What was the endgame like in the older games like MHGU?
I don't think I want to farm to MR99 bros...
MHW Iceborne
I already beat Iceborne and i'm bored.
so whats the fastest way to level up master rank?
Guiding lands or the event quests
>Trying to hit Odogaron with SA
Is the Velkhana set + an elemental greatsword actually any good, or is it just a meme?
Are Ultrapalegia sacs just really fucking rare?
I've been bullying Viper Tobi for hours now and haven't seen any. I'm starting to feel bad, almost bad enough to use a BONED Long 6 GL instead.
What monster do you want to fuck?
Are you a god who can consistently land TCS on the turbosperg MR monster weakspots without them being knocked down?
He drops them on the ground for sure.
Why was she so angry?
>3U and before
fucking nothing
apex level 140 rajang guild quests for 200 hours
fighting deviants at least 10 times each for 200 hours
Basically the same as base world's endgame of grinding tempered elders and kulve taroth for 200 hours, but Yea Forums will deny that because old good new bad.
>friend tries world
> only plays bow
> only plays lowrank
> stops playing after lowrank
> only played multi
> thinks the game is very easy
> refuses to play again
> sees you playing and think all you do is easy
> you struggle against tempered MR
> thinks that he is hot shit and laughs at you struggling
> still doesnt want to try the acual challenges and laugh at your "easy game"
Anyone has one of these?
Then Frostcrast + Elemental GS is a perfectly viable option.
Should still try and slot in or otherwise get WE and other stuff to boost the TCS and stuff you do use outside of Draw attacks though if you can fit it in besides QoL skills you want.
Sacs are always pure fuckery.
Narga. Being one would be fine too.
>they cart on anjanath a few times solo
>they quit
>never come back
>went back to darksouls and CSGO
Friends are overrated.
>Friends tries world
>Does no damage
>Call him cute
>He sucks my dick
Anyone has those?
Hello, I want to remind anyone that Diablos can beat Jho, and the only reason why they didn't do that is because capcom was afraid that the western redding crowd would hate this game because their PICKLE got defeated.
>GF tries world
>Has terrible pattern recognition
>Still spends 500 hours playing the game
>Bought Iceborne so I didn't have to
Works on my machine.
Why are they your friend? Based on that alone they seem pretty shit.
Can i meet your friend?
For science , of course
ur mum lmao
Outside of vidya he gives good advice
People like that should be shot.
what the fuck did I just fight
That's interesting, if they're genuinely a good friend but somehow manage to be that shit when it comes to vidya.
I guess I wouldn't understand cause I have no friends
The best new elder of World
Because shes a reskin of the worst elder dragon Kushala
Just beat velkhana bros.
I used redditsword though.
I mainly use UngaSword but i had to swap because i don't have a crit draw set.
The only truly good monster added in World
I don't play MHW anymore, just came in to say that breast envy is the best.
Be my friend user!
>Need ONE SINGLE HR Teostra horn for something
>Still don't have it after joining some lowbies 3 times because the head break would give me a mane instead
Oh right, I forgot I fucking hate this game.
You wouldn't fuck a monster, would you, user?
Holy fuck hard armor spheres drop like candy.
I was doing every optional before fighting velkhana and i had 150+ by the time i was ready.
well im not a furry so nah
A cute dark lord monster
I want to thigh fuck Kushala.
how'd I do Yea Forums. Lets see those hunters
i just use the ciri layered armor
Go back to
I want Kirin to fuck me
Damn, what armor?
Should I bother with the Witcher and FF shit? I skipped it the first time around.
Dude just solo some gold box investigations.
Put on partbreaker and an ice hammer and just hack away; you'll get through a hunt in like 7 min tops.
just wild swing baby! he'll come to you soon enough
i dont think she does any kushala moves.
a free attack gem for one of the most obnoxious things ever in vidya history. not worth it. MR gems outclass attack gems.
Extremoth and Ancient Leshen give layered armor, most other stuff isn't worth it now post-Iceborne.
>i see now, nergigante is the ecosystem fighting back
>he attacks elder dragons to maintain balance. nergigante has been fighting to save the world and nature. it's all so clear now
>okay, let's track him down and kill him
>Teostra upgrades need x5 Hardhorns each
>I only get 1 horn every 3 investigations even with horn break and gold boxes
Man I'm getting literally burned out from Teo
Looks like Gala head + Steamworks body + Luna arms/coil/legs
Hunters are balancers too. We are the nergigante’s nergigante
Guess I'll just skip them since I don't give a shit about either source game. Thanks.
i already fuck your mom
Nergigante for hunters DLC when?
When fatalis comes out
What the fuck comes after Mightning+
Is it a DLC thing because it doesn’t look like whatever you need for Zinogre HBG’s final tier isn’t available yet for me
deepest lore
Play co-op in GL, get a monster to capture range, get kicked by the host, capture the monster then leave GL, get invited by the host into his game again get kicked again and then capture again and repeat forever. 25 MR per hour.
Is iceborne in the same tier as 3U in terms of elemental power being the strongest it has ever been?
Fough Velk for the first time (after you beat Tigrex and Brachydios) last week. I can't play in week days, that's why I'm so late. But now that enough time has passed for the "meta" to established, anything good on hammer I can do now that will be useful in the endgame?
tempered scarred yian can go suck a big fat dick, holy shit
Is Uragaan+Damascus the best for Lance?
Whats better LBG deviljho or yian garuga?
And whats the best GL?
>she won't be real in our lifetimes
The literal God of AOE. Seriously, who the fuck thought this was ok? He spams more than Velkhana.
I don't have any HR investigations left mang, they all got pushed out by MR ones. I don't need partbreaker, I broke his face each time just fine.
It's just fucking stupid that a break that's supposed to reward a specific part has a small chance to give you a basic component instead. I'd be just as salty if I needed a tail and got a scale from the tail carve 3 times in a row.
Best for what?
Daily reminder to make a specific set that has high fire res and defensive skills cause tempered mr teo and luna can one shot you easily with basic attacks at 1000 defense
anyone here playing with a i5 3570k? My 660 ti crapped a while ago so I replaced it with a 1050 that my boomer dad got for one of his office computers. I already told him that the integrated graphics of a last gen i3 are gonna be enough for his needs, but he just likes to waste money ony useless things.
Anyway I'm thinking of upgrading to either a 1060 or a 590. I just wanna know if the CPU will cause me severe bottleneck since I was told this game can get pretty CPU heavy due to poor optimization as a console port.
mine gets dizzy when playing it, feels bad man
When do you get to fight Zinogre? Im MR 71 and I saw him only once passing by to fight Namielle, then never again.
>I already beat Iceborne and i'm bored.
