Massively underrated games thread?

Massively underrated games thread?

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K&L2 fucking sucked

Everything about the game is good EXCEPT the game itself. It's straight up not fun.


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Never played the second. But the first had so much ideas. The characters felt fucking great. Sad that is was underdeveloped

wasn't that the game that created giant bomb

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This was the best game I ever played ever

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What a masterpiece.

fucking consolefags

go cry somewhere else because your family couldn't afford an Xbox 360


The second one was so much better

One of the most inspired visual styles I've seen in a literal decade, if not longer.
Uber derivative gameplay killed it though. There is just nothing there but the most basic of whackamole gameplay.

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>man, I feel like shooting shit
>K&L in library
>fuck it
>weird omega stuttering lag, max 3 fps
>check everywhere for solution
>some people have it, some don't, sucks to be you
I really want to play it too.

the best Rts ever made. basically "artillery the game"

>be me, 15 years old
>hm this kane and lynch 2 game looks cool (tried the first one a few years ago and liked it but thought it was boring)
>guess i'll give dog days a try
>boot it up
>MCs getting fucking mutilated with a box cutter in the first 20 seconds

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>the best Rts ever made.

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3D dot heros
Cabelas north american adventures

Only ones I know.
Kane and Lyn, ugh. sorry op

>It's not like bing bing wahoo, so it's bad!

>Bringing consolewars
Fuck off back to your containment thread.

dumb faggot


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Based Ruskis.

>thinks his opinion matter

what website are you on again

I play this from time to time.
I kinda hate it, but whatever.

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The censorship was retarded, what was even the point?

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The first game or the second game?
I played the first one recently and I was quite dissapointed. It's a really boring game in general and you have to play in 4:3 to get a decent FOV. It's narrow as fuck in widescreen with no way to change it.
You can skip it and go straight to the second. I haven't played the second yet though

To make it look like some documentary

The one with 14 weeb boards and 34 non-weeb boards.

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Any underrated PS3 games that can be emulated? After finishing P5 I want to play something else.

Finished it recently. Janky as fuck, story was retarded, aiming system was annoying, but still was fun to play. I wish Sis appeared more in this game.

lmao, this piece of trash was not underrated. It's a shit game. I replayed it 3 times because I like the atmosphere but it's objectively a shit game. Mediocre shooting mechanics, terrible cover mechanics, way too short.

Oh really I thought this was the website with it's source code literally taken from a japanese otaku board

>censorship in documentaries

Game's pure shit, get your head checked, retard.

>It's objectively a great game

>le muh weebshit website meme

>Kane and Lynch was bad!!!!

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>only non-gameplay elements are good
>everything about the gameplay is bad
>it's objectively great!!!

Don't be retarded, user.

Shooting robots was so fucking satisfying, I wish there was a sequel.

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>Kane and Lynch was good!!!

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>how dare you say bad game is bad, you must be muh soi meme

Will this board ever recover from GG

>It's the most generic, tepid shit released in the last 15 years.

>soi came from GG
also why are you replying to wojak posters?

What was good about it?

my nigga

>Pseudo platformer TPS
>It's actually good
How the fuck did they do it?

>implying it didn't

GG brought /pol/ to Yea Forums and it stuck. Soi is a /pol/ meme that started years ago as the numale meme. I've hated this site so much more ever since every single discussion comes down to either "muh /pol/ boogeyman" or "muh SJW boogeyman"

>Pseudo platformer
What? It was a regular cover shooter, no platforming involved.

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pure kino

Psi Ops and Second Sight. I wish more games featured psychic powers.

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Oh, I'm thinking of Bionic Commando.

Is there any reason to play this if I already have the RE2 remake?

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it was a stylistic choice

Nigga I liked the game too but you gotta admit it sucked.

It's better than any Terminator game out there for sure.

>you gotta admit it sucked.
Maybe if you're a low test Tendie.

Oh yeah, Bionic Commando was also great and deserves a sequel. Shame it ended with a cliffhanger. Mike Patton did amazing job voicing Nathan Spencer.

That mission gave me fucking nightmares lol
Fucking loved the atmosphere of this game

It's pretty similar but does some things differently. It feels like a decent RE spin-off imo. You have nothing to lose since the game has no DRM you can find it all over the internet for free.

