Patch that ends Horde vs Alliance next week, what are your predictions?
World of Warcraft: BfA
Also Worgen and Goblins get the Pixar treatment.
BfA isn't ending, there's still 8.3 which will be either N'zoth or Sylvanas now that everyone turns against her.
Spoonfeed me on the lore, didn't get anything post Azhara getting grabbed by tentacles and making agehao face, what happened after?
>there is no war
baine stopped sylvanas from using jaina's dead brother as a blight bomb and handed him over to jaina.
sylvanas wanted him executed, but he is rescued by thrall, saurfang and jaina.
presumably thunderbluff is going to be sylvanas' next genocide target
uh oh cant wait for the new big bad guy that we have to put aside our differences and join forces to fight!
You haven't missed anything. Lor'themar decides he'll stand with Baine and Saurfang against Sylvanas after defeating Azshara with the Alliance. That's where next week's patch starts, with the Horde rebels expecting Sylvanas to atatck Thunder Bluff.
"I only made you fight so you'd grow strong enough to face our combined enemy!"
Who's this ugly ass slut
Calia Menethil, rightful heir to Lordaeron.
Looks like a vampire bimbo
Lux Vult undead paladins incoming
Picked up
I expect actual good pvp content next expansion if they stop crutching on shitty factions
I don’t care xB
>Good PVP
Shits unbalanced and has been since OG.
Baine is such a fucking cuck
I expect the Shadowlands rumors to be true...not that it matters as the ending will be awful regardless of what they pull.
balance meme is the worst, unbalanced classes is what makes it fun
>Battle for Azeroth
>worst expansion for PvP
>ending the faction war
>ending the one thing most players universally love, killing the other faction
>undead paladins confirmed
lmao every single person who has played this game since beta eternally btfo for doubting this would come
>Horde and Alliance have fought through Ragnaros, C'thun, Illidan, Kil'jaedin, Yogg Saron, Arthas, Deathwing, Y'Shaarj, Garrosh, AU Gul'dan, Sargeras, and Azshara together
>"lol y no more fite?"
WoW players dont like pvp, there's like 4000 people in both NA and US doing arenas
>ending the faction war
>ending the one thing most players universally love, killing the other faction
they ended that with bfa prepatch when they converted every server to an opt out carebear server
>ending the one thing most players universally love
Retail players don't like PvP, they just want weeklies and raids. PvP is already dead, and has been for a while. PvP is turned off by default on all servers, and it's something you have to opt into.
>war can only be between two poorly written factions that keep fighting because blizzard is too lazy to change game mechanics
pvp bros we are going home soon
Biggest problem I have with the 'faction war' is that there can't be a winner.
The Cold War state was best.
They also need to stop doing every expansion being some new, world ending threat.
Give the alliance something to do by dealing with rebellions fed up with the way the leaderships doing things.
Make the Horde have to deal with some unsavory tribes/factions on their ends.
Make it faction threats, world ones are played out.
It's going to be shit, last patch ever, classic killed nu-wow.
pvp in mmos is the worst cancer you get partake in
This doesn't just affect pvp, it also effects PvE. The alliance/Horde are always the perfect enemy to shoe horn in and players usually like at least feeling that they are kicking enemy faction ass.
Every story involving factions is badly written and main characters have to act like retards to keep it going.
No one cares about factions except low IQ retards such as yourself.
I have to say, the map+ logo and the cinematic still are really good if fake, but the shit posted with it is just ridiculous.
Bolvar and the other Death sphere entities already said they all dislike Sylvanas, that she's breaking the "balance". Bolvar also hates her guts for binding the Val'kyr to her. So why would he join in her scheme?
Also the whole "true Battle for Azeroth" line is too much of a meme to be realistic.
but it's lame because every realm is 99-1% faction because of transfers so now you randomly get thrown in some shitty crz shard with brazillians
Here's the issue.
The way WoW's writing is going, its stupid enough to be plausible.
And the Bolvar thing I heard was him stepping in to assist the alliance and even then I take that with a grain of salt.
Long and short is I expect this ball to be dropped hard so that Sylvanas can be 'right' and a 'master strategist' whose plan was really to just get everyone killed.
In a dream world it ends in a 'white peace' leaving both sides dissatisfied and dealing with internal revolt due to, say, light crazed zealots and peasants dissatisfied with Anduin, the Night Elves displeased with the way he ran the war as 'high king' and him possibly having an attempted assassination on him during a riot or something.
When is the last time we had a legitimate leak? I feel like it was fucking WoD?
Sylvanas captures SW
Tyrande decapitates Nathanos
Bolvar kills Lorthemar and rejoins his daughter and the Alliance
This scares the rebel horde in line to side with Sylvanas
Anduin kills Sylvanas or Sylvanas kills Anduin , the survivor dies from his/her wounds
Everyone dies in SW harbor
Sylvanas in the afterlife “Now the true BfA begins”
Danuser and Alex wanted to one-up MoP by literally doing the whole expansion again because they were envious of the old guard
Yeah WoD along with Overwatch.
Legion or BfA couldn't be leaked because they announced it so damn early.
One of WoW's main appeals are the two factions. The fact that you can just waltz into enemy territory and starts ganking and repeatedly spawn killing enemy players till they log out is what draws people to PvP servers. A large amount of the RL social aspect to WoW are the factions with people clobbering their heads together saying 'Horde/Alliance is better!' and to remove that is to completely remove the soul of the game. I understand that you are more interested in the reality TV show aspect of WoW refreshing WoW head every hour to see if there is new data mining but others enjoy absolutely shitting on other players. I wouldn't expect you to understand since your shit at the game and probably only play on a PvE RP server twiddling your dick to see if Mommy Jania is blowing thrall already. Granted yes, the story lines are always shit but nearly most of the player base do not give a single shit about the story line. They care about the actual mechanics of the game. Nu Blizzard story writing will be shit regardless if their is a faction war or not. The best thing to do right now is to do sort of a cold war thing like what said.
Blizzard is extremely retarded. Layering helped kill the game. They should just combine the low pop servers together so there isn't less than one hundred people on one server anymore
1 hour of War Campaign, that's probably timegated for 6 weeks to line up with Blizzcon as the only new content. How fun.
>He thinks war can only happen between two specific factions.
>tfw there's still a bunch of evil shit on warcraft that haven't been dealt with
With how aggressively Taelia was introduced in 8.0, and name dropping her father at the end of the Boralus quest, only for her father to show up on Voljins questline not long later
Blizzard are hacks, they don’t do subtlety as much as I would wish it
>Sylvanas invades Stormwind and kills Magni of all people.
>He then turns into some secret azurite final boss that was really a puppet of the old gods.
>Nathanos gets the final blow
>" A Z E R O T H I S F R E E"
I couldn't give to shits about the WoW story if the gameplay was good. When the fuck is WoW2 with better non mmo target bullshit is comming? They have overwatch engine why not use it for WoW2?
BfA was leaked like a few days before announcement I think.
you can still have pvp, but it requires an overhaul of the targeting/con system, which could actually lead to neat stuff like bounties if blizzard could do anything that's not on-rails theme park shit
And the big problem is that if you're alliance only, you don't know about them talking to him and if you're horde only you don't hear that he's got a daughter around.
It would've been a nice little thing if they just said her name and left it but no, they're going to do what you said and make it a giant plot point.
The only reason I have retail installed is so I can jerk off to the new goblin models
So she's an undead animated with light instead of necromancy? That's really dumb.
Light is meaningless since TBC.
classic has just been a blessing. it's just so refreshing to play the game with all the conflicts being grounded, no ridiculous oc's running around telling the player to do x y and z, the big villains being the scarlets or the shadow council .....
what the fuck happened bros?
You only see the pro of the factions. And it only happened in the early days of WoW.
