Was Date a good protagonist?
AI: The Somnium Files
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The best
>didn’t fuck Iris
I honestly love this VN. Probably might break my top 5.
but he fucked Hitomi instead, which makes him even more based than he would've been if he fucked Iris
The worst thing about him was that they played out the "ERO-HON SUPERPOWERS" thing maybe one time too many. Probably about when entire gunfights in the right side relied on baiting trained mercenaries with it.
Also something you guys might have missed the first time you played through the game:
Aibou > Boss > Mizuki > Iris > Hitomi
Don't talk about him like he's dead
Yeah, Iris was really way less present in the game than I expected. On the other hand, I really didn’t expect to come to like Aiba/ou so much. Easily best girl.
I don't understand the bottom spoiler what are you hinting at?
besides the ero-hon shit and mizuki being somehow superhumanly strong never getting explained
>mfw Mayumi's Psync and also the one where Mizuki psyncs into an unconscious Date
>fuck you im not crying youre crying
>Pro-LGBT game
well i am complete the game but did not collect all files.
this game has secret ending?
It's funny people keep bringing this up but completely disregard the hundreds of times women are being objectivied in this game. There's barely any scenes that don't have sexual jokes and comments at the expense of women.
>You're convinced in 50% of the game that the killer is a gay guy who abandoned his kid because gay guys are terrible Dads.
Truly the best LGBT propaganda.
It's because they're /pol/ shitposters who haven't actually played the game
Wait a minute. In the lower left endings So is left in the Iris' body?
Learn to speak English.
Every dream has two files, you just missed a whole bunch of them.
There are a few "hidden" joke endings, a few of which get you Appendix entries, but none of them are longer than a couple text boxes or give you pictures.
I'd Date him if you know what i mean...
Why do you come to a video game board to whine about gays?
>Every dream has two files, you just missed a whole bunch of them.
I thought one was hidden and one was given to you upon completion.
Yup. And Iris dies super early in all of the left routes.
>The game supports gays lesbians and trannies
>Actually that's not true because it objectifies women
I... what?
Isn't one of the picture sets for finishing with at least a certain amount of time and the other one for finding the hidden AI-Ball in the stage?
Yes, you need to finish with more than 1 second left to get A and find the Ai-Ball for B
>Isn't one of the picture sets for finishing with at least a certain amount of time
Oh that must be it. I definitely missed a bunch of balls, but I guess I was too slow in two stages.
This means I don't have to spend time pulling my hair out on how to make an "invisible rainbow arrow" in Iris's dying level.
>The worst thing about him was that they played out the "ERO-HON SUPERPOWERS" thing maybe one time too many.
I agree with this. Once is okay for laughs. But the the twice or even more. That was corny as hell.
Actual banter (meaning not the corny ero-hon superpower battles) were great though.
Also question regarding what Pewter said in the ending.Did he imply that Boss was actually in love with Date or something? Because he kept reiterating on how much Boss cared for Date.
Receptionist ending is the best ending, fuck policework and fuck mysteries!
I actually love everything about this game. Especially the presentation,the ero fight scenes kept me fucking laughing all the time. I don't think I can never get tired of them.
>Did he imply that Boss was actually in love with Date or something?
That's the impression I got. If not for AI, she'd be best girl.
Not sure. But I also kept wondering if that might be the reason why Aiba designed her human form similarily to her in some ways.
>pop up of Renju shows up on screen with him adjusting his collar
You guys seen Renju around?
ì just got that Boss cared enough to try and have AIBA restored since she knew Date was pretty beat up about it
>you will never have a tsundere, jealous, wise-cracking, electric shrimp eyeball waifu eyeball.
>About Renju...
Oh yeah, he's been there yesterday. Yeah, I know police searches for him, but I just didn't think of calling you. Sorry.
based Renjupost
An user in one thread said there's a hidden QR code in the Sagan residence. Is it true?
I would have taken it that way as well if Pewter did not mention on how much care Boss gave for Date on all those years. She practically did everything in her power to shield Date from well, everything.
I kinda wish we saw more of the characters daily life or even have more locations.
Feels like each route should've been a day to 3 days longer each.
>that TIP
That's kind of sad.
>of course his did
>Known only for a few months
>Known for years
>Took care of him before and after what he went through
>Blackmailed a lot of higher ups to protect him
I hate you and never want to see you again.
Weird how it started raining indoors at a time like that.
OST rip when
Just finished it.
The Aiba interactions, especially while inside Somniums, were the only really good part in my opinion.
The story was just really not very interesting, the twists for the most part easily predictable, and half the characters completely insufferable.
Even if it's the best looking one, this is easily Uchikoshi's worst work. As dumb as it was, and yes, I know he didn't write it alone, even PunchLine was better.
I fucked your mom
>even PunchLine was better.
I expected more too, but come on... that's a stretch
>even PunchLine was better
Lets not get crazy here. You didn't like it and I get it but stay in-bounds.
tfw you will never smell Hitomi and Iris' worn shoes
What was his name again?
Was he supposed to be a red herring or something?
Him showing up all the time and fucking about with Date just really made it seem as if Uchikoshi wanted you to suspect him.
Ka something
Probably. Same with the oddly detailed taxi driver showing up constantly all of a sudden.
I only remember him appearing once during the main game and once in epilogue. Did I miss him?
I'm on my first playthrough and I turned the dial on the TV. I feel like I saw something I wasn't supposed to.
Do I keep going or do the other branch where you hit the TV?
green route has a lot of spoilers, stay in red
>I'm on my first playthrough and I turned the dial on the TV.
So did I. You're fine.
It was okay imo. It has a really good start and mid-game, just really drops the ball towards the later half when it comes to revealing all the secrets and starts repeating itself constantly to make sure even a child can follow along, the climax being super anticlamtic, and then finally the ending dragging on for an eternity and a half and repeating all the events yet another time
Nah, clear the left part completely. I think it sets up the characters and mysteries better than the right one.
whats up with the "protect your head" trophy? Is it broken? Are there more pots and baskets to wear?
Just do whichever. There isn't any proper route order, the game loosely enforces a play order by locking two routes until you've seen everything else, but aside from that you really should just do whatever you like without asking for help or looking up shit
final route best route. followed closely by mizuki's.
Yet another DR reference that I missed. What triggers this text?
Mizuki's was adorable and it's sad that the "real route" involves you not curing her muteness
checking out the real dog statues in "psyncin in the main: 2"
>end of the last mizuki route somnium
>trying to pick date twice, time is down to 20 seconds left
>it has to be you date
Tied with the Aiba moment for me
how to get it?
