Why yes, I play Demon's Souls on PC at 4k 60fps and with mods. How could you tell?
Why yes, I play Demon's Souls on PC at 4k 60fps and with mods. How could you tell?
soulless af
just doesn't FEEL right on PC
I can tell because the mods make it look like shit
Does it have online yet?
4k resolution makes him stupid.
Nothing says traveling through the apocalyptic demon fog like a piss warrior beneat a nebula skybox
If you think it looks better without mods you are fucking delusional. The game wasnt made for anything above 360p so you can imagine how shitty those textures will look like stretched out to 1080 and above
Because looks like complete shit and removes every visual element that actually increases and thickens the heavy atmosphere. It has no "soul" if you want to put it like that.
Wait what?
Is there an emulator?
>Ruining the developers vision
I understand that you do this with trash like Skyrum but this is honestly offensive. The sky looks like trash. Pcfags are cancer.
Because you're alone without invasions, no Monk, no messages, no co-op, no MONK, no shifting WT, no PB/PW tendency events, no Monk, no bloodstains, and NO MONK.
It's like claiming to be superior after being circumcised.
Both the gold and skybox are shit
Why don't you show off the "nigh" lighting instead
Go online on demon souls on your console right now and show us how superior it is.
>"nigh" lighting instead
sorry what?
that skybox doesn't fit at all, it doesn't complement the dark fantasy setting.
forgot a 't', night
There are a number of private servers for PS3 that you can connect to by changing your DNS. Anything else?
Here's your lighting overhaul bro nexusmods.com
Because you're a cuck that enjoys sloppy seconds? I wish it released on PC too, but there's no point in playing a mutilated version of the game with missing content and support that has to be borged-up with mods
How's this game run on a i5-4460? Tried it last year but it ran like shit. Have they improved performance since then?
>muh private servers
>literally 1 person online in each world which makes it no different than playing offline
Imagine Tower of Latria with those ugly shinny stars...
This. There is no point in playing Demon's Souls period without a healthy online component. The game died in like 2012. Anyone that has played it since is basically self-cucking and missing the real Demon's Souls. These game HAVE to be played on release.
Kill it with fire
Maybe I'm just not poor and I actually played the game back then on the PS3 and enjoyed the multiplayer when it was popular and now I can play it on my PC at a much higher resolution and framerate alongside mods and tweaks that improves the graphics and gameplay?
that jpeg sky mod looks like fucking shit retard
OG sky is better
nah you still need to spend four times the money of a ps3 on a cpu that can run it.
Are you planning on making a mod for the monk's head collar? Would be great if it's possible to make the collar drop from the boss or be purchasable after defeating the boss.
Nobody would want to play the game as is now. Demon's Souls is one of those, "You had to be there," games.
The original was the hottest piece of ass at school and everyone wanted a piece. Now she's aged, it's been ten years, her hotter younger sisters have come and gone, and people think Demon's Souls "looks good" with a tit job and plastic surgery. Nope. I'll pass. Only the truly jonsing would have a go at her now. I'll remember the hound virile Demon's Souls from high school while you fuck around with some roastie with a flabby cunny and a titjob.
Why do modders have absolutely atrocious taste? You can't just do something like this but upscaled to a higher resolution?
>How could you tell?
I could tell because you're retarded.
PCfags just don't understand gaming. Or emulation. Fags like you OP are no better than the mongs slapping ugly filters and mods onto old SNES games.
I put that in my challenge mod, you can buy it in Latria from the royal mistress for 50k: nexusmods.com
I'm going to put that in my total overhaul, along with guaranteed drops for pure bladestone and the other pure stones that require lizard farming and I'm also going to add new rings, armors and maybe even spells, althought the latter needs some testing. Right now I'm posting a partial remix of enemy spawns in the nexus.
That's just a bait image, I was just testing how I could change the skybox texture. I have a complete lighting overhaul that is more faithful to the original's atmosphere although that needs some fixing that I can't do now because my tv decided to die on me so I released it partially unfinished but still usable. nexusmods.com
>PCfags just don't understand gaming. Or emulation. Fags like you OP are no better than the mongs slapping ugly filters and mods onto old SNES games.
I can do whatever I want with my games whether you like it or not and it's much better than being locked by your DRM machine that can't even let you change graphics settings so you don't have to play at sub 30fps or with some dumb filter like in Bloodborne with that shitty chromatic aberration that made me want to vomit all the way through the game.
The only thing DES needs is high resolution font.
>just doesn't FEEL right on PC
Oh, so here the modder faggot himself.
Nobody is going to play your mod trash that basically shits on the vision and is a corpse of a game. I'll just wait until the inevitable re-release.
