more interesting life than these normalfags have
I refuse to believe they are that numb in the head to rect like a fucking toddler
>the guy is genuinely surprised and enjoys his present
>that look on his wife's face
>somehow Yea Forums thinks it's humiliating video
You, guys, are bunch of salty nihilistic faggots that can't enjoy their life on their own, you know that right?
Had that too I think
I was just pulling it while having a hot bath for a few days per week fo about 1 week and BAM NO MORSE PHIMOSIS
Why did you bother to type all of that now? Be honest with us
As far as you're concerned, absolutely not.
Now have sex incel and stop getting all your social interaction from staged videos on the front page of reddit
Real men are only happy when their favorite sportsball team win the world championship.
imagine living all your life without the skin that's supposed to protect the tip of your dick.
Every other animal on earth covers thir dicks with skin, meanwhile the jews force you to use your dick unprotected.
Why did you throw it
I mean it isn't going to break but why
Why were you on LSD user
You probably never played on original hardware before
user, you have autism. There is nothing genuine in that video. Did you grow up watching social media instead of interacting with real human beings? Because real people don't act like that.
I'd be like bitch, I wanted a new exhaust manifold and titanium valve springs, not this kiddy ass shit
how does it get that bad? i stopped for a month and was still fairly clean
He's a grown ass man getting really excited for what is essentially a children's toy.
Eww, why the fuck don't you get that treated tho? I had that too, went to see a urologist, the doc snibeti snabbed it, sewed it up it in 10 minutes, it healed, and I could use it to fug.
Someone is awful lonely. Admitting it is the first step to accepting it and improving your life.
>a used n64 is exciting
Maybe if you have only $5 to your name
Everyone exaggerates their emotions in times like this in order to not disappoint people, no matter how excited they are for the gift
I wouldn't know I wash every other day, you fucking animal.
I never saw dick cheese
You probably get your family giftcards for Christmas, faggot.
Masturbate and sweat a shitload
Not with videogames since my parents hated them and I had to buy them myself.
Closest thing is when I got my Samurai Leonardo.
indeed user, you should probably do something about it
>why type words on a message board
What kind of retard are you?
If you really think his reaction is authentic then you have autism.
that's not the problem. the problem is that he's not really excited. he's acting really excited so he can put it on twitter or youtube and receive attention and praise. it's as soulless as it gets.
Man are all of you lonely pessimistic faggots
Damn this guy is beyond the black pill
I’m not a filthy fucking animal that lives out in nature. I’m a human who lives in society
I could come to your house and fuck you I suppose
Why are American virgin bois so obsessed with money? I mean, I'd be happy for something that I like, no matter how much it costs.
Everything I want I already bought. There is nothing a woman could buy me that would make me react like that
Cheapest I could find is £24, this one has games and those are more expensive
I just ask them what they want because I know that surprise gifts are seldom wanted unless they're exorbitantly expensive.
Imagine being a grown man with a hot GF/wife and reacting this way.
He probably watches other men bang his wife, either that or she "goes out to coffee with a friend" and gets fucked.
that's the thing user
if you bought the gift, you don't care
pls be in london
Not really. Only social media troglodytes do that.
That is fucking disgusting user. What the hell is wrong with you?
>internet incel boogeyman
You mean fat angry virgins? That's like 80% of 4chans userbase user
yes, without the skin that's supposed to protect your dick. Your dick is constantly touching the fabric of your clothes. getting microbes and skin irritation.
Wurm Online when Yea Forums first invaded it. I cannot remember a time since where a game inspired that level of joy and companionship at the same time. I imagine people feel the same way about WoW Classic today. This got me to cancel my WoW subscription for the first time
Breath of the Wild came real close though, it felt like a real adventure from back when I was a kid and seeing the world for the first time.
kek jaw made for basedboy react
but how would you know if you've never had someone to exchange gifts with?
to reddit
Fuck you, you people always ridicule anons who have a negative or angry response to the OP webm but when it's a positive response or one of longing to feel the same as those shown in the webm you cunts are still angry. Fuck you
If you expect someone to give you an expensive gift you will always be disappointed, even if it is expensive it might not be what you want.
I learnt to expect absolutely nothing from gifts, I just buy what I want and be grateful that people remembered to give me some shit.
He's reacting that way because her black boyfriend is filming. That N64 will be his companionship for the night while she fucks her black stud.
dunno, was angry and it was the only thing.
snes survived though haha I still have it.
and fuck you emufaggot
What made you so jaded and cynical, Yea Forums?
>all those coping and seething replies
lmao struck a nerve, good job.
why does Yea Forums love cuckolding so much
Some have it so bad they can't. Most just don't pull the skin back often enough.