For once, I actually like all routes.
VLR has so many shit routes like Alice, Clover, and the kid.
Non-shifters routes in ZTD are also quite meaningless.
Man uchi just doesn't get it, does he?
I'm now sure 999 was a fluke.
While without the retarded dance credits the game would have been good, it would still never measure up to 999 because of one simple reason. Pic fucking related. Yeah people laugh HAHA sudoku, but the moment itself where player agency is key to saving someone the MC really cares about lifts the experience up into something memorable.
You can find a climactic crowning moment like this in all of the greats. Ghost Trick has 2 of them, one with the sinking sub and then a mindblowing twist on the core gameplay mechanic where you go back 10 years to change everything.
Ace Attorney has presenting the metal detector/ Godot's profile with the ultimate penalty.
These moments make these games memorable years later because they serve as a climax, and 999 has the best one, with the main theme and the screen flip.
VLR doesn't have it but I was willing to forgive it because it ended on a cliffhanger and I thought ZTD would be all the better for it, and then ZTD didn't have it either, it just had some asspull bullshit about a terrorist (left unresolved). Now this game doesn't have it either.
I fucked your mom.
Ota's route hurt me way more
Literally nobody gives half a shit about the gameplay in these games.
These moments could be literally all text and it wouldn't change a thing.
Route enjoyment
Mizuki > True = annihilation > Ota > Iris
Because he was such a piece of shit?
Why is the credits dance in English even if I played through the entire game in Japanese............?
These voices are so unfitting. It makes an already pretty awkward scene so much worse
She does get Date inside her in the Annihilation ending, though
If I had to guess, it's because of the unsubbed dialogue at the VERY end with everyone talking over each other.
Apparently Uchi got feedback from people that westerners straight up DO NOT do VN readings and ever since he's been obsessed with ZTD style cutscenes. It wouldn't shock me if he thought it was SUPER important to hear Aiba talk about why people could see her for a split second before it all broke down into stuff nobody could understand anyway.
Yes, in a way that hit way too damn close to home. My feels were for Mayumi, not Ota
>If you don't trade bodies with me I'll blow Hitomi up
>You're obviously full of shit, fuck off x6
>Oh I guess she got exploded. Bad end. Oh well. Try again.
>Trade bodies
>Route complete! New route unlock!
Thanks Uchi!
The parallel universes felt really unnecessary. The only thing they do is let character skip explanations towards the end Otherwise, it's been an enjoyable mystery. The only twists that actually hit me by surprise were multiple body swap and corpse being Manaka. Other twists were kind of predictable, but that's not too bad, a straighter story once in a while didn't hurt. I mean, it could've easily gone into I/O levels of crazy. Maybe it was because the pieces of solution were spread out along the different routes and not just concentrated in the true end.
Also, I liked the song in English.
It was very important you get Hifumi's location so you can go back in time to save her in the sequel
is this game gud
Depends on what you're looking for
>parallel universes felt really unnecessary. The only thing they do is let character skip explanations towards the end
I'd imagine it was the beginning for others. It was always a red herring
The funny part is that you probably just swap back immediately after the "end" and so it's basically EXACTLY the same except you now know that Hitomi was in the place that likely got reported to the police as somewhere where explosions were heard.
It's literally the exact same ending.
Also, now that I think about it, Date and Saito really resemble Satoru and Enomoto respectively. UCHIIII
You could argue that it's Uchikoshi's plan to "subtly" tie it into Zero Escape-verse I really hope that's not it, though. I'd prefer if it was a standalone title..
>the correct route choice is the one where you basically ignore Mizuki the entire game and she nearly has a breakdown
What did they mean by this
doubt it, I'm thinking it's just because they can't get the Japanese VAs to all sing
are you me
also, >answers that Iris trusts Uncle the most
>AIba goes no way
>fifteen hundred hours later at the end
>lol it really is Falco's body
No it wasn't. In the true route Date has several moments where he's like Junpei/Sigma; "How do I even know this shit?"
your reaction?
The only time Date remembers anything is (I think) when he's talking to Mizuki. The other stuff can be handwaved as "he's getting his memories back"
I sincerely doubt that this title is ultimately in that universe because of this.
>are you me
You might actually be me, yeah. That was what I did too.
Basically every single one of the things he suddenly realizes in the final route are very easy guesses to make considering he was slowly getting fractions of his memory back.
So the song is in English even in the Japanese version? That's retarded
It's not. The JP version has it in JP.
I figured I'd save it so that when I'm lying on my deathbed, I can accept death as a means of escape.
Does the entire cast sing?
what were they thinking
>Ota of all people has to tell you that she's having a hard time
Annihilation is best route because Date survives in Boss hot body.
I actually enjoyed the solo English version. youtube.com
Also, for some reason I like English version more than the Jap one.
You get a few moments more in the epilogue. Nurse, taxi driver, Mizuki
No. In the epilogue he recalls Mizuki crying over him in the hospital, and then she's like "You never were in the hospital, what are you talking about?".
Somehow he still remembers Mizuki route.
>The dude who literally ran away and left a 12 year old girl at an abandoned amusement part with a corpse in the middle of the night.
Fuck that kid.
Yeah, and Date's all like fuck that, I've got some barely legal pussy to pound. Wait, she sees me as a father figure? FUUUUUUU
He's 24 years old.
I am willing to concede that a certain number of years have passed since that kid was born, yes.
>main girl isn't even featured on the box art
>she's also actually the best girl
I'm having ISLAND flashbacks.
Think about this from an in-universe perspective. Every single character planned in this in advance, memorised their lines, learned the dance... why? The taxi driver you talk to for 5 seconds in the game and a yakuza thug decided that this was a good use of their time.
>Think about this from an in-universe perspective.
I'm pretty sure it's non-canon
How exactly did Renju, Shoko and Date become friends to the point where they would give him Mizuki?
I mean Date "got born" 6 years ago.
They left him Mizuki like 4 years ago.
How did he build up such levels of friendship with them in just like 1-2 years?
They mean 41205
>How did he build up such levels of friendship with them in just like 1-2 years?
Renju is probably not a super duper good father.
But it's during the credits, and directly follows a clearly canon scene. It's not like VLR's Another Time end which was a clearly separate thing.
Yeah sure, but its also said that he had to swallow his pride to ask Date, his best friend, of this request.
But Iris was all over the promotional materials.
And lets be real here. Date might remember what happened before, but he's not the same person anymore. He's more interested in Iris than her mom now.
