Fuckboy looking kid is actually the biggest chad in the game

>fuckboy looking kid is actually the biggest chad in the game

Attached: linhardt.jpg (900x1019, 111K)

destroyer of manlets and your own asshole. based linhardt.

>neet looking girl is actually the cutest and most marriageable girl in the game

Attached: 9C210606-D278-4A58-9D0D-F3C2581FBFC8.jpg (800x1301, 87K)

Well that's literally what her dad trained her to do

Her father was a good teacher.

>is the only gay option
For what purpose?

They saved the gay option for objectively best boy.

We'll see if the new DLC will bring new homo options.

>implying Caspar isn't all up in that lanklet bussy

Attached: samplesize.png (854x480, 560K)


>Jeritza winds up having the big gay

LITERAL gay for pay

Seteth's gonna freak!

Jeritza is free

Speaking of DLC, what's the whole 'Abyssal Route' about? Is that just Infernal renamed or what?

I would be surprised if that guy isn't gay for male Byleth desu.

he cute

>there were people that thought he was a girl

Linhardt and Flayn are fertile!

based slither route


>Everyone abandons you but you get Cornelia, Thales, and mechs as units instead
>All music is replaced with dubstep remixes
>Unga Bunga S-Rank

Don't forget Demonic Beasts

he needs to get higher than linhardt's knees first

Doesn't it say Abyssal mode? Abyssal is the highest difficulty in Heroes so maybe.

But Linhardt is the one on his knees.

well yeah caspar isn't reaching that dick if he doesn't do that