You're playing the new modern warfare beta right user?
Modern Warfare
It keeps crashing or I probably would.
It's bretty fun. Thought it's extremely blurry.
Can someone explain what this even is? An HD remake of COD4? Didn't they do that two years ago?
A soft reboot
i can't fucking get a match when i queue with more than two other people what the fuck is this horse shit
I'm actually contemplating buying a new fucking cod game, quick anons please talk some fucking sense into me
>considering buying it
>would be involuntarily giving Blizzard money
I am conflicted.
Its like true combat elite, the wolf:et mod. Meh.
Idk man this is easily the best CoD has been in years
the ground war map is awful, it reminds me of firestorm but nowhere as good, not that firestorm is any good to begin with
what a clusterfuck, a battlefield styled mode with tiny maps and no classes just doesn't cut it
I tried it and it was shit
I don't know what I expected
disable TAA
You're not supposed to buy it you mong. The beta is the best the game will ever be
When the full game is out it's going to have loot boxes and microtransactions. Any fun you're going to have with the game will be had in the beta
You have to do a cfg edit to get all the blur out of it.
You're a retard.
This game is dogshit. The design is inherently and objectively bad and designed to make retards (like you) glee about how shit it is.
Soap is still alive?
It runs so fucking bad for me idk why, I think it's my i5 2500k but that's actually the CPU they put on the minimum recs. I guess it is a pretty fucking old CPU at this point.
>minimum recs
>actually being able to run something
nah thats not happening man
Sorry I don't playtest for free. I only play finished games.
it wouldn't be the first time
I mean I run BF4 at 1080p at 60 fps in a full server, so coming to this and getting 20 fps in the MAIN MENU felt kinda.. wrong?
>minimum recs
Did you make sure to turn all the settings to low too?
Well you're retarded. Why not try out the game for free so you can decide whether or not to buy it?
I played a few games. Eh, it's okay
I can't figure out why crouching causes my game to lock up for a second and jump between fullscreen and windowed. It's only that game and it's on any input I set crouch/prone to
Is the only way to get access to preorder?
yeah and it doesn't do SHIT, 50% render ? 30 fps
honestly, I wasn't expecting to run the game at 4k with all the settings cranked to max but I can't even sit in the main menu without the game feeling like it's about to DIE
I love ground war
I want to get the game but blizzard is trash and the beta already has people playing like fuckin' retards, I.E. diving off rooftops to surprise attack people with SMGs, and fuckin' hiding in the shadows waiting for people to pass. Not surprised they play like this when they've been used to fuckin' wall running magnetic boots bullshit for the past decade. Fuckin' game is ruined by its own legacy at this point.
Yeah, its absolute trash.
>Box of pizza
>2L Mountain Dew Code Red
>New heaphones
>Minimal responsibilities for the next 24 hours
>First thing I hear when I enter a ground war lobby is "Shut the fuck up faggot"
Oh yeah, it's all coming together boys
I get higher FPS in a match than I do in the menus, I think the developers fucked something up desu
>rng recoil
>same old CoD retard spawns
>same old dumbass retards in voice chat
>ran flawlessly before open beta
>nothing but constant rubberband lag and timing out
>too retarded to quit playing
Why can't I stop playing this isn't even good I am not having fun help
How are you niggers having FPS problems? Im on a fucking 970 and get above 60FPS
Oddly the menu is lower than the actual game. Ingame my cap is 75 and I hit that
>Spawn C with LMG and deployable cover
>win the game
I haven't seen the rest of the map but I think its pretty great.
>above 60 FPS in game
>56 FPS in menu
thank you infinity ward
Its fucking weird. PrntScren always drops FPS for that second but even then its lower in menu than in a match by like 20FPS at least
I find restarting the party after every match works. Just have host go to main menu , and then everyone in your party joins back on host. Works everytime
I'm on a 1080 and I usually average 100 FPS in game, but there's a few things that make dumbass dips in framerate especially at the menu. So strange. Having fun with it?
All the config names are random ass variables, what do I do to fix that weird reconstruction blur shit?
It's been decently fun so far but once per game on average I get a lag spike that lasts for up to 30 seconds and gets me killed. I then get tilted and my performance for the rest of the game suffers for it. I get that is's a beta but this shit is ridiculous, it happens almost every single game. There are also smaller lag spikes here and there that last for a second or two that typically aren't detrimental, but relatively often still are.
Also everyone plays all the game modes as if it's TDM. Going after objectives in objective-based modes is usually a terrible idea because you get no support from teammates and you just end up isolating yourself and giving someone an easy kill.
Fucking this. The goddamn game was fine before it went open beta status, now I can't stop rubberbanding every five minutes and dying. Makes the whole experience fucking miserable.
>do terribly in Ground War
>win matches in Gunfight OSP
do I just meet people that suck more in this thing or is GW really that fucking broken
>Beta won't start, says to update graphics driver.
>Update it but Oblivion runs like shit.
This annoys me
Why would I? WHat exactly is different between this and MW1, WaW, MW2, or BLOPS that makes it worth a try or even a buy?
loot boxes with weapons inside
My sentiment exactly. I get frustrated with the spawn points and technical issues almost every game but then I keep coming back to it. It's like crack. You know it's bad but something compels you to come back.
The netcode is shit.
Are there gonna be dedicated serves on PC?
>default loadouts have shit gimmick set ups that aren't very good and have little cohesion or logic
>hit level 5
>M4 and MP5 basically shit over every other weapon period
All those starting players are literal cannon fodder in Ground War.
try getting into a game and see how it runs
i can run 60fps in game but menus tank and stutter constantly
Yeah I played a lot on PS4 and decided to try it on PC. It's crisper. PS4 has ad ynamic res so every frame is slightly different apparently. Top is PS4 Base bottom is PC with no AO and I think normal textures and shadows
Also uh motion blur is clearly on in PS4 and I took that mid movement I guess
I like it when you are on the losing team and suddenly you spawn and die to some vtol nig in quick succession and then some other nig immediately sends in some attack chopper to make sure you can't spawn safely and then...