Same honestly. Base World gripped me better than this expansion did. Not sure why.
gotta lure him out in the guiding lands i think. try leveling up the ancient forest
My gf is about to beat shara for the first time right now. She mains GS and is the epitome of unga bunga but she has a good head for skills and optimizing damage
Honestly, all the AoE spam is part of why I won't keep playing this. I know they can't stick to the perfect gameplay of Freedom Unite forever, but these changes just don't feel good to me.
God I fucking love dual blades!
If you get hit by the AoEs it is your own fault. Nami's AoEs all focus on the ground it soaks
How do I get G rank zorah parts? His HBG is the only one I really like to use.
What universe do ypu live in? Here fu gameplay is pretty boring
Get bones in the guiding lands
>zaps u
Are you dumb? The only thing they have in common is being kind of similarly colored and having 4 legs.
Finally they'll die
why the fuck is this sword so slooowwww :((((
My first game was freedom unite, so i know how klunky it is
He's just nostalgic for a game he played when he was young. The only thing I liked about older MH like FU is that the battles felt very personal and that you really had to rely on pure skill. Everything but the monster was basically a background, but I've started to like a more breathing world as well.
God, I wish.
Depends on if you like pierce or spread more. Garuga for pierce, spread for Jho. Both have RF sticky so it just comes to other ammo preference.
Good. Brute Tigrex has his zenith roar. Rajang has his super slam.More monsters getting AOE attacks means Frontier's soul is alive and well in iceborne.
It filters out all the FU shitters and the FZ chads rise up.
>The huntsman jobs to velkhana
And people complain about nergigante being a sue.
Yes, we made fun of faggots like you even back when the game just came out.
The admiral is clearly drunk and rambling on about nonsense.
All if you steal my kill, I steal your life.
Namielle Aoe is pretty damn fair and easy to avoid if you are ready for it. Compare to A.leshen, behemoth, at xeno, lunastra, kirin, namielle’s aoe is nothing. Did you fight MR kirin yet?
Freedom unite is easy, its about the same level as the rest of the seiries, you're probably a shitter if you think it as hard
>When you flinch a hammer out of their big bang combo
>When you play hammer and know it's their fault for not buffing themselves
I buff myself and still get tripped
i don't wanna be a furry. But..
>Have more Tigrex mantles than hardclaws somehow
Finally beat that fucking tempered garuga, christ that fucking monster is dumb
You keep bringing up non-arguments. Nowhere did I even mention difficulty, or imply that it's necessary for a better game. By all means, keep trying.
Even as someone who started in World, I find myself preferring some things from the older titles.
Namely, I think I like the idea of just being a lone hunter hired to help out a village versus being in some weird pseudo-military that hunts monsters purely for the sake of it.
I also find that in World, every NPC is just so sterile. They're too bland and nice.
Maybe that's just the result of having played Gen after World, where Kokoto Village's entire gimmick is that nobody in the town thinks highly of you.
Iceborne pretty much saved 5th gen from being irredeemable trash. The subs all greatly improve the 5th gen mons and Velk, Nami and Shara are all really good.
the ecosystem will pay for its crimes
He's just an elitist, everyone who thinks they were early to something believes they are inherently better in most cases and that OLD THING GOOD, NEW THING BAD. Unless you were playing it in Japanese on the PS2 you're a newfag and it doesn't matter.
>Maybe that's just the result of having played Gen after World, where Kokoto Village's entire gimmick is that nobody in the town thinks highly of you.
I actually did like being a nobody in those games, I fucking hate getting my ass kissed, just let me kill monster then get excited to kill next monster.
Saying:" we laughed at you faggots when the game first came out" is clearly trying to act like freedom unite is amazing and only AMAZING players can be good while normal people get laughed at by you elite chads
Just got World for my gf as well. There’s a shit ton of tutorials for newcomers so I’m slowly teaching her new things but by bit. We just killed pukei and I only just taught her how to pole jump.
You still get tripped since power charge flinch free effect only take place during some frame of attack animation. Generally you are safe if you already start the animation but if you get hit before starting the big bang such as when you are trying to move to the head in the first place, you will get staggef. lvl 1 charge to triangle combo would get staggered sometimes mid combo as well
"Experienced Fighter takes severe damage to protect his apprentice or whatever" is like the most cliche scene of all time though.
can’t fucking hit sharas face with my sns
what should i switch to
PC nub here, I need strats for that first lunastra fight in the arena. I'm hitting the 15 minute timer. Does dragonator do bonus damage if I put lunastra to sleep? Should I try crafting a sleep weapon? ATM I'm just using a legiana sns for cold damage.
>5th Gen
Doesnt exist yet.
I don't think the next game will be some big research fleet again
Powercharge really should just be a level of Flinch Free and not attack-only superarmor
I also do wish Powercharge was something different instead of a buff you just always have to maintain that only takes a second to apply
not nearly as dumb as its oldgen form
You're not wrong, but we also made fun of people who criticized MH for not playing like a generic action game. You got what you wanted, now fuck off so MH can return to its methodical roots.
I hate being praised by NPCs too. It all just ends up feeling extremely condescending, given that I accomplished something that EVERY player is expected to accomplish eventually. But in the broader context of the game and its playerbase, I haven't done anything actually approaching exceptional.
So which sections of the guiding lands should I level?
>nergigante maintains balance killing elder dragons before the sapphire star shows up
>sapphire star also kills elder dragons, balance is in peril
>sapphire star kills nerg to maintain balance
Makes sense to me, if Nergigante was a licensed hunter we wouldn't have to kill him.
>freedom unite
Move aside kiddo, first gen coming through!
>immigrants come and steal nergigante's job
wow, really makes you think
>mfw 460 para abyss eaters II and true critical status against ADHD Monsters in G rank backed up by a girros bro and palico with paralysis weapon
>don't care about tutorials
>always waited until level 3 charge to do powercharge thinking it would be better
Maybe that's a way to expand on it.
>after Aces job to Gore you a fucking nobody has to kill it
4 was pretty dumb in retrospect and shame World went the same route
what does the G in G rank stand for?
My pard is destined for greatness!!!
Don't you think it's time to seek help about that time you got molested as a kid? Please don't let this mental illness drag you down!
Yeah, that's good too you know.
Maybe the hunters guild shouldn't infringe on his rights as a free monster of the land under the articles of confederation.
Thanks for making it easy to save the good pictures.
Only first gen kid, every game after is shit. Also im not that dipshit
>Got a razor sharp charm from housekeeper
Now give me the crit element charm.
Fuck dudes I’ve just gotten to damn good at these games, none of the monsters are giving me that real challenge I fell in love with when I first started. I miss that feeling of triumph after beating my first khezu after 5 attempts and only 30 seconds on the clock to spare. I miss facing my first Tigrex and being thrown around endlessly and just sitting in that tiny snowy crawl space in complete fear of going out there until he had calmed down again. I think this might be it for me bros it’s just too formulaic now. What I would give to go back...