>being forced to date women
i pity the straights
you didn't make this thread to talk about video games either did you
Literally 100% guaranteed sure thing that he literally doesn't have sex with his wife and just watches someone else do it instead.
Cool story /pol/, go fap to it
You don’t gape your mouth like you’re about to deepthroat a huge cock when you get a gift?
oh its calloused as shit by then, people who get snipped later in life say they loose more then half the sensations you'd get from sex
>user still does not know that the most important thing in a present is attention not the present itself
Geez, I know you guys are love deprived, but is it really that hard to understand?
the thing about being a financially capable adult, is that you realize how worthless gifts that can be bought are
>Be dating grillfriend for five years.
>Mention to her that I'm excited about a beautiful looking JRPG called 'The White Witch' coming out soon.
>Few days later I get home from college and my grillfriend surprises me with a copy of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
>I had totally forgot about it.
>She tells me that she went to four different GameStops to get a copy since a lot of stores didn't get any at all.
>No special occasion, she just wanted to make me happy.
>I gave her some fantastic sex that night.
Not all girls are self centered cunts, senpaitachi. Most but not all.
That's ironic coming from a bunch of anons who always have some autistic shit to say when talking about a relationship. You guys seem more miserable
are you drunk
Games became commodified entertainment. Expectations were adjusted to match. Same thing happened to movies and books.
>jew hair
Why are so many of these weirdos jewish? That Eric Butts guy is jewish as well.
I do it and I don’t have social media, do I have problem?
dude, i was banging his wife last night.
I’m on mobile, I can’t see what he got.
I've had sex, it was pretty good. What I really miss though was being told I'm loved every day even if it was a complete lie.
You're so cool user, almost like Celentano from The Taming of the Scoundrel
Real men have calloused hands and cocks. If you don’t have both you might as well become a fucking tranny.
Fuck you're one lucky dude, I'm jelly, I never had a girl who would do something like that, I'm always the one who cares about details.
>incel seething this hard because people have a nicer life than him
Seek therapy
I think most of Yea Forums is so deep in the irony pool, they forgot what it means to actually enjoy things out of fear that they would be judged by imaginary people that only really exist in their mind.
b urself
Jewish people are spergs
holy shit the coping. Lmao have sex
>her being that excited for him
literally where do I find women like that because I'm just seen as a walking dildo at best
>not enjoying a good exaggerated strawman
you must be fun at parties.
Just look at the modern games industry. Only people who make actual games anymore are Nip doujin devs.
It's this same emotionally stunted mindset of "if I spend lots of money on a woman she'll love me", they expect the reverse to hold true
Maybe eventually they'll learn that the only one responsible for making them happy is themselves, and then they'll start spending the insane amounts of money they're likely spending on others (or egirls) on themselves and actually be happy
Haha nah just kidding this is Yea Forums they're fucked forever
we really need to turn Yea Forums back to /vint/ because I guarantee these cuck posters are from south america.
Pretty nice actually
This is nice thank you for this
This is you.
Wife bought me this as congratulations when i was elected chairman of my union.
I was really excited for my new position and even happier when she got me this. I had no idea she was even going to get me a gift let alone something like this
Around 15 years ago.
When I got my dreamcast last week.
>people actually defending this soicuck
What happened to this place?
That's nice, Larry. Why not go tell someone on Reddit or social media.
>wanting attention that badly
sounds like you're love deprived, user. i actually hate my birthday and any occasion where people get me gifts because i don't like being the center of attention and the gifts make me feel guilty. you just sound like a selfish weirdo.
>If you expect someone to give you an expensive gift you will always be disappointed, even if it is expensive it might not be what you want.
Well fucking this, if I were to expect them to give me an expensive gift, it'd better be cash or gold bars or something, because I fucking hate it when people waste money, especially if it's something I don't like. I don't see the need for expensive gifts.
I'd be perfectly happy if I got a $30 console I wanted (unless it's the PAL version, in which case she is welcome to go fuck herself for buying a piece of shit).
Probably with the release of the Dreamcast when I was still an oblivious teenager.
>le women are evil meme
Very classic joke, friend. Can I save your post to show my friends?
It got older and lonelier
>Sex sex sex sex sex
>I love when my peepee feels good
>peepee feel good is best
Go out and actually accomplish something in your life and maybe you’ll develop some self respect
Warcraft 3. Videogames don't make me feel this way anymore since you know, THERE ARE NO MORE PHYSICAL RELEASES FOR PC.
we let underage keks like you into our sekrit club
>people actually upset by the act of giving a gift
What happened to this place?