>But it's during the credits, and directly follows a clearly canon scene.
Aiba comes back. Canon ends. Credits happen. Dance starts.
I mean I'm with you that it was out of place. I just think it was SO out of place that you just don't consider it to have actually happened.
Lets be real real.
Hes clearly raising Mizuki to be his waifu.
>"I need to get my kid from his psychotic mother"
>"I'm also too lazy to do anything about it"
>"That guy I've been drinking with pretty much daily seems alright"
I guess this is how it happened.
Dude _________________spoilers.
he's in the police, that is supposed to be a respected occupation
also now I'm stuck with the absolutely horrific thought of leaving Mizuki with Pewter instead for some reason
Hitomi using her right arm should tip you off that it's non-canon
At least I got some decent shitposting images out of this.
Pewter did nothing wrong. Renju and Pewter actually were a pretty nice guys overall. Morally better than Date.
Lets be real here. The two are good friends anyway (though my initial suspicion that they were half sisters by Renju was off the mark), so why not have both? Date really is a true renaissance man.
It's called "Black Bar General" for a reason. I also lost my gif of Sigma hesitating to press "Reveal Spoiler". You know the one.
I get why it seems non-canon, but there is literally no transition, there is absolutely no reason to suspect it's non-canon until the weird out of place stuff starts happening.
I'm guessing Pewter being Renju's gay lover was why he didn't want to ask him.
Because he is a bad dad.
If they have nanomachines that can cure cancer and shit, they can probably repair the nerves in her shoulder.
Oh I didnt know its bizarro hour.
Saito did nothing wrong!
nanomachines, son
>I get why it seems non-canon, but there is literally no transition
I'm with you. I get why it seems canon, because it's literally a change mid-scene. But I think it's way safer to assume it never "really" happened.
I know I didn't exactly finish the ZTD stream, but how would you feel about an AI stream in the coming weekends?
mizuki a best
>tumblr filename
Lets just call it non-canon metafiction. :^)
Was just a quick google
Get the fuck out of my somnium! I'm playing shovelforge!
why do nips love heterochromia so much
>tfw didn't think to look at Aiba's panties until the last somnium
Date would be disappointed in me.
Did all the bodyguards know about Date not being Saito?
Its astounding how they showed 0 recogniction of him, either they were all new or talented actors.
literally the first thing I did
He probably didn't want to wake daughter when he is buttfucking Pewter
Date in his Falco life murders criminals, has Boss cover it up, then works for Yakuza and murders more or less innocent people and has Boss cover it up. Then He body jacks Yakuza using a machine that shouldn't be used for this, and has Boss cover it up. He fucks shit up and makes Seito steal the other model of the machine and then Boss covers it up while playing cross blackmail with So. Date/Falco and Boss pretty much caused the whole incident right here with their irresponsibility and egoism. Renju on the other hand risked his life to save his friend and then protected her daughter. Pewter just got fooled by body swaps and didn't really want to hurt anybody.
>Its astounding how they showed 0 recogniction of him, either they were all new or talented actors.
It's not super unreasonable to think that. For political reasons, So was trying REALLY HARD to separate himself from his serial killer kid.
So did his utmost to pretend his psycho son never existed, it only makes sense for him to replace all his staff with people that don't know he ever existed.
I actually feel for Ota. I'm pretty much him.
No one then? Either way's fine with me, but I believe we had some good times with the 999/VLR streams
You hang out with little girls less than half your age too?
Same reason they like green hair and big eyes and shit.
When your entire race literally looks the fucking same- same hair color, same eye color, same facial features- then when you get into the artistic medium, there are naturally going to be people who overcompensate by making everyone look fucking crazy.
i wish, i have no friends.
When you are asian and look 10 years younger its the only girls you will ever hang out with.
but did you spend 200000 yen on a maid cafe?
I'm sorry I spent 50% more than that on my Steam library over the last decade
$2k on maid cafe
Nice going Ota you fuckhead, now try getting a job and spending your own money.
The music has been pretty forgettable. What's Shinji Hosoe working on now?
nope, i'm tight on money. at least i'm better than him in that regards.
>Want to try everything for funny dialogues
>There's a time limit
>literally a cuck
>Mizuki has the platinum trident
Does her dad just give her that big of an allowance, or does she get it because she's the owner's daughter?
No no no, you it's actually animal husbandry.
Owner's daughter probably. Can't imagine she even has to pay for her food there
The Mermaids wanted to cheer her up, too.
Cuckoldry is fine as long as you're the one doing the cucking.
she was moping at the time remember, the mermaids likely gave it to her
I don't want to start an autistic argument but I wonder what this was in japanese
>I don't want to start an autistic argument but I wonder what this was in japanese
It was NTR.
NTR, netorare, same thing
I'd assume she always has the platinum trident. It is the owner's daughter.
Ohhh yeah, baby.
Watching someone stream it with English VA for a bit.
This is so offputting. The guys all sound like wannabe Snake
>I hate you. I never want to see you again.
>only realized in the last driving section that the gear shift and passenger seat can be examined
fuck I hope I didnt miss any good jokes with those
fuck really? I only inspected the dashboard and the glovebox
>"""""good""""" ending
>you can't see the mermaid's skeleton
WTF was Uchikoshi thinking?
The killer has it! He's threatened to destroy it if you don't solve the case by evening!
No, YOU'RE crying
This is one of the things that bothered me a lot about the game
It placed far too much emphasis on Iris being the core part of the plot and really screwed over Mizuki. If you go down the left-side route(s) first, it sours the experience of the right-side which is almost entirely Iris focused.
>26 hours for platinum trophy
What VN to play next?
This game was a lot more comfy than the zero escapes. It’s a lot more honest of a mystery as well, instead of just turning into a crazy meta twist
VLR is still the goat tough
I will give credit though. It DOES make sense considering everything.
Everything differs with you trying to make sure Iris doesn't leave her house that one night.
To do this, you need to see her body in the dream.
To do this, you need to basically make Mizuki see a dark side of her Father.
Left side routes were kind of trying to show that Date becoming a good father for Mizuki would mean sacrificing pretty much everything else that mattered to him, while right side routes were about him sacrificing just one person, Mizuki, in order to save everyone.
Needs of the many outweighing the needs of the one and all that. Mizuki accepted her fate of being neglected because it served the greater good, and things turned out great for everyone as a result. It's a pretty Asian kind of theme to the story.
Good to know I wasn't the only one. I knew the game would pull that shit on me but still cried like a bitch when it happened. Then proceeded to cry even harder when she came back
Also, I may have missed it, but why did Saito have to change bodies in the first place again? I forgot.