Don't you think it's time to seek help about that time you sat alone without friends all throughout school? Mass replying is a symptom of this mental illness so please don't let it drag you down!
Very reddit post
The problem with trying to fight Lunastra with SnS is that her only good weakpoints for slashing weapons are her wings and tail. Both of which being things that are usually out of reach until she is toppled.
Hunters of the fifth we have a new target, monster hunting is getting old so we have a new target, this one should be easy.
Quest Title;
Most Dangerous Game
Canteen Reward;
Soilent Green
Weird, people usually lump first and second gen together.
Crit element shouldn't even be a thing you have to equip. It should just be how the game works normally.
>The literal God of AOE. Seriously, who the fuck thought this was ok? He spams more than Velkhana.
What weapon? I thought Namielle was piss easy to fight and avoid the attacks for.
New heavy gunner here, should I be using the scope at all times?
Why would you lump together good gameplay with cazualized shit?
Just beat Black Veil and boy am I in need of a break. I'm enjoying my iceborne experience, trying not to rush through, but I was wondering how much longer is it until I unlock guiding lands?
Is it a mistake to collect armor/weapons and clear optional quests as they become available instead of rushing to the endgame grind?
Okay, World Gen then you autist.
Does it count as molestation if you were coerced by a teen into giving a handjob before you even knew what that is?
How does this happen? Do you need to finish collecting all the paintings or something?
>I also find that in World, every NPC is just so sterile. They're too bland and nice.
And then you get the Handler who is self-explainory in how loathable she is.
Just call it a spinoff like normal people. Especially since Iceborne is joining Frontier and MHO in death by December
>should I have 30% more damage all the time?
Do the tigrex capture quest then the acid glav one after it
i cleared all my optionals as i went and made separate elemental sets
there’s no rush in a game like MH, do what feels fun
>How does this happen? Do you need to finish collecting all the paintings or something?
House materials, not paintings.
Yes, that's exactly what made you a flaunting degenerate. Seek help!
tribalism is at its most adorable when the expressions of contempt for the "outgroup" are so wildly out of proportion to how very low the stakes are
People literally join guiding lands mid fight then leave.
Like okay you wanted to fight a coral pukei and that’s it?
So how is it casualized?
never will I ever use a motherfucking bow
Woah slow down partner I just want to hunt monsters I already took my pills today
Nice HRT faggot
>people claim world didn't have any good new monsters
Light thread high jacking but if I buy some new copies of MHGU will some people genuinely play with me?
My save data got fucked so now I have 999999z Noob gear and a hard sense of dread.
>doesn't even fight back against deviljho
Genuine question to those anons out there, what’s the appeal of min maxing for you?
Fucking buddha, two quests failed so far when it opens it's eyes phase, i can't barely see his multi hands lazers and the nitwick loves to giga lazer when i'm on the ground, fuck this fun monster, finally something good, can't wait for AT version
odog is a dexfag
It’s okay user. One day you will be good enough with the game to be able to play bow. I believe in you.
No reason why a top mid-tier monster would be able to fight back vs Jho.
Just G
You use your imagination to make it better.
All and none of them are G rank
fuck off back to your discord
Shitty maps, easy to read monsters, ruined lots of monsters, combat turned to shit, and overall no love put into it
Isn't that simply the obvious endgame of any game with a gear/character progression?
please stay
>if I buy some new copies of MHGU will some people genuinely play with me?
They will, since a majority of them have migrated back to GU.
I wonder how fast i can snap their necks
But I don't use redditcord you retard
Catlolis are based
Catlolis get burned
now this is based
Catlolis are immortal.
I seriously doubt that. It's almost painful to go back to prior entries in the series after World & Iceborn.
Far too much QoL and gameplay advancements just to be able to play vs more monsters and use shit like styles.
Thank you sire
I've never been able to get into ranged weapons in monster hunter. every time I use one in a hunt, all I can think of is how much more comfortable I'd be using a melee weapon
on the other hand, I kind of got sick of dual blades over one hundred hours ago yet I can't stop myself from going back to them whenever I run into trouble
Cn someone tell me on the lance weapon tree what monster's weapon is between tigrex and acidic glav?
i'm sure i beat every type of monster already besides nerg but this one is still ???
Those are quite dubious claims without any evidence to back them up.
How did you hide your weapon? And what gesture is that?
Brute tigrex hes in guiding lands vale level 6
>and overall no love put into it
That's just stupid to say.
>It's almost painful to go back to prior entries in the series after World & Iceborn.
Not everyone is a gambling addict who slave away at the Grinding Lands, user.
>more monsters and use shit like styles.
And being able to reunite with the Guild Sweetheart from Tri.
If youve played them both you can tell how bad 2nd gen onward is just because of how they went from smooth good combat, to clunky combat
>Shrieking Legi beat my ass even with full Narga and 35 Ice defense
>need LR monster parts
>they die in 5 hits
>people still replying to listfag
t. listfag himself
Now try ancient leshy or Extreme behemoth
some people are just like that. and it's hard to hold it against them once you've known one or two for a few years IRL and realize how helpless they are in the face of their pathological negativity
Just murder him in minecraft bro, just make this retard leave the world of minecraft bro, you know?
Catlolis get mating pressed.
I'm not listfag, let me prove it: World and IB are alright and much better games than Gen and GU. It still has many issues of its own coupled with abortions from Gen that got carried over but that's alright, every gen is like this and it pretty much saved the series
>Not everyone is a gambling addict who slave away at the Grinding Lands, user.
You're kidding yourself if you think it was any different before.
Once you finish the content the game has all you can do is minmax grind.
They get knives pressed into their hearts!
if by knife you mean penis and heart you mean pusi
Now this was a based image
elemental resistances are at half potency (for both good and ill) in world/iceborne. So keep that in mind.
Which armor did you guys run with GS against velkhana? I'm having trouble
I guess you don't have to be listfag to be retarded...
I maen a hunting knife straight througn their chest!
>oh fuck year RNG decos that can have multiple skills this is gonna be the best thing ev-
>the multiskill decos draw their combos from two possible combo lists
>lists are very limited
>there are no fun possibilities at all
ok listfag
>endgame in older mher
farming random gears for fashion and fun
charm runs
soloing g rank/speedruns
I want to copulate with those two females
I got an artillery level 2 gem today
Yeah because I'd much rather have a meta decoration with a 0.00041% chance of dropping.
>Artillery lvl 5 stuck behind 3 piece Zorah Mag set
I don't wanna wear that shit! Wheres transmog?
Offensive Guard + Constitution is a godsend
what are the essential skills for HBG?