Don't answer I know it was the election
I don't use any social media sites except this one
I bet she didn't make sure to get the power supply
>She was way more excited than the dude was
l'm feeling those feels again. Even the guy, it's not that hollow fakey soiboy excitement, it's genuine happiness.
It's not about sex. It's about feeling loved, desired and valued.
it's actually the rise of phone fags, like you.
Ignore negative nancies, embrace life is good brothers.
What happened to this one to this place to have people like you browse it, and think its true self is its post 2016 mode?
We're not all miserable newfags trying hard to fit in with the shitty depressing hivemind
I'll be a 30 year old virgin in 20 months
Are you upset i have a loving wife or that 378 people chose a 27 year old to represent and protect their rights?
Video games are the absolute worst Loser Habit you could have
Hours & hours spent on an ultimately useless skill
Sitting and getting fatter and weaker and skinnier and paler
Completely impaired social skills
Video games make you a bottom tier subhuman
>talking about trying to fit in
He clearly isn’t a phone-fag, look at the file-name
>point out one woman in this staged video is a cheapskate
nice cope beta.
This could go on forever, but really, you are a humorless twat that nobody wants around.
you're talking about only playing video games, which is different from playing video games.
>anime in my Yea Forums?!?!
Why do you have to pretend to be retarded user?
>Nincels calling others incels.
This is a social media site
Society isn't your enemy. Humanity isn't your enemy. The world isn't your enemy.
No, it's exactly hollow fake soiboi excitement. Did you even watch it?
plz don't shoot up my local theater when joker premieres
1) posting a frog from a western web-comic on an anime image-board
Sorry, I apologize. What can I do to improve things for you?
>rebuying consoles from your childhood
Be honest Yea Forums, how many of you fags actually sold off your old consoles/games to some shithole like gamestop? Why do people do this? Stop that.
I still own all the consoles and games and everything else I've had since I was a kid, going back to my original nintendo.
>Feeling bad about other people's good will.
That unironically more egoistic than harboring attention. I hope that you at least keep it to yourself.
crawl back from whatever Yea Forums themed reddit group you came from
You're almost a Wizard, user.
i have never received a heartfelt gift in my life. what does it feel like to receive a good gift?
this thread is only kept alive to piss us off
What’s astounding is how hundreds, thousands of hours can be invested in something that makes you a WORST version of yourself
Years of life playing an artificial character
Zero real life accomplishment, but you FEEL like you did something
It’s truly evil
>Someone calls out people bitter about gift giving
>He must be a beta
Why do you hate the idea of not all women being bad, user? Is it because you'll have to take responsibility for your personality?
>imagine feeling the need to prove something on the internet
It's truly fun
awww he looks so happy
>There are people who think he didn't play 25 minutes of Mario 64, realized his childhood wasn't that great and that console went right into the closet.
>Dodging filters.
Enjoy your vacation.
>Straight people can't be pure
>Gay community is pure
>Ridlelled with STDs and abuse
Cope faggot, the real reason it took so long for gays to get rights is because of their unquenchable thirst for degeneracy.
when the goose game let me trap a child in a phone booth as I honk outside of it.
No it isn't.
B-but time spent enjoyed is not wasted
>Get proven wrong
i donated all mine to good will. i started playing on pc as a teen and could easily emulate everything from my childhood
We grew out of our edgy nihilistic phase
yeah it is
i don't think it's egoistic at all. i'd much rather just receive nothing and have nobody bring up my birthday at all. and of course i try to let them know i appreciate it, but having to spend a whole day covering up how i really feel to protect other people's feelings is exhausting and depressing and i'd rather not go through with it every year.
She looks like Miss Honey from Matilda. I'l put her in the Chokey if you know what I mean.
he didn't say that all gays were pure. just that gays were the only ones capable of forming pure relationships. and he's completely right. straight "couples" are all terrible.
I fucking hate this wagecuck mentality where apparently it's wrong to ever be doing something that's not "productive". By that logical all leisure activity and time spent not eating, shitting, or working is bad.
The point of being productive is that you build up the ability to live a nice life where you can do things you enjoy.
i feel like this is true but i cant stop playing
why are you so smug when you have nothing to be happy about?
yeah i did, that regular person excitement.
>to good will
oh no no no, you fell for the meme. They're a for-profit corporation that tricks people into thinking they're a charity.
I hated how they Americanised the setting as a kid, and made a big deal of making things EXTRA American and mentioning America whenever they could, I hate Americans
The point of being productive is so you can raise a family and give them a better life than your own.
Its embarrassing but yes, me too.
>fiancee watches Queer Eye
>every episode the gays are overly excited or emotional
I have a hard time believing people can consistently be that sympathetic. Is it possible to not become desensitized?