Killstreaks never made sense to me, we're ready losing you don't need to shit in my mouth as well
Anyone here know of something that would be the cause? Google came up empty for me
okay but what is your GPU
No, it is in open beta until monday morning, if you are on PC download the battlenet launcher and install it from there
Same, it is a better version of CoDWaW War gamemode
I am in a R9 380X and I got everything cranked up and running 60FPS while streaming
I limit the menu FPS to 30 for the sake of not stressing my card for no reason for a menu, totally retarded decision to have a menu like that
If there isn't, I am not buying the game that is for sure
git gud
In all seriousness, I agree for the most part but honestly it's been so easy for me so far and I'm usually the one getting a dozen airstrikes every game so I'm not complaining. This used to be a much bigger problem before because most of the maps were smaller so you got killed by the streaks more. Hell, in CoD4 you could be killed by ONE airstrike TWICE. You die, respwan, and then get killed again by the final plane. I ragequit so many times because of this absolute bullshit.
Agreed the menu is retarded. Plenty of aspects about this game are retarded
I dont know why I expected it to be something different. It's just the usual COD multiplayer.
At least the single player will be worth pirating
No because it runs like trash on my 980 Ti and has since Ghosts and no one will fix it because the absolute brainlets willing to use W10 will defend Activision with their dying breath.
How? My 970 pretty much maxes it out. What the fuck settings do you have?
What else do you think is retarded?
Personally the only thing that grinds my gears is the fact that lean and peek is replaced with 'mount'
Totally foolish and is an obvious concession to console kiddies
I tried both all max and all low, and BOTH are fucked. In fact I'd think it's a memory leak, because it only got worse as I played.
Besides just frame drops the frame rate would get worse and worse. It's just because the engine is fucked on anything except W10 and Activision isn't going to fix that.
I get less than 30 fps on a 970 and 4590, on the lowest settings
nah, better that than having tards spamming Q and E like in Siege
What the fuck, there is something wrong on your end because the 970 is a better card than mine and I run 60FPS (capped) at max settings
970 4690k (Not OC) 16GB of Ram constant 75FPS (Limit I set) at all but AO and shadows maxd
>doesn't use W10
>probably thinks he's sticking it to the man by staying with W7
Lol I fucking love these autists, I really do
I can't even get it to launch, it doesn't go past 33% of my cpu or 27% of my memory yet it doesn't even get an intro.
What fucking computers did they make this game on?
How can you say Windows 7 minimum requirement when it doesn't even launch on windows 7 like holy shit the gaming industry is the biggest joke today.
>gtx 1060 6gb
>fx-6300 4.2 ghz
>game runs fine besides stutters
what the shid
More like I don't like using bad operating systems.
Doesn't matter, Activision needs to fix their shit, since this has been a problem since before W10 existed.
Are all of your drivers updated?
What is your GPU and does it have dx12 support?
will it have campaign I wanna see the nuke scene remade
Rx480 8GB
runs fine on my 980ti too, you must be fucking something up
do you have AHK scripts running or something alike? Game doesn't like that shit
I am not sure what your specific problem is, but you are running a BACKPORTED you cannot really be mad when shit gets wonky
I am running win7 and I get some bizarre lighting and psychedelic sky
Ryzen 5 1600
16 gigas of ram
GTX 1070
The game run flawless
Yeah, my fuck up was installing this trash game.
So why the fuck does this game not have Vulkan or DX11 support? Fucking Killer Instinct does and that was supposed to be a "DX12 exclusive game" too.
Basically what you just said combined with the atrocious server stability, other than that this is a fun time.
Top kek
Look for the resolution slider in the graphics menu and run it native
>Windows 7 losing support, open to more security threats
>more and more new games have issues on it or can't even run on it
>no DX12 support
>can't install terminal on it
Yeah man, enjoy your "better" OS. There isn't a single area where W7 is better than W10 at this point in time.
I haven't played CoD in over a decade, is it normal to just not be able to distinguish friend from foe? Why is it so dark inside?
It is a fucking beta my dude
>There isn't a single area where W7 is better than W10 at this point in time.
Oh yeah I'm really missing out on being advertised to in my start menu and having my games being shut down because W10 decided its time for an update NOW.
IW said optimization was a main step and it shows. It wasnt a thing they do at the end, it's a stop and look at the code all the time
>Release date: September 12th
>being such a brainlet that you don't know how to turn unwanted services off
heh. Like I said, have fun with your "better" OS, user. You deserve W7.
It literally is a beta, what are you trying to argue. You DO understand the concept of a beta, right?
Surely you are not braindead
Corporate bootlickers like you belong in a gas chamber.
bruh sept 12 was last week
The resolution was set to 50% for me by default.
>i'm staying two OSes behind the times because I don't trust microsoft
kill yourself
>when even Microsoft gave up and started catering to us but people like you get mad that Microsoft isn't making more money.
Why the fuck does my game still look blurry if I already raised the resolution to 100%?
seta r_dof_enable "0"
setcl r_dof_enable "0"
Add this at the end of the /Documents/Call of Duty Modern Warfare/players2/config.cfg file
Set cfg to read only.
>smart enough to turn off features I don't want
>because of this, get called a corporate bootlicker by guy who uses an OS from the EXACT SAME COMPANY
Can't make this shit up, lmao. Seethe harder
>more than 120 weapons
>more than 70 attachments
>15 maps
>5 game modes
>runs well
why aren't you playing the better game?
>finally get around to downloading it
>start it up and be faced with directx has suffered an unrecoverable error
modern video games are amazing
Fucking based thank you
Are you conflating the idea of a beta with that of a demo? You understand this is not a demo, right?
This is an unfinished game in the stage of BETA TESTING. It literally says it in the agreement when you download it you retarded fuck.
One of the entire reasons open betas are done is to find out what WHEN YOU USE AN ENTIRE NEW ENGINE
Jesus you are dumb
i'm not downloading roblox for this shit
i got no settings from the launcher.
Tried beta mode + admin + whitelist on MSE(security essentials) same thing.
Leads me to believe the game is conflicting with something else.
I'm looking for the crash dump file but i don't see shit and yeah i do have hidden files visible.