There are lot of cons, and it hurted WoW gameplay/lore way more than you could imagine.
Threat escalation.
She was certainly risen like an Undead rather than resurrected. But honestly we don’t know yet. Time will tell what the Writers want to do with her. Me think she is something... more. Do you recall how Christians believe in their “resurrection” myth and how they are greater than Angels because their are closer to God? Considering the Holy Light cult is pretty much Catholicism, I believe they might take that route instead. Having a light forged still be rotting corpse seems kind of lame.
i fucking hate blizzard and their constant pandering to ally fags. There isn't a bigger group that complains more about how they need to be the good guys in every situation and that its impossible for them to be mean. Hell they fucking shitted up and threw such a fit on the forums when Genn insulted Rhastakhan before they fought him.
Fuck you alliance scum
Every other expansion gets a new class right?
So what are we getting next year?
>We could have had scenarios again like the fall of Azuremyst and the evacuation of the Draenei/Nelves from Kalimdor
>We could have had instances of Genn and Shaw “””winning on all fronts””” slowly but surely recapturing Gilneas, Hillsbrad, and pushing into the Plaguelands while the Horde focuses on holding out against a blue tide eventually retreating to SMC or dying in combat to inflict pain on the Alliance (moral choice like Saurfang vs Sylvanas in siege of Lordaeron)
>we could have explored growing Night elf dissension against Tyrande’s retarded choices, even a coup questline where we help/prevent Maiev from consolidating power as a rival voice
>we could have seen Baine and the rest of the Horde leadership grow a spine and not blindly support fem Garrosh before the Derek incident
At its core Blizzard wanted to produce a High Seas expansion and deceptively marketed it as battle for Azeroth
As an Alliance only player, all I can say is this.
I wish my faction was a lot closer to a Crusader Kings 2 game than what we've got now.
I checked them out on the ptr as I don't need to sub and they hardly feel any different apart from they now all have same face.
It'll be trash no matter what.
Whatever, finally more Sylvia
tinker, a high mobility leather wearer with only two specs
Sylvanas genocided the nelves and Anduin failed to capture Lordaeron, while UC’s inhabitants survived and fled unscathed
But please tell me that it’s the Alliance fault for Blizzard’s retarded writing
Who is the human dude?
>light forged can be undead
>all forsaken realize they can be accepted by the light
>sylvanas dies gets a pity pat on the back by naru instead of burning in super hell with "she... had a hard life"
You're not far off.
They wanted island romps but couldn't justify it.
But yeah, make the Horde story one about if Honor is worth Higher Casualties and getting, say, the otherside responding in kind by releasing captives or the like or if getting the win through any means necessary is worth alienating allies and driving the opponent to possibly do the same and make the war worse.
The Alliance? Make it about keeping peoples 'righteous fury' in check, keeping hot heads from being as bad as their enemy and trying to hold everything together or just going full eye for an eye.
Hell, make the Alliance's big issue being that you've got internal politicking and an inexperienced king causing the biggest issues.
Mathias Shaw, leads Alliance intelligence service SI:7.
Tinker: Ranged DPS + Healer
Mail Class
Guns/Bows/Crossbows as Weapon
Gnome+Goblin Only.
Head Spy for the alliance I believe.
I forget his name and dropped out before that whole story.
Why didn't they just bring back the cute gnomes and pink puma Worgen?
user, the entirety of BFA was leaked within the first week. user talked about Darkshore and Tirande going full Hitler.
>Movie ID 903 - 3:18 Min Long
>Movie ID 904 - 6:18 min Long
>the entire story quest content is encrypted too
They really don't want this to be spoiled in advance.
Tirande didn't go full hilter though, she 'got her vengeance'.
or, to be more accurate, they didn't show enough happening so you don't have trees tearing horde soldiers apart and really scary shit.
>Remove Alliance and Horde as a player divider
>South seas expansion, different islands with different relationships
>Players can pick an island to support and fight other islands
>Content patches reflect the outcome of world PvP
Only real reasonable way I can think to do a war.
Lmao Tyrande is actually fucking Orcs since vanilla.
Reminder that she let Saurfang go away (the guy who invaded her country and almost killed her belove).
>Caused Genocide,burn up ciities,Use Chermical weapons
Horde is indeed the niggers of Azeroth
If they want a war where the outcome can be decided?
They can't do the actual faction war with a definitive winner because it means removing half the player base.
>They can't do the actual faction war with a definitive winner because it means removing half the player base.
Cool they made a relevant Rogue...kinda rare
>half the player base
playerbase is 80% horde at the moment anyway, faction balance has been fucked for years and there's no way to fix it
Lilian Voss, Garona, Tess Greymane?
Because in Blizzards mind, 'ending the faction war with a clear winner' means that one side gets destroyed instead of 'Ok, now this side has gained territory and controls these places'.
And that's not even getting into how you decide who wins a faction war.
Do you leave it in the hands of the players? If so, you're going to see everyone coalesce around one side which hamstrings your writing.
Do you just stick to writers? Makes the most sense and lets you plan things out but results in one side bitching whenever their faction loses.
Same thing happened in the old days of Warhammer online, which sucked as that game had some fun, chaotic PVP.
I think the initial swap happened due to racial buffs correct?
>some shitty melodramatic cinematic with thrall, glugfang, jaina and le zappy boy with a lesson about peace
>sylvanas probably not caring because of some grand plan they still haven't elaborated on at all, probably won't even be in org
>supporters told to play along again
>possibly another boring warfront
>most like 1.5 hours worth of content, possibly time gated
>playerbase is 80% horde
Bullshit. Blizzard would have finally added High Elves to the Alliance if that was true.
This guy got tricked by the Horde. He did the exact contrary of what he was supposed to be good at.
If WoW had some logic, he should have been fired.
If WoW had Logic, the horde would be dead after MoP and the Vindicator would be glassing things.
US realms are 50.7% alliance and 49.3% horde
EU realms are 49.9% alliance and 50.1% horde
They did, they just made them blueberries and called them void elves. Their argument for no high elves is "their population isn't big enough to warrant them being a playable race"
Ion and presumably man of WoW’s writers have a hate boner for elves
And as pleasantly surprised as I am with Comrad Umbric I want Vareesa leading the Silver Covanent with playable helves
Fuck Ion
Now check the population stats for characters at max level. And the ones for max level that actually clear content i.e. at least normal difficulty on the current raid tier.
Hell go check the top 100 guilds on wow progress and report your findings.
there's something wrong in the new model eyes
so THIS is the power of the alliance..
If wow had logic the alliance wouldnt go and fuck with the horde on kalimdor for no fucking reasons
Why? So you can move the goalpost again? Fuck you.
But there are literally more High Elves than Void Elves. They are a crack “commando unit” as Ion said so himself.
it already is retard
>Everquest pvp servers.
>Rallos zek was the only Everquest server to not have awakened the Sleeper (once a server event) for several years because everyone fucks each other over (PVP HAPPENED).
>All the other Zek/pvp servers were ded for the most part.
>Private servers/P99.
>Blue goes up and down but stays at a steady 2k players for past few years.
>Rarely reaches 100+.
>Tons of incentives to try and get people on it.
>A global chat channel, massive xp bonuses, and so on.
>Rules to help prevent it turning into a griefer's paradise.
>Is a Griefer's paradise anyways because the few people who play on the pvp server have several twinks at all level "tiers" including bashing level 5 new characters.
>Global chat is endless shit talking about who ganked who and rules lawyering debates about not following "da rules".
>Economy is ruined on that server anyways because any piece of equipment with resist gear is considered top-tier.
>Server runners have gone on the record they they only keep the red/pvp server up because of professionality. Technically the hardcore pvpers aren't breaking "da rules" but they are cancerous sociopaths who do nothing to help people to try and recruit to the server.