Literally nothing has ever made me anywhere near that excited.
Sorry that your dad disowned you but hating another person's sexuality isn't very gay of you.
What do you think a girl prefers
A smooth as an eggshell dick
A 100-grit sandpaper man cock head slapping her clit and dragging across it before have her inside tore up
Only literal cucks think the way you do. There is nothing more bluepilled than having kids.
To ask that other user's question, you are the incel
Tell me more, Shlomo.
being bluepilled is good
that's the biggest redpill.
please tell me thats the NINTENDO SIXTY FOUR kid
Not passing on your genes for the next generations is even more cuck
tomorrows my bday so i'm only 4 months behind you. im cool w it though no disgusting human deserves what ive got anyway
All of mine are in my parents attic or basement. Probably covered in dust since they moved to Florida, and only spend 3 months a year at their old house.
You know you can have kids and still enjoy leisure activities, right? Don't give me some bullshit acting like your father or his father literally never had any fun or did anything that wasn't directly involved with working and providing.
i know its not a charity. theres one near me and its easy to dump all my crap there. i really dont have a clue where else to dump my old junk at
Because user isn't miserable like you? You have some deep seated issues dude, like everyone else here
I don't even know the meaning of the word excitement.
>thinking your genes actually matter
>thinking that your genes are worth passing on even if they did matter
you are truly bluepilled and cucked
>Tonio will never fix you up using his food
man, if all you cared about was offloading stuff you have no care for, you could've at least found some kid and asked him if he wants a free console+games or something.
then there's this guy projecting like happy people are all phonies and don't exist here.
You can’t make it a tax write off if you do that though.
There's nothing wrong with this reaction. This board is full of self loathing sad sacks of shit.
ITT: incels
lol have sex.
wow shes really cute
i like girls like this
skinny, boney
nice, straight hair too
'thicc' is a dumb meme. they're fat. it's disgusting.
...that's more work you retard
This is actually true and I think more Yea Forumsirgins to be aware of this.
This. Used to feel at home on Yea Forums, not so much anymore.
this is thread sure is videogames
>nothing wrong with a grown man acting like a child
Want me to tell you how I know you’re a Nintendo fan
I have a wife, child, easy and nice job, and friends I can rely on. My best friend actually proposed to his girl and so we're finally gonna have another married couple to hang out and go bowling with. My life isn't perfect, but I love it and my family and friends.
How do I get a wife like this ?
Yea Forums can really warp your perspective of how human beings work.
Hating straights dykes and trannies but appreciating male homosexuality is unironically a sign of peak human intelligence.
please point out what's wrong with what's happening in this webm, instead of just saying "it's wrong".
It's só €€oy faggot.
faggotry is degenerate.
lesbians don't actual exist
trannies are a self-correcting problem
but you hate your wife right? I mean you just said all women are evil.
take your pills user
everything about that reaction is wrong because it's dishonest.
>liking AIDS
Hetero > abstinence > Gays of any nature > Incels
so you came out to this thread to white knight the guy?
t. 2016 refugee
The guy is pretending to be in awe over the gift so he can post his reaction on social media and get attention. It's soulless and dishonest.
Wrong user, champ. Here, I'll help you.
>gays were the only ones capable of forming pure relationships. and he's completely right
Jesus Christ, this board is retarded.
>The guy is pretending
prove it
>so he can post his reaction on social media and get attention
prove it
Only blacks get aids though. There is literally a ten times higher percentage of straight blacks with aids than white gays. There are even more straight whites with aids in Africa than gays in america. Aids has never been a gay problem, it has always been a nigger problem.
that's not how burden of proof works
It was recorded and posted on social media
How stupid are you?
>If it's on camera, it's fake
>prove it
user, it's extremely clear if you understand body language even a little or have ever spent time around actual people. Were you raised by social media? Because you should be able to tell a genuine reaction from a false reaction. And OP's webm is 100% a false reaction.
so you can't prove it
He was just putting on a display for his wife. Truthfully he probably will play the game once or twice and then it will sit under the TV collecting dust.
>when you reward your girlfriends husband
Based and truthpilled. Real love only exists between two men.
He seems genuinely excited, and so does she.
Seems like you were raised by Yea Forums.
>webm of a dude getting a gift from his gf is literally making Yea Forums implode in unadulterated seething rage
I have so many questions about that image
When did I fucking say that you numbnuts?
It's fake because it's a blatantly dishonest reaction. How bad is your autism that you can't tell when somebody is just pretending to have an emotion?