>being this new
Wew lad
Every time a game like this comes out there's always some faggot that's going to defend multimillion dollar companies like they're paying him or something.
Not him but you're exposing yourself as a child by posting this. For years now "Beta" and "Open Beta" are synonymous with demos. All they're really testing at this late stage is the netcode, and they'll never fix that properly.
Anyone else on pc having the problem with the game freezing during the loading screen for a few seconds then shortly after getting d/c'd from the match
>Of course I play BF4-5, how vould you tell?
Did you reply to the wrong person?
you're a massive Faggot?
It's laughable.
you poor uninformed soul
Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.9.2 Highlights
Known Issues
Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4 may experience stutter on some system configurations.
t. retard
I just played a bunch of matches with my friend and I'm absolutely loving it.
It says I have 100fps but runs like I have 25fps
No I don't play CoD. In all seriousness, will I like this game if I hate WW2 and MW remastered?
Microstutter. Check your GPU temps and if you're using up all your RAM/VRAM
No, I didn't you paid shill.
it's fucking trash
runs smooth though
it is using all my ram for some reason, though game that look 100x better work 100x better, I dont get it.
it's better than battlefield but still has the same skill-less, tacticless hamster in a wheel combat style
designed for console plebs with PC players as an after thought
still a step in the right direction, maybe these two doomed franchises will eventually cast off the console yoke and actually provide some decent competition for counter strike as competitive PC tactical shooters
>unload full magazine into guy
>only a couple hits are registered
>he shoots me once and kills me
>check his ping
Thanks, Activision and Infinity Ward.
maybe you should just stop living under a rock user
Almost always at the top of my teams' leaderboard after not playing a COD multiplayer since COD4 and this just feels bleh. The maps are uninspired, far too small for the amount of players, and the bunny hopping and dolphin diving is as bad as it ever was.
SO you're just a confused retard then? Because you're making zero sense. Keep seething though, like I said I really love autists like you.
>p-pls buy my game
lag compensation was and is a big mistake.
enjoy your technical issues user. I was only trying to help you.
I mean I still have 99% of all games on PC that work perfectly fine and look better.
not gonna lie this is about as attractive as a widefaced nigger can be
Hoo boy
Not that guy, but do you not realize the irony in calling him a paid shill for using an operating system made by the same company that made your operating system. Following your own logic, you're also a paid shill I assume? You are not an anti-corporate hero fighting Microsoft's tyranny just because you're using a slightly older OS made by them. Wanna be a real contrarian? Use Linux. Until then, you're just making yourself look like a retard.
nah you're just being lazy
>it's better than battlefield
How exactly?
>will I like this game if I hate WW2 and MW remastered
most likely not, but give it a try anyway, it's free
Yeah now I can tell you're a paid shill.
>You're just being lazy not spending a day upgrading your operating system so we can advertise to you and convince you to buy our shit game!
You do realise that a beta within 6 months of launch is just a demo, right?
Can't even play it because of its technical issues. Amazing how devs can hair out garbage on an engine that's that older than they are.
or the guy instakill you and the killcam shows he spend like 5 seconds shooting you
Really enjoying the slower feel of it. It looks okay on PS4 if not a little to dark in terms of players disappearing into shadows. PC players seem to be having a ton of optimization issues.
It's a new engine, my guy.
cooler design
feels better
guns feel slick and smooth not ugly bumpy recoil reloaders
I kinda hate battlefield, BF4 was alright when I tried it for a day or two but it had dogshit graphics, maps, and no one playing it
>It's a beta not a demo!
>It's a new engine!
Yeah now I can tell you're a big lazy bum. it absolutely won't take anywhere near that long to set up.
Who are you quoting?
>cooler design
not really?
>feels better
doubt but I'll try it out
>guns feel slick and smooth not ugly bumpy recoil reloaders
That's what makes Battlefield great. Every gun feels different.
>it had dogshit graphics, maps,
BF4 looks great to this day and the maps aren't just circles like CoD.
imagine writing all of that without actually saying anything meaningful
Thank you.
i don't even know what autohotkeys is.
Is just a fucking copy of zavod from bf4
kek dude the games are pretty much identical if you like BF you'll like the new COD they play and feel the same compared to every other shooter, I just like COD a bit better for personal reasons I can't describe, like I said I'm not a big fan of either as they were obviously designed for console players not hardcore competitive gamers, there's a reason these games have never had an e sport
like I said "idk" the games are pretty god damn similar so it's just a matter of taste, there's not much else for me to say, both games are just kinda frantic running around milling about aimlessly on a giant map with no clear overarching objective or any real skill based mechanics
There's an option in settings to set the framerate seen during gameplay and the framerate seen browsing the menu.
it's a windows thing where if certain button combos are held/pressed or so forth, it'll do specific functionalities. naturally this interferes with games and fucks shit up just like sticky keys, as it's effectively a sister feature.
My only gripe is the AA solutions. Anyone tried forcing MSAA?
not trying to deny has parts designed with console in mind, but cod is played competitively all the time
This is a fucking nightmare. Even at 60fps cap it's all fucked up. Running a 3600 w/ DDR4 @ 3000mhz and a gtx 1080. 1440p. PUBG runs better than this lmfao
sounds like the shit they did for darksouls because macroing run+heavy attack did the lunge attack and devs though it was "unfair".
free where exactly? On steam?
are you using windows 7
>a battlefield styled mode with tiny maps and no classes just doesn't cut it
MEanwhile the CQC dlc of bf3 was the best thing to come out of bf3
I have a 2500K at 4.3ghz and the game runs at 80-120fps
what does that mean?
I'm running windows 10, and that user who told you NT is not me
Every ground war I play my team gets destroyed.
Windows NT.
>diving off rooftops to surprise attack people with SMGs, and fuckin' hiding in the shadows waiting for people to pass.
So, they are playing COD?
>RNG recoil
As opposed to what? Pre-deterimned recoil? Wtf?
cant play it because game wont go past the activision logo without crashing
oh well
Intel wins again.
wtf Price has HIV now?
I have the same issue, it's unplayable below 90fps, 60fps feels like 25fps
My teams win but I die like 26 times.