I've never dabbled in this ranged weapon stuff before
Are rare decos like Crit Boost still a pain in the ass to get?
>helmet of your choice
>direwolf chest
>direwolf arms
>thermae belt
>appreciation legs
Boom good layered set
Full Tigrex Alpha gemmed for Ice and Stun Resist is basically a retard proof way to win every fight.
>allowed to have nice things
You should know how this works by now.
>offensive guard + constutution
>offensive guard + attack boost
>crit boost + health up
>affinity sliding + attack up
>guard + constitution
>bombardier + attack boost
>double crit eye
>quick sheathe + crit eye
etc ..
you just need to get lucky
>defensive skills
Just get Narga armor with garuga greaves like everyone else.
Mh is dogshit
I'm on PC
I don't see the issue
Is the Barioth Hidden Art worth for LS?
why don't you play world? I play on ps4 and can't find anybody to play with. I have a switch too though
Why the fuck is the Handler here? All she has done is wander around, get saved by (You) from monster attacks, and clutch Frozone's scales.
to know you're doing maximum damage and see those mad numbers pop up like PWAH PWAH u know
Mixed xeno stuff then. Spare shot is good, Pierce boost for pierce HBGs, guard up if you want the shield. It's not really that complex.
As someone who has mained GL since 3U I disagree. 3U had more than enough to work with and we didn't even have the WSB or the Big Bang Kamehameha we have now in 3U. The only game where I felt like we got screwed over was in FU, and you can still beat the game with one.
hm, yes. I agree as well. shallow and pedantic
Are you watching the unskippable cutscenes? The entire plot is about her journey.
dude all these games are the fucking same, you farm monsters until you have the parts to build the armor.
Post your room.
Fuck her journey. Fuck the Tracker, fuck the commander, fuck all of that. Non-combat personnel can stay the fuck at base until I find the monster causing trouble with my three lads, put said monster in the dirt and determine that the coast is clear.
I can respect the effort put into making the story for the game, but I just want to whip my Charge Blade into monsters' faces.
>entire plot
lmao what? Did you somehow skip the cutscenes? Handler is just there to keep convincing the tracker to go around places, and half the plot is about the Field Commander being more Commander and less Field. Then the admiral shows up saying IT AINT ME and telling you the entire story is about the hunter and nergigante.
>fancy pants chandeliers
>no Handler portrait
The >plot of mhw/ib is:
>the rumors were true
>it’s all connected
>nature is cool
Fuck off with this “story”.
God damn Switch Axe is so fucking fun in Iceborne.
I think Iceborne gave the weapons (most of them at least) that small extra push the gameplay needed to make it truly great. SA is just so damn fun in Iceborne.
Pard, I was thinking... what if Nergigante used to be human until he went down to the bottom of the earth and got turned into a dragon by God before being kicked back into our Monster Hunter: World(tm)? Maybe that explains why Nergigante is nature's equalizer, because he used to be human like you, pard.
You're a retard. The story is
>monster is happening
>monster is making things happen that shouldn't happen
>we gotta hunt
>more monster is happening
>it's really happening
>killed it
>oh no weirder monster was actually the thing making happen
>killed it
>fucking secret monster
>oh well, party
>killed secret monster
It's the same plot as literally every monster hunter.
Better to not think about it. Let's just keep killing him and carving up his body.
>seliana gathering hub and guiding lands finally forced me to get an ssd
thanks ps4
>mug full of cum
I fucked around with SA a bit and GODDAMN, that new hack 'n slash ender is cool as hell. I might make one with a unique design if I can find one.
>Ancient Leshen wildly swinging at a wildspire stoogie
Poor senile old tree
Good idea pard, let's go!
Redpill me on solo Hunting Horn
You know what anons, these threads have gotten a lot better since Iceborne released. They still aren't the greatest threads ever, but they've really improved. I'm proud of you.
>danger danger
>there was much struggle
>thank god no one died
>not that you'd care if they did
why can't we get badass mini odogarons as mounts and NPC partners instead of the dumbass cats?
I'm sure a dogo could be trained into setting traps and using swords with their mouths.
Were G rank hunts always exhausting? I think base World might have made me too complacent.
>fight Barioth for the first time in Iceborne
>37 minutes
What the fuck? Was HP buffed or something?
>singing tribal lady with background oooh hah oooh hah men.vinyl
seething bagelboy should invade on more maps
wasted variant desu
weird looking xenojiva
smash face play songs
play songs while smashing face
>"you have to drive back Velkhana"
>beat the shit out if it
>easy as fuck
>knocked out in a cutscene thanks to the retarded handler
Just let me have the serious handler again
Monsters in Master Rank have more HP AND take less damage.
Barioth also has ADHD and never fucking sits still until you finally break his wings too.
Barioth is one of the most relentless monsters in the game now. The dude just never stops.
>Blackveil Vaal set
I will never use another potion again.
So Narga and Glavenus which is coming up for me now isn't going to be as bad?
First time fighting him I triple carted. Second time in nearly ran out of time but beat him anyway. He's just relentless
... I actually kinda like the ululating tribal lady trope even though it's been driven to the dirt and mocked as far back as tropic thunder. always makes me wanna coarse shirtlessly through the forest in pursuit of my prey with nothing more than my sharp stick, sweet tats and furry pants to protect me from the elements and bear attacks
Probably not. Narga's a jumpy faggot too, but he stops sometimes.
fuck this nigger and his fucking faggot tender plates
Rare? Thats not rare, try sharp or shield for rare
Glavenus personally gives me a shit ton of issues, but Narga wasn't bad at all.
Feels like Narga is too spastic and whiffs most of his attacks.
I'm just trying to point out how it's literally the same as all the other monhuns ever since Fatalis made Lao run like a bitch and threaten to run over a city.
Glav isn't really bad unless you are trying to cut his tail which makes the fight long as fuck and annoying. Narga isn't as bad as Barioth.
It was the opposite for me. Glav is cake but Narg is a fucker.
same here and I autistically put 1000+ hours into the base game.
I can usually chop glav's tail in a single good opening. It actually comes off way easier than most monsters.
You are trying to chop it while it's heated, right? It won't come off otherwise.
Glavenous is the way the game has to tell you to try a shield weapon. Of course you wont need a shield once you are familiar with his moveset, but helpst a lot at first
How do you get the Nekker to spawn to cap him? I follow the big Jagras at night and wait for him to spit out meat but the Nekker doesn't spawn.
Do you have to do soemthing specific in the Witcher quest first or something? Already beat leshen.
The guiding lands are kinda boring, I'm just at level 4 and quite fed of it already
Is Silver Rath's GL good? I've always loved the design.
the one who's really gonna make you insane is scarred garuga, it's like barrioth except it flies way more and shoots fireballs like a goddamn machine-gun but that's way later
>the last thing a monster sees before it gets turned into panties
>play for 1000 hours
>all my monsters still have low as fuck scoutfly level
How the fuck do you level it up efficiently? Is there any fast way or am I really supposed to sniff tracks?