In other words, unless a game is designed for pvp from the ground up, do not do it. I think the last solid attempt at this was Warhammer followed by Guild Wars 2. Warhammer was mismanaged heavily and Guild Wars 2 is the bubble boy of pvp games.
8.3.5 Allied Races:
Horde: Vulpera, Redeemed (light Forsaken)
Alliance: Mechagnomes, ?
What are the Alliance getting as their second?
Awakened Horses
Those little lizard cobra people? I still prefer High Lords, but Ion hates the Lore
The faction system needs to be dissolved, or a new game needs to come out. People liked varied races but creatively hamstrung because of red vs blue is retarded.
didnt blizzard intentionally kill fucking player tracking in classic so that people couldnt actually fucking run a census on the server population/numbers?
The playerbase is fucking retarded this whole fucking franchise needs to fucking die already
Alliance will get the light forsaken and then Horde will probably get Sethrak or something else instead.
>horde leader killing their own faction
that's so stupid
I don't believe Alliance has any chance of getting the light Forsaken. Calia is being set up as a replacement for Sylvanas on the Horde and a bridge to end the faction conflict, and Alliance already has two human models, and a Lightforged variation of Draenei. They don't need humans with glowing eyes, Horde does for variety.
Calia model wears the Loardarian seal.
It would be another retarded move to make her not alliance since Lordaeron are the true leader of the Alliance.
horde doesn't need that garbage either
They thought people actually give a shit about the "story"
Making her Alliance would mean you get stuck with Forsaken on the Horde with no leadership whatsoever who for some reason didn't cast their lot with Sylvanas until the end.
I'm not saying it's not retarded, that is literally the reason they gave.
Just saying that it's retarded to have Calia leading a Horde faction.
This faction shit needs to fucking end.
It's how they're permanently ending the faction conflict. Look at this cinematic again They're lampshading the silliness of the conflict and its rehashed plots of war-truce to fight greater evil- war. They removed PvP servers and replaced them with optional War Mode.
We got a raid that was told from both perspectives.
In 9.0 we'll be doing dungeons and raids across factions.
The faction balance you posted takes into account all characters of all levels, makes no fucking sense to judge the faction balance from those stats seeing as there are hundreds of thousands of low level characters people created and never played again yet figure in those stats.
I know. But if it's Calia, the forsaken will just be grey humans. The blue flags of Lordaeron will come back.
My hopes are that Orgrimmar and Stormwind are completely destroyed so that in the next xpac the only cities are Thunderbluff and Ironforge
Notice that Thrall is also wearing blue.
This leak sounds amazing to me. I would be honestly impressed if they had the balls to do it.
I want to get excited but I don't think I can anymore
Of course they did, they got humiliated by it, more than 5 million players in classic and less than 1 million for retail.
Gallywix is still in Sylvanas' camp isn't he?
Any chance they're finally going to fire this thing? They have the Azerite now.
Imagine being this delusional.
The Night Elves need to reclaim Azshara for that, which will never happen considering that Tyrande abandonned any claim over it.
Has there been any corruption or bad creatures forming from sargaeras's sword stuck in azeroth? Also how are you suppose to be afraid of nzoth if you've already fought sargaeras who should be powerwise much stronger than old gods?
>if you've already fought sargaeras
We never fought Sargeras.
I'm not the one that has been eating blizzard's shit for years while they were developing less and less content while increasing the expansion price.
god I hope saurfang dies this patch
We made the sword inert by sacrificing our Artifact Weapons remember.
>decide to try out retail for the first time since legion
>make a new character
>get to Orgrimmar
>entire trade chat is seething about classic
He's actually based.
I haven't played since wotlk, I only sometimes look at the lore
Whats with all this women power bs happening in Warcraft
Feminism in vydia + almost every males of Warcraft got turned into loot pinatas.
I leave the game for two years and I come back, and all the male leaders are either dead or submissive while all the women have taken over the leader roles. Is Blizzard really this cucked now?
Did they fix the males too? Males had more physical issues than facials compared to the girls
It'll be awful.
Military Genius who achieved what the Legion never could.
>Tyrande decapitates Nathanos
Never going to happen since Nathanos is one of the important writer's self-insert.
their first order of business: let in peaceful horde refugees
oh it's the autistic orc roleplayer who is in every wow thread talking about his cuck shit.
The guy that roleplays as Sylvanas's cuck on twitter? Yeah, and people wonder why the story sucks so much ass.
So basically horde cucks out and LOSES to alliance again? Basically horde has never won according to lore but lost 4 (!) times, namely Sunwell (blood elves and eredar could be a good part of horde), then Garrosh (who was made into fucking raid boss), then everything in Draenor (since they were basically horde) and now again?
Holy fucking shit fuck this storytelling.
>What is Azshara, what is Ashenvale, what is Darkshore, what is Plaguelands, what is Gilneas, what is Theramore, what is BFA
What is voljin doing right now if he's a spirit running around but not really dead?
blizzard got old, their dicks stopped working, or they were replaced with women, so now it's muh family instead of edgy horde
No one is dead in WoW, except the good characters.
Figuring out whatever entity it was that told him to make Sylvanas Warchief, and what the other one was that brought him back.
The most the horde got done was when Garrosh was the leader. Hell, if he was still alive and leader, he would have kept Sylvanas's ass in check and told Voljin to fuck off with his hippy muh voodoo bs.
What are they? Are those supposed to represent times the Horde won? What did they win? Parity in zones? How about actually defend whatever position you are taking rather than passive-aggressively dropping a bunch of threads I’m supposed to pick up and follow your thought process.
>horde or their actions weren't mentioned at all in the post
rent free
Are those supposed to represent times the Horde won?
Yes? Why are you complaining about Horde biais when the exact contrary happened?
The players have never fought Sargeras, but we did beat a Titan with all the artifact weapons and boons from the other Titans, which we no longer have
The power levels in Legion were all kinds of absurd
Did Thrall ever make one single good decision?
How the fuck can this not be decrypted by now though? Surely nu-Blizzard isn't that competent that they can outencrypt data miners and spoilerfags with nothing better to do
He gave me his hammer
Also for some reason Varimathras with most of his skin flayed off was on the same tier as world breaking constructs and the highest echelon of the Legion
He saved the Horde, the planet, the goblins, conquered a part of Ashenvale and named Garrosh warchief.
What did the Horde win in Azshara? Zone parity? Ashenvale? Plaguelands? They destroyed Theramore and rightfully so. What about Stonard? Convenient to leave that out. They destroyed Gilneas to match the Goblins not having a starting zone; zone parity. So your complaints are about finding stories reasons for gameplay balance? Is the Horde not ever supposed to win? The Alliance dominates in story consistently, is that just supposed to be status quo?
>bro just decrypt it lol
t. stupid nigger
Except the vindicaar needs argunite to fire the laser canonically you retard.
the only thing garrosh took was azshara and that was practically empty. in fact if sylvanas didn't get rezzed after suiciding he would have lost all of lordaeron.
>Literal sameface
good job retards
>What did the Horde win in Azshara? Zone parity?
Stopped reading here.
Azshara entirely belongs to the Horde. You don't even know that and yet complain.
that was just bad writing as they wanted to make the toxic male orc feel incompent when really he was the only one getting shit done for the entire horde. thrall left off to smoke weed and then had the audacity to think he's better
Azshara is the ancestral home of the Night Elves.
He took an entire territory of the Night Elves just like that. And half of Ashenvale as well.
The leaks might be true. They're obviously hiding something big since they didn't let anyone test the patch and encrypted the cutscenes and announced as such.
Are you insinuating nu-blizz is actually competent at anything besides cinematics?
