Crash Bandicoot remake

>Crash Bandicoot remake
>3 games
>Spyro remake
>3 games
>Medievil remake
>Shadow of the Colossus remake

>Link's Awakening
>5 hour game
>only major difference is the soulless art-style
>performance isn't even consistent

Why the FUCK is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cause if its fun I buy

That's how the free market works though. You're free to put whatever price you want on your product.

why the fuck is the outer 1/4 of the screen blurred all around? it looks fucking awful.

hour game
Pfft, casuals. I bet you spent 30 mins collecting the shells for that sword upgrade.

This doesn't bother me too much, but the framerate definitely does.

Also does anyone else find the hitboxes to be pretty janky, or am I just a retard?

FF7 remake?

Link's Awakening was better than all 3 Crash and Spyro games B)


not the remake

FF7 isn't a 1:1 remake.

>Why the FUCK is this allowed?
I don't know, but I feel like buying it just to spite you.

Say it with me:
It's. OK. When. Nintendo. Does. It!

Know how else the free market works? Consumers being vocal about clear rip off prices, and at this point, they have been really vocal. All i know about this game so far is that people are fucking pissed about it being $60.

>5 hours

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>only major difference is the soulless art-style
Stopped reading there.

Or you can just not buy it. That works way better than bitching on an anonymous image posting board.

fucking baby can't handle your piece of shit game being judged

it's laughable that people defend this, it's rings so close to the apple apologist shit you see

if you'd see a 60 dollar remake in this vein for a game from the same era on a different platform than nintendo then these same people would be happily complaining

>people will complain about price gouging and then turn around and be libertarian

The game literally just came out and all the others are at least a year old. Just wait a year or two and it'll be $30 too.

Hopefully it's at least 30 hours.

not OP but 5 bucks is the best I could do for something like this

>A Zelda title lowering in price

Sounds more like you can't handle people ignoring you

>It's okay when nintendo does it
There. Thread over.

The framerate hiccups are horrendously bad when playing docked and with the cartridge version (slower load times than digital).
I played through it start to finish yesterday and the framerate hiccups were non-stop and so jarring. Every time you enter a building, or a new area, or even swap out weapons.
GameXplain did an analysis of why it happens and seems to be related to memory management not being optimized.
And yes the hitboxes are pretty fucky, especially with the final boss's different forms or the big minibosses that rush and grab you. Almost impossible to avoid that shit

reminder that these same people who white knight this shit are the people who praise all the wii u ports they never even played before, because they didn't care about those games in the first place but now pretend to do since they're on their piece of shit tablet

Crash and spyro remakes are $40 tho and I think the $20 price of SoTC is a year after release

How can anyone be this mad?

Oh shoot, I literally had this game as a kid. I didn't know this was the one they remade (I don't remember the title, just the box art)

nintendo actively relies on selling specifically to their retarded fanbase, and since their fanbase is not exactly small, it's not exactly a bad business practice for them. They know ninteniggers will eat shit off the floor if it was nintendo branded shit.

explain how I'm wrong, I constantly see apologists try to silence other with this retarded don't buy it shit, of course people who are complaining aren't buying it you actual retards


Link's Awakening is twice as good as all those games combined so being twice the price makes sense

same as apple except nintendo shit is actually as cheaply produced as it comes

>Or you can just not buy it

Nah you dont get to decide how the free market reacts my corporate friend. Sorry about that. The free market eh!

lol just realized the switch only has 4 gigs of ram and it's shit 1600mhz speed. lel.

Why the fuck would we be Nintendo apologists if we told you not to buy it you absolute dipshit?

you can't handle people judging the pile of shit you worship

Nigga i walked into a store today to see how these things were doing on the shelves and there was BOTW still costing £45. The only game there daring to be so little as £30 was Crash Nitro Kart literally EVERYTHING was £40-45, a fucking joke.

What do you want him to say exactly? I think the game is an overpriced mess and I still bought it, what more is there to say than don't buy it? Nintendo never fixes this shit.