Running around with a rocket launcher and shotgun doing my duty to destroy cod kiddies quake style.
It's fun winning like this when you play against consoles because they get really upset since they can't aim as fast as you.
Yeah I honestly don't even know wtf is happening then, that's really weird because my computer is worse than yours and I have 80-120fps like other anons. Hopefully they can iron things out before the beta is over.
My amd gpu and cpu are working fine for this game.
>used to play CoD4
>was alright, nothing amazing
>haven't played CoD since then
>started seriouslt getting into CSGO in the meantime
>become decent at it
>try this demo
>CSGO skills make me dominate in almost every single game
It's amazing how easy casual games are after getting into a more serious competitive FPS. Mty aiming, movement, positioning, game sense and utility usage that are only okay in CSGO suddenly seem really good in this game.
It's even worse when you see there are console players in the lobby. They get absolutely creamed.
t. played one game against noobs
To be fair you're also fighting droves of retards that think they'll do great by sprinting around like retards spraying and praying. Any amount of coordination and your own skill to temper that sort of shit means they just rush in for the slaughter.
that's most console players
Having fun with it, I honestly wish it was even slower I miss rainbow six 3
i run 4k maxed 70fps ground war. RTX 2070 here
>still playing 60hz 1080p
I wish the whole game used these models.
ok this is epic
>guns look and feel good and sound good
>no wackiness, "hero shooter" mechanics have been dialed down to sensible stuff like having an ability meter to dump a box of ammo or a deployable cover
>really nice TTK, not too padded out like Blops 4
>maps are okayish
>gun attachments affecting ADS speed is an interesting idea but game meta in most maps will inevitably devolve towards "fastest/most versatile assault rifle and SMGs," will see how this develops long-term once people have more guns in play and more maps are available
I feel like the maps having a lot of open, no man's land space is meant to counteract the usual "sprint and spray" metas COD has been saddled with for 11-12 years.
Fun but it crashes too much. Also feel like I'm being dabbed on by autistic zoomers since I haven't played an actual multiplayer fps besides Red Orchestra since like 2009.
ok.... now this is seriously freaking epic
You should get a console then
What a bunch of mouthbreathers. 9/10 times when someone gets quint kills or something it's because the enemy is absolutely retarded. That took zero actual skill. I wish I was lucky enough to be paired with retard like these.
>I like it when you are on the losing team and suddenly you spawn and die
Wait until you notice that you keep getting killed 2s after respawn and find out that you're only 2 players vs an entire team.
The fact that there's no penalty for quitters in CoD really pisses me off.
Me too but they really need to add a feature to spot enemies and vehicles.
>A team playing COD actually playing the game mode.
why the fuck is this shit releasing in a month and not in like a week
such faggets i want my cod now!
Played it several years ago when it was named Modern Warfare 2.
It's the same fucking frantic garbage gameplay each time. I don't even need to waste time on an open beta to prove it.
>Me too but they really need to add a feature to spot enemies and vehicles.
For some reason your compass up top gives you enemy position indicators, but it's so vague and difficult to work with that it just vaguely indicates enemy positions.
>awful spawns
>worse weapon balance
>tiny map that's packed full of staircases and buildings
>kill streaks going off every 5 seconds ruining any semblance of real strategy
>no gadgets or tools
>casualized gunplay
This ground war is a very cheap imitation of what BF4 has to offer.
I think it's because of the silencer+ghost. If you do that people can't really tell who's shooting them even up close.
why evey fucking dev ruins semi and 3-round weapons for me?
its like they make them shit so you only use full auto
because they refuse to give us the COD4 M16 ever again
Is this game really CPU heavy? My GPU is at like 70% load while all my CPU cores are 100%. I've been messing about a bit with settings and I've gotten a small boost but its still pretty bad.
Anyone having similar issues? Potentially a fix or two. Would diving into the config help?
I had an enemy team breach the door in front of me. That was scary.
...then I watched the killcam and there was a bunnyhopping faggot among them.
Yeah, I wish there was a way to at least mark a vehicle, like in Battlefield.
Dying has no weight
Welcome to CoD
>+ Looks great
>+ Runs pretty good aside from a few glitches
>+ Many options to tweak
>+ Great weapon animations and gunplay
>- Shit netcode
>- Low TTK
>- Getting shot from literally everywhere
>- Incoming loot box fuckery
Fuck multiplayer, I want to play the campaign.
I just think it's fucked.
>8700k hits 100% randomly
>6600k is completely fine and never goes above 70%
Not even BFV maxes either of my CPUs and it's far more taxing.
It's not fucking Counter-Strike.
COD's whole appeal is that
>it was on every console just as online multiplayer was really ramping up on the 360 and PS3
>faster than Halo's molasses combat
>you respawn fast and you get back into the action really fast
The game just vomits endorphin signals at you. Do a thing, "+20 points," lots of opportunities to get kills to see that "+100" flash, or just activate a killstreak like the UAV and just see those assists rack up.
The directional audio is terrible in this game. I'm so used to being able to pinpoint enemy positions Just from hearing them run in CSGO, this feels like shit
Being 60fps FPS on a console with decent controls was a far bigger selling point back then.
>Teammate walks
>Drowns out every single noise including enemy gunfire two feet away from you
Realism mode is really fun and I love shitting on cod babbies
>I want to play the campaign
I actually want to play the Spec Ops mode.
same I was playing some mw2 specs ops recently and it was really fun. can't wait to see what they do with it this time around.
Good to know I'm not the only one having issues.
Sometimes my CPU goes absolutely haywire. One game its fine, the next I'm all the way down in the 40s FPS-wise. Hope they patch it, having a lot of fun so far.
I hope there's a 4-player mode. CoD Ghosts had a mode like that (not Extinction, I forgot what it was called) and it was pretty good.
Ground War isn't very balanced right now. With 32 people theres basically a wallhack UAV running 24/7. Plus its a bit of a clusterfuck with the objectives all mashed together.
I know my aiming sucks, but gun recoil and guns swaying to the right and seeing the bullets come out just make me even worse
and for some reason my right analog jerks around every know and then, been happening since blops 4
>This game is dogshit. The design is inherently and objectively bad and designed to make retards (like you) glee about how shit it is.