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Motherfucking Punished on PS2. Way too brutal for todays Marvel audience.

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I didn't think the game was particularly good, but still fun as all fuck.

There are plenty of documentaries about war that don't actually show people's faces blown off you retarded cocksuckin' mothafuckin' faggot.

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The entire genre of over-the-shoulder shooter games is overrated, not underrated. All of those games are trash for stupid morons. Except RE4. RE4 is the only good game in that cursed genre.

Whatever happened to the K&L franchise? Wasn't there supposed to be a 3rd game and a movie starring Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton?

I mean shit dude, we have feminists and cucks actually ruining games so idk what you want. The Nazis at least dislike them just as much as I do so they're fine in my book. I just wanted to play vidya but now that everything is politics I guess I gotta pick a side. GG was rite by the way, Five Guys just got a taste of blood and that wouldn't have happened if we had listened.

>He intended Yea Forums to be an American counterpart to the popular Japanese Futaba Channel ("2chan") imageboard and a place to discuss manga and anime.

sounds more like cuckumantaries LULZ

>Proceeds to praise the most overrated game of all time

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RE4 is mediocre compared to other games that perfected the formula. The gameplay of the Dead Space Series is so much better than RE4 that I can barely bring myself to play it after getting used to DS. RE2 Remake also does the over the shoulder gameplay better than RE4. Not as good as DS though.

Dog Days sold like shit and got bad reviews so published decided to kill the franchise. Kane and Lynch made a cameo appearance in Hitman: Absolution, though.

no, go fuck yourself, I really fucking liked first one, but coming to second one I was just pissed off, it was dogshit and it can fuck right off
it was a bigger waste of money than Spore for me

Dead probably. Both games underpreformed and IO spent most of their budget on Absolution which also underpreformed. Alot of staff members had to be cut for them to release Hitman 2, I doubt anyone who worked on kane and lynch are still at the company.

Columbus intended to get to India.

Still ZERO responses for the fact that most boards are not anime related at all.

Feminism has ruined a few games, sure, but now every single upcoming game gets accused of being tranny/feminist/SJW/liberal shit and facts are disregarded. It's just a huge, disorganized shitposting campaign and it makes discussion about certain games next to impossible. For every game that's actually being ruined by liberals 10 other games get targeted for it by /pol/ retards for no apparent reason.

As overrated as RE4 is, it's nowhere near as mediocre as Dead Space.

> guys look at me I only watch Faces of Death, how edgy am I??

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Seriosly, I can not for the life of me understand the overwhelming praise for RE4. It's really not that fucking amazing. Saying this is blasphemy for these retards though. It's not a a bad game, but it's definitely among the most overrated, ever

And now it's not.
It's always the same retarded argument, what the fuck.

RE4 killed the entire TPS genre and it never recovered.

>can move while aiming

That automatically makes Dead Space much better. Also this is just personal preference, but I like the setting of Dead Space much more. I liked the story more, too.

Thx to RE4 we got Dead Space out of it.

>"1+1 is 2, and therefor 2 is my favorite number and it's all I'm gonna talk about ever"
>cool, with the same system I can figure out that 5+5 is 10 and much more

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Well most interests on this site have usually only 1 board some (most notably video games) have more
However the single interest of anime and manga have more boards than other single interest topics.
So I think it's fair to say that Yea Forums is an anime oriented website

Isaac was pretty based, until he started talking.

Psi ops was fucking fantastic

nice retard analogy that contributes nothing beyond more asshurt, faggo


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Refute it anytime you want, weeb.

Really wanted to finish this game, but it was impossible with constant crashing and FPS drops.

Can't refute literal nonsense

Imagine if they actually landed in India and witnessed the DESIGNATED SHITTING POOPJEETS first hand kek. United States of Dravido-Anglos.

I hate weebs, but you both act like faggots.

I was playing on my shitty Lenovo IdeaPad Y550, never crashed.