>you worship the game
>but you also said don't buy it

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yes you don't understand that you can't handle people talking ill of this shit with your very limited mental capacity so you feel the need to try to silence them, but in your retardation you can't understand that these people already aren't buying this shit so null point

Not him but people always say "WOAH BRO ITS THE FREE MARKET DEAL WITH IT" but then get super defensive when a lot of anons say "ok we will point out and complain then."

He's shitposting

>only major difference is the soulless art-style
I haven't played it but you're telling me there's a dungeon maker in the old one?

I'm not wasting my voucher on a $20 game, Nintendo

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You have this head canon going on. Are you schizophrenic? The post literally just said "Don't buy it" and you're on a tangent about nintendo dick sucking.

every single time on this board someone complains about some schemery by nitnendo and there's some gladium tonitura tier white knighting going on and it always boils down to the same few points which are basically that you should only vote with your money and refrain from voicing your opinions on it

Because Nintendo treats their games as if they have value as opposed to being worthless like Sony and Activision do. If you treat the game as if it's worth $20 after a year then people won't be willing to pay more than that.

Yeah it's a 1:3 remake that's going to cost 1.5x what the original game costed for 1/3rd of what it contained.

snoys seething ITT. dilate

>he tells you why it's allowed
you're an idiot

I don't think people realize, Nintendo rarely listens to criticism because the money will still pour in. There's really no reason to listen to criticism of their products if money continues to pour in from a business standpoint. The only way they'll ever listen is through a boycott, but that'll never work. Unless somehow all Nintendo cocksuckers stop buying the game, it's never going to change in your lifetime.

well you lack reading comprehension

probably but that shouldn't stop people from complaining, if anything complaining should be encouraged

same as with the lootbox shit

No I don’t. The guy asked why it’s allowed and told him. Here the guy responds by taking the initial answer as some kind of personal attack on the fact that he’s speaking out against the price point, presumably because he’s an idiot.

Complaining about something like this in the echo chamber that is Yea Forums isn’t really beneficial. He’d probably be better off complaining on Twitter or Plebbit.

I'll spell it out for you fucking retard
>you know in a free market you can complain too
>nah man you should just not buy it don't complain
now if you use your pea sized brain you might from that greentext figure what I replied to

>people are still bitching about this
Get the fuck over it

Poor people should not be allowed to use, browse or post on the internet in any capacity. Get the fuck out.

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Yeah that’s what I just said. That happened after the argument was redirected. The original question was answered and then the following response made it about something else. The other guy was right anyway. Just don’t buy the game. You can complain about it but you’re wasting your time here. Go somewhere else where you’ll be heard and have less people just confirming your bias.

again you're an absolute fucking retard who can't comprehend what's written, that and you're just buttblasted because you can't handle people complaining

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>>only major difference is the soulless art-style
But it's not using the only soulless Zelda art style, the Toon Link style.

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yeah the question in the OP definitely refers to why there's some fundamental law that allows for games to be priced at 60 bucks instead of why are people accepting this shit...

You’re not understanding. The original question was answered. As soon as the poster said “Know how else the free market works?” he changed the argument (really by getting to what he actually wanted to say to begin with). Subsequent posts are not arguing about the opening question directly anymore. The biggest mistake made was actually by the user who entertained the retardation by telling him not to buy it. That said, I still think he’s right. Do not buy the game. I didn’t and won’t any time in the foreseeable future. For the third time now I’ll tell you to take this complaint somewhere where it matters.
It’s a low effort hook.

all your shit boils down to right now is that you're not happy that people are complaining and you think the entire thread should've ended where you wanted it to

>That's how Nintendo brand works

ftfy even as a Nintendo fan, that shit's dumb as hell

You can trash on the fact that Activision for instance pretty much handing us glorified remakes and not exactly accurate 1:1 or calling it shit or whatever, but then, what does THAT say about this new Link's Awakening shit, who's looks are remarkably similar that of a fucking cellphone game, has more or less the exact content as the GB game (which sold at around 39.99 more or less) + very small additions and is sold at 60$ (this one game alone) compared to a whole trilogy?