>it's recorded so it's fake
100% retarded
When my dad bought me Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds when I turned 10. Yeah, it was an AoE2 clone, but fuck if i didn't spend hundreds of hours on that. I've still got it.
he doesn't seem genuine at all, and neither does she. you seem to have an actual problem detecting social cues.
Makes me feel good I'm not like these people.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, one day I'll be free from this place, memes or no memes.
Those """straight""" black men are typically liars. A lot of black men are super gay but can't come out because of stigma. Black popular culture promotes lack of responsibility and promiscuity so it's natural that it would spread from closet gay boys to bi girls to straight men to straight women and so on.
Also just saying "WELL BLACK PEOPLE TOO" doesn't discredit my point that it's a fag disease. >It's fake because it's a blatantly dishonest reaction.
That's literally autistic.
It's called shitposting.
he seems genuine, and so does she. you seem to have an actual problem detecting social cues.
Probably the night my girlfriend surprised me with a Vita. Really didn't expect it. She knew I had been working hard to save my money to buy one myself. I was pretty happy. I probably soi faced. I don't give a fuck
>alright! now, you can play on weekends after you get home for 1 hour!! :-^)
also needs a crt
Why is having sex so valued on this board?
>acting like a child
>and neither does she
She actually does though. Girls can get like this when they give something, they get giddy.
>lying homophobe is also a literal incel shutin with autism who has never interacted with people and can't tell a fake meme reaction from a real emotion
holy kek color me surprised
Because it would fix a lot of problems here if certain people would finally get laid.
hehehe u mad brooo i troll u xDD
When I got PS2 as a kid
That was more than 10 years ago
>I-It's called shitposting
Nope he's right, you just have autism. The dude is pretending to be excited for social media points and it's completely obvious. If you think he's being honest then you are actually deadened inside and can't relate to other people.
Because it feels good and has a lot of benefits the most of which is building confidence which these people desperately need. It's also something your mind is constantly desiring so fulfilling that need puts it at ease.
Also valuing sex is not exclusive to this board. Pretty sure all of humanity likes having sex.
Real men shan't express emotion.
Yeah, just like that. Good job :^)
nah, i'm right, you're wrong,. his reaction is honest.
Oh fuck off user. It could have been any other console and you would still make the same stupid statement
I wish I could still be happy
>this whole thread
It's like watching a bunch of raccoons fight over garbage.
This. People in general tend to get happy watching people open gifts they've given. Do some of you not have families? You should experience this at least once a year.
I just hate the LGBT community and popular gay culture is pretty obnoxious
>incel shutin
Wife, child, job, friends. Please don't make me time stamp.
Who knows anymore
>Never interacted with people
Literally my job
>Can't tell a fake meme reaction to real emotion
People can react on a spectrum and there's nothing here that indicates it's fake. You see someone happy and you don't believe it because in this moment, YOU'RE not happy. I'd say "have sex" but that would only make you more butthurt.
Imagine how sad your life has to be that getting a shit console is a highlight of it?
The only way i'd make that face is if i was plowing her and she started beat boxing Kanye West power.
I genuinely thought that the onions thing was just a meme holy shit
girls get like this all the time, have you never actually been around them? it's probably legit.
the dude might be hamming it up though, to not disappoint.
it's not though. you're just wrong and also autistic.
I'm cheating my 10 years girlfriend with a girl who is now single because her (now ex) husband found out about it.
I would leave my gf for her too but she has kids and has now just become a single mom.
This is irrelevant to the thread but I wanted to say it anyway.
>Real men shan't express emotion.
"Real men" don't post spiteful shit on an anime forum because one dude's girlfriend bought him a console from his childhood
Go be a "man" on r/t_d where the rest of you underage tourists belong
>Imagine how sad your life has to be that getting a shit console is a highlight of it?
Maybe his life isn't the sad one
hm, nope, you're wrong. i'm right.
Ur a dick, a thoughtful and understanding one but still a dick
nice reddit format
>female coworker starts talking about vydia
Enjoying FREEDOM envy user?
>This guy's life is so sad lol!
>I wish I could fuck his wife
Imagine his soul crushing dissapointment when he realizes she got him third party controllers.
There's no replacement for the OG controller since Nintendo made shitty joystics that degraded the more you used them
how many good boy points did he cash in?
make sure no thot takes your wizard powers away
I am already dreading climbing a massive Mac-ladder™ so that I can feed yet another Mac-giantburger™ into my American overlord’s mouths.
This post was sponsored by Disneyâ„¢
>how many good boy points did he cash in?
He got extra credits for not crying the last time Tyrone plowed his wife and even cleaned up the mess for her while she ate bon bons and texted to her gal pals about how small her husbands dick is.
>how many good boy points did he cash in?