Okay but actually explain why like an adult.
you actually had it, it is called extinction
I'm really liking it, but this graphics are fucking with my eyes. I fixed the blur, but I don't know, these bland earthy colors are annoying me.
M14 chad
sounds like a broken controller that needs to be replaced
I'm hoping they make things more colorful in the full game.
Is there any way to enjoy this if im not a good shot? I like BF games because I can still be a team player as medic, support or recon or at least use/destroy vehicles. CoD seems like its entirely personal skill based though and they took out the point streaks so I'll never see any of those outside of the UAV maybe.
I was surprised how well it runs, given that it's a post-MW2 PC port. The TTK is fucking awful when you don't know any of the maps and everyone blends in with the environment.
>Is there any way to enjoy this if im not a good shot?
Im used to other FPS games. I tried this and I literally cant even see 9/10 people who kill me.
There's zero support roles. It's just run around shooting. I guess you could run UAV/CUAV and some other helpful killstreak but that's it.
I guess you could be bait and use the riot shield to take objectives but eventually people will catch on to your shenanigans and use semtex.
>rng recoil
lol have you ever shot a gun before? i swear you soibois think youre experts on everything for some reason.
ammunition is a mass produced good, even high quality bullets have some variation in load of gunpowder. the recoil is always somewhat random
I don't want to play the beta since I have better things to do. Just one question: Can you customize your emblem/callcard/weapon camo (e. g. : can you put a stick figure in your emblem?) ?
>videogames are real life
I despise when people pull the "realism" card and then suddenly get mad when you say all guns should be 1 shots then and your character needs to stop and drink and eat and then you need to patch up your wounds, etc.
It will be balanced around the weapons in the lootboxes.
Also supporting any AAA company at this point is a sick level of sadism and should be rightfully condemned.
No no, there was another co-op mode. It was called Squad Mode, it had 2 options, you could play PVP (2 players against each other with AI team mates) or PVE (5 or 6 players vs AI).
>playing multiplayer trash
nah, I managed to grow up some time ago.
I see. never tried ghosts, was it fun?
I played for like 6 hours earlier today and hit the level cap at 20, ended up almost exclusively playing night maps, I feel like the lasers sort of discourage camping somewhat, they also look cool as fuck
This is nothing like the final product in any way and you goddamn well know it, shill.
That sucks. I really wanted to make fictional flags so imbeciles would report me. Thanks for the information, though.
I can understand being a cod contrarian but all mp games? wowza dude
You forgot that the vehicle and especially the heli controls are fucking garbage.
Nobody cares that you know the most basic shit possible about guns and nobody with a brain gives a fuck about realism in a CoD game. Go to /gif/ if you want to jerk yourself off.
/gif/ is weak shit, im here for the cunny
It was boring. The campaign was a dull mess with abysmal writing even by CoD standards, the multiplayer had its maps be relatively boring by having too much downtime between firefights while not being very standout, and Extinction was more repetitive overall than most Zombies content. It is considered the worst CoD game in the series because it has no merits of its own or anything to really work with, and the only game worse is Black Ops Declassified on the Vita.
>The guns in are COD are realistic
You have no idea what you are talking about and I demand you stop pretending this instant.
Shotgun pellets do not disappear into thin air after 15 feet, you worthless retard.
>Multiplayer games can be good
>game says im at 120 fps
>obviously isn't and is actually like 40ish now
>cap it at 60
>says its 60
>obviously isn't and is actually like 20ish fps now
It was "meh". The campaign was bad, the multiplayer was ok. I liked the progression system in the multiplayer but apparently a lot of people hated it. You could unlock any weapon, attachment or perk that you wanted just by earning a token while leveling up. To me it was a nice system, you got to play the way you wanted with the weapons that you wanted instead of wasting hours playing with shitty weapons.
Squad Mode died quickly, most people prefered the classic competitive game. Extinction was a pretty good alternative to Zombies. I kind of wish Infinity Ward would've brought it back in this MW game.
refresh rate option doesn't go higher than 60
if you have double or triple buffered vsync it'll go to half or a third of your refresh rate
why are tumblr snowflakes here why do pussies like you get so riled up go back to stardew valley you autist
post this to /k/, so you get added to a screenshot compliation of retards
This game feels like a meme
As a side note, goddamn man. It's insane how bad reaction times for people, including me, are with these graphics. I'm seeing people shoot teammates and running past enemies. I had to take a break, they need to unironically makes it more colorful or something.
the fuck is with the random rock music, it's all just so silly
the pople in charge of the game have never heard of any genre other than rock or rap
They don't but they're not really going to hurt/stop someone in body armor 20+ feet away.
>the recoil is always somewhat random
what in the fuck are you talking about, any variation in the gunpowder load that happens in production is negligible in terms of felt recoil, the entire point of the mass production of ammo is reliability. Post your guns faggot
Probably because the game is muddy/blurry as fuck, players blend into the surroundings and thus people love to stay in one place waiting for someone to move. I swear I never had this issue with older games in general.
>tfw I can’t play it because Windows 8.1 doesn’t support DirectX 12
Why the fuck would they release DirectX 12 on the inferior Windows 7/10, but not 8.1?
I unironically love these low poly graphics.
Sadly the odd new game that uses these as a stylistic choice is usually some lame old school doom clones.
what? You want jazz music playing when you get a kill?
excellent meme, upgrade to win10
We are in real need of vapoware CoD
need anything at all in the first place, it's so fucking random and dumb
Is this your first pc game? Minimum recs dont mean shit.
its decent but my biggest gripes are
>ground war sucks and its a worse BF
>shitty grain filtering on everything and unless you have a nice card AA and processing effects/better textures will strain things and lower fps
>netcode is fucking terrible
yeah, i heard it's distracting.
would be rad. would probably fit rainbow or battleifeld better though.
what video card do you have?
>its a worse BF
Yah, that's CoD alright.
Nothing but headless chickens poping each other with no frontlines because the guy you killed just spawned behind you.
i know its a very minor complaint but those padded earbud things some of the characters wear look so stupid
You can turn off the film grain, and with a config set up remove the DOF glitchery that causes artifacting.
it is the first COD since WaW I played.