I was wailing on Nergi the other day and he kept asking if he was free to leave.
It lowers if you haven't fought a particular monster or sniffed its feet in a long time
You still just need to grab like 1 track to track the monster easily again.
You're missing tempered monsters
Any way to mod them to 3 on PC? I want to know where a monster is and no walking simulator desu
Guiding land iarea s boring, there's no real structure on how to proceed besides wander around to do some mining and hunt whatever you come across, and the leveling up system makes the whole thing feel tedious. It would've benefitted more from a better and more tight leveling process.
Also the area itself being a mini mashup of the previous ones doesn't make it super interesting either.
It's might be worse than the Vaal GL because of slots and shit, but
>using BONED weapons in the first place
Seems like it should work out just fine otherwise.
>1000+ hours into the base game.
Mentally ill people don't like Iceborne.
That's a good sign.
>spent 1000 hours in the game
>doesn't even remember when monsters spawn
Anyone? Trying to complete the game
is soloing with HH finally FINALLY viable now? Because I tried my damned hardest doing it in 4U and it never worked out.
> endgame is fun
> iceborne is overall better
>normies dont like it after world tho
Such is the curse
>mfw Brachy's theme in Iceborne
Holy fuck it's actually better than the original, my man can't stop winning.
As long as you have the bounty to capture it, it should be able to appear. It won't appear if you're out in the open, and it also just sometimes won't appear even if you're hidden. It's got a random chance to spawn, but the chance is pretty high. Throw the Ghillie Mantle on before you go into the clearing where the Jagras throws up the corpse, and if you're sitting right next to the carcass as he spits it out the nekker should run up really quick.
boy fucking howdy, do I.
too bad his gear fucking suuuuuucks
How you get the bounty?
Lucky monsters if you ask me
Also thanks for the new fetish. Now I want to be turned into a pair of sentient panties and have a girl wear me all day
Even better: youtu.be
Auto-kick from my session. Kill yourself, you stupid no-DPS memeing faggots.
If Capcom was a good dev you could just trade something in for that, maybe resource points.
For some monsters it's RNG where they spawn, tard.
>friend sees me and my other friend playing world
>buys the fucking deluxe of it
>me and friend make a bunch of low rank shit to play with him
>gets to anjanath and dies a bunch
>says game is shit and we're retarded for liking shit games
>hasn't played a game with us since
nigger called us retarded when he bought a deluxe version of a game and then never even put 10 hours in
>ice res 3 against Shrek Legi
>still get frozen
How do I into evade lance? Do I need evade window and or extender or are they just crutches?
>so trash he needs other players to do high DPS
>in a game where everything dies in 2-5 minutes
Why does a monster running past me or bumping into me make trip like a madman towards the ground?
Kick yourself before you kill yourself
Solo scaling was a mistake.
learning that max WR is almost as useful as no WR at all vs kushala in world is still the top MH anime betrayal in my book
kirin girl x steak the OTP
>Shrieking Legiana is just a mini Velkhana
There's really no reason for this variant to exist.
Explain yourself.
You should get it if you talk to the Resource Center after doing the Geralt quest. It should be under Critical if you already have it.
I think maybe because they weigh 30000 pounds+ while your character only weighs like 110-180
When do you unlock rare material melding in master rank for rathalos ,legiana and such. Need to know pls tell
>the sidequest where you hunt both legiana and shrieking legiana
This fight was made perfectly for IG. I fucking love it.
Well, I didn't do all the sidequests in the Geralt event, but I got to Leshen and beat it. Ancient as well.
Yet I have no bounty for a Nekker.
>get a random early Jho quest
>hunt him because why not
>regret everything
I just feel like Velkhana does everything Shrieking Legiana does but better. The spins, the agility, the icicles rising from the ground, the attacks from above, everything. It genuinely felt like a warm-up for Velkhana.
A Poison Kinsect will greatly help. Shrieking in particular will cough up if its poisoned.
maybe it's linked to those sidequests? idk I haven't finished it either. also I decided on a whim to have geralt speak polish only to discover I like his I can't believe it's not david hayter voice more to the point that I don't really want to hear it again. polish geralt almost sounds mexican to me
Same, no bounty but i still found and catched a nekker
I just used blast and they both melted. Didn't have a single problem either.
I can't forgive Capcom for their retardedness involving the end of the story.
>Nerg is awesome he saved our asses and he's also nature's very own self equalizer, he was never our enemy, he was saving nature, we must have reverence for the ecosystem and nature as we are just part of it like Nerg
>Next mission is in Sapphire Star: Find that Nerg and fucking KILL it
You need Ruiner Nerg pieces I think.
That or some Guiding Lands stuff you haven't unlocked.
>convince friend to buy World
>decides to main Hunting Horn
>is surprisingly good at it
>only problem that he fucking blasts Rush loud enough that I can hear it through his mic
>don’t say anything about it because he seems to be having fun
>we go through the entire game and Iceborne, all the way to Shara Ishvalda like this
If I have to fucking hear The Spirit Of Radio one more fucking time...
You're a good friend user
Anyone using a full Namielle set? What weapon are using with it?
The message is deeper than you think
Nature is a bitch and its our job to fuck her up. We kill the elder dragons because destroying the ecosystem is mankind holy right and ours alone
Thanks, user. That made me smile
I didn't do all of the sidequests and I got the bounty. It should say something about capturing a creature from another world.
His armor skills are pretty shit so he can't win them all.
Elders are part of the ecosystem, we kill them because they fuck with human settlements
Is bludgeon any good? It seems like I do less damage at lower sharpness levels
Ask your friend if Rush is heavy metal
It's gutter trash.
MR Kush in the ancient forest made me want to die
might need to unironically learn to use a bow, nothing had broke me that much in base world
Similar experience huh?
This fucking cunt just triple carted me after half a god damned hour. I know I fucking suck, but most of the fights in Iceborne are just unfun horseshit.
>gutter trash
shara is fun as hell
i triple carted the first time too but it's a really good fight
>most of the fights in Iceborne are just unfun horseshit.
I assure you, they're all miles better than the base game. You just suck.
Keep going dude, he made me fail quest twice, but dam if it's fun.
His second stage is quite fun IMO, shame about having to break the stone armor every damn time
black dragons numba wan
I triple cart'd twice to Shara and I still love the fight
What's a good SnS for master rank ?