So your claim is that the Horde won neutral territory? Because no one owned it. And to balance leveling zones Horde populated it. This is a loss to you? How about you actually make some kind of statement rather than just tap dance around what the fuck you are saying. You feel slighted because the Horde gained territory? It’s okay that Alliance had more places to quest, but evening the play field is a loss? Go fuck yourself, you are why no one likes Alliance players.
nah shes gonna be the replacement for sylvanas once we kill her in the next patch and end the faction barrier
>half of ashenvale
you mean he invaded it and lost it right after.
No, they ABANDONED it.
do i look passable
generic edgelord/10
It's not a claim, it's a fact lorelet. And it was a contested territory : It used to belong to the Night Elves but Horde invaded it between wc3 and vanilla.
>Because no one owned it
> And to balance leveling zones Horde populated it
So what? I thought we were talking about the lore.
You want to compare the outcame of the lvling one btw? Goblins btfo the Night Elves while Worgens are getting btfo'd by the Forsaken and forced to leave.
What a shit belt
lol imagine actually being a story cuck
how about now
Has retail seen a dip in players after classic hit?
Leak incoming.
Blizzard doesn't care. A sub is a sub moneywise. The mogsluts and cash shop paypigs will always feed retail regardless.
knife-eared faggot/10, needs more curves and less clothing
retail was already dead for years, so no.
>muh lore
Jesus christ what a fag
>The Alliance dominates in story consistently
Well they wear shoes so naturally they'll have a bit of an edge.
No, he took half of it.
For exemple Zoram'gar Outpost or Silverwind Refuge.
No. They got raped by Orcs and Goblins.
id love it if they got mogu but i know that will never happen. mogu are pissed that the zandalari didnt win back in mop, zandalari are now horde, mogu join alliance to fuck them up
Lore hasn’t mattered in game for a long time. Night Elves abandoned Azshara because it was cursed land to them. I know, I did the quest chain there in Vanilla. Horde didn’t invade Azshara, all they had was a flight master there. They overtook it in Cataclysm since it was an unfinished zone.
No, that happened in Cataclysm, and they didn’t have an official there anyways, only some druids that “over saw the ruins”.
Warhammer has a private server, Return of Reckoning
it's slightly less dead that EQ Red
Much better
now imgur link uncensored ones
>Holy fucking shit fuck this storytelling.
This is your OG post faggot. You were the one talking about the lore in the first place.
>Night Elves abandoned Azshara because it was cursed land to them
Don't care, i was replying to the faggot who said that Horde were losing when the exact opposite happened.
Azshara was a night elf territory, Horde invaded it, and fully conquered it during cata.
Does it have a faq/patch list or something somewhere that talks about the specifics of the server?
Yes, according to their forums.
encryption isn't something you need to be competent at, any brainlet can encrypt files
>my soul
>my face
Do you like getting nutted on?
It's showing different skin colors not faces you fucking idiot
cute lizzies
Yes they did. They had a presence there, hence why they defended it.
>No, he took half of it.
and then lost it.
>Zoram'gar Outpost
literally a vanilla town
I'm offended they're calling this awful fucking excuse for a faction conflict The Fourth War.
>This is your OG post faggot. You were the one talking about the lore in the first place.
Im not even the guy you were talking with. Im just laughing at you faggots jerking off to the shit lore in computer game.
you wish alliancelet
Horde Orgrimmar"
>they managed to make the worst PC model in the game look even shittier
wanna fuck? whats your f-list?
Is this from some book or short story on the website? Because you can log in right NOW to classic and see how deserted Azshara is. Who defended it?
i don't know, i still can't get over "void elf" for some reason
Whatever happens it's going to be an huge asspull of 'Hah this retarded shit was in our plans all along, aren't you impressed that we pulled this off with 0 build-up? Surprised you huh?'. Doesn't matter if that's an old god expansion or whatever it'll still fit.
i only fuck girls and trannies
Will the redeemed still have huge rips and tears in all their clothes?
See Cata, goblin questline.
And even if the Night Elves deserted it, it's actually worst in terms of lore : The Nelves are so pathetic that they give their ancetral territory to the Horde for free.
not that guy, but ive never rped as a futa girl before. is there really any difference between a dom guy and a dom girl?
Yes, this is from a BFA book idiot.
From cata to BFA, it's a Horde town.
And if you read that book, the Orcs invade Ashenvale again anyway.
Ones cute with tits, the other is ugly without tits.
Are you talking about that part right outside of the gate of Orgrimmar? I think that’s related to Ashenvale, having to do with the mining and logging.
except it happened before BFA
I wish they were both. The faces are even fucking worse.
As subpar as this one is. Most other shots of them look better
That's Azshara in WoW classic.
Between Legion and BFA and you never see it as it is immedialty taken back by the Horde.
Big win here!
AHHHH what the FUCK
this sounds so fucking idiotic. Why not just let her lead the last remnants of the humans of Lordaeron? Instead of this lame undead but good cancer? Fuck modern blizz ruins everything warcraft.
>Orc niggers get a choice to remove the hunchback
>Worgen chads don't
No justice
>Between Legion and BFA
no where is that stated.
kys furfaggot
Blizzard cancelled that raid, next week we are getting the ending of the war campaign
its over for retail, blizz is working on the next expansion as we speak
My point is who “defends” Azshara? I know the goblins terraform it, but you are implying the Night Elves give a shit. They abandoned the zone, they have no presence there, where do they fight off Orcs and Goblins? In a book? Because in game there is a short quest chain that auto pops once you leave the rear gate but it is related to the stopping Orc reinforcements from reaching Ashenvale. I’m looking for specific examples of Alliance giving any kind of shit that the Horde takeover an abandoned zone.
Played the game you fucking faggot.
It's stated on the fucking Website that it's a Horde town.
look me up on f-list Nishaletha
cant release too many features at once. gotta keep the goys subbed for longer by releasing tiny trickles of updates. i bet in an expansion or two they all add all the new race's features to the old races. tattoos, scars, new hairstyles, etc and call it a big content patch even though theyve had that shit in game for years
100% horde player since beta here and you can go fuck yourself. Horde = the evil side. That is what the horde was since WC1.
All this "the good horde" crap is why I left. Now I hate Sylvanas just about much as anyone else because she is a self insert whiney minor character that is somehow now leading the horde....
Didn't they announce the end of WoD before Hellfire Citadel released? There's been no such talk of BFA's end after 8.2.5.
no u
I have a Level 29 character from years ago
Should I get back into WoW
>she is a self insert
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
It’s not the end of BfA, I wish it were. Just the war campaign.
Did you even play the Goblin questline? The Night Elves attack you at some point and you have to destroy their last base in the region.
>They abandoned the zone, they have no presence there
Yes they had a presence there retard. From vanilla to cata.
kys you know its true. The 400iq 4d chess undead whore ranger saving the world and nobody gets it. Its the most stale writing and stinks of SC2.
Is this a mount in game?
Lay off the druidism... chonker...
so who is she the self insert of? you clearly dont know what the word means
it's stated that it's taken back between cata and sometime before BFA, period. the game is not up to date.
Doesn't make her a self insert character.
fucking redditor
>in both NA and US doing arenas
>both na and us
the writer of Sylvanas. I dont remember his name but his twitter was a mess.
>self insert
The flightmaster I mentioned earlier, gotcha. So this is totally comparable to Gilneas as a Horde win, amazing.
go wank to your pathetic muh queen sexy dead elf.
GW2 pvp is better, high damage, instant death if you don't react properly.
keep crying and being butthurt, glug'tar.
>"its like looking into a dark mirror"
>picture of nathanos
jesus christ how fucking stupid are you
Yes, Nathanos is a self-insert, because nigga looks like the Writer now and writer dude clearly faps to him.
Now tell the guy you're arguing with who the fuck Sylanas is a self-insert of.
How can I report this mods existence to blizzard?
oh no i literally cannot respond to this without sounding mad you have trapped me please have mercy
That makes Nathanos' cousin the self insert.