And I like it so far, but only the cyber attack mode.
The rest is dogshit
nah fuck you this is the shit
Based, I like some features of the game but I'll stay with escape from tarkov for now.
It reminds me of Metro, that never ending meat grinder gameplay
Why would I ever use any low rof weapon in this game?
Netcode, spawns, and map design all ruin this game. Also, expect the usual Activision ruse of adding lootbox-exclusive weapons after launch.
I hope none of you are dumb enough to buy this trash. Call me back when Halo 3 is finally on PC.
I hope none of you are dumb enough to give 343 money after their numerous fuckups.
GTX 1080 and 8gb of ram
can't you just disable motion blur in the menu?
When I started playing this I thought it might actually be the first time I buy a CoD in 10 years. It took less than a day for fucking everything to fall apart. Constant, and I mean constant, crashes, of both the game and the launcher, constant connection losses, and now I literally can't even launch the game without it freezing completely on startup, sometimes even forcing me to restart my PC. Congratulations Activision. Your beta (demo) convinced me not to buy this fucking janky ass shit.
>setcl r_dof_enable
>depth of field
yeah but the menu options don't disable the awful depth of field when ADSing
>fire Rocket into HQ
>Get a quad
The first time I launched the game was like an omen.
>made an activision account years ago
>don't remember the password
>tab out to try and find it
>entire computer locks up, can't even open the task manager
>stays like this for a solid 5 minutes until i am able to force quit
oh yeah they fucking will
dude I love Duty Calls xD
What am I supposed to open this file with? Note and wordpad dont show words just mumbers
100% this
It doesn't help that some maps are literally one sided since Coalition are wearing CDC bright yellow gear and the other team are wearing dusty haji outfits.
>bulletstorm devs cooked this up to parody and criticize the modern shooter genre because it was all creatively bankrupt
>their game flopped because almost no one really got how to really maintain their supplies and upgrades personally and didn't like the skill shot system
>now Randy Pitchford is raping them up the ass and a Doom revival is basically doing what they wanted to do without being retarded about it
>people will keep quoting this for anything remotely modern now despite modern shooters dying down significantly in favor of sci-fi, fiction and historical
God Im fucking stupid I thought you meant it was already there and to edit it
just use notepad++, it organizes this crap out, jesus fuck
Netcode is trash even tho the game shows for all players pings lower than 10. U still get killed around walls and shit. Plus game looks blurry and if you turn AA off it looks like complete shit. Then thers a shit ton of campers literally no reason to play the objective. Idk but first day the game run perfectly 2nd it crashed after 30s ingame no chance to play third day fine again idk that mught be fixed now tho. And last thing one minth after launch the game most likely gonna be full of micro transavtions loot boxes passes and store shit. I like the game and the time i could play was mostly fun but its nit worth it.
Only played a couple hours.
I know I wanna get it so I'll just wait for release at this point.
I don't really like putting time into the game knowing I'll have to restart progression
The netcode is so shit that it doesn't even show the ping properly. It says my ping is 0 about half the time and then it jumps to over 100 at times.
Think of everything you hate about the current state of AAA/mobile "games"
Combine that with your past frustrations and the reasons you outgrew cod in the first place
There's your answer. Don't bother, it'll only be a waste of your time and money.
Fucking ESL retard
>low TTK is a negative
dumb fucking Overwatch player
>knowing I'll have to restart progression
I'm not sure you;ll lose progression. In any case, even if you do, the main progression is map knowledge and game sense, so there's a benefit to playing now. Chasing arbitrary numbers and bing bing wahoo rewards is retarded and you should feel bad for this line of thinking.
>Former Nigerian Army. Witnessed atrocities committed by Al Qatala. Defected after accusing the government of keeping funds meant to fight Al Qatala. Formed the Jackals to defend Africa, funded by black market oil. Classified as terrorists.
>form private army to defend Nigerian christians getting slaughtered by mudslimes
>get labeled a terrorist by the West for doing so
Pretty based to be quite honest
>optics slow ADS time
am i making a mistake by sticking to iron sights because of this? running around and flicking shots seems to be crucial
low ttk is great but only if the gameplay isn't ruled by bullshit RNG
for example CSGO has low ttk but is a successful e sport because good players can reliably avoid getting killed
>Loadouts and progress shared on my ps4 and PC
Based. Ubisoft won't do this
Isn't it sad that it's no different from call of doot doot
Needs an FAL
dont supa sprint
I hope they release a low-poly alternate skin later.
they won't have six sidearms at release right? thats just pathetic
>zooming the cam into a Total War battle
I can't tell if it's the spawns making the gameplay frustrating or the maps. It's obnoxious that so many vertical positions have significant cover along with lighting making it hard to see players.
Its pretty fun, like I'm really bad and still didnt get a single 10kill streak but still its cool
also running across the street is a death sentence
that just seems to be the cod way
>also running across the street is a death sentence
feels like COD 4 Hardcore mode.
I don't know about other COD but I always hate it when the TTK is so high.
Feels nice in this one, like r6 siege.
This one has a "Realism" mode with 0 HUD except map on uav and names. It's cool
Disabling taa turns the game into Minecraft. Best solution appears to be bumping res scale up to 4K and then disable AA. You need a strong PC tho
feels like half the TTK of siege
even better
I like it, i like a fucking COD kill me
hmm didn'r see that
Oldfag here. Just thought I'd drop in to tell you it's always been accepted board culture to mock everything activision blizzard does, despite whatever misconceptions you may have about what games someone who does so may like.
COD is shit. The last time it wasn't shit you were likely still pissing in a diaper.
I can get like 125% scale with a 970 and almost max settings except in ground war. 1080p. I'll try forcing msaa thru control panel
>stopping power is back as an ability
It's actually fucking obnoxious, why would they bring this back? Getting killed even faster than normal randomly is frustrating
is there a way around this shit?
it's so fucking dark it becomes impossible to see anyone inside
Why does this game destroy my CPU during startup and matchmaking? Does anyone else have this issue?