A separate mod for the head collar would be great
I don't care if other people will play the mod or not, I'm not being paid to do this you dumb fuck. I'm modding the game because I can and because I enjoy it, you only know about it because I decided to share it on the internet. Eat shit.
Sure, I think a qol mod with vanilla stuff would be nice too.
>I can do whatever I want with my games whether you like it or not and it's much better
True. The problem is that you have no idea what you're doing, have no taste and you're just fucking shit up being the video game equivalent of pic related.
already played it on ps3 years ago but I might give it tryonce I'm done with other games
>it was just bait!
kek, kill yourself tasteless faggot
>The problem is that you have no idea what you're doing, have no taste and you're just fucking shit up
Oh please, teach me how to mod the game, how to have good taste such as yours and how to not fucking shit things up!
ok so how exactly did they turn that jesus pic into that fucking abortion?
Then stop advertising you stupid faggot if you don't care. Anyone can look for mods and you don't need to bog up the catalog for your Reddit humblegloat
first, don't be born a retard
That looks really good.
Anybody knows if my toaster can handle it?
Give a retard some brushes and paints and let them do restoration work. Kinda like giving a retard like OP modtools and letting him loose on Demon's Souls. It's not going to be pretty.
>new bad
>old good
just fuck off already
If your CPU is overclocked, it should run at 60fps fine.
nice bro, good to have this option if I want to replay it.
Of course I already finished the game 10 years ago on the original hardware
That skybox looks like shit tho
The only correct reply in this thread.
>Of course I already finished the game 10 years ago on the original hardware
why people get mad at other people for not having played the game at the same time frame? it's not like /vr/ gets mad at anyone playing old games for the first time or does it?
Imagine being a console cuck and the only card you get to play when your console game is being emulated at a higher quality on pc is that you "played the game back then". Take it from them and the only thing left is cringe shit like this >just doesn't FEEL right on PC
I like emulation. Even if it takes countless years to make it work. Though if you wanted multiplayer at all (Outside of specific friends on private servers) then it's far too late for that.
I like increased resolution. Even if it causes visible artifacts like the rect around the upper left.
I love optional removal of excess post processing. Like all of those PS2 shits with 5 frames of motion blur, for the worst possible example.
I do not mind small texture replacements for things like fonts to match the resolution. As long as they're designed similarly.
I do not like modding that replaces the entire design of any one aspect.
Imagine turning a artistic masterpiece into a soulless fake lightning/over saturated abomination. The absolute state of pc faggots
You pc trannies also play sekiro with infinite life because it feels better. Dilate
Developers vision was most likely held back by inferior hardware
>Because you're alone without invasions, no Monk, no messages, no co-op, no MONK, no shifting WT, no PB/PW tendency events, no Monk, no bloodstains, and NO MONK.
>It's like claiming to be superior after being circumcised.
Man sometimes when the Old Monk is controlled by a human player the battle can last for hours if both of you have tons of grass, the game goes to a whole new level as it becomes more about real world endurance than wearing down your opponents consumable items. The exhilaration you get from defeating your opponent after a very long battle doesn't exist in any other game, it really is quite special.
Maybe but it certainly wasn't held back by lack of access to a shitty nebula skybox
>Playing on the last day before DeS servers are getting shut down
>Invade as Monk
>Get 2 faggots with scrapping spears trying to grief monks
>Spam firestorm up their ass and manage to get one of them
>Keep fighting the other one while he keeps chipping away at my equipment
>Manage to outflank his ass and insta gib him with a estoc backstab
>Get the monk collar as well as some hatemail
My dick was fucking diamonds. Not going to say I wasn't a cheesy bastard though you have to fight fire with fire.
What are you even saying. That sky was made like that FOR inferior hardware. The PC simply makes the game 1080p or higher with an increase in framerate. Shaders or sweetfx/reshade are options, which is what the PC allows and offer,. Especially with older games.
Some of the best moments of Demon Souls is cheesing the game. I can't remember how to do it but run glitching firestorm on a Latria bridge was fucking hilarious with how terrifying you become.
>Why yes, I play Demon's Souls 10 YEARS AFTER ORIGINAL RELEASE on PC at 4k 60fps with glitches.
Do you never replay games?
Well I glad you enjoy the game, I remember playing it 10 years was hard af, must be really easy now after playing the hardest souls game bloodborne
Demon Souls is incredibly easy now for us veterans, considering how many of us thought it was super difficult it shows how piss easy games had become before it's release.
B E T As posting B E T As
PC fags not only STEALING a game that doesnt belong to them but have the AUDACITY to VANDALIZE a game made of pure SOUL with there SOULLESS mods.
>PC fags
It's just one guy, the same guy who is making these threads twice a week.
u mad consolefag?
Your armor looks like PISS
Anyone have link to the iso?
>can't run it without drops, stuttering outside of shaders, and audio fucking up