From Most to Least
1. Shagaru Magala
2. Shah Dalamadur
3. Shara Ishvalda
4. Xeno'jiiva
5. Alatreon
Only reason I'm putting Alatreon on the list is because they're listed as being so goddamn territorial that they actively hunt down and exterminate anything in their territory. to justify the rest:
Literally warps the entire ecosystem of vast swathes of land by existing due to the Frenzy Virus, causing weaker monsters to outright die, and stronger monsters to become Apex.
>Shah Dalamadur
So massively large and powerful that its movement just crushes and reshapes entire mountain ranges. If one ever actually came out into the world proper, there'd be next to nothing anyone can do to stop it. Be thankful they keep to their mountains (which is the only reason I put it at 2, instead of 1)
>Shara Ishvalda
We haven't seen the full power of Shara yet, since the only one we've fought is just a baseline, non-temped/archtempered. What we do know is that their control over sonic waves creates a song that drives monsters pretty crazy, cracks terrain for massive distances, and they're really, really fucking hard to kill (it took Ruiner Nergi stepping in to kill our Shara)
I've got him on the list because he was forecully pulling Elders away from their proper deathsites just to gorge on bioenergy. Elders are dangerous to the environment, and this fucker was actively changing how Elders act. We also still haven't seen what Xeno is truly like.
Goodnight anons, I'm gonna go to bed and coom to narga
Kushala has special wind.
You need all wind negated
In no particular order
>Gore/Shagaru Magala - potential localized extinction event through rage plague, anything strong enough to overcome the frenzy becomes a disease vector of its own
>Shara Ishvalda - causes seismic activity and rouses monster activity on a continental scale because ???
>Xeno'jiiva - lures large numbers of elder dragons to one place, including
>Zorah Magdaros - almost died in a bad place and killed everything because Bioenergy™
>Velkhana - kills small monsters for no reason because it's a dick
Theoretically a bunch of elders could be just as bad but most of them seem pretty content to just chill, or are just aggressively territorial like everything else in the MH universe. Like if Dalamadur ever got off its rock it could carve up the landscape pretty bad. Some of them have attacked or destroyed human settlements but that's a bit different from disrupting the ecosystem.
I am going to go fucking insane if I do another SOS flare with Jap players carting and making us lose the hunt.
What’s the point of min maxing? How does making the game even easier any fun?
pick your poison based on fight. remember, SnS excels for status, and, once those are harder to trigger, swapping to an elemental.
I generally ran with either a Para or Poison til it proc'd twice, then swapped to whatever elemental was best for the monster. Also, keep a strong Sleep one on hand just for cheesey bombing mid-fight
I'd put Shara as tieing with Dalamadur, just from what we've seen while fighting it it causes entire mountains to collapse into the sea in the background of the fight when its not even focusing on them
How do you get such high hp? I'm maxed health gems and it still never gets like that.
is it possible to learn this power?
If making things harder is more fun, why aren't you exclusively doing naked shadowboxing runs?
Lads, is critdraw GS really back or do people not know what they're talking about?
Did they touch the base charge MVs at all?
numbers didnt change but velkhana set single handedly made both elemental GS and crit draw viable
"rouses monster activity on a continental scale because ???"
The "song" it made with while shaping earth. For human perception it was a song but for monsters with a more sensible perception it was like a really noisy fly that never went away, making them aggresive and restless.
You just described exactly why it's trash.
i'd agree with you as well, but i really didnt want to tie a monster, especially 2 as different as these. We've seen Shara's effect on the world first-hand, but we haven't seen EVERYTHING it has to bring. Shah Dalamadur, however, we've seen at its strongest, but we haven't seen it outside of the mountains its hollowed and made its own.
It's pretty easy to put Shaggy as numero uno, though. Frenzy Virus from passively existing, which in turn either genocides or creates new carriers, all while being a decisively evil existence? Sure, it's not the strongest itself. But its effect on the environment is undeniable.
Shara's song is like a horrible dog whistle. Monsters hear it and go crazy, while all we hear is noise.
Lads, is critdraw GS really back or do people not know what they're talking about?
Did they touch the MVs in any way?
Because it feels earned because I have to get all the shit needed to make it work myself. A game doesn't need to be challenging all the time to be fun, only retards think that. It's fun to go pushing monsters shit in occasionally.
numbers didnt change but velkhana set single handedly made both elemental GS and crit draw viable
numbers didnt change but velkhana set single handedly made both elemental GS and crit draw viable
Maybe I worded that poorly, I meant more that we never learn why it was doing that. The game literally ends with the commander saying they're left with more questions than answers. I think the first wyverians imply it's something that's happened before, but ultimately Shara's motivations are a mystery.
>Monster Hunter is my favorite series ever
>cant bring myself to draw lewd versions of the monsters
I dont know why. Maybe because I'm always killing them so I never see them as cute waifus.
The hell is wrong with it? Dude's shaking like a crack addict
Tama (female)
its a viable playstyle with Velk set, but it's still outclassed by the standard TCS playstyle from vanilla. So, you can play the good ol' KO Draw style, and not be super gimped anymore. Just don't expect it to be speed-run tier.
i think it wasn't actively trying to rouse the monsters, but it was a side-effect from it reshaping the earth through its sonic waves. Think like base Gore Magala. He's just using the Frenzy to see, he hasn't reached the malicious "infect everything and watch it all burn" stage
>Fuckin hunters broke my fuckin new rock suit
I'd be literally shaking too.
Thats why you should only use full set with matching weapon
>top tier
Fulgur Anja
Ebony Odo
Seething Bazel
Acidic Glav
>decent tier
Shrieking Legi
Coral Pukei
Kulve (just barely decent though)
Great Girros
>Meh tier
Pukei pukei
Great Jagras
>awful tier
This is actually one of my favorite MonHun rooms in all the games, still not my top pick though
I know nothing about MH besides world, I just enjoy the angry dog loadout.
post killscreens
Namielle is one of the best elder dragons in the series
>Xeno, Vaal, and Behemoth lower than piscine wyverns and shrieking legiana
it's not that difficult to understand. someone has problems beating a monster up the first time or two they fight them, they grind a bit for a respec, they give the battle another go, and then between their experience and preparation, they find that the encounter has become significantly more manageable, granting them a sense of progress and accomplishment
Why he did the vibrations? He moves underground reshaping earth, causing vibrations.
To what end he moved? We don't know, i think it was hungry or needed a dose of drugs.
>val and blackval botom tier
Ayyy seethe more and git gud
I'd move Girros down and Beo up, otherwise not bad.
Regular Xeno is a fine fight. Just a little too easy. Definitely not the same tier as Zorah and Leshen.
>Top tier
If his armor wasn't so good for GS, I'd never hunt him a second time
Does iceborne fix the problem of all tempered monster that aren't elders being completely fucking useless that have no reason to be fought?
They aren't remotely difficult. They just have the lamest gimmick ever and are boring to fight beyond that.