I feel like it's a symbol or something, but I don't see it.
It's more a split between the person you are now and the person you were 6 years ago.
Will I enjoy this game if I am a non-homosexual? Aside from getting like 3 hours into 999, I've never played an Uchikoshi game before.
a snail
Because he literally was like "lol imma test this out"
Or at least that's what I got
>speedrun plating vns
wow user you must be living a fulfilled life!
does date self-insert as the cuck or the cuckolder
That's really complex, but nope, can't see it.
To be honest, I feel like I played slowly and finished in 20 hours. If you gave me a guide to get all the trophies, I could pick it up in a few hours.
>why did Saito have to change bodies in the first place again? I forgot.
Gotta try to find new sources of dopamin boosts user
>Ota's parents sacrifice everything for the sake of his future
>he drops out of college and becomes a NEET
ungrateful little shit
I sort of saw the Egyptian eye, with how much attention they brought to it but idk
Its a dancing person with a stick.
It's quite obviously a funyarinpa
all I see is a shuckle
Ah! Truly, I've been blind all this time. It really is it.
Makes sense but was he so into killing people that even with another brain, he kept doing it? Kind of lame of them to not go into it, or explaining Mizuki's super strenght.
Also Iris' route was funny, I felt like the whole conspiracy shit was some sort of fun poking at ZE for the mindfuckery and meta story, what with it happening because of Iris literally being retarded
I hope Aiba gets some porn.
Is Sojima physically unable to have children without brain damage
as the horny amnesiac date fills the role of protagonist quite effortlessly
Mizuki just needs a good ass boyfriend to give her the lovin she needs
sequel when
pirating the game now
what am i in for lads
A pretty straightforward mystery game with a sensible plot.
What if the ARG is still going on?
Ayyliens, paralel worlds, secret organizations, prophecies and changing realtiy through dreams.
your programming is going haywire prog
shounen jump animu
That was the only time that kind of joke was actually funny.
I can't tell you anything its a state secret
Stop, that way you'll only end up like Caramel.
edit a K on top of the gear in those screenshots and casually ask on /g/ if anyone else has gotten the game to run on linux
>See AIBA again, given the choice on how to respond
>IMMEDIATELY select "Cry"
nothing hit me as hard as Ota's route or the PSYNC where Mayumi has to choose Date over her birth parents though
>Ota's somnium
suddenly i wanna hug my mom
her parents are dead and we see in the same path her parents were trash
because fuck you that's why
mayumi is ota's mom
i also found myself wanting iris's delusions to be real in her route, because i thought for sure she would be goner if they weren't
fuck Im retarded and mixed names, thanks for correction user
Renju At least tried a little, over Shoko who was unabashedly abusive and psychotic. I think he was too driven by revenge though, that's likely why he was so focused on his company and building up his network so that he could eventually take down So. As a result he stopped giving a shit about Mizuki as anything but a means to an end.
That said, I do wonder what got Renju and Shoko together, since it was made clear that Renju was actually gay and in a loveless marriage the entire time.
Is the dub any good in this game?
there are gay people who married straight and have children in real life too
I actually was totally willing to buy it since I did the believe her route first and didn't like her too much so it was "oh hey shes not just an egirl", and then the tumor got explained and then I liked her on the merits of trying to stay positive despite having terminal illness
I think this has helped me discover a fetish I didn't I had.
This. Hitomi >>>>>> Iris
big titty secretary >> nurse >>>>>>>>hitomi>cab driver
it's not clear that he's gay. he could be bisexual or i suppose a closeted gay that decided to ruin some woman's life.
>boss >>>> mizuki >>>> hitomi >>>>> mayumi >>>>>big titty secretary >> nurse >>>>>>>>iris >cab driver
It was made pretty clear that he's gay even if the game doesn't outright shove it in your face.
Pewter gave Renju his watch. Renju got incredibly pissed when said watch got damaged. Pewter was willing to do anything for Renju for the sake of love. Not to mention Renju's relationship with Shoko being incredibly cold versus him clearly caring about Pewter.
And Pewter is 100% gay
I think we're being a little unfair to Shoko here. Renju was hardly around to help her with Mizuki. I'm not defending Shoko's actions but she clearly didn't have much help raising Mizuki
it's obvious that he's in a relationship with pewter, but not obvious that he's not also attracted to women
shoko is a bitch. now maybe this was exacerbated by renju being a useless faglord going out to the tranny bar and getting drunk every night, but this is never explored and she's just painted by renju as naturally uncaring due parental neglect (which is rich given that he dumps his kid on a serial killer).
Shoko and Mizuki is essentially meant as a foil to Hitomi and Iris. Both are effectively single parents trying to take care of a kid on their own, but while Hitomi doesn't give into her despair, Shoko can't understand children and believes they're supposed to behave 100% according to her whims.
A lot of the reason behind Shoko being a bad parent isn't because she was raising a kid by herself, but because of her psychotic mentality.
hitomi moved to the top of stack after i learned her backstory
Shoko is portrayed as a complete psychopath, she has zero capacity for empathy and is extremely manipulative, even during her drunk "breakdown" at the bar together with Date she tried to get people on her side and acted calculating as fuck.
she isn't portrayed as a psychopath she's just extremely selfish and has unrealistic expectations of others. no one is meeting her expectations and it makes her resentful. everyone going to the bar is there to tell their sob story.
>she's just extremely selfish and has unrealistic expectations of others
You are aware she is one of the masterminds behind a big organization scamming people out of their money and and has the Yakuza kill people on the regular, right?
>there are people out there who unironically hate the pure SOUL that is the ending
Did Renju even know about Date's past?
I agree that they're supposed to be a foil especially with how Hitomi treats Mizuki compared to how Shoko treated Mizuki but I'm saying that Renju explained that Shoko's behavior was because Shoko's own mom pretty much engineered it into her head. I'm not excusing it. Just explaining it.
Did you even pay attention to that scene?
All we know is she helped scam people using the Yakuza. But again we're talking about her actions as a mom. It's clear she was a bad mom who didn't know how to raise kids along with doing bad things. But Renju believes that she loved Mizuki but couldn't show it.
I didnt hate it.
I just didnt like that it suddenly switched to english.
I thought it was just a mix of both. Accepting your past and your present to make a better future. Now Date will take his past with Hitomi and Iris to forge together with his present with Mizuki and Aiba to create a shiny future with all 3 of them. Now we have a family with Date, Hitomi, Iris and Mizuki. You can count Aiba as well.