I don't know how anyone can support a company that hires people like this.
The only thing more disgusting was a former WoW programmer calling out how his son now works on Classic, and how he can't recall the last time a father/son worked on the same game before.
Because it's called nepotism, fuckwit.
US would be USA. NA is North America like the entire continent including the South America
sauce me pls senpai
He literally fucking told you in his post, gamer
futas are shit anyways
god im so ready to see you shadowlands shitters btfo at blizzcon
That's me. I had it drawn.
Futa are trash tier. Dickgirls are god tier.
>NA is North America like the entire continent including the South America
you mean nathanos??
he writes for sylvanas, too you fucking retard. if you don't think his self insert doesn't directly effect sylvanas as a character, you're beyond mental.
The only thing I want to hear out of blizzcon is "Now that we've dissolved factions on Retail, we're calling this timeline done and will focus all future efforts on Classic+ - an alternate timeline and progression than Vanilla > BC > Wrath > Cata. Just like Star Wars used their EU books as "Familiar names and places, but not the same story""
That doesn't make HER a self-insert, faggot. That makes her his waifu, nothing more. Use the right words you waste of fucking space.
when are we murdering this maggot-ridden bag of leachate, jesus christ what an insufferable cunt of a character, nothing about this game's writing is ever peer-reviewed and it shows
>Blizzard ends the faction war
>All races are one faction...
>...except the forsaken
>Their own faction against everyone else
Shame blizzard doesn't have balls
so do many other writers in including afrasiabi who has been her main writer for over a decade.
a self-insert doesn't have to be the direct physical insertion of a character, you gibbering mongoloid.
No. WoWpedia is wrong here. It's never stated that they took it back right after cata.
Why do you complain about the lore when you never played the game in the first place, you stupid poorfag?
That's retarded, but my faith in blizzard is so low I can see it happening.
Yes. Not only the Horde win Gilneas, but they also won Azshara. And yet some retards who never played the game in the first place complain about Horde biais.
I found it
||time to cum||
The literal definition of self-insert is inserting oneself, mentally, as a character. Neckbeard Writerman "inserts" his look as Nathanos and pretends to be Nathanos.
Please, tell us what person on the WoW team made Sylvanas look like themselves, and pretends to be Sylvanas.
>The literal definition of self-insert is inserting oneself, mentally, as a character.
Which both he and Alex are guilty of. You have no argument.
I want to fuck the crazy out of azula so bad
He's retarded, don't push it.
>ignored the actual question
A major hit
t. Still RP on retail
stop replying to me you dumbass.
>delusional classicuck
They never say when she retook it stupid fuck. Thanks for proving me right.
Hence why ingame it's a Horde town since Cata.
If you weren't such a poorfag you would have known that.
>All those nerf across the board to defensive build tanks.
Ya, no. Fuck dps fetishists.
Imagine self inserting into a fictional universe only to make yourself a total faggot. How can you lack this much self awareness
we all do
I'm gonna be kind of sad when the whole alliance vs horde thing is over. I mean, it was kinda one of WoW key point, the war between two faction with real players having to pledge allegiance and choose a side according to who they agree'd on the most, and now this war ended. Story progression in videogame feel weird because they're usually static. To see that anduin was a child in wow classic and now he's a grown up young adult is one of those weird example.
Even if they wrote the war extremely badly and even if it's for the good of the game, I'm still gonna miss it.
hey man i dont make the match making but thats what happens. You get it all in the americas bb
>never even said it was taken back right after cata, just between cata and before bfa
>loool thanks for proving me right poorfag!!
I accept your concession, dumbass.
It won't be over, they for sure will pull something that makes each other figth while fighting the old gods
Ignored nothing. You moved the goalposts then backpedaled. You're got no argument. Samefagging won't save you from that.
My little firebender can't be this cute
You fucking retarded mongolid. Since the town was Horde even during Legion, i assumed that she took it after Legion. What other clue do you have?
And it's back to Horde anyway, so you lost your entire point which was >"muh horde biais"
>Muh world pvp
World/faction PVP has been dead and disliked by almost the entire playerbase for atleast 3 expansions now, pvp in retail in general is fucking non existant and everyone plays on PVE realms simply because you level so fast without having to walk out of the cities thanks to all the exp boosts and shit that you just sit and queue for the majority of your levels up until the most recent expansion at which point people just want to get it over with as soon as they can, NOBODY gives a fuck about wpvp in WoW and everyone just wants factions to be merged because it's a dumb artificial playerbase divide.
That's not the definition of samefagging either, so you're clearly just a dumbass and I'm done with you. You'll still reply to me because you absolutely have to have the last word, so I'll let you. Enjoy your "win" and the hollow feeling of victory it comes with from making people give up because of how sheerly stubborn and stupid you are.
>literally just 'muh queen'
>kills innocent humans, night elves, and others because the Alliance (which was all but ruined during WC3) 'abandoned' the forsaken
It's as bad as Rexxar joining Sylvanas' Horde because Jaina has gone too far and it's genocide.
why dont you off yourself tough guy?
It looks like they got shaved too much at the groomer.
wow they didn't update an old ass zone until they had to what a fucking surprise.
It's almost as stupid as Lillian Voss rejoining the Forsaken and personally raising more zombies
Which also happened
Because it still belongs to the Horde in the end you retarded fuck.
That's your case of "Horde losing to the Alliance" btw? When it's mentionned in a book that the Night Elves took back their own town in Ashenvale only to lose it back in the same book?
I’ve played since vanilla, it’s not Horde bias, it’s correcting the Alliance bias that existed since vanilla. Don’t be a fag.
I have too many problems with the Forsaken's writing to really care anymore. It's all about banshee queen and shit.
>Alliance are allowed to live in their city, it's Alliance bias
why would you pay $40 +$15 to play 1 patch? the expansion is over and it was a mess
What mod? Is darknest back? Please have mercy!
I remember being 12
Everything about this post is dripping with way more optimism than someone should hold for current WoW storytelling.
Pretty much will be this. It's pretty obvious when they 'killed' her off just to have her come back as a light undead.
>jaina caring about some tauren nigger over horde literally hiroshima'ing her own city
what the fuck how blizzardrones can eat this up
it's always been that way retard
Nope. Mechanically speaking and lore wise they're going to have players from the opposite faction playing together, in guilds, chatting and mail. At most they will probably keep in War Mode as a relic of the past.
you aren't even arguing with who you think you are.
Better fucking farm those azerite essences on your alts if you want to break the monotony of spamming m+ on a single fucking class every fucking week
Classic is shit too
>reddit boi
so this is wow's cast in 2019
>what are your predictions?
30 mins quest every week, isn't that fun?
Vanilla had plenty of quests that were just about the Forsaken themselves and how they viewed their undeath. A lot of lore surrounding them both inside and outside the game focused more on their predicament than all the blind loyalty to Sylvanas and her lich queen antics that's in the game now.
Remember when people thought that Jaina was going to rekt the Horde, especially after thermore and the trailers of BFA?
In the end she loves the Horde more than ever.
The Christie Golden effect, the game is so fucked up right now and it will get worse. Also it seems that she also "redesigned" the W3 campaign for reforged to "develop" more the characters of Sylvanas and Jaina
Reforge fuckers got already BTFO, good luck on those refunds
Why is she so clothed?
I just played through the undead zones in classic and every other npc is talking about this pleasing the dark lady etc while the rest is some shit like killing those they knew in life.
One of the capital city zones (stormwind or TB most likely) is stage set for an endgame zone in 8.3, where the zone is under siege by sylvanas. Alliance and horde rebels vs sylvanas loyalists is the pvp for the area. Maybe even a zone/server wide resource like supplies or food that the community has to upkeep for various bonuses and rewards. With a final raid being a total sacking of the capital city in that zone.