Okay so the discussion went where it was intended to, what are you even arguing about then? mad?

>Nintendo games
>Lowering prices

good luck with that

I think the overall point that was originally trying to be made was that, if you don't like the game, then don't buy it. If you don't like the game and want to voice your complaints because you think it or its selling price is unjust, then go somewhere else to voice them, because nobody on Yea Forums is going to take your complaints seriously. I mean, I understand that this is a discussion board, but this isn't going anywhere. You're just going to argue back and forth about meaningless little things like this instead of actually doing anything about it. Personally, I hate this game with a burning passion, but I don't care about it enough to do anything about it. But if you do want to make your complaints heard by somebody who actually cares and can actually do something about it, then go to somewhere where people like that actually are, because they aren't here.

Of course, you probably don't actually care enough to go somewhere else and voice your complaints either. But that's fine. Sometimes people say things just so they can be heard.

well I think it's just people being annoyed that their favorite games company is under ridicule and therefore want to tell people to fuck off by going with the same old don't buy it shit you see every single time it happens

I'm not trying to speak with mister nintendo directly here I just want to say that this shit is ridiculous and I know there are people who can't handle that

(1) Nintendo first party tax, like sony/microsoft exclusives they are priced at $60, however, they will not see price cuts for the majority of Switch's lifespan
(2) Nintendo can price it at $60 because their lack of full fledged brand new AAA third party games are non existent, less competition means they can keep the price as high as they want
(3) Nintendo has a userbase that honestly believes they care about them who WILL spend $60 for a 10-12 hour game because they "want to support their favorite developer"

You can close the thread now, you aren't going to get any real responses besides this one anyway

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Everyone hates Activision (for good reason) so they had to lower the price of the remakes to coax people into buying them.

Lesson 1: Nobody cares how poor you are.

Videogames are a cheap hobby. If you can read this, you’re most likely on a device capable of playing hundreds of great videogames, and for practically free. You can emulate DOS games, SNES games, arcade games in MAME, adventure games in ScummVM, and countless others. There are classics throughout the medium which are just as essential to play as any game you might not have the means for yet. You could be a blessing to yourself and others by expanding your tastes, discovering underrated gems, and sharing them. You could play DoDonPachi, Another World, Mother 3, Osman, The Colonel’s Bequest, A Mind Forever Voyaging, The Silver Case, DOOM II (you could spend a year just playing DOOM WADs and continuously be surprised), one-credit-clear a Metal Slug, get good at StarCraft, or just forget about having taste and waste your life playing clicker MOBAs (but please don’t post about anything other than clicker MOBAs if you do this).

Yet people aren’t content with having several lifetimes of free entertainment available to them, so they feel the need to complain about videogames that cost money, or that require hardware (PC or console) that costs money, or that have in-game purchases or subscriptions. They dress up their complaints using concepts like “value”, “product”, “consumer rights”, and other bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual quality of the game to someone who has no problem affording it.

Literally just Midgard is on TWO fucking blueray discs.

It's not a stretch to say it's by far the biggest remake of all time.


Nobody cares how poor you are. You might see other poor people shrieking similarly, but they will not help you become less poor and to live a better life. They might at best conspire to make a game less fiscally aggressive, such as with microtransactions, but generally these aspects are trivial (cosmetics) or the game simply did not really appeal to you to begin with (Artifact). You might insist that you’re not poor, but that you have a fixed value limit of what a videogame can be worth (“I paid sixty dollars!”), and this is far worse: spiritual poverty. Nobody cares. It is off-topic and detrimental to videogame discussion. Cost has nothing to do with the only valuation of a videogame that matters, which is whether they are even worth your time. It is certainly worth nobody’s time to argue about the price of videogames other than the people selling them. If you can’t afford them, don’t buy them, and please shut the fuck up about them and focus on what you can enjoy. It’s better for everyone that way.