>You can count Aiba as well.
At least until she destroys humanity
>there are people out there who unironically hate the fight scenes
fucking had me giggle the whole way through.
then again bokutachi ga yarimashita is my favorite manga ever
Good thing Date and his new family will be dead by the time that happens.
Actually Aiba is likely to deactivate herself permanently the moment Date dies because they're lifelong partners.
you're going to have an easier time listing the number of people not connected to the yakuza in this game
Mizuki was already treating Hitomi like her mom and Hitomi treated her like her daughter as she's the one who cures Mizuki of her trauma if Date fails to do so
And Mizuki and Iris are basically sisters already with Mizuki usually eating dinner and having sleepovers at Iris' house. So honestly the signs were already there. Now Date's connection with both Iris and Hitomi just meshes together with Mizuki's own connections to both of the Sagans.
I'm a little worried for Date though. Hitomi has been waiting to get dicked for 6 years and is likely still a virgin. The moment Date and Mizuki move in and start living with them or all 4 move to some bigger place together, Hitomi will most certainly make sure Date makes it up to her after all those years.
it's not specifically indicated that he does, but on that subject, there's actually no good reason that renju shouldn't recognize the appearance of sejima's son or know anything from pewter, who betrays people at the drop of a hat. he does, however, just kind of leave his daughter in the hands of a drunken cop he meets at a bar.
>"Date, hold my numb limp right hand"
>likely still a virgin
they should use their nanomachine magic to fix her arm and basically all paralysis while we're at it
didn't they? i swear in the dance ending her arm was moving
>date doesn't fuck his eyeball
shit game 0/10
she mind rapes him while he's sleeping
the ending scene is like, barely canon shitposting. In the final visit to Hitomi's house her arm is still fucked.
You just know that if there's a Somnium Files 2 that Naix is going to be made real and there's going to be parallel world shenanigans.
if it sells well enough that there's a sequel they can make anime real
as long as I get Milf Mizuki nothing else matters
>Saito finds a mind switch machine
>first thing he does is rip out his eyeball for good and then switch bodies with a brain damaged person
they treat the physical brain like a computer hdd
because 8th grade education
He has a unique mind
>Game is completely in first person
>Date investigates another murder but has no memory over the events in this game so you assume it's an alternate timeline.
>Events that happen in this game somehow happen in this game even though it makes no fucking sense. aka you enter someone's dreams and see shoko dying even though there is "no shoko" in this world.
>Turns out that You aren't "Date, you're his son and some asshole is using parallel worlds to get revenge and create the perfect murder. He is able to even send false information through to this world to trip you up.
This is easily one of the dumbest things about this game.
Saito is clearly very intelligent, why the fuck would he switch bodies with Rohan of all people?
If he wanted to know what "being normal" is like he could have just taken any random guy off of the street. Why would you willingly try being a braindamaged psychopath that's known far and wide and watched by the police? There's just zero reason or explanation for it.
Maybe he wanted to be a big guy.
carefully experiment under the watchful eye of a trusted yakuza doctor or takeover a retard without regard for yourself, even though regaining control of yourself is the motivation for the entire game.
Holy shit, the English Dub completely ruins Kaname. Somehow this is the most upsetting part about it for me.
I never played any zero escape games and enjoyed this a lot, are all of them worth playing?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Yes. Even ZTD though it's the weakest by a significant amount.
No. Play the Infinity series games, they are significantly better.
Yes, 999 is amazing, and VLR is also good. Just be prepared to be disappointed by the awful third game.
why not both.jpeg
But since Uchikoshi rehashes twists, playing one spoils the other to an extent.
This. Do both. I'll see you in 6 months. Enjoy.
By the way, this is for once an Uchi game that would actually work great as an anime.
>Infinity series good
>The clusterfuck overrated hack of a visual novel: Ever17 good
it is overrated but it is still good
How would they adapt the alternate timelines? Attempt to squeeze them into a linear story like Steins;Gate 0 did?
>implying that Remember11 isn't good
Mizukis English VA
Holy fuck ist she annoying
Wouldnt even be too hard. Most knowledge is gained in Annihilation and True route.
wow they put a fatass crossdresser in this game as comic relief. This is a sign of end times, God strike us down
they're still at the make gays endearing using humor stage and not at the complain about the breeders being the norm stage
if you can watch tokyo godfathers you can play ai
It's okay. not the masterpiece everyone keeps raving about. if you really think about the twist it's so fucking stupid.
It's literally incomplete. b-but my...it's literally incomplete.
the twist isn't stupid, the handling of some things is stupid
if you start shitting on remember11 for being "incomplete" then you've already fallen behind in any kind of discussion that could occur, just move on kiddo
>the complain about the breeders being the norm stage
Followed closely by the 'replace organic life with machines' stage since the species is going extinct at that point anyway.
Nude mods for dance mode when? Porn when? Fuck bros I need some Aiba stuff to fap to.
hahah xD i'm gonna post her again
no shut the fuck up faggot.
it's literally INCOMPLETE.
Do you really need answers to hypothetical questions?
Body swap fetish porn when? I need Date doing lewd things in Boss' body dammit
Are you that insecure about your sexuality?
>Date is a massive perv
>no joke about going into a girl's body and doing lewd stuff
Lame, it's literally every guy's fantasy
they developed the technology to make you effectively immortal and even to shop for the best vessels and all you want to do is masturbate
a brain damaged person HE JUST GOT DONE TORTURING
Game good, but this dumb.
My one gripe about this game is more a gripe about the state of VNs in general- you can have VNs where you pick the protagonist's love interest, and you can have VNs that are really story intensive, and even VNs where you can pick the love interest and still have a pretty meaty story.
But what you can't have are large scale VNs where your love interest isn't directly tied to the story progression. I don't like 'which girl the MC hooks up with' having to be specific to which story route I'm going down.
Admittedly this would mean a lot more writing, since every girl would need a script consistent with what's going on with the story in each route, but I feel like it would be a significant improvement to the genre as a whole- if you could explore all the angles of a big branching story without having to trudge through routes of girls you don't particularly like, but still get to pick a girl to focus the protagonist's affections on. And completionists would get to see how different characters react to the situations in different routes.
I guess it would just be too much work.
What else is there in life except masturbating anyway?