6 10-minute shitty quests timegated over 6 weeks with a cinematic at the end that'll be exactly what all the influencers and content creators "speculated" weeks ago.
>Waste time and resources for stupid shit like whatever that song and video saying her dad was right all along
>In the end, all that shit was for nothing
>Jaina shows actual character development, learning that her father had a point and that she severely fucked up
>Christie Golden completely undoes her development as a character and decides she dindu nuffin wrong all along
>W3 campaign for reforged to "develop" more the characters of Sylvanas
Sounds good to me. Wouldn't mind them adding whitemane and some scarlet crusade shit or more kael/vashj missions.
>Also it seems that she also "redesigned" the W3 campaign
"Glad you could make it, Utherina"
There's no way they're not gonna fuck it up. They can't even write them well right now.
>still no dranei GF
wtf bros, I can't take this anymore
What are you talking about? Sylvanas literally fucked everyone that fought against her in W3 (including Arthas, he got lucky Kel Thuzhard saved him) but nah BFA is the feminist one
>implying i bought wc3 to play the retarded campaign i have played millions of times in 20 years
see you on ladder, shitter
Sylvanas redemption arc soon. Then the return of Thrall or (more likely) Saurfang in her place as she goes to fuck around with Helya.
I called it, I called it, I called it. At the very start I said bfa would end in this faction bs. Ha! Who's retarded now age old thread that nobody remembers!
>W3 by nu-blizzard
It will shit, I can't wait for those shit eaters to try to defends their bastardized game here
They'll never have the balls to do things like this, because the zoomers need their auction house and a place to afk.
>players from the opposite faction playing together, in guilds, chatting and mail.
I am not sure about that, maybe lorewise but not in game
I don't care about redemption I just want void adventures
Its been requested by players for years. Nobody gives a shit about factions and just want to play with their friends and trade stuff between their different faction alts. They practically removed PvP anyway.
I miss him so much.
His plan was retarded but he was based
>only giving, no receiving
>the most generic kinks imaginable save for cock-fucking
art's not bad, at least
He was based in wc3. In WoW he was replaced by Dr. Claw.
Kek, i agree
Rogue Horde (i.e. 90% of the Horde at this point) and Alliance defend Thunderbluff, but it was a ruse and Sylvanas is really attacking Stormwind in 8.3's raid.
Horde and Alliance ally with each other to face off against her, either Saurfang or Baine become Warchief. That's the end of 8.2.5
8.3 is all about the uneasy truce between the Alliance and Horde, fighting in Stormwind. By the end of it the factions' standing with each other are reset to roughly where they were in Vanilla, however the player is no longer beholden to the factions and can act as independent agents on the side of good (similar to Khadgar, Tyrion, Thrall... etc.) once 9.0 rolls around. Warmode still exists for PVP as your character can still be loyal to their faction, but otherwise you can quest, run dungeons, raid... etc. with players of the opposite faction.
plaguelands has nothing to do with the horde, that was arthas scourge. Azshara was never part of the alliance, the alliance was created long after nagas came into being.
Rushed content. That's all I expect.We literally just got the first release candidate for the patch, and it's already coming live? You just know shit's going to be broken, timegated, or both. Also, F for Worgen. You were furfags like Pandaren,but you didn't deserve that awful new female model.
I just want them to say "Fuck it" and let any race be any class. At this point, any stupid excuse can be made in favor of this change.
I am still mad about no Warlock Zandalari option
the fact that Zandalari can be monks but not warlocks is gay as fuck. I get why they did it, but it's still fucking stupid
Plaguelands are invaded by Sylvanas during cata and she btfo the Alliance there.
Azshara used to belong to the Night Elves during Wc3. In Vanilla it becomes a contested territory.
I'm not even sure if the Alliance ever won an entire contested territory like the Horde with Azshara.
>"true Battle for Azeroth" line is too much of a meme to be realistic.
You forget that wow is legit marvel fantasy at this point.
>Bolvar and the other Death sphere entities already said they all dislike Sylvanas, that she's breaking the "balance". Bolvar also hates her guts for binding the Val'kyr to her. So why would he join in her scheme?
According to the leak, he doesn't. He shows up to kill Sylvanas and the Horde.
They aren't going to do that across the board just because it would take too much work to give everyone Druids and to a lesser extent Demon Hunters.
Four Elements trainer. Book 2, love route.
healing spells were originally necromancy school
alliance won in Swamp of Sorrows, and burned Camp Taurjo or whatever it's called. But back in cata the Forsaken
>conquered gilneas and killed most of the population left after the worgen curse
>liquefied Southshore and most of the humans there
>genocided the remaining humans in Lorderan and Hillsbrad
>Took control of the Western plaguelands and contested the Eastern plaguelands
>took over Stormgarde
Horde was fucking dominating in the zones back in Cata and I remember Blizzard commenting at the end that they sorta ran out of time when developing the alliance side of war which is why Alliance had a boring story where they were mostly just there to get ORC'ED.
>there's still a bunch of evil shit on warcraft that haven't been dealt with
Legion is dead, Arthas is dead, Scourge is dead, Illidan went to gay baby jail, most of the Old Gods are dead, Azshara and the naga are clear about to die, Twilight Cult is dead, the elementals are dead, the black dragons are dead.
The Horde/Alliance are the only antagonist force that isn't some shitty level fodder you defeat in one zone.
>the black dragons are dead
Void Lords lmao
the WoW team is full of nepotism hires/fuck hires. WoW can never be fixed. The WoW that ghost crawler left has been changed so much.
The shift to Battle pet content, pepe costume content and play styles being simplified is because the nepotism hires being mostly women are changing the game to what they want.
Don't you dare talk shit about pepe costumes or battle pets
Is that a fucking unundead?
>Patch that ends Horde vs Alliance next week, what are your predictions?
Total Alliance Victory. Horde women bending over to receive Big Alliance Cock.
You’re absolutely right. But get ready to be called an incel or something
So yes, a Not-undead
Creative bankruptcy just hit a new low.
>Excited to see her fully embrace that her dad was right
>She has a vision where he's a mix between Captain Hook and a serial rapist then goes to death jail for the whole storyline, where she decides nah he's a cunt
What was the fucking point
WoW Classic is a soft reboot to the franchise
>like the Sylvanas-Nathanos Horde because it feels like things are actually happening for once
Not quite as big as Garrosh renovating Orgrimmar and capturing half of Kalimdor, but more than Who'jin or Thrall.
>Worgen already ruined to try getting soccer moms playing in Cata.
>Ruin them even further.
Brainless post
Friendly reminder that Garrosh did nothing wrong
I enjoy questing for sylvanas but not nathanos and she hasn't really done shit.
The entire reason that storyline was run was to show that Jaina was right all along and did nothing wrong. People had been mocking her for being a traitor since the WC3 extra campaign, this was Blizzards response. Jaina dindu nuffin.
Letting himself be cucked by Sylvanas was pretty wrong. It still makes me laugh that they had him be scared of her and actually ran a scene where he couldn't even hold her gaze. Every male character in WoW is a spineless faggot.
I'm just interested in how butthurt people get when they don't Off Sylvanas despite having so much info that she isn't going to die.
From worst to best:
Did quite literally nothing except get appointed (by a human king) and then die to a trash mob. Prior to that he was just a whining pussy. Probably the dumbest idea Blizzard has had for the warchief position, and proof that a peaceful entity (Baine, Lor'themar) would just grind the story to a halt and bore everybody.
Really only appeared when it was mandatory, did more in World of Warcraft when he was neutral than when he was warchief. I liked him in Warcraft 3 but every time he's appeared after he does nothing but cry. I'm glad he's not in the Horde anymore.
