Did this do anything better than its sequel in terms of gameplay or design?
Did this do anything better than its sequel in terms of gameplay or design?
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The ultimates are better.
They almost all busted aside from maybe the wail and ink strike
pressing a button with no effort is not better
the squids
Not really. A lot of the best maps from it are already in Splatoon 2 and it's not like the movement or shooting was any different. The only thing I actually miss from the first game was the gamepad. I liked holding a really wide controller for some reason.
the fuck is this? why is this?
You can see the map all the time without pressing a button and blocking your gameplay view, that is the only thing Splatoon 1 has better than 2 for me.
why not user
why not
It has Walleye Warehouse and Flounder Heights.
It has better idols
The win/lose animations are better and the minigame between matches is a nice way to pass the time waiting.
Music can be preferred
Specials and subs can be preferred
Singleplayer seemed slightly better, and at least had a much superior final boss.
octo expansion runs a train over splatoon 1's singleplayer
It felt better to me. I enjoyed the gunplay more, plus the ultimates were actually powerful. Also the OST is way better. 2 doesnt feel different enough.
The minigame, because I don't like rythm games.
And Splatoon 1 had the best maps. But also the shittiest, so I think S2 comes out on top on that point.
Killer wail > Stingray
man do i love inklings
Sequel is appropriately different for new and old fans of Splatoon. I'd strongly recommend people play the Wii U game because the experience is not replaced by its sequel at all.
Ink Strike justified the Wii U pad's existence > Booyah Bomb
Inkzooka is more satisfying visually and power-wise to fire than Inkcannon
Mahi-Mahi Resort, Flounder Heights, Saltspray Rig, Museum d' Alfonsino are the best maps in the franchise still because they embrace verticality and far out areas
Music quality is consistent.
>Splatoon 2
Has Salmon Run
Has Octo Expansion
Improved Inkbrush mechanics (i.e. letting you brushrun across non-inkable surfaces)
Has brella weapons
Weirdly enough I also think Splatoon looks better than Splatoon 2.
>Weirdly enough I also think Splatoon looks better than Splatoon 2.
Do you mean the graphics or the artstyle?
DLC is a separate matter
Oh right, the gyro also seems more stable, and it's easier to see what the fuck is happening on the screen since the ink isn't as shiny.
Better music by a Longshot.
They're called specials you fucking mong.
The final boss is better
Both of those are highly connected. Not sure what exactly it is that I am seeing done in Splatoon 2 that is less preferable. For instance, I like the look of the ink better in Splatoon. I think Nintendo did something overly complicated in the graphics department rendering the ink in S2 that didn't pan out well with me.
I remember playing the demo of S2 and noting back then how the camera position is also closer to the inkling, which makes the game world look bolder/bigger.
Next thing I liked more in S1: the inkling -> squid transformation animation. It's a smoother animation in S1.
ack. I meant the camera position in S2 is pulled back farther from the Inkling than in S1.
why does the little marie make my pp get hard
rap sucks, I prefer the ska rock pop tunes from the first one.
They were more overpowered in the original.
Sounds convenient for the sake of your argument, but that's not true at all. All components of Splatoon 2 must be factored in when comparing quality to its predecessor.
marie makes my pp hard no matter what
I really want splatoon 3 to come out already. We already had pop and rap idols, next it will be something like nu metal idols.
This but with Callie
I considered the expansion when making my original post and decided to omit it as its own thing because it's overall separate from the base game. I wouldn't bundle the expansion in if the expansion were shit so I will not bundle it is because it is good.
The loading minigames
Why didn't they bring these back for Splatoon 2? Especially with how godawfully long the load times are for Switch online play, if anyting they need them even more now.
no gamepad
Literally fucking everything besides maybe the story mode.
Splatoon 1 early > Splatoon 1 late > Splatoon 2
They could have them on the main screen instead of just remixing bob dub until the room fills up
Is there any weapon you find does better in a particular mode?
I actually agree because no special in 1 was as fundamentally broken as Stingray.
The abilities gave mich bigger effect. You stack all RSU in 1 and you go supersonic with anything, nowadays you can barely advance one speed tier.
S1 is faster than S2, had more experimental map design, was always interesting seeing what the new map would be because they all played very differently. also the on-disc singleplayer was better in S1 than S2
It should be (female) skater punk idols, to get back to the 90s skater aesthetic of the first game. That would also be my answer to OP's question: while it makes sense they had to diversify things to make the world seem bigger and alive, I still think it was better in Splat 1 when the focus was more clearly on this aesthetic visually and musically, rather than a greater mix of things.
More memorable music. Less input lag. A few cooler designs (Spyke, Annie, the Plaza). A few better maps (Museum). That's about it though.
Did we play the same game where Inkzooka, Kraken, and bubbler apparently don't exist?
Imagine not being able to handle an Inkzooka.
You can't when it misses you by a country mile and you still explode.
Fair point
Early Splat 1 was some cancer. Do you not remember the 96 Deco and damage-stacked E-Liter that could kill faster than a Squiffer?
>Flies stupidly fast
>hitbox is bigger than
>used to fire instantly before the nerf
Inkzooka has limited range (less than Eliter on flat ground, even less if they zook on low ground) and gets neutralised by a bunch of stage features.
Kraken has no range, short duration and very unsafe disengagement.
Bubbler is really damn strong, but at the end of the day it still has same limitations as an unbubbled person.
Stingray ignores everything. All the turf control you built up, all the positioning you clawed out, opponent pops stingray and gets a practically guranteed kill that you have no preventative measures against, not even running away to the other side of the map will help you.
Never rely on the enemy missing. If the enemy has abilty to hit you, assume they did.
>Inkzooka has limited range (less than Eliter on flat ground, even less if they zook on low ground) and gets neutralised by a bunch of stage features.
It also flies over a bunch of stage features and instakills.
>Kraken has no range, short duration and very unsafe disengagement.
Kraken pushes tower and has instant activation from either player form.
>Bubbler is really damn strong, but at the end of the day it still has same limitations as an unbubbled person.
Except for invincibility.
>Stingray ignores everything. All the turf control you built up, all the positioning you clawed out, opponent pops stingray and gets a practically guranteed kill that you have no preventative measures against, not even running away to the other side of the map will help you.
It can't do anything but sting and swim during this duration, and is likely going to be met with an enemy stingray to counter it. It doesn't kill you instantly, deals less damage through cover now, and is not that difficult to juke. It's really only useful for ending a tower or rainmaker push. More people run Firefin for zones these days.