Sharin no kuni
there are other dumb aspects. like date being the only cop that can get to a warehouse where a crime is occurring
don't think too hard about it, this is some "fuck it! we'll do it live!" entertainment
Saitou was torturing Rohan? I don't even remember anything like that. Weren't they on good terms until they body swapped?
haha remember when they mentioned that there are like 6 people who can psync
haha me neither hahaha
I can't use my dualshock on my pirated PC copy. Anyone with a similar problem?
he recognized that he wasn't really rohan, and the worked him over to get information about the machine. not sure how much actual torture was involved
I know, I can handwave most of the dumb stuff away, this one just stuck out in particular.
This was after Falco in Rohan's body did an unbelievably shitty job of trying to entrap Saito.
I think he wanted to trick Boss into trusting him and letting her guard down. If he could kill her, there'd be basically nobody left in the police that would oppose him. And since Falco was supposed to be in Rohan's body, he needed to take that. From there, he could kill Boss, or even steal her body, and destroy the Psync machine as well, so he'd have the only working model.
After that, he could body hop and murder to his heart's content, with the Psync machine safely hidden away in the contaminated factory where nobody would enter.
Basically he'd be doing what he did to Date- commit a murder, then once suspicion began to fall on him he'd switch bodies and kill the suspect, creating a wild chain of events where every new suspect becomes the next victim
Him wanting his original body back only came later- when he realized that the brains of other people wouldn't generate any dopamine when he killed someone, so he lost that high he was used to.
Anyone can psnc if they have access to one of the machines. This isn't some magical ability only Date has, it's science.
That name sounds familiar. I'll look into it.
They didn't say only those 6 could do it, just that those 6 were the only ones hired for the task.
maybe they just mean training, it'd be silly if a twelve year old can do it, or you just need either one of the subjects to be compatible
and then there's saito
More like "only six people at ABIS qualified to do the job safely", if you just want to swap conciousnesses and don't care about safety it would work with anybody.
Is your faith in Uchikoshi restored after playing this game? Do you trust him with Death March Club?
absolutely fucking not, the man is clearly incapable of producing enough focus to create a tightly knit story, instead opting for "muh feels muh character drama", and kodaka is going to be a negative influence on him
Yes but I don't trust him with a Death March Club style game.
Nah, he's a hack. I'm glad I erred on the side of caution and pirated it after how ZTD went.
i've never been booty bothered by him
Absolutely not. While the comedy and characters are for the most part good, the least interesting part of AI is easily its main story, which is exactly what he is supposed to deliver on for Death March.
>tfw the CODEX is broken
is that a reference to the scene group or do you also just refer to the information tabs as the codex
>Iris wore the headband because it was designed to stop her tumor from spreading
deepest lore
The tumor she allegedly didn't know she had.
I feel like a brainlet for not catching on early. For the longest time I thought Date was the first serial killer, but lost his memories somehow. Then I thought Iris was the new killer because her tumor turned her into a psycho like that one mass shooter.
I thought Manaka's body was an artificially created body meant to transplant Iris's consciousness into one without a tumor.
CONFESS Yea Forums
Not true, she figured it out.
It's certainly a step up, compared to the rest of the post-VLR stuff like ZTD, Punch Line, and The Girl in Twilight, but it's not as good as 999, VLR, or the Infinity Series. I'm sure Death March Club will be interesting, but with the three big names attached, I'm not sure if it will be good.
I was thinking something along these lines as a plot point too.Consciousness transfer means that as long as you breed yourself a thrall you're effectively immortal.
Honestly I could go for another ZTD right now.
For a very long time, I actually thought Iris was an accomplice to the first killer. I figured out that Date switched bodies with the true killer pretty early. But it took me a lot of time to realize Saito was already in her head by the time you Psynch with her in left route.
>an evil politician ends up in the body of his popular idol daughter
This is the actual bad ending because he'll reach a position where he can abuse psyncin.
I thought Ota's mom would end up being the killer when they talked about her dementia
He dies in her body almost immediately due to the cancer, right?
Something like that. I thought the secret treatment for her condition was to clone her and use the Psync machine to transmit her mind to the new body.
I did the red route first, through to Ota's ending. Seeing that, I'd already begun to suspect that the killer was swapping bodies, though it took me a bit longer to associate that with the Psync machine -I was figuring on a psychic power or something-.
I just figured the two minds would sort of merge together if left connected too long in the machine. The implied threat of the 6 minute time limit was that you'd be 'swallowed up' by the subject's consciousness. But if that body didn't HAVE any consciousness... Then in a case like Iris, there'd be a second one of her with all her memories intact. One body would die, but the other would live. With some of Uchikoshi's usual philosophizing about whether the second Iris is the real Iris and whatnot.
Well, something like that at least.
He just grabs money from his secret bank account and has it removed then has lesbian sex with Hitomi
Does this game have good plot twists? Is it closer to 999 or ZTD-tier?
Not reading thread because of spoilers.
no one with a brain ever has access to the technology to utilize it effectively, so it's just used by cops to invade people's privacy and a for the lulz serial killer
The story is pretty solid but none of the twists are really mind blowing. There's some twists, but by the time you've cleared about half the story you'll probably be able to guess them pretty quickly.
The game is good overall, but the plot twist is fairly predictable, and is not as shocking as in past Uchikoshi games.
If the twists aren't that good, then what is? Uchikoshi can't really do anything else.
Sort of. Remember you're not escaping from something, you're trying to solve something. 999 would have been pretty difficult to consider a murder mystery, right? Well that's not the case here. Expect twists, but far more clues to them.
user, the government is likely using it for all sorts of no good like spying and replacing the American president.
Call your mother
Tell her you love her
The emotional moments in many of the routes, character interactions and humour, the mystery in general (even if it's not as mindblowing)
Is there a secret SECRET ending?
major spoilers:
do you get an extra ending when you get all the concept art things
Nothing is good
Can't believe people actually felt emotional attachment to these "characters"
I fucking hate seeing dementia depicted. Also, they can actually save her by swapping her with someone healthy
Kinda sucks for the person being swapped, right?
Not that anyone knows of yet. Though to be honest, I wouldn't put it past the team to continue the ARG leading into a secret ending or something.
It's just a bunch of tumblr tier people that have latched onto everything this guy does
Didn't you enjoy the Konami code punishment?
there are plenty of people that are a waste of calories
not him but what?
>entire crime only gets solved because the bad guy filmed himself being the bad guy, lead Date into finding the video, lost a fight and confessed everything after getting somnium'd
>in other branch the crime only gets solved because Date stumbles into the bad guy, gets knocked out and the bad guy just explains everything
Iris pinches are the same as the konami code
>A-set takes a video to black mail you
>You have an advanced AI that can hack anything.
that ai couldn't create a gui in vb to backtrace an ip. don't buy her claims of competence. like alexa she's only good at uploading your personal data for others to spy on
>that ai couldn't create a gui in vb to backtrace an ip
To be fair she's only devoting 1% of her CPU cycles to helping Date. The other 99% are still focused on the ultimate demise of the human race.
