WHY arent you playing league of legends right now? you can have fun in aram or tft since the normal mode is dog shit trash
WHY arent you playing league of legends right now...
Because I'm not a 16-20 year old girl who thinks weed is a personality.
I'd rather play the better version, dota
I don't play grindshit with trash gameplay
Those girls are easy fucks and are the best girls user. You can pretty much fuck her then leave, and keep coming back each day for sex.
Why would you want to jump through hoops to get laid when weed girls give you it all upfront?
I'd play a season 1 version, that's the only version I played. On the old winter map and old ui and shit.
I do not have a PC at the moment. Which sucks because Taimanin Asagi Zero was just translated.
I know user.
I'm just saying I don't play LoL because I'm not one of those girls.
I only play to keep my rank up to trash talk my friends that play.
Because it's super gay.
Aram is and always was for retards
Of course, it makes perfect sense that OP would like it
a noose is the perfect thing for you to kill yourself you dumb nigger
because it's a more boring and jewish version of dota
That is the intellectual level of an aram player
Thanks for proving my point, couldn't have done it any better myself
cringe dumb reddit fag
>Why aren't you sucking dicks?
>I LOVE sucking DICKS
That's basically what' you're advertising faggot
for who are you trying so hard faggot? cringe, end yourself
>1600 games of ARAM
holy fuck, i only play ranked, everything else just isn't worth it
1600 on this account
the normal mode is better than both tft and aram though shitter
Matchmaking is so fucking shit. Everyone is a either a smurf or a poor preteen that for some god forsaken reason doesn't play fortnite instead.
I do play it. It's pretty fun.