CoDMW in a nutshell
>CQC dlc of bf3 was the best thing to come out of bf3
and that's when DICE decided to appeal to the CoD crowd and at the same time annihilated its own playerbase.
>you cant get the FAL in the beta
this its just extra extra dmg on a ability cooldown what were they thinking
>that's when DICE decided to appeal to the CoD crowd
Spoken like a true BC2 kiddie.
2142 was the last legitimate Battlefield game.
The Close Quarters DLC brought the braindead run&gun type. That's also why BF1 wasn't bolt-action only and was full of assault-class running around with automatic weapons.
Wait did they fucking change gungame?
Does turning the ingame brightness up help?
Is it true this game feels like R6 Siege? Or is it the same old sprint until you see someone and snap into ADS + die from bullshit free kills in the sky?
It's pretty good
I couldn't find a brightness setting in-game
it's not like siege at all.
The weapon motion blur is nice.
Something is wrong with CPU usage though. It's maxing out my CPU, and the game eventually crashes.
is the blurriness a PC thing because even youtubers have it
Are you retarded, son?
The only AA blurs. Disable AA and it's fine. Has a built in downscale slider
how the fuck. I have 970 and 4690k runs like shit. Everything on low except reso 1080p 144hz in groundwars
how shit does your taste have to be to pay and play the same game for the 16th time?
the video doesn't really look all that blurry though for some reason he doesn't have any form of AA on which might be it
W10? I'll tell you my driver one sec
Yep. You have to edit the config file to get rid of the weird DoF.
I thought it was just the dof. are all the AA options bad?
The only Call of Duty games I own are 4, Black Ops, and Black Ops 2.
yep win10 pro
My driver is a fresh 436.02 not even the latest. Running off an HDD.
Does anyone understand why the menus run like hot shit? The main multiplayer lobby is a complete fucking shit show. Things are mostly fine during gameplay, but that lobby is completely EXPLODING my framerate every time I'm in it.
whats up with the cancerous spawns
ill try this, thx brother
>while posting same generic anime slut for the 600th time
Get a mirror
idk user how bads your agp gotta be to animepost the same confused anime girl for the 500th time
They should remove the animation in the background, that shit is using the high-poly models for no reason.
>pretends its his first time playing it by saying "lets see how it controls, feels a bit slow"
>has his m4 already modded
No, it looks like trash just like all other CODs.
Haven't played a COD for 13 years
give me a break
Bros holy fuck aim down sights and walk down stairs. The animation detail
Last CoD I bought was Bo2 retard
>Hopefully they can iron things out before the beta is over.
People said the same about the last COD, it still runs like shit today.
The change to gungame completely ruined it, they better revert it.
The weapon animations are incredible. Seriously animations across the board are really top notch. Everything has a nice weighted feel. Honestly desu this is the best CoD in years
Its fun and a campaign which is all i needed. I skipped bo4 because of that. also theres not gonna be br on this is there? i'd probably skip this if there was.
I don't know, I don't play Mario games.
>level up
>get out of match
>level up fanfare starts animating
>if i dont immediately back out of the lobby before it gets more than a second in my game instantly crashes
fucking epic
I can't lay my finger on it but this games reminds me so much of Bf3
the animation director seems like a cool dude
noobs whining as usual
>same old sprint until you see someone and snap into ADS + die from bullshit free kills in the sky?
It's this. Same shit for 12 years.
>You're not supposed to buy it you mong. The beta is the best the game will ever be
This man is wise.
>jumping faggot in the end gets bagged
its like you want the industry to buttfuck you
>that bunny hopping retard at the end
ofc pubg runs better than this, its less graphically demanding. is your brain retarded something, dumbo?
Just prefire the corner if they push like that. Learned that trick back when i used to play cs 1.6.
>he's german
It's all hand done no mocap
anons are bitching so fucking hard over literally NOTHING. same amount of camping as any other cod and you can still rush.
>level cap 20
>either have to use the famas and have no custom class options or use the dogshit in comparison M4/AK
call me when it gets updated to 30
>>level cap 20
I'm 23 already
It's 30.
The level was hard capped at 20 last night
When's the goddamn BR announcement?
oh i see, i thought he was asking about motion blur. Good to know
Never. Play bo4 if you want br
People bitching about weak shotguns need to get some better attachments. With good attachments the default pump action becomes a monster, easily one-shotting people from 15 feet away.
They said they have no plans for it during the interview
Wow 15 feet
what attachment/perk you need?
It's being worked on, I just want them to announce it being worked on.
Gotta say didnt really care for ground war with vehicles. just got spawned trapped and got killed almost every time i spawned.
Based thank you
The maps are like barely twice that distance, not a problem.
>Call in an airstrike on B
>See a body ragdoll up and over a wall
>inb4 people ask for the incendiary shells from WW2
You've just identified 2 problems kike shill
Do I have to pre-order to play this shit?
No, it's an open beta.
No install it nigger. At least for the animation work
Thanks I'll give it a try tonight
Nope. Available since yesterday on all planned-release platforms.
It's not very good and the download's massive
I think most people just get the ones they like. I haven't gotten one in awhile.
Its like 40GB
One of the holosights (I think it's the first) increases range. Suppressor actually increases accuracy because it's a longer barrel. You can also get a precision barrel as well. Laser for the hip fire and I think I have a lightweight stock. Almost never aim and the thing is incredible, I run it as a secondary to my AK with Overkill but it ends up being used as my primary most of the time.
Were you expecting to snipe with a shotgun, retard?
>first time booting the game
>in a console lobby full of xbox players
>"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger"
Rest of the time was comfy PC lobbies, all the console kids had got fed up and turned off crossplay by then
The animation director for every IW game speaks about it here
Animators dont want to give up their art for mocap. I dont think you get that it can replace their job
is it on the computer?
yea on
it's enough to make a man nut
at least she actually looks like a black woman. they did it for once.
black women never wear that winged eyeliner though
How are you aiming faster? The crossplay is input based.
Yes no pc lobby has spam
You could play Cyber Attack and stalk focus on reviving all your teammates.