Take your nanomachines Iris
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you
Somebody give this bitch some legendary immortality fruit.
just because you have a brain tumor doesn't mean the global ai network isn't a hostile organism from outer space meant to hijack your world's resources to proliferate
Especially when that AI was based off an alien transmission that someone decoded and compiled and just decided "Fuck it" and clicked totallynotanalienarmegeddonvirus.exe
*Crafts n/a behind you*
Nothing personnel kid.
Aiba best girl. I hope this game gets an anime adaptation.
Where's the second place you can see THAT MAN in the mineycrafta world?
>I hope this game gets an anime adaptation.
Unlike a lot of Uchikoshi games, this would actually work in an anime format. Kind of. Multi-route games always lose something in the transition.
tfw entire world is transformed into an ai factory because some boomer got a spam mail from et
If I pull that headband off, would she die?
at the sink at the second Psync, so you need to believe her at the first Psync
What would they even do for an anime adaption? I don't think it's good if you just have one route. They'd have to combine some and the left/right sides are VERY different.
>That scene where Date's bullet ricochets and kills Iris because Aiba didn't know about her hiding there
Why was her phone broken though? It wasn't hit by the bullet.
It would be extremely painful.
The one for washing your belly button?
>That scene where Date's bullet ricochets and kills Iris because Aiba didn't know about her hiding there
>Why was her phone broken though? It wasn't hit by the bullet.
Is this a bad end that I missed?
The full OST rip is finally out
Mizuki's a strong girl
I don't know all I remember is that it had a japanese name, I don't even remember which of the actions trigger the face appearing again
>want the OST
>nobody has uploaded it
>decide to do it on my own
>by the time I figure how to rip the music, make the videos, arrange them in the proper playlist order and upload them someone went ahead and uploaded them before me
I am furious
Based, finally.
They call 'em chozuya in game because if they called them temizuya, the belly button joke wouldn't work.
i just extracted the wav files and encoded them
at least he has nice titles and bothered to upload them. i'm too nice to cramp spike chunsoft's style
>Alphabetical order instead the order in which the songs play ingame
>Epilogue instead of Ota's end
>Grouping the silly Aiba theme with the sad Aiba themes that directly spoil the fact that she may die near the top of the playlist
I regret every single second I spent figuring out the proper names for each song
looking up aiba's panties during somniums!
uhhh GUYS????
From the thumbnail alone I thought it was going to be a figure from one of the somniums.
Reminder that Japan secretly runs the world in this setting.
Extremely kino track
so what was the common theories for the arg
I'd just like to inform everyone that their favourite thing is on the floor.
Huh? What favorite thing?
my favorite thing is the floor
the what? the arg? did you die while typing or what
People thought that Naixatloz was real and behind everything, they also thought that evil Iris was an impostor as opposed to Saito's consciousness
Where does this rank in your Uchikoshi games?
(not including pepsiman)
AI - The Somnium Files > Virtue's Last Reward > Remember11 > 999 > Never7 = Ever 17 >>>ZTD
I wonder if someone found out what Henai visual novel he wrote.
fuck off newfag retard, why the fuck are you so passive aggressive when you're an ignorant fuck?
>tfw no 12Riven translation
this one stuck out to me the most, I was almost crying by the end of the psync
That eye is so beautiful.
>That final prompt
>Go forward in time
Mayumi's somnium hit much harder
meant for
I hope Ota stays alone forever
The way they depicted dementia in this game hit a little too close to home
>mfw im ota.
i hope i stay alone forever too.
>get to the final mental lock
>get pushed away by Date
>"It has to be you, Date!"
>Successfully reach him with the last 3 seconds of time I have
that was a fucking experience in multiple ways
Also made me tear up like a bitch. Mayumi deserved better.
>Date forgot this event never happened on his current timeline
I did too.
On the bright side, she thinks her husband is still alive.
I have finished Mizuki and Iris endings with one come back later deadend. About how much more to go until I reach the true end?
Wouldn't it be funny if Data and Mayumi switched bodies haha
You gotta clear all the splits in the somniums. So you're like halfway there
One more end, one more lock, then a bit of a shuffle between two locks and you're done.
Mizuki's route was better than the true route.
I actually like Mizuki.
Kinda wish we had more of her in the other routes.
How is the switch edition?
If it makes you feel better, Oto has a high chance of suffering the same fate. Early dementia is hereditary.
THAT is your cock?
One thing about this game that I thought was well done was how they handled A-set straddling the line idols need to straddle between faux-innocence and calmly telling her fans to fuck off.
So another 15 hours or so?
You've clearly never played ZTD
5-8 I'd say.
How did you guys finish everything already? I can't just sit down and play for 6+ hours, I need to take a break.
Is he, dare I say, based? Dude's a huge goofball bro like Louis in Hotel Dusk.
Legit couldn't stop playing it even if the disappointment of having no puzzles affected me heavily. I haven't gotten obsessed/invested into a game like this in years, I feel alive again
That reminds me, how old are his parents anyway? That was some really damn early dementia, or else they had him really late.
How fucked would Saito be if he swapped with Mayumi?
>I can't just sit down and play for 6+ hours
I normally couldn't either. At least not the same game. But this one dug it's hooks into me pretty quick.
Was he fantasizing about Hitomi being a futa?
what was I doing again? oh right.
-grabs knife-
what was I doing again?
If i hear invincible rainbow arrow one more time i swear to god.
Probably fantasizing about her nipples
but user, think about the child with brain tumor she wrote it for
moma is good
Renju actually wrote the music. She just made the lyrics. So that's probably why the song sounds gay as fuck and the lyrics make no sense
this song is so fucking catchy i don't know why.
>didn't go for lyrics giving you cancer
one job
that's what they should have done in the annihilation route as punishment
why are the lyrics so bad? is it a translation thing
why does iris have a hime cut on the cover?
Please be patient with the lyricist. She has a brain tumor.
Because it's an amateur song by some minecraft streaming dumbo.
name favorite twist and/or psync
>mfw Pewter is Renju's lover
>mfw You're the one being Psynced and you watch Saito go through your mental locks
Best ending
>tfw you make the mistake of asking to see Iris' dance
why are people saying ending dance scene isn't canon. i want to believe it's canon. it seems pretty sweet :(
He didn't go through your links, they just presented the links mirrored as if they were being displayed for him, not you. He didn't have to do anything but I guess keep moving for 6 minutes.
