Guess the game thread, round 2
Guess the game thread, round 2
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99% chance you played this
Total Stronghold Age of War 2: Rome
based, one of my favorite rts of all time
Yeah but i can't quite name the game, but i remember some scene like that.
Just a shame it's such a bastard to play on modern OS, think I had to run the steam copy through some third party launcher just to start it
I remember playing it online through gamespy, and being actually good at it, somehow.
gladiators best unit.
Are we doing these?
This one's easy, but I love those collages and I never have a chance to post them.
Tide of vermin
I'm just confused
Kind of looks like Varrock's center with the fountain.
you are now listening to the prontera theme
If the MC's throwing you off, I think he's different in some regions. He had shoulder length hair in the one I played
animal crossing
Gun, great game. Never understood why it had 100% completion bonus guns though considering once you hit that there's literally nothing to use them on since you can't repeat any of the missions or activities
The Club fight me
lets start with something easy
Kind of reminds me of map in Fable. Probably wrong though
this game was relased 2 years before fable
thats my hint
oh shit i remember it, there was some old geezer in a blue robe on the cover
Little Fighter 2
Little Fighter 2
one of my favorite gamecube games
wish they wouldve continued the warrior series
my niggas
Cultured men will know this one.
There's a spiritual sequel in Viking: Battle for Asgard but I never took to it, the large scale battles were there but everything else was meh at best. Might want to try it if you haven't already, it's on PC
must be gothic 1
I tried playing this game on a modern pc and this is what happened
dungeon siege 2
sheeit Ive been looking for this
you could swap between real time strategy and 3rd person combat
how come almost no games try this?
I played it.
Looks like shit and runs like ass, it's one of those.
Definitely not Battleborn
Do anyone play this game?
Please tell me this is a shoop
fantastic game
Knights of Honor
one of the hidden diamonds of the RTS franchise and one of the best RTSes I ever played. Wish I had it in me to just get back into it and try all those cool looking mods they made for it. It was such an amazing game.
no, you added user made mods and whatnot but it failed so that's why it looks like that
This reminds me of original Stronghold too much, but I know it is not.
yo wtf
My fucking nigger
American Conquest
Play Spellforce
I wish I had that cover, mine's just the name of the game. You're thinking of the right game at least
fuck I wish there was more to this series other than that one and the sequel
I know there's more summon night but I don't give a shit about it, give me more swordcraft story
I just want more games with crafting systems like it and legend of mana
Is that the game about mosquito?
Also pic related is people whining about not enough female characters in video games when there is plenty in actually good games.
Nobody got this last thread, then again I did post it pretty late
Desktop Dungeons
one day, game freak will get out of the dungeon and make another one
until then
pokemon forever
lets see if anyone had a psp
Megalomania. Never quite completed it. I think I got up to nukes and then it became too hard.
god I hated cladun
gameplay was too shallow
ClaDun x2
Got this on PC.
You guys are right :)
Amazing GBA games I played while bored in classes
my absolute nigga
I agree
I didnt know it relased on pc
Spells of Gold
Zaklyatie in Russian
what the fuck is this
Any mongols around?
Pirated the OG release + Broken Worlds (steam doesn't have the expansion as far as I know) and started playing through it the other day, it holds up. Melee is suffering though, should have gone combat magic
Based Ivan, that's it
Is it time for PSPkino?
I got 3 and it came with the rest
I thought 3 couldn't be as bad as people said it was
I was wrong
and I couldn't get into 1 and 2 again, it's been too long
...throne of agony is still probably my jam
its a game
it is a shoop
>I dont know a single game in this thread
Real boomer hours
Spellforce 1
I really wonder if someone can guess this.
Yeah you got it, the second one is coming out next year and they have some of the original people who worked on the first one so you could get that.
I think we can all agree that Michael is the chad pick of characters
>the second one
how did i not know about this until now?
here a medium difficulty
>think tanks
yeah, how the hell are you supposed to go past level 15 or so, it's impossible
Did you control the robots by programming their activities?
Every Bioware game
You could control them manually or program them to do shit.
it was announced during gamescom along with a lot of other games so it was easy to miss
1st clue: It a bird eye view of a map
unrealistic because you also would want to block side streets
star wars battlefront?
T-thanks Grimbeard
I made this for a thread over a year ago
I think its pretty easy
ding ding ding
bonus round what map?
cloud city
This is Blue Estate, yeah? I only played a demo for it, is it any good? Is there anyway to play this game with an arcade gun?
>implying anyone played it long enough to get this
Good work soldier, back to killing CIS scum watch out for those wrist rocket.
I see what you did there you clever fuck
Posted in the last thread but noone got it
It was pretty entertaining as a one-off, I wouldn't replay it personally but I'm not that into rail shooters. Just watch because it's very short, like 3 hours short
>Is there anyway to play this game with an arcade gun?