I really like Girros design though. I could see maybe moving Beo up, he wasn't nearly as bad as I thought he was going to be.
Hes alright for the first time maybe. Farming him was awful and tedious.
His fight is great. What don't you like about it? Personally hes the monster I've hunted the most simply because I enjoy his fight so much.
I actually upgraded from a 1050 to a 1060 Ti and I also have an i5. It does pretty well.
They fixed them, and even made them distinct from the normal version by changing some properties such as Tempered Ebony being dragon mode 90% of the time, and Temp Narga being twice as fast. They also have materials that are exclusive to tempered forms so you gotta hunt them either way
Yes, non elder tempered monster materials are required for most of the augmenting. You do need the elder materials for the top teir stuff though. I think it strikes a nice balance much better then the one sided Tempered elder grinding that was required for base Worlds endgame, they also did away with the god awful weapon specific augmenting materials which I like.
anybody else finding guiding lands boring?
solo, yeah. Best in multiplayer cause its literally built for it. Whole lot better than hunting the same EDs and deviants
Why didn't you guys tell me LS was this fun
Finished MR49 urgent, please tell me the MR69 urgent isnt that easy
Remember to do those sidequests. Some give good shit like a razor sharp/spare shot charm.
Wasn't Shara shuffling around the Everstream? Maybe it was after that dank BIOENERGY like Xeno'jiiva, it just took the direct route.
The spiral map implies it came from the center of the crater, probably from the big ass underground node under the rotten vale, maybe it woke up after zorah left a huge burning shit on its doorstep like xeno and went its merry way?
Maybe Xeno'jiiva was its drug dealer and Shara went to find another crystal daddy?
That depends, how good are you with explosions?
Tempered Glavenus and Tempered Brachy. Have fun with Brachy, his slimes take even more time to explode so slot in blast res
Very, beachy has always been one of my favorites to hunt and beetlejuice was my favorite monster in base world
I love the bow so much in World.
I wanted to love it in freedom unite but it just felt wrong and I never tried it in 3U because the switch axe destroyed everything.
Yeah, the bow was godawful in FU and it soured my experience so much I've never played it again - not even during the kalbi bow craze. Might try it now
Ok, I can live with that. Glavenous is annoying, but brachy is fun
namielle beta would be fucking perfect if the hood didn't have a tail
>go in thinking its going to be all snow and chilly shit
>snow stuff is just a part of the story and really just the surface
>final boss is a wierd vibrates through rock radical larry earth/sand/sound monster
iceborne is a big ode to bloodborne, the name similarities arent just a coincidence
>have more trouble with Azure Rath than I do Silver
Did Garuga drive normal Kut-Ku's to extinction?
it's weird that's him isn't a first class monster
Give me the Switch Axe tips, please and thanks
but its cute
>double monster hunts
>tempered on top of that
I can't even kill one in less than 30 minutes without running out of potions. Do I have to git gud or is post-game builds this much better?
>Velkhana does the expanding ring of ice
>Position myself so i roll through the very first ring as it explodes and avoid the rest of them.
>Can only get ONE hit before velkhana recovers and fucks off.
iirc first class monsters want to kill and destroy human civilitzation, not as a consequence, but as a main objective, our dude was doing his own thing inside it's rock shell.
The health of the monsters is scaled during multi target hunts.
Honest question. Have you EVER played with an IG player that did ANYTHING? I swear every single one does literally no damage to the monster the entire fight.
Bloodborne collab when?
Geralt, MH and GH hour long event or conversation about cool hunting stuff while they study a certain monster when?
>still no Gold Rath from GL SOS
They have reduced health in multi hunts, you should be able to kill one reasonably in 10 minutes or less and both at around the 20 minute mark. Tempered doesnt really make much of a difference on time
Whoever said they nerfed the Nerg slam with Ruiner was a goddamn liar. Now you can't dodge it by evading under him, and he still does the roar+slam which is an instant death if you dont have earplugs.
The spike AOEs does 90% damage and I got vitality 3 with 900 defense. This is harder than AT and you niggers lied to me
Get used to using transforming Swing all the time.
Get used to setting up transforming Swing.
Get used to using transforming swing before anything else.
Stupid 2:08 AM thought, the hunter's guild would ban the research commission, they wanted to fight a monster with more than 4 hunters after the final boss. Pick unrelated good night
>older games
Alatreon is also the only one that isn't a Fatalis family member to get the classification in the mainline games. They were probably experimenting at the time and decided to just go back to the Fatalis mold with Dire Miralis.
Counterpoint, ace cadet being with the commission means that their ideas and tactics are supported by the guild knights.
>Slams that drags and ends with an AOE
>half of his moves are jabs so temporal mantles are useless
>80% of his attacks cause AOE spikes that cause bleed
>slides around all the time
>enraged mode doubles his damage
it didn't look that hard in videos but boy I was wrong
>main the second slowest weapon in the game (gunlance)
>never used the temporal mantle even once
>have soloed every boss up to Shara Ishvalda and even some guiding lands monsters like Zinogre, Brute Tigrex and Yian Garuga
>dislike rocksteady because it disincentivizes learning to dodge and getting wombo comboed in MR while wearing it is just begging for a cart
>Ironically the mantle I use constantly is Dragonproof
Why did Capcom tell me it was mandatory? Why do people shill this mantle again? I didn't use Iceproof for Velkhana either because Beotodus armor shrugs off ice damage like water off a raincoat.
>Why did Capcom tell me it was mandatory?
they never did. The nerfs should tell you this. It's just shitters being shitters just like styles in GU
>use a weapon with a shield
>guys I don't get why people need temporal mantle, it just makes no sense...
>they never did
Worldfag here, is the hunter's guild a organization with a headquarters somewhere? I think a cool idea for a monster hunter game would be working directly for the guild and getting sent all over the world to deal with big threats
He's probably talking about the picture that said to grab stuff like iceproof and temporal before going into iceborne. Funny enough temporal is probably the best way to learn frame data and the actual size of hitboxes until PC comes out and we can just dump the assets for accurate measurements.
Not that PC users actually do anything useful like that.
nigger you have to be literally disabled to get hit by that
i haven't gotten to him yet, does it unlock at MR99 or something?
Where does that say it's mandatory? It just says grab them to have an advantage at the start of iceborne.
I guess doing LR/HR SOS carrying is mandatory too by that logic.
I run evasion builds.
>literally says "Must-Have Mantles"
I play hammer. Most of the time during hunts is running from the spastic monsters. Tempereds seems to be even worse in that department. But good to know the health values are scaled.
In the Old World the Guild is the organisation that manages hunters across the world. I don’t actually remember if there’s a centralised HQ or not. The Research Commission in World is a division of the Guild established to research the New World and the Elder Crossing. They’re autonomous in that they run themselves and direct their own research but they report back to the Guild back in the Old World and are reliant on them sending more staff every ten years.