He probably played his N64 all night then went to bed and fucked his loving girlfriend silly
Is the switch soi if my wife plays it more than I do?
>Boot up Tekken 7 on launch day
>hear this at the main menu
>fucked his loving girlfriend silly
I don't think you know how this game works
Yesterday. I just found my smash melee box, what a broken game
Why is this board so obsessed with cuckoldry
are you all cucks that get off to the thought of this shit lmao
>Is the switch soi if my wife plays it more than I do?
It's a fucking electronic device, not food. Holy fuck do you idiots ever get sick of this shit?
>there are people who were staring at the girl the whole time
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I only want a gf so I can have her fuck black guys when I'm not with her.
I bet you think Ghostbusters flopped because of muhsoggyknee as well? Dilate.
Of course they are. Have you ever been to /gif/? It's cuck, interracial, and shemale threads. Everything this place claims to hate. I guarantee you a good portion of Yea Forums frequents that shit
>Why is this board so obsessed with cuckoldry
I make us laugh at the misfortune of others, and makes us feel better of our existence lol
user you sound like me. Do you like video games too? What's your favorite? What are you playing right now?
Why does such a large percent of the population of men over 30 go absolutely fucking nuts when receiving anything with a Nintendo logo that's designed for children?
>make us laugh
You hear the same joke enough you'll eventually stop laughing. I'm at that point. We need new material
When did this guy go nuts?
Joke's on you, my girlfriend is always good happy for me on a regular basis. It's cute as heck
Ill never have this
So how many times a day you jerk off then considering sex isn't important?
hoes mad
>Anons trying to brag about being married on an anonymous image board
Everyone I know who is married is fucking miserable, but they have to tell themselves that they're happy all the time to cope with it.
So congratulations on your fat, "loving" wives. I hope that Star Wars Funko Pop she bought you is worth the thousands of dollars you spent on her.
Personally, I'd rather fuck an attractive woman for $100.
>getting butthurt and replying to all 4 people who made fun of your shitty greentext fantasy
Did you not see the open mouth that was practically a real life imitation of wojack? When normal people receive a gift like that, they usually don't need to scream like a child. Notice he was too distracted by his children's toy that he failed to even show any love or appreciation to his girlfriend. A normal man would have hugged her, or at the very least looked at her.
>Everyone I know who is married is fucking miserable
Speak for yourself
Girls stinks down there and its not tight at all.
Literally proving his point
>I'm happy! ... I'm HAPPY!!!
I'm a virgin and i don't want to get married but i know from this bitterness and obsession with others of yours that you will die a miserable lonely cunt that no one cares about since you gauge your happiness on the misery of others.
You're an idiot
>all these people taking genuine happiness as soiboi shit
He's not allowed to make eye contact.
What a manchild. She should dump his ass and get with an alpha male like me.
>Did you not see the open mouth that was practically a real life imitation of wojack?
Jesus Christ the dude's just fucking surprised by his gift you autistic retard it's not like he's jumping on the fucking couch over it
Based Punk poster
tell me this isn't true lads
That's right, goyim. You don't need a wife or to reproduce. You just spend your money for 20 minutes of fun and go about your day. Don't worry, WE'LL make sure your girls are taken care of.
The best part about this is you won't get the same physiological benefits from a prostitute that you'd get from REAL sex. It's akin to masturbation for your brain with an even worse depression afterwards since not only did you not earn it, you lost something for it too.
I'm starting to believe this place actually rots some anons brains
This is literally why I started fucking guys exclusively, not because I'm some sort of faggot
It's like they believe gays are puppys or something Gays are men, men who have none of the restraint you have when dealing with a woman. You wanna know why fags get AIDS? It's not form just ass fucking anal with your GF won't give it to you, it's from tearing their fucking assholes apart and bleeding into each other due to them having such violent "sex". There's nothing pure about these people.
You will never know happiness. My wife loves me and she always wants to spend money on me to make me happy and get me nice things, but I tell her not to because I care about her too and I don't want her to overspend. If I didn't stop her, she'd spend way too much on me.
You will never have this. You will never find anyone who actually cares about you because of your edgy pretense of being a jaded outcast. You lack any real knowledge of relationships and maturity beyond what you read about in places like this.
I don't feel bad for you because you bring this on yourself. You deserve this.
depends on the girl and it's only tight the deeper you go
No. This place attracts the rot, like flies to a corpse. You can't break what arrived to you broken in the first place.
>You can't break what arrived to you broken in the first place.
Jesus Christ user that's uncalled for
>I started fucking guys exclusively
>not some sort of faggot
This is a real post
>Reddit tier spacing
>Appeal to emotions
ResetEra is that way lad.