Took action against the Alliance, has been trying to strangle the life out of them this whole time for better or worse. Nathanos is a dickhead but I like his no-nonsense mean-spirited attitude. Anyone who cries over Malfurion or Tyrande 'losing' to him should just Ctrl+Delete their lives.
This guy was an actual warchief. Prior to his character assassination he was brutal, hot-headed, hated the Alliance and tried to kill everything that stood against the Horde. Had zero tolerance for people who didn't respect the concept of honor. Literally Blackhand but younger and browner. If the writers could write, Saurfang would be this guy but with old orcish wisdom.
Baine and Lor'themar should be killed off, by the way. What terrible characters.
You would think that it would register with even Blizzards retarded fanbase that the female characters in their stories are untouchable. Look at Tyrande, they actually made Mal-fucking-furion, the most powerful mortal in all of creation, nothing but Tyrandes sidekick in BfA. Rastakhan only existed as a character to further his daughters storyline. Women in the Blizzard universes can do no wrong and are always the most powerful in the end. For fucks sake look at what they did with Kerrigan. Of course Sylvanas won't die, hell, she won't even be shown to be wrong about anything, because she's a female character in a Blizzard game.
This is the cancer that was killing this game for years
>that feel when SWTOR is about to do their own faction war story again and somehow that dead game will do it better
are they going to disband factions? or are they going to split night elves and undead into their own factions like WC3?
Did you forget the time that Jaina got kek'd and BTFO by Khadgar in Legion? He literally rolled in, took her city and position on the council, and then she fucked off to do shit that no one cares about while he lead up the fight against the Legion.
extremely correct and high quality post. Garrosh was the pinnacle of WoW and the entire reason Sylvanas is tolerable is the flashes of Garrosh that show up in her BFA characterization
Past TBC is not cannon
The least they could have let us do in Legion was revive him in the Death Knight questline together with Nazgrim.
Factions will probably just become a lore thing and mostly not a gameplay thing. They'll still exist so that PVP can happen, but the player characters probably won't have a strong connection to the factions.
Jesus Christ
What the fuck is Khadgar even doing right now?
yeah no. Blood of the Enemy, the best one for shamans requires 50k honor grinded in BGs. Worse than any other grind.
>Really only appeared when it was mandatory
To be fair to Thrall, his tenure as Warchief was before Blizzard turned it from a world driven plot to a character driven plot.
All faction leaders used to basically just be slightly more important quest NPCs and the game was much better because of it.
He said, "BfA is fucking stupid, I'm going to go hang out in Karazhan. Let me know when the next expansion starts. Also Azerite armor is retarded."
I wouldn't even keep TBC lore.
The only interesting bits were the draenei retcon and introduction of mag'har. Otherwise, TBC lore is a fucking mess.
He was put on a bus.
Waiting for that leak to come true
god I miss the DK quests in Legion
walking out of Stromegarde Keep and seeing Nazgrim choking half a dozen people to death at the same time was beyond fucking based
He is writing new cheesy jokes while wating for BFA shitstorm to end
>Tfw we genocided the only good human faction
>Then gave Whitemane plate armour
Fucking dumb.
Why the fuck they decided to abandon the class order halls?
They were one of the bet Legion features and finally gave some needed meaning to classes
user I think you are too young to understand sarcasm
Welcome to the running theme of "We have to reinvent the wheel no matter how detrimental it is to us" that's been a staple of this game.
which one
Giving the Tidestone to Azshara apparently
I still miss my artifacts
I'd agree if they didn't carry far too much in quality
Like for some specs you have shit like the scepter of Sargeras himself and then for others you have a stick with a barrel tied to it
You know what you must do now user
Lor'themar is the only one left after Sylvanas that could actually lead a war.
He's a better general than racial leader
>ywn live in a world where Kael'thas is Warchief
This is your new warchief after Sylvanas. Say something nice about him.
>You will never live in the alternate universe where the Outland gang didn't become stupid evil for literally no reason
the burning crusade was a mistake
The real kicker is when the game called us stupid idiots for killing Illidan ten years after the fact
Holy fucking based
Pls no my dick wont endure any more
>Baine and Lor'themar
>ignoring everything Baine did after his father death and everything he did to the other tauren races
>ignoring everything lor'themar did to reorganize his people after kael'thas fucked up
>actually defending baine cuckhoof
The Death Knight campaign was bad ass, but as usual the treatment of the Scarlet Crusade is shit. I wish Blizzard wasn't afraid of using a faction like that as something more than "HURRR LUNATICS."
I'm amazed that a small group of people that have been systematically slaughtered by every single faction since vanilla is somehow still around and active
They continually recruit more people because the undead (whether we're talking about The Scourge or The Forsaken) are a blight upon Azeroth. If anything we should have seen a huge resurgence in their numbers in BfA, but I think Blizzard was afraid that players would like them too much and be associated with MAGA shit.
All the slaughter just proves them right.
>Forsaken Humans
>Forsaken Night Elves
>San'layn/Forsaken Blood Elves
>Frost Trolls
That's a faction I'd be willing to crusade against.
Ever wonder why is it that maggot ridden undead thot was made warchief instead of Baine or Lor'themar or, you know, anybody who isn't a fucking raving maniac?
Or why did they have to kill off Vol'jin right after he was appointed warchief?
>golden who doesn't write the overall plot and didn't join until bfa
seethe more
>Golden didn't write until BFA
You're wrong?
she wrote the books and not ingame shit.
what is this?
>implying goltstein is the only degenerate writer at blizzard
Friendly reminder that Blizzard is based in Commiefornia, imagine their pool of hires.
ok /pol/
She's their lead writer.
Why the fuck do they have so many dogs, why did tech companies start letting people bring their pets to work and fuck around instead of doing their actual fucking jobs.
anyone have the image of the HOTS team?
they were based
post you're favorite lore character for me its garrosh
Lots of office companies are doing things to try and keep their workers at work. Including day care facilities, exercise facilities, cafeterias (rarer), and sometime even places to sleep. Basically things are becoming more like Japanese office workers but nowhere near as degrading or intense.
Also might be a waste of money via the super carebears or salesman pitches.
no, she isn't.
agree with voljin being the worst. garrosh had no honor though, willingly choosing corruption in order to try and win. if you meant the stonetalon questline, blizz considers that essentially non canon
goblins should have a female racial leader.
>this thiccness is the reason we have mommystrasza
And Orphea, fuck the haters.
seeblizz will never carry over the big mechanics anymore because they want to market each expansion as pretty much a brand new experience for old and new players alike
Why aren't they just working at home? I work at a software company and most of the company works from home at least 75% of the time.
up until the leaks and data mining I was convinced that they were going to actually do a third faction as just undead. that would be too complicated for blizz though
They did, actually a fan favorite character, but she has been continuously pushed aside in favor of Gallywix.
>implying even 5 of the subhumans have anything to do with writing and aren't just there as "community managers" or "twitter spokespeople"
literally who?
That makes no sense. You can't split the factions more, that would break up guilds and further split the playerbase (literally the worst thing that they could do right now).
Boss Mida, an important character from the Goblin intro quests who has stuck around since then. Most people wanted her to become the Goblin racial leader since Gallywix is shit and it makes no sense for anyone to follow him, even Goblins.
I just want this expansion to go into endgame. I resubbed 6 days ago and I'm halfway done my reps for pathfinder pt 2. I want it to be like Antorus where our characters are super powerful with the best expansion gear and extra upgrades. That's the comfiest time for me especially combined with flying.
She was literally hired after most of BfA was planned out. They debuted the art of the tree burning before she was hired on.
Anyone who thinks the faction war is still a good thing is a retard, the faction war is the entire reason we have this stupid fucking expansion because they keep writing characters to be even dumber to keep it going.
Working from home is gaining more ground but it slowed down a bit after some reports and trainings where you have to be much more careful with who does it, especially if they're not technologically oriented.