I was sad she never got a bigger part in any of the routes. Date never even learned her name. He shoulda hooked up with her in the Mizuki ending. She'd have balanced things out. One amnesiac guy with brain damage and a supercomputer in his left eye, one physically enhanced child genius, and one bimbo reptilian. You could make an entire game about that trio.
>mfw uchikoshi can't stop reusing ideas
It kinda is because you unintentionally foil Saito's plans.
>Mayumi: has dementia, my grandpa recently got it so this fucking hit me hard.
>Who/what happened to Manaka? That wasn't something I was expecting from Uchikoshi, I honestly thought it was going to be some parallel world type shit so i was shocked when they showed that it was legit another person.
Favorite Psyncs:
>Turn the TV on
>Date (1)
Lots of "good" video game writers have their wheelhouse and rarely stray from them.
Oh look, it's a Chris Avellone game where you go through amnesia a bunch of times and the story basically covers how the "you" that emerged this one time is technically a separate person.
>You're the one being Psynced and you watch Saito go through your mental locks
that one's kind of weak due to the limited interactivity
I actually like Boss and Shrine Iris since they come kind of close to being actual puzzles instead of just fucking around
Mizuki going through Date is great though
>and the story basically covers how the "you" that emerged this one time is technically a separate person.
And then the guys writing the story for the MMO say "Fuck it, Revan went dark again because he was just fated to be evil".
Is this game actually good and how many hours is it?
For reference, I hated ZTD.
Yeah when I found her totally fell for Iris bait and thought maybe parallel worlds were real then the game decided to be surprisingly grounded with no ZTD-tier bullshit. Actually enjoyed being rused for a bit. Uchikoshi definitely knew people were expecting wack shit and played off it well.
Where's this dialog? I never got it
it has threads for days and there's actual discussion.
what do you think?
If I'm being honest, it's impressive how he managed to make a solvable murder mystery with sufficient (probably too sufficient) foreshadowing while also having SOME of his usual twists in there. Highly philosophical sci-fi and murder mysteries are very different to write. Just ask R07.
I liked it a lot, but most people rate it ''somewhere between 999 and VLR in terms of quality, WAY better than ZTD"
Playtime varies, I went pretty fast and still took 20 hours. If you're a bit slower and explore everything, expect another 5-10 hours.
And since you hated ZTD: this game doesn't pull shit outta nowhere, and actually has a decent ending. There is only a total of one (1) major gimmick the plot relies on, and it doesn't go any further with weird out of nowhere bullshit. If anything, some people have been able to tell what the twist(s) are pretty early if they're astute.
All I’ve seen are lgbt threads
only things i pieced together before actual reveal was Date's probably not Date and most likely #89, who also was Uncle.
Caught completely off guard by the culprit being able to body swap, though.
you got me there.
i only go on threads with the subject line.
It's really fucking good, my personal opinion is that it's Uchikoshi's best game. It's not the wackiest and it's pretty grounded but people can definitely agree it's the most polished.
The only thing I didn't get was I was watching some reviews where people were saying that the twist "surprised" them.
How the fuck were they surprised by it? The game gave you so many clues and once you get to "that" path, they literally give you the answer without telling you.
You know, if you think about it Manaka's body was the reason Saito ultimately got taken out.
Kinda cool.
>How the fuck were they surprised by it?
I would imagine there is a non-zero contingent of people who fell for Iris' bullshit and stopped actively trying to solve the mystery- making them miss all the clues believing they'll be explained later anyway.
>Just ask R07.
Let's be real, at least half of his issue was that the fanbase had looked at the correct theory, and most of them dismissed it because it seemed too easy or obvious.
Did he ever actually walk through the murders in the games? I literally dropped it when they basically told me they never would and people who expect answers in their mystery story were mindless goats.
>missing the point of what he meant this badly
truly a goat, once you know the culprit it takes 5 minutes to understand how 99% of the murders were commited since they were incredibly simple and basic
So is this a murder mystery game or some dating sim shit, why are all the spoilers about girls and love
I am thinking of playing this game cause the AI tulpa looks cute.
Should I stay away from these threads?
waifu fags shit up every thread with cute girls in the game. It's a murdery mystery VN.
I'm talking about the body switching. I was confused on how people were saying they never saw that coming. I already expected something when Date saw his real body in the dream.
There's answers online but I don't know if it's theories or if it's word of god. I know he did confirm the theory on what happened in the mansion.
Gotta admit that was fucking dumb it made me laugh
Hey uh, so they had to do surgery on your face and IT SOMEHOW MAGICALLY WAS THE EXACT SAME AS THE GUY WHO DID ALL THOSE MURDERS. is anyone in the media really going to buy that? (yeah they will)
If you stay in the thread for too long you're extremely likely to get spoiled. If you don't want to risk it, better to avoid the threads.
Well I suppose I should be happy, since basically I haven't been spoiled much besides that some girls want the detective's dick, might try it later.
>Did he ever actually walk through the murders in the games?
>I literally dropped it when they basically told me they never would and people who expect answers in their mystery story were mindless goats.
One of the overarching themes of the final few chapters was that solving the mystery really didn't matter. Understanding WHY everyone died was more important than HOW. And even in the earliest parts of the first episode, Kyrie says to you something like "Normal mysteries aren't as interesting as romance novels. The feelings between two people can be a lot more mysterious than a simple locked room".
And really, if you know how classical mysteries work and cut out the magic bullshit thrown in, most of the mysteries are incredibly easy to solve. And the games themselves literally train you in all the techniques and thought processes you need to solve them. They're all solvable, but ultimately the solutions really aren't what was important. The motive behind it all was.
If all you want to know is the 'truth', watch the epilogue of episode 7. While it's not exactly what happened, it's close enough.
I really didn't like the psyncs. The time limit means I can't see all the silly dialogue, and the only ones that didn't seem to run on nonsense dream "logic" were the ones right before Annihilation end and Iris end.
invisible rainbow arrow is my favorite song now.
it is kind of sickeningly catchy, isn't it
you are my new nemesis
yes not everyone uses spoiler tags
i mean you can replay them if you want to see all of the outcome options, but it's actually really easy intuit how to use resources
Wait, did I just get spoiled on Umineko? So, magic isn't real then. Does that mean Battler did it?
His parents did.
Guess I can uninstall now.