Again, a healthy, normal man would have shown even a smidgen of affection for his girlfriend. His toy is more important to him and is enough to completely distract him from that.
Are you okay user?
You proved his point m8
Imagine being this autistic
>Reddit tier spacing
So afraid of reddit that you can't even separate complete thoughts
>Having sex without a deep, emotional relationship that is coupled with it is the most degenerate thing
I'd agree if the divorce rate weren't around 50%.
Are we still pretending N64 was a good system?
Have you just never received a gift in your life?
Good fucking lord. Shut the fuck up
You missed so many red flags
Why is he so excited over getting an N64?
>[Trannoid Website]
insufferable fucking nigger
Yes, and I immediately hugged my girlfriend for being so thoughtful.
>I'm happy because I have a (ugly 4/10) wife (that I met on a dating website) that wants to spend (my) money on me!
>You will never experience this!!!
I'm extremely well-off and not tied down to a single clingy fatass. I've fucked more girls than you ever will, and they keep coming back for more.
Maybe he likes video games. I pray he never comes here
t. actual literal faggot
why do you hate the guy? is it because he is happy and you arent?
Hit a little close to home, didn't it, champ?
Jesus christ this level of cope
I get that part, but you can get an N64 for $50. Why is he getting all excited like it's some rare/expensive/hard to come by item that he didn't expect to get a hold of ever?
Whenever someone does that open mouth thing it makes me want to punch them
EDF and PUBG like every other day
the problem is that you guys don't seek creative, quick-thinking, on-the-spot improvisational gameplay
you WANT to say something about my saying PUBG, but that game is made for messing around and trying things on a big map. people are either too dumb and low-IQ to have fun on a big map that was made for fun -- or too soaked up in meta because they take themselves too seriously and think they're a CoD juggernaut, only to die and complain and call the game shit. this is how PUBG was actually ruined in the west -- it was because people thought they were special, only to die in seconds from a few rounds because they were too low-IQ
another game
>playing insurgency sandstorm
>NPC enemies can kill you if you take wrong turn
>enemy NPC truck comes with machine gun mounted
>the gun will mow down everyone of your teammates in a few seconds if they're not careful
>find C4 off dead guy
>throw it 60 meters and sticks right on truck
Based truth poster.
Misery loves company.
At the end of my first randomizer run of FE8. Landing four 59% hits with my only unit that could even damage the final boss while facing crit was a thrill.
it's not genuine though. only people with actual autism think the guy in OP is being genuine.
true, the whole "redpill" thing is for fucking scum losers who think the world is their enemy and also think that women hate them because they play videogames
Marry someone who complements you, not someone who duplicates you. Have things in common your share and things you don't, so you can do things together and do things alone. Everyone I know who is married to someone just like them is unfulfilled because they live in an echo chamber with nobody challenging them. My wife and I disagree. I have nights where I play games and she goes and reads books or watches British baking shit. She makes me exercise and I make her learn how technology works. When we're together, we're happy. When we're alone, we're happy.
That's how you have a good marriage. Or maybe have the exact opposite and that works for you. Life's funny that way.
You're not a nigger by chance are you?
tfw you rape a child but it makes you genuinely happy so other people cant judge you or they're losers xD
i literally thought that was geoff keighlly for like half the video
>I have a few thousand in my bank because I live in my parents' attic rent free and go drinking at bars every weekend and fuck lonely fatass girls or herpes thots before going home and crying myself to sleep after browsing Yea Forums until 3am because I haven't accomplished anything and am having another existential crisis
Are you still in high school per chance?
Yeah man, I'd hate to be a single, wealthy bachelor who fucks women on than daily. I'd rather be a cuck who marries an unloyal woman who leaves him the second someone better shows interest in her. Also, she takes half of your assets + the house + child care, assuming she let your fuck her.
Statements like this are a sign that you don't act organically. You tend to think about every move you make and every thing you say, not for your own self interest, but at the behest of those who could otherwise judge you. That's unhealthy and a hard habit to break. I know this personally. Trying strategizing less and just do and say and feel what you want to do and say and feel.
It's a pretty natural thing to do when you're in shock and awe, you've probably done it before without ever realizing you did it.
It's when people do it to pose for a photo as a replacement for smiling that I share your sentiment.
Whats it like in 1994?
Post a timestamped picture of your luxurious home and a dick size pic or I won't believe you. If you don't do it you're a literal faggot
No one acts like this. Stop falling for this pretend shit.
>projecting this much
Cope harder.
Who gives a fuck? What is wrong with you retards. Go fucking talk about video games. Shit
Wow what happened with the world??? When consoles used to be SOOOO good!