Wasn't that made by a redditor?
every fucking time.
with each of these vids, there are 100s of failed attempts.
you have to farm to mr200 to unlock the final quest
Thanks for confirming that GL users are, in fact, retarded and are the reason clickbait continues to work. You couldn't even finish the first sentence.
>they're listed as being so goddamn territorial that they actively hunt down and exterminate anything in their territory
nah, everything around alatreon just dies. It's the whole elemental instability thing. Imagine all the local fauna and flora freezing to death one second, burning another, random electicity everywhere and so on. It's not doing it on purpose, but anywhere it goes will end up becoming a barren hellscape like the sacred land. It's inevitable. Thankfully, like fatty too, it seems to like just being a shut-in NEET.
That's basically what you do in pretty much every MonHun game besides World. You take quests from the guild, mostly. You even see their headquarters, Dundorma, in MH2 and 4U.
>Fortify/Attack jewel #16
This fucking game
>posts a TA
Fuck off retard lets see your gameplay
How the fuck does the phrase "to get an advantage" in any way invalidate what I am pointing out? It even says in the same sentence to make sure that you have both specialised tools.
>b-but muh advantage
Are you really this fucking petty? Get that chip off your shoulder before the kids you hated in school give you another wedgie.
Well yeah, I meant more like working directly for HQ, as in your hub you come back to after missions is Dundorma
If you don't run full partbreaker you a shit
Black Dragons are supposed to be the most powerful monsters in the setting, so lazing around doing nothing for decades or centuries makes sense. Nothing poses a real threat to you and your life is so long it’s practically an eternity, so you can afford to spend millenia doing fuck all.
Bitch I don't need Partbreaker skills, I AM the partbreaker
I want a monster hunter X EDF collab where you hunt alliens and giant ants and shit
>tfw Partbreaker lets me stunlock Ruiner Nerg easily with GL
More like RUINED nerg
I've recently gotten into hammer, brother. Shara's tenderplates have shown me the way.
You're continuing to prove all GL users are short bus tier. You can't even finish reading a sentence properly. Maybe read it through the next time, but slowly so your brain can keep up with the English language.
okay, how do i into hammer? what skills are must have?
how good is element acceleration?
Reminder if you played online to complete of your quests for the first time (except Behemoth, since it says don't do it solo) you didn't really beat the game :))))))))))))))
Just fought the real ruiner nergigante. This is a perfect way to be THE final wall of this game.
What should I make first? I'm LS
partkbreaker, slugger, and the one that exhausts monsters. At least that's what I use. Also affinity sliding rules.
stacking affinity is a must, weakness exploit is good
elementless for raw hammers
stamina thief for para/sleep hammers
slugger for the memes
affinity slide + airborne for mega memes
I'm using full slugger. Monsters have been such a pain that I just want them to be in place. But there's been some flamed debates about slugger's effectiveness in past threads, so I don't know. It's serving me good enough until now.
>how good is free element/ammo up without needing gems or charms to waste
so far as i know, not very because squid armor isn't very good outside of it
uuummm why are the monsters in this g rank expansion hard guise?? its such bs...
Slugger suffers from diminishing returns.
60% more stun doesn't matter if the maximum stun is reached after 45%. And if you're using slugger the impact mantle adds jackshit.
well the obvious effect is obvious, but the bonus effect of buffing my element is not so clear
>need tenderplates for Shara's SnS
>have to break his head
what should i switch to
would go lance but i hear he's an absolute fucking pain in the cock with that
Hammer obviously.
Hammer, just spam hook shot on his head with ko and part breaker skills with the rocksteady mantle and he gets demolished
don't do this if you think he is going to do the laser. You will land in it and instant die because you don't get flinched. shitsux
Also don't bring your cat since it's quite easy for him to die before the break and the cat makes that window much smaller the longer you take.
Hunting Horn Bro's, any tips for me to improve my tooting? Running a Master's Touch w/Tigrex parts for Earplugs build, and want to maximize my ability to doot and smash
The Kut-Ku females only bred with Garuga-chads and all the male kut-Kus died a lonely incel death
did they really need to kill Nerg?
>completely forgot to sell any trade-ins for a year and I had plunderblade equipped 90% of the time
>that sell total
yes, his weapons are SICK af
What does a counter Y button from special sheath do?
Why is IaI slash so shit?
I either don't get hit and miss the counter or get immediately hit out of it the nano second i start the attack
LS sucks dick
>Sucking shit at one of the easiest weapons
the triangle attack starts causes your spirit gauge to autofill like helm breaker without costing a gauge, and since you can go into special sheathe from almost any attack it lets you chain together moves very easily.
Iai is in my experience too risky to use if you aren't a god at countering since unlike foresight slash it costs a whole bar even if you miss while foresight slash only costs all of your current bar.
>unironically being bad at LS
I'm a shitter and even I can pilot LS pretty well, it's an extremely forgiving weapon
from what i heard, and i can't remember the source at all so it may be bullshit, but the 4 piece gives 40 extra element and the 5 piece gives 170
the problem is that the skills on the armor are pretty bad for elemental focused weapons other than bows (and even then i'm pretty sure there are better ones out there for bow) and elemental crit/true ele crit might just be better anyway
like the cookie cutter silver rath + garuga pants is probably going to your best bet since crit boost is one of the better skills in the game, which makes up for the junk skills on silver rath armor
Jokes on you, Master isn't G, G rank is G for Guiding Lands bullshit, try facing off against a tempered GL Teostra that can flick you away with the slightest cat breath.
>crafted the whole velkhana set A without looking at slots
>These slots
I can't fit focus and handiecraft in
And velkhana set B looks like shit.
Glav's highly articulated tail being in World and working fine is proof that the Monster Hunter devs are bullshitting about their Lagiacrus neck excuse.
that tail glitches a lot wit the terrain. Someone had a webm of that
i'm not sure they'd throw away that functional model in that early footage for any bullshit reason
No true bullshit is MR Guiding Lands Lunastra
That bitch set off nine novas over the course of one hunt
Absolute horseshit
That excuse was why they dropped it early in development. It’s since been fixed but there was nowhere big enough to house Lagiacrus in the game or expansion so they just didn’t bother with Leviathans at all in World. Great Jagras, Great Girros and Dodogama all use the Leviathan skeleton but with very short necks and small size in general.
>Selina’s biologist detailing how a huntress shit herself after hearing a tigers roar and how this is a common occurrence
user please don't use wholesome babushka cat to shitpost
what's the likelihood of devs adding mad affinity as a set bonus to a dlc monster when they see that no one is using negative affinity weapons because they fucked up the weapon balancing?