Why are so many washed up celebs leeching onto James' channel?
Why are so many washed up celebs leeching onto James' channel?
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>hey buddy wanna come into my show
>yeah sure man
Because they feel at home with a washed up eceleb.
Can't wait for Jerma to show up on it
Get your ass back to streaming Mike.
Take it back, you monster.
Why does James feel insecure enough to wear a hat amongst two other men who’ve embraced their baldness?
>First Blood rental review
>It's a shitty "comedy" episode
That dude is a hero. Almost gets killed at E3 by throwing himself down the stairs. Gets banned after. Falls from the roof in one of the Screwattacks cons and gets it shut down and him banned.
i cant believe james actually did that
He needs to ask if his gf wants to join the stream and talk over him first
>i've never heard of them
Pick one.
They worked together before didn't they?
>two other men
>Every single one of them has male pattern baldness
Jesus, why not just shave your head at that point? They look stupid with the hair on the sides and the baldness on top. At least wear a fucking hat like James does.
Just throw this whole channel away at this point
What the hell happened? He used to actually review movies and now it's just a bunch of fat neckbeards talking about poorly remembered movie scenes of the movie they're "reviewing"
Now half the videos on that channel aren't even James, they're a bunch of fat guys shilling products and making these low quality videos.
>they're a bunch of fat guys shilling products
Shilling aside, they had a real good deal for manscapped.com a few months ago. Got a really nice shave kit for like $20 or something
>mmhmm yep yeah! Hmm mmhmm yeah yep mhhmm yeah!
Jesus Christ James I know you hate your channel but keep it together man
Most people in this thread don't even know the two on the left are the same person
I wonder if James will have a disclaimer about how Trumpian and racist the new Rambo is like he did with Three Stooges?
>bald, bald, and balding
Why they are so bald?
literally whomst
Amazingly the Screenwave fatties and his wife allowed him to have his own opinion this time
someone tell me about this three stooges thing
He had a big disclaimer before a Three Stooges review talking about da wacism of that time period and how it's wrong
>they fucking photoshop Mike's eyebags out in the thumbnails
Also that Contra video was terrible.
link it I can't find it
james is still in the denial phase
holy shit they finally stopped panning the audio to the extreme left/right
>whines about racism in early 20th century comedy skits
>also wear mister metokur shirts
Getting mixed messages here screenwave
jesus christ what happened? Why was his channel taken over? Most of his fans barely tolerated Mike and now there's a whole gang of lardasses controlling his channel.
James hates the channel and let his rich as fuck friend Ryan buy it, in exhange for him to just be a glorified actor while he and the fatties run the channel. Ryan also owns screenwave, some weird company that manages youtube gaming channels. Cinemassacre is their star channel so to speak.
You can't google "three stooges avgn"?
Nathan Barnatt can pull it off because he's got a chiseled jaw, even if he's an autistic manlet. A weak chinned guy like James has got to use props.
It's all thanks to their CEO, Ryan
>jesus christ what happened? Why was his channel taken over?
James is busy, no time, mmmmmmmmhhh, yup.
Keith is a legit friend to James
>three stooges avgn
Just some black and white vid three stooges with no disclaimer at all.
He just said that some stooges skits were racist in a video praising the stooges
Macaulay Culkin vid was great though.
James is such a boring motherfucker.
Boring is good when the alternative is psychotic autism
I turned that shit straight off
disclaimer is at the very end
The tard wranglers need to do a better job of disguising that they shoot these episodes in bulk because James is only let out to film one day a week.
basically this youtube.com
>Why does this washed up american eceleb have washed up people on his show.
Really makes you think
His YT channel was always more of a hobby and a place to showcase his films. He actually makes more money doing wedding videos.
I like how based James is saying the MCU movies are fucking boring and make him sleep.
based on what?
She wants that AVGND
I wonder how many groupies James got with it at cons before getting married. If a brown cutie was fucking me with her eyes like that, I'd cave.
He also summed it up in two lines instead of a 3 minute monologue with all detail.
RLM > Cinemassacre
Something along the lines of
>as a curator of old film I feel a responsibility to warn you that some of their skits had racial stereotypes that are not funny. It was wrong then and it's wrong now
Hate people like this tbqh, same people that say some looney tunes episodes should forever be banned. Racial stereotypes are funny, and old cartoons/shows are art regardless.
Mike has obvious anger issues. His act on the new series is all over the place. It's like he doesn't want to be there while slob zombie basically steals the show with knowledge bombs while being humble
Meanwhile Ryan's ego gets in the way again
This mofo seems to be getting ghosted for some reason. I would take him over Justin Silverman any day
>Be washed up celebrity
>James views them as Gods, because he's the nostalgia king
>"Wanna be on my show?"
>"Finally some work in the biz"
>Hate people like this tbqh, same people that say some looney tunes episodes should forever be banned.
People that put disclaimers about racially insensitive stuff in old cartoons are almost diametrically opposite to people who would want those old cartoon banned lol
There is no need for the disclaimer other than to stroke your ego and settle your white guilt conscious, prove me wrong. Pro tip: you cant
The disclaimer is there to tell the people who want it banned outright to fuck off.
It's to put shit into perspective and carefully evade people from actually wanting to ban that shit because of modern standards.
If anything it's to appease them. "You can show it as long as you admit its wrong"
Holy shit, James actually got the K-Mart guy to be a guest? This is huge.
Did you not watch the Christmas special?
Yeah I like him and the long haired dude.
Fat ass can seriously fuck off though.
who even are these guys
whats that shitty tattoo james has?
Holy shit, the k-mart guy who appeared in Christmas themed commercials even did a Christmas special with James???
Now that is huge.
If you're saying it's not funny and it's wrong then and now, that doesnt sound like they're defending the episode/era.
I forgot he showed up on Always Sunny
You're defending the artistic quality of the episode by showcasing it in its entirety and just putting it into perspective with some text instead of Disneying it up and just cutting parts from it whenever you see fit. You also have to consider this is not done for everything, it's done for children oriented media. It's just parents disclaimers ffs.