Not an argument
Honestly? I don't remember the last time, even when thinking about my life in general
Post your wife first, faggot. I bet she looks like a pig in human clothing.
Feels bad because my gf give me ton of gifts while I give some but not much
> When normal people receive a gift like that, they usually don't need to scream like a child. Notice he was too distracted by his children's toy that he failed to even show any love or appreciation to his girlfriend. A normal man would have hugged her, or at the very least looked at her.
this thread was made for you to give a fuck.
kek fucking rekt
>hey guys look how much i dont care by posting ITT
This is a shitty thing to post because it's such a wholesome webm but it's true.
Not him, faggot. Just calling you out on your bullshit. What a fuckin pussy lmao
Most of these people don't know any better because they were literally raised by social media. They've never seen a genuine reaction or spent time around real people. It's kind of terrifying, even basic social things like being able to differentiate real excitement from fake excitement is beyond them.
Anyone else feel really dumb after browsing Yea Forums exclusively for a few days?
I usually have to go back to /pol/ in order to regrow my lost braincells.
this is from some weirdo from Twitter.
>mfw hilarious gainz
There is nothing wholesome about that webm. It's a fake reaction for social media. That's the opposite of wholesome.
here's your reward you (you)ish whore.
It isn't though. If she got a brand new car for him for 30.00, this argument would still stand as a petty example of equating thought to price. Price =/= value
>I usually have to go back to /pol/ in order to regrow my lost braincells.
It's the thought that counts, user. Judging by her reaction it seems like she was hoping to bond with him over it and he's happy to see her actually taking an interest in something he loves.
Sometimes I actually worry about you faggots on Yea Forums. You guys are so focused on being jaded and hateful that you'll never see the worth of loving others and in return you'll receive no love as well continuing on your cycle of jaded anger and loneliness.
I do this to familly members all the time and I`m on literally no societal medial
It's refreshing having an honest discussion about things that matter with mature adults once in a while.
Yeah, it really sucks being told that you're loved everyday. Don't be such a bitter little twat.
>comparing something that objectively victimizes someone else in the most heinous way imaginable to innocuous activities that affect no one
Are you retarded or just pretending?
oh god stop my sides are already in orbit
>It's the thought that counts, user.
That's what we call the bigotry of low expectations. Isn't relationship meant to be a 50/50 thing?
Yeah, see this post right here.
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.
Tiresome and devoid of any mental stimulance whatsoever.
You are so fucking boring.
>bigotry of low expectations
That's not what that means, user.
this thread is about video games my guy
dude... you should've dodged this one.
The guy of the pic is doing pretty good.
Who's that faggot?
He looks like the kind of dude that would sell his soul over some nasty shank, lose his job, then get another working for Google as a coffee boy.
>this thread hit the bump limit
Another successful video game discussion, anons
Just because you're so ugly and uncharismatic that LITERALLY the only way you can possibly be with someone is if they use you for money, doesn't mean that it works this way with everyone else, Timmy.
Whoa bro. You're like. Literally. LITERALLY Adachi, bro. Whoa. So cool.
There's a difference between playing video games as a hobby and literally doing nothing but being a neet playing video games all day.
Nearly everything is harmful and degenerate when you take it overboard and in act zero moderation. The way people single out video games in this way is still baffling to me.
There are people who literally do nothing but lay in bed and watch television all day (my dad is one of them). But that's somehow perfectly fine and healthy because it's not video games.
When I was younger I was like you, and now I want a family. When you grow up you'll understand. You'll understand what the TRUE redpill is. Don't give up.
>He has to PAY MONEY just so an attractive woman spends time with him
*breathes in*
But that's exactly what the OP is user?
It's not always about materialistic possessions. It'd be unrealistic to expect a women to match a man's ability to produce income and material needs but to be able to produce moral support and love is equally important if not more then giving someone an expensive suit and designer shades. It's not always about money or objects guys. You all know deep down there is a need to be loved and cared about by others and that's probably more important then money in a lot of cases.
You have to pay for ANY women you want to fuck, incel-kun.
You think the guy in the OP got that N64 for free? No, he was "rewarded" with it after spending thousands on dinner dates, house payments, etc etc etc.
seeing a happy couple like this makes me warm and happy inside.
>When I was younger I was like you, and now I want a family.
Yeah. I was always like "fuck that I never want kids or marriage that shit sounds boring and lame I love being free manchild 4 lyfe" but for the last year or so I've suddenly really wanted a family with kids and all that but I feel like I'm too much of a loser and too old for it to happen.
It's a pretty shitty feeling that I wouldn't wish on anyone.
>It'd be unrealistic to expect a women to match a man's ability to produce income and material needs