“In plain words: The more dollars in one’s bank account, the less valuable each individual dollar seems to be. To the heir of a Middle Eastern kingdom, 10,000+ dollars for the super deluxe version of After Burner Climax will doubtless seem like chump change, whilst the Darfur refugee, who barely managed to scrape together the Sudanese pound equivalent of five bucks by scavenging the corpses of his fellow villagers after they were massacred by rampaging bandits, would no doubt balk at the thought of spending it all to download Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved.”

Imagine actually saying that you're okay for paying $60 for a game from twenty years ago because it's "better than all the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro games". How the fuck does that matter? You're willing to spend $20 more dollars because of that? You're retarded. It's time to grow up. These companies don't care about you and use your stupid loyalty to their advantage. Stop buying shit like this you fucking retards. I could understand if they massively scaled the game up and expanded greatly on it, but they didn't. They used an art style that was simple and remade the game in the exact same way, length and all because they knew you fucking retards would buy it. You're paying the same price as Breath of the Wild for this. Go fucking kill yourselves.

Nobody cares how poor you are.

I'm not buying it so I dont care, my money was much better spent on AC and DxM

>seething about how other people spend their money
Link's Awakening is a better game than all of those combined in its '5 hours'

Imagine having this be your argument for getting fucked over by a company. I forgot Bill Gates spends his afternoons throwing his money into a furnace.

>3 trash bandicoot games have half the value of a single Nintendo game

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user.... it's 2019.

I'm not getting fucked over.

I think the game is worth $1.
I think the game is worth $20.
I think the game is worth $60.

All that changes between these subjective value perceptions is how much money the person has. Nobody cares how poor you are. I could wipe my ass with $60 because I live in a first-world country and I'm not a failure at life, so instead of spending it on a nice steak I can spend it on a nice videogame.

>Crash Bandicoot remake
>3 games
I'm pretty sure I bought the N. Sane Trilogy for 60. Why are you comparing games that lower in price to a brand new game? The mental gymnastics used to shit on this game are amazing.

imagine seething this hard

>CTR was ruined by activision's microtransactions
I will never stop being mad.

And yet it's still only 1/3rd of the original game

>oh but they're adding more content
Yeah, great. Just what I wanted in my REMAKE. New shit that wasn't there in the original version. Fucking great.

Your opinions don't matter and won't change the mind of a single fanboy. All you're doing is crying like a little bitch in the darkness.

More expensive and per chapter release... But it's Ok when "exclusives" do it.

You obviously care because you’re responding and seething about how “poor” I am. You’re trying to make yourself look superior for buying a children’s game from 1992. If you really didn’t care then you wouldn’t be coming up with a million excuses to justify you spending money on this cashgrab.

Honestly I think the price is ridiculous but I bought it because I like the game and I'm not poor

Anybody rich and successful wouldn’t be spending money on a Nintendo game or posting on Yea Forums. You’re probably just a NEET that hasn’t worked a day in his life.


Price really doesn't matter to a lot of people. This is still a new Zelda game to a lot of people.

I'm "seething" because this website would be extremely more pleasant if poorfags would go make themselves useful instead of screeching in my face about how angry they are about being poor, which is exactly what you're doing. If there were a Yea Forums for 1-percenters I'd go to it ASAP.

I also haven't actually played the original so it's a no-brainer decision.

the original game was 40
you buy this game at walmart for 50
so you are getting all the content you would at 40 but with better graphics, QOL features and the dungeon maker thing.. I'd say those are worth the $10

Yea Forums BTFO

>being a poorfag snoycuck

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I never said I was "rich and successful". I have money. I've margin traded bitcoin successfully for two years. It's not like videogames are even expensive anyway.

I could buy this game right now but I’m not going to because I actually make good financial decisions, and blowing money on a children’s game is not that. You’re not apart of the 1%. You probably wear Zelda shirts and go to Magic the Gathering competitions.

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All videogames are children's games except for Pathologic 2, which you probably haven't even bought.

There are a lot of snoys whining over this game

Had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed it. Not every game needs to be 100 hours, get BOTW for that.

Only complaint is no D-Pad movement even though the buttons are not in use for anything. Why??