A common strike against working at home nowadays is if attending meetings via video call and people's inabilities to isolate their work space from things like kids, pets, and other major distractions that pop in.
Then there's the people who can barely operate a computer period, much less communicate. As well as major goofing off.
I'm not even a furfag but....
I mean, I get that, but if they're taking crazy measures to keep people in the office, it seems to make more sense to just switch to a work from home situation. If it were just a normal office environment then it could go either way.
No faction war is a bad thing. Its were getting bfa
This should just end all conversation. This is 100% what the game should go back to. BfA was an opportunity to focus on character and they completely ruined it
>garrosh had no honor though, willingly choosing corruption in order to try and win. if you meant the stonetalon questline, blizz considers that essentially non canon
That's the exact problem, Garrosh's characterization got completely nuked and they had to rewrite him to make him a villain. Garrosh was genuinely interesting because he had positives and flaws, most Warcraft characters only have one or the other. The mana nuke shit, the Sha magic, it all flies in the face of his characterization from BC through Cata
Yeah I sure do love seeing characters being written like retards for the sole purpose of reigniting an awkwardly forced conflict that hasn't made sense at any point in the past ten years, only to reconcile at the end of the expansion so that everyone can join hands and kumbaya the final boss to death before some NPC goes full retard and starts the whole thing over again.
This entire expansion was already too much of a meme when it was announced. But hypefags bought into it and contributed to the trash we got.
This. War immediately after the planet was saved by the factions using most of their resources is ridiculous and downright suicidal, unless the leaks were real and Sylvanas really does plan on everyone dying for Shadowlands shenanigans. Either way they could have done it without a war.
Fighting has been going on the whole fuckin' time the past ten years. Legion shied away from it as you weren't really doing horde or alliance shit, but instead working for various groups working against the legion. Also all the moves away from that stuff have been to favor more of the stupid character writing shit you're talking about.
Boss Mida was actually a collaborative fan creation by WoW forum posters during Cata beta who didn't like Gallywix (including the lore that she was the boss because she's abnormally tall for a Goblin, hence her title "Her tallness"). Blizz didn't replace Gallywix like they wanted but they did make her an official character.
Not that user but let me clear something up before my next statement. Overall writing since the BC raids (i.e. illidan and gang are super bad guys cause reasons), has been retarded. They do things on the fly, with it culminating with WoD which was thrown under the carpet almost immediately. In other words, taking WoW lore seriously in any given form, including who "wins" in faction favortism, is completely retarded.
Other then that, Garrosh was constantly pushed to be his father's sons in more ways then one. Reluctant leader of Mag'har. Suddenly put in charge of the Northrend Campaign and needing actually babysitter(s). SUDDENLY PUT IN CHARGE OF THE HORDE. So on and so forth. Does that excuse his actions, including the extra-retarded writing of him going mustache twirling bad guy in MoP? No. Once again, everyone is making a huge mistake of taking any of the writing seriously, especially with Cataclysm where they were a little too liberal with certain zones and storylines (Sylvanus dying multiple times, schizo Garrosh depending on the zone, Thrall/Jesus+ new wife, Goblins are only smart because of a certain mineral (very quietly put under the carpet later), etc. etc.)
w-whats she doing?
A wholesome but advanced firebending technique
Orphea and Qhira are shit LoL rejects
The Blizzard all-star game does not need OCs
This new Chowdown game at Brewfest is dog shit, but the new items and remodeled Brewfest are pretty nice.
So I'm bored of classic now, is it a good idea to jump into BFA?
I leveled up to 110 and quit the first month of BFA.
Early Garrosh
>Willing to go to war
>Still has a very strong sense of honor
>Does everything for the horde
>Horde NPCs hate him from day 0
>Players love him
Ops, cant do that, says blizzard. Need to destroy his character
>Turn him into a terrorist
>Still a bit justifiable. About as justifiable as the US can justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>Players still like him
>Gets killed by his cheating former mentor and father figure
>Sociopath from day 1
>About as bad as Arthas
>Even terrorist Garrosh knew she was a rotten apple
Was it so hard for them to at least keep them looking surly by default?
horde NPCs disliked him because he was a 60 IQ retard warmonger
Those things you hated about the game that made you quit?
There's more of that now
That's about it
Sylvanas doesn't care about anything except ensuring she doesn't die and go to Ultra Hell, and she'll do anything to ensure it.
>There's more of that now
I dunno about that, a lot of vanilla's clunkiness was streamlined as the game continued. So it depends on what you hated.
Sure, Azerite Armor is less important than before, and less of a pain in the ass. That was the main problem with BfA to begin with (in addition to a lot of general bugginess that has been mostly resolved). You'll have plenty to do in Mechagon and Naz'jatar (most people only like one of those two zones, but which once depends on what kind of player you are) and 8.2.5 drops on Tuesday so you'll be able to do the whole war campaign from start to finish without rep grinding as they are removing the rep gating from the war campaign.
At least he doesn't have to suffer through the shit-show that is modern WoW...
>didnt cooperate on rag or nefarian
>cthun was a joint operation
>kil jaeden was 2 different factions
>yogg saron they fought like cats and dogs
>you literally fight enemy faction inside ICC
>cata was the most cooperative because the world was on fire literally
>dont know rest
How does Thrall fit inside Jaina? Jesus christ
Why don't you learn what words mean and admit you're not always right, especially with such a blatant mistake?
What is with this "sameface" thing people keep going on about?
He got a fucking expansion to be warchief when nothing on Azeroth mattered at all and technically we had no way to even go back to it.
>There is no war
I guess the wars done against the Twilight Hammer, Blue Dragonflight, Sha, Old Gods, Burning Legion and Naga dont count right?
>yaaaas queen
what the fuck happened to the horde
Considering this is the only time they're throwing around the term Fourth War, yes
>1 line in a shit book no one will read or remember
oh no
>nexus wars
>war of the shifting sands
>elemental war
>the burning crusade
>scourge war
those were just the ones i could think of offhand
They strive for better ideals than the past.
>this is the warchief now
When you're about to fight the echo of Garrosh in Legion and they literally mention that in an infinite amount of timelines, this is the only one where he fucks up pisses me off in so many fucking ways.
Thanks blizzard
It's the ultimate cocktease. "This is the only timeline where the leader that everyone loves gets turned into a terrorist"
Garrosh was always a moron so this makes no sense.
I believe in one of the books they also acknowledge the same thing in relation to Arthas.
>no tails
into the trash it goes
Everything in those books is canon, my friend.
Don't worry, you'll soon have Vulpera and their oh-so-fluffy tails.for all your furfaggotry needs.
just like kerrigan in starcraft 2
>no tails
again into the trash
no shit, doesn't mean that line actually matters
If course it matters, my friend.
the hell? that looks stupid, looks like he's a literal furry wearing a mask, the colour is totally different on the head wtf
Playing classic made me realize what I actually missed about the game. Being able to do some pvp to distract yourself from doing boring questing and falling asleep is a fucking blessing. On retail you will almost never encounter pvp that's in any way fair since its probably some bored lvl 120 fucking with people and you'll almost never see anyone else in the open doing quests. I've tried my hardest to find someone on my level but so far I still haven't had any pvp on my horde character at lvl 92.
Goddamn this game is fucking boring without any fucker messing with your quest npc and you just killing him and ganking his corpse while his friends show up and you hide away and take them out one by one. Fucking nessingwary camp has elite guards now in retail that one hit you when you fuck with someone. The whole dynamic of a truce or faction controlled camp is gone.
This whole babysitting mentality makes the game so fucking soulless.
>be playing classic
>get to nathanos quests in epl
>is actually cool but all i can think of is this self-inserting faggot and how nathanos is ruined in retail
fuck leftists