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>every single upcoming game gets accused of being tranny/feminist/SJW/liberal shit
That's the trend man, if you don't bend the knee then you're made to. Eventually if a game gets popular enough or is talked about a lot pre-release the usual suspects will start sniffing around trying to get their foot in the door. Lately it's been a bit more desperate on that front, but they're still alive and they're still damaging the hobby. The zealot fucks may be annoying but they might be the only hope for turning the ship around.

>facts are disregarded
That shit has been happening on Yea Forums since its inception.

Not that guy, but I have no idea what you're trying to say with your maths analogy. Are you autistic?

He sounds and talks like a super wizz kid who's done with this shit and wants to go home and play vidya in DS2.

>i-it's nonsense because I have no argument
You have no argument, weeb.

It wasn't even much of a genre to begin with. There was like, Max Payne, fps games with optional third person mode like Battlefront and GTA I guess?
All the good stuff like EDF and Vanquish came out after RE4.

>bought collector's edition with piece of Berlin Wall
>lost the game sometime over the years
>never found the Berlin Wall piece
fuck you I didn't ask for this feel

>can't even understand 1+1
I can literally not make it simpler.
Imagine being this retarded.

>What is GunValkyrie

Attached: Gunvalkyrie.webm (640x379, 2.96M)

Ok convenient of you to ignore actual arguments though

>billy bob thorton
he got replaced with jamie foxx then was put on hold

I recommend Geist and Timeshift if you haven't played them

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first game had a wild multiplayer mode that was fun as hell even though you were going to get team killed 5 seconds into every match

Already refuted it in my second comment on the topic.
Everything after this is just you coping.

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To go with the whole style of it being some video someone recorded with their phone they were going for.

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no it wasn't

Rage is not "underrated". It's as mediorce as everyone says.

I liked it since choices actually mattered more so then other games that claim that, and you could go full Alpha.

Yes, yes it was.
Then you started talking about code, so I made a similar with math, so simple even a weeb would get it, and you still managed to be even more retarded.
Almost a feat of its own.

>Proving my point

Yeah, I liked that you could be "good" but still get the job done and kill bad guys.


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Maybe he shouldn't have made boards about non weeb related topics then.

>compares notmatrix:the videogame with
basically resi3 with a different camera and freeaim
>"duuuhhh why are they not the same, Japan game bad!!!!"

Your mom is 3795/55 lmao get rekt

This, make it a food analogy.

Must be a joke, right?

YEah, tank controls in a over the shoulder shooter is great...shut up.

It is though, people just didn't understand what it was trying to achive.
>enemy AI almost on par with FEAR
>each enemy faction uses diffrent tactics from one another, avoiding repetiveness in combat.
>limited lives and high difficulty gives the game a nice arcadey feel, almost like timesplitters, plus it being 60 fps even on console
>ammo types and gadgets give it a bioshock feel
Most people who played it praised the actual missions but hated the open world driving, which I agree should have been cut from the game completely.

Based and FEARpilled.

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I actually liked RAGE for the coupe of hours I put into it. The reason I think it's shit is because it was a complete technical mess on PC. To this day I can't run it well on a modern machine that has no trouble running games that look twice as good. Megatextures were shit and idTech 5 was shit. I'm still fucking mad

Game is really fun. Truly under rated. Have not seen one thread on v about it.

Seething Fromdrone.

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I love this game.

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Well its at least better than the first game. The first one is offensively bad, unionically one of the worst games I have ever played. I'd rather play all of Silver's story in Sonic 06 than touch that pile of pukeshit ever again.

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Still my favorite game of all time.

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>tfw when Microsoft bought out Obsidian
>tfw sequel never ever

Jank kino games are better off without sequels.

>posts same thing twice within a day

I dunno. I can imagine Obsidian could've made some major improvements in a follow-up. The original had a lot of potential to be greater than it was. The Stealth/RPG hybrid was a surprisingly cool concept.

Absolute cope.

>thinks anyone who points out what you're doing is the same person

Best mp scene I've played, the interface for clan wars was amazing, haven't seen anything nearly comparable. Shame the studio does nothing but trash now.

>go for stealth
>this faggot starts killing everyone in the hotel security room and triggers an alarm

Was it the first or the sequel that was a literal 4 hour game to complete? I remember sitting down one night in college to play it and the game was just suddenly over jej

>itt: games I got as a kid