Nintendo is a name brand. You pay $30 just for the name and $30 for the actual game. Same with Apple. Same with Disney. These bitches are out here making money

CPUs/GPUs aren't all about raw clock speed the base PS4 only has a 1.8ghz clock speed. The RAM limitations are a major issue though especially with multiplat games being developed around the 8GB of RAM the base PS4/Xbone have.

I suppose Activision doesn't think Crash is worth that much and it makes sense since those games are garbage.

>I'm pretty sure I bought the N. Sane Trilogy for 60.
Why are you lying? It and Spyro launched at $40 USD and they go on sale for $20-$30 constantly.

I'll just wait until it's a Nintendo Select title and pick it up for $20

Because its Nintendo.
Like thats the only fucking reason. Because it's Nintendo and you want to play a nintendo game that is only on a nintendo console. There's no direct competition.

Atleast thats what I took from the video I watched about it told me.

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This, when I was a kid this goddamn game took me weeks to finish. Fuck Eagle Tower.

>consumers of VIDEO GAMES being vocal about rip-off prices
>he says this when all the 3 consoles have online multiplayer behind paywalls

It's OK when Nintendo does it.

Second dungeon made me feel retarded. Game is fun.

so is there literally any reason to own this if i already have the 3ds virtual console release? i have money put away for a switch game but im not sure between this, astral chain, or just pre ordering animal corssing (i was gonna use the money on pokemon but im gonna wait until it releases to decide now since it looks... less than stellar)

You're literally just paying for a brand, lol. It's the Nintendo logo that you're paying for. That's literally it.

Meanwhile you will absolutely call anything that isn't on the switch a movie game when said movie game has more hours of gameplay than the entirety of link's awakening.

>Just wait a year or two and it'll be $30 too

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>Why the FUCK is this allowed?
They can charge whatever the fuck they want. People are willing to pay for it so it keeps happening. Simple economics, mate.

Because the original was single screen that flipped to a new one as you reach the edge. The blur is to simulate that effect from the original game of not being able to see the next screen.

Fuck off and let me decide to buy the game or not don’t try to tel me whats worth MY money!

When you buy a poorly optimized and made remake for 60 dollars when you can play the original and run it better on a 15 year old pc or even on a shitty outdated phone

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cause nintendo, also I didnt buy it cause when they first showed it I could smell the stench of rehash garbage through my screen

Confusing poor people with those that have rational reasoning when it comes to money. Your statement only makes you look like a try hard imbecile who makes retarded financial decisions simply because "you have enough".

was the shadow of the colossus remake for the PS4 really 20?

My whole takeaway from this is that Nintendo really truly is retarded that they haven't made a Zelda Maker title yet.

>bought it
>the framedrops are annoying as fuck

I'll give this a go again in a couple of months when they patch it. This is hands down the worst performing game I have ever played on the Switch.

zelda brand name lets them charge this. it is really a great remake though and reminds me just how good links awakening was and why i liked it so much as a kid

No MSRP was $40-50, same with every other game, he's just shitposting and listed second-hand prices

>Link's Awakening was better than all 3 Crash and Spyro games B)

Fucking this.

Link's Awakening is better than 99% of all video games released in the past 25 years and now the definitive version is on Switch.

The kids can't cope.

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Based and redpilled.

>99% of all video games
what's the 1%

Didn't the Crash and Spyro remakes release at 30 bucks, tho?
>Nintendo games lowering price
Come on now, don't kid yourself. I still see fucking Fire Emblem Awakening and Mario Kart 7 selling at 40 bucks.

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I dun goofed, Spyro and Crash are 40 bucks. Still, my point stands for the most part.

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>OP's mom
>3 cocks
>10 cocks

>All i know about this game so far is that people are fucking pissed about it being $60.

>literally top selling vidya thing on Amazon that isn't a PSN/XBL card

Nobody cares. People like Zelda and are willing to pay full MSRP for this.

>Nintendo releases a remake that people love
>The only thing Yea Forumsirgins and snoys can screech about is the price

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