This piece of shit keeps freezing upon startup on my PC well above recommended specs and latest software. It's fucking garbage with retard programmers so I won't bother with COD
He probably turned his sens up. 5 should be the minimum not what its set to default
>have to buy the game to play it
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhittttttttttttttttttttt yall niggas done fell for it
lol why the FUCK is it on of all services
>have to buy the game to play it
Not the Beta, retards, that's free.
I had bnet for the free starcraft, decided to try this shit out.
it says on the website to preorder to sign up for the beta
thats how much i care anyway, i dont care
Shotguns in bf4 are the worst thing ever.
Does anyone else get really crappy texture bullet decals despite maxing out the settings? Also does anyone know how much more storage the base game will have?
>plug in controller so i get matched with consolebros
>get put into mixed lobby, half ps, half xbox, and just me for pc
>all the ps4 guys are black
i missed how obnoxious console gamers could be
Its gotta ship on one blu ray so it'll be 50GB max maybe a bit more after uncompressing.
Based retard
>Day 1 10GB patches incoming
kek. thats the best thing about cod
>plebeians arguing over which console aka little boy plastic toy to use
I'm on windows 7, that might be it. Windows 7 users are the most oppressed class of gamers right now, developers are trying to genocide us.
Is it free open beta or do I need to pre order
based retard can't read what that's for lmao
Is there a way to turn off reflections?
Asking for a friend.
I get that but you're still nerfing yourself with the controller at all. Might as well savor the ability to play against other mustards before the pc community dies and you have to crossplay.
Man just fucking get 10. It has honestly nice features like screenshots being saved like they are on steam but for anything
The amount of aim assist console niggers get is insane.
>snaps to target if they are in the general area you aim
>tracks moving targets perfectly
>automatically deals with recoil for you
After all these COD's with the shitty titanfall movement we finally get a good BOTG cod with no gimmicks.
ITs the real MW4.
Honestly I was gonna get it on PS4 but since it runs so good on my PC Im gonna get it on PC. Ive been using a controller cause crossplay will save this game. The PC community may die but consoles wont
Also controller is comfier for me and I like the triggers and rumble
It's like a first person shooter but for super gay babies.
Bro if you are using a controller on PC you get the same settings default.
I worry it may exceed BO3s amount that is 100gb, not to mention the fact that WW2 was only 10 less than B03. But idk maybe that was just when it was sold on steam.
i dropped it after 2 games. games boring and simple
It's new engine and IW are the most talented. Maybe it will but after patches. They may even split campaign and MP on PC like before
People have been kumping down from buildings and camping around sonce CoD2 and CoD4, the fuck are you smoking? Is this your first CoD?
Eh, I'm prepared to free up storage in the case of that happening. The only time I'd really worry about such is if I had less than 200GBs left, which I avoid happening by keeping it at 300-400.
the promised day is finally upon us
Out-fucking-played. In all seriousness, it feels like LMGs are in a weird spot. Maybe they're better on ground war. Otherwise, I was finding the AK kitted out to be an LMG to be better than most LMGs.
lmg users are so dumb haha
How are you niggers even playing it without it freezing on launch?
Are you seriously asking why it's easier to die in a huge 32 vs 32 battle compared to a 2 vs 2 duel?
Game needs
lower ttk
Squad leads to spawn on only
Fixed tickets
>they brought back being able to hear the enemy's voice chat for a second after killing them
>camp in a spot yesterday and kill someone when they run by
Things that never happened: The post.
>that image
Why are numale anime posters such reddit trannies?
Its okay and pretty good for a COD (compared to the garbage we got this decade) but after 5 hours on it felt a bit barebone (and i know activision will had dumbshit zoomer cosmetics soon after the release) then i started to think about TF2 and it doesnt even come close to the fun i have on TF2
Titanfall 2 ruined arcade shooters forever to me. Nothing with top it until they release TF3.
oh the irony
That's not irony retard
it happens quite often you stupid fucking nigg
>xbox crackas start reeing
>playstation niggas ree back
These are the good times lad
I'm game sharing with somebody on xbox so I don't plan on actually buying it myself but I'd definitely lean towards pc all things considered. Input methods not withstanding pc players are still gonna have an advantage with performance in pvp kek.
Shooters are all the fucking same
I wonder if we'll get another generation of youtube kino where little kids get their asses beat in CoD for the whole world to see.
>CoD Spawn points
famas has a noobtube attachment in beta
Dumbest faggot itt
>requires dx12
>dx12 isn't supported by windows 7
>windows 7
are you retarded?
it is you dork
it runs fine on windows 7 if you don't count the menus being horiffic stutter fests
I had to give personal information to Activision to play it, so they can fucking blow me.
There's no way I would've bought it, anyway.
egg dog
omg shooters BTFO /thread
im fucking L33T bros. suck my fucking dick.
>played cowadooty in high school
>5:1 K/D in CoD4
>4:1 in WaW
>7:1 in MW2
>5:1 in Blops
>play the beta excited to kick some ass again
>total garbage
>not even 1:1
I'm 25 and I already feel like I can't keep up with the kids anymore. Maybe I should just use the M4 like everyone else and I can kill things again.
It's nice to play a game that runs at a smooth 60 FPS, unlike ARMA 3(7 FPS). Way too fast paced though. Maybe I should try Squad instead.
You got 16gb of ram or an ssd? Squad doesn't require either but it helps initial load and stutter goes away round join WITH 16gb and hdd
filthy weeb tranny
go shooter yourself
>That's what makes Battlefield great. Every gun feels different.
Battlefield has aimcone so I dont know what youre trying to bullshit here.
the level design is nonsense in these games. they're laid out in such a way that it makes anything besides camping random: whoever sees who first wins, negating skill.
>they're laid out in such a way that it makes anything besides camping random
sure, if you're mentally handicapped ;)
Gungame is fucking retarded now. What the fuck were they thinking? It was literally perfect before.
How is he a retard? They literally just released the same game with the same name and zero explanation. You're the fucking retard, faggot redditor.
I don't get this meme.
Or maybe it's the fact that these games are literal arcade spray-and-pray spaz trash for the most ADD autistic children imaginable? I used to care about being good in these games until I grew up. They're a complete joke user.
I got both. How often does it go on sale?