The devs actually shill some arcade gun site in their FAQ so I imagine so
No one lives forever
Oh man. So many memories. DS2 is a good time.
Only real g's played this back in the day
Spellforce 2
Every gift tells a story
stop doing drugs
I'm getting Tales of [] vibes from the art style.
If you can guess this, you had some great taste in games when you were little
I should stop using it for my alarm.
Remembered this game a few days ago.
Maybe this time I can find someone else who has actually played it.
My nigga. Mace
That is what that game is? What a weird title.
Team Buddies
what the hell is that
Post the rest you nigger
>Google exists
Think about it.
Arma 2: Dragon River DLC
Is that the adventure of sir Kicksalot Deathboot?
The Clue 2 .
You got it
I don't use PC games because i'm not a faggot
Weird to see a woman in the colors of the New Camp.I don't think there are even female slaves in this camp, let alone some women up the rank.
Bespin Platforms
what game is this?
Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War
I did Google it and it didn't help one bit.
pokemon yellow
Wow. How new are you? If you don't understand then get off this board.
>they gave me a pingazo in the eye
what the fuck
CnC Generals: Zero Hour
No. I don't know how could you mistake this game with CnC Generals.
Impossible Creatures es
>I don't know how could you mistake this game with CnC Generals
Because they literally look the same? I guess you never played Generals.
America no peace beyond the line, great soundtrack
I forgot the title. Is it Horde?
The Sting
I guess you never took more than a half a second to look at the screenshot. If you would, you would never made such assumptions.
back in the day i played a 101 pc games demo disc with these on it
had some other really good shit on there too like mafia, diablo 2 etc
Zeus: Master of Olympus. I will recognize these graphics everywhere.
I played a demo of this ages ago but can't remember the name.
I can bet this game didn't even show up in US.
Similar, but no. This game focuses solely on firefighters.
CLASH. Have the original CD to this day.
Guess again fuckface. Pic related is CNC Generals in comparison.
>CLASH. Have the original CD to this day.
That was quick. btw Can I ask what country are you from? I would be surprised to find someone outside Poland who played this game.
Sorry, but I'll torpedo your hopes. Poland here.
Dune II?
Why would you smoke in the shower?
Populous: The Beginning
Terra Nova, the game that's better than systemshock yet nobody cares about.
This is my win.
ding ding ding
Konung, not sure which but I'm going with 2
Project Sylpheed
Yeah, the second one. Kinda unique russian rpg/economic game, I guess. I got it recently and still have to figure it out.
Ah fuck I can't remember the name but it's the wuxia one right
>Broken game you played to death suddenly gets an update over steam.
>no changelog
>no community feedback
>a tree fell in an unoccupied wood
>developer never heard from again
Has this happened to you?
What game in your case?
You never forgot those sweet feelings of rage, right?
You fucking bet it's Team Buddies
TMNT on the NES, never finished this fucking game
You're thinking of the right game. It goes by a couple of names depending on the region
Why am I supposed to know spic speak?
Yes. I reached Shredder once and that's all, what were they thinking?
Eggbert something. I remember playing Speedy Eggbert.
Gabriel Knight?
Swarm Assault
Ants were garbage and spiders were OP
Ragnarok Odyssey my niggy
No, it's not point'n'click game.
>Random achievement from a meme game.
Close, tho the game doesn't have "eggbert" in the name, but rather calls the creatures different.
Episodes: Emergence, yeah
Nah, that's Ephemeral Phantasia.
Weird game.
Second Tip:
>Turn based Dungeon Crawler.
Elona is the far better game.
I can't remember the name but isn't that the U-boat simulator that is kind of new? My room mate played it for a month straight a couple months ago.
Glans of More.
ORPHEN!? I do remember this series had videogames.
is this Metal & Lace 1?
Because that roboslut looks like the Metal & Lace protagonist which name I don't remember
The pic quality is shit so don't be too hard on yourself.
i know what game you're talking about but it isn't that one. this one came out in 2005
underrail idk
El puto praetorians amigo
Is it a Ys game? Kind of looks like Geis
half life 2?
Requiem Avenging Angel?
okay, guess this
good old silent hunter 3
Combat Mission Shock Force (2?)
jawohl. well done.
You could probably get this with reverse image search if you really just want the answer.
Wild Arms
Well done. I doubt there's a single person here that knows the game. Great soundtrack and artstyle, shame the gameplay is laggy.
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic?
Good luck, this was obscure as fuck and dredged from the pits of CNET back in the day.
>Source water and pipe textures
Is this game good?
have it in my library
I enjoyed it.
>China will grow larger
ez one for you fags